Too bad this post isn't going to go mainsteam as it may open some eyes. We are living in real time the goals of communist moles in the USA from the 40s and 50s. The job was usurping the schools ,media and government which they appear to have done quite well. RR slowed them but the next 12years were napalm on a bonfire. PDJT tried his best but ,was stabbed in the back by his own party slowing his agenda,yet he gave us a growing economy,energy independence,low unemployed more border security beefed up world respect for American values. Re-elect PDJT a third time and watch the left go nutsier as SURBERVILLES spring up across the Nation.Lead on Poca-Man to a MAGA 2024 win too big to rig.

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A now deceased member of my family once declared, "I hate communists worse than the devil hates holy water!"

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And the worst kind of Commies...are those who do not even know that Communism is the philosophy they are empowering.

The SWIFTIES(vapid young women-largely bi-sexual and Hamas defenders/lovers) will bring about the end of all. They have already destroyed young MEN. . It wasn't hard to predict, if you were raising boys to be men in the 1990's-2000's. Or were coming of age when they offered our generation THE MAGIC PILL(FREE LOVE/FREE ABORTIONS) what that would bring forth. Marx would be so proud of all his children-they truly have have dethroned G-d.

Those of us who don't live in Year Zero...recall this man and his predictions:

Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov, KGB defector defected to Canada in 1970. Soviet plan to undermine the U.S., not on the battlefield but in the psyche of the American public.


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nicely said

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Sort of like a bunch of anti-Starnesvilles. I like it.

*drafts msg to Don to discuss franchise opportunities*

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It may. Don has been getting almost 3 or more posts a week linked on Whatfinger and frequently on CFP.

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Let us hope and pray it does.

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Being an E-Van-Jelly-Cow, I’m unfamiliar with the beatified saints. But if you’d have given us a blank to fill in, I would have written Jill St. John.

My favorite biblical person is Abraham, who personified absolute trust in the Lord God.

If one who lived a long and fruitful life w/o dying a martyrs death, yet still suffered tremendously, can nevertheless qualify as a martyr- my favorite is Frederick Douglas.

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I'm a born and raised Missouri Synod Lutheran but I do have a favorite saint: Father Maximilian Kolbe. He was beatified by Pope Paul VI in 1971 and canonized in 1982 by Pope John Paul II in 1982. He was a prisoner in Auschwitz during World War II. When a prisoner escaped, the guards gathered a group of prisoners to be starved to death as a warning to the others. When Father Kolbe discovered that a prisoner in the group had a wife and children, he took the man's place. Father Kolbe was the last of the group to die; he was finished with an injection of carbolic acid. The man who was replaced by Father Kolbe survived Auschwitz and the war and lived long enough to attend Father Kolbe's canonization. I tear up when I talk about the Father's martyrization.

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Douglass - as he spelled it - has two S's on the end. Good nomination, though. He was a brave man in the face of real racism - not this woke, deep fake stuff today.

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I should have remembered that. I’m rereading his Life and Times ….., which I first read during my short stint (1.5 yr) in a Federal Prison Camp. It was one of the 75 other inspiring books I read in there. (If you’re getting thrown in the Briar Patch, it helps to be Br’er Rabbit)

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Best your time incarcerated by the Feds, is an interesting story!

The thing I most appreciate about Frederick Douglass is his integrity. He called balls and strikes as he saw them. For example, tho he was justly celebrated and feted about the North, he boldly pointed out that as late as 1863, NYC was North America’s largest slave market, with, if I recall correctly Boston being a close 2nd. Something gutsy to say, when all enmity on that subject was officially directed South.

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Bet, not best …🤷🏻‍♂️

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Lloyd, Very interesting, from beginning to end. Had every intention of writing a book, but when I got home and started working on it, esp’ly when rereading the trial transcripts, it was simply too depressing. Somewhat ashamed I couldn’t fight through it, but it just wasn’t worth it.

Since you mentioned balls and strikes, one of my tensest moments (but in hindight, very funny) was umpiring a softball game (2 team league) and almost starting a prison riot when I invoked the infield fly rule.

