. Equal opportunity has led to equal mediocrity.

Mr. Surber, I will give an A+ to whoever came up with that saying. Truer words were never spoken.

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Don Surber

I wonder if Lin seed learned anything about himself or the public’s perception of him during that six minute fiasco.

I doubt it. The arrogance is just too deep for such self introspection.

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Great comment:

Her story was a reminder of how gormless press coverage of President Trump is. A reporting class that ignored Biden pocketing millions in bribes from Red China and Ukraine through his family members pretended that Trump International Hotel in DC charging guests somehow or other violated the emoluments clause in the Constitution.

This is not new. The press went on and on about the Bush twins and their underage drinking but have portrayed Hunter’s felonious cocaine habits as something he heroically overcame. But he's a spoiled senator's second son who always called daddy to get out of trouble. What should we expect?

The press is unable to hold anyone accountable because it has no moral compass.

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May Graham finally be primaried.

Sorry I can’t participate in that vote.

We don’t forget that for every fiery speech or proper vote, Graham delvers for or five RINO speeches and votes.

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Need I say your article was a reminder that in a sane world the pen is mightier than the sword. FJB

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Don Surber

We know the regime media hates Trump. They write for 6-10 year olds because that’s the emotional level of the Democrats reading their fictional accounts of events. Beyond Trump’s enduring popularity, the interesting question to me is why Trump has Lindsay Graham within a hundred mile radius -- ever. Graham has stabbed Trump in the back numerous times. He’s a neocon Establishment

RINO whose ambivalence toward Trump is only explained by the fact that his voters love Trump

And Graham is afraid to publicly look too anti-Trump. When Trump was going through the absurd impeachment charades or his current legal persecution charades, Graham did nothing to condemn the activity. Like McConnell and other DC swamp toads, he’s not so secretly in favor of pushing Trump off the stage. Trump needs better friends. Lindsay is for the swamp. Trump is for America.

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Don Surber

My personal favorite is Kings Mountain. Brits taught those over-the-mountain boys a thing or two didn’t they? Never learned about that in Houston public schools, saw it for myself when daughter attended Washington & Lee (men’s college that now allows women to learn their secrets).

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I could get to Pickens in an hour. It is MAGA on steroids. Northwestern SC is a Maga strong hold.

These folks didn't vote for Graham, Haley or any other RINO traitor.

The delusional leftist voter is shrinking, dead or dying by the vax.

Good stuff Don,

The house of cards is wilting, one delusional lie at a time

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Don Surber

I met Grahmnesty in 2016 during his 5 minute Presidential campaign. He was an ass. In New Hampshire you can meet them all if you choose to and I did. Republican and Democrat. Up close and personal in people's living rooms or back yards. Being the "First in the Nation" primary draws anyone and everyone who thinks they can win it. Some don't get all the way to the primary. Others' hopes are dashed by the dismal results their campaigns achieve at the ballot box. Most of them you have never heard of because they didn't get past New Hampshire but every year they all come. So do their supporters Senator this and Congressman that and you can meet them all. Trump and Sarah Palin were my favorites. Obama and Hillary not so much.

Politics in New Hampshire is a passion that is rivaled only by the American South's passion for college football.

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"And when you barely mention that a senior senator was booed relentlessly in his home county by his own party, you look like the fool you are."

It is almost like the globalist, establishment, Praetorian Guard media was on duty...

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Sneaky poll question

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Mr. Surber, thank you for the word "gormless," new to me.

I wonder if it's appropriate to use this word to describe Old Joe when he's holding an ice cream cone.

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"She offers the same old throw-the-kitchen-sink-at-him coverage of President Trump."

Yes, but that's what Democrats call, diversity.

I can recall an interview with a DNC consultant/operative (Bob Beckel, I think) who recounted his advising a candidate who was going to be announcing his candidacy for office to select the smallest room in the smallest venue, and then make sure the number of people in attendance (whether or not they were supporters) was sufficient to show that there were too many to be accommodated in the room - such would give the image of an immensely popular  candidate because it was the optics that mattered. Additionally, the campaign had secured the local media's cooperation to only interview specific attendees.

When the Democrats rig the game, it's smart - since Trump doesn't have to engage in such stagecraft (it's an organic product of his candidacy), his choice of location and venue is strategic and sends the message that it's everyone in the hinterlands and in fly-over country that matters.

Whoever would have dreamed The Hill would be a much more reliable source of information than that soiled panty shield, Politico?

Ben "Bilbo Baggins" Shapiro's ability to take down any wokester stupid enough to challenge him is to be admired, but he severely diminished his value in revealing himself to be a Never-Trumper.

Enter the phrase, "covering one's ass" into any search engine, and along with the results returned will be a picture or an illustration of Sen. Graham.

What is with the cat, this morning? My understanding is that it is hot in South Carolina year 'round so I went with option #2 solely on just how badly the media blew the story.

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The same people who bring you the stories about how not enough women have done X will also tell you transwomen (dudes cosplaying being a woman) are in fact women. So the question is do you really believe gender is real or not? Because this is only a problem if you think of gender in a binary connected to biological sex. As we're told gender is now, all those men were probably women at heart but they were oppressed and not allowed to affirm their womanness, so there's no problem. For all we know, George dressed up in Martha's clothes at home and was secretly a lesbian transwoman. So we've already had our first woman president (transwomen = women, or so we're told). We shouldn't let them have it both ways.

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Don Surber

The Lamestream Media is useless.

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by Don Surber

They say the people we elect to political offices are just a microcosm of society. I always resented that statement. We as a society have our problems and shortcomings but we are far better than the egotistical losers, liars, and crooks who we somehow elect. This tells me perhaps we are not presented with the best of choices by our political party’s. Wonder why?

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