Kurt Schlichter’s series of Kelly Turnbull novels describes a civil war that pits Chicago gang-bangers against rednecks who know how to win militarily. The idea of ex-special forces veterans defeating liberals is heartening and also deadly wrong. The next American civil war — if there is one — will find Americans facing MS-13 and Hamas because the left knows that their boys in Chicago couldn’t hit a barn door.
Why is no one willing to just admit that the war being waged against Israel is a religious war? Its target is not just Israel but Western Christian civilization! Radical Islam is at the root of this war. Europe has been conquered by Muslim immigration and only a matter of time before the chador becomes the uniform of the feminists. Here in America the useful idiots that inhabit the university have been fooled into supporting the head choppers on the premise of oppressor/oppressed. The Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party and its “leader” will sacrifice Israel for fleeting political expediencies. Trump is the only hope to reverse this catastrophe at least in America.
This is a quote from the TV series “Homeland” by fictional character Peter Quinn:
“What strategy? Tell me what the strategy is. I'll tell you if it's working. See, that right there is the problem. Because they they have a strategy. They're gathering right now in Raqqa by the tens of thousands. Hidden in the civilian population. Cleaning their weapons. And they know exactly why they're there. Why is that? They call it the end times. What do you think the beheadings are about? The crucifixions in Deir Hafer? The revival of slavery? You think they make this sh*t up? It's all in the book. Their f***ing book. The only book they ever read. They read it all the time. They never stop. They're there for one reason and one reason only. To die for the caliphate and usher in a world without infidels. That's their strategy. And it's been that way since the seventh century. So, do you really think that a few special forces teams are gonna put a dent in that?”
I’ve never forgotten this quote. And I think that it can be easily applied to our situation today. As I’ve said, keep your head on a swivel, avoid crowds, and get out of big cities. It’s gonna get spicy.
I read an interesting comment from an English political analyst, to the effect that this time, moslems voted Labour; next time they will vote islam. This can be counted on, based on Turkish (I refuse to go along with their preferred neologism, the idiotic "turkiyee") PM Erdogan, who analogized democracy to a train, where you take it to your desired station, then get off. Islam has a long tradition of taqquia, lying to the "infidel" to lull them into a sense of security, then rising up and slaughtering them. To them, all history points toward the extension of the ummah to all non-islamic parts of the globe. Ignore this to your peril and possible demise.
That is happening right here, right as we speak. We allow them into the country, teach them our laws, allow them to use the laws for their purposes, then they get the power and we are no longer necessary. Too many ignorant but well meaning people here see the plight of the refugee and liken it to the early years of our country where people came here to escape persecution. But this is not the same today. Muslims will ALWAYS vote in the interests of their "religion" (I'm giving them the benefit here). We are a country of well meaning but ignorant people living a very fast paced lifestyle and too busy to see what has been going on for thousands of years. Better stop and wake up very soon.
There are dozens of cities or towns or whatever the British equivalent is that now all have Muslim Mayors , as does the city of London itself.
They are quite literally and right before everyone’s eyes being taken over and their government does absolutely squat about any of it, worse, they cheer it.
Good comment. The government wants you in big cities because it is much easier to control you there and get you to vote for them. The argument they use is that it is cheaper and has less impact on our environment. That is a lie. We are being over-run by our own leftist government that is run by a relatively few very wealthy and powerful elites. Winning elections takes money. We need to put sharp, and very specific curbs on the money in politics today, specifically the money required to win elections. Today, winning the WH costs about $1B. That money, most of it, comes from people who want something for their donation, and it isn't always in the best interests of citizens either. The Zuckerberg's of the world are quite literally buying elections today. A radical remodeling of our elections is called for before it is too late.
The brand Under Armour could do well by adding a clothing line of real body armor for consumers to buy at the local sporting goods store. We’ll need it, perhaps very soon, to go vote on Nov 5th.
Learn to drop the modifier “radical”. There is only Islam. Its purpose is to conquer the world and kill all non believers. Jews first. Christians next.
Yes, yes, yes! The “radicals” are the ones following the dictates of their book. The “peaceful” ones are Muslim in name and some practice, but Christians who consider them great friends will learn when the Muslim percentage of population reaches a certain level that Islam will end that friendship in tragic ways and likely to their own peril.
Well, I believe more than half of this country does see it as a religious war, If the Muslims can defeat Israel, they will be here next. I would like to point out they have already defeated Europe thru ignorance and indifference on the part of European leaders. They are also making big inroads in the US as well. Benn to Minnesota or Wisconsin lately? Weaker countries do not take on stronger countries head on. They infiltrate, weaken, and obtain power to do so. They use the western countries own laws against them. Sounds a lot like communism, doesn't it? Too many people still worry about a hot war. I have news for them, this is it, at least the first stage anyway. The hot part will come after they have gotten enough power here to use violence against us to "you know, protect the rights of citizens and uphold the law". We either live in a country of laws or we live in under anarchy. This is not 1776 again. We need to recognize what a war really is and fight back while we can using the laws as they were intended. The first thing to fix is border security. The second is the affirmation that the first and second amendments are fundamental to our freedom. But before we can do either of them, everyone must recognize that we ARE at war already.
I would be more encouraged if I saw my church and other churches openly praying this and more, but there is only silence and avoidance in my location — as far as I know.
Once again Don 'puts his finger on it' and 'calls a spade a spade'. Don is exactly correct, if it comes to violence, we in America will be fighting imported MS-13 and Hamas (and other foreign antagonists), not the locally-grown Antifa and BLM soyboys.
I had definitely been sensing the danger of the miscreants pouring over our southern border , but my "sense" was still on a vague, underlying level. Don brings this truth into the light, fleshes out the argument, and states the case clearly. (I also appreciated Don stating clearly: "...as communist leaders (that is what the World Economic Forum is, folks)".)
There has been a general mental collapse on the Left, including both its leadership and all the Leftist voting constituencies, from woke corporate leaders to academia and everything inbetween. It is linked with their turning away from God, and their substitution of their own personal "intellects" as their new "god". As a result, the Left has actually become increasingly stupid. They also have become dependent on a cult-like Left media that keeps the "narrative" and the "group mesmerism" going and suppresses anything that would pierce it.