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Did you ever get to see Song of the South before it was banned in the US? I sent to England to acquire a DVD copy. One of my grandsons watched it with me and declared it was "racist." I just told him that was how it was back then. But the movie was based on a fictional story. The nerve of that teacher who taught him that. Son's children were thereafter were home schooled.

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"Jill St. John"

Diamonds are Forever, my friend.


Squirrely Gay Bad Guy Fake Sommelier #2 (or maybe it was #1): "I'm sorry. Our cellar is poorly stocked with clarets."

Bond: "Mouton Rothschild _is_ a claret."


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Ditto on which Saint is which, is Mother Teresa one? As in Ecclesiastes 9, in America we can still seize life and live it to the fullest. Share it every day.

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Indeed, living a full, happy and moral life is what tyranny despises more than anything.

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Yes she is, as is St. John Paul II who helped, along with Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan, to break up the Soviet Union.

I chose St.Michael because he fought Satan and threw him out of heaven. There is a Catholic prayer to St. Michael which I say every day…

St. Michael the archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. Oh, Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander the world seeking the ruin of souls.

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We say it at the end of mass every time. He's a busy archangel these days I would bet.

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Amen, Plays.

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Speaking of martyrs, family units are in the news. The Walz family gathered for a group photo to give Tim a collective finger by wearing Trump tee-shirts. The Kennedy’s banded together and bitched about Bobby quitting the presidential race to join the Trump campaign. Thanksgiving dinners this year promise to be all out wars. When attending, remember to wear a helmet ... and bring a knife.

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Never bring a knife to a gun fight. :-) But it is better to bring the sword of The Spirit. (Hebrews 4:12)

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you never bring a knife to a gun fight

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Military rule #1. When going to a fight bring a friend. Bring lots of friends.

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That means obamanation was lying! It would be news if he ever told the truth!

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Avoid such malignant Thanksgiving crowds until they get the message. The press media pukes fan the flames to emphasize the fun in dysfunctional Families. One must question such behavior very carefully and consider whether to participate or celebrate privately.

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The powers that are still in charge may decide to up-tick "covid" or some such malady in order to destroy our two best holidays. They'd then put a big fat ugly BAN on getting closer than 6 feet apart.

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Take tissues for the AWFLS and their backers.

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Indeed, what this country and all of Western Civilization needs is a Christian revival in order to return to a moral and rational way of living. Celebrating human life rather than deprecating it and making it subservient to something like Gaia.

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Indeed! No Jesus - no peace. Know Jesus - know Peace.

The Church, like the country, is under massive assault from without and within.

A grand Revival is needed.

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Those that would follow Jesus must take up the cross (of suffering) but may see the Kingdom of God here on Earth and certainly in the afterlife (loose rephrase of Mark 8).

How glorious! One benefit of the current times is to focus our eyes on what is truly important and meaningful.

Thanks for educating us about this saint, Don.

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It is true that underlying the current political battle is a spiritual war. If we are on the side of God, our souls are safe no matter what comes. Many who are currently aligned with the Democratic Party are not yet awake to realize what they have actually affiliated themselves with. It can be an effective prayer for America that our fellow Americans be awakened from the deception and hypnotism that desires to ensnare and consume them.

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I think that many who are currently aligned with the democrat party think it is the same party followed by their forebears, which, obviously it is not. That is the reason many including RFK J and the woman from CA who was a high up in their party, have joined forces with our side

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The Kennedy's of the 60's are more Republican than most Republicans today. This is fact.

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Very true. That's the case with my extended family. In that sense, they are rather innocent. The problem is, they limit their media consumption to the old standards--NY Times, NPR, Washington Post, etc., and have NO IDEA how much those media have been corrupted. And the corrupt Left Media bends over backwards to "not alarm" their white liberal base by suppressing any negative news about the Left and the results of the Left's policies. Many of these 'innocent' liberals would NOT support the Democratic party if they actually saw the same news we're seeing.

