Sorry Don, but the fact is our Founders gave us the gift of choice when it comes to representation. So we get what we deserve.
Fetterman is disgusting but then it is not because of the clothes he wears, although they are representative of the thoughts he thinks, it is because he was elected by a very suspicious means in a very suspect election.
Personally I think it would be better, in light of what comes out of this "great deliberative body" these days, to make the required dress code clown suits rather than a decent man's or ladies suit. On the other hand I suppose that outfit that Fetterman ususally appears in could qualify, just add a nice red nose and an accordian ruffle around his neck.
The fact that the rest of the great deliberative body would stand silently by and let this happen says a lot about the rest of the clowns doesn't it?
“If you want to know how your congressmen and senators are going to vote, we should actually, maybe they should be like NASCAR drivers. They should actually have to have jackets with the names of all the people who are sponsoring them. Wouldn’t that be cool? Then you might have a clue to why the f*ck they voted that way.”
The founders gave us a representative senate based on states rights. That is Senators we’re appointed by state legislatures. The 17th amendment changed the paradigm to individuals in states voting for individual senators. That is why we got the Romneys and Obamas rather than the Lincoln’s and Clays.
It’s better to have citizens vote for Senators. If it was up to state legislatures, which can include a lot of insiders (currently RINO’s), we might be in an even worse situation. Senators serve for 6 years. There has to be some mechanism to make them accountable to citizens, so voting for senators is a positive feature of our system.
TPG: I hesitate to write this to someone I presume is of the distaff persuasion, but your thought about having to have some mechanism of accountability struck a responsive chord in me. I take it you suggest the popular vote is a workable mechanism for making Senators accountable. I would suggest electrical wires to their private parts is a faster and more certain mechanism for accountability.
First I had to look up the word “distaff”😊. Had seen it before but did not know what it meant, thought it was something else.
Yep, your idea for accountability would be effective, but bear in mind one of my Senators is “of the distaff persuasion”, so might not apply so well to her.😊
The change makes them answerable to no one. The are owned and operated by the highest bidders. We the people have our representatives in the House of louse. The Senate was supposed to protect the rights of the states from intrusion. Today their rights are trampled, lost forever. We might as well have eunicameral body like Nebraska.
Well, one of the reasons anyway. I have heard your argument before but I have never understood how changing it materially affects the results. You may be correct but I just don't see it.
Lady C, I gotta step up and say that God our Father, not the Founders is the One who gives people the supernatural power of choice. And beginning with yours truly, that God-given power to choose has been grossly abused by millions of people here in the U.S. of A.
Failure to use the power of choice wisely has a lot to do with the failure of parents and school administrators--as they choose time-and-again to practice ineffective discipline at home & at school. In the past 60 years millions have chosen to behave as tho good citizenship is not important and the politicians we elect (and how we elect them) does not matter. This grotesque failure of common-sense good citizenship is caused mainly by disciplinary failure at home and at school.
I kinda think this whole discussion might be an add on to the Lauren Brobert thread i introduced yesterday in as much as we are well past the point where respect for our elected representatives is actually a thing anymore. Just give me a fighter. I have been inundated with so much low class, tawdry, low bred behaviour that i care more about their power to help pass a bill than wether or not they do the horizontal boogy on camera.
Pass the bill on hanging d-rats from lamp posts or doing a ‘Gary Gilmour exit? Far out, you’re my kinda girl. Being a Star on OnlyFans?…whatever floats your boat!
The decadence, depravity, hedonism continues unabated! The march to the sewer is in the red zone. Our God has removed His protection of America. And why not? The Marxists hate Him. Narcissism is the idol of many in power and, sadly, of the masses who go along.
Narcissism, idolatry, power, self love (I repeat myself) etc., have consumed the left and a good slice of the Republicans.
Can we stop them before they reach the end zone?Doubtful without the intervention of our Lord God.
Very sad for those of us who love America. DO NOT COMPLY with what’s ahead! Let’s trust God, who is in control, and do the next right thing!