So although we are very distressed by the Left, we should not be overly impressed and intimidated by them. They are fatally flawed, and we can defeat them. Actually, they are doing a good job of defeating their own selves right now. The stupid idiots manipulated and distorted the Democratic primary to suppress all the other candidates and push thru their puppet Biden. Now their 'useful idiot'--Biden--has become SO much of an idiot, that he's blowing up their "plan".
LOVED the history about the strong prayerful preparation for the October 1571 battle in the Gulf of Patras, and the statement that "Victory came through divine intervention." We, too, will win as we keep ourselves mentally clear and consciously align ourselves with God; turn to the omnipotent and omnipresent divine consciousness--the source of all real intelligence; and take our stand with goodness and Truth.
I wish that I could share your optimism, TPG, but the collapse of the Left isn’t going to help us much when there will still be hundreds of thousands of military-age males in-country. Law abiding citizens have been cowed by the actions of the police state for far too long. We fear the weight of the “law” will fall on us when we act in self-defense. We see criminals go free, but do nothing. Until the Boogaloo kicks off and the two-way shooting range is declared “hot” with no bag limit, we will remain immobilized. And that’s the sad truth.
I live 40 miles from the Twin Cities, capital of Somali USA. We don't see many muslims out here and the ones passing through are very aware they are NOT in the city and are respectful. Doesn't hurt that the stereotype of the midwest is we are nice but firm as the bulges on our hips. Floyd's valedictorians did not come out here for a reason.
Very good piece, Donnie Boy. I would offer that our 'new supposed Americans' understand they are greatly outnumbered. Let me put it this way as it was put to me hunting out here: "If you trespass on our land nobody will ever find you." Let's just say I know where I am at all times.
And another thing (since you touched on BLM). Why did no one I could find on the intertunnel, not recognize the obvious- that BLM was just a warmed over version of the Black Panthers, who discovered it was easier to make their money, by mastering lib-talk, and giving rich folks their ‘street cred’ by being featured guest at Manhattan cocktail parties.
They were scam artists from the gitgo, as was BLM.
Horowitz’s Radical Son is a must read for anyone confused by this stuff.
The greatest scams of the last few years: BLM, CRT, DEI, Climate change (4). Who are the culprits?
The schools, the woke, the teacher's unions. The PTA ('Moreover, it has fallen on hard times. For example, many PTAs have withdrawn from the national organization, forming local Parent Teacher Organizations that no longer send dues to the national PTA. Membership in the national organization declined from more than 12 million in 1965 to around 5 million in 2010.Oct 26, 2011'. That was 13 years ago. It has only gotten worse.
No public employee should be allowed to unionize. There are plenty of worker rights laws today and there is no need for unions. They are a throwback to the mafia days.
Oh, would't it be nice if Trump went full Bukele on inauguration day? I can just see it now: rows of tattoo-carpeted young gentlemen sitting in their underwear, nose-to-back, in some detention center in view of the Mexican border, awaiting their deportation "back home."
Kind of gets you right in the pump. (HT to The Beach Boys and Red Skelton)
I have become a WWII fanatic in my dotage. Here is my partial list of the celebs that served in WWII. And this is just SOME of them:
Jimmy Stewart - Joined the Army Air Corps in 1941, flew 20 combat missions as a B-24 Liberator pilot, and earned two Distinguished Flying Crosses and the French Croix de Guerre.
Clark Gable - Enlisted in the Army Air Corps at age 41, attended Officer Candidate School, and served as a gunner on bombing missions over Germany.
Paul Newman - Served in the Navy as a radioman and turret gunner aboard aircraft carriers in the Pacific.
Gene Hackman - Joined the Marines at age 16, served as a radio operator in China, and later became a decorated actor.
Mel Brooks - Served as a combat engineer in the Army, clearing German mines and building bridges for Allied troops.
Jason Robards - Joined the Navy, served as a radioman aboard the USS Northampton, and later became a celebrated actor.
Yul Brynner - Fought on the side of the Allies during WWII, though he didn't enjoy his time in the military.
Alec Guinness - Joined the Royal Navy, commanded a landing craft during the invasion of Sicily, and became a beloved actor.
Bebe Daniels - Served as a reporter during the Battle of Normandy, earning decorations for her wartime service.
Fred Gwynne - Served as a radioman 3rd class on a submarine chaser in the Pacific, later becoming an actor known for roles like Herman Munster.
Hugh Hefner - Joined the Army after high school, serving overseas and even performing in a touring variety show to entertain troops.
James Earl Jones - Joined the Army after college, serving in various roles before becoming a renowned actor.
J.R. Martinez - Served in the Army in Iraq, surviving a land mine explosion and later becoming an actor and advocate for veterans.
Jackie Robinson - Served in the Army during WWII, though he was honorably discharged for refusing to move to the back of a segregated military bus.
Bernard Cribbins - Volunteered for the Parachute Regiment in 1947, serving in Germany and Palestine, where he was bayoneted by a pal during a guard of honor for FM Montgomery.
Glenn Miller - killed in a plane crash in bad weather over The Channel.
When I see the current crop of HollyWeird-ers spitting on my country, I alternate between disgust and homicidal rage. (And there are notable exceptions even today: James Woods, Clint Eastwood, Kurt Russell, and others). I haven't seen the Academy Awards in thirty years and I never will.
Edit: And this is not to leave out the thousands of WACS, WAVES, "BAMS" - broad-ass Marines and the many women who served not only as Rosie-the-Riveters, but flew the planes across the treacherous Atlantic to deliver to the fighting men.
Truly the Greatest Generation. We should all bow at their feet.
Probably my favorite story is about Eddie Albert, of "Green Acres" fame:
from Grok: "Eddie Albert, the beloved actor from "Green Acres," had a war service that was nothing short of heroic. Before he became a household name, Eddie served in the United States Navy during World War II. He was a part of the landing operations in the Battle of Tarawa in 1943, where he displayed incredible bravery and selflessness.
"During the battle, Eddie was in charge of several landing craft that were tasked with rescuing wounded Marines who were stranded on a reef under heavy enemy fire. Despite the danger, Eddie and his crew braved the gunfire and managed to save 13 wounded Marines. For his actions, Eddie was awarded the Bronze Star with Combat "V" for valor.
