NYT... Covered up the Holocaust and partnered with communist Russia during and after WWII. Walter Duranty was Communist Walt; I will take MAGA Mike any day...

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Right you are

Buried by the Times is a 2005 book by Laurel Leff.

The book is a critical account of The New York Times's coverage of Nazi atrocities against Jews that culminated in the Holocaust. It argues that the news was often buried in the back pages in part due to the view about Judaism of the paper's Jewish publisher, Arthur Hays Sulzberger. It also gives a critical look at the work of Times correspondents in Europe.

The book received critical acclaim and was the recipient of the best media history book from the American Journalism Historians Association.


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Like Roosevelt & Truman covered up and protected US spies aiding the Russians during WW2 and beyond. From the White down believe it or not.

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Another spot-on column, Mr. Surber, with many good observations. I especially liked your observation that Democrats aren't against religion, rather against Christianity. Indeed.

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The only times the dems are for Christianity is when they needed photo ops of Bubba walking out of the White House carrying his bible and Soetoro in a church (except for Jeremiah Wright’s) to prove he wasn’t Muslim while also describing Xiden and Piglousy as devout Catholics despite their actions that prove them Godless.

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It's an oxymoron to couple Christianity in any way to the likes of Xiden and Piglosi, in fact I find it highly disgusting.

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It is. Same as calling race hustler Sharpton “reverend”.

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Reverends Jackson and Sharpton. Swindlers galore.

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I’ll never forget, many years ago, the New Republic called Jesse Jackson “that great ambulance chaser of American politics”. (For his tendency to show up at any disturbance and start playing the race card.)

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The Reverend Jack(make short audible low snoring sound)son. Loved Rush saying his name that way.

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What about the fat Jewish slut Monica Lewinski leaving the white house. She called Bill a pig, among other things and he said she scraped him. OUCH!! Did your wife learn anything from her? You are a liberal sir because you lie like one.

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Nothingberger. You act like a hateful man. Sadly, you therefore add little value to the conversation. Now is a good time to change and believe in Jesus, trust Him, and imitate Him.

God will curse those who hate Israel. He will bless those who bless Israel.

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Amen R.O.E.

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Bravo-I thought maybe he would take his comments to the Goyim Defense League. No such luck.

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Fuck off anti-Semite.

I thought you were blocking me.

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Apparently, it doesn't work like Disqus-you block someone and all his comments disappear at once.

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Better suited to the Goyim Defense League.

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No offense, but even if your comment was not a non-sequitur (it is), it's still incoherent.

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Spot on.

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Spot on S.L.

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The problem is they don't understand other religions, as they are finding out with Muslims not supporting LGB etc and the porn in schools.

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They don't understand religion at all. To them it's all superstition and hocus-pocus. It's hard to conceive of a shallower view of any concept than Democrats have of religion. They seem to conflate today's faiths with the idol worship of two to three millennia ago.

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John Adams, observed, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

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I have terrible memory but I have never forgotten that quote by Adams.

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And rightly so. Page, you seem to be a John Adams aficionado, somehow. I too hold him in admiration.

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Seems the Democrats outsmarted themselves in helping remove RINO Kevin.

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It's funny, really. McC lost no time in caving to every Democrat pipe dream, but, in typical Dem fashion, they refused to return the favor when it came time to vote for Speaker. Now he has no fine office, no influence to sell to "donors", and a primary challenger. How quickly fortunes can reverse on those who build their position on political maneuvering. Doesn't happen often enough, but it's refreshing to witness when it does.

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That bastards first act was to run like a little twerp to the White House and agree to a 1.7 trillion budget. Irks me to no end.

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I knew my doubts about him were correct after that. Hes a flaming Rino.

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Good point. And every time they attack Johnson, they shoot themselves (not in the foot), in the crotch.

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I believe Jamaal had a vision and pulled the fire alarm, so he could warn Hakeem to sacrifice a few Dems to save KevMc.

