Next four years is going to be quite a journey. Praying it is a good and prosperous one for America. However, for us to survive as a country some, if not many, of these bad actors HAVE to do prison time. If not I really don't see a long lasting survival.
Every day is a new battle. The War for MAGA will be intense. We'll have some losses but hopefully a lot of Wins. To keep MAGA going we need a succession plan or we'll be four and done. We can't afford another RINO candidate for President. Don't expect another Donald. He's one of a kind.....
Yep been saying this for years. The pent up anger in the electorate must be exorcised with political justice. If not, the people will take matters into their own hands. And the results are often not good for both sides. History of humanity.
These pardons may actually benefit Trump. Now, he won't be criticised for going after political rivals. These criminals now can not pead the 5th so they'll likely toss their partners-in-crime colleagues under the bus. We'll see. But, in the meantime, Trump will not be caught up in this time sink.
And they are still legally liable in state courts. Their pardon only helps with Fed charges.
Bring it on MAGA. Nail these bastards and make them rue the day they committed their treasonous crimes.
Regarding their 'protection' from fed crimes, if they are proven to have lied under oath (since they have no 5th amendment protection), it's a serious crime. Never forget that the FBI never had a provable case against Al Capone. They got him on tax evasion. Where there's a will, there's a way and I hope we plow that path starting today.
I’d not trust Andreessen either - maybe a smidge more than Gates (which is not a bit) but not much more than a smidge. You always have to identify what the fundamental principles are that someone lives by. Love God? Not mentioned. Limited government? No - not his concern. Freedom? Not a driver. “Being a good person” sounds pretty passive when not connected to living a life and doing stuff good people do day in day out.
He may be smarter and richer than I can ever dream of being but he still sounds like a liberal idiot to me. How can he possibly believe some of things he said he here? And Al Gore? He completely loses me there.
I regard Bill Gates as a "philanthropath", much the same as George Soros and Michael Bloomberg. They give money to "charities" that are "toxic" if not outwardly dangerous like Planned Parenthood, Everytown for Gun Safety, and Black Lives Matter. Gates and his former wife, Melinda, gave money to an organization that allegedly gave out vaccinations for COVID-19 and other diseases that caused miscarriages. Bill Gates claimed that millions were saved from COVID and other diseases.
Gates also has started some WEF inspired businesses (lab grown meat anyone? which is apparently terrible for you unsurprisingly. He also has massive land holdings while he advocates for the WEF inspired "15 min cities" where everyone walks or bikes and lives in apartments.
Remember, Bill Gates parents were depopulationist so he is just in favor of what he was taught as a child. The problem with being wealthy is no one has guts to tell him the truth.
Not to be picky here, but I would not favor living by 'principals', who are school bureaucrats, and as a rule not very innovative people. Instead, I would support principles.
I saw the piece and certainly trust Andresson more than Gates. He’s describing group think. And the failure to understand that you are doing so.
But what he describes was Obama’s, or those controlling him, plan to turn the US into a police state, a fully communist state, with some nice democratic window dressings.
It is important, within the confines of the law, to go after these government actors starting in the DOJ. You’ll have to fire a fair number of them. The medium and top dogs must face debilitating legal trouble, and a few other departments need to do the same.
Jim, you nailed it. No lasting effect will take place until the bad actors suffer real, tangible consequenses. Jail time, financial loss and a permanent felony record is a good place to start. Treasonable actions by swamp creatures should be treated as such.
You can trust them now if you want, Jim, but I don't. They are fair-weather friends and should never be trusted again. They put their own welfare above the law. But I agree regarding Mr. Obama. I have realized that people like Mr. Obama are cunning, legally challenged, and subversive, but I don't think they are smart enough to envision a future as you describe. What they are is spoiled and lacking the ability to fairly analyze where their actions may take the country. If you could get inside of each one of these Marxist's head I think you would find a person who sees everything on how it affects themselves rather than the masses. They have this belief that, at its base, America will never fail, so they are going to do whatever they want and not worry about the long-term consequences of their actions. That's how people like the Big O went from a net worth of a million dollars when he entered office to $25M when he left office. Capitalism doesn't do that for a president, but corruption does.
