I’m with Catturd. Johnny Cash’s last hit was a cover of Nine Inch Nails’ Hurt. He did such a good job that AP reporting on a concert said Nine Inch Nails did a cover of his song. Things are not as they seem when you don’t know all the facts. The key lines in the song are:
You wrote the enemy of the people is "now" the state. Don, Don the enemy of the people has always been the state. It was the enemy of the people in Rome, in Greece and it is why our own Founders added the first Ten Amendments. As someone once said "The second Amendment is not about DUCK HUNTING". No it is about keeping a monster that is always growing in check. It is the grapevine in your garden, and no matter how many time you cut it down it will come back bigger and stronger and more determined to kill your lovely flowering shrubs.
Sorry about the gardening analogy but it is spring here in PA and the neverending battles with Mother Nature begin. And the high rise liberals who have never tended a garden and fought her on the battlefield of real dirt and weeds do not have a clue who she really is.
And Reagan did not defeat the Soviets, he merely saw reality. He was able to see past the Potemkin Village and see the lines waiting for toilet paper. Once you see that for what it is, you know there is no there there. It is never about the missles and the money, the real battles are about the food and the toilet paper. The pampered idiots in DC or Berlin or Rome like to think they are important, and intelligent and all knowing. They are none of the above. They are grifters who are totally dependent on the riff raff who bring them food and drink and build their houses and fix their toilets. That is reality and so the best thing about Trump is he knows it and they hate him for it. He actually has built their houses and knows the importance of plumbing.
Your description of the "pampered idiots in DC" really hit the nail on the head. During my career, I had to lobby Washington (no I was not a K Street lobbyist with bags of bribe money) Congresscritters regarding unfair parts of the Farm Bill that cost consumers a lot of money. What I discovered was that most of the folks there were basically clueless about the real world and lived in the DC cocoon. They thought themselves to be the best and the brightest, however, few came close. They expected subservience from the people who paid their salaries and were among the most arrogant folks I ever encountered. They always had their hand out for campaign contributions and, I am happy to say, they were disappointed that the only thing I left them with were facts and information that should influence future votes on the Farm Bill.
It’s like that in New Zealand. The politicians in Wellington together with their bureaucratic fellow travellers are clueless about the importance of farming in New Zealand!
Our country prospers or declines with the rural sector. You would think that they would do anything to keep them cheerful and productive.
But no.
They continually cripple them with endless regulations to propitiate the sky fairies and the demonic methane/ carbon dioxide twins.
I once read that Afghanistan was once a net producer of food, now it's people are starving because they only grow poppies, and the cartels sell poison to the world and the majority of politicians are in on the game lining their pockets with the blood money that is killing their constituents.
Amen! I agree. Having been raised on a ranch, and then years as an Aerial firefighter, I know nature's wrath. I remember the interview of Silicon valley types having their Latte and argula while the smoke from the Sierra drifts over . They would be scared if they were told to grab a Pulaski.
True. Mother Nature is hardly that lovely youth pictured with flowing gown and flowers in her hair. She is a tough old hag much like myself who will fight you for every inch you try to claim.
If Trump is the nominee he has my vote. If DeSantis is the nominee he has my vote. Almost any other Republican who wins the nomination will have my vote except for Christie, Pence or Bolton. I am not an "Only Trumper" because we can't afford to allow infighting to hand 4 more years to Biden/Harris.
The problem with this approach is that the RINOs rely upon it to do exactly nothing. You can’t elect the crazy, dangerous Democrat. So you’ll vote for the Republican who is useless in order to avoid the Democrat. The GOP counts on this to allow them to play the conservative card during elections. Then must of them sell us out for the term they’re elected for. Demand better. Let the Democrats win. You end up in the same place. When voters start refusing to accept RINOs then you’ll get done decent people or a new party. If it’s not Trump ( first choice by a mile) or DeSantis ( I can respect a lot of what he did in Florida.)I will not vote for any of the others. They are sell outs and liars.
They’ll stab you in the back all day long with a smile. I’ll write somebody in or not vote. The GOP machine is not on the majority of its voters’ side.
Several friends want Schlichter and Moorefield‘s dirt. Fortunately, they livein blue states and their votes won’t matter.
I believe many that support PDJT are afraid to speak up and say so. In the privacy of the voting booth, they will do the right thing and the margin of victory in the swing states will be beyond the reach of fraud.
