Know what is worse for our health? Watching CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and NBC. Reading any MSM newspaper. Listening to NPR. Watching FJB stumble around trying to read the teleprompter. Listening to daily press briefings by the black, lesbian hero of a woman. Knowing who the real puppet masters are. Watching everything that was good about the USA go down the crapper. This is a whole lot worse for our health than a bowl of Lucky Charms.
Spot on AD. Engage in the activities you mention, all or any of them, and you fall into the crapper. Swimming laps in a cesspool call it whatever you wish. The MEDIA, just like government IS the problem. It's a tool to control the poor mindless souls that have no life otherwise. Excuse me now so I can continue my life. Sure there are problems but also solutions. Manage and deal with accordingly.
I know...I try to stop from torturing myself everyday but I can't. LOL. What's amazing is it is same old same old every day. As a matter of fact it gets worse everyday. Do we as conservatives/Republicans/patriots ever get any good news? A legislative win ever? Latest is it seems the new speaker is a back stabbing Uniparty/RINO rat. And I don't care what Mark Levin says. He ain't right all the time. This s--t has to change. We need to rid ourselves of every RINO we can.
This is a tricky situation though. However much one has concerns about Mike Johnson, what's waiting in the wings to pounce--hardcore Marxist Hakeem Jeffries-- is far, far worse. So be careful about dumping Johnson because he's only half of what you want.
And Hakeem Jeffries Democratic House members vote unanimously in lockstep on nearly everything they put forward. To have a Hakeem-led House, plus the Senate and Presidency in the hands of the Democrats will bring disaster to this country far sooner than Nov. 5th--and in fact with Dems in control of all 3, Nov. 5th might not even occur.
I don’t know. Maybe it would force the Republicans to actually act like Republicans, instead of getting to hide behind a faux-Republican speaker, who’s really just Dem-lite.
Suzie, I think you're letting the "perfect" be the enemy of the "very good", and even of the "good". Mike Johnson is an enormous improvement over Kevin McCarthy, and, very importantly, Trump is finding him an ally he can work with. I appreciate that Trump is very practical-- you have to do what you can with who you have, and Mike Johnson is doing the best he can with a 1-vote margin and a ton of horrible RINO's still in office.
It would be very damaging to commit political suicide ourselves by dumping Mike Johnson. With the present caucus, none of the strong conservatives will ever be elected Speaker. You have to live with the situation that is until November, when it looks like alot of the RINO's are going to be replaced.
I would say--look closer at Hakeem Jeffries and the horrible anti-American Democratic House and what they are doing. They recently voted unanimously to NOT deport illegal aliens that commit violent crime. More anger and lobbying need to be directed at the Democrats, to peel off the slightly more reasonable members of THEIR caucus. And Gov. Abbott should be sending buses of illegals to the districts of House Democrats--that will cause enormous anger from their constituents.
Consider this, Suzie-- if Dems had the House, Senate, and Presidency before November 5th, won't they give amnesty and voting rights to tons of illegals? CFP reported a week or so ago that New York State is trying to give 800,000 illegals the right to vote in their state elections. How likely is it that they would carefully review ballots to make sure none of the illegals voted in any of the federal contests? Nada.
Just want to affirm, Suzie, that I totally agree with you on the sentiment, and I also am frustrated and disgusted with many of the House Republicans.
But the House Republican caucus is not going to change until many of the bad ones are replaced in November. Meanwhile-- don't give the Democrats in the House a Pass--focus some ire on them. Don't let them "hide in the herd"--pick specific ones and expose and denounce THEM.
I do not share your opinion of Mike Johnson and cannot see much daylight at all between him and McCarthy. He says words about a lot of the “right things”, and then does the exact opposite.
I don't listen to Mark Levin anymore. He may be an self-described expert on the Constitution but what he really is ---- is a screamer. I tune into him mistakenly about once a month on Patriot Radio (Sirius) and usually enjoy the first 5 or 10 minutes; then the screaming starts. He is not as bad as all the network channel readers, which by the way and for decades have rarely been on the tube in our house. My addicted friends who watch those feeds all day long eventually become demented. Not clear thinkers. And, so, I avoid them. Sad when you think about that.
It’s a smoother transition to communism if you take everything off the shelf first. It begins with health & safety concerns, but spreads to lack of available resources, in particular labor, because no one will work.
The only thing that really needs to be banned is government banning.
The cigarette situation is actually the better way: if something poses a health risk, warn the people of such potential health effects, and let them choose whether to heed it or not.
If a product poses an actual, provable, life-threatening danger to life, like say a potentially exploding Pinto, let lawyers and the courts go after the manufacturer directly themselves to fix it. (But apparently that doesn’t happen if you’re Boeing, whose plane’s doors and panels fall off in mid-air, and last I looked, are still flying around. Hmm, wonder why no one’s grounding them? Can you say “Military Industrial Complex” contracts? )
Government, particularly all the unconstitutional agencies like the EPA, have zero right to meddle in every minuscule aspect of human living, from lightbulbs to toilets to stoves, to you name it. They have gone off waaay off the rails. Government has become drunk on power and completely out of control.
No one should be allowed to serve in any governmental capacity until they have taken - and passed - a one year course at say, Hillsdale College, on the “Limits of State and Federal Governmental Power as outlined in the Constitution”.
That course should also be a part of every high school curriculum so the people are educated about and watchful of government intrusion and excess.
Susie, you almost gave me a heart attack. When I read that I immediately thought “They eliminated Honda Civics?” Took me a moment to realize that you were referring to the course that was once taught in high school. Yeah, that course disappeared a long time ago. Sad.
With very few instances (recognizing that the 737 MAX has pretty much been a disaster from inception) Boeing isn’t the problem. Shoddy maintenance procedures, purchase of non-conforming parts, and possibly “gundecking” Quality Control sign-offs are the problem. Boeing is not the company that it once was, but they have a well-deserved history of designing and producing some of the finest aircraft in aviation history. I hold the carriers, especially United Airlines, responsible for most of these incidents. Just my opinion.