The God I know is unwilling that any should perish and is slow to anger. For ten righteous souls, God promised Abraham he would not destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. Ten righteous souls could not be found, but Lot’s family escaped the destruction except Lot’s wife who disobeyed God’s command not to look back. That story provides a cautionary lesson for us to heed even today.
Yes, the blood of the innocents cry out to God for justice and, yes, many in our country have sunk to deeper levels of depravity than I ever could have imagined possible. But I do not believe God has removed his protection from America. Not yet.
Decades ago I learned that South Korean Christians were sending missionaries to America to minister to our nation’s faithful to prepare for this very time. They saw our country’s spiritual decline then as many of us had seen the same.
But the most humbling thing I learned was that people who lived in religiously-oppressive regimes the world over were (are) praying constantly for God to bless and protect our country to give them hope. May we be worthy of their sacrificial lives and prayers.
Personally, I believe that we are living through the period in which the wheat and the tares grow to maturity. It depends on your eschatological persuasion what or if there is a harvest. One thing is certain--the tares are destroyed whilst the wheat is preserved.
One wonders if ten righteous souls could be found in San Francisco. Or more generously, in all of Nancy Pelosi's Congressional District. Some jaundiced commenter will question if ten righteous souls could be found in all of California. Certainly not in the state government in Sacramento.
God has never loved nations, but only man. He gave us free will. He gave us the Devil and Christ. We have the free will to chose. The chosen people were banished from their land for over 2000 years, how long will we be banished from this great land, if we do not say or do anything?
So much of the social horrors of today can be explained by the drift away from the words of Christ and the genius of the Jews. The killers in Chicago and the pederasts in the drag shows ... don't recall the Baltimore Catechism.
God-fearing souls created this country, making it the greatest on earth. Alas...
I would have given this a like if you had not implicated Jews in your calumny. I am not Jewish, but I cannot agree with you on that statement. It is said three of the most important men in history were Jewish: Jesus, Marx and Freud. And that's leaving out a quire a few co-religionists.
Free will isn’t the issue. The issue is that you have to balance freedom with responsibility, for oneself and caring for others. A narcissistic society is a low trust society. Low trust societies don’t get very far. We used to be a high trust society, but the power class is intent on making us a third world nation. They don’t like the idea of sharing the wealth.
as the late P. J. O'Rourke said: "“Authority has always attracted the lowest elements in the human race. All through history, mankind has been bullied by scum. Those who lord it over their fellows and toss commands in every direction and would boss the grass in the meadow about which way to bend in the wind are the most depraved kind of prostitutes. They will submit to any indignity, perform any vile act, do anything to achieve power. The worst off-sloughings of the planet are the ingredients of sovereignty. Every government is a parliament of whores." the last three words of the quote comprise the title of the book where this quote is found.
I bought a copy of "Fear And Loathing..." at LAX and laughed out loud all the way on a redeye to ATL. It was me and a half-dozen others so I didn't keep anybody awake. Those days R gone gone gone...
Chauncey was misunderstood. Lurch isn’t even understandable. Even Kamala speaks in sentences. They’re usually idiotic word salads, but they’re sentences.
When I started working for American Airlines in 1967, even though we were in a building where there was no contact with the public, women were not allowed to wear pantsuits and men always wore a coat the tie. That was eventually changed to women could wear a pantsuit but the top & bottom must match and the top had to cover the "derriere". Now I almost daily see high school age girls going to school wearing short shorts with their butt cheeks hanging out. My how we've changed, and not for the better!
My teenage granddaughters are are wearing those shorts you speak of. It takes all my might to not say something. I'm sure teenage boys love. I once was a teenage boy so I am an authority.
My daughter (24) recently asked me what it means to be a professional. Abbreviated answer: I told her that you need to dress like one, act like one, and speak like one. I told her it's important to keep learning even when you finish school. (Degrees are largely useless.) I also made the point to tell her you can't always dress like you are going out to a club for the evening. This is a problem that many young women have, including my daughter, at times. They need to be told their dress isn't appropriate for the occasion or workplace. If no one ever tells them, believe me, they don't pick up on it.