I support Trump all the way. The left is evil, period. No one can fight the left as effectively as Trump. And yes, the 2020 election was stolen. Biden did not win! He is an unelected president. Never mind that the electoral college voted for him. Never mind other claims about the election by the media, and the test of the evil cabal. Trump won in 2020! He will win again in 2024. May the evil ones not have enough fraudulent votes to steal the election again.
Don't forget. Many Republicans are doing everything in their power to defeat Trump too. Democrats RINOS, Media are all dead set against him. Makes ya wonder why...
I pray you're right. I live in Georgia and we have dominion machines. Our Governor and Secretary of state refuse to question the results. They are also never Trumpers. I am lobbying my state reps and senators to change to paper. It is in place in the event of an emergency so it is viable.
After his "We're Gonna Win!" pre-election preening 2020, Schlichter (a "writer" whose "book" had ONE coherent chapter in it) should volunteer for clean-up duty on this detail:
Jack Smith lives in the Netherlands because he's working on an international court case that he has bungled badly. Look that up.
Meanwhile, who just travelled to Belgium, which is only an hour's drive from the Netherlands? Why AG Merrick Garland did. This sounds too much like Bill Clinton meeting with Loretta Lynch on the tarmac of an isolated airport to be a coincidence. Now why would Clinton meet with Lynch when the DOJ is considering what to do with Hillary and her emails? Oh I don't know -- nothing to see here.
And why would Garland meet with Jack Smith (if he does, and we'll never know) just when Jack Smith is considering what to do with prosecution of Trump? Oh I don't know that either -- nothing to see here.
So some I hope some enterprising journalist is following Garland very closely to see if he happens to have a private meeting with anyone who is in the neighborhood while he's in Belgium.
Nah. The only way they can't rig the election is to move up the date to a time that they're sound asleep on sheetless mattresses with Hunter Biden's fallen women (! Thanks. Changed it. This is "Scheduler's Disease," when someone is constantly dealing with all three possible dates, past present and future.)
I join with your prayer, LuAnn. We always should trust the effectiveness of prayer.
I have heard from a reliable source that our prayers--every one--are eternally present as beams of light before our Father--even those prayers that seem like wishes from our heart.
Mr. Surber said something a while back and I have adhered to ever since reading it quite a long time ago. To paraphrase Mr. Suber, he asked all of us to NOT support anyone who is seeking funds 1.5 years from the election. Yesterday, I received a solicitation of funds from THREE sources--Donald Trump, the Heritage foundation and The republican national committee. I REFUSE to support anyone or any thing this far away from the election. I found out the hard way that if you break that rule, all you will do is get yourself on other politicians mailing lists. I will support those with whom I agree when the time comes--like after Jan1, 2024.
The worst are the Trump solicitations. They were asking up to three times a week and even after spamming them, they would still get some in. I had to actually send them a letter before they would stop. Now they have started up again. I supported Kari Lake on her pursuits, but finally stopped. I have the feeling we have NOT heard the last of Kari Lake. I hope not.
Political mailings are charged the same as "Bulk Mail" regardless of what country you live in. Bulk mail is the cheapest way to send anything. My horror story of that was that I was hospitalized for almost 10 months between August 2021 to May 2022. I did not have access to the internet and only a little of my necessary (Utilities) mail was received. I had received nearly 7,000 mailings and internet solicitations from The Trump campaign in those 10 months. I did NOT have the luxury of a one button delete option (50 deletes at a time) and it took nearly a month to get rid of everything. I have two rubber stamps. One says "RETURN TO SENDER" and the other says F**K Y*U. I ran my Ink Pad dry returning all that mail, but I had to do something.
With sadness, I had to block all the texts and phone numbers of people claiming to ask donations to Trump since the run up to 2016. One or more of them may have been a real one. Couldn't take a chance. Besides, Trump would never call me by my first name at such a time. He is a gentleman, regardless of those festive ''Mean Tweets."
I guarantee you that if I contributed to one, within two weeks, I'd receive 10 solicitations and eight would be from out of state and NONE would be from people I had ever heard of.
Thanks for the shout-out to Catturd. I follow him on Truth Social and adore him. On the flip side, I used to adore Schlichter. What a disappointment he turned out to be. As retired military from back when we actually had a military instead of social experiment, he should know better.
