Kamala truly is an embarrassment. She makes Sonia Sotomayor, the dumbest SCOTUS seem like Oliver Wendell Holmes. If she is installed, America will truly reach the level of President Camacho in Idiocracy. FJB

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Either way, the puppet masters have their hands full. The good Dr. Jill ain't gonna go without kicking and screaming and neither is Kamala. Not sure Dems have enough money to pay these two bimbos off. Probably run in the hundreds of millions.

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Kind of funny isnt it. They picked them, now they are stuck with them.

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Dog, try epicaricacy .

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LOL. Most of us know this as schadenfreude. Both tough to spell... but great words!!

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Sent me to google also.

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A typical German word. It's why it's extremely hard to play Scrabble in German.

Try "Katzenellenbogen"!

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You got me there, had to look that one up. I try to learn a new word every day so I can check today off now. Thanks.

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That's why we probably should apply for Continuing Education Credits just for reading here.

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Get out the popcorn.

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Watching this is more fun than watching my favorite fantasy action drama. Who needs fiction when real life is so entertaining? 😂

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Rev, you are so RIGHT! These MORONS will fall all over each other trying to out-do each other. They can all go for a swim after their celebratory dining with the O'bams

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A box of discounted Floral Shower Curtains for JILL to make new dresses from would to far. Kamalalalala needs only a hand mirror to carry in her large back pocket.

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"Dr." Jill is root of this issue. Bernal is her aide, some comparing him to Svengali.

Amazing how vivid the illustration of the corrupting effects of power.

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Probably a lot more; you realize Mr. Kamala Harris is unemployed. Gotta keep up appearances.

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She should be the nominee

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it's got electrolytes

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If Joe drops, he takes all of his campaign funds with him. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think Kamala gets the money. A new candidate would be starting fund raising from scratch. I think they'll keep Joe and the money and give Kamala an offer she can't refuse.

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Since the Biden Harris ticket is what gathered the money, my understanding is Harris is entitled to it if Joe leaves. But remember, many big donors promise the contribution on a certain time frame. So Biden on has a promise on those, not the actual funds. Not sure if those can be retracted.

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That’s now upsetting donors-they don’t want it offed to Kamala if he quits. They want it back or the choice of who gets it. Good luck with that.

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Karma is a bitch, eh?

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As to donors don't know nor give a damn ,just keep dragging a carcass to Nov 5.

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Get Popeo to give her an offer she can't refuse.

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If the money has already been collected, the Biden campaign can spend it right now on hiring people and buying equipment and leasing office space, ... , and use it up fast.

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I was thinking Oliver Wendell Douglas, but I watch too much TV.

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11 donuts short of a dozen.

Can I use that line, please?

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Twelve short of a baker’s dozen?

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That phrasing immediately sprung to mind for me. Usually impossible to top Don's turn of phrase...

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07/02/24: If everything else hasn't gotten us to the Total Saturation Point of Insanity, we can go over the top and win the Championship of Crazy with this one:

"The Republicans remain the captives of the personality cult—the “MAGA movement”—that has formed around Trump, just as the Democrats were the captives of the personality cult and populist movement that formed around William Jennings Bryan" [1896-1908].

"They therefore run a considerable risk of losing this election, which they ought to be comfortably winning on the big issues of inflation and immigration, because their candidate is too off-putting to too many of the crucial voters."

--- Niall Ferguson, The Free Press 07/02/24.

1) He's comparing someone who ran three times for the presidency and failed each time, to someone who ran for the presidency and won on his first go-round.

Ferguson's "Logic": The existence of the ancient, previous multiple-failures justifies the fear that the proven successful will fail.

2) "Well! 'Off-putting'! We can't have that! Clutch pearls! Pull ripcord!"

Solution: Send Trump up to Camp David for seven days and have him rehearse all sorts of phony personas that will make him more likeable (surround him with Nobel Prizes winners in Chemistry, if necessary).

