Jack S, Sodomton DC, SBD voters!! Love the humor wrapped around the deadly seriousness of what we face.

This article (and many others) Reminds me of someone. Someone we miss very much and need desperately in times like this. Someone who could unite the conservatives. Someone who could Poca holes in liberal nonsense with logic and humor.

I miss Rush Limbaugh.

May your readership continue to grow and your influence spread.

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I'm sure El Rushbo, looking down on us from above is undoubtedly pleased to see Brother Don and others doing their parts to fill the massive void left by his departure, but equally troubled by the impotence and utter lack of conviction of those we ought to have been able to trust, and count on as compatriots.

Ultimately, it's God who will have the last word - and not just regarding what has happened in our nation.

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I have all of Limbaugh's books. At last I may have a place to donate them, all still with the jacket undamaged. Thanks for an excuse to mention Rush without sounding maudlin.

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Very well put!

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Agree as well with some loud conservative influential voices who can unite us; however it seems that most are in it to just hear themselves talk (Don and some others excluded) and it for the book deals and cash. Why can't Sean, Tucker, Laura, and Glenn get all their listeners and audience together and say; yes we may have some differing points; no chance we agree 100% other than the Dems and Left have to be stopped so lets rally together. Otherwise it's just a lot of noise that does nothing.

As they say Dems march and republicans tweet/post and think they are making a difference. But perhaps that will be the spark. As Tupac said; I may not change the world but hopefully I inspire the person who does.

Again no offense to anyone here or the great people mentioned above.

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I think of Rush often. He must be rolling in his grave to see how things are shaping up and so quickly.

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No Rush sitting there saying, " I know these people like the back of my hand. Talent on loan from God d"

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7 fold Amen. Cue the choir. Lord, I love a good fight.

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I miss Rush too!

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MEGA dittos

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Everyday at three p.m.

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GMTA brother!!

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I chose "become a target" because I'm 75, my mom promised me ice cream every time I stand up to a bully, I'm the former pastor of a large area church, my son in law is supervisor of the third shift police, a family friend is Sheriff, my daughters are fearless and well connected in town so, yeah, bring it. I smell ice cream.

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I'm with you in spirit, but I'm 73, and my wife and I have custody of our six-year-old granddaughter.

OTOH, we live a stone's throw from Randolph JSB and are surrounded by active duty, retired, and veteran military, and I belong to that tribe. Also, this is Texas, which has well established Stand Your Ground and Castle Doctrine policies. When you drive into San Antonio, a sign reads "Welcome to Military Town".

I'll go back and vote "Become a target". Those who bring it to me are targets as well.

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Thank God for you and your family, representing for God, truth, justice and what once was the American way.

How is it so much of SA's local government is as red as Houston, Austin, Dallas, and FW? The Bexar County sheriff, in particular - I've lived in Texas since 2018 and still can't grasp why that is, so please know I'm seeking to understand.

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I'm with you, Rev. I don't have all the LE support you have, but I am retired with no job security concerns. There might be a few weapons in my home that I know how to use if necessary as well. Also I think it gives some comfort to folks to find out they aren't alone in their community with their thinking.

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Please Ep, no boat trips while carrying.

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*mourns* SL, your boat drown my weapons.

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God created free will. His fallen Angel Satan constantly tests it. God favors individuals not countries. So it is false to think God loves the USA.

Another false narrative is that conservatives have the majority of the 400M + firearms. Suggest one goes to the local gun show or store to see who is buying now days. One might be surprised. In addition younger LE is highly liberal.

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Don you are absolutely right on this one. Trump is not a politician, he was and is a businessman which is what all our leaders should be. They should be men who understand what it takes to earn a living, and what it takes to build a business. Putting pampered nitwits who never worked a day in their lives is and was our biggest mistake. Our founders were farmers and businessmen. They probably should have written that into the Constitution as one of the requirements for running for office, and I mean any office. Bureaucrats are the bain of our existence and Orwell was right to fear them most. We need to see them for the danger that they pose to our lives and our freedom. It is a Herculean task to clean out this stable but it is going to have to be done if we are to survive. Donald Trump is the only man I see with a shovel big enough for the job.

