I see the Hamasholes have occupied a building at Columbia. Just barricade them in and turn it into a jail.

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Lock the doors from the outside and turn the water and power off…and watch (and catch) the rats as they jump ship!

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Why don't they just turn the wifi off? They'll surrender in minutes.....

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best idea

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“Oh noooo!”

Blood-curdling Screams could be heard from inside the building!!

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You said it best while I was trying to say cut power. Muy gracias.

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…just tell them their loans won’t get paid off, and watch them scurry!

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as if they had any intention of paying them off anyway - daddy, puleese, I really really need more money!

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I saw one of the hideous lesbians demanding food & water since they were on Columbia’s campus. We have a right to food & water so we don’t starve or suffer dehydration. Walk your entitled ass over to the cafeteria, it’s included in your meal plan. Unbelievable!

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Totally believable. These asshats didn’t plan their op. Irrational emotional fools.

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i voted for the frat boys as i love alphas taking on betas.

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It was a tough call. But it seems that it will be men who were frat boys who finally sort things out. It won’t be the sorority girls now running the universities. And it won’t be the creepy boys like peeping toms who were too weird to get a pledge card from anyone. You know the ones - the guys no one liked for good reason.

It will be former frat boys and wrestlers and football players and band and chess guys who sort things out.

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The girls running the university are the ones the sororities didn’t want

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💯 Joseph. I have a frat boy successful son and a sorority girl successful daughter. The lefty professors hate the fraternities and sororities but the university chancellors can’t ditch them bc they are the big donors. The ones who partied hard and studied hard!

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Part of the MO of the universities is to get rid of as many of these as possible because they are a direct threat to the activism they are inculcating in the students. They seek lost and lonely souls to populate their ranks.

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Yep, lost and lonely souls who will welcome politics becoming their reason for living.

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“Belonging” to something.

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Yep--Marxism tolerates no competing ideology or organization. The "state" wants 100% of the peoples attention and allegiance.

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Mussolini put it best: “Everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.”

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Ah--that's an excellent quote. Had heard it before but couldn't remember where. That's indeed what they want-- total dominance.

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University of Maryland tried to ditch the “white” Greek orgs. Now they’re in a lawsuit.

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Typical 🙄

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I must take exception to the use of the word, 'frat'.

It is, 'fraternity' - would you similarly shorten the word, 'country' in reference to America?

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as to the direction america is headed....yes.

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lol. We used that too

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As a fraternity brother I couldn't agree more with your post.

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I don’t know about today’s kids, but despite all the wild partying in the 80s, my age group fraternity brothers and I became very successful men and leaders in life. Through the decadence, we learned very strong values . . . somehow. We still meet as a group every year. I love those guys.

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Community is everything in civilization - joint support of valued behaviour builds healthy communities. You had examples of strong leadership and became leaders.

Our son went to his first dance with his friends in 7th grade - eager to dance. I asked him if he was nervous: No - we all dance together and no one will bother us.

I asked him how he and his hockey playing, rock climbing friends avoided the Sunday morning disciplinary committee problems from Saturday night behaviour of some of this boarding school classmates: We look after each other.

They knew about protecting their pack. And along the way they learned about getting the work done and leading others. He and the former frat brothers will make the difference soon.

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Community, being different from tribalism.

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👍 What the Constitution means by “freedom of assembly”.

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Well said NFT.

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Just like the young Jewish boys at Arizona State who volunteered to help the police clean up the mess the campus protestors had left

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yup...you articulated my thoughts rather well....which was my point too.

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I was son's "Band Mom" for 4 years at two different high schools. My job was to stay low at ball games or concerts and hold purses for the girls in marching-band.

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BandGuy was #3 in our son’s EOD class of the 15 who finished. The 4 Marines in the all service class were 1,2,3 and 4. BandGuys know how to focus.

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My son was not in a fraternity (and his freshman year, 2002, he joined Army Reserves). He and his non-frat buddies won the flag football title, and had the best team name- Master Betas.

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college boys always seem to have more fun.

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Me too. It is really nice to see young men who fit my idea of "normal" get out and help with this very tiring charade of a protest, and do it with some college-age frat humor. "Gooood Morning, Vietman. . ."

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He’s grrreat!! Very brave and hilarious too!

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Did you see that cop tackle that protester. But he played football.

Loved it!

