Regarding the Space Force, I believe the Space Force should be administered from space. Round up a payload of Democrats and send them to the launch pad. Shoot the goons to the moon..

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Michael Crichton wrote a book called "State of Fear" which was about American eco-terrorists and it ended with the eco-terrorists being dropped off in the Amazon Rain Forest with nothing other than their clothes to be left 'communing' with Gaia they purported to love. A glorious ending for the dipshits. Same with your suggestion.

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Actually, that's Rainbow Six by Tom Clancy. State of Fear was another eco-thriller; the eco-terrorists in State of Fear wind up getting killed by the good guys at the end. Both good books, by the way.

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If he were still alive, I’d vote for Michael Creighton as VP. I LOVED his creativity, intelligence, and his writing.

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Totally agree. Brilliant guy.

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Harvard Med School Graduate Brilliant

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One way ticket.

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To the moon, Alice. To the moon!

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Washington, D.C. in 2023 is Paris in 1787. The White House is now The Tuilleries. Joe Biden is Louis XVI and his consort, "Dr." Jill is Marie Antoinette. The Capitol and its denizens are the new Versailles and Royal Court. The stage is set. Should we expect The Terror to commence any time soon?

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Yes, we should. They absolutley can not allow Trump back into the White House. He's the embodiment of the worst existensial threat they've ever seen. And they know 100% for sure he will be no more mister nice guy. They fear him. He's risking his life, his fortune and his sacred honor on our behalf. I think of him as our re-foundng father. The big challenge is to make them also fear us. Voting may not be enough. To say 2024 will be an interestng year is a massive understatement.

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I think the coming year will bring what the Chinese call, "interesting times"...

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2024 will be giving us a life time of events. just three years ago i though that of 2020 but what's coming will dwarf history. tactical nukes in ukraine? israel squaring off with turkey and iran? ford bankruptcy from ev's? a couple of assassinations? millions pouring into texas from mexico and kalifornia? our first female president?

got to stock up on popcorn.

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Stocking up on ammo might be a wiser choice.

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Voting could become a difficult outing. Will ANY communities begin to prepare for potential issues to arise?

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THEY DO Fear US, we the MAGAdonians. President Trump is our chosen weapon.

We chose him; he didn't choose us.

Every tyrannical move they make is their reaction to the fear they experience because they know there are more of us than of them. They cannot have us practicing our God-Given Rights because they know that what they have to offer is a lose-lose situation. So, they have no other choice but to use tyranny to control the people. Typical 3rd World Shit-Hole Tyrannical Power.

They KNOW MAGA is winning, winning, winning. They are panicking, panicking, panicking.

I'm not tired of winning, are you?

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God chose Trump back in about 2008 via prophesy of Kim Clement.

Trump is God's modern David

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Lots of people are calling for a ‘Black Swan’ event sometime in ‘24, Steve. I believe it. The d-rats have caused so much to go wrong in the country that many of them will probs wind up in Jail if T gets in and they’re not about to let that happen. ‘The Terror’? How about WW3 or Martial law!

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It is hard to believe the damage caused in less than three years. And there is still over one year left for Xiden’s handlers to unleash even more destruction upon us.

Should Donald Trump win (he will only lose due to cheating), the Black Swan will occur between the election and January 20, 2025.

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SL, I have to differ with that. I think they’ll pull the pin way before the election so as to cancel it under the guise of ‘changing administrations in the middle of a crisis’…

I bet it starts as soon as it gets warm enough for blm and antifa to start spending time in the streets for long periods comfortably. And that means plans and logistics are happening now. What do the Sig-Int agencies know and aren’t telling us!

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i hate it that you're making so much sense. i live 25 miles from downtown flint and i fear i am too close.

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You better ammo up boy…better to have one and not need it…

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no doubt. i have my ammo and weapon of choice exactly where i want it. i know how to use it and although it's been over five decades since i've watched men die, i believe i still have the fortitude to do what is necessary.

tally ho.

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They are going to try something. Covid II won’t work. Let’s see. Maybe the Chicago riots during their convention will be the spark.

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No Covid 2 they tried to release Marburg virus and it failed. Suspect the arms that were left in Afghanistan, by design, probably are making their way to the United States to be used by all of the military aged men who have crossed the border illegally. This probably will occur sometimes in October 24. Then Mr. Biden can declare martial law and have no election. The problem with bringing in your own Brown shirts is you won’t be able to control them.

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I remember '68... order popcorn and beer

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All of the rats are building bunkers. What do they know?

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I've heard that Mark Zuckerberg is finishing a "Y-U-U-U-G-E" secret underground compound in Hawaii, much to the ire of the Hawaiian natives...

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How's that working for Hamas?

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I guess Mark has to watch out for the Israelis ("the J-O-O-O-Z ! - the J-O-O-O-Z !")

