By the way, Judge Aileen M. Cannon has said she will unseal documents that the left stashed under lock and key in the bowels of their archives. Can't wait to see them. Many are certain to give DJT even more ammunition to throw at Biden and his corrupt administration.

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Defiant- I’m fascinated by your icon (or whatever the word for your cracked golf ball pic is). My golf began in the rubber band wound core golf ball days (for me, the 60s). I don’t long for those days to return, esp’ly as much as they cost these days.

Why did you pick that pic?

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I'm 89. I began playing golf when I was 12. I rode my bike to a nine-hole course an hour before dusk, jumped the fence and got in a few holes while no one was watching. Before balata balls arrived on the scene, mishit iron shots put a "smile" on rubber band balls. Hey, that's all I had for years.

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I’m humbled. I keep blaming my double bogeys on old age, but you’re a depression baby, and I’m still a wet-behind-the-ears boomer.

‘Caddyshack’ had nothing on the club I caddied at. We had much more colorful characters.

My claim to fame was caddying for Patty Berg and Kathy Whitworth in LPGA tourneys (don’t ask, don’t tell) as well as Jesse Owens. We bought our sticks for a song when members traded in their old ones for new.

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My claim was being general chairman of four LPGA tournaments, consulting on a few Senior PGA events, writing a couple golf books...all the while a slice kept me from getting my handicap below 10.

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After 50 years of slicing, I can now afford a lesson or two. I’ll see if it helps.

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Aw, the good old days. I still have two or three boxes of new balls from the late 60’s. Can’t bring myself to using them. I probably should though since those balls didn’t seem to get lost as easily as the newer models do now. Can’t figure out why. /s

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Remember the old "Balata balls"? It would cut wide open with one bad shot. Became quite expensive when playing bad!!

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That's why I stopped golfing.

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I remember using those to play jacks!

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Mine started with a wood shaft mashie-niblick.

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Let me guess- you played with Old Tom Morris too

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Nah. But I did play in a pro-am at Canterbury with Australian Peter Thomson who won the British Open five times. Nicest gentleman as I've ever met.

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Def Jest-I honor old age. I don’t poke fun at it!

That was aimed at Joe ‘Mashie Niblick’ Kaplan.

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I think it's safe to say this is NOT the summer Jack Smith and his camarilla envisioned....

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Up voted for “camarilla”

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Isn't that a great word? I think it should be used more often!

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Please add Associated Press to CNN, the New York Times and the Washington Post. They are as rotten as the day is long. Three cheers for Elon Musk, who is building an actual town square for honest discourse and opinions.

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For me, the poll was very easy. In fact I was up very early and had to wait on Don's always excellent blog opinion. And thanks to everyone for their contribution to this site.

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Don’t assume everyone is in the same time zone. Don’s post come in at 6:00 pm in Phnom Penh.

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…and Reuters!

Oh heck, ALL of them!! The list is loooong!!

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Real news sites are hard to find today. Easier to list them than try to sell identify the bad ones.

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Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter did as much for freedom of the press as the Bill of Rights.

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Amen Mark.

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The voices in my head told me that Mark Twain once said “If You Don’t Read the Newspaper You Are Uninformed, If You Do Read the Newspaper You Are Misinformed” Don won’t quote that because it can’t be verified, but I am under no such constraint. Newspapers … we don’t need no stinking newspapers.

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Surprising how often we hear “We don’t need no stink in’ “ This is from the very old movie Treasure of the Sierra Madre staring Humphrey Bogart. Bandits come into a camp of minors claiming to be Federales. Asked for badges, they say “We don’t need.....

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I was actually wearing a sombrero and a fake mustache when I posted that with a fake Mexican accent in my head. It sounds much better with the accent.

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Well done, Sir Don. I nominate you for the Rush Limbaugh award in journalism.

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Great column, Don. It's so refreshing not to have the MSM (including Fox) telling us "it's too complicated for you to understand but here's what you should believe as the "truth"..."

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The NYTimes, Washington Poop, Clinton News Network and Associated Depressed less reliable than the Babylon Bee.

I wish the would get CNN out if the airports and run cartoons instead.

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Just do what I do, don't fly. Stopped flying after suffering a DVT. Stopped flying in 94 guess what don't miss it.

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I didn’t enjoy air travel, even when parts weren’t dropping off the plane.

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I used to fly a lot before retiring. Then the TSA was born and now I rarely fly. Still have my pilots license to fly bug smashers and do so with a friend now and then. Your comment refers to Boeings problems I suspect but don’t believe all you hear. Yes, they have to get their act together and back to building safe a/c instead of just making money but when I do fly commercial I always try to schedule flights using Boeing planes. Best aircraft in the world. There is a sly slandering going on today against Boeing. Suspect it is promoted in some monetary way by Airbus and others. The playing field among a/c manufacturers is not level. Airbus is heavily subsidized by European countries. Hard to be competitive in the plane game if you are not “nationalized” in some respect. Many of the articles citing plane issues cite that it was a Boeing plane but fail to m mention the actual cause of the mishap, leaving one to assume it was a manufacturing failure on Boeing’s part. Stuff falls off a/c almost everyday somewhere in the world and the planes land safely. News companies are not your friend.