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i did. i don't advocate police using force unless it's an absolute necessity but sometimes there's no doubt action is required.

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But hardly a fair fight…

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The pressure on the cops must be immense!

Can you imagine the outcry if, God forbid, one of these precious pups gets even a splinter from tussling with a cop?

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law suit...and they win while the career life of the cop (S) gets ruined.

pathetic isn't it? q...are you suzie from american thinker?

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Not sure 🤷‍♀️

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"You also don’t know if you will get a surprise when she takes off her jeans."



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Yeah. I kinda threw up a little in my mouth on this one.

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Your piece today is a multi-vitamin of superb cultural references. Too numerous to mention.

Somewhere around 2008, I made my first excursion to DC. Rumors/reports had it that the left had plans to deface the Wall. Me (USChairForce), my son (Army) & a buddy (USMC) went, as did many other veterans, so that they’d have some obstacles to overcome to FAFO. Nothing came of it.

But I got a great life lesson. The various professional protesters (which may make up the majority of DC) were the most decrepit, anemic, pitiful bunch of losers you’ll ever encounter. I realized that all these years what we saw on the 6 o’clock news, was - if not staged- highly selected and edited to fit an anti-American message.

Now we know there was probably a lot of left-wing money subsidizing that circus.

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i attended a conference in Chicago in December 2015 - must have really ticked off the boss to get that assignment. while i was taking a lunchtime walk a young woman with a clipboard approached me and asked me to sign a petition to "protect trans rights". i started laughing very loudly and conspicuously. she turned about eighty seven shades of red. the leftists and the demonically evil can't abide one bit of mockery.

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Have you seen the tables set up outside Lowe’s and other places soliciting donations to Stop Bullying? I’m surprised Babylon Bee hasn’t had a field day with that one.

How did you handle bullies growing up?

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I was taught to:

1. Avoid bullies at almost all costs

2. Flee if at all possible.

3. If the bully cannot be avoided, ignore him for as long as possible.

4. Know how to take a punch

5. As a last resort, know how to properly make a fist and throw a punch - not to the bully's face, but to the body/midsection.

Then once you're in it, fight to win - fight dirty - kick, bite - and if he's down, make sure he stays down.

It only happened once - he did not die, but he didn't return to school for a week, after which we gave each other a mutually wide berth.

He and his minions knew better than to involve any authorities.

Real bullies understand only only one thing - brute force.

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Amazing how you figured all that out on your own, and implemented your plan in a reasonable fashion- without help from a fake charity.

BTW- I asked the people manning the tables if they were compensated. They admitted it.

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I didn't figure it out - I was taught by my dad after I complained about a bully in 6th grade - we'd just moved to a new town.

I didn't have opportunity to apply the lessons until high school.

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ok...here's my story. 5th grade in clio, mi. in line to get on the bus (lived in country going to a country school). bigger kid knocks me out of line, cut in front me and i fall into a mud puddle. girls laugh at me. next day same thing. three days in a row. snow, mud and humiliation. third day at home at the dinner table....mother (we called them mother back then): "why are your clothes muddy and your elbows red?" me: "i got pushed into the mud for the 3rd day in a row". mother: "do you want me to go to the school and fight your battle? i will have to take a day off from work but if that's what you need....." me: "no mother, i can handle this". mother: "good hunting".

note: my dad died when i was 6 so mother was the entire posse. next day i get in line, the guy cuts in front of me and goes to push me away....i hit him with my roy rogers lunch bucket, bloody his nose and he starts to cry. girls actually do like alpha males. never had a problem moving forward. now a days mom would go to the school, get somebody fired, sue for a few million...and win. new world order. estrogen is winning and testosterone is dying. that was in 1958 and i was 10 years old.

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You were blesses with a good dad!

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My dad’s instructions were essentially: “Don’t fight unless you have to. If you have to fight, don’t loose.”

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nope. but if i did i would recount to them stories of how the alphabet soup mob are the bullies and that they should all get life in solitary until they learn to shut the hell up.

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your piece today is a multi-vitamin of superb cultural references. Too numerous to mention.

Watch out Don!

BTW liked your post

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i'm a pretty stoic guy. just my nature. veitnam dec1968-dec1969. 101st. mostly in the bush a-shau valley (9 months). the first time i went to the wall in dc i looked up three guys i knew who i served with and died in a fire fight...same day same action. all three are on that wall and i am still around at the age of 76. i cried then. can't go back to dc. never.