"The RINO motto is, 'It’s Better To Serve In Hell Than Have To Make A Decision.'"
This is true of the GOP at-large, is it not? The ghost of Bob Michel lives.
Yes, self-accountability is as much anathema to Republicans (RINOs included) as it is to genuine Democrats.
Actually, ANY suit that is altered to fit properly is plenty comfortable. Forty-plus years ago, I sold men's tailored clothing to pay my way through college, and even then, there were tropical-weight wool fabrics, woven to be light enough to be worn anywhere north of the Mason-Dixon line in the middle of August.
"They laugh as they destroy another American institution."
That's what it's about, for them. Destroying the senate and its legitimacy along with it, is easier and more politically expedient while sustaining an assault on the US Supreme Court.
Nope - the AP will give cover to any and every enemy of Judeo-Christian ethics and values.
Bobby Rush, Mike Obama, Lurch, Susannah Gibson - all just mile markers on the road to Hell as we continue to slouch toward Gomorrah.
It's, "Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves" today. "The Fool on the Hill" was actually the smart one that everyone hated because they didn't understand him - at least, that's how I've always interpreted it.
"Mr. Smith has been replaced as Lurch Goes To Washington."
As far as Lurch (Lerch?) goes, John Kerry was awarded that title long ago up in Boston. Fetterman is an idiot along the lines of Joe Biden and just as dishonest. He clearly was on the losing end of way too many fights and anyone who laughs the way he does when he found out his "Wife" was vacationing with another man while he was "recovering" from a stroke and even went with Fetterman's children, I can only hope the end is near. The only two people in Washington who stand for something legitimate are Ted Cruz and Elise Stefanik and that isn't near enough.
His best quote: "We will never have true civilization until we have learned to recognize the rights of others. It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble, it's what we know that ain't so."
Thanks for the likes-you think like a Texan. If not, you have become an Honorary one. Just stay away from Austin and Houston. You might like some of my stuff. Just hit the orange button.
Once again it is further proof that we are not a serious country any longer. The open borders, LBTG, transitioning, inflation, 33 trillion in debt, whatever BS is going on in Ukraine, Biden blatantly involved in nefarious money grabbing schemes, the continued lying by any of Bidens FBI,DOJ, et al. It is not surprising that this Va. candidate is on Chaturbate, she like the rest are doing what they do because we let them. They all f..k us every chance they get, not sure wether she just got caught or is blatantly "rubbing" our noses in it. I guess for a few more tokens you can rub your nose in it! What I don't understand is just how much more of this bull shit are we the American people gonna take? From my cheap seats looks as though a lot more. WTFU America........
It all goes back (like so much) to the Warren Court. In Tinker v. Des Moines (1969) it ruled you couldn't ban students from wearing black armbands to protest the Vietnam War. Well, if you couldn't stop them from doing that, what COULD you stop them from wearing? The answer, as a practical matter, was nothing. If a kid wanted to wear a swastika armband to school, you couldn't stop him.
Justice Hugo Black -- who didn't even believe in libel laws, recall -- dissented. His prophetic words: "I repeat that if the time has come when pupils of state-supported schools, kindergarten, can defy and flout orders of school officials to keep their minds on their own schoolwork, it is the beginning of a new revolutionary era of permissiveness in this country fostered by the judiciary."
The Commies want it both ways. They want to tear down all the pillars of civilization, which they claim are oppressive: the “patriarchy”, marriage, the family, the Church, law and order, the border, modesty, merit, hard work, economic thrift, self-discipline. Instead they offer free access to deadly street drugs, sexual chaos, gender chaos, dress code chaos, lawlessness - more chaos, open borders- more chaos, racial animosity, unimaginable national indebtedness and inflation, and on and on. But it’s a false dichotomy. Civilization is in its essence the imposition of discipline, on oneself ( We are all savages as children.), and on society, and in the best case scenario it means a better life for everybody. Respect, tolerance, achievement, better health, more prosperity. The Democrats aren’t offering anything like that. They are destroying society to take power. They are substituting personal and societal hedonistic indulgence in place of a constructive, mutually beneficial relationship. Meanwhile they steal from the nation and acquire total control if the levers of power.
