"Trump is the refrigerator light to the cockroaches who run DC."

I grew up in Louisiana and am now suffering a bout of PTSD at the image of scurrying roaches. We need to leave the light on and invest in fumigation for the house.

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Lived in New Orleans for a year. I will never forget the time I learned those suckers could fly. Waiting on a porch one night for someone to come to the door. I was studying a big ol’ cockroach when it decided to fly at my face.

First of many surprises for this northern boy.

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Oooh - yaarrhg!

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I had the same thing in Houston when I was at Rice. Walk to the fridge at night in the dark and hear the crunches under your feet until you opened the fridge door and the things disappeared. Never got used to it and despite all attempts to fumigate, they were always there . . . sort of like yesterday's topic: James Carville.

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...and Stephen Colbert, and Keith Olbermann, and George "Steponallofus", and Joe Scarborough, and the "Ladies" *Ullp* of the View... dare I go on?

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Roaches all, for sure. Crunch . . .crunch . . crunch

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What we need is the human equivalent of predators that eat cockroaches: hedgehogs, chickens, robins, parrots, iguanas, geckos, turtles - geez, I wasn't aware that there are so many animals that would eat such disgusting creatures.

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To your point, once Trump fumigates (fires everyone he can fire from all locations under his executive branch), he will bring in the predators. Hopefully, that will include a new AG who will kick ass, a new director of FBI, CIA and military leadership. The list is long and this is just a start.

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I'm not sure new directors will be effective. I have much more confidence in abolishing a bunch of these agencies, on the perfectly valid reason that they've turned incurably subversive -- and there's simply too many of them to keep tabs on.

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The road will be long and rough...

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No, please! No more!! You're ruining my breakfast!

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In Houston, before Rice had its endowment breached, before refrigerated air was used in the average home, and you only goofed off once and went to summer school w/o a/c, the flying roaches were the worst.

I wonder if Bill Gates is also funding a Startup that will harvest 'free' roaches as a protein additive that Frito-Lay can add to Cheetos, Frito(e)s (sp-Quayle?), Taco Bell snacks....Nice thing about that is they are free, unlimited, and even will be there after a nuclear war. Gates might market them as a Billionaire nuclear retreat food source that lasts forever, even longer than freeze-dried foods...

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WOW! that could be a good business opportunity which Bill Gates may be considering. Eat bugs and get free delivery. They will fly right into your mouth!

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Sorry but I can't imagine choosing to eat bugs, even if I'm starving!

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Yes—a great line.

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Right there with you - I grew up just down the coast in NW Florida.

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if you had to guess (you probably already know) and a guy (that would be me) asked you where he could retire in louisiana at the age of 76, a widower, being financially secure and a hard over maga conservative type of guy....where would you recommend? with respects.

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I don't think there's anywhere to escape God's judgment on us. But these are the things that motivate me:

+ Find a place with a real church (where people know the Bible and care for each other).

+ High altitudes means fewer bugs and generally some nice scenery.

+ Water is a growing issue across the country. Find a place with good water. If you're at altitude, remember water flows downhill, so how much uphill is there and who is uphill of you?

+ Access to healthcare grows in importance as you age (assuming you can find non-woke healthcare).

+ There are some beautiful areas in eastern Wyoming/western South Dakota/southern North Dakota if you don't mind the cold.

+ If you want somewhere warm, find a place with a river nearby.

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Sahuarita AZ

AZ is very red, except Tucson, right now we are under occupation. But that is only temporary.

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Sahuarita AZ is certainly in a beautiful setting, but it is sure close to the Mexican border - that would make me pretty nervous

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Fairhope, Al.

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I encounterd the little buggers when I lived in NYC back in the 70's. Be careful eradicating them. They could be our future food source.

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I guess if hedgehogs, chickens, iguanas, and other animals can eat them, we (*ullp*) can. As Klaus Schwab, "economist" of the World Economic Forum, supposedly said, "You vill eat ze bugz!"

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If it comes to that, I'lll find something that will eat the bugs. And then I'll eat it.

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Do youremember the movie "Papillion"

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Survival by any means.Great movie.

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In early 1982, the Peace Corps put us in a seedy hotel in San José , Costa Rica. Heard paper crunching and turned on the light. A cockroach was chewing on a Snickers bar, and scurried quickly when exposed.

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Oooh! Yee-uck!

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It was a 3-incher.

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Oh. My. GAWD!

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Thought Meteorologists had the best job possible. They only need to be right once in a while. Paul Krugman surpasses them all by NEVER being right. For this he received a Nobel prize in economics. Only in America.

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And, Hussein Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize.

What a joke the Nobel brand has become. It only impresses liberals who are shallow and gullible.

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The Nobel has become ignoble.A.D.

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That’s why I hope, if these creeps offer the Nobel to Trump, he tells them that he’d never allow his name to be seen on any award with the name of the previous ‘Winners’.

