"Democrats are no longer the intelligent party." Correct. Let's refer to them as the Clusterfuck Party. And long may they stay that way. You guys painted yourselves into the corner. Deal with it! That goes for the media, as well.
"Democrats are no longer the intelligent party." Correct. Let's refer to them as the Clusterfuck Party. And long may they stay that way. You guys painted yourselves into the corner. Deal with it! That goes for the media, as well.
Borders. Language. Culture. To steal a phrase. And economy. That’s all Trump and Vance need to talk about. No personal insults. No need. The Dems insult themselves. Maybe reveal what DEI does for companies and countries. Plenty of examples that.
07/22/24: Oh how I am looking forward to the DDDC (Demolition Derby Democrat Convention) in August! Guaranteed to disintegrate into warring factions, with blatant racial insults hurled, deranged statements screamed, DEI banners waving for the last time, and Whoopie Cheeseburger of The View making a few bucks slinging beer cans in the cheap seats. P.S., Rough sledding for Kamala Has-Been on this coming Thursday, August 25th.
"Jake Tapper: 'What theme are we seeing at the convention tonight?'
"Chris Wallace: 'Is that a trick question? Testosterone.' "
Why is it not a surprise that the one man in the RNC arena with the least amount of an indispensable element of being a man would be Jake Tapper, who would then have to ask a man born in 1947 to define the obvious theme of the event?
07/22/24: Which didn't cease their bad dreams about the guy afterwards. Big Pharma could make a killing pushing "Anti-Tapper Psychosis" pills (and for the Pete Buttigieg market, suppositories).
Good question. Decades ago, a lady was walking past construction workers during their lunch break. Hoots, whistles, "Yowzaa!!" 90-decibel catcalls from the men. She wheeled on her heels and barked at them, "OK, when has THAT ever worked?! When did you ever get l*** dong this?!" Dead silence. She moved on.
Don't forget the Palestinians. They have delegates inside the hall this time and a loud, disobedient contingent outside. They marched on Michigan Avenue one week after October 7. They will not be dissuaded and the Mayor is on their side so don't expect cops to corral them.
Police should just sit it out in their cars. Not worth the risk. Damned if they do or don’t. Each time I visit my home town I see the disintegration. Truly sad.
07/22/24: Thank you; that had slipped my mind. Scenario (08/20/24): Kamala's on the red phone trying to get the Israeli air force to rescue her from the building!
I couldn’t agree more. Just let Kamala babel and jabber, stand back and smile.
Fingers crossed on Mrs. Pete. That image of she/her on extended maternity leave, chest feeding her adopted baby with a rubber nipple attached to a plastic hose on her bosom…well, just gold. I hope she uses that in the campaign to lure moms to relate.
As for Harris’ Press Secretary…oh please, please, please, do! No fair teasing. On my best day I could not come up with such creativity. And ya know the whole party is infested with it.
For fun just watch the many clips online of Kamala with her weird tics "unburdened by what has been", "Venn diagrams", etc. Metaphysical questions become cackles in her words.
Just wondering how many presidential elections we have to go back to find an ounce of intelligence in the democrat party? It precedes my adult life of Obama, Clinton, Carter, Johnson, and technically, Johnson was in my pre-voting years. Maybe Kennedy in 1960?
If JFK were running today with his platform of 1960, I believe he'd be to the right of Trump and considered by the Democrats to be a radical right winger.
The current RINO, white shoe, country club GOP is dead. They hated JFK. I personally think he was one of the greats of my lifetime, contrary to what many conservatives say. The new GOP is all MAGA, bringing us back to the Founding Fathers beliefs.
Well Kennedy looked good, but remember his disastrous Bay of Pigs foray. I don't think the USSR would have provoked us putting missiles in Cuba if Kruschev had not assessed JFK as insufficiently weak.
JFK had better tax policies than his successors, but he was a Dem and a machine politician.
My only point was his (Democrat) platform issues, not necessarily Kennedy's individual performance, although, he intended to withdraw from the Vietnam war he started before his first term ended (if he had lived) because he knew it was a mistake, and he had serious issues with the CIA and the Federal Reserve. It was one of those three institutions - or all three - that probably got him killed.
I think Kennedy's positions are ones nationalists would support and any mainline party member would not support.
All I know is the JFk economy gave this divorced, sole support of 2 kiddos, the means to provide all the essentials of a dignified life. Then LBJ and the war slammed it all. It’s never been as great since. I was a D then and came to despise him. Tricky Dick brought more gloom.
"Democrats are no longer the intelligent party." Correct. Let's refer to them as the Clusterfuck Party. And long may they stay that way. You guys painted yourselves into the corner. Deal with it! That goes for the media, as well.
Borders. Language. Culture. To steal a phrase. And economy. That’s all Trump and Vance need to talk about. No personal insults. No need. The Dems insult themselves. Maybe reveal what DEI does for companies and countries. Plenty of examples that.
Fight. Fight. Fight.
Drill, baby. Drill.
Win. Win. Win.
Michael Savage’s credo: Borders, Language, Culture. A nation cannot exist without these 3.
Western democracies are abandoning these three principles.
Release the Hounds!