I love Catturd! I check what he has to say daily (like I read Don; this month has been difficult for me to comment due to work requirements for DEI/Pride.)
The betrayal of the Judas goats is not ALMOST unforgiveable - it is simply unforgiveable, period. Boehner, McCain, W, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, Paul "Eddie Munster" Ryan, with the exception if Ric Grenell, and Betsy DeVos every one who served in his administration's first term, and every columnist of any weight were all dead to me once they chose the side opposite Trump, or revealed themselves to be. It matters not if they realize their mistake, and sincerely come to realize that Trump is the only thing standing between the authoritarian state and their own best interests, there is no atonement for betrayal such as theirs.
It's the same for Billy Kristol and The Weekly Standard (now defunct, thank God), Forbes, "institutions" such as, The Heritage Foundation, The American Enterprise Institute, Club for Growth, et al. I'm reserving special scorn for National Review - if ever there was a second coming of WFB, Jr.; David French, Andrew McCarthy, Charles Cooke and their ilk would be condemned to an eternity of writing for People Magazine, or Parade. My guess is that If Buckley could see what has become of what he founded and built with his bare hands, he would rather see it laid to waste and not one building block remaining than abide its current incarnation.
Schlichter was once an enjoyable read - he may still be a competent writer, but I no longer care to read what he puts out.
"I never wanted their empire because I knew it was made of dirt. And they never let me down because I never trusted them — which is why I don’t hurt. I learned from National Review’s sellout. I trust we all did."
Nor did I. I learned from Boehner's unmasking, and McCain's selfishness after he made a deal with the left to get his ass out of a crack re: his part in the S&L scandal in the latter half of the 80s. If we didn't learn from the NR sellout, there's no hope, really.
Option #1 isn't as much a choice as it a statement of fact, which leaves option #2 as the only one - kinda like casting a ballot in Russia.
When I meet people who are never Trumpers and ask them why it nearly always is,he is rude and nasty but they do not call him a liar.Perhaps this is now overlooked courtesy of bidet.When the never Trumpers would rather lose one has to question the validity of their point of view.Great post with an easy poll .We will win the long game!
Want to win 2024? Go after the black voters and the Democrats are destroyed. Black voters will be able to understand what it's like to have the system against them (and Trump) because of what they've been taught about the Jim Crow South, and, more importantly, you focus on how the system under Democrat rule hurts them. For example, they finally get an even shot at doing things that have been denied them for so long like high union wages and being able to legally own firearms and the Democrats dilute their labor pool with open borders and try to take away (again) their right to own firearms. The black vote in South Carolina saved Joe Biden's campaign and, with hard work, you can bring them over to your side and permanently destroy the chances of Democrats holding almost any office.
The only way to win in 2024 is to print ballots change code flip the votes on dominion voting machines and do with the Democrats do ....cheat. The key states will be the same as before, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Georgia, Nevada, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. Unless we use the democratic playbook of ballot harvesting all hopes for a Republican, President will be pipe dreams
Great summary of the political field and context of voters on both sides. The argument to support or not support Trump reminds me of a similar argument of believing or not believing in Christianity. To the Christian believers, personal experience is all they need to hold unwavering commitment. The non-believers don't accept it because they see Christians as being hypocrites - not being perfect and without sin, but the non-believers usually have no other "worldview" to account for life on Planet Earth. They are embarrassed to admit publicly that they believe in God and Creation as written in the Bible. They don't want to be associated with an "embarrassing" social group. They reject it because of one issue like the never-trumpers reject Trump on one general issue.
Trump isn't perfect and without sin and will continue to make mistakes, but whose "worldview" would you want to live under? The choice is easy for me. One option is the death of our country and freedom (CCP_Democrats) and the other is being released from bondage to regain our personal liberty as chartered in the founding documents.
Resist letting your outward support of DJT feel like you are drinking a Bud Light at a rodeo.
Not a fan of Trump because he surrounds himself with sycophants who ultimately stab him in the back. The amount of chaos created by his lack of self restraint is amazing. With that said, if he’s the nominee, I will support him 100%
My plan is to register Democrat vote for RFK Jr, in the hopes that he is the Democratic nominee and then support the Republican candidate in the general election. However will watch the deep state steal the 100 million votes from the Republican candidate and give it to Mr. Magoo.