Boeing was established as a company run by engineers. Once the power structure changed and they let the lawyers in…well, you know how THAT story ends. Instead of expectations of the highest quality aircraft, it became expectations of the “bottom line”. I worked for 41 years in the nuclear power industry and we learned a lot of lessons, policies, and procedures from the aircraft manufacturers.
The engineers successfully leading the company were replaced by the worst possible profession to run a manufacturing company...Accountants. To maintain the high level of quality required by building aircraft, you need leaders who understand the technical aspects of the job and will not compromise on quality standards. Accountants, on the other hand, are happy to cut costs to pump up the bottom line and miss the long term consequences of these actions. Boeing is not the first major company to succumb the bottom line disease and they won't be the last.
Yep, lawyers and banks. Always go with the bottom dollar bidders when for just a little more they could have had quality. It about always comes back to lawyers and banks trying to make a buck.
Reminds me of a scene in the movie “Armageddon”: “You know we're sitting on four million pounds of fuel, one nuclear weapon and a thing that has 270,000 moving parts built by the lowest bidder. Makes you feel good, doesn't it?”
In Italy, most foods do not have GMO products and therefore most people can eat fully and not gain weight. The bastardizing of our food supply creates products our bodies can’t break down and process and we end up becoming heavy and have many health sequella.
Before we start banning foods let’s look at more serious concerns: vaccines. The rise in autism and gender issues along with the significant issues from the mRNA vaxs would make Joseph Mengele proud.
Well, I hesitate to get all in on GMO. It's just a version of hybridization. And there are no foods on your plate that haven't gone through thousands of years of that. Possibly wild game if you shot it yourself, but that would be about it.
Yeah - and so can lots of other substances, we think. I've actually done a fair amount of research on GMO's, I'm an avid gardener and my mom is very much anti-GMO. I'm no scientist of course. It is somewhat wrapped up into the organics are great mold, same type of arguments. Lot's of editorializing. Not a lot of facts.
The evidence for these complaints is exceedingly weak, some of it based upon single studies that were never able to be replicated. Some with assumption leaps that would make your head spin. If we dig deep enough into any technological advance, we can no doubt find something that might be concerning. Much as Don has noted, until we eliminate cigarettes and processed sugar, complaints about other stuff is just smoke and mirrors.
You don’t need governmental intrusion or outright banning for the majority of people to become well aware of the risks from cigarettes and too much sugar. The bottom line: let people BE FREE to choose to eat or smoke or whatever. It’s no one’s business, least of all the government’s, to decide for you.
We have been conditioned to their meddling behavior for too long, so we let them get away with it usually only when we agree with it. But that doesn’t make it right.
Ever since government got involved in healthcare - where it also has no business being - it has become a dictator deep into our personal lives, and the cost of it has become astronomical, and with worse outcomes.
I don't disagree - and that's my point, and most certainly Don's reason for writing this column to begin with. The government is very selective where they choose to interfere, and often without good intentions, based upon agitators using government to push their own personal totalitarian tendencies.
Until we can get them to worry about the most fundamental of harms, it seems we would be better off if they got out of the business altogether.
I'm afraid we "ain't seen nothing yet. If you think government intrusion is bad now, the WHO is hoping to implement their Pandemic Treaty which Biden is expected to sign in the next month or so. This thing is truly awful.
Yes it truly is! Apparently it gives their edicts superseding power over the sovereign powers of all countries who become signatories. It also has gone through several rewrites over the past year to make the language even more opaque and vague to mask their true aims at grasping universal power.
But it does have to be approved by Congress before Biden can sign it.
That is supposed to happen sometime in May, I’ve read.
No telling how that will go with the feckless Republicans we have there.
Laissez-Faire attitude is great. Yet, there are real world effects when people do stupid things. I’m certainly not advocating banning any of these substances or crappy food. However somebody has to pay the costs when people are irresponsible. The hospital cost associated with lung cancer and lung cancer treatment are staggering. The hospital cost associated with obesity, diabetes, etc. are also staggering. Same can be said for drunk driving And marijuana issues. I’m not smart enough to figure these out, but it all starts with personal responsibility and personal freedom. Unfortunately, when we as a society have to pay for other peoples transgressions, it becomes problematic because with limited resources other people suffer when they cannot get the care they should get because of, the freedom of others.
A few years back, an Israel group of scientists discovered an historical breakthrough in a new and revolutionary treatment and curing of an assortment of cancers, which carries none of risks and side effects that current chemo and radiation involve.
What happened to that/them? Crickets.
They were likely silenced or something worse, because it would’ve been a disaster for the cash cow Cancer industry.
Jim, I am a scientist and I could give you detailed articles with the issues. I won’t for you with them and I’m not saying not to have GMO’s. However, the simplest way to test theory is eat pasta from a grower in Italy for a month and then eat pasta grown from a US for a month. I think you’ll notice a difference.
And I should have mentioned - the most dangerous thing about our diet is the low-fat craze, which is just now starting to be backed off in the teaching of our next generation of doctors. Causation and correlation you know, but our diabetes epidemic started about the same time low fat diet became the thing. The trend lines are scarily aligned.
I actually have an Italian relative who is very adamant on this point. They are made differently there - and you would not bore me whatsoever on your detailed articles - that is how we learn.
I get to go eat pasta in Italy for a few weeks this year later on. The food there is amazing. But some scientists say the reason Italian's diet is perceived to be so healthy has nothing to do with their pasta, and everything to do with their choice of fats. More things to consider. And of course the propensity for all Europeans to walk more than we Americans do.
The biggest threat to our food from my perspective is the amount of salt and sugar added to deal with preservation and taste issues. We kind of lump it all together under the label of processed food. Probably a bit too lazy to do so. And I have questions about the nutrient value of our food, though I don't think I have read nearly enough to form a a valid opinion as of yet.