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Enjoy every sandwich. Your buddies would want that.

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I went to the wall and stood in reverence. Then I went to Arlington National Cemetary. It was one heck of an emotional day for this vet.

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indeed. did you get a chance to watch the changing of the guard?

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Yes Sir! There are no words to describe how moving it was.

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Those "professional protesters...[which] were the most decrepit, anemic, pitiful bunch of losers you'll ever encounter", are probably the reason why the Left has decided it is a better strategy to use psyops to get us to defeat ourselves by discouragement and surrender, rather than to have to face us directly. You know their soyboys would fold in a minute.

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Students are revolting.

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A double entendre at 7 in the morning. Well played!

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Hell it is not 0700 here but still well played.

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You said it, they stink on ice.

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Okay, then. Fire hoses!

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In more ways than one

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OOf !

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The only thing that can destroy civilization faster than nukes is contemporary higher education. The case of a vibrant vocational pipeline that eschews traditional college is once again being made throughout every corner of the nation.

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i'd eliminate the word "higher". i have the misfortune of having several public school teachers as neighbors. they make Mao look like Reagan on ordinary political issues and worse yet they support the open practice of sociopathic sexual depravity and promote it to their students.

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"Faster than nukes"? They've been at it for more than 50 years. But I agree that any young person with some sense today ought to take the vocational career route. It pays well, and your colleagues won't be Communists.

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The “skin in the game” aspect is what most exposes all the Woke causes to be the fully ”astroturfed” theater that they are. These are false and fraudulent “fights”, all orchestrated to pit people against one another, demanding irrational and imaginary rights. No one has the right to rape, torture and murder another person, or to mutilate children, or to rob and steal and destroy without consequence. That is insanity and depravity at its core. They cannot tell us what we can speak, or think, or believe, or buy or sell. Yet this is the world they are insisting upon, attempting to force upon us.

All these hysterical showcases (since 2020), are funded and masterminded by an enormously vast network of groups and individuals who embody extraordinarily sinister and evil aims to literally teardown Western civilization and all that it has accomplished in truly liberating and benefiting the wider world.

In return, they seek to usher in a dystopian system that seeks to erase all ability of individual effort and opportunity for those seeking a life of liberty and the pursuit of happiness for themselves, their families, and their communities

We are battling against the tyranny of a minority, a cabal of mega-wealthy, diabolical and deranged persons who seek to confiscate the wealth of nations only to maximize their own power and self-aggrandizement, and subjugate the peoples of the world.

It’s the stuff of novels and fiction, yet all too real, happening in our very lifetime, and right before our very eyes.

We are the ones who have “skin in this game”, because they seek to strip us of all our hard earned and God-given rights and freedoms in exchange for their world of lunacy, chaos and slavery.

What was that chant from the ‘60’s?

“Hell No ~ We Won’t Go”.

Not quietly, that’s for sure.

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Nailed it again Suzie !

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Super comment, Suzie!

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Boy do I remember Vietnam! And the draft. And watching Cronkite, thinking, "Those body counts can't be right. They killed four of us and we killed six-hundred? Something's wrong."

Then things got worse. Ordinary families got tired of sending their boys off to war, so they pressured the administration to eliminate all college deferrals and go to a straight lottery. If you were in, you were in; out, out. After the birthdays were read, I'll never forget my older brother's phone call: "Congratulations, 310!" To this day I still remember my lottery number.

I'd BEEN shot-at; I didn't like it, and I figured that if somebody invaded MY woods, I could wear them out. Those scrawny North Vietnamese guys in black pajamas? Those were THEIR woods, and a 6'1" red-headed pasty-white guy would make an exquisite target.

Ah, the bad old days. Now the warmongers and arms manufacturers are trying to get us into a shooting war with Russia. If they do, before the Big Fry maybe we should take care of them first....

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Had a night class. We were meeting at my buddies to watch the numbers. As I was driving over they were calling them out and I was in the clear. Got to the apartment and the announcer said "let's recap the first 25 numbers and there I was, 22..... Got nasty drunk as I recall.

Hey, I see it's not ok to late term abort a puppy but it Is ok to late term about a baby. Did I get that mixed up??