I don't think I said I trust them fully - I said I trust him more than Gates. I merely thought it interesting to read his story, what he saw. And remember, consensus elite opinion is almost always inferior to the opinion of the voters en masse. Because they are susceptible to having all the proper opinions, saying all the right things, and never questioning another member of the hive.
You are talking Garland and Mayorkas being tried for terrorism [aiding and abetting] I hope along with Brennan Clapper Comey and Wray.Just my feelings Jim.
What the discussions in which these public intellectuals/thought leaders participate reveals is that they need Jesus. Of course, they clearly have a religion already; it is the one they have constructed out of whole cloth in which to wrap themselves against the cold truth of the ultimate meaninglessness of their lives. True, one could see them as successful, wealthy, intelligent and famous in this world, but in their heart of hearts, they know that their lives are without lasting significance. I often think about the quote attributed to DeGaulle when a companion remarked about the famous Frenchmen buried in a particular cemetery. He replied that cemeteries are filled with indispensable men. Each one of those interred corpses once thought, regarding himself--and was likely often told by others--that without him, the world could simply not survive. Yet it has, for better or worse. And when mortal life ends, then what will become of the wealth, fame, success, intellect and every other thing allegedly accomplished in such a life? Of course, the monuments men build for themselves in life, whether edifices like great buldings or more ephemeral ones, like books will last for some period, but the human who produced them will no longer be here to take credit or blame for those things. Such thoughts are the reason for the overwhelming existential despair that has afflicted the formerly Christian West, because the sedular religion that has become the substitute for Christianity is ultimately without redemptive power. Only Jesus offers the prospect of a truly meaningful life, one that does not end at death, but only begins there and goes on for the rest of eternity. Solomon knew this when he penned the Book we know as Ecclesiastes. He said, "vanity, vanity, all is vanity," and he was undeniably correct. But his conclusion was equally correct; the goal of life is to:
Fear God and keep his commandments,
for this is the duty of all mankind.
For God will bring every deed into judgment,
including every hidden thing,
whether it is good or evil.
Those who have an ear, let them hear what Jesus said in Luke 10: 42-42:
“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”
That "one thing" is what is lacking in so many peoples' lives and is what all the fame and fortune in this life cannot replace. Choose wisely. Your eternal destiny depends on it.
Excellent comment. It is sad that in their endeavor to be deemed "good" that these folks aren't embracing the one true Savior, Jesus. There is none righteous, no not one, without the blood of Christ.
and cut agencies. In his rally address yesterday Trump was taikng about Linda McMahon saying if she does her job at the education department right she'll be out of a job.
In other words, plug the money gusher, which according to Rand Paul has funded the following follies: $3 Million for Hamster Fight Clubs -- $2.3 million to Fund Research on Romantic Relationships in Space -- $7 Million to Promote Safety in Ethiopian Coffee Farming -- $500,000 to Study Marvel Movie Fan Reactions -- $118,000 for a Study on Whether People Trust Smart Toasters.
This was in Paul's annual "Festivus Report", which calculated that these and many more frivolous stupidities added up to half a billion dollars. This should make anyone wonder if the main requirement for getting a job in DC is being retarded.
Until public research money is done away with, and a new system is in place, it will go on. Every single dollar appropriated should have to be authorized by congress as a line item in the budget. We can no longer afford to keep paying back political allies with taxpayer dollars. The reason so many universities are beyond wealthy today is due to bloated amounts of federal research money that always goes to political allies. Make each school compete fairly.
Very enlightening, Don. Quite a bit of it goes over my head, but I learned from it.
It dovetails nicely with my morning C.S.Lewis (free at
“Just as the Christian has a great advantage over other men, not by being less fallen than they nor less doomed to live in a fallen world, but by knowing he is a fallen man in a fallen world; so we shall do better if we remember at every moment what Good Work was and how impossible it has now become for the majority” (from The World’s Last Night).
Great post! Whenever I see articles about, or with interviews, the tech giants, I'm always reminded of Solzhenitsyn's quote about socialism, "Without God, anything is possible" These people are all materialists, pagans and/or atheists, who covered up the mass murders and sickening of millions from mRNA bioweapon, when there were already proven treatment modalities readily available, banned any honest discussion of the riots of 6 January and the murders of 4 of the participants and deep involvement in the same by government employees and contractors, and covering up of the Biden Crime Syndicate's many and various criminal activities, even when there was a laptop from Hunter that displayed all for anyone who had eyes, including sex trafficking of women and children. These are just three of a gargantuan amount of crimes these tech people covered up, because they were "bullied". Yet they claim they want to be know as "good people". I think Google's motto is something to the effect "only do good things" or some such drivel.