I suspect that the prime architect behind Joe Biden's blockbuster debate victory on June 27, 2024 was none other than Niall Ferguson.

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White House aids, cabinet members, Congress critters and the media are shocked, SHOCKED at Biden's deteriorated mental state. They thought nothing of his days with "lids" by mid morning, half his time vacationing in Delaware, scripted but rare press conferences with pre-approved questions and answers including the reporter's picture. Even the White House janitor had to notice how little trash there was to empty from the Oval.

"Remember: The media democrat complex is reacting in horror over Joe's condition not because they saw it -- it's because you saw it." Greg Gutfeld

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When I was asked in 2019 to go to a fund raiser for “Joe Biden,” I said that old demented fool has no shot. My friend said “He was a shoe in!” Little did I know how evil the Dems were then with Covid et al. Hopefully they have nothing else up their sleeves. But if I knew everyone else did too. FJB

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They've already printed the ballots with Joes name on them. Gotta think of a way not to throw them away and start over.

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They already filled them out, too -- according to the Babylon Bee.

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Can only fake 5% at best, unlikely in this scenario.

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According to Tucker's latest and greatest X moment, he said that back in 2019 (and everyone in that "circle" knew for a fact), that Val (Joe's sister) and other family members (Dr. Jill excluded) were very worried about his candidacy because he was diagnosed with Dementia in 2019.....

Everybody Knows (Knew)......

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Tucker has three Tweets (X, as it’s now called, unfortunately) about this subject. By far, the second one ought to scare every right thinking person. If you can post those tweets, please do. I can’t do it for some reason known only to my iPad.

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Thankfully Dems are monumentally overplaying their hands. Hard to believe they trot out this imbecile for a debate after time and again, condescendingly, reminding us how FJB is "sharp as a tack". And who had the brilliant idea of the spray tan for Joe yesterday? What are they trying to say? Orange men good?

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“OMG”? Good one!

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A tack does not have a brain.

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Thanks for planting the cringe-worthy image of He Haw as president. Frankly, it makes sense. After all, the Democrats symbol is a Jack Ass. God save our country.

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nefarious con just like everything the party of bs operates under. it matters little who their candidate (ever) is. for me there are only three aspects that are germane....

1...what happens to former president donald j. trump on july 11th?

2...do the stealing cheating and lying of elections continue to be baked in?

3...how long will we continue to endure and sanction this complete con job bs three card monte?

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The election results MUST BE TOO BIG TO RIG.

I hope everyone on this comment board will get INVOLVED by going to


Or something similar. There are many groups doing excellent election integrity work!

If one fails TO TAKE ACTION TO THE BEST OF THEIR ABILITY then they forfeit their right to bitch about anything.

https://www.protectthevote.com/ 👍👍

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Probably the only way to get close to a fair election is to destroy every Dominion machine in the country. They're still being used (Puerto Rico, anyone?) and still screwing up every vote count.

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Like they say in the USMC, burn one bridge at a time.

Focus on what we can control now and hopefully it will be enough ( like it is appearing to be in France, although I know their elections are more secure than ours) but we must do what we can, hope it’s enough and if it is, then Trump must do an E.O. ( or better yet get Congress to actually LEGISLATE) to make it illegal for computers to be used in elections, AND REQUIRE VOTER I.D. Which reportedly 90% of Americans WANT.

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Oregon has had universal mail-in ballots for 26 years, and has been a one-party state ever since. Guess which party.

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I rest my case.

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Exactly, because the Ds always find the voters that are needed.

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Exactly and if so, only in extreme circumstances. The election is one day, not one week, or two weeks, or one month. If Canada can manage to have a one-day election with the winner announced as early as 8 p.m., you Americans can do that, too. I understand that each state would have to change its voting regulations for that. Is that correct?