None of us are perfect. We are all flawed. But if you take away the idea that we can improve and that hard work is worthwhile, you get a pile of shit. This is where we are now. We don’t need malignant narcissism and sociopathy. We need what has worked for hundreds of thousands of years. Life was getting better for everybody based on capitalism, the rule of law, and social pillars despite their imperfections. Now we have chaos. This is not the way forward, but the way backward to a digitally controlled feudalism.
The road to serfdom is paved with debt and pornstar legislators.
So we have an election fraud recipient as President, AZ Governor, PA senator (most certainly GA senator too) and others.
We have a 2nd Amendment to protect from enemies foreign and domestic. Had Xi invaded, we'd take up arms to protect our country. But we do NOTHING as our elections are an obvious joke. Enough
The pre-stroke John Fetterman dressed like a slob, was totally woke before it became popular and a committed socialist if not a card-carrying communist. He leveraged his physical ugliness, size and dress to gain media attention. My guess is that the Democrats hoped to make him a media star in the senate a la AOC in the house. The difference being that unlike AOC, Fetterman would never make a fool of himself every time he opened his mouth. He was extremely intelligent and articulate. Whether you loved his politics or not--and I most definitely did not--he was very impressive.
To me, the big story about Fetterman is his wife, who has allowed her husband to become a national laughingstock.
"Fearing Trump candidates would win office and for the RINOs in the Senate to act Republican, the RINOs sat on their hands last year and did nothing."
Mitch McConnell told Trump in August of 2022 that no Senate PAC money will go to his endorsed candidates and he needs to fund them. Remember this, folks. They are trying to use this against him... "Your candidates lost, Mr. Trump. You have no credibility." These candidates were in AZ, AK, NV, and NH. They purposely lost the Senate to gain money.
Trump(any outsider) disrupts literally TRILLIONS of the DC money game.
Sorry Don, but the fact is our Founders gave us the gift of choice when it comes to representation. So we get what we deserve.
Fetterman is disgusting but then it is not because of the clothes he wears, although they are representative of the thoughts he thinks, it is because he was elected by a very suspicious means in a very suspect election.
Personally I think it would be better, in light of what comes out of this "great deliberative body" these days, to make the required dress code clown suits rather than a decent man's or ladies suit. On the other hand I suppose that outfit that Fetterman ususally appears in could qualify, just add a nice red nose and an accordian ruffle around his neck.
The fact that the rest of the great deliberative body would stand silently by and let this happen says a lot about the rest of the clowns doesn't it?
“If you want to know how your congressmen and senators are going to vote, we should actually, maybe they should be like NASCAR drivers. They should actually have to have jackets with the names of all the people who are sponsoring them. Wouldn’t that be cool? Then you might have a clue to why the f*ck they voted that way.”
Robin Williams
Excellent. Thx for the quote-bet you'd like my last post.
The founders gave us a representative senate based on states rights. That is Senators we’re appointed by state legislatures. The 17th amendment changed the paradigm to individuals in states voting for individual senators. That is why we got the Romneys and Obamas rather than the Lincoln’s and Clays.
It’s better to have citizens vote for Senators. If it was up to state legislatures, which can include a lot of insiders (currently RINO’s), we might be in an even worse situation. Senators serve for 6 years. There has to be some mechanism to make them accountable to citizens, so voting for senators is a positive feature of our system.
TPG: I hesitate to write this to someone I presume is of the distaff persuasion, but your thought about having to have some mechanism of accountability struck a responsive chord in me. I take it you suggest the popular vote is a workable mechanism for making Senators accountable. I would suggest electrical wires to their private parts is a faster and more certain mechanism for accountability.