The 2020 election was stolen. Sorry but if you believe that Trump was leading by 200K votes here in PA at midnight of election day and then suddenly that exact number of ballots appeared in Philadelphia all for Joey Biden, then you are either an idiot or a liar. And these days most democrats are both I am sorry to say.

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LC, you needn’t apologize for declaring the truth. Georgia was stolen also. The betrayal still stings.

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My go to saying:

Democrat voters are either idiots or evil. And I have no desire to waste any of my time with either!

I abhor a term you used above (with all due respect; I loved your post). We do NOT have "Leaders". We have Representatives who we vote in to REPRESENT us. It's like the word democracy. I wasn't to scream every time I hear it used with respect to our Republic

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Got the Trump flag and the Branden Bumper stickers displayed. More than once have folks approached me in agreement but saying they are afraid to do it themselves and be a target or lose their jobs. I also get the middle finger on the road. Winning!

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Thanks, Mark, for doing the job most cannot do!

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Your poll could add "quietly talk to those who can understand."

Most important history lesson I can think of right now:

Rome's Republic was in danger. Infighting among the leaders of the Senate had taken a turn toward open violence. They feared that Julius Caesar would overturn the Republic with his legions.

So in violation of their law, tradition and constitution they murdered him. Just a few years later Caesar's adopted punk Augustus would declare himself Emperor and made it stick. End of the republic.

lesson for anti-Trump: Violating your republic will never save your republic.

Lesson for the rest of us, the Democrats and Deep State do not want a republic.

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Of course they don't want a Republic. Not one time will any media or democrat say the words Representative Republic. It's always democracy, democracy, democracy! A word not found in our Constitution because our founding fathers knew that democracy was a failure.

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There is very little difference between communism and democracy. It just takes democracy longer for its middle class to descend to being equal peasants with the lower class as the ruling regime abandons freedom for everyone but them.

We are living through those times.

“Liberty, by its very nature, undermines social equality, and equality suppresses liberty--for how else could it be attained?”

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

But we still have a God in Heaven who hears and moves for his people.

I keep Psalm 37 near and believe God will move as he did in 2016.

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Trust in the LORD and do good.

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That “do good” part seems to be our un-doing, if you will. Decent people do good and think of and plan other ways to do good. We do good by being God’s hands and feet to good works and thinking his thoughts and desiring his ways.

Evil people plot traps and plan for the destruction of all good things. They don’t consider the eternal damage they inflict on their souls.

That’s why I keep Psalm 37 close as a constant reminder that this world is temporary and God wants his children to live under his protection by guarding our hearts from envying the wicked.

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Trust but verify. Helping is good, doing good is good, when help turns to hand outs, its bad.

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My point was to emphasize a fundamental difference between good people and wicked people.

Thank you for the word of caution.

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Yep. A Communist even said, "It doesn't matter who votes. It's who counts the votes that matters."

And here we are...

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Yes, here we are. The Republicans/Trump simply cannot win by just getting out the vote.

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Psalm 37! One of my favorite psalms!

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It's interesting how the Democrats/left all talk about "democracy" now. What does that mean? Your country is a constitutional republic (but democratic). My country (Canada) is a parliamentary democracy and technically a consitutional monarchy. The word "democracy" on its own means nothing. It only means what the Ds and left want it to mean and that is usually fascist.

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Years ago (1961) a professor told us that democracy was another use for Mob Rule, and that ours was a Republic. That helped in my understanding of go-along-to-get-along policies.

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A pure democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what’s for dinner.

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When the Left says “democracy” they mean “my way or the highway”. Every time you hear them use the word just substitute the word “dictatorship”.

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It's been the Department of Just Us since the days of Lord Obama.

If not Trump, then who?

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No one but Trump. He has unfinished business.

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She wrote that last November.

"Where was the Republican outrage?"

I say:

The outrage has always been there. The media is SO corrupt that if you listened to them constantly, you'd think Joe Biden was a competent president. If you think that is incorrect, for those who, like me, open up to the MICROSOFT WORLDVIEW (Not my choice, but I can't get rid of it), if you look closely at the "COMMENTS" button, notice that they will NOT let you comment on transgender issues, but they will sure as hell let you know about them.

This madness and insanity MUST come to an end or it will be the end of U.S.

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Sodomton, DC. How appropriate!! 👏🏻👏🏻

For me it is Trump all the way, for the very reasons you have written. We must overwhelm the the evil left with 100 million + votes and with much prayer.