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I find it such a joke that the MSM calls Marine Le Pen's party, le Rassemblement National, the "far right" or in French "l'extreme droite." Media totally missing the populism angle. We'll see if the socialists, communists and Macron's party can deny the RN in the second round on Sunday. In English, you will see le Rassemblement National translated as National Rally.

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Ah, then you will be just as pleased as I was to hear Fred Fleitz this morning give one of the commentators on Newsmax (of all things!) a VERY sharp correction exactly along those lines!

He admonished the anchor to STOP using the terminology of "hard right" and "hard left" as that is the language of the left.

Instead (I think he mentioned) instead urging the use of "totalitarian" (for the left) and honestly I forget what he suggested for 'our side', ie. the side of common sense. 🤔

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Yes, those are leftist terms. I like populist or nationalist versus globalists.

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They're cheating machines.

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It grieves me to confess that we use Dominion voting machines here in Georgia. However, Joementia’s debate performance was so bad last Thursday that even the Dominion voting machines are thinking about counting votes for Trump.

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You do realize that in 49 states illegals are being registered to vote upon entry to the USA.

Cheaters only need the BALLOTS...Votes ain't necessary.

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Or who counts em'.

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One might even call it an existential event.

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Yep, it has to be too big to rig. But the thought occurred to me that it will be rigged so that Biden beats Trump by a slim margin, which would seem believable this time.

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What "too big to rig" means to me is that if the U.S. has 150 million registered voters (I'm just making up a round number) and if Trump gets 85M votes, Biden then cannot claim to get 86M votes.

Or, he can claim whatever he wants but the country will be thrown into turmoil.

But first we have to make sure ALL the valid Trump votes get counted!

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Democratic wet dream-a democracy, not a republic-OK -2020 "Biden won 477 counties. Trump won 2,497 counties".

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Correction: Biden "won" 477 counties, Trump won 2497 or more counties.

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Sorry. Spellcheck didn't /wouldn't catch it.

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Obama said on the Stephen Colbert Show in November 2020,

OBAMA: I said this before. People would ask me, "Knowing what you know now, do you wish you had a third term?" And I used to say, "You know what? If I could make an arrangement where I had a stand-in, a front man or front woman, and they had an earpiece in and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff, and then I could sort of deliver the lines, but somebody else was doing all the talking and ceremony, I'd be fine with that. Because I found the work fascinating. I mean, I write about the... even on my worst days, I found puzzling out, you know, these big, complicated, difficult issues, especially if you were working with some great people, to be professionally really satisfying. But I do not miss having to wear a tie every day.“

And thus it was to be.

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Who would take Kamala seriously as President? She would need a guardian as much as FJB does. She’s a walking question of “Is that a lawful order?’ I know the bureaucracy does what it wants now but golly who would actually give her authority over national security. Golly. We’d be depending on Castreau to the north to defend us and the southern border would be up to Abbott. Think about it.

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What would be the difference than what we have now with a veritable vegetable pretending to run the show? Biden isn’t running anything - never was.

It’s the Obama machine calling the shots and just using the Husk for photo ops.

It would be no different with her in there, and that’s just how they’d like it to be.

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The difference is that she would not want to be managed. And legally she would have the last say. You can only argue that she’s stupid, not that she’s senile. And she has her own cohort of grifters who would want in. I don’t see Kamala letting O tell her what to do. She doesn’t know much but she knows that.

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I think if she were to get in and start to actually try to manage and make decisions, they would use the 25th Amendment on her.

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Or the IC would just cook up a scandal - or worse. She’d heel, to be sure. She doesn’t want to work - she just wants to be famous and adored.

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just like big mike

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Just shows you how incompetent the Democrat party is today. Then they try to cover up the results of their incompetency with corruption.

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Canada's army is now a joke- -- a jke since the Second World War. It has tampons in men's bathrooms in its offices for trans people. I shake my head.

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I am so sick of anyone 1 degree to the right of Bill Clinton being demonized as "far right".