"Eddie's war service didn't end there. He went on to serve as a Naval officer for several years, using his skills to entertain and boost the morale of his fellow servicemen. Eddie's dedication to his country and his fellow soldiers is a testament to his character and the values he held dear."
In his old age, he was as deaf as a post. No doubt due to the War.
This entire column is so bizarre that I can't get my head around it. Far fetched doesn't describe my reaction. But then, I live in today's world, and from my vantage point our future rests in self destruction within the Democrat party. I believe it will rot from the head down and do itself in. Hence, instead of the original October 7th, I foresee the ides of March which is associated with misfortune and doom. March, 2025 with General Trump at the helm will be another D-Day, and the good guys will invade the swamp and do what Israel did to Hamas' underground tunnels.
The Democrats are destroying their party but it isn't going away. It will eventually rebrand itself with a new cult following after it creates a new class of underprivileged, underrepresented voters. That is the goal of people like Cortez and her Gang. Their first step was to remove the old guard from her party which is happening now. Just wait and watch.
Defiant, the Left may be hurting now but they are scheming and conniving so don't count them out--that accounts for our domestic enemies. Foreign enemies here in the millions now have a substantial percentage with more nefarious aims. My personal experiences with majority Moslem countries include some stories that might make you think twice about the adjective "far fetched".
The most benign example occurred when we were boarding a plane in Amman Jordan for Luxor, Egypt. The authorities were rough and borderline violent in telling me that in Islam, they treat their co-religionists best (and first), and that Islam "honors" its women by keeping them modest. This was just in a queue, which was ignored based on their view of hierarchy (i.e., Westerners lowest status). I could relate far worse that occurred in public places...think Laura Loomer type story. And I was not young either at the time.
NEVER underestimate the power of prayer. Using it now to get through serious health issues of my wonderful wife. And it’s working. AND REMEMBER: The left isn’t against religion because they don’t believe in God, they are against God because they are against the inalienable rights endowed all men by the Creator (God). Get rid of God and you can deny any person the rights to “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness, among others…” Why would they do that? Control. The fewer rights you have, the more control government has over your you, your family, your actions, your life. Never lose your faith and let no one take it!
Another really good effort. The WEF and one-worlders are sugar-coated communists. That needs to sink in. The goals are taking over the.free world. You are spot on again with the next civil war will be very different. Don't expect a Gettysburg. Expect the unanticipated. Like guerillas, insurgents and religious extremists. I am a 'cradle' Catholic and used to agonize over the rosary when I was young. Now being older the strength is as you say quite apparent and clear. Not just civil war but ALL wars should be avoided.
Either we begin the 25th Ammendment process, apply to the president AND vice president OR move in the November elections.
Otherwise I am predicting a run on rosaries and a shortage very soon as the soul (sole) hope.
Mathematically between 33-50%. Declaring the 2020 election results compromised, corrupted or fraudulent might be an interesting event watch unfold. Talk about chickens shuffling and falling down without heads. Surely fun to watch.
25th Amendment is unlikely, and here’s why: Section 3 addresses voluntary transfer of power until the President is “able to resume work”. Think Ronald Regan and George Bush when they underwent general anesthesia. Biden is unlikely to do that. So, that leave us with Section 4:
“Section 4 is the most controversial part of the 25th Amendment: It permits the vice president and either the Cabinet or a body approved “by law” formed by Congress, to jointly agree that “the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.” In theory, this clause was designed to deal with a situation where an incapacitated president could not tell Congress that the vice president needed to act on his behalf. It has never been invoked yet.
The most recent guidance from the Congressional Research Service identifies the amendment’s potential use. A report from 2018 includes concepts discussed during the congressional debates about the 25th Amendment in the 1960s.
The CRS says a majority of current or acting heads of 15 cabinet positions would need to agree with the vice president to invoke the 25th Amendment. The other potential actor, a disability review panel, would need to be established by a statute that is signed by the president, or if vetoed, approved by two-thirds of the House and Senate. That panel is not currently established.”
2/3 of the House and Senate? Ain’t gonna happen. Republicans WANT FJB to stay in the race.
Yes! We know the armies of gangs, soldiers, and terrorists are here - ready and waiting to be summoned when needed. The Dems are in more trouble than they ever thought possible, and it's by their own making. They are shocked and desperate.
When the "soft coup" ceases to be effective, they will flip the switch to the "hard coup". Someone's finger is on that switch and it's twitching to act.
Unlike Europe, Americans are locked and loaded. The shot heard around the world will not be in Lexington Ma. The Muslims, MS-13 gangs, Chicago mobs will all be sent to hell by average Americans who are tired of their bullshit. As for the Surber opus “Tranny get your gun,” that group will be the cannon fodder for their Muslim friends. As the song from Team America World Police goes: America Fuck Yeah. FJB
Only a small percentage go in the military. In my age group, we all had to serve. I hunted as a kid. A lot of us hunted. None of my grandkids hunt or regularly shoot guns. It's a bit of a lost art to many. Side note: most of my best shots in the military were women. They listened. Men thought they knew how to shoot.
The country is split by age and ideology. Best to try your come together. A melting pot of people will quickly separate into tribalism: Age race religion ethnicity etc. All scenarios bad.
Don... very good column today but the "poll choices" at the end; not so good in my humble opinion. What the DEMs have is that they "lie, cheat, and steal" far better than Republicans and Independents. I can't vote in the poll... nothing works for me. I think a Civil War here in the USA (almost said good old USA but it is not that) is inevitable. Taking and making a stand in the West and in a rural or semi-rural area like where we live appeals to me far more than being caught in some cooped up urban area.
Make no mistake. It has been reported that there are two divisions worth of military-age males in the USA. That’s anywhere from 20K to 50K. And that’s just Muslims. Add in the Chinese, South Americans, and all of the other detritus that has crossed the “border” in the past 10 years and you’re talking some serious manpower. And they aren’t here to be landscapers or roofers. Stay alert, avoid crowds, and keep your clothing and weapons where you can find them in the dark.
Don't forget the plane loads of (possible) middle east terrorists Biden has been "secretly" flying into our country with "our" permission.
Todd Bensman has been doing a lot of work on Biden's immigration. The link below shows most of the flights are originating from Central and South America (Not Mexico), but it also mentions Ukrainians. The people who are able to use this program have means, and therefore, have a purpose and a mission. I don't think that mission is in our best interest.