We gave up on getting our trees sprayed for insect pests. After getting them treated 2x over a few weeks, w no results, figured out the ‘pesticides’ the tree service was ‘allowed’ to use were not Killing the pests. Would think would have the modified product able to to still kill pests, but when runoff reached the Gulf of Mexico in a year, would not be harmful to non-gmo oysters we eat from Galveston bay….
You sound like you work for the FDA. Without genetically modified foods, millions would have starved. Does the name Norman Borlaug ring a bell. If there were no GMO foods, most foods we enjoy today would either be too scarce to too expensive. You can tut-tut GMOs all you want, but in the long run, they are a blessing not a curse.
I am learning how to garden in my back yard. It's seems there's more to it than Mike Bloomburg thinks. It's not just thowing some seeds in the ground. My little garden needs attention daily. Insects, weeds, and NOT tap water.
Did you ever stop to notice that nearly everything carries a warning that it is "known to the State of California" to be carcinogenic? I want to know how the State of California knows so much more than the rest of us. Or does it?
Today's comment is simple: The FDA are lying bastards so never trust your health to them.
As the article makes clear, the FDA is concerned about breakfast cereal and food dyes but restricted a life-saving medicine (Ivermectin) from being used in COVID despite many credentialed physicians saying it's repurposed application could save lives and was not a threat? They're a fraud.
How is it that our grocery store food supply is so toxic? Why are we always 20 to 50 years down the road before they notice a problem? Isn't the FDA the front door gatekeeper for what goes into our produced food? They're a fraud.
Below is a very recent article where the head honcho at the FDA is STILL saying Ivermectin has no value or benefit to fighting COVID. If you ask Dr. Pierre Kory (FLCCC), he'll give you extensive evidence that says the opposite. The FDA is a fraud.
My advice: start growing as much of your own food in a backyard garden as you are able. Get your milk, eggs, and meat from a local farmer.
I would add to all this: once cigarettes became unfashionable, governments, since they never had enough money to spend, were the ones who legalized all kinds of other harmful garbage -- because they got a cut of the proceeds from the new addictions Legalizing dope was one, but a worse one was the legalizing of gambling everywhere. And besides the casinos they had to have state lotteries too ...
As for the vax, the data is being suppressed, but all-cause mortality is exploding, especially in demographics that should not be experiencing it (e.g. ages 25 - 44). I don't know which is the bigger threat: Bioweapons or the food supply.
Yeah, had a friend who is fighting cancer on and off and he was a big vaxxer. Think at last count he had five. Of course he made his wife do the same. She dropped dead suddenly without any real reason. As a matter of fact he never really divulged. She was in her 50's and seemingly healthy.
Amazing we have gone centuries without 'Sudden Adult Death' Syndrome isnt it? Sorry to say that the male military aged men are experiencing the most death. Makes you wonder doesnt it?
Don't forget the government's now-infamous "food pyramid". That government misinformation has killed more people than cigarettes -- though I would NOT want to go back to when smoking occurred everywhere.
Yes! That example illustrates the incompetence of our government more than any example on a larger scale. How many times have they changed the so-called "food pyramid"? And, for most people, the foods in the pyramid must be sourced from the processed food industry a la the grocery store that they claim is full of food with cancer-causing dye, chemical food additives, and growth hormones that cause all kinds of physiological problems in humans. Lastly, that food pyramid continues to try to remove beef (meat in general) from our diets.
Take meat protein out of our diets and we will become weaker.
I think it was changed in the 1970s and added a huge amount of carbs and sugar because carbs/sugar were cheap (and I am sure the check cashed at the FDA). Also somewhere during the scamdemic, there was a vegan billionaire that tried to get it changed again. They wanted people to drop to 7 grams of protein a day. That is more than what is in a handful of nuts. Luckily it (and the scientists who came up with it) were laughed out town but yes, they keep trying.
Protein builds brains and bodies. They want you brain dead.
Yes, and you wonder how long it will be before the vegan and bug-diet fanatics get the Democrats to ban "red meat" altogether -- even though it is incredibly much better for most people than what they propose instead. Ever notice how jumpy and sallow and compulsive the typical vegetarian and vegan is? Factoid: Hitler was a fanatical vegetarian! To fight this nonsense we need to launch a new slogan, something like "Quit scraping the bottom of the food pyramid"!
Yes, and there are movements in other states and by various agencies to eliminate backyard gardening. It can't be long before we won't be able to buy seed packets.
Each day is another story of the government taking actions to control our lives. The food supply is being destroyed with cows that are coming down with diseases, fires in processing plants, China buying up thousands of acres of farmland in the USA . . . and now, we can't grow our own food as was done in WW2 with "victory" gardens. And, then there are the weather controlling efforts of some loonie government agency and chemtrails.
Longevity is likely a product of genes and good luck. Steve Jobs was a fruitarian and died of cancer at 56. My dad ate mostly red meat, chips, cookies, and other junk foods, breathed my mother's second hand smoke for 65 years, never exercised, and lived to be 90. Whatever the government does to restrict our diets won't result in anyone living longer, it will just feel like it.
I ate tons of Lucky Charms growing up with zero ill effects. I’ve had it with this “medical” BS along time ago; I’m a proud pipe smoker & yes occasionally still enjoy a cigarette. As much as we’ve been lied to over the past 50+ yrs my takeaway is that the anti-smoking campaign was always more political than health centered, I.e. setting the public up for more incremental authoritarianism like Covid lockdowns/genetically-engineered jabs. Do I think smoking is good for you? No but I will say this; there was some study that came out during the covid mania that showed people who used tobacco were less likely to get covid. It may or may not be true but I never got sick with anything. Haven’t been sick in years, no cough & aside from perpetual sinusitis - which I’ve suffered from since I was a toddler (allergy induced) - I’m fit as a fiddle. FTR - @ the risk of sounding Clintonian I never have inhaled cigarettes or pipe smoke; in thru the mouth, out thru the nose. Moreover people like to hang around me when I’ve got my pipe lit since I always smoke aromatic tobaccos.
I have a serious issue with any governmental body that would enthusiastically encourage me to smoke marijuana (never have/no drugs) yet demonize me for smoking tobacco. Marijuana dulls the mind; nicotine sharpens it. Think therein lies the answer.
