Pray that somewhere deep inside, Conrad Heyer still lives in the American soul. Between now and November we have an epic battle ahead of us, and the only thing at stake is everything.

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I think we have the same feelings of despair - badly needing a victory - that Washington had in December, 1776.

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'Until then, we'll have to muddle through somehow.

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Easter Egg! HT to Judy Garland.

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Bingo, Jim. My first love-more on my substack

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A little bit OT, but if this is not the best campaign ad I've ever seen, I'll give it up:


We Just Might Make It.™

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Superb. I do recall seeing it back when it aired originally, but superb to see it again.

That was only 5 years ago. Despite the degradation of our military from within under Biden, there still must be a hardcore of patriots serving today. Thanks for sharing!

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The issue we face is in our own minds. While powerful, those who attempt to oppress us are in a small minority. Yes they have a big military and police agencies and secret intelligence agencies, but a lot of those people are on our side and if we stand up, they will not all stay on the side of evil. We also have history on our side. This country was founded on the principle of individual freedom and God given rights. We lend authority to government. We can revoke it if they are tyrants. There are maybe 4 million federal employees, many of whom are on our side . How many do you think want to fight their own countrymen? I’ll tell you: not enough to matter. There are over 330 million citizens. It’s a question of standing up. Have a beautiful Christmas. We have some housekeeping to do in the new year, need to sweep out the dirt.

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Absolutely this. Thankya!

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Here! Here!

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Amen, Tanto. This is not a Marxist country. We will not be defeated by a numerically small group that has infiltrated our Republic by stealth and gained some ground in indoctrinating youth and uninformed adult liberals. Their ideology is fatally flawed in its premises, and can't stand the light of day. And, as ideologues, they lack the practical ability to do anything constructive and when in power they govern disastrously.

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And I think we can physically defeat them without too much effort. They don’t impress me as brave people.

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Actually, my favorite Revolutionary hero is Hamilton. He was the 2nd most indispensable American. But he wasn't listed, so Knox is.

Thank you for this great Christmas story! And you're very right: they gave us Liberty, something that has been in short supply for humankind for ever, and is in danger now from the totalitarians of both parties. Heyer's generation was made of much sterner stuff than any that came after it, including the "Greatest Generation" of WW2 era, because of the tremendous suffering they overcame to defeat the most powerful combined arms military on earth at that time, the Imperial army and navy of Great Britain.

Merry Christmas to you and all your patriot readers! We will soon be dealing with the same travails and challenges they did, maybe even worse. I hope we can find Heyers amongst us.

Pray for the Republic.

Danny Huckabee

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"The defense of liberty takes no holiday"

It does not - nor do those bent on destroying this nation by any means possible from within OR without. Satan never rests - we who would counter such forces ought not to, either.

Thank God that George Washington was not a pragmatist or otherwise rational man who might have concluded that the risk was too great for such an uncertain outcome.

I submit that the Continental Army's triumph under Gen. Washington is what informed MacArthur's observation re: failure in war:

“The history of failure in war can almost always be summed up in two words: ‘Too late.’ Too late in comprehending the deadly purpose of a potential enemy. Too late in realizing the mortal danger. Too late in preparedness. Too late in uniting all possible forces for resistance.”

Two words: Too late.

Thank you, Brother Don, for this most special Christmas present to your readers.

As for the poll question, it is Henry Knox, without qualification!

Merry Christmas, to you and yours in beautiful West Virginia!!

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Beautiful! What would the Green Mountain Boys say about the freakshow that is modern day Vermont? Conrad Heyer would probably wonder how his state turned from a bunch of tough, stoic, hardworking and devout farmers, fishermen and loggers, a state that full of linen, woolen, and textile mills, foundries, shoe factories, shipbuilders and full churches into a goofy caricature of itself. I think we Americans are victims of our own success. It has made us soft. There is still a lot of muscle memory for the old America though, let's hope we just know instinctively what to do when the time comes. If you are ever in Waldoboro, ME make sure to stop in at Moody's Diner and have a slice of peanut butter pie. Yum!

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Did it more than once and up Route 1 is the Knox Mansion.

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Midcoastal Maine is a beautiful part of the country with quaint and well preserved towns, particularly Camden. Best lobster rolls too at McCloon's on Spruce Head Island.

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This piece should run every Christmas day.

Merry Christmas y’all.

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All the best for 2024, Mr. L!

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Thank you and same to you LuAnn.

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Thanks for this unexpected Christmas gift - the best kind.

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Thanks for sharing this history. This is one of those things I "knew", but didn't know.

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At the time of God's choosing, there will be courage shown and actions taken. Look toward the light.

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Yes. And I believe the one leader who is risking his life, his forrtune and his sacred honor to save our republic was sent by God. He enter the scene descending on an escalator and instantly rallied conservative voters by saying, "I'm going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it." And, then, after entering office, he created peace in the Middle East with a wave of his hand. Is it any wonder the deep state, treasury-looting criminals hate him with a passion?

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Yes to that Gary. Trump.

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Merry Christmas everyone! What a pleasant gift!

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Many of you may not know of General John Stark. He was a New Hampshire native and is famous for his cry, "Live Free or Die!" It is New Hampshire's state motto and is printed on every car and truck license plate. He served in both the French and Indian War and was a force in the Revolutionary War at the battle of Bunker Hill which course was actually fought on Breeds Hill. Can't remember why Bunker Hill got the reputation, but is not the subject of this post. General Stark died in Manchester New Hampshire. He was 93 years old.

"Live Free or Die!"


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What a great gift is the Poca-Man who even works on Christmas.Thank you,may God continue to bless you and yours eternally.Merry Christmas to all !!!

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Yes, thanks for working on Christmas Don! God bless you and family.

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May God continue to bless you and yours eternally, as well!!! My very best wishes, Marlan.

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Thank you PM.

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A great Christmas story—thanks.

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Thanks. This brought tears to my eyes, tears of pride & pain, thinking about the utter grit these men had. As much as we use words like freedom/liberty, in recalling these stories, there comes a point where you realize that it is not so much that men live the words, but that the words lived them.

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The surprise seeing your column in my mail this morning was almost as great as the year I found a bike under the Christmas tree. Very well played. Best wishes for a very happy new year.

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