Are they potential terrorists? And, why are we funding a failure war while accepting their cowards? Isn’t that a crime to fled? Americans needed amnesty to return from Canada in Vietnam.
Btw, is Schlicter back in the fold after going Never Trump a couple years ago? Our local Salem guy must be a Schlicter fanboy- the very day Schlicter jumped ship, so did Bruce Hooley. (He’s back now, but I’m a Never Forgetter.)
Agree on the Poll: the Dems most effective tool is/are the three letter agencies, including the IRS.
They have stopped working FOR Americans and now work 100% AGAINST Americans. It's disgusting, and it won't stop until we make it stop - unfortunately by force at some point in the near future.
For the record, it's Kurt Schlichter, not Schlicter. And a very German name that is. But he overestimates himself. For example, although he likes to use German expressions he is totally ignorant of the language and its grammar.
What threw me is that he pronounces it ‘shlick-ter’.
Prior to hearing say that the only Schlichter I knew (shleester) was the quarterback and freshman phenom (when I was at Ohio State), Art Schlichter. Short NFL term followed by numerous prison terms. (I like to think he wasn’t throwing or receiving then)
He is still a Never-Trumper, but he recognizes that there is no alternative today. That is not the same as being "in our camp". He's a bright guy and knows he can make more money writing columns for the right side than the ignorant left. I don't like people who tell me I have to vote their way or I'm not a good ___________ fill in the blank. I'll leave it at that.
‘He’s still a Never-Trumper’. That’s to bad, I was a fan. Oh well. We need him and his vote but like anyone that changes 180 like that, Glad to have ya, but in a fire fight I want him in front of me where I can see him!
You and I see him similarly it appears. There are those like Tulsi Gabbard who are really good at appearing to "see the light" and change horses but I am not swayed. She would be a terrible pick for VP and if DJT picked her, I would have to stay he is not the person I thought he was. Same goes for picking that DS Cuban Rubio. This war with the left has so divided us that when people like Gabbard or Rubio seem to "get it" and switch, everyone rushes to their camp and says "see, she or he is one of us". Nope, they are not. Going to take a lot more for me to trust them to be behind me in this war. If Trump really wants a fighter for VP, he should pick someone like Mike Flynn, not a person who is socially liberal.
Perfect analogy! Just perfect. I agree with you. I can forgive them, welcome them, listen to them and their ideas, but I don't want them in a position of power over me until I have seen their true beliefs. And that takes a long time with me. Have a great weekend, Suzie.
Like you and Suzie they’ll have to bleed for my cause first. And right now with everybody clawing and crawling for the lifeboats to show they always thought that decrepit old pervert was what our lying eyes told us he plainly was, if you weren’t counted as one of us in Early Nov of ‘19, good luck trying to find a seat at our council fire now!!
By the way, I hope DS stands for Dip Shit cause that’s how I took it!
This’ll probably seem way out of right/left field but here it is: after long consideration & reflection have come to a conclusion that the U.S.’s greatest mistake was winning World War II. Many other things were set in place decades before (an imperial presidency during The War Between the States, for example) but nothing set us up for the Roman-like Empire we now inhabit thanks to the MICC (Military Industrial Congressional Complex) than securing a crushing victory over our foes while leaving a massive MIC in place on the hunt for new dragons to slay. Add to that an ever-increasing pusillanimous political class easily cowed by whatever flavor-of-the-month the cultural “elites” favored & you have the rotted republic that we do now where common sense is cast as racist/misogynist, values have sunk to the depraved lows we currently witness, & those that would enlist to defend the republic are a targeted group for hatred.
We are a nation in open rebellion against God The Eternal Father & Jesus Christ The Messiah. Stop the world I want to get off.
Yes, nations are in open rebellion against God which means to me that Satan is alive and working as hard a Joe Biden. In the end, Satan will be about as successful.
Not sure where you stand on free will vs predestination, but don't forget that everything that is happening is God's will. Period.
Are we any more confused than Moses trying to lead people out of Egypt in the middle of the night or Noah building a huge ship in a desert in case of a flood?
I don't have any answers. I'm just doing what I can to be "ready" to defend my family if needed - if that's even possible in this crazy world.
Regarding your comment on WWII, I think winning WWII was right and good. What politicians did to the world after that victory (ie NATO) has caused great corruption. If we had just won and gone home leaving the threat it would happen again if some dictator got out of line we'd be better off today.
Even more than being prepared for violence (which is definitely a good idea), we should be focused on the great commission of Christ: make disciples of the nations. If you love God, he will turn some of your enemies into your friends and take care of the rest for you.
If you want to get off the world, make sure you are following Jesus's commandments when He returns; love God, learn His word. Love your neighbor, make (willing) disciples of the nations.
Speaking as a former European, I'm very glad that the US intervened in WWII. Consider the alternatives: Without that we would have faced a Europe dominated either by the Nazis or the Russian communists. And Hitler was very friendly towards the Muslims.
The Gazans may not have many tall buildings left for the Queers for Palestine group but they have even more rocks for them.
One note from last nights “press conference “. I look forward to President Biden stepping down and elevating his Vice President Trump to the helm.
He needs to dump Ukrainian President Putin first.
Plus Secretary of State Hunter.
Why is no one willing to just admit that the war being waged against Israel is a religious war? Its target is not just Israel but Western Christian civilization! Radical Islam is at the root of this war. Europe has been conquered by Muslim immigration and only a matter of time before the chador becomes the uniform of the feminists. Here in America the useful idiots that inhabit the university have been fooled into supporting the head choppers on the premise of oppressor/oppressed. The Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party and its “leader” will sacrifice Israel for fleeting political expediencies. Trump is the only hope to reverse this catastrophe at least in America.
This is a quote from the TV series “Homeland” by fictional character Peter Quinn:
“What strategy? Tell me what the strategy is. I'll tell you if it's working. See, that right there is the problem. Because they they have a strategy. They're gathering right now in Raqqa by the tens of thousands. Hidden in the civilian population. Cleaning their weapons. And they know exactly why they're there. Why is that? They call it the end times. What do you think the beheadings are about? The crucifixions in Deir Hafer? The revival of slavery? You think they make this sh*t up? It's all in the book. Their f***ing book. The only book they ever read. They read it all the time. They never stop. They're there for one reason and one reason only. To die for the caliphate and usher in a world without infidels. That's their strategy. And it's been that way since the seventh century. So, do you really think that a few special forces teams are gonna put a dent in that?”