Mark, I believe the Dems fear RFK almost as much as Trump, but the DNC will let RFK in the boxing ring because he will peel off a significant number of former Trump supporters. They will use RFK to split the Republican vote. The Dems will never let RFK win the general election.
Yes the DNC (CIA) will never let RFK close to the stage, yet if the republicans were unified they would have supported Trump though all his travails. In addition, the RNC should have put all support behind Trump and limit the division in the party. By not doing so they are complicit in this charade.
Mark, you are spot-on correct. The GOP is on the verge of splitting as they split from the Whig party just prior to the Civil War. This must happen for Constitutional Conservatism to survive and have influence over the running of the country. The never-Trumpers are millstones around our neck. We must split and break from their control.
With fair voting the Republicans would hold the executive and legislative branches. The never Trumper’s would fail to exist. However, with the joke of a system we have, we are being ruled by the minority and being talked down to by an even smaller minority.
While I keep thinking that one day, we may see a 1775 Concord Massachusetts moment, my eyes tell me that we are witnessing a 1917 Moscow moment.
My family bought a house in Utah and when asked by the real estate agent why they did it (not LDS) They told them they wanted to move to vote against Mitt Romney. They laughed and said most of the LDS community is against him too. Hopefully 24 he is gone.
I'm with Catturd, too. These so-called Republicans are losers. They don't know how to win. They don't know how to fight. They want to lose. Their so-called principles prevent them from unifying behind Trump. They disgust me.
Looks like we all still have major doubts and concerns about the 2024 election. And there's still months ahead of us for (a) Biden to completely implode, and (b) the Deep State to completely crush our freedom to dissent, protest - and perhaps even VOTE.
We'll see if we have any freedoms - or an economy - left by then.
I live in Canada so my choice in the voting Booth is irrelevant but IF I could Vote it would be for Trump.
I find Schlicters position disconcerting, especially after I bought his book. Before Trumps initial term he mouthed similar sentiments but admitted he was wrong. The about face again is upsetting!
A man with multiple faces is entitled to his changing lanes without turn signals.
His was a dreadfully written book: "Militant Normals..." Kurt Schlichter [1964- ]; Center Street [Hachette Book Group Inc.] (2018 hardcover).”
ONE chapter was coherently written.
The secret sauce recipe:
"Do I edit as I write? Not really. I get a draft done then edit that. I have done this long enough that I am usually prepared in my head enough to get a 75%-80% solution on paper the first time. But I do polish it. Here, I went through it, gave it to my [unnamed] Regnery editor (Irina and Derek Hunter usually edit my columns), and he had thousands of edits. Thousands."
One can imagine.
Pulped. Schlichter is one big reason why about 3-4 years ago, I ceased ordering such monstrosities.
As for today’s poll, I answered optimistically. But I’m not ignoring the lengths they will go to to prevent his reelection, including murder. These are desperate and dangerous demons.
Dear Don,
You wrote the enemy of the people is "now" the state. Don, Don the enemy of the people has always been the state. It was the enemy of the people in Rome, in Greece and it is why our own Founders added the first Ten Amendments. As someone once said "The second Amendment is not about DUCK HUNTING". No it is about keeping a monster that is always growing in check. It is the grapevine in your garden, and no matter how many time you cut it down it will come back bigger and stronger and more determined to kill your lovely flowering shrubs.
Sorry about the gardening analogy but it is spring here in PA and the neverending battles with Mother Nature begin. And the high rise liberals who have never tended a garden and fought her on the battlefield of real dirt and weeds do not have a clue who she really is.
And Reagan did not defeat the Soviets, he merely saw reality. He was able to see past the Potemkin Village and see the lines waiting for toilet paper. Once you see that for what it is, you know there is no there there. It is never about the missles and the money, the real battles are about the food and the toilet paper. The pampered idiots in DC or Berlin or Rome like to think they are important, and intelligent and all knowing. They are none of the above. They are grifters who are totally dependent on the riff raff who bring them food and drink and build their houses and fix their toilets. That is reality and so the best thing about Trump is he knows it and they hate him for it. He actually has built their houses and knows the importance of plumbing.
Well spoken. Thank you.