Excellent send-up on the deep hypocrisy of the nanny state(s). However, I strongly believe that phthalates should be banned because nobody knows how to pronounce it. Not only that, but whoever it is that give it that awful name should be taken out and shot. They're probably already dead, though, having been exposed to them there phthalates too much.
Just like gambling. It was outlawed in most states until governments realized they could make money from it if they called it a lottery and marketed the hell out of it (not to be outdone by Indian gaming casinos.) All of the reasons gambling was illegal disappeared. Another bureaucracy was born.
My father was an Air Force physician who said the Surgeon General held off announcing a link between cigarettes and cancer for many years to thin the herd.
My father learned to smoke after enlisting in the (Army) Air Force at the age of 17 in 1943 to defend his country in the "Mighty Eight". They would send free cigarettes to the soldiers in the war and most returned as addicted chain smokers.
My dad died of lung cancer at the age of 63 - before enjoying a single day of retirement - but he flew a mighty P-51.
This country hasn't had a real war since that time.
In Germany for some time after the war, cigarettes were money because money had become worthless -- but people had become addicted to cigarettes, so they had value. And, they had kept soldiers from feeling hungry and exhausted -- along with the Speed pills before major actions.
I remember getting smokes with our C rats in the 70s. Guys used to trade them. Yeah, I inhaled. Haven't smoked cigarettes since 1976. Cigars on the golf course is a different story.
Everyday new and seemingly innocuous laws and the subsequent regulations are passed by congress and the un-elected congress employees in a multitude of federal agencies. Each one of those seemingly tiny laws and regulations have the effect of reducing everyone's freedoms in some way and too some extent. Alone, they are irrelevant. But each day they keep coming and each day their combined power reduces our choices or our freedom to choose. It happens like this: congress passes a law called, let's say, the "Safety in Food Supply" or something similar. It may be targeted at controlling how produce is stored for shipment or warehoused. But by the time the un-elected congress employees in the FAA, FDA and Department of Agriculture and Department of Transportation and DOJ get done reviewing the law and start implementing regulations and policies, it has no semblance to the original intent of the law. Because now it regulates what kind of materials such as plastics can come in contact with food produce, what kind of temperatures have to be maintained and for how long, what kind of materials can be used for labeling the produce, what kind of documentation has to be maintained on the shipping process and for how long those records have to be available for inspection, what kind of safety clothing workers who handle the produce have to wear while in contact with the produce, what potential liability the shipper and growers have and on and on. You get the picture. This is why we have such a huge federal government, because every agency and department has to appear involved with each new law which leads to empire building in those same agencies. Each agency has to chop off on the new law and to assure they stay relevant, they make sure they add some restrictions or added policy to the implementation of the law. The new restrictions may not amount to much but, hey, they can't hurt, right? Remember, no one gets a raise because they figured out how to reduce the size of their agency as well as its cost while they are running it. Now multiply this scenario millions of times over the course of a congressional session and you start to see how the federal government, as currently driven, will never be smaller and if not stopped, how you and I will eventually have no real choices at all in our lives. That is a frightening thought and contrary to our very ideals of freedom. Conservatives see this as a plague on humanity. Democrats see it as Utopia. After they destroy Lucky Charms, what's next, Twinkies?
Absolutely right on! The machine in action, crushing the people under their burdensome regulations and policies.
Be sure to Keep an eye out for SCOTUS decision this June on the Chevron case, which is ALL about massively curtailing the regulating power of all these agencies.
Hope your right. One thing is for certain, the GOP are dysfunctional and going to give the House to the Marxists before long. So maybe the SCOTUS decision wont matter then. Dems dont follow the law.
Nice effort today Mr Surber. I was going to take the day off, start the weekend, mow the lawn etcetera but your piece today fired me up. The gem is/was the taxe$ the states collect for cigarettes. Just across the line of contrarianism. I need to post something up as well going into the weekend. God has Blessed you.
My introduction to Lucky Charms was a nephew doing a technicolor yawn after eating a bowl of them. That stifled any urge I had to try them.
That said, I think the government should only be allowed to require a warning advising that a test funded by an agenda driven group has linked something to cancer.
AND all laws should contain a warning that they were written by a congress critter owned by followed by a list of their big ticket donors.
Frankly, that list should be required on all their campaign materials in big bold print.
Know what is worse for our health? Watching CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and NBC. Reading any MSM newspaper. Listening to NPR. Watching FJB stumble around trying to read the teleprompter. Listening to daily press briefings by the black, lesbian hero of a woman. Knowing who the real puppet masters are. Watching everything that was good about the USA go down the crapper. This is a whole lot worse for our health than a bowl of Lucky Charms.
Spot on AD. Engage in the activities you mention, all or any of them, and you fall into the crapper. Swimming laps in a cesspool call it whatever you wish. The MEDIA, just like government IS the problem. It's a tool to control the poor mindless souls that have no life otherwise. Excuse me now so I can continue my life. Sure there are problems but also solutions. Manage and deal with accordingly.
I know...I try to stop from torturing myself everyday but I can't. LOL. What's amazing is it is same old same old every day. As a matter of fact it gets worse everyday. Do we as conservatives/Republicans/patriots ever get any good news? A legislative win ever? Latest is it seems the new speaker is a back stabbing Uniparty/RINO rat. And I don't care what Mark Levin says. He ain't right all the time. This s--t has to change. We need to rid ourselves of every RINO we can.
I seriously think he is being blackmailed. His behavior changed too suddenly.
Can't kid ourselves. This goes on a whole lot more than a lot of us would like to think. End of the day the IC is actually running the country.
This is a tricky situation though. However much one has concerns about Mike Johnson, what's waiting in the wings to pounce--hardcore Marxist Hakeem Jeffries-- is far, far worse. So be careful about dumping Johnson because he's only half of what you want.