I’ve never forgotten this quote. And I think that it can be easily applied to our situation today. As I’ve said, keep your head on a swivel, avoid crowds, and get out of big cities. It’s gonna get spicy.
I read an interesting comment from an English political analyst, to the effect that this time, moslems voted Labour; next time they will vote islam. This can be counted on, based on Turkish (I refuse to go along with their preferred neologism, the idiotic "turkiyee") PM Erdogan, who analogized democracy to a train, where you take it to your desired station, then get off. Islam has a long tradition of taqquia, lying to the "infidel" to lull them into a sense of security, then rising up and slaughtering them. To them, all history points toward the extension of the ummah to all non-islamic parts of the globe. Ignore this to your peril and possible demise.
That is happening right here, right as we speak. We allow them into the country, teach them our laws, allow them to use the laws for their purposes, then they get the power and we are no longer necessary. Too many ignorant but well meaning people here see the plight of the refugee and liken it to the early years of our country where people came here to escape persecution. But this is not the same today. Muslims will ALWAYS vote in the interests of their "religion" (I'm giving them the benefit here). We are a country of well meaning but ignorant people living a very fast paced lifestyle and too busy to see what has been going on for thousands of years. Better stop and wake up very soon.
The Founding Fathers never considered immigration by Islamists. Instead, they fought them.
It's Europe's fault. If they had just finished the damn Crusades, the world would be better off today. Now it's up to us to fix their mess.
There are dozens of cities or towns or whatever the British equivalent is that now all have Muslim Mayors , as does the city of London itself.
They are quite literally and right before everyone’s eyes being taken over and their government does absolutely squat about any of it, worse, they cheer it.
They are totally toast.
The EU is next.
Great Britain is no more,Islam has taken it without a whimper.
Good comment. The government wants you in big cities because it is much easier to control you there and get you to vote for them. The argument they use is that it is cheaper and has less impact on our environment. That is a lie. We are being over-run by our own leftist government that is run by a relatively few very wealthy and powerful elites. Winning elections takes money. We need to put sharp, and very specific curbs on the money in politics today, specifically the money required to win elections. Today, winning the WH costs about $1B. That money, most of it, comes from people who want something for their donation, and it isn't always in the best interests of citizens either. The Zuckerberg's of the world are quite literally buying elections today. A radical remodeling of our elections is called for before it is too late.
The brand Under Armour could do well by adding a clothing line of real body armor for consumers to buy at the local sporting goods store. We’ll need it, perhaps very soon, to go vote on Nov 5th.
Learn to drop the modifier “radical”. There is only Islam. Its purpose is to conquer the world and kill all non believers. Jews first. Christians next.
Yes, yes, yes! The “radicals” are the ones following the dictates of their book. The “peaceful” ones are Muslim in name and some practice, but Christians who consider them great friends will learn when the Muslim percentage of population reaches a certain level that Islam will end that friendship in tragic ways and likely to their own peril.
A “radical” Muslim wants to kill you. A “peaceful” Muslim wants the radical Muslim to kill you.
Well, I believe more than half of this country does see it as a religious war, If the Muslims can defeat Israel, they will be here next. I would like to point out they have already defeated Europe thru ignorance and indifference on the part of European leaders. They are also making big inroads in the US as well. Benn to Minnesota or Wisconsin lately? Weaker countries do not take on stronger countries head on. They infiltrate, weaken, and obtain power to do so. They use the western countries own laws against them. Sounds a lot like communism, doesn't it? Too many people still worry about a hot war. I have news for them, this is it, at least the first stage anyway. The hot part will come after they have gotten enough power here to use violence against us to "you know, protect the rights of citizens and uphold the law". We either live in a country of laws or we live in under anarchy. This is not 1776 again. We need to recognize what a war really is and fight back while we can using the laws as they were intended. The first thing to fix is border security. The second is the affirmation that the first and second amendments are fundamental to our freedom. But before we can do either of them, everyone must recognize that we ARE at war already.
Ah, yes. “Little Mogadishu on the Mississippi”.
Sounds like communism's evil brother Nazism . They used the laws of Germany to seize power then changed the law to keep power.
Islam is satanism. It's a sex cult at it's heart. Make sure you have ammo, and if possible a pig to eat their carcasses.
God is our only hope, he calls Trump his "David".
Just pray for Trump "to have ears to hear" and godly advisors
I would be more encouraged if I saw my church and other churches openly praying this and more, but there is only silence and avoidance in my location — as far as I know.
You don't need radical in that sentence.
Once again Don 'puts his finger on it' and 'calls a spade a spade'. Don is exactly correct, if it comes to violence, we in America will be fighting imported MS-13 and Hamas (and other foreign antagonists), not the locally-grown Antifa and BLM soyboys.
I had definitely been sensing the danger of the miscreants pouring over our southern border , but my "sense" was still on a vague, underlying level. Don brings this truth into the light, fleshes out the argument, and states the case clearly. (I also appreciated Don stating clearly: "...as communist leaders (that is what the World Economic Forum is, folks)".)
There has been a general mental collapse on the Left, including both its leadership and all the Leftist voting constituencies, from woke corporate leaders to academia and everything inbetween. It is linked with their turning away from God, and their substitution of their own personal "intellects" as their new "god". As a result, the Left has actually become increasingly stupid. They also have become dependent on a cult-like Left media that keeps the "narrative" and the "group mesmerism" going and suppresses anything that would pierce it.
So although we are very distressed by the Left, we should not be overly impressed and intimidated by them. They are fatally flawed, and we can defeat them. Actually, they are doing a good job of defeating their own selves right now. The stupid idiots manipulated and distorted the Democratic primary to suppress all the other candidates and push thru their puppet Biden. Now their 'useful idiot'--Biden--has become SO much of an idiot, that he's blowing up their "plan".
LOVED the history about the strong prayerful preparation for the October 1571 battle in the Gulf of Patras, and the statement that "Victory came through divine intervention." We, too, will win as we keep ourselves mentally clear and consciously align ourselves with God; turn to the omnipotent and omnipresent divine consciousness--the source of all real intelligence; and take our stand with goodness and Truth.