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All these people with bunkers are idiots. Are they gonna live like rats and cages for the next 200,000 years. I think not.

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...How about "Civil War 2.0" as depicted in Kurt Schlichter's "Kelly Turnbull" novels? I've read them all.

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These tyrants, being led by the Lawfare experts, are not as strategically brilliant as they would have any one believe.

Every thing that is being done is not working. Their actions, cause reactions that lead to more and more names to be revealed and actions exposed.

Think of what we have learned and verified since 2020.

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You are unfair to Marie Antoinette. Jill Biden is nothing like her. Marie Antoinette cared for the people of France. When she said "Let them eat cake" she was helping them. There was a major shortage of ordinary bread which was what the ordinary people ate. "Cake" was a high-class bread normally only sold to the wealthy. She wanted to let the ordinary people to have it so they would not starve.

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Yes, I am aware of the conflict in that regard, but she serves as a convenient foil for our current players. And although the meaning of her alleged comment, " Qu'ils mangent du gâteau" has been variously interpreted by historians, it is likely she never even said it. It is like so many "famous quotations" attributed to historical figures that were placed in their mouths by others, often years after the fact. Nonetheless, I think you agree with the tenor of my post, n'est ce pas, mon ami?

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Where do you plan to set up the guillotine?

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I think it’s more like The Hunger Games. And we all know how that ended.

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or the original "Battle Royal" watched parts I & II last night on Prime via Freevee channel.

Better than Hunger Games

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How can people like George Soros, (and now his son who not only inherits his father's hatred for our country, but amps it up several notches), continue to exist in our country? We need to thin the herd. Eliminating them would be a good start.

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Several other countries have kicked Soros out due to him manipulating their currencies to cause an economic crash. Hungary was one of them. Unfortunately he has the uni-party tied up with donations. We need to kick him out of the US for all the stuff he has done here. He (and his son) make money of chaos. And chaos is best caused by high crime, low prosecution and lawlessness.

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Not sure kicking him out is what the Jester had in mind.

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Probably not but evil propagates and we dont need a trust with unscrupulous lawyers loyal to the cause taking up a martyrs' trust. lol, I have gotten paranoid and read a sci-fi where a corporation of lawyers were worse than the crime lord that started the conflict was..... The lawyers' were 'just fulfilling their contract' at all costs.

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Lots of evil people in country today. They have been here forever. What is different today is that a political party allows someone like Soros to use our own laws against us. People say Soros is doing it because he hates this country but Im not buying it. There is something else going on we just don’t see yet.

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Long argument for re-electing Donald which only barely mentioned him.

Lots of higher priorities for the first day (freeing/pardoning Jan 6ers), first month (changing the one-way sign on border from north to south), and first year (de-wussifying our military, rebuilding our police force, and reparations for J6ers, purged cops and soldiers, and making a substantial down payment on ridding us of illegal border-crossers)

But to do all these things Don wants done, would be great, even if only accomplished by 2028.

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Four years will be a good start if the lousy dems stop the lawfare and circus clown side shows, but it will take at least 10 years to get the roots of these issues fixed under the best of circumstances.

Four years is a good start.

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I would add firing 3/4 of government employees, closing down most of the agencies and moving the remaining ones out of DC to various places around the country. But none of any of it will happen if the demonicrats keep the senate and possibly take the house back. Even if the republicans take over both, they are not likely to assist Trump at all, just like last time.

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Agree with moving them out of DC. But not near me, thank you. NIMBY for these lazy liberal slackers.

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The Arctic Refuge they so dearly love we cant drill in would be a fine office for all alphabet agencies to rotate through in ten year stints.

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Thank you, Marlan! I believe that being encased in ICE may help to bring down the Blood Pressure. Plus, all that beautiful scenery is good for the troubled mind. Sounds like a winner.

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A worthy list but not doable in four years even by Clint Eastwood.

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It's a long recovery period from this illness we have. The Trumpster has to fix the election cheating first. If that's all he accomplishes in four years it will be felt for generations. We just can't continue this way. With proper voting security the "silent majority" will opt for the right things.

BTW: I've always wondered who is in charge of the cheating training. All these cheaters can't be working on their own. The FBI has to have a handle on who's running the program. We need Elliot Ness more than ever.

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Wondered the same- there’s definitely training involved, and orders issued of some kind by someone(s) somewhere.

We need spies, whistleblowers, and generally super brave people willing to rat out and expose these traitors.

It’s clear out own government so-called representatives aren’t doing a thing about addressing it. They are part of the problem.

It’s up to Joe/ Jane Citizen to do the work now - a lot of Joe and Jane citizens, like a well formed militia of them!

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For the definitive take on how our elections have been corrupted, see Mollie Hemingway’s https://www.amazon.com/Rigged-Media-Democrats-Seized-Elections/dp/168451259X/

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Yes, Molly was so proud, she just had to brag about their successful fortification!