Hope springs eternal and maybe they will come around, but there must be some serious reckoning with these people and their participation in and support of, these catastrophes over the last at least 4 years before we can trust any of them. And they should be kept from any levers of power if at all possible. The Republic is in dire straights, much worse than most people know, though the signs are everywhere for those who want to see. Pray for Trump, and his team's, good health, good judgement, bravery, good fortune, and His benevolence, as it will take years for us to come out of this hole.
Fauci had a lot of people helping him. I didn't read that any of them got a pardon. If the Trumpster can send these people to jail imagine the wailing and gnashing of teeth as the truth is revealed to all but the leaders are pardoned. Gonna be an interesting four years.
Fauci's wife is a high level muckitimuck at NIH and helped him quite a bit. I didn't see she's gotten a pardon. You're very correct: these next years are going to be crazy interesting, especially as these orcs starting turning on each other.
Saw this morning that FJB has gone and given preemptive pardons to Fauci, the J6 committee, and others as his final parting gift. Good Lord! You can not hate this man and his handlers enough!
Agreed but the saving grace is they can’t wash off that stench of Biden. Everybody knows they’re tainted now. It’s basically as admission of guilt. May they all - especially the Cheneys - live out their lives in ignominy.
As a Christian the most charitable thing I can say is, “For the love of God, just go!”
I don't hate them; I loathe what they stand for. Joe Biden is so delusional he doesn't realize he destroyed whatever legacy he may have had left in granting these pardons. He will now join the Clintons on Epstein Island where political parties hide their past relics of corruption.
Totally agree. There is not a hell hell enough for these people. But there is no greater litmus test for a Christian. Can you say ‘Fathers forgive them they know not what they do’? I have to acknowledge, I keep failing the test.
"Judgement is mine saithe the Lord" so we should forgive them and move on. Biden pardoned them for now but when they die the sentence will be for eternity.
Biden's legacy poll: I voted "invasion", bc that's the worst/most consequential of his fuckery-uppery, but I think his primary legacy--what will define him from any future retrospection--is that he was never de facto president. He was purely a figurehead, a vain and incompetent never-was who stumbled into the presidency via a combination of blind luck, back-door maneuverings by his party, and outright fraud.
Once he took office, he was never actually in charge, and he didn't even want to be. He is such a shallow and petty man, all he really was ever aiming for as he sought the presidency over 32 years was to be the big shot. He had zero principles. A lifelong "centrist" suddenly becomes a hard-left, uber-woke radical--not because he changed his mind, but because every executive decision during his term was made by unelected people around him.
He has one record to note: As a total corrupt, demented, incompetent and never-elected president, he was able to find a vice president who was even worse.
I voted Invasion as well. Good analysis of Biden. He willingly gave Obama the Oval Office a 3rd time for the facade of being called POTUS. He and wife/family are dispicable traitors and surely even his pardons can’t save them from justice. BTW, will he pardon Hussein Obama?
I think that since Barack has been canonized, he has no worries of ever being accountable for shady dealings. Kind of like diplomatic immunity, but for secular religious figures venerated by members of the Church of the Left.
I think that even if he gets careless and busted for crack possession while riding around again in the back of a limo with an anonymous male hookup, he'll escape being charged.
Currently 37 degrees here in Charleston but feels like 30. Snow is predicted for tomorrow night into Wednesday morning. I sure would love some globull warming right about now.
The only one smarter than the devil is God. Thus, until and unless you are aligned with God, heart, mind, soul and strength, the devil will whip you every time, to varying degrees, as man is imperfect and sinful in nature.
CEO’s or any man, woman or child who “wants to be good” after his own understanding of good, unaligned with God, will always be deceived by that great deceiver, who often disguised himself as an “Angel of light.”
“For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.”
~ 2 Corinthians 11:13-15
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding.”
