I would like to nominate this post as THE Highlight of not just the Year, but perhaps the last decade:

“ ITEM 10: The Daily Star reported, “Scientist grows male genitals in lab.”

Finally, hope for the Republican leadership.”

How different the world could have been had they ever had some of their own.

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I'd be pleased if they grew spines. Knowing that they could do that WITHOUT a lab...well....

Good morning!

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I second the motion!

"ITEM 17: ... “FBI investigates how maggots got into DNC breakfast in Chicago.

"They had press credentials."


In a related note, "Please Forgive Our Press Passes" (Ian Skidmore 2008) is a pretty decent memoir.

And in other news, The United States of America has gone into the portal and will be playing for Japan in 2025.

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2024 was A YEAR! I started reading Surber & Friends and am glad I did. Thank you , Don for some really insightful content. HAPPY NEW YEAR

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I have a different take: 2024 was a Year? It felt like an eternity and the last 20 days will be an epoch!

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Yes, 2024 was the year our planet entered a wormhole and time and space were suspended.

We need that suspended state because it will take us billions of years to figure out what Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were saying when they spoke to the media.

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A further thought on AZCACTUSPETE's comment doing the math on # of subscribers and the income from it:

I would imagine a couple years of doing well is a useful recompense for what were probably many lean years. Don had his struggles while working for the Charleston, WV Daily Mail, which merged with the Charleston Gazette and then went bankrupt, and for years he then did his blog on Google, and it was completely free.

Many years ago I purchased a book called "Do What You Love, The Money Will Follow". This approach always seemed to have solidity to me. When we do what we feel called to do--something that makes use of our individual talents and feels purposeful to us--that is just going to be a right path in life. And it seems like it would be a 'law of the universe' that despite lean years, a person doing that will find themselves sufficiently funded to not be in need.

Ralph Waldo Emerson has a wonderful quote about a person fulfilling their individual and unique purpose, which unfortunately I was not able to find at the moment to put in this comment. But to paraphrase, he was encouraging each man to follow their inner passion and talent, no matter what reward or lack of reward he received from the world for it, because by doing that, he will eventually "...make clear the need which he is most able to fulfill".

We can be thankful Don stuck to his talent through all these years, because he is sure hitting the ball out of the park now--and at a time when America has most needed him.

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My dad told us to follow our passion and then figure out how to make a living at it. Unfortunately for me, it took longer. My passion was women so ……..

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Is your name Hefner?

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Pimp? :) Artist? Help me out here.

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Your pop should have said, figure out how to make your passion work.

I wanted my woman barefoot pregnant and at work.

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That attitude will get you shot today

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Worked for me.

But yes, lol

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ITEM 15: “She wore a swimsuit that said Make America Great Again before she was elected to Congress. Now she wears business outfits. I demand an end to this cover-up.”

Winner, winner, New Year’s dinner.

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Hear, hear to White Hair Privilege!🙌🏼

Many thanks and may you continue to bless us for untold years in the future.

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I’m 72 and got my first white hairs at age 17, but I’m not so sure about any privilege - now my hair is completely white yet my state requires that I be carded when buying a bottle of wine at the supermarket. And the person asking for my ID is usually twenty something. 🙄

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Had a brunette girlfriend decades ago who was turning blonde in her teens. She was ecstatic about it. She couldn't wait because as she put it, blondes have more fun. She was an early blonde alright, but she is still waiting for the fun part.

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Georgia does that too. It makes me feel special.

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It defies logic, I know. I feel your pain, but comply because of the laws requiring the youth to card everyone. No doubt they think it’s equally silly.

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May they be as somber - and as thorough - as the Nuremburg trials. "The trials covered four counts: conspiracy, crimes against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity." Fauci and the Daszak for the "Crimes against humanity" group. That's a good start for prosecution of the deep state and their administrative minions.

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Don, you may be an old dude but to us (my wife and I) you are a good old dude. And we can do the math.... 19K get your blog..... and a certain percentage subscribe... you are doing well.. the American Way... and from this household, we salute you. Happy New Year. Keep writing.

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He misses having editors ‘helping’ his ability to communicate properly…and it shows!

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I had to vote for GOP to disappoint.

I do hope I’m wrong but they have such a long track record of disappointing.

Happy New Year everyone!

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Sort of like . . . Mike Johnson saying there would be no December CR? . . . . and the GOP saying Trump won so he gets his cabinet picks?

The GOP is like a hangover on New Year's Day morning.

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A 365 day hangover.

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I did too. I hope I'm wrong too. My only hope is Trump and Company's threat of primary willl get them to pay attention. 2025 is going to be Verrrrry interesting

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We all need to pray hard and lower our expectations for them. The GOP members think success is just about comity and getting along. Yes, they are the uniparty and totally incapable of leadership or actually fixing what they screwed up in the first place.

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If we lower our expectations, we will get even less out of them.

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Don, thanks for two days of tripping down memory lane. To me, 2024 was like the movie "Die Hard". It started with a bunch of bad guys who are in control of things, but in the end they mostly get killed, a smarmy reporter gets punched in the face and we have a happy ending.

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I read where Sinatra was offered the role as per a contract obligation from his starring in THE DETECTIVE in 1968, which was technically the prequel.

At 70-plus, he declined.

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Thanks Don!

You have been a very bright light in these very last dark and troubling times!!

I'm so glad I've found your site.

A very happy and healthy New Year to you and yours!!


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Thanks for making me laugh. I voted for prosecutions in the poll because "Make no mistake... It's not revenge he's after. It's a reckoning." From one of my all time favorite movies and characters. These people need to be taught a Biblical lesson. Painful and expensive. I hope you and your Mrs. have a blessed 2025. That goes for all that happen to read this post. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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Don, every item listed on both highlights & the ones from a year ago were great . Too many to comment on. To do this 6 days a week, you must have a blood tie to Robin Williams. He was a comic genius, you are a genius writer. Happy New Year to the Surber family & all the Surberites here! I’m sure 2025 will be another wild ride for all!

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Donnie, add to your 'new years' resolution to start walking and getting exercise. We want you writing for a looonnng time.

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Item 32 - back in the early 80s when Victoria’s Secret appeared in our local mall, we used to say that her secret (not very secret really) was that she was a slut. Little did we know.

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ITEM 10: The Daily Star reported, “Scientist grows male genitals in lab.”

Finally, a blue pill that works.

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As with Frankenstein, they haven't quite tested it's "operating capabilities" yet.

That would be "hard" to do. . .

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Happy New Year, still “Bentley less” Poca man!! Thank you for your articles! 😊

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He’d probably have to take it to Arlington or Potomac to get the oil changed…like my uncle said of his ‘best English car’…built so well you never have to change the oil, just add to it when it gets low…

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