And Hakeem Jeffries Democratic House members vote unanimously in lockstep on nearly everything they put forward. To have a Hakeem-led House, plus the Senate and Presidency in the hands of the Democrats will bring disaster to this country far sooner than Nov. 5th--and in fact with Dems in control of all 3, Nov. 5th might not even occur.
I don’t know. Maybe it would force the Republicans to actually act like Republicans, instead of getting to hide behind a faux-Republican speaker, who’s really just Dem-lite.
Suzie, I think you're letting the "perfect" be the enemy of the "very good", and even of the "good". Mike Johnson is an enormous improvement over Kevin McCarthy, and, very importantly, Trump is finding him an ally he can work with. I appreciate that Trump is very practical-- you have to do what you can with who you have, and Mike Johnson is doing the best he can with a 1-vote margin and a ton of horrible RINO's still in office.
It would be very damaging to commit political suicide ourselves by dumping Mike Johnson. With the present caucus, none of the strong conservatives will ever be elected Speaker. You have to live with the situation that is until November, when it looks like alot of the RINO's are going to be replaced.
I would say--look closer at Hakeem Jeffries and the horrible anti-American Democratic House and what they are doing. They recently voted unanimously to NOT deport illegal aliens that commit violent crime. More anger and lobbying need to be directed at the Democrats, to peel off the slightly more reasonable members of THEIR caucus. And Gov. Abbott should be sending buses of illegals to the districts of House Democrats--that will cause enormous anger from their constituents.
Consider this, Suzie-- if Dems had the House, Senate, and Presidency before November 5th, won't they give amnesty and voting rights to tons of illegals? CFP reported a week or so ago that New York State is trying to give 800,000 illegals the right to vote in their state elections. How likely is it that they would carefully review ballots to make sure none of the illegals voted in any of the federal contests? Nada.
Just want to affirm, Suzie, that I totally agree with you on the sentiment, and I also am frustrated and disgusted with many of the House Republicans.
But the House Republican caucus is not going to change until many of the bad ones are replaced in November. Meanwhile-- don't give the Democrats in the House a Pass--focus some ire on them. Don't let them "hide in the herd"--pick specific ones and expose and denounce THEM.
I do not share your opinion of Mike Johnson and cannot see much daylight at all between him and McCarthy. He says words about a lot of the “right things”, and then does the exact opposite.
He’s a huge disappointment to say the very least.
PS: Don't torture yourself. You s/b above that. WS
I don't listen to Mark Levin anymore. He may be an self-described expert on the Constitution but what he really is ---- is a screamer. I tune into him mistakenly about once a month on Patriot Radio (Sirius) and usually enjoy the first 5 or 10 minutes; then the screaming starts. He is not as bad as all the network channel readers, which by the way and for decades have rarely been on the tube in our house. My addicted friends who watch those feeds all day long eventually become demented. Not clear thinkers. And, so, I avoid them. Sad when you think about that.
The media, the government AND HUGE CORPORATIONS that control the first two - are the problem.
Yep. I do a lot of reading and the truth is out there. Buried and distracted by design. Thx.
Adorable,you are spot on and may find Jeff Davidsons column a good read.
It’s a smoother transition to communism if you take everything off the shelf first. It begins with health & safety concerns, but spreads to lack of available resources, in particular labor, because no one will work.
The only thing that really needs to be banned is government banning.
The cigarette situation is actually the better way: if something poses a health risk, warn the people of such potential health effects, and let them choose whether to heed it or not.
If a product poses an actual, provable, life-threatening danger to life, like say a potentially exploding Pinto, let lawyers and the courts go after the manufacturer directly themselves to fix it. (But apparently that doesn’t happen if you’re Boeing, whose plane’s doors and panels fall off in mid-air, and last I looked, are still flying around. Hmm, wonder why no one’s grounding them? Can you say “Military Industrial Complex” contracts? )
Government, particularly all the unconstitutional agencies like the EPA, have zero right to meddle in every minuscule aspect of human living, from lightbulbs to toilets to stoves, to you name it. They have gone off waaay off the rails. Government has become drunk on power and completely out of control.
No one should be allowed to serve in any governmental capacity until they have taken - and passed - a one year course at say, Hillsdale College, on the “Limits of State and Federal Governmental Power as outlined in the Constitution”.
That course should also be a part of every high school curriculum so the people are educated about and watchful of government intrusion and excess.
Oh sure, but then you'd have an informed and educated electorate.
The govt can't have that!
Precisely why they’ve eliminated even Civics!
Susie, you almost gave me a heart attack. When I read that I immediately thought “They eliminated Honda Civics?” Took me a moment to realize that you were referring to the course that was once taught in high school. Yeah, that course disappeared a long time ago. Sad.
“Nobody is going to give you the education you need to overthrow them.” - Assata Shakur -
With very few instances (recognizing that the 737 MAX has pretty much been a disaster from inception) Boeing isn’t the problem. Shoddy maintenance procedures, purchase of non-conforming parts, and possibly “gundecking” Quality Control sign-offs are the problem. Boeing is not the company that it once was, but they have a well-deserved history of designing and producing some of the finest aircraft in aviation history. I hold the carriers, especially United Airlines, responsible for most of these incidents. Just my opinion.
A Boeing whistleblower who was on his way to testify about their disintegrating quality control was found mysteriously dead the day of his testimony.
But even since then, more whistleblowers have come forward with more reports of the same. Something is very wrong there, very.
Boeing was established as a company run by engineers. Once the power structure changed and they let the lawyers in…well, you know how THAT story ends. Instead of expectations of the highest quality aircraft, it became expectations of the “bottom line”. I worked for 41 years in the nuclear power industry and we learned a lot of lessons, policies, and procedures from the aircraft manufacturers.
The engineers successfully leading the company were replaced by the worst possible profession to run a manufacturing company...Accountants. To maintain the high level of quality required by building aircraft, you need leaders who understand the technical aspects of the job and will not compromise on quality standards. Accountants, on the other hand, are happy to cut costs to pump up the bottom line and miss the long term consequences of these actions. Boeing is not the first major company to succumb the bottom line disease and they won't be the last.