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I am sick of every Leftist "news story" writing how the far right "fraudulently claim" the election was stolen. Never does any of the stories cite the evidence of over 3000 affidavits disagreeing it was legitimate. The courts in refusing to have evidentiary hearings have ruined the rule of law. Why take any court serious anymore. To read Latina Woman screech her internal melodrama fiction is pathetic. I am beginning to think we don't need a federal government at all. Or only one as small as possible. Either the Left are extremely stupid or plain evil, pick one.

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How about they are both, stupid AND evil?

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That's Joe Biden in a nut shell.

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Scott Adams explains it as “one screen, two movies.” I’m inclined to agree.

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You have to remember that virtually all of the MSM "journalists" are closet Walter Durantys. As such, from their perspective, we normies are far to the right of where they live. If you look at it that way, they're kind of correct, but in a distorted way.

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Yeah, when you live and work in a closeted community of liberals all your life, you believe that is the norm. In 1967 when I went to basic training, we had a large contingent of folks from NJ and NYC there. A few of them had never left their states previously. Two had never been out of NYC! Those two had never seen a farm and farm animals. I was from out west and they would kid me about what they perceived as a still wild west. Not exaggerating at all. Now apply that same scenario to people who live with like minded people and only associate with the same. There are a LOT of these folks out there and they all are in the political and news business. In short, they are educated and ignorant.

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Amen Reddogg

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True, but it's frustrating when so-called "conservative" sources such as FNC and the NY Post parrot that crap. Yeah, Murdoch-owned, but still disappointing.

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Spot on.

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A review of Democrat JFK’s 1960 policy/ platform would fall very close to Trump’s current platform, with one exception in that JFK is who started the Vietnam war (although planned to exit it quickly). His exit is theorized to be one of the reasons the CIA killed him.

JFK would be a far right extremist in todays democrat party.

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“Meep meep”

OMG - the appearance of that as I was reading cracked me up, out loud!!

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I was always a fan of the coyote. I saw the road runner as arrogant I guess. Im a sucker for the underdog sometimes I guess. Still routing for him to catch that smart-ass road runner!

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Yeah, but he didn't get to have that arrogant little RR for dinner. I love that coyote! He never gives up. Maybe he should be the mascot of the GOP instead of the elephant.

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You have my vote.

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Re Axios and White House aides being SHOCKED, one is reminded of the scene in Casablsnca where Captain Renault busts in to break up the gambling. Shocked!

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I suspect you are a part of the greatest generation

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Alas, no. Even my parents weren't! I just find much modern entertainment lavking. Oh I have a few favorites like "Resident Alien", but you can't beat old school entertainment. Perhaps being a farmer makes me old fashioned.

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“Resident Alien” is awesome!

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Makes you special and a Patriot

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Kamala is exactly who they want as President!

They don’t want someone in there running the show - THEY, the powers who’ve been running it for the past 4 years, want to continue doing so.

She’s the perfect replacement for the current Resident, who just does what he’s told, and doesn’t get in the way.

They’ll imprison Trump to get him off the playing field, drag the Husk over the finish line, steal the election again, then get him out one or the other, and insert her. Game, set, match.

It’s just getting through the next 4 months that’s going to be rough. But they have waaay too much riding on this, like prison terms, to give up now and let DJT back in the Oval.

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Yes, Kamala is the puppet masters perfect choice but trouble is she isn't anyone else's fifth choice!

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What the peoplewant doesn’t matter to them one whit!

They believe the election is in the bag but it’s gotta have Biden’s name on it. The ballots are already printed, the algorithm set.

They can easily dispose of him once it’s over and legally insert her without the fuss and bother of the people or the convention. People do not matter to them.

It’s all about the steal.

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More or less agree. If Biden pulled it off thru corruption, after being sworn in a second time he had better be very careful on all those stairs.

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You're right. Too expensive to print a new batch, esp. if FJB gets to keep the campaign $.