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Agreed. Ness would be good but we need the character played by Sean Connery in the movie. He knew how to get things done!

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or....since Elliot Ness is an unavailable character, I think President TRUMP is going to do a wonderful job.... with the intelligent assistance of MOST AMERICAN CITIZENS AND OUR AMAZING MILITARY, THE REAL MILITARY.

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I pray you are right .

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No doubt. But he must hit hard and hit fast anyway

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No disagreement there for sure. But this rot has been coming for decades and it will take twice as long to fix it. What has to change is how the country views itself and the direction it is heading. The media has a lot to do with this as they keep this divide going for clicks and revenue. Alternate media needs to ramp up and get very vocal about the mess we are in and start calling out people for wrong-headed positions. It's too bad Superman isn't available.

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Reddog ,they say those who ignore history are doomed to repeat.

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Then there is a lot of ignoring going on today,eh?

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But, Chuck Norris could do it with one hand tied behind his back.

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Clint Eastwood is amazing, but HAVE YOU SEEN OUR PRESIDENT TRUMP IN ACTION?????? I will continue to place my money on President Donald John Trump...it will NOT take him 4 years.

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Bring back "Father Knows Best" and watch progressive heads explode.

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I voted for the Waltons because it was everything the left hates - rural, nuclear family, lots of kids, strong male figures, dicipline, working hard and making do without government handouts, helping neighbors and the community, white.

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Also bring back kindly, patient, house calling " Marcus Welby, MD"!

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Rawhide. Close vote over Bishop Sheen.

Westerns were good over evil. We can’t have too much of that. Bishop Sheen is good over evil too.

We need more religion in this country, but the haters that need to watch will never watch Bishop Saheen. The tipping point is Clint Eastwood. Some pagan haters may watch Eastwood and Rawhide and learn.

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The bishop's cape impressed me as a kid. We are Protestants but we like Catholics (two sisters converted and several relatives are).

I don't think Clint Eastwood could do his old role. Maybe he could be the cook

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I agree, Eastwood is too long in the tooth now - too bad - but that's happening to a bunch of us!

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oh yeah, Rawhide, and all the John Wayne movies. Dirty Harry. And the Sacketts. The Louis Lamour books were wonderful but only a couple got made to movies.

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Amen Boys…no more of an expert on movies than Martin Scorsese (I believe) said of John Wayne, ‘He taught us how to act like Men’…

Just so!

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those days are over chuck. new world order now has women large and in charge. no old b/w movies to be found showing white men as good guys. that's just woke.

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Spot on Don (Sorry)

When I was searching for the quote on Wayne, I had to pass up reading these two gems…

-How John Wayne became a hollow masculine icon

-John Wayne, The man that never was


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he would have been maga and trumpster.....that's why they don't like him. too alpha.

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As you say, Space Command isn't about national security, it's about graft, power, and control. Like most all federal agencies, it will be used against uniparty critics at some point, and as a jobs program for DEI hires like Gay at Harvard and the millions of others who are not talented, bright, honest, or competent, but who represent certain preferred groups and who are good Part members, willing to say or do whatever they are told.

Danny Huckabee

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The federal government exists today as the largest jobs program in history. The reason the Dems love big government is the same reason very large cities are Dem controlled. The Dems know that people who are beholding to the federal government or that depend on government services everyday tend to vote Dem. It’s a racket.

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That's what this invasion is all about! It's "The Great Replacement Theory" put into practice as the Lib/Commies play the "long" game.

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Your nailed it in a previous column Mr Surber: Democrats destroy everything they get their filthy hands on. They don’t build anything except dependency. They only know how to destroy, deconstruct, & ruin.

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" (with bi-partisan support)" What this means is Democrats and RINOs. Mainntaining the appearance of so-called bi-partisan support is one of the functions of the RINO crowd. Anything to avoid interrupting the gravy-tain looting of the National Treasury.

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Nailed the survey! This is what excites me now. So sad. 😂

We have to get back to basics. That doesn’t mean abandoning common sense or advances in technology. It does mean trimming the fat. There’s so much waste, fraud, and abuse in government. We could easily balance the budget and eliminate our national debt in a decade by right sizing government. We’d have to fire a few million people who do nothing. We would be the powerhouse that we know we can be. Of course easier said than done when you factor in politics and its accompanying crooks and morons.



I think we do need to be cognizant of the battle Space. See what I did there? But I agree that every time you add a bureaucracy, 10000 lobbyists get their Land Rovers. And I do not like that blowhard Rogers. He’s a swamp RINO from way back. The space warfare effort could be handled by the Air Force, which should be able to fly explosive things, even outside of the atmosphere.