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Mine number was 134 which was low. I had just graduated from college and gotten married and I knew I was going to be drafted, so I enlisted in the Air Force with the hope of being able to 1. Stay in the States (aka avoid being sent to Viet Nam) 2. To start a part time graduate degree program, and 3. To try keep Mama happy. Obviously, No. 3 was the most important.

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My husband's draft number was 1.

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Bummer. Glad he made it.

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Any of the choices in today's poll would work for me! So good to see the Ivy League getting their a$$es handed to them. Of course the California unies are giving them a run for their money. It's a race to the basement to see which can look most despicable.

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I saw a video that said UCLA put up a Jumbotron showing footage of 10/7 atrocities to show students who they’re supporting. Think of how stupid these kids are.

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I saw this, too. It’s about time! To be clear, it isn’t UCLA that put up the screen but an anonymous group and they set it up just outside the pro-Hamas encampment.

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💯awesome! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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What an excellent move - way to go UCLA!

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“ Unlike the Vietnam protests, these protesters are siding with the bad guys…”

Well, maybe, lest we forget Jane Fonda hangin’ with the ‘Cong.

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I can’t think of a more detestable celebrity. Even worse, but not by much, than Sarandon.

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Sure, Big Name Uni’s…block the Jews from teaching at or going to your schools, let’s see how that works out!

Be careful what you wish (hope) for.

Don, you’ve been particularly on point recently. Good work Brother!

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Why are the Hamas Loving rallies getting no traction?

1. They are morally wrong.

2. October 7th videos clearly show that Hamas/Palestinians are Savages

3. While many Americans may not like Jews, they dislike Arabs more

4. The participants are DEI educated dummies who have no historical or moral basis for their protests

5. It’s election year, and people are fed up with the George Floyd Antifa BLM BS.

6. Colleges used to educate now they indoctrinate.

7. Most Americans care about their real problems, 40% inflation, crime, health care etc, not MSNBC or Washington DC manufactured problems.

8. With social media, most people are not interested in what dumb assholes have to say, if they were they would watch FJB speeches every day.

9. Most Americans are Christian’s and they support Israel.

10. Those that are interested are like me. They like the UFC and are waiting for a good beat down of these thugs by the police or average Americans

Great as always Don. Miss SL

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4. The participants are DEI educated dummies who have no historical or moral basis for their protests.

They lack any historical or moral foundation whatsoever.

Thus they are just blanks slates, grist for the mill of these lunatics.

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Susie, to be fair most college students are open slates and develop after they matriculate and get into the real world. This crowd doesn’t realize that the group they are fighting for would thank them by beheading them first.

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Your #8 made me LOL!

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Me thinks Georgie Soros et al bit on the wrong thing this go round.

People laugh at “maskers” now as they realize masks only work to disguise one self and people with masks on now aren’t “following the science” but hiding from criminal intent and actions.

These “college protestors” aren’t college students but a mix of dopes on campus leading around as “students” and semi professional rabble rousers stoking their fires.

Rush was right… as always when he described youths as minds full of mush. There certainly is a lot of mush attending these citadels of “higher learning”.

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"Young skulls full of mush," he called them.

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I saw elsewhere a schedule of what they are being paid and a recruiting ad. Sorry I don’t remember which site

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College can be a lonely place if you're not part of a group. If you don't do sports or clubs how do you interact and satisfy the desire to belong. I think many of these kids are easily recruited because they just want to belong to something. On campus nowadays, the easiest group to join would be the protestors. They'll take anybody no matter how heinous you look, speak or act and you will feel welcomed....

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And get paid well...

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Yes, that too. I have blood for beer money in college. They weren’t paying for protesting back then.

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i don't know if surber is correct on this gaza and compii protesting bs but i do know that i want him to be. if you have a friend, relative or neighbor and you're not sure about their politics, just ask them about the columbia protests against israel and in favor of the gazans. try not using the words hamas or palestine so as to not tip your own position and they may not lie to you. i have a new neighbor. i'm told she is a leftist from washington st. i'm going to try and determine her mensa score because she seems chatty.

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You summed it up quite well Poca-Man but they are heroic in their minds as the msm tries to help them .This too shall fade for a new reason to take to the streets looking for anything to get obidet over the goal line.We must be prepared for insane soros-bots to appear everywhere the puppeteer s need a show of unruly mobs to disrupt capitalism and peoples rights to freedom of speech and free ,fair elections.Fun poll with all good choices.lead on to MAGA 2024 victory.

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