Andreessen saying a CEOs’ Goal No. 1 is, “I’m a good person” is bullshit. Goal No. 1 is enrich your stockholders and hope that convinces them you’re a good person so you can keep your job. The ones who embraced CRT, DEI, transgenderism and censorship blew with the wind, off course without moral compass, and they will blow again.
Well, Just the News is reporting that right on cue Joe Biden, as he was walking out of the WH for the last time, gave pardons to Milley, Fauci and the J-6 committee! So really, what did any of these long time Dem Tech giants have to worry about? They could do whatever they wanted to our free speech and Joe would have just given them pre-emptive pardons for outright attacking free speech in order to keep them quiet. Now the "kiss the ring" crowd is all-in for Trump it appears and attacking Biden and his cabal for what they did to their companies. There isn't a backbone in one of them! They could have stepped up as a group and told congress what was going on when it was happening, but they didn't. You know where all those tech guys will be if we go to war with China or we have a civil war? Switzerland. Maybe I'm just getting old and grumpy.............well actually I am, but I would never trust a single one of them. They had their chances to show us how they felt about Constitutional rights and they voted "present". Now as for the aforementioned public figures who never have to worry about a trial for their malfeasance, I hope congress gets off their butts and appoints a non-partisan special prosecutor to investigate each of them and exposes it all to the public in an official report. No, they won't stand trial for their crimes, but they shouldn't get a pass in the history books either. As I write this it is three hours before the real adult's takeover. I hope the new administration has the backbone and the faith that will be required of them in the next four years, especially Bondi and Hegseth and Vought, the last of which must rein in Congress and their out-of-control spending addiction. God bless them all.
I am looking forward to this afternoon when the first of the rumored 200 executive orders is signed. He should have a sore hand by dinner time.
On the Trump coin that has taken off and made him an extra $58 zillion or whatever the amount is. Tulips made a lot of Dutch people rich for a bit a few centuries ago. I don’t understand bit coin or any of that “currency “ so I stay away from it. It sounds like a bubble.
On the CEO’s that have come around to Trump’s way of thinking let’s see them walk their current talk and then maybe we can believe they have had a true come to Jesus moment.
Next four years is going to be quite a journey. Praying it is a good and prosperous one for America. However, for us to survive as a country some, if not many, of these bad actors HAVE to do prison time. If not I really don't see a long lasting survival.
Every day is a new battle. The War for MAGA will be intense. We'll have some losses but hopefully a lot of Wins. To keep MAGA going we need a succession plan or we'll be four and done. We can't afford another RINO candidate for President. Don't expect another Donald. He's one of a kind.....
We’ll have to wait and see but so far Vance is looking like a pretty good imitation of the real thing.
I pray their time in prison is short but their drop from the gallows long.
Good idea, the long drop is deadly effective.
But the short drop is more influential.
When I mentioned all the people Biden pardoned, my daughter pointed that Milley would under military jurisdiction.
Yep been saying this for years. The pent up anger in the electorate must be exorcised with political justice. If not, the people will take matters into their own hands. And the results are often not good for both sides. History of humanity.
The pardons FJB dropped this morning on his way out the door are not surprising
These pardons may actually benefit Trump. Now, he won't be criticised for going after political rivals. These criminals now can not pead the 5th so they'll likely toss their partners-in-crime colleagues under the bus. We'll see. But, in the meantime, Trump will not be caught up in this time sink.
And they are still legally liable in state courts. Their pardon only helps with Fed charges.
Bring it on MAGA. Nail these bastards and make them rue the day they committed their treasonous crimes.
Regarding their 'protection' from fed crimes, if they are proven to have lied under oath (since they have no 5th amendment protection), it's a serious crime. Never forget that the FBI never had a provable case against Al Capone. They got him on tax evasion. Where there's a will, there's a way and I hope we plow that path starting today.
Would like to see Fauci prosecuted for mass murder in Texas.
I’d not trust Andreessen either - maybe a smidge more than Gates (which is not a bit) but not much more than a smidge. You always have to identify what the fundamental principles are that someone lives by. Love God? Not mentioned. Limited government? No - not his concern. Freedom? Not a driver. “Being a good person” sounds pretty passive when not connected to living a life and doing stuff good people do day in day out.
Decisions decisions, which do I trust more, the black mamba, or the green mamba, or the cobra? Not petting any of them.