Yep, lawyers and banks. Always go with the bottom dollar bidders when for just a little more they could have had quality. It about always comes back to lawyers and banks trying to make a buck.
Reminds me of a scene in the movie “Armageddon”: “You know we're sitting on four million pounds of fuel, one nuclear weapon and a thing that has 270,000 moving parts built by the lowest bidder. Makes you feel good, doesn't it?”
hahahaha oh yeah. I loved that movie. Love a good guys win flick. And it is still very true today.
I heard the whistleblower died after his breakfast of Lucky Charms…..Elvis-style with his unlucky Charmin….
But I agree with your comment. The rot in a company begins from the inside. And QC inspections are a big part of it.
noooo they would never ever 'gundeck' anything..... =p
Amen, Suzie!
You have Lucky Charms for breakfast and get indigestion. Of course it’s the Lucky Charms.
You get the Covid Jab and get myocarditis. Couldn’t be the Jab.
Correlation vs causation is a slippery slope.
In Italy, most foods do not have GMO products and therefore most people can eat fully and not gain weight. The bastardizing of our food supply creates products our bodies can’t break down and process and we end up becoming heavy and have many health sequella.
Before we start banning foods let’s look at more serious concerns: vaccines. The rise in autism and gender issues along with the significant issues from the mRNA vaxs would make Joseph Mengele proud.
Well, I hesitate to get all in on GMO. It's just a version of hybridization. And there are no foods on your plate that haven't gone through thousands of years of that. Possibly wild game if you shot it yourself, but that would be about it.
Respectfully, GMOs can produce toxic substances. GMOs have the potential to be allergenic
GMOs could fuel antibiotic resistance
GMOs can affect immune system function
GMOs have been implicated in hormone disruption
Genetic modification can mask disease in GMOs
Yeah - and so can lots of other substances, we think. I've actually done a fair amount of research on GMO's, I'm an avid gardener and my mom is very much anti-GMO. I'm no scientist of course. It is somewhat wrapped up into the organics are great mold, same type of arguments. Lot's of editorializing. Not a lot of facts.
The evidence for these complaints is exceedingly weak, some of it based upon single studies that were never able to be replicated. Some with assumption leaps that would make your head spin. If we dig deep enough into any technological advance, we can no doubt find something that might be concerning. Much as Don has noted, until we eliminate cigarettes and processed sugar, complaints about other stuff is just smoke and mirrors.
You don’t need governmental intrusion or outright banning for the majority of people to become well aware of the risks from cigarettes and too much sugar. The bottom line: let people BE FREE to choose to eat or smoke or whatever. It’s no one’s business, least of all the government’s, to decide for you.
We have been conditioned to their meddling behavior for too long, so we let them get away with it usually only when we agree with it. But that doesn’t make it right.
Ever since government got involved in healthcare - where it also has no business being - it has become a dictator deep into our personal lives, and the cost of it has become astronomical, and with worse outcomes.
Government intrusion is the problem.
I don't disagree - and that's my point, and most certainly Don's reason for writing this column to begin with. The government is very selective where they choose to interfere, and often without good intentions, based upon agitators using government to push their own personal totalitarian tendencies.
Until we can get them to worry about the most fundamental of harms, it seems we would be better off if they got out of the business altogether.
I'm afraid we "ain't seen nothing yet. If you think government intrusion is bad now, the WHO is hoping to implement their Pandemic Treaty which Biden is expected to sign in the next month or so. This thing is truly awful.
Yes it truly is! Apparently it gives their edicts superseding power over the sovereign powers of all countries who become signatories. It also has gone through several rewrites over the past year to make the language even more opaque and vague to mask their true aims at grasping universal power.
But it does have to be approved by Congress before Biden can sign it.
That is supposed to happen sometime in May, I’ve read.
No telling how that will go with the feckless Republicans we have there.
Did you mean plandemic Ep ?
Which without a senate ratification is worthless.
Laissez-Faire attitude is great. Yet, there are real world effects when people do stupid things. I’m certainly not advocating banning any of these substances or crappy food. However somebody has to pay the costs when people are irresponsible. The hospital cost associated with lung cancer and lung cancer treatment are staggering. The hospital cost associated with obesity, diabetes, etc. are also staggering. Same can be said for drunk driving And marijuana issues. I’m not smart enough to figure these out, but it all starts with personal responsibility and personal freedom. Unfortunately, when we as a society have to pay for other peoples transgressions, it becomes problematic because with limited resources other people suffer when they cannot get the care they should get because of, the freedom of others.
It used to be the individual paid the costs - but now the government does. Until we get them out of paying for it, we will always have this tension.
Cancer is mainly an industry now.
A few years back, an Israel group of scientists discovered an historical breakthrough in a new and revolutionary treatment and curing of an assortment of cancers, which carries none of risks and side effects that current chemo and radiation involve.
What happened to that/them? Crickets.
They were likely silenced or something worse, because it would’ve been a disaster for the cash cow Cancer industry.
The last thing they want is a cure.
Jim, I am a scientist and I could give you detailed articles with the issues. I won’t for you with them and I’m not saying not to have GMO’s. However, the simplest way to test theory is eat pasta from a grower in Italy for a month and then eat pasta grown from a US for a month. I think you’ll notice a difference.
And I should have mentioned - the most dangerous thing about our diet is the low-fat craze, which is just now starting to be backed off in the teaching of our next generation of doctors. Causation and correlation you know, but our diabetes epidemic started about the same time low fat diet became the thing. The trend lines are scarily aligned.
I actually have an Italian relative who is very adamant on this point. They are made differently there - and you would not bore me whatsoever on your detailed articles - that is how we learn.
I get to go eat pasta in Italy for a few weeks this year later on. The food there is amazing. But some scientists say the reason Italian's diet is perceived to be so healthy has nothing to do with their pasta, and everything to do with their choice of fats. More things to consider. And of course the propensity for all Europeans to walk more than we Americans do.