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God has shown us that He is truly in power beyond anything we think we can control. Just like the appearance of PDJT, MAGA Mike is part of the plan. No other power can stand against it.

A powerful column today, Don. Thank you.


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I pray too that the evilness, recklessness and never-ending war footing our own leaders continually embark on finally is put an end to.

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Good song for our current times. (HORRIBLY edited video though, with almost the entire thing being comprised of 3-second clips. Ugh!)

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Thanks, Shrugged, for the great Phil Wickham video—am going to share it.

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Maga Mike is a blessing to our country. Hopefully he does to the Democratic Party what Israel is doing to Hamas.

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A little extreme maybe, but hey sounds great.

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I believe the Democrat party will die of its own actions in a short time. Probably will be replaced with something akin to a more socialist nature.

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MJ is the best thing to come out of Shreveport since the Louisiana Hayride. Elvis has left the building, but Mike is just getting warmed up.

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Good one.

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I LOVE the calliope music!! What a perfect soundtrack to the current White House!!! Maybe they can play it in the background of every W.H. presser with Kringe. She looks like calliope music should be her backdrop!!

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🤡🤡🤡 Democrats, the Clown Party 🤡🤡🤡

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*But they are also evil.

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Yes, appropriate musical background to this pitiful, illegitimate regime. But there for leadership, not a clown show. I cannot name anyone in this administration deserving of any respect at all.

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I agree. Not a SINGLE ONE.

That's probably on purpose since, as it is with remodeling an old house, once you remodel one room you realize in STARK contrast just how dreadful the rest of the house is.

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". . . dreadful . . ."

I like that word. Doesn't get used often enough.

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Admittedly I can't either.

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If you want to see a freak show, look at photos of Biden's administration appointees. God help our country!

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Amen Gail !!

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My only big problem with MJ's notion that "God is the one that raises up those in authority" is how does that explain THE Jew-Hating SQUAD? Unless, perhaps, as with Jungian philosophy, even evil has value, even if only as a foil to encourage goodness to emerge to defeat it, good and hard!

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to be honest, evil always tries to win against God. It may be that God is showing just how evil, evil can be so that we get our acts together.

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You raise an interesting question and perhaps some folks much smarter than me can weigh in. I think the core issue you are asking is why does God allow Satan to exist at all?

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Yes, I guess at the core, it probably comes down to that.

And I have no doubt that it is such a 'Religion 101' question that folks will prolifically weigh in on it.

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The only way for God to crush evil is to take away our free will. In his infinite wisdom (beyond our finite understanding), he has chosen not to do that.

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“He who created us without our help will not save us without our consent.”

--St Augustine

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My Pastor told us that, while Satan is evil incarnate, he's still God's devil. If you read the Book of Job, God wouldn't let Satan do anything to Job that He wouldn't allow. I'm still not able to wrap my mind about God letting Satan do terrible things to Job, particularly, killing his children, to show that Job wouldn't deny Him.

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Herman Wouk wrote very clearly about that in the Novel ‘War and Remembrance’.

I’m too lazy to find the word for word for it but it revolved around the fact that even though Gd replaced his family and material possessions, Job must have still remembered his children that were killed and still mourned them. So even with the Joy of his new family all in all it was a huge net loss to Job!

This portion and the Story of Abraham and Isaac always left me cold!

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Someone asked my Pastor how old Abraham's son, Isaac, was, when Abraham was commanded by God to sacrifice his son. The pastor answered that he was certain that Isaac was not yet in his teens. "Why?" was the question. The pastor said, "Because it wouldn't have been a sacrifice."

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Symmetry? For I'll leave it at that.

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Pharoah was allowed to harden his heart and remain in power.

See also, King Herod.

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If anyone needed to have his wagon fixed one would think it would be Pontius Pilate but real history records nothing untoward happening to him once he left Jerusalem.