He may be smarter and richer than I can ever dream of being but he still sounds like a liberal idiot to me. How can he possibly believe some of things he said he here? And Al Gore? He completely loses me there.
I regard Bill Gates as a "philanthropath", much the same as George Soros and Michael Bloomberg. They give money to "charities" that are "toxic" if not outwardly dangerous like Planned Parenthood, Everytown for Gun Safety, and Black Lives Matter. Gates and his former wife, Melinda, gave money to an organization that allegedly gave out vaccinations for COVID-19 and other diseases that caused miscarriages. Bill Gates claimed that millions were saved from COVID and other diseases.
Gates also has started some WEF inspired businesses (lab grown meat anyone? which is apparently terrible for you unsurprisingly. He also has massive land holdings while he advocates for the WEF inspired "15 min cities" where everyone walks or bikes and lives in apartments.
Not a good guy.
Remember, Bill Gates parents were depopulationist so he is just in favor of what he was taught as a child. The problem with being wealthy is no one has guts to tell him the truth.
Not to be picky here, but I would not favor living by 'principals', who are school bureaucrats, and as a rule not very innovative people. Instead, I would support principles.
Not picky - helpful and easy to fix.
Excellent analysis.
I saw the piece and certainly trust Andresson more than Gates. He’s describing group think. And the failure to understand that you are doing so.
But what he describes was Obama’s, or those controlling him, plan to turn the US into a police state, a fully communist state, with some nice democratic window dressings.
It is important, within the confines of the law, to go after these government actors starting in the DOJ. You’ll have to fire a fair number of them. The medium and top dogs must face debilitating legal trouble, and a few other departments need to do the same.
Jim, you nailed it. No lasting effect will take place until the bad actors suffer real, tangible consequenses. Jail time, financial loss and a permanent felony record is a good place to start. Treasonable actions by swamp creatures should be treated as such.
You can trust them now if you want, Jim, but I don't. They are fair-weather friends and should never be trusted again. They put their own welfare above the law. But I agree regarding Mr. Obama. I have realized that people like Mr. Obama are cunning, legally challenged, and subversive, but I don't think they are smart enough to envision a future as you describe. What they are is spoiled and lacking the ability to fairly analyze where their actions may take the country. If you could get inside of each one of these Marxist's head I think you would find a person who sees everything on how it affects themselves rather than the masses. They have this belief that, at its base, America will never fail, so they are going to do whatever they want and not worry about the long-term consequences of their actions. That's how people like the Big O went from a net worth of a million dollars when he entered office to $25M when he left office. Capitalism doesn't do that for a president, but corruption does.
I don't think I said I trust them fully - I said I trust him more than Gates. I merely thought it interesting to read his story, what he saw. And remember, consensus elite opinion is almost always inferior to the opinion of the voters en masse. Because they are susceptible to having all the proper opinions, saying all the right things, and never questioning another member of the hive.
You are talking Garland and Mayorkas being tried for terrorism [aiding and abetting] I hope along with Brennan Clapper Comey and Wray.Just my feelings Jim.
Amen. Line 'em up and charge them with treason.
Venture capital ? Cannot be trusted , they worship Marmon ( money ) .
They can be trusted for what they are. Some of that is pretty nice, and some of it isn't very nice at all.
Bill Gates can never be trusted
Also never trust a guy that wants you to eat bugs.
Just ask his (ex) wife.
Wifey is pretty dicey, too. Another “ Catholic” pushing for depopulation by any means. Follow the money.
That should be taught at the first grade level to every person in America.
Bill was on "Da plane Boss"
I hope they release the Epstein list
So do I.
Gates: The man who invented CTRL-ALT-DELETE.
That horrible command defines his life and existence.
Reboot . . . . after deleting Gates.