Your description of the "pampered idiots in DC" really hit the nail on the head. During my career, I had to lobby Washington (no I was not a K Street lobbyist with bags of bribe money) Congresscritters regarding unfair parts of the Farm Bill that cost consumers a lot of money. What I discovered was that most of the folks there were basically clueless about the real world and lived in the DC cocoon. They thought themselves to be the best and the brightest, however, few came close. They expected subservience from the people who paid their salaries and were among the most arrogant folks I ever encountered. They always had their hand out for campaign contributions and, I am happy to say, they were disappointed that the only thing I left them with were facts and information that should influence future votes on the Farm Bill.
It’s like that in New Zealand. The politicians in Wellington together with their bureaucratic fellow travellers are clueless about the importance of farming in New Zealand!
Our country prospers or declines with the rural sector. You would think that they would do anything to keep them cheerful and productive.
But no.
They continually cripple them with endless regulations to propitiate the sky fairies and the demonic methane/ carbon dioxide twins.
They are mad.
I once read that Afghanistan was once a net producer of food, now it's people are starving because they only grow poppies, and the cartels sell poison to the world and the majority of politicians are in on the game lining their pockets with the blood money that is killing their constituents.
Right on, LadyChurchillUSA. Winston would approve.
Amen! I agree. Having been raised on a ranch, and then years as an Aerial firefighter, I know nature's wrath. I remember the interview of Silicon valley types having their Latte and argula while the smoke from the Sierra drifts over . They would be scared if they were told to grab a Pulaski.
True. Mother Nature is hardly that lovely youth pictured with flowing gown and flowers in her hair. She is a tough old hag much like myself who will fight you for every inch you try to claim.
Here in Georgia and othe places in the south it is kudzu. Never seen anything so invasive other than the deep state.
Wasn't there a lot of waiting for bread and toilet paper (and baby formula) when the Communist stole the White house in 2020? Better plan for more
If Trump is the nominee he has my vote. If DeSantis is the nominee he has my vote. Almost any other Republican who wins the nomination will have my vote except for Christie, Pence or Bolton. I am not an "Only Trumper" because we can't afford to allow infighting to hand 4 more years to Biden/Harris.
I hear what you're saying but let me repeat: I will crawl over broken glass to vote for Trump again.
Trump also will get my write-in vote if he is not the nominee. I despise the RINO Party.
Good idea! I think I'll write in his name for any office where he isn't nominated.
What a great idea.
I'm voting for Christie. He promised me my own beach.
Only if his running mate is JB Pritzker then their motto will be a ton of fun.
I wouldn't vote for Christie if he was the only one running.
Or pence
Are you planning to become a whale like him? (sarc, please don't be offended)
You should see the photo of me down in Bermuda about 20 years ago. I was drafted as the next gov of NJ even before I got off the plane at Newark!!!
He can show up dressed as a "whale"!!!
There isn't a beach big enough anywhere in the world that could accommodate his bulk.
No beach friend, just the whale, literally and figuratively.
But who ya gonna vote for in the primary????
THAT is the question.
The problem with this approach is that the RINOs rely upon it to do exactly nothing. You can’t elect the crazy, dangerous Democrat. So you’ll vote for the Republican who is useless in order to avoid the Democrat. The GOP counts on this to allow them to play the conservative card during elections. Then must of them sell us out for the term they’re elected for. Demand better. Let the Democrats win. You end up in the same place. When voters start refusing to accept RINOs then you’ll get done decent people or a new party. If it’s not Trump ( first choice by a mile) or DeSantis ( I can respect a lot of what he did in Florida.)I will not vote for any of the others. They are sell outs and liars.
They’ll stab you in the back all day long with a smile. I’ll write somebody in or not vote. The GOP machine is not on the majority of its voters’ side.
Right on Bucky!!!! Let's all keep in mind what is at stake in 2024.
Several friends want Schlichter and Moorefield‘s dirt. Fortunately, they livein blue states and their votes won’t matter.
I believe many that support PDJT are afraid to speak up and say so. In the privacy of the voting booth, they will do the right thing and the margin of victory in the swing states will be beyond the reach of fraud.
I support Trump all the way. The left is evil, period. No one can fight the left as effectively as Trump. And yes, the 2020 election was stolen. Biden did not win! He is an unelected president. Never mind that the electoral college voted for him. Never mind other claims about the election by the media, and the test of the evil cabal. Trump won in 2020! He will win again in 2024. May the evil ones not have enough fraudulent votes to steal the election again.
They will do everything in their power to prevent Trump from winning. That, of course, includes cheating.