You put it better than I.
I wish that I could share your optimism, TPG, but the collapse of the Left isn’t going to help us much when there will still be hundreds of thousands of military-age males in-country. Law abiding citizens have been cowed by the actions of the police state for far too long. We fear the weight of the “law” will fall on us when we act in self-defense. We see criminals go free, but do nothing. Until the Boogaloo kicks off and the two-way shooting range is declared “hot” with no bag limit, we will remain immobilized. And that’s the sad truth.
I live 40 miles from the Twin Cities, capital of Somali USA. We don't see many muslims out here and the ones passing through are very aware they are NOT in the city and are respectful. Doesn't hurt that the stereotype of the midwest is we are nice but firm as the bulges on our hips. Floyd's valedictorians did not come out here for a reason.
Very good piece, Donnie Boy. I would offer that our 'new supposed Americans' understand they are greatly outnumbered. Let me put it this way as it was put to me hunting out here: "If you trespass on our land nobody will ever find you." Let's just say I know where I am at all times.
Follow the “Three S’s”: Shoot, Shovel, Shut up.
And another thing (since you touched on BLM). Why did no one I could find on the intertunnel, not recognize the obvious- that BLM was just a warmed over version of the Black Panthers, who discovered it was easier to make their money, by mastering lib-talk, and giving rich folks their ‘street cred’ by being featured guest at Manhattan cocktail parties.
They were scam artists from the gitgo, as was BLM.
Horowitz’s Radical Son is a must read for anyone confused by this stuff.
The greatest scams of the last few years: BLM, CRT, DEI, Climate change (4). Who are the culprits?
The schools, the woke, the teacher's unions. The PTA ('Moreover, it has fallen on hard times. For example, many PTAs have withdrawn from the national organization, forming local Parent Teacher Organizations that no longer send dues to the national PTA. Membership in the national organization declined from more than 12 million in 1965 to around 5 million in 2010.Oct 26, 2011'. That was 13 years ago. It has only gotten worse.
No public employee should be allowed to unionize. There are plenty of worker rights laws today and there is no need for unions. They are a throwback to the mafia days.
Check out the new NEA president...Becky Pringle. There is a short video with this DM story.
Loon A tic.
people without kids have NO business telling us how to raise kids.. PERIOD
She’s verifiably nuts.
Oh, would't it be nice if Trump went full Bukele on inauguration day? I can just see it now: rows of tattoo-carpeted young gentlemen sitting in their underwear, nose-to-back, in some detention center in view of the Mexican border, awaiting their deportation "back home."
Kind of gets you right in the pump. (HT to The Beach Boys and Red Skelton)
Skelton was a master. There will never be another one. That talent died with the rest of the greatest generation.
Yes, and he was one of the very many celebs who served in WWII.
I have become a WWII fanatic in my dotage. Here is my partial list of the celebs that served in WWII. And this is just SOME of them:
Jimmy Stewart - Joined the Army Air Corps in 1941, flew 20 combat missions as a B-24 Liberator pilot, and earned two Distinguished Flying Crosses and the French Croix de Guerre.
Clark Gable - Enlisted in the Army Air Corps at age 41, attended Officer Candidate School, and served as a gunner on bombing missions over Germany.
Paul Newman - Served in the Navy as a radioman and turret gunner aboard aircraft carriers in the Pacific.
Gene Hackman - Joined the Marines at age 16, served as a radio operator in China, and later became a decorated actor.
Mel Brooks - Served as a combat engineer in the Army, clearing German mines and building bridges for Allied troops.
Jason Robards - Joined the Navy, served as a radioman aboard the USS Northampton, and later became a celebrated actor.
Yul Brynner - Fought on the side of the Allies during WWII, though he didn't enjoy his time in the military.
Alec Guinness - Joined the Royal Navy, commanded a landing craft during the invasion of Sicily, and became a beloved actor.
Bebe Daniels - Served as a reporter during the Battle of Normandy, earning decorations for her wartime service.
Fred Gwynne - Served as a radioman 3rd class on a submarine chaser in the Pacific, later becoming an actor known for roles like Herman Munster.
Hugh Hefner - Joined the Army after high school, serving overseas and even performing in a touring variety show to entertain troops.
James Earl Jones - Joined the Army after college, serving in various roles before becoming a renowned actor.
J.R. Martinez - Served in the Army in Iraq, surviving a land mine explosion and later becoming an actor and advocate for veterans.
Jackie Robinson - Served in the Army during WWII, though he was honorably discharged for refusing to move to the back of a segregated military bus.
Bernard Cribbins - Volunteered for the Parachute Regiment in 1947, serving in Germany and Palestine, where he was bayoneted by a pal during a guard of honor for FM Montgomery.
Glenn Miller - killed in a plane crash in bad weather over The Channel.
When I see the current crop of HollyWeird-ers spitting on my country, I alternate between disgust and homicidal rage. (And there are notable exceptions even today: James Woods, Clint Eastwood, Kurt Russell, and others). I haven't seen the Academy Awards in thirty years and I never will.
Edit: And this is not to leave out the thousands of WACS, WAVES, "BAMS" - broad-ass Marines and the many women who served not only as Rosie-the-Riveters, but flew the planes across the treacherous Atlantic to deliver to the fighting men.
Truly the Greatest Generation. We should all bow at their feet.
Probably my favorite story is about Eddie Albert, of "Green Acres" fame:
from Grok: "Eddie Albert, the beloved actor from "Green Acres," had a war service that was nothing short of heroic. Before he became a household name, Eddie served in the United States Navy during World War II. He was a part of the landing operations in the Battle of Tarawa in 1943, where he displayed incredible bravery and selflessness.
"During the battle, Eddie was in charge of several landing craft that were tasked with rescuing wounded Marines who were stranded on a reef under heavy enemy fire. Despite the danger, Eddie and his crew braved the gunfire and managed to save 13 wounded Marines. For his actions, Eddie was awarded the Bronze Star with Combat "V" for valor.
"Eddie's war service didn't end there. He went on to serve as a Naval officer for several years, using his skills to entertain and boost the morale of his fellow servicemen. Eddie's dedication to his country and his fellow soldiers is a testament to his character and the values he held dear."
In his old age, he was as deaf as a post. No doubt due to the War.