What the discussions in which these public intellectuals/thought leaders participate reveals is that they need Jesus. Of course, they clearly have a religion already; it is the one they have constructed out of whole cloth in which to wrap themselves against the cold truth of the ultimate meaninglessness of their lives. True, one could see them as successful, wealthy, intelligent and famous in this world, but in their heart of hearts, they know that their lives are without lasting significance. I often think about the quote attributed to DeGaulle when a companion remarked about the famous Frenchmen buried in a particular cemetery. He replied that cemeteries are filled with indispensable men. Each one of those interred corpses once thought, regarding himself--and was likely often told by others--that without him, the world could simply not survive. Yet it has, for better or worse. And when mortal life ends, then what will become of the wealth, fame, success, intellect and every other thing allegedly accomplished in such a life? Of course, the monuments men build for themselves in life, whether edifices like great buldings or more ephemeral ones, like books will last for some period, but the human who produced them will no longer be here to take credit or blame for those things. Such thoughts are the reason for the overwhelming existential despair that has afflicted the formerly Christian West, because the sedular religion that has become the substitute for Christianity is ultimately without redemptive power. Only Jesus offers the prospect of a truly meaningful life, one that does not end at death, but only begins there and goes on for the rest of eternity. Solomon knew this when he penned the Book we know as Ecclesiastes. He said, "vanity, vanity, all is vanity," and he was undeniably correct. But his conclusion was equally correct; the goal of life is to:
Fear God and keep his commandments,
for this is the duty of all mankind.
For God will bring every deed into judgment,
including every hidden thing,
whether it is good or evil.
Those who have an ear, let them hear what Jesus said in Luke 10: 42-42:
“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”
That "one thing" is what is lacking in so many peoples' lives and is what all the fame and fortune in this life cannot replace. Choose wisely. Your eternal destiny depends on it.
“For God will bring every deed into judgement.”
A very wise and loving priest once told me that, when we die, we stand before God naked, clothed only in the deeds we have done.
If that doesn’t make you consider your actions in life, I don’t know what would.
I love every sentence of this comment, Steve (recovering lawyer).
Excellent comment. It is sad that in their endeavor to be deemed "good" that these folks aren't embracing the one true Savior, Jesus. There is none righteous, no not one, without the blood of Christ.
"DOGE is a nice endeavor to reduce spending, but the only way to cure corruption in Washington is to cut off the power."
The only way to reduce corruption and shrink the size of the swamp creature is to starve it. Reduce taxes and reduce discretionary spending!
and cut agencies. In his rally address yesterday Trump was taikng about Linda McMahon saying if she does her job at the education department right she'll be out of a job.
In other words, plug the money gusher, which according to Rand Paul has funded the following follies: $3 Million for Hamster Fight Clubs -- $2.3 million to Fund Research on Romantic Relationships in Space -- $7 Million to Promote Safety in Ethiopian Coffee Farming -- $500,000 to Study Marvel Movie Fan Reactions -- $118,000 for a Study on Whether People Trust Smart Toasters.
This was in Paul's annual "Festivus Report", which calculated that these and many more frivolous stupidities added up to half a billion dollars. This should make anyone wonder if the main requirement for getting a job in DC is being retarded.
my take on these kinds of boondoggles is congress people handing out money to buddies IOW graft
Yes, and the topics for such "research" suggest they are daring us to do anything about it.
Until public research money is done away with, and a new system is in place, it will go on. Every single dollar appropriated should have to be authorized by congress as a line item in the budget. We can no longer afford to keep paying back political allies with taxpayer dollars. The reason so many universities are beyond wealthy today is due to bloated amounts of federal research money that always goes to political allies. Make each school compete fairly.
Reddog, the President also needs to have a line item VETO authority over budget items
Yes, you are quite right; a lot of this nonsense looks like a kickback under a fig leaf.
Very enlightening, Don. Quite a bit of it goes over my head, but I learned from it.
It dovetails nicely with my morning C.S.Lewis (free at
“Just as the Christian has a great advantage over other men, not by being less fallen than they nor less doomed to live in a fallen world, but by knowing he is a fallen man in a fallen world; so we shall do better if we remember at every moment what Good Work was and how impossible it has now become for the majority” (from The World’s Last Night).
How does one do “good” when they have no God?
The image & likeness of God isn’t obliterated, and knows a measure of God’s goodness, at least by common grace, if not by revelation.
The “Good Work” refers (I think) to Christ’s self-sacrifice, which we are also called to (though not for the atoning of sin).