See also, rank and file of German Reserve Police Battalion 101

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Job is a difficult book to be understood by human reasoning - I also wonder if there wasn't some error in translation from the original text.

Yet, God looks after His Word, so we may have to accept that there are some things we will never be able to understand as flawed creatures.

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Yes it is, I’m no Biblical Scholar but we studied it in First Year University and it becomes clear that t was added to after the fact and so, if that was the case who know’s about the veracity of anything else. In my, less than accepting, mind if it was true to the original text, it is the passage that paints Gd in the least glorious light!

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You're right. You have to recognize one against the other.

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Well, with our current administration and the worldwide hate and chaos inflicted by their evil, Christians can easily distinguish one from the other.

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Perhaps they have been raised up so all can see their duplicity and evil nature. Just a guess, but who can say?

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Evil has no value, not in a Christian culture at least.

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Evil is merely the perversion of good.

It cannot and does not actually exist on its own.

Like a parasite it requires a host to suck its life from, and pervert it.

In truth, there is only Good.

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...Plenty of room for evil in atheistic cultures, particularly in the socialist/communist cultures as we have seen (Nazi Germany, the USSR, the People's Republic of China, etc.)

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That reminds me of an Old Irish Blessing (internet search engine calls it Irish Curse:

“May those who love us, love us; And for those who don't love us,

May God turn their hearts; And if He doesn't turn their hearts,

May He turn their ankles, So we will know them by their limping.”

― Old Irish Curse

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You must be related to my wife. I swear, she knows every Irish Blessing ever written. After hearing most of them at least once, it baffles me how the Irish don’t run the world. A remarkable country indeed.

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When I asked my dad where "we came from" he told me we were Scots-Irish. That satisfied me for a year or two. I pressed for more information, snotnose kid that I was, are we Scots, or are we Irish? He "emphasized" (he never shouted) that we were Scots-Irish, just like Andrew Jackson! Okay, I just assumed we were royalty, then. That and a dime would get you a cuppa coffee.

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😂😂 My wife is Irish and traces her heritage to John Rolfe who married Pocahontas. I’m German with a touch of Irish and when I tell her that she asks “what percent”? Not sure about these Irish folks. What difference does the percentage make? If you take it out of my heritage tree, it disrupts all that came after. I’ll never understand how they think but they are handy to have around because they have blessings for everything😀. And that’s a good thing for all.

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‘Johnson said, “I don’t believe there are any coincidences. I believe that Scripture, the Bible, is very clear that God is the one that raises up those in authority, he raised up each of you, all of us. And I believe that God has ordained and allowed us to be brought here to this specific moment and time.”’

God does raise up people in leadership to achieve his purposes--the good and the bad. Of course, God’s ways are not our ways nor his thoughts are our thoughts. Knowing that still confuses during bad times as now when every good and decent person, tradition, and institution suffers relentless attack. But then I recall that we are not called to understand his ways. We are called to trust and cast our cares on him--to have faith.

Lately that faith feels like walking in quicksand. But we haven’t sunk yet. Our merciful God hears our prayers and encourages us before our hearts surely would falter.

The examples of Pres. Donald Trump, Speaker Mike Johnson, and Roe being overturned prove God has not abandoned our country altogether to the evil one. I have increasing faith that God will heal our land (II Chronicles 7:14).

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May God guide us in defeating HAMAS and the evil it represents.

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And may God protect the innocents around the world from islam’s savage barbarism.

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You are among millions my friend>

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I’ll hold my judgement for a while… been too disappointed too many times…Crenshaw, Pence, Barr come to mind. Where is Rience Preibus at these days

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Sorry Pence should not have been a surprise. He was my Gov. He sucked then too, just less than his opponent. Crenshaw was a huge disappointment. He hid his true colors well.

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Crenshaw is as much a Texan as was HW, and is W - Crenshaw would be much more at home in Colorado.

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Yeah but when he first got to congress he talked a really really good game, then a couple yrs later it fell apart.