Or, as a popular enlistment poster read: “Join the Navy, and ride the WAVES.”
This entire column is so bizarre that I can't get my head around it. Far fetched doesn't describe my reaction. But then, I live in today's world, and from my vantage point our future rests in self destruction within the Democrat party. I believe it will rot from the head down and do itself in. Hence, instead of the original October 7th, I foresee the ides of March which is associated with misfortune and doom. March, 2025 with General Trump at the helm will be another D-Day, and the good guys will invade the swamp and do what Israel did to Hamas' underground tunnels.
The Democrats are destroying their party but it isn't going away. It will eventually rebrand itself with a new cult following after it creates a new class of underprivileged, underrepresented voters. That is the goal of people like Cortez and her Gang. Their first step was to remove the old guard from her party which is happening now. Just wait and watch.
They're already split 4 ways-progressives, liberals, normies, and never bidens.
Defiant, the Left may be hurting now but they are scheming and conniving so don't count them out--that accounts for our domestic enemies. Foreign enemies here in the millions now have a substantial percentage with more nefarious aims. My personal experiences with majority Moslem countries include some stories that might make you think twice about the adjective "far fetched".
The most benign example occurred when we were boarding a plane in Amman Jordan for Luxor, Egypt. The authorities were rough and borderline violent in telling me that in Islam, they treat their co-religionists best (and first), and that Islam "honors" its women by keeping them modest. This was just in a queue, which was ignored based on their view of hierarchy (i.e., Westerners lowest status). I could relate far worse that occurred in public places...think Laura Loomer type story. And I was not young either at the time.
NEVER underestimate the power of prayer. Using it now to get through serious health issues of my wonderful wife. And it’s working. AND REMEMBER: The left isn’t against religion because they don’t believe in God, they are against God because they are against the inalienable rights endowed all men by the Creator (God). Get rid of God and you can deny any person the rights to “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness, among others…” Why would they do that? Control. The fewer rights you have, the more control government has over your you, your family, your actions, your life. Never lose your faith and let no one take it!
Another really good effort. The WEF and one-worlders are sugar-coated communists. That needs to sink in. The goals are taking over the.free world. You are spot on again with the next civil war will be very different. Don't expect a Gettysburg. Expect the unanticipated. Like guerillas, insurgents and religious extremists. I am a 'cradle' Catholic and used to agonize over the rosary when I was young. Now being older the strength is as you say quite apparent and clear. Not just civil war but ALL wars should be avoided.
Either we begin the 25th Ammendment process, apply to the president AND vice president OR move in the November elections.
Otherwise I am predicting a run on rosaries and a shortage very soon as the soul (sole) hope.
3 ways to rid us of Dementia Joe: impeach, 25th, resign. What are the odds?
Mathematically between 33-50%. Declaring the 2020 election results compromised, corrupted or fraudulent might be an interesting event watch unfold. Talk about chickens shuffling and falling down without heads. Surely fun to watch.
Actually it wouldn't surprise me if Arkincide, blamed on MAGA, turns out to be the solution.
25th Amendment is unlikely, and here’s why: Section 3 addresses voluntary transfer of power until the President is “able to resume work”. Think Ronald Regan and George Bush when they underwent general anesthesia. Biden is unlikely to do that. So, that leave us with Section 4:
“Section 4 is the most controversial part of the 25th Amendment: It permits the vice president and either the Cabinet or a body approved “by law” formed by Congress, to jointly agree that “the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.” In theory, this clause was designed to deal with a situation where an incapacitated president could not tell Congress that the vice president needed to act on his behalf. It has never been invoked yet.
The most recent guidance from the Congressional Research Service identifies the amendment’s potential use. A report from 2018 includes concepts discussed during the congressional debates about the 25th Amendment in the 1960s.
The CRS says a majority of current or acting heads of 15 cabinet positions would need to agree with the vice president to invoke the 25th Amendment. The other potential actor, a disability review panel, would need to be established by a statute that is signed by the president, or if vetoed, approved by two-thirds of the House and Senate. That panel is not currently established.”
2/3 of the House and Senate? Ain’t gonna happen. Republicans WANT FJB to stay in the race.
You forgot that he COULD expire in office. Wouldn't take much ...
I'd like to present a fourth: unelected him and his cabal.
Good one-I would have added a 4th, but I'm a Quaker
Yup, we can always learn from Europe. They are always 10-20 years ahead in the self-destruction mode.
Yes! We know the armies of gangs, soldiers, and terrorists are here - ready and waiting to be summoned when needed. The Dems are in more trouble than they ever thought possible, and it's by their own making. They are shocked and desperate.
When the "soft coup" ceases to be effective, they will flip the switch to the "hard coup". Someone's finger is on that switch and it's twitching to act.
Unlike Europe, Americans are locked and loaded. The shot heard around the world will not be in Lexington Ma. The Muslims, MS-13 gangs, Chicago mobs will all be sent to hell by average Americans who are tired of their bullshit. As for the Surber opus “Tranny get your gun,” that group will be the cannon fodder for their Muslim friends. As the song from Team America World Police goes: America Fuck Yeah. FJB
Only a small percentage go in the military. In my age group, we all had to serve. I hunted as a kid. A lot of us hunted. None of my grandkids hunt or regularly shoot guns. It's a bit of a lost art to many. Side note: most of my best shots in the military were women. They listened. Men thought they knew how to shoot.
The country is split by age and ideology. Best to try your come together. A melting pot of people will quickly separate into tribalism: Age race religion ethnicity etc. All scenarios bad.
OO-OOO buckshot helps cure bad aim
Oh My God! I Looooved Team America! We were laughing so hard our sides were splitting and we could hardly breathe! 👍
Don... very good column today but the "poll choices" at the end; not so good in my humble opinion. What the DEMs have is that they "lie, cheat, and steal" far better than Republicans and Independents. I can't vote in the poll... nothing works for me. I think a Civil War here in the USA (almost said good old USA but it is not that) is inevitable. Taking and making a stand in the West and in a rural or semi-rural area like where we live appeals to me far more than being caught in some cooped up urban area.
We've been in a cold civil war for a long time. It's starting to heat up. When the Trumpster wins it will get even hotter.