Great post! Whenever I see articles about, or with interviews, the tech giants, I'm always reminded of Solzhenitsyn's quote about socialism, "Without God, anything is possible" These people are all materialists, pagans and/or atheists, who covered up the mass murders and sickening of millions from mRNA bioweapon, when there were already proven treatment modalities readily available, banned any honest discussion of the riots of 6 January and the murders of 4 of the participants and deep involvement in the same by government employees and contractors, and covering up of the Biden Crime Syndicate's many and various criminal activities, even when there was a laptop from Hunter that displayed all for anyone who had eyes, including sex trafficking of women and children. These are just three of a gargantuan amount of crimes these tech people covered up, because they were "bullied". Yet they claim they want to be know as "good people". I think Google's motto is something to the effect "only do good things" or some such drivel.
Hope springs eternal and maybe they will come around, but there must be some serious reckoning with these people and their participation in and support of, these catastrophes over the last at least 4 years before we can trust any of them. And they should be kept from any levers of power if at all possible. The Republic is in dire straights, much worse than most people know, though the signs are everywhere for those who want to see. Pray for Trump, and his team's, good health, good judgement, bravery, good fortune, and His benevolence, as it will take years for us to come out of this hole.
Danny Huckabee
Fauci had a lot of people helping him. I didn't read that any of them got a pardon. If the Trumpster can send these people to jail imagine the wailing and gnashing of teeth as the truth is revealed to all but the leaders are pardoned. Gonna be an interesting four years.
Fauci's wife is a high level muckitimuck at NIH and helped him quite a bit. I didn't see she's gotten a pardon. You're very correct: these next years are going to be crazy interesting, especially as these orcs starting turning on each other.
Saw this morning that FJB has gone and given preemptive pardons to Fauci, the J6 committee, and others as his final parting gift. Good Lord! You can not hate this man and his handlers enough!
Figured it was coming. The only good part of that is it is an admission of guilt.
Agreed but the saving grace is they can’t wash off that stench of Biden. Everybody knows they’re tainted now. It’s basically as admission of guilt. May they all - especially the Cheneys - live out their lives in ignominy.
As a Christian the most charitable thing I can say is, “For the love of God, just go!”
Who was paid and how much?
They aren't paid in money, they are paid in political access and power.
The morning is not over. Look for pardons for himself and his entire family being announced at about 11:45am.
I'm certainly willing to try.
If they are guilty of crimes and need a pardon do we still have to give them a retirement income? Asking for a friend.....
I don't hate them; I loathe what they stand for. Joe Biden is so delusional he doesn't realize he destroyed whatever legacy he may have had left in granting these pardons. He will now join the Clintons on Epstein Island where political parties hide their past relics of corruption.
We all knew the pardons were coming. Does a preemptive pardon cover lying to Congress? Asking for a friend.
Yes-but after pardon if forced to testify they have no 5th protections and can be charged if caught lying.
Totally agree. There is not a hell hell enough for these people. But there is no greater litmus test for a Christian. Can you say ‘Fathers forgive them they know not what they do’? I have to acknowledge, I keep failing the test.
"Judgement is mine saithe the Lord" so we should forgive them and move on. Biden pardoned them for now but when they die the sentence will be for eternity.
When the CEO's kiss Trump's ring, take notice America. DJT is the leader of the band, and the CEOs had better dance to YMCA.
Biden's legacy poll: I voted "invasion", bc that's the worst/most consequential of his fuckery-uppery, but I think his primary legacy--what will define him from any future retrospection--is that he was never de facto president. He was purely a figurehead, a vain and incompetent never-was who stumbled into the presidency via a combination of blind luck, back-door maneuverings by his party, and outright fraud.
Once he took office, he was never actually in charge, and he didn't even want to be. He is such a shallow and petty man, all he really was ever aiming for as he sought the presidency over 32 years was to be the big shot. He had zero principles. A lifelong "centrist" suddenly becomes a hard-left, uber-woke radical--not because he changed his mind, but because every executive decision during his term was made by unelected people around him.
Joe Biden's legacy: the man who wasn't there.
He has one record to note: As a total corrupt, demented, incompetent and never-elected president, he was able to find a vice president who was even worse.
Obama > Biden > Harris > Walz
Arguably, dumber, more incompetent, and less "presidential" (leadership ability) at every step.
I voted Invasion as well. Good analysis of Biden. He willingly gave Obama the Oval Office a 3rd time for the facade of being called POTUS. He and wife/family are dispicable traitors and surely even his pardons can’t save them from justice. BTW, will he pardon Hussein Obama?