But--where they are NOT so innocent, is that the Progressive Left has insinuated itself among Democrats as a substitute for religion. These POLITICALLY innocent liberals are mostly atheist. But the innate human hunger for spirituality still exists. The Left has deliberately exploited this hunger and presented itself as a substitute religion. And then has persuaded them that the Right is "unrighteous"--is stupid and racist. So those liberals then avoid even peeking at heretical Right Media, and continue to live in the bubble of the Left Media.

So this segment of liberals may be POLITICALLY innocent and ripe for red-pilling; but they are not SPIRITUALLY innocent, because they have been seduced to reject actual religion for the false religion of Leftist politics.

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Yes! Liberty Belle beat me to it. I will add, ASTUTE.

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Yes, TPG, we are in a spirtual and civilizational battle.

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Sep 5Edited

Saint Michael the archangel. I am Catholic and St Michael has a very inspirational prayer for strength. Not bad to have in one's arsenal.

As part of my own personal spiritual journey, I subscribed to the Franciscan Saint of the day. Such courageous people as Jan Havlik have been living and abused since 33 AD. The short readings are stunning on so many levels.

Marxists, communists call them whatever villainous name you want, they hate, HATE. They take hate, fear and twist the Truth to fit their agendas of control and power.

Once again the study of history is crucial and critical as many have pointed out. The propagandists WANT you to forget history so that it CAN BE REPEATED.

This perverted encroachment, like a nasty weed or cancer, must be exposed,, removed and disposed.

Great effort today.

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not only do they want us to forget history so it can be repeated, they flagrantly re-write history to fit the narrative of the day, hoping we will fail to notice

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Yes, indeed. I read in the Virginian Pilot/ Ledger Star that right after the former Soviet Union split apart, a few Americans had a brief period of time where they were given access to some of the Cold War Soviet Union records. It was proven that the Rosenbergs were guilty of espionage exactly as charged. I don't recall seeing any sort of apology from the Left for their relentless yapping about their their innocence, have you?

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And also those same revelations during Boris Yeltsin’s under appreciated turn at the helm, proved that the much maligned Sen. Joe McCarthy was correct about so many other Americans being Soviets agents and/or reliable sympathizers. (FDR’s VP Henry Wallace was an active agent!) The big mystery now, for honest historians, is: How did McCarthy know? And what of the many people, whom he accused, but who have not (yet) been shown to have been truly suspect?

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Now it's the Chinese...

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Interesting question--how DID McCarthy know?

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Indeed the rewrites are the greatest sin as they are LIES.

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Always nice to get a COMMENT versus the likes so Thank you for that. I had to edit out the re-writing of history. I would be writing 'books' if I didn't keep watch on brevity. Thx x2

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I chose St. Michael as well and posted his prayer above. It is more important today than it has been in my entire 71 years.

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Spread the Word. Amen

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POLL: If St. Joseph is the father of Jesus, that's why I voted for him. He was a model of faithfulness and discipleship before Jesus had disciples. He was the earthly model of a consistent trustworthy father for our Lord... something sorely needed today.

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Brother Don gets it!

“What’s past is prologue.” - from The Tempest, by W’m Shakespeare.

“The past … It’s not even past.” - W’m Faulkner

“The only thing new in the world, is the history you haven’t read, yet.” - Harry Truman

We are headed down a horribly well worn trail of tears. The further we go, the harder it’ll be to turn back and the less likely we’ll make it, if we try.

This election may very well prove to be an epic landmark along that path - possibly a point of No Return, or a point where American Liberty’s resistance to tyranny is reborn, or even possibly the point where the course was reversed.

But it’s a “General Quarters! All hands on deck!” situation.

It’s not enough to just vote. Send money. Write LTE’s. Put a sign in your yard. A bumper sticker on your vehicle. Attend meetings and rallies. Help a housebound person to vote … Just do more than simply vote, yourself.

And, most important, pray.

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“Those who control the present, control the past and those who control the past control the future.”