Give it to Biden, that family has no probs being seen with or having their name attached to those of the worlds low life’s!

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Krugman is a valuable resource in that whatever he says or is promoting, take the contrarian position and do the opposite. Works every time. That he writes for the NYT makes it doubly delicious.

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Only in the world of Marxists propagandists.

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He did not receive the Nobel Prize in Economics. He received the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences (in memory of Alfred Nobel). Nobel only listed 5 prizes in his will, Literature, Peace, Chemistry, Physics, and Physiology or Medicine.

Go here: https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/

Scroll down to the list, and you will see "Prize in Economic Sciences", while all of the other titles start with the word "Nobel"

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Or only in leftist Oslo.

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Please let’s talk some more about Obama’s birth certificate!

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Obama is a fraud from start to finish.

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...as is Joe Biden, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Gavin Newsome, Kamala Harris, Charles Schumer... you get my drift.

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you forgot Nancy Pelosi

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Lest people forget, what he presented as his birth certificate was a duplicate not the original. The duplicate is not a photo copy but is printed on a computer printer. Anyone can get a duplicate birth certificate by contacting their state's Bureau of Vital Records or similar agency. I did so with NYS and all I had to do was give them the date of birth, my parents names, where I was born and my credit card number. This was done over the phone from Tennessee. Got it in the mail a week or so later.

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Pretty sure it was put under forensic analysis and proved to be a fake.

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Yes. Within about 5 minutes of it being released.

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Dems aren't smart enough to see around the next corner. On day one of Trump's return to the Oval, he'll pardon the various Bidens, giving him cover to pardon all the J6 defendants and being the healer the nation needs.

Why pardon the Bidens? Because a pardoned party must formally accept the pardon which in the case of the Bidens would be an admission of guilt. They'll exit the stage seen as the cheats and grifters they are. If they refuse the pardon (some or all of them - that'll be a fun family gathering!) it clears the path for criminal prosecution, thus opening the door to the kind of evidence gathering that the House Committee can't authorize.

Dems picked this fight. Looks like they'll be the ones with bloody noses after all.

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Biden will have to pardon himself and his accomplices in the lame duck period. It would be folly for him to trust that Trump would forgive him for totally weaponizing the US Government against Trump, his family, and countless thousands of loyal supporters.

Trump’s election would give him all the mandate he needs to pardon J6 defendants.

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Same effect if not more damaging. That's a voluntary admission that crimes were committed.

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Nice idea, but a pardon requires a criminal charge and conviction, I think.

Joe's act of keeping classified documents and willfully sharing them with China, no less, has already been swept under the rug - no charges - by the DOJ. There is no need for a pardon. The corrupt DOJ has watered down Hunter's to the equivalent of a parking violation.

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Actually, Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon of all crimes he may have committed as President. You can debate the merits of such an action, but Crankie Frankie's suggestion is doable based on that precedent.

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I stand corrected by Jim and the internet:

Does a presidential pardon require a conviction?

A federal pardon can be issued prior to the start of a legal case or inquiry, prior to any indictments being issued, for unspecified offenses, and prior to or after a conviction for a federal crime.

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Agreed. We should all be working on a way to bankrupt the Bidens. The people should get to decide.

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I’d settle for a public hanging of Joe, Jim, and Hunter. Let the assets transfer to the poor grandkids. I feel sorry for them having these three as parents.

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I’d pardon old Yeller but not his crew. Joe is too sick to prosecute but Hunter is just fine

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Smarter to appear to forgive and forget. Let Hunter fade into shamed irrelevance.

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No. Not after all this. Not only no but hell no. If Bidens dont go to jail and stay there, they just become the Clinton Crime family 2.0. Yes, in this case I am one vindictive SOB.

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As much as I would love to be on the execution committee for everyone of the assholes who have made our life a living, breathing hell for the last 5years (my personal fave would be a 5 minute trial in front of a Justice of the Peace, or the Mailman and an immediate trip to the back wall of a little used local parking lot…sorry boys, I have the T-shirt concession…I think you’re approach is best Frankie. But at least can we strip them of their ill gotten gains. They get to walk, we get to fund homeless vet (cock roach free) housing and build the highest tech wall ever!

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...don't forget Joe's brother, Jim - "up a long ladder and down a short rope!"

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Scott Adams post yesterday also helped spread the demise of DEI reporting the initials stand for "Didn't Earn It".

Maybe Adams should be Trump's White House Press Secretary.

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I'd go for that.

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What a great slap to cancel culture this would be !!

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Welcome to the 2024 edition of Donald Trump's cage fight with the Village Idiots. New episodes daily. See Mara Lago's caped crusader single handedly obliterate the army of nincompoops. They have no idea of what will happen next. Trump has them back on their heels.

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Maher and Carville are on the “back off” wagon. Which Dem will be next? Obama?