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Their polling shows Kamala can't beat Trump even factoring in the cheating. They would have to go bat $hit crazy with the cheating to potentially win but that would set them up for bigger problems down the road.

I'm guessing they'll run Kamala and then lay the minefields like Obama did. The MSM will help them out. Trump would be a lame duck so they would just have to hold out and gum up the works.

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Perhaps in GAME THEORY but Not in Reality....

President Trump is not going to jail.

Do you believe that the Trump Team does not understand what is going on and what the stakes are?

Do you expect them to blast out their war game plan?

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The first three paragraphs are pure gold.

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“Support for far-right politician Marine Le Pen”

Yet more evidence of an in-the-tank-for-the-left media; constant labeling anything other than full blown leftist/progressive “far right”. “Conservative” parties in Europe are Centre or even Centre-left. Completely disingenuous on its face; when was the last time the media ever labeled anything “far left”? No, just more evidence of a corrupt, ideological media shilling for its preferred ideological position.

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And all the articles making sure to include the phrase, “far right win not seen since the Nazi’s”

So transparent.

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Even old school Democrats would be the far right in today's political climate.

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I’d bet lunch that Sotomayor wrote that Dissent herself, not one of the clerks. Then reviewed it with her female clerks who added some of the emoticons. It’s pretty embarrassing. Like that ranting wailing text you wish you’d not sent to some guy who just broke up with you. Except that now it’s public for all the world to see how stupid you are.

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" Like that ranting wailing text you wish you’d not sent to some guy who just broke up with you. Except that now it’s public for all the world to see how stupid you are."

And your bottle of wine is three quarters empty.

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Don't know much about Kagan, but KBJ is the poster child for DIE

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The "wise Latina" is seen by most observers as the least intelligent (dumbest!) Justice. But hey, she is Latina...

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I think she’s probably neck and neck with Jumanji Jackson.

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Absolutely love that analogy! So perfect!

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We should be encouraged by this weeks vote in France…

But say goodbye to England…

Read this


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The Brits sold their birthright for a melting pot of stew.

Now, they have to eat it.

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You can thank Labour's Tony Blair for that. And then Tory David Cameron.

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BoJo didn't help either. He allowed his new wife (sound familiar) to lead him around by (you fill in the blank) and did not govern as a Tory or any type of conservative. And dilly-dallied on pursuing Brexit.

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THANKS for sharing! Excellent piece. I loved “ ambulatory eggplant”. But this is the key takeaway imo:

“the center of Western politics no longer holds. It is dead, and the ones who killed it are not Donald Trump, Marine Le Pen, Nigel Farage, and other politicians of the real Right, but rather the managerial liberals (including Republicans, Tories, and Gaullists) who lived by lies—and who, crucially, believed their own lies.”

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Rod is channeling his inner Pat Buchanan on this one. I read it yesterday too. Spot on. I started to contemplate moving to Budapest or a nice suburb near there...lol

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Yeah, if Nov breaks bad here, Hungary might become the new Tex-Florida!

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Orban is now the President of the EU for the next six months, much to all the other nations chagrin.

Heh 😏

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Orban takes over Council of the European Union presidency for six months and it's a rotating presidency. The president of the EU is still Ursula von der Leyen, who was recently re-elected with some backroom tactics and she is still evil. Sorry to pick a nit here.

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Yes thanks! It is most confusing their set-up.

And she is truly diabolical.

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Wow, I had not heard that! Omg they’re going to have a leftist meltdown! Although I wonder exactly what power that position even has? 🤔

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Not much. Plus, they scrambled before he got in there to tie up all the “important votes”, so he couldn’t interfere, and summer is a slow time for anything of actual significance . But he isn’t one to be trifled with, and the recent elections could have much impact. Stay tuned!

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Apparently, it is beautiful and safe.

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Yes, the managerial class. I now call reporters the news bureaucrats.

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Some hope for France and some hope for England, thanks to Farage. The Tories are finished in the UK.

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Good Lord, that article is chillingly true!

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