The biggest threat to our food from my perspective is the amount of salt and sugar added to deal with preservation and taste issues. We kind of lump it all together under the label of processed food. Probably a bit too lazy to do so. And I have questions about the nutrient value of our food, though I don't think I have read nearly enough to form a a valid opinion as of yet.
We gave up on getting our trees sprayed for insect pests. After getting them treated 2x over a few weeks, w no results, figured out the ‘pesticides’ the tree service was ‘allowed’ to use were not Killing the pests. Would think would have the modified product able to to still kill pests, but when runoff reached the Gulf of Mexico in a year, would not be harmful to non-gmo oysters we eat from Galveston bay….
You sound like you work for the FDA. Without genetically modified foods, millions would have starved. Does the name Norman Borlaug ring a bell. If there were no GMO foods, most foods we enjoy today would either be too scarce to too expensive. You can tut-tut GMOs all you want, but in the long run, they are a blessing not a curse.
Probably what we will be eating soon enough. And our pets.
I am learning how to garden in my back yard. It's seems there's more to it than Mike Bloomburg thinks. It's not just thowing some seeds in the ground. My little garden needs attention daily. Insects, weeds, and NOT tap water.
It seems as if they want to ban all those chemicals and food additives but encourage sex hormones for children
Ding Ding Ding!!
THAT says it ALL!!
Did you ever stop to notice that nearly everything carries a warning that it is "known to the State of California" to be carcinogenic? I want to know how the State of California knows so much more than the rest of us. Or does it?
I am surprised California hasn't instituted a law that all children born in the state must be branded with similar labels somewhere on their body.
To answer your question, I suspect it has something to do with the reckless lawsuits curated there, but you are the expert on how that works.
No it’s mainly because that state has the highest concentration of busybodies and self-professed do-gooders than almost anywhere else!
Today's comment is simple: The FDA are lying bastards so never trust your health to them.
As the article makes clear, the FDA is concerned about breakfast cereal and food dyes but restricted a life-saving medicine (Ivermectin) from being used in COVID despite many credentialed physicians saying it's repurposed application could save lives and was not a threat? They're a fraud.
How is it that our grocery store food supply is so toxic? Why are we always 20 to 50 years down the road before they notice a problem? Isn't the FDA the front door gatekeeper for what goes into our produced food? They're a fraud.
Below is a very recent article where the head honcho at the FDA is STILL saying Ivermectin has no value or benefit to fighting COVID. If you ask Dr. Pierre Kory (FLCCC), he'll give you extensive evidence that says the opposite. The FDA is a fraud.
My advice: start growing as much of your own food in a backyard garden as you are able. Get your milk, eggs, and meat from a local farmer.
I would add to all this: once cigarettes became unfashionable, governments, since they never had enough money to spend, were the ones who legalized all kinds of other harmful garbage -- because they got a cut of the proceeds from the new addictions Legalizing dope was one, but a worse one was the legalizing of gambling everywhere. And besides the casinos they had to have state lotteries too ...
Yeah... if everything is so bad for us why was the average lifespan the highest in history? Before the "vaccine" that is.
Good question.
As for the vax, the data is being suppressed, but all-cause mortality is exploding, especially in demographics that should not be experiencing it (e.g. ages 25 - 44). I don't know which is the bigger threat: Bioweapons or the food supply.
Yeah, had a friend who is fighting cancer on and off and he was a big vaxxer. Think at last count he had five. Of course he made his wife do the same. She dropped dead suddenly without any real reason. As a matter of fact he never really divulged. She was in her 50's and seemingly healthy.
What a tragedy.
Amazing we have gone centuries without 'Sudden Adult Death' Syndrome isnt it? Sorry to say that the male military aged men are experiencing the most death. Makes you wonder doesnt it?
Don't forget the government's now-infamous "food pyramid". That government misinformation has killed more people than cigarettes -- though I would NOT want to go back to when smoking occurred everywhere.
Yes! That example illustrates the incompetence of our government more than any example on a larger scale. How many times have they changed the so-called "food pyramid"? And, for most people, the foods in the pyramid must be sourced from the processed food industry a la the grocery store that they claim is full of food with cancer-causing dye, chemical food additives, and growth hormones that cause all kinds of physiological problems in humans. Lastly, that food pyramid continues to try to remove beef (meat in general) from our diets.
Take meat protein out of our diets and we will become weaker.
I think it was changed in the 1970s and added a huge amount of carbs and sugar because carbs/sugar were cheap (and I am sure the check cashed at the FDA). Also somewhere during the scamdemic, there was a vegan billionaire that tried to get it changed again. They wanted people to drop to 7 grams of protein a day. That is more than what is in a handful of nuts. Luckily it (and the scientists who came up with it) were laughed out town but yes, they keep trying.
Protein builds brains and bodies. They want you brain dead.
BINGO! You nailed it.
Yes, and you wonder how long it will be before the vegan and bug-diet fanatics get the Democrats to ban "red meat" altogether -- even though it is incredibly much better for most people than what they propose instead. Ever notice how jumpy and sallow and compulsive the typical vegetarian and vegan is? Factoid: Hitler was a fanatical vegetarian! To fight this nonsense we need to launch a new slogan, something like "Quit scraping the bottom of the food pyramid"!
Didn't Gov. Whitmer try (or succeed?) in banning or heavily taxing home vegetable gardens!?
Yes, and there are movements in other states and by various agencies to eliminate backyard gardening. It can't be long before we won't be able to buy seed packets.
Each day is another story of the government taking actions to control our lives. The food supply is being destroyed with cows that are coming down with diseases, fires in processing plants, China buying up thousands of acres of farmland in the USA . . . and now, we can't grow our own food as was done in WW2 with "victory" gardens. And, then there are the weather controlling efforts of some loonie government agency and chemtrails.
Seed packets!! Talk about drunk with power! God help us.
Longevity is likely a product of genes and good luck. Steve Jobs was a fruitarian and died of cancer at 56. My dad ate mostly red meat, chips, cookies, and other junk foods, breathed my mother's second hand smoke for 65 years, never exercised, and lived to be 90. Whatever the government does to restrict our diets won't result in anyone living longer, it will just feel like it.