First I had to look up the word “distaff”😊. Had seen it before but did not know what it meant, thought it was something else.
Yep, your idea for accountability would be effective, but bear in mind one of my Senators is “of the distaff persuasion”, so might not apply so well to her.😊
The change makes them answerable to no one. The are owned and operated by the highest bidders. We the people have our representatives in the House of louse. The Senate was supposed to protect the rights of the states from intrusion. Today their rights are trampled, lost forever. We might as well have eunicameral body like Nebraska.
Well, one of the reasons anyway. I have heard your argument before but I have never understood how changing it materially affects the results. You may be correct but I just don't see it.
Best to have legislators elect. Since majority of state houses are Republicans, sentate more likely to lean right.
Makes sense. Thanks for the comment.
Lady C, I gotta step up and say that God our Father, not the Founders is the One who gives people the supernatural power of choice. And beginning with yours truly, that God-given power to choose has been grossly abused by millions of people here in the U.S. of A.
Failure to use the power of choice wisely has a lot to do with the failure of parents and school administrators--as they choose time-and-again to practice ineffective discipline at home & at school. In the past 60 years millions have chosen to behave as tho good citizenship is not important and the politicians we elect (and how we elect them) does not matter. This grotesque failure of common-sense good citizenship is caused mainly by disciplinary failure at home and at school.
I kinda think this whole discussion might be an add on to the Lauren Brobert thread i introduced yesterday in as much as we are well past the point where respect for our elected representatives is actually a thing anymore. Just give me a fighter. I have been inundated with so much low class, tawdry, low bred behaviour that i care more about their power to help pass a bill than wether or not they do the horizontal boogy on camera.
Pass the bill on hanging d-rats from lamp posts or doing a ‘Gary Gilmour exit? Far out, you’re my kinda girl. Being a Star on OnlyFans?…whatever floats your boat!
The decadence, depravity, hedonism continues unabated! The march to the sewer is in the red zone. Our God has removed His protection of America. And why not? The Marxists hate Him. Narcissism is the idol of many in power and, sadly, of the masses who go along.
Narcissism, idolatry, power, self love (I repeat myself) etc., have consumed the left and a good slice of the Republicans.
Can we stop them before they reach the end zone?Doubtful without the intervention of our Lord God.
Very sad for those of us who love America. DO NOT COMPLY with what’s ahead! Let’s trust God, who is in control, and do the next right thing!
65 million murdered babies might also be a reason that God has removed his protection of America.
that and celebrations of "pride", which has always been a deadly sin and is even moreso in its contemporary context.
The God I know is unwilling that any should perish and is slow to anger. For ten righteous souls, God promised Abraham he would not destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. Ten righteous souls could not be found, but Lot’s family escaped the destruction except Lot’s wife who disobeyed God’s command not to look back. That story provides a cautionary lesson for us to heed even today.
Yes, the blood of the innocents cry out to God for justice and, yes, many in our country have sunk to deeper levels of depravity than I ever could have imagined possible. But I do not believe God has removed his protection from America. Not yet.
Decades ago I learned that South Korean Christians were sending missionaries to America to minister to our nation’s faithful to prepare for this very time. They saw our country’s spiritual decline then as many of us had seen the same.
But the most humbling thing I learned was that people who lived in religiously-oppressive regimes the world over were (are) praying constantly for God to bless and protect our country to give them hope. May we be worthy of their sacrificial lives and prayers.
Personally, I believe that we are living through the period in which the wheat and the tares grow to maturity. It depends on your eschatological persuasion what or if there is a harvest. One thing is certain--the tares are destroyed whilst the wheat is preserved.
One wonders if ten righteous souls could be found in San Francisco. Or more generously, in all of Nancy Pelosi's Congressional District. Some jaundiced commenter will question if ten righteous souls could be found in all of California. Certainly not in the state government in Sacramento.