― George Orwell, 1984

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Inspiring. Couldn’t answer the poll question because I’m not Catholic & don’t know one of those saints from another. Am a disciple though of The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Just posted on a friend’s FB page last night, encouraging people to come to Christ. It’s later than we all think & the last place one wants to spend eternity is in Hell; which - according to The Bible - is the complete absence of God.

But the upside of giving your life to Christ is His peace will be over you. You will feel different; a peaceful, easy feeling if you will. If your insides are/have been in tempest, they will be calmed. It’s a serenity that I’ve never known nor experienced before.

May His Blessings be upon you all.

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Thank you for the reminder that politics in general, and the upcoming election in specific, are the eternal fights between Good and Evil. The martyring of Jan Havlik is an inspiring example that should personally challenge each of us to re-frame the intensity (and our fears) of this campaign.

I don't know how things will turn out for DJT but I KNOW that God wins in the end. That must be the focus over this chaos.

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A minor point of history: The Rosenbergs were executed by electric chair, not hanged.

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Yes. I was careless. Sorry

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This was your most impactful and informative article to date. I hope it is distributed far and wide. I feel as if our country could move forward and remain free or we could go down in flames under a totalitarian regime. The pundits say we have a system in place that runs the country so impact from either side is minimal. I try to remain hopeful the liberals really don’t want us to fail, they just want to be in control. But sometimes it feels as if the liberals want our country to be gutted and destroyed. This scares the hell out of me.

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There are Liberals, Progressives (Socialists; half-formed spawn of Marx) and Marxists. Within Marxism, there are Leninist/Stalinists, Trotskyites, Maoists and Marxist-Anarchists. In some cases, there are combinations. E.g., BLM leadership are combo Maoist & Marxist Anarchists.

It’s a deep and twisted rabbit hole.

But the least dangerous, except that they are misguided “gateway psychotropics”, are the Liberals.

Forgive me for waxing pedantic. But it’s important to try to differentiate between the puppeteers and the puppets, IMHO.

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I think it's useful to use that breakdown bc part of our efforts should include trying to convince others that this way is better.

For an Honest, Rational Liberal who Debates in Good Faith, I think conversion has the greatest likelihood.

But often a seminal event - ie "mugged by reality" - is often necessary to really break through the resistance.

I think those further left become increasingly more difficult to bring along.

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see what you see

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"Informative" is an overstatement, at best. Don stated some untruths as facts. I listed them in my post, which unfortunately was late.

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I chose St. Mary for my saint's name because there is no better model of motherhood than St. Mary. I begin every morning with this prayer of thanks:

Thank you St. Mary for saying yes.

Thank you St. Joseph for raising Jesus as your own.

Thank you Jesus for your sacrifice for my salvation -- I pray I am worthy of it.

And thank you God for the gift of faith.

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"Then we elected Donald John Trump president and instead of accepting him, the people who run our government spied on him, sued him, impeached him, tried him, attempted to assassinate him and in two weeks will imprison him..."

I pray that does not happen, Don, for this country could blow up like an atom bomb if they dare imprison Trump based on the BS charges. At the very least I think it would guarantee his landslide victory in the election. At the worst we could see a veritable civil war with blood in the streets.

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It seems more likely than not whatever the outcome on Nov 5 th, the running up to the innauguration (if there is one) could be the bloodiest war our country has seen on our soil since the Civil War. I believe that is to be by design. The dismantling of America requires that chaos to tear it the rest of the way down so it can’t be rebuilt.

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I can only pray you are wrong.

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To the Socialist, government IS the religion. Any and all opposition must be crushed. Besides, this gives evil an excuse for immorality in all its glorious forms.

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Thank you for the reminder that " We have freedom of religion in America and waste it every day." IMO, if we are only now starting to pray for our country, we are way behind. The enemy of all that's holy is just waiting for the next virtue to wreck. A wonderful family from Slovakia moved to the US before WWII got going hot and heavy. They were in our neighborhood and our church. No holiday ever came but that the mother of that family would stand and speak of all that America meant to her. By the time I came along, she and my mom were great friends.

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