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"...when he first got to congress he talked a really really good game..."

Undoubtedly, but with the benefit of hindsight one can conclude he likely never had the courage of conviction to walk the walk.

He's become the poster child for term limits.

He's in a safe RINO district in the Houston (which rivals Austin as a haven for liberals) area - I think - so he'll likely never have a primary challenge from anyone to the right of him.

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Here's what we have to look forward to, Tex: Is the future of America in Texas? Dallas, Houston and Austin are poised to replace New York City, Los Angeles and Chicago as the largest cities in the US ... but not for another 77 years. Will we be just as blue?

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It doesn't have to be - if the people of Texas can continue to make their voices heard, and overcome the Texas GOP's perceived obligated fealty to the Bush Klan and have Texas reclaim its sovreignty and leave the Union, we could get a fresh start with an entirely new system of minimalist republican government, and build a wall around Austin.

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Maybe, PM.

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Mike Pence is a squish.

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I too am reserving my praise. Not sure House GOP have gotten the message yet. Politics as usual are dead with the voter. They better get serious and start with a hard budget line.

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I hope so. Johnson funding Israel but pulling the money from the IRS is a good start. I hope it flys.

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Probably mowing lawns.

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“But there’s always room for Jell-O and anti-Semitism."

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Catchy, yes, but how horrible.

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If we deported all the woke university sociology departments, history departments, gender studies departments, DEI mafia, the media, and idiotic billionaire leftist to the countries where all their communist and islamofascist heroes come from, this country would turn around in about two weeks. The weakest, most dishonest, dumbest people in the land are running the show. It’s like watching a slow motion train wreck and we are all on the train. As usual they turn every single thing they touch to garbage. They whine and moan over imaginary crimes and create monsters out of thin air. Since when does being a Christian make you the enemy in the USA? These are a bunch of degenerate Commies. Whatever they call themselves is irrelevant. Climate commies, trans commies, black lives commies, all the same stuff. And bad for America and bad for ALL Americans.

I hope Mr. Johnson is a decent, practical, and principled man who cares about this country and has the testicular fortitude to fight for what’s right. Courage is contagious. Let’s see some.

Trump 2024

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With you all the way Tanto.

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Thanks, man.

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Just an aside check Quay's op-ed in D. Caller today.

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If the people running the show are the "weakest, most dishonest, dumbest people in the world," then why are they still running the show? I think it's because there's a whole crap-ton more of these people than of the smarter, honest, and strong people.

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Sadly, it's because we tolerate it - we allow it. Far too many of us disengaged when they felt the mocking and ridicule had gone too far and had become too much to fight, so they chose to leave than stand up for themselves, and that in which they believed.

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How bad is the culture rot? This bad: here is Jenn “Circle Back” Psucky demonizing both Johnson & The Bible:


These are your “elites” folks.

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Mike has the msm in full crazy mode.

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Be careful what you wish for, Nankeem.

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Egad! Do these spokesmen really represent you and I in anyway? Hell no. stupid people say stupid things, stupid people do stupid things..... need I continue?

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"Stultus nocere debet" - Latin for "Stupid should hurt."

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Remember, unless you are wearing a cape with a very large “T” on it, you give up your soul when you cross the DC city limits.

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Let's hope he's Clark Kent waiting for a telephone booth to be installed in the House.

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Good one😂

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Don, you were good to the last drop.

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I love coffee but I never looked at him like that. Okay, it's complimentary LOL

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"The Constitution is a document of restraints on the government, not the people."

Indeed - but one would never know that, even if one were to consult scholars of constitutional law.

I know that Levin is an "expert" on the constitution, but I'm not sure even he sees it thusly, given how he's revealed himself to be little more than a GOPe hack ala Newt.

"Professor IUPUI just described the 1950s."

Professor IUPUI (pronounced by some of the locals and a couple of alumni I've known as, "oo-ey pooh-ey") nailed it!