Make no mistake. It has been reported that there are two divisions worth of military-age males in the USA. That’s anywhere from 20K to 50K. And that’s just Muslims. Add in the Chinese, South Americans, and all of the other detritus that has crossed the “border” in the past 10 years and you’re talking some serious manpower. And they aren’t here to be landscapers or roofers. Stay alert, avoid crowds, and keep your clothing and weapons where you can find them in the dark.
Don't forget the plane loads of (possible) middle east terrorists Biden has been "secretly" flying into our country with "our" permission.
Todd Bensman has been doing a lot of work on Biden's immigration. The link below shows most of the flights are originating from Central and South America (Not Mexico), but it also mentions Ukrainians. The people who are able to use this program have means, and therefore, have a purpose and a mission. I don't think that mission is in our best interest.
the Ukrainians are not military capable, they fled their country instead of fight.
they are crooks/mobsters/opportunists as seen by the corrupt government they fled
Are they potential terrorists? And, why are we funding a failure war while accepting their cowards? Isn’t that a crime to fled? Americans needed amnesty to return from Canada in Vietnam.
Biden flew a planeload from Cameroon into the USA of all places 🙄
Gonna haf to vote write-in: The Deep State
Btw, is Schlicter back in the fold after going Never Trump a couple years ago? Our local Salem guy must be a Schlicter fanboy- the very day Schlicter jumped ship, so did Bruce Hooley. (He’s back now, but I’m a Never Forgetter.)
Agree on the Poll: the Dems most effective tool is/are the three letter agencies, including the IRS.
They have stopped working FOR Americans and now work 100% AGAINST Americans. It's disgusting, and it won't stop until we make it stop - unfortunately by force at some point in the near future.
Politicians hate never-forgetters. If true accountability could be applied to politicians, most wouldn't last two terms.
For the record, it's Kurt Schlichter, not Schlicter. And a very German name that is. But he overestimates himself. For example, although he likes to use German expressions he is totally ignorant of the language and its grammar.
Austria, I think.
What do you mean?
I sit corrected.
What threw me is that he pronounces it ‘shlick-ter’.
Prior to hearing say that the only Schlichter I knew (shleester) was the quarterback and freshman phenom (when I was at Ohio State), Art Schlichter. Short NFL term followed by numerous prison terms. (I like to think he wasn’t throwing or receiving then)
He is still a Never-Trumper, but he recognizes that there is no alternative today. That is not the same as being "in our camp". He's a bright guy and knows he can make more money writing columns for the right side than the ignorant left. I don't like people who tell me I have to vote their way or I'm not a good ___________ fill in the blank. I'll leave it at that.
‘He’s still a Never-Trumper’. That’s to bad, I was a fan. Oh well. We need him and his vote but like anyone that changes 180 like that, Glad to have ya, but in a fire fight I want him in front of me where I can see him!
You and I see him similarly it appears. There are those like Tulsi Gabbard who are really good at appearing to "see the light" and change horses but I am not swayed. She would be a terrible pick for VP and if DJT picked her, I would have to stay he is not the person I thought he was. Same goes for picking that DS Cuban Rubio. This war with the left has so divided us that when people like Gabbard or Rubio seem to "get it" and switch, everyone rushes to their camp and says "see, she or he is one of us". Nope, they are not. Going to take a lot more for me to trust them to be behind me in this war. If Trump really wants a fighter for VP, he should pick someone like Mike Flynn, not a person who is socially liberal.
I liken those types to a cheating spouse. You can never trust them again.
Perfect analogy! Just perfect. I agree with you. I can forgive them, welcome them, listen to them and their ideas, but I don't want them in a position of power over me until I have seen their true beliefs. And that takes a long time with me. Have a great weekend, Suzie.
You too!!
Nailed it Redd.
Thanks, but I hope DJT is as cynical about her as I am. Nice lady but.........
Like you and Suzie they’ll have to bleed for my cause first. And right now with everybody clawing and crawling for the lifeboats to show they always thought that decrepit old pervert was what our lying eyes told us he plainly was, if you weren’t counted as one of us in Early Nov of ‘19, good luck trying to find a seat at our council fire now!!
By the way, I hope DS stands for Dip Shit cause that’s how I took it!
just like Barrett on the SC.. Cavenaugh also
Hah! Wise.
This’ll probably seem way out of right/left field but here it is: after long consideration & reflection have come to a conclusion that the U.S.’s greatest mistake was winning World War II. Many other things were set in place decades before (an imperial presidency during The War Between the States, for example) but nothing set us up for the Roman-like Empire we now inhabit thanks to the MICC (Military Industrial Congressional Complex) than securing a crushing victory over our foes while leaving a massive MIC in place on the hunt for new dragons to slay. Add to that an ever-increasing pusillanimous political class easily cowed by whatever flavor-of-the-month the cultural “elites” favored & you have the rotted republic that we do now where common sense is cast as racist/misogynist, values have sunk to the depraved lows we currently witness, & those that would enlist to defend the republic are a targeted group for hatred.
We are a nation in open rebellion against God The Eternal Father & Jesus Christ The Messiah. Stop the world I want to get off.
Yes, nations are in open rebellion against God which means to me that Satan is alive and working as hard a Joe Biden. In the end, Satan will be about as successful.
Not sure where you stand on free will vs predestination, but don't forget that everything that is happening is God's will. Period.
Are we any more confused than Moses trying to lead people out of Egypt in the middle of the night or Noah building a huge ship in a desert in case of a flood?
I don't have any answers. I'm just doing what I can to be "ready" to defend my family if needed - if that's even possible in this crazy world.
Regarding your comment on WWII, I think winning WWII was right and good. What politicians did to the world after that victory (ie NATO) has caused great corruption. If we had just won and gone home leaving the threat it would happen again if some dictator got out of line we'd be better off today.
Even more than being prepared for violence (which is definitely a good idea), we should be focused on the great commission of Christ: make disciples of the nations. If you love God, he will turn some of your enemies into your friends and take care of the rest for you.
If you want to get off the world, make sure you are following Jesus's commandments when He returns; love God, learn His word. Love your neighbor, make (willing) disciples of the nations.
Speaking as a former European, I'm very glad that the US intervened in WWII. Consider the alternatives: Without that we would have faced a Europe dominated either by the Nazis or the Russian communists. And Hitler was very friendly towards the Muslims.