I think that since Barack has been canonized, he has no worries of ever being accountable for shady dealings. Kind of like diplomatic immunity, but for secular religious figures venerated by members of the Church of the Left.
I think that even if he gets careless and busted for crack possession while riding around again in the back of a limo with an anonymous male hookup, he'll escape being charged.
It occurred to me that I haven’t taken the time to sit on my porch a smoke a cigar to celebrate Mr. Trump’s return. I will make up for that today.
Careful my friend, don’t burn the seersucker. But I applaud your appreciation of the moment.
I would love to do that today too. The problem is it's 17 degrees right now here in WV and it's forecast to drop from there.
It's four degrees and snowy in Ohio so I will tip some cheer to the crackling fire as I watch the proceedings.
TMITSSS, I thought the Carolinas were to get some really cold weather and snow - even at the ocean - but enjoy that cigar either way.
Currently 37 degrees here in Charleston but feels like 30. Snow is predicted for tomorrow night into Wednesday morning. I sure would love some globull warming right about now.
I have some real cigars that I haven't touched in 50 years, but it's too darn cold to go smoke one outside.
The forecast is for 1 to 3 inches of snow tomorrow (Armageddon for here) it’s still pleasant today
I have a bottle of bubby on ice.
I enjoyed the cigar and then went inside to watch the speech which I also enjoyed.
The only one smarter than the devil is God. Thus, until and unless you are aligned with God, heart, mind, soul and strength, the devil will whip you every time, to varying degrees, as man is imperfect and sinful in nature.
CEO’s or any man, woman or child who “wants to be good” after his own understanding of good, unaligned with God, will always be deceived by that great deceiver, who often disguised himself as an “Angel of light.”
“For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.”
~ 2 Corinthians 11:13-15
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding.”
~ Proverbs 3:5
Andreessen saying a CEOs’ Goal No. 1 is, “I’m a good person” is bullshit. Goal No. 1 is enrich your stockholders and hope that convinces them you’re a good person so you can keep your job. The ones who embraced CRT, DEI, transgenderism and censorship blew with the wind, off course without moral compass, and they will blow again.
Agree Dennis , I suspect his moral compass is more likely a wind vane .
Well, Just the News is reporting that right on cue Joe Biden, as he was walking out of the WH for the last time, gave pardons to Milley, Fauci and the J-6 committee! So really, what did any of these long time Dem Tech giants have to worry about? They could do whatever they wanted to our free speech and Joe would have just given them pre-emptive pardons for outright attacking free speech in order to keep them quiet. Now the "kiss the ring" crowd is all-in for Trump it appears and attacking Biden and his cabal for what they did to their companies. There isn't a backbone in one of them! They could have stepped up as a group and told congress what was going on when it was happening, but they didn't. You know where all those tech guys will be if we go to war with China or we have a civil war? Switzerland. Maybe I'm just getting old and grumpy.............well actually I am, but I would never trust a single one of them. They had their chances to show us how they felt about Constitutional rights and they voted "present". Now as for the aforementioned public figures who never have to worry about a trial for their malfeasance, I hope congress gets off their butts and appoints a non-partisan special prosecutor to investigate each of them and exposes it all to the public in an official report. No, they won't stand trial for their crimes, but they shouldn't get a pass in the history books either. As I write this it is three hours before the real adult's takeover. I hope the new administration has the backbone and the faith that will be required of them in the next four years, especially Bondi and Hegseth and Vought, the last of which must rein in Congress and their out-of-control spending addiction. God bless them all.
I want the most-partisan special prosecutor available because anyone else would just be some milk toast Rhino. Non-partisan does not exist
I am looking forward to this afternoon when the first of the rumored 200 executive orders is signed. He should have a sore hand by dinner time.
On the Trump coin that has taken off and made him an extra $58 zillion or whatever the amount is. Tulips made a lot of Dutch people rich for a bit a few centuries ago. I don’t understand bit coin or any of that “currency “ so I stay away from it. It sounds like a bubble.
On the CEO’s that have come around to Trump’s way of thinking let’s see them walk their current talk and then maybe we can believe they have had a true come to Jesus moment.
It is a Ponzi scheme .
Try to put one in your pocket.