If David was able to kill Goliath, we too can kill off this evil by doing all we can and leaving the rest to our almighty God! David trusted God’s greatness and reputation. He said I come to you in the name of the Lord and the armies of heaven.

We can do the same! Onward Christian soldiers and like minded people! The battle is ours to win!

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Cue the choir again.

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I will vote for Trump in the primary and in the general, even if he is in prison and I have to write his name in. Does anyone know what would happen if 100 million Americans wrote his name in?

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They'd shut down counting and manufacture enough votes to reach 100 million and 1

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They did it once and got away with it. They’ll do it again. And get away with it--again,

If everyone in the US voted for Trump in 2024, I guarantee each state would “find” more votes (not voters) to win the electoral college.

Still we cannot change what we know is right to do just because we know what evil people will do in response.

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If recent history is any example, those write-in ballots would just go POOF and disappear.

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I was wondering from a legal perspective. If Trump did get that many write-in votes, is there a legal way to deal with it?

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I'm tired of being silent.

Let every lawn and intersection sport a Trump sign. For every reaction (over reaction) by a lefty there will be two more Trump voters born. I fervently believe they went too far on the night of November 3, 2020 and they haven't learned their lesson--yet.

This woke gender and drag bullshit continues to push news away from the economy and border where the real crises lay. It's time for a reawakening and the left won't like it one bit.

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I’d love to display a Trump sign but I value my life and property. I don’t need to stand in the middle of time square and pledge my allegiance. It’s not about me it’s about saving America.

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I agree 100% with you Barb. And seriously the people who understand this the best are older folks who can’t really properly defend themselves or their property. Just do what you can, defend T as well as you can and win those folks to our side that you can, although I don’t think at this point there are very many fence sitters left… and hope with all your might there is more than ‘Vote Harvesting’ in T’s quiver.

Also…do NOT answer any damned polls!!!

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Ditto on polls. I decline. And my opinion is worth a pitcher of warm spit to any advertiser so I REFUSE to give feedback on anything I purchase. I wish putting such e-mails into the little garbage can icon made a satisfying sound. I'm grateful for my paper shredder.

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Pray for Donald John Trump.

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I don't get your last sentence. If polls show Trump with huge leads the steal gets harder plus others might pay more attention (push poll objectives)

If Trump trailing in polls, it makes them stealing it harder to prove.

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The Ds have perfected the art of the steal.

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Great play on titles, m'lady.

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I don’t know who these people are who call and want an opinion on this or that. Most of the time (like 99% of the time) I’ve never heard of the company supposedly fronting the poll. I do know that the D-Rats use every available trick in the book to get ahead and if that means getting ahead of a trend in a district county or State, they have no probs testing the waters by running a fake poll. So if they want to know how I voted let them check it out after the election!

But actually they don’t ultimately care cause real voters and vote counts mean nothing to them.

And while I’m here, these polls that show T with a gallactic lead over DeSantis are psy-ops designed to give peeps with disabilities or concerns about their safety (like Seniors) a good reason to stay home…further reducing T’s vote count

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I see no harm in lying to alleged pollsters...if at all possible, deny them a valid dataset - of ANY size...

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scrambling the data is fun whither is it is the polls or other stuff.

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Just get an American Flag. The left have been trained to go after TRUMP flags because as stupid and ignorant as the left is, even they realize that you can still get into trouble by desecrating The United States Flag.

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Thank you for putting to words to a very real concern.

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Thank,you! Call the Schlicter crowd clowns out. Explicitly and unambiguously and unequivocally and unabashedly. And over and over. Naming names. They are all self righteous people on the periphery expecting to benefit no matter what happens to the rest of us. He is delusional. The Marxist train is coming and he too is on the track. How old was he in 2010 that he can ignore the Lerner mission? It wasn’t a minor diversion or a major strategy - it was just one tactic of the overall mission to weaken, then destroy the Republic.

This is a mission which uses children to break up families and wreck community. As advertised, this really will be an unrelenting summer, fall and winter of sexcapades. This mission belittles and denigrates capable and healthy women (who create healthy families,) wants to castrate boys and neuter girls and will criminalize parents who try to protect them. The private foundations funding the gay associations in small towns and big cities mean it. I think being a silent deadly voter isn’t enough. There are many who need the example of some confident enough to be loud to follow.