Don't forget. Many Republicans are doing everything in their power to defeat Trump too. Democrats RINOS, Media are all dead set against him. Makes ya wonder why...
I think the margin of cheating is never beyond fraud in those states. It's how the votes are counted, not the turnout.
I pray you're right. I live in Georgia and we have dominion machines. Our Governor and Secretary of state refuse to question the results. They are also never Trumpers. I am lobbying my state reps and senators to change to paper. It is in place in the event of an emergency so it is viable.
Check out Emerald Robinson’s column today and the Coffee County Election officials fighting the Dominion crap machines
Thanks for the heads up.
God bless your faith!
After his "We're Gonna Win!" pre-election preening 2020, Schlichter (a "writer" whose "book" had ONE coherent chapter in it) should volunteer for clean-up duty on this detail:
Schlichter has shown us who he is.
90% chance you are right. If God is behind this (I'm not a prophet!) the chances are 100%!!
Jack Smith lives in the Netherlands because he's working on an international court case that he has bungled badly. Look that up.
Meanwhile, who just travelled to Belgium, which is only an hour's drive from the Netherlands? Why AG Merrick Garland did. This sounds too much like Bill Clinton meeting with Loretta Lynch on the tarmac of an isolated airport to be a coincidence. Now why would Clinton meet with Lynch when the DOJ is considering what to do with Hillary and her emails? Oh I don't know -- nothing to see here.
And why would Garland meet with Jack Smith (if he does, and we'll never know) just when Jack Smith is considering what to do with prosecution of Trump? Oh I don't know that either -- nothing to see here.
So some I hope some enterprising journalist is following Garland very closely to see if he happens to have a private meeting with anyone who is in the neighborhood while he's in Belgium.
I will continue to believe President Trump will be re-elected, wishful thinking or not. If I’m proven wrong I will accept and move on. Like it or not.
There is a very good chance of Trump being re-elected president on 11/08/24.
That's fine, but I hope he's elected on 11/8/ TWENTY-FOUR.
Nah. The only way they can't rig the election is to move up the date to a time that they're sound asleep on sheetless mattresses with Hunter Biden's fallen women (! Thanks. Changed it. This is "Scheduler's Disease," when someone is constantly dealing with all three possible dates, past present and future.)
I pray you are right.
I join with your prayer, LuAnn. We always should trust the effectiveness of prayer.
I have heard from a reliable source that our prayers--every one--are eternally present as beams of light before our Father--even those prayers that seem like wishes from our heart.
Mr. Surber said something a while back and I have adhered to ever since reading it quite a long time ago. To paraphrase Mr. Suber, he asked all of us to NOT support anyone who is seeking funds 1.5 years from the election. Yesterday, I received a solicitation of funds from THREE sources--Donald Trump, the Heritage foundation and The republican national committee. I REFUSE to support anyone or any thing this far away from the election. I found out the hard way that if you break that rule, all you will do is get yourself on other politicians mailing lists. I will support those with whom I agree when the time comes--like after Jan1, 2024.
Darn it, you didn't get my solicitation. What's that address again?
The worst are the Trump solicitations. They were asking up to three times a week and even after spamming them, they would still get some in. I had to actually send them a letter before they would stop. Now they have started up again. I supported Kari Lake on her pursuits, but finally stopped. I have the feeling we have NOT heard the last of Kari Lake. I hope not.
I get them and I am a Canadian living in Canada.
Now THAT is dedication. Yours, not theirs.
Political mailings are charged the same as "Bulk Mail" regardless of what country you live in. Bulk mail is the cheapest way to send anything. My horror story of that was that I was hospitalized for almost 10 months between August 2021 to May 2022. I did not have access to the internet and only a little of my necessary (Utilities) mail was received. I had received nearly 7,000 mailings and internet solicitations from The Trump campaign in those 10 months. I did NOT have the luxury of a one button delete option (50 deletes at a time) and it took nearly a month to get rid of everything. I have two rubber stamps. One says "RETURN TO SENDER" and the other says F**K Y*U. I ran my Ink Pad dry returning all that mail, but I had to do something.
With sadness, I had to block all the texts and phone numbers of people claiming to ask donations to Trump since the run up to 2016. One or more of them may have been a real one. Couldn't take a chance. Besides, Trump would never call me by my first name at such a time. He is a gentleman, regardless of those festive ''Mean Tweets."