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Agreed. Most of the recent Boeing aircraft incidents are the result of faulty maintenance by the carriers.

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Yep, Boeing has been taken over by the money men, and the consequences of that are showing up in the 737 MAX program. And, of course, Diversity is also a factor. A lot of fun has been made of Boeing lately about parts falling off, but is it really their fault? I don’t think so. I blame most of these incidents on the airlines and vendors, also infested with money men, and shoddy manufacturing and maintenance practices. It’s just unfortunate that the aircraft manufacturer has to shoulder the blame.

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Thx for this perspective.

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Hard to go to Europe and Hawaii though, eh?

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Been there did that no need to go back

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I can go any time I please in my mind - and do.

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Used to fly on a regular basis from New London, CT to Rota, Spain. Also Pearl Harbor to Guam. That was when I was in Uncle Sam’s Canoe Club and you had to go where the boat was. Still didn’t like it.

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CNN's readership is dropping like a shot cow....

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It is my understandign CNN paid to be in airports but stopped. I now see other news broadcasts. Fox for one. Ah well, just some more undocumented information for your Monday morning

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I’m pretty sure CNN stopped broadcasting in airports in early 2021. Claimed it was because of COVID. Right…

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my vote is for contunuous loop of Howdy Doody Time, plus ninety-five cent White Castle sliders.

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I'm a staunch free-speech defender (until it becomes threats and incitement, neither of which Trump ever did, by the way) but I just do not know what the SOLUTION is to stop the "MSM" from their lies and gas-lighting and propaganda!! I have one idea but it's not anything I would write publicly for fear of having my door bust open and ending up in a gulag. 🤪

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I love that snopes FINALLY had to correct their "misinformation" regarding Trump's statements regarding Charlottesville and now that he is going after FJB regarding the lies he continues to tell about that situation

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It's a case of CYA.

They belive Trump will be our next president.

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Me too, but if you read the snopes post, they still manage to denigrate Trump's comments anyway.

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I would still never trust them.

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It’s the question we all ask ourselves often. Its changing but not fast enough to save the business.

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Well, my thoughts on the matter were depicted in the super FUN book by Vince Flynn called "Term Limits". Let's just say I'd like to see it applied to media sources too.

(Or another radical 'underground' novel is "Unintended Consequences" that also has an idea that definitely colors outside of the lines.)

If Flynn had not tragically passed away way much too young from cancer, I'm SURE he'd be on a govt watchlist.

Hell, he might still be on one anyway!

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Outside of the Democrat Party, are there even 3 or 4 Americans who don't believe that the MSM is simply an extension of the Socialist-Communist-Marxist regime currently running this country into the ground?

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Check out this article from El Gato Malo’s Substack where he reveals this “school”, aided and abetted by the UN, specifically created for so-called journalists to learn how to imbed within literally every story they write about with some form of “climate change” angle.

There’s very few, if any at all, established news organizations that have not sold their soul to the devil. They should now all come with warnings: “Read At Your Own Risk. Have Been Found to Pollute Minds.”

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It’s all about the power. News doesn’t affect peoples actions but presenting it with hidden messages and one-sided accounts does change peoples actions. This is the age of Pravda 2.0.

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Don, a priest can't hear confession at the court. You have to have a soul to confess and at least 3 don't.

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Keep the faith, baby

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...nor does ACB...

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According to this Ellwood guy, who made a laughably unpersuasive attempt to look unbiased, "Musk’s contemptuous behavior amplifies the toxicity of our divides. Not only that, it’s self-defeating ..."

If it's self-defeating, why obsess and waste ink -- I mean, keyboard clicks -- over it? Follow the sage political rule that if your enemy is busy destroying himself, you don't interrupt him.

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I see it as propaganda to place blame for “toxicity” and divides on our side of the aisle. When I read that, I thought of how divisive and even toxic Biden’s speeches have been to our country as he, too, attempts to place blame on conservatives. Not to mention the weaponization of the IRS, FBI, and DOJ. But no, he’s saving Democracy. Right.

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Isn’t the phrase “pink slime outlets” homophobic?

Speaking of the NY Slimes, I remember that back in 2016 they were so gobsmacked by Trump’s victory that they announced they would henceforth become a more balanced newspaper. I’d say that we were still waiting for that to occur except for the fact that none of us actually waste our time on the Slimes.

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“voices-n-my-head journalism” I know it when I see it and now have a label for libels.

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I don't understand why a businessman like Bezos doesn't fire 20 percent of the WP staff? He owns the place, writes the payroll checks. The Pareto Principle is 20 percent of anything has an 80 percent impact. Firing the left leaning leaders and their acolytes would certainly tighten the butt holes of the rest of the staff. Am I missing something?

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Who said old chrome dome didn’t like it? The Post is his firewall to news he doesn’t like affecting his companies. It is a blip in terms of monetary impact to his income. It’s cheap insurance.

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He gets to write off the loss.

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I think that Bezos approves their message

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Surely you’re not calling for the firing of “journalists”, are you? Gosh, they might have to learn to code! (And I’ll stop calling you Shirley.)

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The Washington Post is the intelligence agencies mouthpiece. Also, if you want to watch a judicial shit show Fulton County's, RICO, prosecution of the rapper Young Thug and his cohorts.

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