I, a lifelong night owl, now get up every morning at 6am to read your blog. At 74. Wow. My constant prayer is for you to live longer than me.

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I trust you are in central time.

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Excellent summary, Don. That is just sick about the Social Security Disability awards for depression. That should get alot more news coverage.

And thank you, also, for always making me laugh out loud--my favorite line today was: "What theory? The theory of Clapping Hard To Save Tinker Bell?"

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I had to change my name on my SSN card. Sat in the waiting room at the local office (pre-scamdemic) for an hr or so. While there I sat and listened to at least 3 conversations groups talking about what they needed to tell the SS reps so they could get disability. Ranged from Bi-polar to depression. Made me sick at heart. Meanwhile a friend's son has 13% heart function and they are trying to kick him off.

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The more people the disabilty cadre at the SSA can rope onto the federal teat, the more they can justify themselves in their own minds.

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I haven't watched any of that hateful old man's speeches since he was inaugurated. My blood pressure is high enough already.

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In a previous life I investigated life and health insurance claims for fraud.

As a rookie I was sent on "annuitant checks" that's looking up someone who's been on worker comp for so long there are questions of whether a relative is cashing the checks or continued disability. Visiting dozens of people who have been collecting disability checks for decades was educational in the way intended. Seeing one after another who went out with, say, a back injury who now has diabetes, heart disease, depression and over-medication issues puts a fellow in the right frame of mind to go catch people faking it.

Disability payment are a trap. I am certain the UBI being touted will be the same or worse. Imagine millions of people with nothing better to do than demand more $$$ and better drugs. Social metastatic growth.

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I am still laughing at the clip above, with Bidumb stumbling, due to the bombardment of satellite balloons. You made my day. AGAIN!! HAHAHAHAHAH.

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So am I

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Yes, Don you are correct. It's deep state interference, now a bigger threat than Russia! And aren't China and the deep state and the military co-operating since Thoroughly Modern Gen. Milly said he would give China a heads up about a U.S. attack. Some of this would make Orwell blush. It's usually the enemies from within that cause the greatest harms because they act through stealth. You are also correct to point out that Brandon is 10-0 in winning elections. That's amazing for a stupid but evil grifter. He has cunning down to an art. I didn't watch Brandon last night and chose a nighttime French soap opera instead. It gave me more comfort. I watched a few clips this morning and the ones with Brandon yelling and not making much sense made me think of Beavis of Beavis an Butthead fame. He certainly is an elderly Beavis. On the face of it, it's all pretty discouraging but like I always try to say: Tomorrow is another day to fight.

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Interesting that you honed in on Brandon being 10-0 in winning elections, too, LuAnn. That caught my eye when I first read it this morning, and has been in the back of my mind since. It just seems hard to fathom that Biden could be both so stupid and yet have that winning streak. I am now thinking it has less to do with any cunning or grifting ability on Biden's part, and more shows that "amiable dummies" are actually quite valuable / desirable in our political system to behind-the-scenes manipulators.

Am thinking Eric "Fang Fang" Swalwell is another perfect example. Heck, maybe Swalwell is just a younger Joe Biden, and will someday be our President as well !!!!!

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And on another note, LuAnn, I always appreciate your comments like the one above, about choosing "a nighttime French soap opera instead; it gave me more comfort". They make me smile, and gives ME comfort to know that other people are out there who also are dismayed by the things that are happening, and to hear the various ways they keep their sanity and cope, haha! It does indeed feel like we're a community, and I value all the commentators here for being a part of it. And Don for being such a gracious leader of our "community".

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Lovely words, TeaPart Gal. God bless you.

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I still think he is quite cunning. Look at his attacks on people such as Robert Bork.

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Don, Don, Don. Now you know Google won’t let you call perverts "perverts".

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Thing is the past is 10 months old. Not the swiftest people, these googly censors

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Unintended consequences perhaps. I have been following Highlights for years. I thought I would miss them, and I do, but the new longer daily posts are edgier, informative, and even more satisfying.

Thank you.

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With this format we are still part of the Surber community.

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Sorry, can’t vote on the state of the union. I did’t watch it. Did not watch it during Marxist Obama’s Marxist transformation nor during Marxist Biden’s reign of terror!

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Appreciate all you do Don!!

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Since I caught the high (low) lights of the stupid unity speech with the Marines and Devil background, I have not even checked the highlights of the speeches. I only watched the first of Obamas. Makes me too depressed.

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Uhhhhh yeaaaaaah. Another excellent post. Now about those TPS reports.

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Halleluyah - Maybe!

I think I may be able to comment!

You are the best, Don Surver, and your commentators are the next best!!!

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The similarities between 2023 United States of America and Mad Max beyond Thunderdome Bartertown are becoming more apparent. Compare Biden and Kamala Harris to Bartertown’s master/blaster and Auntie Entity. And yet the justice system in Bartertown was much faster...”Bust a deal... face the wheel.

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My votes was, " I wouldn't say I 'missed' it. Ignored would be the better word.

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Don I miss hotn but must agree you are nailing it with your posts.Please continue to pleasure your comunity and thank you.

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