I ate tons of Lucky Charms growing up with zero ill effects. I’ve had it with this “medical” BS along time ago; I’m a proud pipe smoker & yes occasionally still enjoy a cigarette. As much as we’ve been lied to over the past 50+ yrs my takeaway is that the anti-smoking campaign was always more political than health centered, I.e. setting the public up for more incremental authoritarianism like Covid lockdowns/genetically-engineered jabs. Do I think smoking is good for you? No but I will say this; there was some study that came out during the covid mania that showed people who used tobacco were less likely to get covid. It may or may not be true but I never got sick with anything. Haven’t been sick in years, no cough & aside from perpetual sinusitis - which I’ve suffered from since I was a toddler (allergy induced) - I’m fit as a fiddle. FTR - @ the risk of sounding Clintonian I never have inhaled cigarettes or pipe smoke; in thru the mouth, out thru the nose. Moreover people like to hang around me when I’ve got my pipe lit since I always smoke aromatic tobaccos.
I have a serious issue with any governmental body that would enthusiastically encourage me to smoke marijuana (never have/no drugs) yet demonize me for smoking tobacco. Marijuana dulls the mind; nicotine sharpens it. Think therein lies the answer.
From my cold dead hands.
Excellent send-up on the deep hypocrisy of the nanny state(s). However, I strongly believe that phthalates should be banned because nobody knows how to pronounce it. Not only that, but whoever it is that give it that awful name should be taken out and shot. They're probably already dead, though, having been exposed to them there phthalates too much.
I don’t care who you are, that’s funny right there. Glad I wasn’t drinking my morning coffee when I read it.
Just like gambling. It was outlawed in most states until governments realized they could make money from it if they called it a lottery and marketed the hell out of it (not to be outdone by Indian gaming casinos.) All of the reasons gambling was illegal disappeared. Another bureaucracy was born.
My father was an Air Force physician who said the Surgeon General held off announcing a link between cigarettes and cancer for many years to thin the herd.
My father learned to smoke after enlisting in the (Army) Air Force at the age of 17 in 1943 to defend his country in the "Mighty Eight". They would send free cigarettes to the soldiers in the war and most returned as addicted chain smokers.
My dad died of lung cancer at the age of 63 - before enjoying a single day of retirement - but he flew a mighty P-51.
This country hasn't had a real war since that time.
In Germany for some time after the war, cigarettes were money because money had become worthless -- but people had become addicted to cigarettes, so they had value. And, they had kept soldiers from feeling hungry and exhausted -- along with the Speed pills before major actions.
German drug makers used Speed like crazy for their soldiers. Massive use for battles…
I remember getting smokes with our C rats in the 70s. Guys used to trade them. Yeah, I inhaled. Haven't smoked cigarettes since 1976. Cigars on the golf course is a different story.
Everyday new and seemingly innocuous laws and the subsequent regulations are passed by congress and the un-elected congress employees in a multitude of federal agencies. Each one of those seemingly tiny laws and regulations have the effect of reducing everyone's freedoms in some way and too some extent. Alone, they are irrelevant. But each day they keep coming and each day their combined power reduces our choices or our freedom to choose. It happens like this: congress passes a law called, let's say, the "Safety in Food Supply" or something similar. It may be targeted at controlling how produce is stored for shipment or warehoused. But by the time the un-elected congress employees in the FAA, FDA and Department of Agriculture and Department of Transportation and DOJ get done reviewing the law and start implementing regulations and policies, it has no semblance to the original intent of the law. Because now it regulates what kind of materials such as plastics can come in contact with food produce, what kind of temperatures have to be maintained and for how long, what kind of materials can be used for labeling the produce, what kind of documentation has to be maintained on the shipping process and for how long those records have to be available for inspection, what kind of safety clothing workers who handle the produce have to wear while in contact with the produce, what potential liability the shipper and growers have and on and on. You get the picture. This is why we have such a huge federal government, because every agency and department has to appear involved with each new law which leads to empire building in those same agencies. Each agency has to chop off on the new law and to assure they stay relevant, they make sure they add some restrictions or added policy to the implementation of the law. The new restrictions may not amount to much but, hey, they can't hurt, right? Remember, no one gets a raise because they figured out how to reduce the size of their agency as well as its cost while they are running it. Now multiply this scenario millions of times over the course of a congressional session and you start to see how the federal government, as currently driven, will never be smaller and if not stopped, how you and I will eventually have no real choices at all in our lives. That is a frightening thought and contrary to our very ideals of freedom. Conservatives see this as a plague on humanity. Democrats see it as Utopia. After they destroy Lucky Charms, what's next, Twinkies?
Absolutely right on! The machine in action, crushing the people under their burdensome regulations and policies.
Be sure to Keep an eye out for SCOTUS decision this June on the Chevron case, which is ALL about massively curtailing the regulating power of all these agencies.
It could be a game changer!
Hope your right. One thing is for certain, the GOP are dysfunctional and going to give the House to the Marxists before long. So maybe the SCOTUS decision wont matter then. Dems dont follow the law.
To my knowledge, you cannot destroy Twinkies. Their shelf life is infinity.
I guess your right. Science is wonderful, eh?
Made like Peeps ?
Perfection Reddog !
Nice effort today Mr Surber. I was going to take the day off, start the weekend, mow the lawn etcetera but your piece today fired me up. The gem is/was the taxe$ the states collect for cigarettes. Just across the line of contrarianism. I need to post something up as well going into the weekend. God has Blessed you.
My introduction to Lucky Charms was a nephew doing a technicolor yawn after eating a bowl of them. That stifled any urge I had to try them.
That said, I think the government should only be allowed to require a warning advising that a test funded by an agenda driven group has linked something to cancer.
AND all laws should contain a warning that they were written by a congress critter owned by followed by a list of their big ticket donors.
Frankly, that list should be required on all their campaign materials in big bold print.