Having never lived in the People’s Republik of Kalifornia, I don’t doubt your assessment.
‘65M’…I bet that figure is low.
God has never loved nations, but only man. He gave us free will. He gave us the Devil and Christ. We have the free will to chose. The chosen people were banished from their land for over 2000 years, how long will we be banished from this great land, if we do not say or do anything?
We have definitely gone over board on free will, to the point that people have no moral compass.
So much of the social horrors of today can be explained by the drift away from the words of Christ and the genius of the Jews. The killers in Chicago and the pederasts in the drag shows ... don't recall the Baltimore Catechism.
God-fearing souls created this country, making it the greatest on earth. Alas...
I would have given this a like if you had not implicated Jews in your calumny. I am not Jewish, but I cannot agree with you on that statement. It is said three of the most important men in history were Jewish: Jesus, Marx and Freud. And that's leaving out a quire a few co-religionists.
Begone little doggie. And learn how to read.
Indeed. Kinda like Slouching Toward Sodom and Gomorrah.
Free will isn’t the issue. The issue is that you have to balance freedom with responsibility, for oneself and caring for others. A narcissistic society is a low trust society. Low trust societies don’t get very far. We used to be a high trust society, but the power class is intent on making us a third world nation. They don’t like the idea of sharing the wealth.
‘The march to the sewer is in the red zone’!...Ha! The Phrase du Jour. Consider it stolen, Rob!
What you said is perfection.
Thank you. You are kind to say so.
as the late P. J. O'Rourke said: "“Authority has always attracted the lowest elements in the human race. All through history, mankind has been bullied by scum. Those who lord it over their fellows and toss commands in every direction and would boss the grass in the meadow about which way to bend in the wind are the most depraved kind of prostitutes. They will submit to any indignity, perform any vile act, do anything to achieve power. The worst off-sloughings of the planet are the ingredients of sovereignty. Every government is a parliament of whores." the last three words of the quote comprise the title of the book where this quote is found.
I miss his writing.
I could never read him. He was just too weird for me.
You aren't confusing him with Hunter S. Thompson, are you?
Looks like it! But never read O'Rourke either.
“I wouldn't recommend sex, drugs or insanity for everyone, but they've always worked for me.”—Hunter Thompson
I bought a copy of "Fear And Loathing..." at LAX and laughed out loud all the way on a redeye to ATL. It was me and a half-dozen others so I didn't keep anybody awake. Those days R gone gone gone...
You say the word INSANITY like it's a bad thing... from my son in law.
Thanks for the quote. The very definition of Congress: A parliament of whores.
Sadly, I don’t think Fetterman is the least mentally competent democrat in the senate.
Mom and Dad gave him an allowance when he was in his 40s because he is Chauncey Gardner
Hobophobic! Brilliant!!
Indeed it is brilliant. Don is THE wordsmith!
Chauncey was misunderstood. Lurch isn’t even understandable. Even Kamala speaks in sentences. They’re usually idiotic word salads, but they’re sentences.
Give her a break, she's used to speaking with a mouth full of brown willie so not having the obstructive member is a new thing for her.....
It's a race to the bottom and Fetterman and Mazie Hirono are neck in neck.
Forgot about her. I was thinking of Feinstein. Patty Murray is a contendah.
When Mike wore that sleeveless dress in the Capitol in 2009 it was just to show off his manly biceps.
Mike has "guns."
Mike has more balls than Teddy Roosevelt, JFK and Reagan combined... Showed em to us by wearing a clingy dress.
When I started working for American Airlines in 1967, even though we were in a building where there was no contact with the public, women were not allowed to wear pantsuits and men always wore a coat the tie. That was eventually changed to women could wear a pantsuit but the top & bottom must match and the top had to cover the "derriere". Now I almost daily see high school age girls going to school wearing short shorts with their butt cheeks hanging out. My how we've changed, and not for the better!
