Mar 14·edited Mar 14Liked by Don Surber

Ladies and gentlemen, you witness the prime example of an excellent reporter (and thinker) who once thrived as a newspaper columnist, but escaped the ship as it slowly sank into a cess pool of slime and corruption. He is Don Surber, our leader, our guiding light who examines the truth, and enlightens us as readers to the way today's media is leading America to the gallows. Hail to Don Surber, champion of honest reporting and analysis.

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Mar 14·edited Mar 14Liked by Don Surber

‘I am so looking forward to Kevin Hart as Hitler in a remake of Downfall.’🤣

I remember reading Drudge the morning he betrayed every Conservative in the Nation. I even remember muttering WTF!

Just how much money is floating around in the Universe to make decent people lose their way and sell out their country, tribe and family.

The destruction of the print and electronic media was the first indication that there is more $ available for bullshit like that than is healthy in a society like ours. Then, came covid, the betrayal of our scientific and medical communities (and political parties).

What’s going to be the 3rd shoe to drop. There are so, so many options and so little time! The riots due this spring and summer might point the way.

Keep your heads up, your firearms in working order and your ammo locker full folks.

Follow the money!

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Mar 14·edited Mar 14Liked by Don Surber

Do these people not have mirrors in their homes? Funny, I had an on-line subscription to WaPo mainly for the comment section. Was great fun. Never threatened anyone with bodily harm but I did make fun of them and point out their hypocrisy. Hard to believe the vileness from these people suffering with TDS. Ultimately I was banned for life! LOL.

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Mar 14Liked by Don Surber

If I recall my school lessons from 65+ years ago newspapers were vital parts of a community.They had reporters using the 5 Ws and how to relate local and world events to the communities being served. We have witnessed a tsunami of change as socialists gained control of higher education and set to work destroying schools and capitalism via the media.Media today has earned more distrust than can be expressed without righteous anger.Great post Poca-Man and keep the fires stoked,freedom is at risk even more so than one can imagine.Poll needed aota.

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Mar 14Liked by Don Surber

Excellent piece and very disturbing. I'm reminded of my formative times as a youth when a real teacher told us "Paper will hold still for anything". And of course, English writer, C.S. Lewis's' quote. "One of the most cowardly things ordinary people do is to shut their eyes to facts." That's precisely why I enjoy reading your column Don Surber.

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Mar 14Liked by Don Surber

My once conservative brother-in-law moved from Texas to New York some 30 years ago. Now he is a flaming liberal. He refuses to believe the truth about Trump, the press, etc. When I challenged him about his bias he proudly told me I was wrong because he subscribes to BOTH the New York Times and the Washington Post. Clueless.

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Mar 14Liked by Don Surber

Yesterday Camel-uh Harris was whining (screeching?) about the idea that Trump will weaponize the DOJ to go after his enemies. Are these people missing the gene that enables retrospection? The only time I look at anything in the mainstream media any more is if it's linked by Kane over at Citizens Free Press, otherwise they are dead to me. I pay for real journalists like you, Kane and others who actually give a rat's ass about their craft. The rest can go find a $20 per hour (gee...why is there inflation?) fast food job, and probably fail at that too.

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Mar 14Liked by Don Surber

Outstanding piece, Don. I’m grateful for being reminded how powerful the 1st Amendment really is.

I’m not ready to regret widespread distrust. It may just be stage 1 of being liberated from the Idol of Journalism. (Read Idols for Destruction by Herbert Schlossberg)

I think stage 2 is recovered the gift of possessing a fully-functioning bullshit detector. I regard that as of second importance only to knowing God (which would have been impossible had he not revealed Himself).

Bezos’s day are numbered. What he means for evil, God means for good. (Gen 45)

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Mar 14·edited Mar 14Liked by Don Surber

There was a question posed by Rand Paul on Substack yesterday asking people to comment on the question of whether TikTok should be banned. That action would be a first amendment issue at heart - and he is a committed Libertarian who would defer to individual choice as to whether they use TikTok instead of an outright ban. I took the liberty of providing my opinion, which would have been better explained if I had just linked this column today as my response.

Basically, I said, all media - especially social media - has been weaponized to bludgeon their opponents through lies, censorship, and controlling public thought. All mainstream media, including print-cable-social, are intent on destroying our social structures, institutions, and behavioral connective patterns. As evidence, I simply reminded Dr. Paul of the outright lies we received from all of these sources about COVID, and the threatening responses people got when they questioned the sites publicly. Now, these challengers are heroes and the media looks like murderers. They are complicit in all the murders.

Rand Paul needs to turn the anger we saw him deliver to Anthony Fauci - that we witnessed in the Congressional hearings - to all media in general.

The media is the syringe that delivers the lies and evil control from the addicted leftist lunatics. It is killing our country.

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Mar 14Liked by Don Surber

To paraphrase a quote from the true Bird “Brain” Foghorn Leghorn: “This country is more mixed up than a feather in a whirlwind”

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Leftists and "journalists" (pardon my redundancy) are the epitome of the "crybully," who yells and screams in pain all the while he is beating you. My hatred and disdain for these types knows no bounds. It burns with the proverbial heat of a thousand suns.

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Aside from checking who's been hatched, matched, and dispatched, there's no reason to look at the so-called newspapers nowadays. What is left is monkeys flinging their own you-know-what.

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Mar 14Liked by Don Surber

I think the move afoot is to make the government the only source for “news”. But only the kind of “news” the so called “elites” deem worthy of the masses knowing.

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Mar 14Liked by Don Surber

I find it interesting that the press wonders why they are losing respect. I noted that today in Substack, we expect these citizen journalists to lead with their heart - but we expected more of those for who this was a profession not a hobby. Any media people who said Biden's latest SOTU debacle was fiery, fierce and strong and helped him were just partisan hacks. It was obvious to all - so if you peddle untruths all the time, don't be surprised that people begin to realize you aren't journalists - you are political operatives for the democrat party, and the DC complex. We are done with you - you cannot die soon enough.

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Mar 14Liked by Don Surber

Do kakapo learn to talk like other parrots? It would be highly entertaining to teach some to say, "Look, I'm a journalist!" or "Take the vaccine or else!"

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Mar 14Liked by Don Surber

Accuracy and clarity are what brings us here. When you read “kakapo” were you reminded of the days we read newspapers and followed Li’l Abner? (Fun Fact: The edition of the Sunday NYT that carried the first report of Sputnik, had 360 pages)

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