Kurt Schlichter’s Kelly Turnbull novels describe a civil war that pits Chicago gang-bangers against rednecks who know how to win militarily. The idea of ex-special forces veterans defeating liberals is heartening and also deadly wrong.
The next American civil war — if there is one — will find Americans facing MS-13 and Hamas because the left knows that their boys in Chicago couldn’t hit a barn door. The left is importing its army because the left is well aware that it cannot fight.
Consider the Michael D. Brown riots of 2014 in Ferguson, Missouri. The academic elitists sided with the punk who tried to shoot a cop with the cop’s gun and found out.
A University of Missouri professor whose shout of “I need some muscle over here,” to remove a student journalist from a demonstration sparked an international debate over the limits of protest and a free press, has been fired, the university announced Thursday.
Melissa Click, an assistant professor of communications, was captured on video on November 9 trying, with dozens of others allied with the protesters, to prevent photographers from approaching the protesters’ encampment on the flagship campus in Columbia. When a young man making a video recording identified himself as a journalist, she told him to leave, grabbed at his camera and called out, “Hey, who wants to help me get this reporter out of here? I need some muscle over here.”
Later, it emerged that she had been involved in a confrontation with the police in October, along with students who were trying to block a homecoming parade.
The libs are saying you supply the muscle, we’ll supply the brains.
That won’t work, by the way, because the Muslims and the gang-bangers already have brains and are conning the PhD class. Muslims and gang-bangers hate all westerners, especially liberals. The Queers for Palestinians group should be glad that Israel is leveling Gaza because there will be no tall buildings left for Muslims to toss homosexuals off.
The prelude to a civil war here is playing out in Europe, where Muslims and other Third Worlders have taken over Western civilizations as communist leaders (that is what the World Economic Forum is, folks) demand that European peasants accept these refugees — military age men who do not speak the language, do not respect the culture and do not share the religion.
Muslim men unaccompanied by women led to surges in rape in Germany, in Sweden, in France, and elsewhere. The concern in the papers is always not for the women raped but that natives of the country might want to ban the importation of rapists and murderers: “Merkel allies warned the anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, which has become a powerful new political force on the far right, against trying to use the case to score political points as the September 2017 election campaign is getting underway.”
She may be gone from power but her sentiment lives on in Germany and elsewhere.
Resist the Mainstream reported, “Two Afghan Migrants in Sweden Who Filmed Themselves Raping 13-Year-Old Girl at Knifepoint Spared Prison.”
But they are not migrants. Incredibly, they are Swedes now.
The story said, “The Publica reported that the perpetrators, identified only as Irshad and Elham, arrived in Sweden as refugees in 2017.
“They were granted citizenship less than three years later.”
The gatekeepers opened the gate and allowed the invaders to molest their daughters without fear of punishment. This will not end well, and already it is hell-like.
French President Emmanuel Macron sided with Hamas to stop Marine Le Pen’s efforts to make France French again.
I have news for Jews who think their support of Hamas will spare them. From the river to the sea means everybody — Jews first.
What goes on in Europe is happening here.
American communists also have forced us to take in Somalia’s rejects in Minnesota. They do not wish to assimilate. Somali’s Prime Minister Hassan Khaire campaigned for the re-election of that brother-marrying congresswoman Ilhan Omar, saying, “Ilhan’s interests aren't those of Minnesota or the American people but those of Somalia.”
Those of us who complain are tarred as Christian nationalists and targeted by the FBI, which is going all in on entrapping patriots.
The civil war will not be honorable battles on faraway farms with lengthy handwritten letters written nightly by the light of the campfire to Dear Elizabeth. The war will be fought constantly and asymmetrically with terrorists taking out factories, destroying bridges and derailing locomotives. No harbor will be safe. Poca, West Virginia, will be just as vulnerable as the inner city in Cleveland.
These cowards could never pull off a Gettysburg, which is why they will go after women and children first.
They gave us a preview in Israel on October 7 when Palestinian soldiers (Hamas) out of uniform invaded, attacked civilians, raped, tortured and murdered innocents and then mutilated the corpses. Criticizing Hamas is not Islamophobic because the fear is very rational.
But as I said in the title, the original October 7 gives us hope. I refer to October 7, 1571, when a fleet of ships led by the Republic of Venice and other Christian navies squared off against the Ottoman Empire for control of the Mediterranean Sea.
Father Steve Grunow is the CEO of Word on Fire Catholic Ministries.
He wrote, “The battle took place in the Gulf of Patras located in western Greece. Though outnumbered by the Ottoman forces, the so-called Holy League possessed of superior firepower would win the day. This victory would severely curtail attempts by the Ottoman Empire to control the Mediterranean, causing a seismic shift in international relations from East to West. In some respects, and I do not want this claim to be overstated, the world that we know came into being with this victory. This event is known to history as the Battle of Lepanto.”
Victory came through divine intervention.
In their account, the Dominican Friars said, “Pius V, a Dominican friar, prayed the rosary throughout the battle and attributed the victory to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin.
“Hence the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary (which was first called the feast of Our Lady of Victory) on October 7. Naturally, the feast is dear to Dominicans and their friends. But the Pontiff’s were not the only prayers addressed that day to the Mother of God. The Christian troops are said to have prayed the rosary throughout the night before the battle, and some sources say that the rhythmic repetition of the prayer thoroughly frightened and demoralized the Turkish host.
“Modern sensibility may question the propriety of finding God’s hand in such a bloody undertaking — and for no better reason than to protect commercial interests — but those who fought at Lepanto had no doubt that God accomplished remarkable results from these less than promising beginnings. The Church does the same thing, taking the anniversary of a bloody victory and transforming it — not by concentrating on the battle, but by focusing on the prayers that won the battle.”
I am not Catholic. All I know about the Dominicans is the Singing Nun was one. But I do know the power of prayer and I may learn this rosary because it helped my mother (who remained Protestant) and it has helped my two sisters who converted.
Unfortunately, we have the Red Pope now and he is committed to a dialog with Muslims.
Let us bear in mind that in a civil war, we will not be fighting Trigglypuffs and soy boys hooked on estrogen pills who are saving their dimes for bottom surgery.
Instead, we will be on our own against the worst of the Central America gangs and Muslim invaders will be on the other side at the invitation of the Melissa Click Book Club. The invaders have no rules and they will have the American military on their side if we don’t watch out. We must make sure we are on the Lord’s side.
The Gazans may not have many tall buildings left for the Queers for Palestine group but they have even more rocks for them.
One note from last nights “press conference “. I look forward to President Biden stepping down and elevating his Vice President Trump to the helm.
Why is no one willing to just admit that the war being waged against Israel is a religious war? Its target is not just Israel but Western Christian civilization! Radical Islam is at the root of this war. Europe has been conquered by Muslim immigration and only a matter of time before the chador becomes the uniform of the feminists. Here in America the useful idiots that inhabit the university have been fooled into supporting the head choppers on the premise of oppressor/oppressed. The Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party and its “leader” will sacrifice Israel for fleeting political expediencies. Trump is the only hope to reverse this catastrophe at least in America.