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"our constitutional republic ended with the end of the Trump presidency on January 20, 2021. Marxists won by any means necessary. "

And our enemies, foreign and at home, took note. They're rejoicing while picking our pockets and pulling Biden's strings.

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Great piece of writing this morning, Don Surber.

“We do not have a two-tiered criminal justice system because we do not have a criminal justice system because Department of Justice seeks vengeance, not justice. We have given the federal government great powers that exceed its constitutional authority.” Vengeance for Micro-Merrick because he didn’t get the SCOTUS seat he coveted after being a good storm trooper all these years. Selfish punk. Nothing more, nothing less.


I used to loathe Richard Nixon when I was a little kid. It was his physiognomy that did him in. His looks and mannerisms were not telegenic. I now realize that they did to him what they’re doing to Trump. Deep Throat = Mark Felt wasn’t a hero. He was another selfish traitor. And the people destroying the country now are portrayed as patriots by the same legacy media outlets who snookered us with Nixon. If we don’t beat them now , history will be digitally papered over to show malevolent characters like Brennan, Comey, Obama, the Clintons and Bidens as good guys. That would be a damn shame.

I’m way past tired of Republicans who look down their noses at Trump. Your refusal to put country ahead if you personal double standards and whatever you think is left of the corrupt, haggard, pathetic, mainstream GOP is dumb as hell. But you have to remember, a lot of the pundit class is not playing the same game as we the people. They want book deals and speaking engagements and appearances on networks. They don’t want to be gulaged like MAGA. Again it’s personal interests above the nation’s interests. I like Schlicter because he’s generally pretty combative toward the degenerate Left. But when I see this type of anti- Trump stuff, it’s a red light and a siren. His argument is wrong anyway. Trump won the 2020 election. If you can’t figure this out at this point, you’re living in an ice shack in the arctic circle. Trump had the votes. He was robbed. We were robbed. Joe Biden got millions all right- of dollars, not votes. The Dems don’t campaign any more because they cheat. It’s not complicated. But the cheating is elaborate and comprehensive. It’s also clear that it’s happening. Our system of “justice” is a joke, manned by the wrong people at the top.

Everybody else is going to attempt to accommodate permanent Washington, aka the deep state. It’s easier. Trump is the only one who will seek to destroy the deep state. A tall and dangerous order, make no mistake. These people are killers, and not metaphorically. Seth Rich, what happened to him? Why do Clinton associates keep getting the Arkansas suicide package ? What happened in Las Vegas when a millionaire suddenly “went nuts” and shot 500 people at a concert? The Kennedys. Sure there’s an official explanation. But it’s not the truth.

I don’t care if he’s the Elvis of Presidents. I don’t care if he’s blunt. I don’t care if he likes pretty women. Most alpha males do. He’s got the right instincts for what we need right now and we do owe him a tremendous debt of gratitude for standing tall under withering fire. I do think he needs to stop hiring backstabbing weasels and if he gets elected, he needs to kick ass minute one of day 1. There will be no room for error.

Trump 2024!

Fat finger errors included, no extra charge.

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Don you quite MARTIN NIEMÖLLER. But most people don’t know that he was an ardent Nazi supporter and Lutheran minister, but soured on the movement after 1933 and spent eight years in a concentration camp. That’s where he came up with his beautiful work. As we see in this country, the same evil that existed in Nazi Germany in the 30s is present here today. The difference is that there will be no America to help the Jewish, gay, and black supporters, who, aided the rise of the new American totalitarian government when they ultimately come after them. Because unlike the 1930s, they have first come for the conservatives, and nobody said a word.

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As a numbers guy, I miss the Federal Budget process. Been a generation since the last one. When Cornyn & re-Pete Sessions (the dumb one, not his AG dad) had staff (or ‘interns’) that would answer the phone, I would ask them about ‘regular order’ and they didn’t have a clue. CRs are great - EVERYONE gets paid (by the taxpayer)….Nostalgically remember reading biography of Sam Rayburn the House Old Bull from Bonham Texas, he died with a few hundred $ in his bank account.

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Pete Sessions is son of FBI Director William Sessions, not AG Jeff Sessions.

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