I miss the mean tweets freakouts on Twitter!
Excellent point. I don't even answer my phone unless I am expecting the call and I wouldn't contribute over the phone under any circumstances
I work at home and I have just stopped answering the phone. I am going to cancel my landline after 30 years and just keep my cell.
Only three?
I guarantee you that if I contributed to one, within two weeks, I'd receive 10 solicitations and eight would be from out of state and NONE would be from people I had ever heard of.
Thanks for the shout-out to Catturd. I follow him on Truth Social and adore him. On the flip side, I used to adore Schlichter. What a disappointment he turned out to be. As retired military from back when we actually had a military instead of social experiment, he should know better.
I love Catturd! I check what he has to say daily (like I read Don; this month has been difficult for me to comment due to work requirements for DEI/Pride.)
Hear, hear!
The betrayal of the Judas goats is not ALMOST unforgiveable - it is simply unforgiveable, period. Boehner, McCain, W, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, Paul "Eddie Munster" Ryan, with the exception if Ric Grenell, and Betsy DeVos every one who served in his administration's first term, and every columnist of any weight were all dead to me once they chose the side opposite Trump, or revealed themselves to be. It matters not if they realize their mistake, and sincerely come to realize that Trump is the only thing standing between the authoritarian state and their own best interests, there is no atonement for betrayal such as theirs.
It's the same for Billy Kristol and The Weekly Standard (now defunct, thank God), Forbes, "institutions" such as, The Heritage Foundation, The American Enterprise Institute, Club for Growth, et al. I'm reserving special scorn for National Review - if ever there was a second coming of WFB, Jr.; David French, Andrew McCarthy, Charles Cooke and their ilk would be condemned to an eternity of writing for People Magazine, or Parade. My guess is that If Buckley could see what has become of what he founded and built with his bare hands, he would rather see it laid to waste and not one building block remaining than abide its current incarnation.
Schlichter was once an enjoyable read - he may still be a competent writer, but I no longer care to read what he puts out.
"I never wanted their empire because I knew it was made of dirt. And they never let me down because I never trusted them — which is why I don’t hurt. I learned from National Review’s sellout. I trust we all did."
Nor did I. I learned from Boehner's unmasking, and McCain's selfishness after he made a deal with the left to get his ass out of a crack re: his part in the S&L scandal in the latter half of the 80s. If we didn't learn from the NR sellout, there's no hope, really.
Option #1 isn't as much a choice as it a statement of fact, which leaves option #2 as the only one - kinda like casting a ballot in Russia.
Yes, all those people are dead to me.
My guess is that If Buckley could see what has become of NR, he would spin, do back-flips, and a few other calisthenics in his grave.
When I meet people who are never Trumpers and ask them why it nearly always is,he is rude and nasty but they do not call him a liar.Perhaps this is now overlooked courtesy of bidet.When the never Trumpers would rather lose one has to question the validity of their point of view.Great post with an easy poll .We will win the long game!
Thank God Trump's supporters have nothing but contempt for the Never Trumpers.
Want to win 2024? Go after the black voters and the Democrats are destroyed. Black voters will be able to understand what it's like to have the system against them (and Trump) because of what they've been taught about the Jim Crow South, and, more importantly, you focus on how the system under Democrat rule hurts them. For example, they finally get an even shot at doing things that have been denied them for so long like high union wages and being able to legally own firearms and the Democrats dilute their labor pool with open borders and try to take away (again) their right to own firearms. The black vote in South Carolina saved Joe Biden's campaign and, with hard work, you can bring them over to your side and permanently destroy the chances of Democrats holding almost any office.
The only way to win in 2024 is to print ballots change code flip the votes on dominion voting machines and do with the Democrats do ....cheat. The key states will be the same as before, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Georgia, Nevada, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. Unless we use the democratic playbook of ballot harvesting all hopes for a Republican, President will be pipe dreams
Exactly. It's how the votes are counted.
We must not cede Ariz. or Col. to the current mafiosos.
Yes to that.
Republicans also need to go after Hispanic voters.
Notice how I didn't say Latinx.
Excellent comments - by the way, the majority of Hispanic voters don't say Latinx either.