"The clowns in the House DO represent us. But now they are led by [MAGA Mike] and the press is going bonkers."

He just might be the right guy for that reason, alone.

"It is not that he has faith but who he has faith in. His [faith] is a problem to Democrats because of Christianity’s track record of ending tyrannical regimes, beginning with the Romans."

Yep - as if the immediately preceding wasn't enough, he's making all the right enemies.

I barely made it through reading NPR's account without vomiting - I couldn't copy and paste any of it without doing so...

"But the record shows Johnson’s ascent was no accident. It was the culmination of a deliberate series of moves aimed at positioning himself for greater power."

This just shows what the reporter doesn't know. MAGA Mike did no such thing.

What he's done is exhibit wisdom - in demonstrating leadership, he's proven himself not only shrewd, but dangerous in the right way to all the right people.

"I thank Bouie for the good news."

As do I - the revolution that Trump unleashed must succeed his presence, and endure after he's no longer with us, here. If the kids can be standard bearers, all the better, but it must not depend on one man, or even several - it must rather perpetuate itself on the ideals of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness with government severely and appropriately constrained.

"'...House Republicans want to pay for emergency aid to Israel by cutting funding to the IRS, teeing up a collision with the White House and Democrat-controlled Senate over how to support a key U.S. ally.'"

In the same way Trump's emergence exposed the rotten culture of the status quo: the unholy alliance between the deep state, the GOPe, the Political, Corporate and Donor Classes, and the propaganda apparatus; MAGA Mike's leadership is exposing the true undocumented Democrats in the senate.

I'd love to believe that Buffering Cocaine Mitch "The Turtle" McConnell might be able to read the writing on the wall, but I fear he'll retain his leadership of the caucus in the senate until he has to be carried out.

"I pray that Garcia is right."

Me, too!

Re: today's poll - the inventors of MAGA Mike aren't dumb - nor are they stupid - that they have unwittingly provided what they believe to be a moniker of derision and ridicule that is actually high praise is just the product of a myopic hatred of MAGA and the man who represents it.

No, the dumbest people are queers for palestine.

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Perhaps the MAGA senators can prevent the turtle’s handpicked successor (John Thule) from taking over. Maybe they’ve learned from their house colleagues.

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Perhaps, but how many ARE there, really?

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Maybe Johnson's election will bring some more good men and women out of the shadows of the DC swamp.

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More than last week, I'll wager, Tex.

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I doubt it.

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"The Constitution is a document of restraints on the government, not the people."

Indeed - but you'd never know that, even if you consult scholars of constitutional law.”

Be encouraged, NFT. There are more experts--real experts in Con Law--not political activist hacks--who know the Constitution restrains government and not citizens.

Many of those rightly-educated experts work overtime and at some risk to educate people in positions that affect the next generations from high school teachers to Ph.Ds, and yes, even lawyers.

These experts have been and continue to be trained in “anti-woke, anti-globalist apologetics” to answer and correct the evil arguments against our Constitution. True there are fewer good people in that camp and the movement is not as well funded, but once there were only Twelve Disciples, too.

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Hillsdale College !!

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Hillsdale College is one of many institutions of higher learning too numerous to list here that rightly educate the next generation of conservative leaders.

Did you know that Hillsdale is expanding its Washington, DC campus? I understand that they are making new hires to expand their programs and support to the conservatives working in DC.

One goal is to increase the presence of a stronger, louder conservative voice in the Swamp.

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Fabulously stated!

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Levin is so angry all the time he is loosing focus. Hard to differentiate between Levin pushing a book or pushing his thoughts sometimes.

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Faux rage and anger has been the fuel for his radio program since he's been on the air. He traffics in doom, gloom, and despair - he offers no hope.

Rush was no less capable of showing us the enormity of the reality we were/are facing, but he demonstrated how faith and optimism can prevail over the darkness of despair.

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