SWAT is a good thing to have, but Don is right again in two senses. We need basic policing functions to protect life and property, and excess militarization of police is not good for our freedoms. If you create teams of commandos, you get commando policing. And all the agencies that have SWAT teams are ridiculous. The Dept. of Education can’t teach anybody to spell, but they have SWAT.

Not enforcing the law leads to anarchy. We’re seeing it all over in big cities. It’s not an accident. It’s a plan. Learn how to safely handle a firearm or three.

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Learn to dredge.

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swat teams are at the ready for when martial law is presented as the new world order.

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Good morning, all.

No Star Trek in the poll? Dear me...Firefly, maybe? No? Oh, well...

I simply thought that since the subject involved space...never mind.

I grew up on the space program. Dad had me out of bed and watching launches with the beginning of the Mercury shots. From then on, I never looked back; always up. Until the Kenyan decided that NASA needed to be a Muslim Outreach division of .gov, I never considered the money involved as badly spent. Even after that, in my opinion the new telescopes, Mars exploration, all of that, more than justifies the amount. The more we learn about Outside, the more we can figure out about ourselves.

In respect to our local folks who sport serious battle rattle when confronting dangerous naughty persons...tough call. Obviously every situation is different. Trying to get your enemies killed by calling in a hoax, that results in a crew of the good "bad" boys arriving on their doorstep in full cry, that, my friends, is pre-meditated attempted murder. Apparently that gives the caller a thrill. Not sure how to fix this one, given that the tech for tracking the little sh*t responsible is probably not being used on people like that...

Regarding crime in Blueville, what is the protect-and-serve crowd to do, in areas where the AGs and local leaders are running a revolving door in respect to crime? They know damned well that John Q. Criminal is going to be back on the streets before the paperwork is even started, so why bother? Well, sometimes the solution presents itself:

I recently saw a video where a knucklehead was out in traffic, holding back traffic and yelling some nonsense; suddenly, from behind him, a citizen rolls in with what looks like an oversized broomstick and cracks him across the back of his thighs. Perp screams like a little girl, goes into flight mode, and gets whacked at least twice again before he can run away(wailing). Ahhh. Brought a smile to my face.

I endorse that approach. Hmm...pretty sure I need something from the local hardware supply...

Have a great day, everyone!

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Don, sadly I must disagree with your conclusion. Space command is needed. Otherwise who will fight the Klingons in 200 years? Where will James T Kirk work? Starfleet needs a beginning...

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It isn't that the Space Force would be needed at some point, it's that the US Air Force would be largely unneeded and that's the rub. So instead of morphing the AF into the SF, they just created another redundant service. Empire building at its core.

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The Space Force was always a scam. Once experts looked at the issue carefully, few thought we needed another service. Most military experts believed future wars would be fought in space. That meant that the US Air Force as we know it today would become largely unnecessary. Can't have all those O9-O12 billets going away now can we. So to protect themselves, the Air Force "reluctantly" pushed the Space Force. But this is how big government grows after all. It isn't complicated, it's just politics.

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The premise that that the Air Force would become “unnecessary” were there to be a Space Force is patently absurd. Just because you may need to shoot down an armed satellite in space doesn’t mean you don’t have to still use an F16 or Stealth bomber or whatever to attack targets here on earth.

I believe a so-called “Space Force” is an avenue of technology that should definitely have some kind of R&D in place, as other unfriendly countries are working on (if they haven’t already), sending satellites armed with lasers into space potentially capable of disabling our own satellites. That would be devastating for a whole range of reasons.

That being said, it should not be created as an entire new military branch. It just makes more sense in having that area of technological study, etc. to be incorporated directly into the Air Force branch for obvious reasons.

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Our spy agencies are as good at finding the hoax callers as they were searching for Ray Epps. Don't want to .Great expose of pigs at a trough wanting more and more national debt be damned.Lead on Poca-Man and we are winning slowly but surely.MAGA vote is getting stronger daily as bidet vacays more and more/handlers cant have him free lancing words ala VP Harris,gibberish.Wagons ho !!

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It would be interesting to hear the recordings of those 911 calls they claim to be receiving. Has anybody? Have even the victims gotten to hear them?

And don’t the police have caller ID?

Don’t the police/SWAT know the home addresses of their own Mayors before they head out door with guns ready?

What questions do the Dispatchers ask these perps when they call?

It all sounds too ridiculously easy to get the cops instantly all in a flurry, it makes the Key Stone cops look like Rhodes Scholars!

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It was reported that MTGs hoaxer was i,d.ed /as a man in Rome N.Y. first name Brian.Surely the fbi can trace him/sarc.

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Are they sure his name wasn’t “Brandon”?

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Well that was interesting about Marilyn Monroe's first husband. Except it came from NPR. That organization is as bad a boodoggle at Space Command, except it doesn't get government funding at the same outlandish rate.

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