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Obama belongs on the post office wall at the top of the Most Wanted list. He is the head of the snake.

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No, he is not the head of the snake. He's just one of the tentacles. Look to the WEF for the head and like the Medusa there are several.

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I think you meant, which dummy will be next? Maher and Carville are both idiots who prosper off us conservatives and our values.

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POLL: I voted for ("against") Biden because we've got to win this election with a raucous victory to save this country. I'm not sure any of us realizes how bad it's getting - but cumulatively - financially, socially, politically, criminally- we're three-fourths of the way to being a Hell-hole, with much more misery coming our way.

So I hope you're right, Don, and the tide is turning.

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I think most of us fully understand how far down the drain we are today. Our job is to turn it around so the nitwit and clueless younger generations have to put their phones down and go to work as well.

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“Pray, Vote and Keep the Faith”… and its not going to hurt to keep the number of his local campaign office by your phone either since you never know what you or someone else is going to see or hear. Much better to call them first before 911…now a days its just as likely the heads of Law Enforcement are in on it than not.

‘We can see the clearing’…lets make sure DJT gets there!

As kids and young adults could we ever have imagined (even after Kennedy) this!

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Thinking about the changed meaning of Trumpenfreude to mean destruction that comes to those who try to destroy PDJT, I voted for "Barack Obama's birth certificate" in the poll because I want the root cause of this nation's evil to be fully exposed. Whoever they are - the deep state - I want every last bastard to regret the day they were born. The other individuals on the list are great choices, but I want to destroy the evil seed that sprouts these "poison weeds" in society.

It will take more than four years to accomplish this feat, and a succession plan is essential to keep it from being reversed as Biden has done to Trump's first term. Trump's VP choice is critical because this election is not just about getting Trump reelected. It needs to be a 12-year plan to establish permanent Trumpenfreude and maintaining the vast majority of moral, thinking citizens as his voters for 2028 and 2032,

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It needs to be a 100 year plan. Yes, the next election is VERY important but I've been saying for years we have to think beyond the next election as well. You'd better know well the Communists are.

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Agree - if that is possible.

One thing is for sure. We need to stop thinking in four-year blocks. A four-year term is like one brick in the wall. It takes all the adjoining bricks to keep the wall from tumbling.

As the Dems have demonstrated, they can distract, divert, and destroy anyone for a four-year window. There must be seamless continuity.

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Biblically speaking, was there ever a more egregious example of “false witness borne against thy neighbor” than POTUS Donald J. Trump?

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Great piece. With the cockroaches in power it is not going to be an easy year, but I am heartened that The People are finally realizing the media for this shyte they are; "Bloodbath" didn't even last 24 hours in the propaganda cycle.

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We need a bunch of "hedgehogs", "robins", "chickens", "Iguanas", and "turtles" hungry to eat some "cockroaches"...

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I loved your Trumpenfreude list and shared it with lots of conservative friends. Could you please make it available again, including recent additions? Of which I know there are many. Thanks!

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And we now see the financial improprieties by DA James. We need to see her at the defendant's table, facing jail time. Her violations appear criminal if the early reports are true.

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Thanks for this. How delicious it would be if these suggested impropties were to upend the witch.

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For the amount of S**t Trump has had to deal with since he first announced he was running for POTUS in 15, he should be the world’s first trillionaire. Sadly, in FJB dollars, 3 billion is probably the cost of a Big Mac and Fries in NYC today.

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A ray of sunshine on an overcast day. Thanks, Don!

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Dreary in Poca as The Lord waters my lawn

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Be thankful he has a green thumb.

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This is a bright sunshine morning looking out my kitchen window and blue skies!

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Obviously Trump's best day in more than a year or so. A big juicy cherry on top of the more serious lawfare cases crumbling under the weight of overreach and corruption. But I shudder to contemplate Plan B. It's not like The Swamp is going to let him win or take office. The GOP are colluding with Dems to relinquish their majority in the House. The purpose is to allow legislation to disqualify Trump. Presumably such would be filibustered in the Senate, but the House can still refuse to certify the Electoral College results. Enough RINOS in the House would likely vote with Dems to deny certification. If Trump wins and somehow takes office, the Dems..... well.... bloodbath, anyone?

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I share your concern. The Republican Congressional retirements are the same thing that happened before. Paul Ryan et al retired in order to give the House back to the democrats. In order to stymie Trump. It is far easier to get Incumbents re-elected. That said perhaps it isn't all bad as the "rats" deserting the ship were probably not assest to begin with.

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Well, of course they will get him eventually, just like they did before, right?///Sarc

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The only question still to be decided is will the GOP look the same by 2028? Based on their conduct thus far, I believe they could be a different party. Stay tuned.

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Thankfully, there’s no question the GOP is already in the process of being transformed.

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Its going to be painful but needs to happen. We either have a party that stands for people or we dont.

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