My teenage granddaughters are are wearing those shorts you speak of. It takes all my might to not say something. I'm sure teenage boys love. I once was a teenage boy so I am an authority.
My daughter (24) recently asked me what it means to be a professional. Abbreviated answer: I told her that you need to dress like one, act like one, and speak like one. I told her it's important to keep learning even when you finish school. (Degrees are largely useless.) I also made the point to tell her you can't always dress like you are going out to a club for the evening. This is a problem that many young women have, including my daughter, at times. They need to be told their dress isn't appropriate for the occasion or workplace. If no one ever tells them, believe me, they don't pick up on it.
I said here on this blog a few days ago that even though I now work at home I still get dressed five days a week as if I were going to the office.
Back in the beginning of my career my manager told me if you dress like its a day off you'll work like it's a day off.
Say something
"The RINO motto is, 'It’s Better To Serve In Hell Than Have To Make A Decision.'"
This is true of the GOP at-large, is it not? The ghost of Bob Michel lives.
Yes, self-accountability is as much anathema to Republicans (RINOs included) as it is to genuine Democrats.
Actually, ANY suit that is altered to fit properly is plenty comfortable. Forty-plus years ago, I sold men's tailored clothing to pay my way through college, and even then, there were tropical-weight wool fabrics, woven to be light enough to be worn anywhere north of the Mason-Dixon line in the middle of August.
"They laugh as they destroy another American institution."
That's what it's about, for them. Destroying the senate and its legitimacy along with it, is easier and more politically expedient while sustaining an assault on the US Supreme Court.
Nope - the AP will give cover to any and every enemy of Judeo-Christian ethics and values.
Bobby Rush, Mike Obama, Lurch, Susannah Gibson - all just mile markers on the road to Hell as we continue to slouch toward Gomorrah.
It's, "Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves" today. "The Fool on the Hill" was actually the smart one that everyone hated because they didn't understand him - at least, that's how I've always interpreted it.
Don doesn't need to join the line on Boebert because since she's a republican, everyone else is. The rules are only different if you are a D.
Fetterman is like a happy idiot except he suffers from depression so that makes him a depressed idiot.
"Mr. Smith has been replaced as Lurch Goes To Washington."
As far as Lurch (Lerch?) goes, John Kerry was awarded that title long ago up in Boston. Fetterman is an idiot along the lines of Joe Biden and just as dishonest. He clearly was on the losing end of way too many fights and anyone who laughs the way he does when he found out his "Wife" was vacationing with another man while he was "recovering" from a stroke and even went with Fetterman's children, I can only hope the end is near. The only two people in Washington who stand for something legitimate are Ted Cruz and Elise Stefanik and that isn't near enough.
I will respectfully differ with your comment re: Ted Cruz.
As a resident of Texas since 2018, the only reason he's in the senate is because the Democrats ran Beto.
Though, compared to Cornyn, he's a paragon of integrity.
Damn, I knew you thought like a Texan.
There’s more than two, but not nearly enough. Just last week, we were all aboard the Tuberville train, Jim Jordan tries, etc.
Sen.Kennedy of La. is a paragon of what is needed.
Agree, Marlan, he is today's Will Rogers.
His best quote: "We will never have true civilization until we have learned to recognize the rights of others. It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble, it's what we know that ain't so."
Don’t forget, “Jesus loves him, everyone else thinks he’s an idiot.”
Thanks for the likes-you think like a Texan. If not, you have become an Honorary one. Just stay away from Austin and Houston. You might like some of my stuff. Just hit the orange button.
Once again it is further proof that we are not a serious country any longer. The open borders, LBTG, transitioning, inflation, 33 trillion in debt, whatever BS is going on in Ukraine, Biden blatantly involved in nefarious money grabbing schemes, the continued lying by any of Bidens FBI,DOJ, et al. It is not surprising that this Va. candidate is on Chaturbate, she like the rest are doing what they do because we let them. They all f..k us every chance they get, not sure wether she just got caught or is blatantly "rubbing" our noses in it. I guess for a few more tokens you can rub your nose in it! What I don't understand is just how much more of this bull shit are we the American people gonna take? From my cheap seats looks as though a lot more. WTFU America........