Kamala and Mr. Burns, the perfect ticket! (The Simpsons)
07/22/24: Oh how I am looking forward to the DDDC (Demolition Derby Democrat Convention) in August! Guaranteed to disintegrate into warring factions, with blatant racial insults hurled, deranged statements screamed, DEI banners waving for the last time, and Whoopie Cheeseburger of The View making a few bucks slinging beer cans in the cheap seats. P.S., Rough sledding for Kamala Has-Been on this coming Thursday, August 25th.
"Jake Tapper: 'What theme are we seeing at the convention tonight?'
"Chris Wallace: 'Is that a trick question? Testosterone.' "
Why is it not a surprise that the one man in the RNC arena with the least amount of an indispensable element of being a man would be Jake Tapper, who would then have to ask a man born in 1947 to define the obvious theme of the event?
I thought it was a trick question. What does Tapper or Wallace know about testosterone?
They'd have to go to prison to find out.
06/08/21 Surber column; my post that date:
"Jake Tapper (CNN) has banned from his show various GOP politicians that Tapper claims have trafficked in 'election fraud conspiracy theories.' "
07/22/24: Well. The nerve!
Did he try to ban Trump from his own convention?
Imagine how many viewers have banned Jake Tapper from their tv sets.
07/22/24: Which didn't cease their bad dreams about the guy afterwards. Big Pharma could make a killing pushing "Anti-Tapper Psychosis" pills (and for the Pete Buttigieg market, suppositories).
Red, hot stainless steel suppositories.
Try not to bring up the subject at CNN or you'll be mobbed (supply and demand).
Good question. Decades ago, a lady was walking past construction workers during their lunch break. Hoots, whistles, "Yowzaa!!" 90-decibel catcalls from the men. She wheeled on her heels and barked at them, "OK, when has THAT ever worked?! When did you ever get l*** dong this?!" Dead silence. She moved on.
Chris Wallace should just stick to promoting his wife’s soup recipe books.
Well maybe. I'd say the theme is Common Sense.
And btw, Dem policies are just plain terrible.
07/22/24: Can we really describe twisted ghetto gibberish as "policies"?
You have a point
Unfortunately, I do, don't I?
Don't forget the Palestinians. They have delegates inside the hall this time and a loud, disobedient contingent outside. They marched on Michigan Avenue one week after October 7. They will not be dissuaded and the Mayor is on their side so don't expect cops to corral them.
Police should just sit it out in their cars. Not worth the risk. Damned if they do or don’t. Each time I visit my home town I see the disintegration. Truly sad.
07/22/24: Thank you; that had slipped my mind. Scenario (08/20/24): Kamala's on the red phone trying to get the Israeli air force to rescue her from the building!
Another one out of the park, Don.
I couldn’t agree more. Just let Kamala babel and jabber, stand back and smile.
Fingers crossed on Mrs. Pete. That image of she/her on extended maternity leave, chest feeding her adopted baby with a rubber nipple attached to a plastic hose on her bosom…well, just gold. I hope she uses that in the campaign to lure moms to relate.
As for Harris’ Press Secretary…oh please, please, please, do! No fair teasing. On my best day I could not come up with such creativity. And ya know the whole party is infested with it.
I keep telling myself not to speculate on where the other end of the hose was.
For fun just watch the many clips online of Kamala with her weird tics "unburdened by what has been", "Venn diagrams", etc. Metaphysical questions become cackles in her words.
I also like "The Wreck America Party".
Just wondering how many presidential elections we have to go back to find an ounce of intelligence in the democrat party? It precedes my adult life of Obama, Clinton, Carter, Johnson, and technically, Johnson was in my pre-voting years. Maybe Kennedy in 1960?
The question we have to ask is: Was Kennedy a traditional Democrat if the powers-that-be terminated him?
Good question.
If JFK were running today with his platform of 1960, I believe he'd be to the right of Trump and considered by the Democrats to be a radical right winger.
Dead on Shrugged.
The current RINO, white shoe, country club GOP is dead. They hated JFK. I personally think he was one of the greats of my lifetime, contrary to what many conservatives say. The new GOP is all MAGA, bringing us back to the Founding Fathers beliefs.
How about trying to find one ounce of integrity? None of that either.
Well Kennedy looked good, but remember his disastrous Bay of Pigs foray. I don't think the USSR would have provoked us putting missiles in Cuba if Kruschev had not assessed JFK as insufficiently weak.
JFK had better tax policies than his successors, but he was a Dem and a machine politician.
OK. It's not a perfect fit.
My only point was his (Democrat) platform issues, not necessarily Kennedy's individual performance, although, he intended to withdraw from the Vietnam war he started before his first term ended (if he had lived) because he knew it was a mistake, and he had serious issues with the CIA and the Federal Reserve. It was one of those three institutions - or all three - that probably got him killed.
I think Kennedy's positions are ones nationalists would support and any mainline party member would not support.
All I know is the JFk economy gave this divorced, sole support of 2 kiddos, the means to provide all the essentials of a dignified life. Then LBJ and the war slammed it all. It’s never been as great since. I was a D then and came to despise him. Tricky Dick brought more gloom.
How so? Life was great until LBJ.
Clusterfuck Nation as James Howard Kunstler says.