Great summary of the political field and context of voters on both sides. The argument to support or not support Trump reminds me of a similar argument of believing or not believing in Christianity. To the Christian believers, personal experience is all they need to hold unwavering commitment. The non-believers don't accept it because they see Christians as being hypocrites - not being perfect and without sin, but the non-believers usually have no other "worldview" to account for life on Planet Earth. They are embarrassed to admit publicly that they believe in God and Creation as written in the Bible. They don't want to be associated with an "embarrassing" social group. They reject it because of one issue like the never-trumpers reject Trump on one general issue.
Trump isn't perfect and without sin and will continue to make mistakes, but whose "worldview" would you want to live under? The choice is easy for me. One option is the death of our country and freedom (CCP_Democrats) and the other is being released from bondage to regain our personal liberty as chartered in the founding documents.
Resist letting your outward support of DJT feel like you are drinking a Bud Light at a rodeo.
Not a fan of Trump because he surrounds himself with sycophants who ultimately stab him in the back. The amount of chaos created by his lack of self restraint is amazing. With that said, if he’s the nominee, I will support him 100%
My plan is to register Democrat vote for RFK Jr, in the hopes that he is the Democratic nominee and then support the Republican candidate in the general election. However will watch the deep state steal the 100 million votes from the Republican candidate and give it to Mr. Magoo.
Mark, I believe the Dems fear RFK almost as much as Trump, but the DNC will let RFK in the boxing ring because he will peel off a significant number of former Trump supporters. They will use RFK to split the Republican vote. The Dems will never let RFK win the general election.
Yes the DNC (CIA) will never let RFK close to the stage, yet if the republicans were unified they would have supported Trump though all his travails. In addition, the RNC should have put all support behind Trump and limit the division in the party. By not doing so they are complicit in this charade.
The Republicans are incapable of unifying. A lot of them would rather lose.
Mark, you are spot-on correct. The GOP is on the verge of splitting as they split from the Whig party just prior to the Civil War. This must happen for Constitutional Conservatism to survive and have influence over the running of the country. The never-Trumpers are millstones around our neck. We must split and break from their control.
With fair voting the Republicans would hold the executive and legislative branches. The never Trumper’s would fail to exist. However, with the joke of a system we have, we are being ruled by the minority and being talked down to by an even smaller minority.
While I keep thinking that one day, we may see a 1775 Concord Massachusetts moment, my eyes tell me that we are witnessing a 1917 Moscow moment.
Correct, Mark!
Pierre Delecto and niece RRM are the parasite landlords so good luck uniting Repubs.
My family bought a house in Utah and when asked by the real estate agent why they did it (not LDS) They told them they wanted to move to vote against Mitt Romney. They laughed and said most of the LDS community is against him too. Hopefully 24 he is gone.
I'm with Catturd, too. These so-called Republicans are losers. They don't know how to win. They don't know how to fight. They want to lose. Their so-called principles prevent them from unifying behind Trump. They disgust me.
Oh, I think they know how to win - but it requires effort, and potentially losing "friends," thus they lack the will to do so.
Looks like we all still have major doubts and concerns about the 2024 election. And there's still months ahead of us for (a) Biden to completely implode, and (b) the Deep State to completely crush our freedom to dissent, protest - and perhaps even VOTE.
We'll see if we have any freedoms - or an economy - left by then.
I live in Canada so my choice in the voting Booth is irrelevant but IF I could Vote it would be for Trump.
I find Schlicters position disconcerting, especially after I bought his book. Before Trumps initial term he mouthed similar sentiments but admitted he was wrong. The about face again is upsetting!
A man with multiple faces is entitled to his changing lanes without turn signals.
His was a dreadfully written book: "Militant Normals..." Kurt Schlichter [1964- ]; Center Street [Hachette Book Group Inc.] (2018 hardcover).”
ONE chapter was coherently written.
The secret sauce recipe:
"Do I edit as I write? Not really. I get a draft done then edit that. I have done this long enough that I am usually prepared in my head enough to get a 75%-80% solution on paper the first time. But I do polish it. Here, I went through it, gave it to my [unnamed] Regnery editor (Irina and Derek Hunter usually edit my columns), and he had thousands of edits. Thousands."
One can imagine.
Pulped. Schlichter is one big reason why about 3-4 years ago, I ceased ordering such monstrosities.
Yes to that, my fellow Canuck Chuck.
As for today’s poll, I answered optimistically. But I’m not ignoring the lengths they will go to to prevent his reelection, including murder. These are desperate and dangerous demons.