It all goes back (like so much) to the Warren Court. In Tinker v. Des Moines (1969) it ruled you couldn't ban students from wearing black armbands to protest the Vietnam War. Well, if you couldn't stop them from doing that, what COULD you stop them from wearing? The answer, as a practical matter, was nothing. If a kid wanted to wear a swastika armband to school, you couldn't stop him.
Justice Hugo Black -- who didn't even believe in libel laws, recall -- dissented. His prophetic words: "I repeat that if the time has come when pupils of state-supported schools, kindergarten, can defy and flout orders of school officials to keep their minds on their own schoolwork, it is the beginning of a new revolutionary era of permissiveness in this country fostered by the judiciary."
The Commies want it both ways. They want to tear down all the pillars of civilization, which they claim are oppressive: the “patriarchy”, marriage, the family, the Church, law and order, the border, modesty, merit, hard work, economic thrift, self-discipline. Instead they offer free access to deadly street drugs, sexual chaos, gender chaos, dress code chaos, lawlessness - more chaos, open borders- more chaos, racial animosity, unimaginable national indebtedness and inflation, and on and on. But it’s a false dichotomy. Civilization is in its essence the imposition of discipline, on oneself ( We are all savages as children.), and on society, and in the best case scenario it means a better life for everybody. Respect, tolerance, achievement, better health, more prosperity. The Democrats aren’t offering anything like that. They are destroying society to take power. They are substituting personal and societal hedonistic indulgence in place of a constructive, mutually beneficial relationship. Meanwhile they steal from the nation and acquire total control if the levers of power.
None of us are perfect. We are all flawed. But if you take away the idea that we can improve and that hard work is worthwhile, you get a pile of shit. This is where we are now. We don’t need malignant narcissism and sociopathy. We need what has worked for hundreds of thousands of years. Life was getting better for everybody based on capitalism, the rule of law, and social pillars despite their imperfections. Now we have chaos. This is not the way forward, but the way backward to a digitally controlled feudalism.
The road to serfdom is paved with debt and pornstar legislators.
This is absolutely what I believe. They don't even understand what they are doing.
So we have an election fraud recipient as President, AZ Governor, PA senator (most certainly GA senator too) and others.
We have a 2nd Amendment to protect from enemies foreign and domestic. Had Xi invaded, we'd take up arms to protect our country. But we do NOTHING as our elections are an obvious joke. Enough
Yes, the Republicans actually gained control of the House, the Senate, AND the Presidency in 2020 thru 2022.
"And every night the men would come around, and lay their money down"
Well played, Subvet.
The pre-stroke John Fetterman dressed like a slob, was totally woke before it became popular and a committed socialist if not a card-carrying communist. He leveraged his physical ugliness, size and dress to gain media attention. My guess is that the Democrats hoped to make him a media star in the senate a la AOC in the house. The difference being that unlike AOC, Fetterman would never make a fool of himself every time he opened his mouth. He was extremely intelligent and articulate. Whether you loved his politics or not--and I most definitely did not--he was very impressive.
To me, the big story about Fetterman is his wife, who has allowed her husband to become a national laughingstock.
Fetterman's wife is following the fine example of "Dr." Jill
Agreed! Both are cut from the same cloth.
"Fearing Trump candidates would win office and for the RINOs in the Senate to act Republican, the RINOs sat on their hands last year and did nothing."
Mitch McConnell told Trump in August of 2022 that no Senate PAC money will go to his endorsed candidates and he needs to fund them. Remember this, folks. They are trying to use this against him... "Your candidates lost, Mr. Trump. You have no credibility." These candidates were in AZ, AK, NV, and NH. They purposely lost the Senate to gain money.
Trump(any outsider) disrupts literally TRILLIONS of the DC money game.