Kamala's best skill is suction which helped propel her to national headlines and utilately shatter the Peter principal record. She sucks more than words can say.

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She’s a parasite: she paid a ghost writer to plagiarize a book in her name. She couldn’t even do that in her own.

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It is a low bar when the ghost writer plagiarizes.

That's like a hooker substituting a blow-up doll for a trick.

Only a leftist could create such a state of failure and deceit.

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…and from Wikipedia no less!


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I had to look that up. I wasn't even aware she had a book written in her name. She was plagiarizing Wikepedia for crying out loud! Now there's a source for factual information.

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Maybe put the last two words in quotes.

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In the movie "Head Office", Jane Seymour's character is caught in a compromising situation by her former boss who declares, you're just screwing your way to the top, to which Jane replies I'd be a fool if I was screwing my way to the bottom. Horizontal Harris proves that those skills are not exclusive.

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She sucks a peck or more.

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My favorite salad from her is her definition of that so-called "automatic intelligence."

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Her explanation of “the Cloud” is right up there.

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24 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

Her best skill is failing upwards. Not many can do it but she has. A failure and liar at every previous job somehow she has used her God given ability to screw up everything she has previously done and talk jibberish about almost any subject to get her to within a bullet shot of becoming the leader of the free world.

Pete butt plug would be another example.

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Speaking of failing upwards, For an excellent and most insightful overview of the Khameleon’s “rise to power” watch this video (it’s long but worth it), as Harmeet Dhillon exposes in gory detail:


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Harmeet pulls no punches !! Thanx Suzie.

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Oh thanks! I didn't see your post and I just posted it again.

Cackles is even worse than I was aware!

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BTW, Gavin is owned by the same money…Browns, Getty’s, etc. If we get both of them out of office it could be a start of cleaning up the filth. The feces on the streets is a true reflection of these criminal pols.

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We need to clean out the oligarchs! They’re the problem. I never been a confiscation type of person; but I can consider taking the wealth and limiting it in the future. Time for monopoly breaking and limiting how many corporations and companies one can control. Since people can’t limit themselves and we no longer use biblically sound values, we will just have to force people out of billionaire wealth.

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She’s a down and right criminal. Never represented anyone other than the Cali machine and deep state. Maybe the worst since her patron. I hope 90 y/o Willie Brown lives to see his Ho fall with him into the flames of Hell. This history of corruption should be the nail on her campaign coffin.

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What I am finding interesting is that I heard (no idea if it's true or not but it sounds credible) that JOE wanted Gretchen as his VP running mate BUT CLYBURN INSISTED on QueMala for CLYBURN to agree to the DEAL TO SEAL JOE as the nominee. (If we all go back and remember the Dem primary in 2020 that ALL THE CANDIDATES MAGICALLY DROPPED OUT to clear the path for JOE). SO, NOW CLYBURN's DEI PICK of QueMala, OVER the choice of (rayciss) Joe Biden (who wanted white Gretchen) is coming home to roost. And bitter Biden is fanning the flames with his hand behind his back so he can say that HE'S the only one who ever BEAT (hahahaha!) Trump.

My overwhelming FEAR is DNC criminality over the election.

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Required watching.

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It really should be! It is sooo eye opening and defines her whole mode of existence her whole life!!!

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I lived in Marin and commuted to SF financial district for work. Willie turned a once beautiful city into a hell hole of homeless, insane and drug infested streets. I knew who the power brokers were but this complete back story is beyond the headlines. Brown intimidated the publishers of the major newspapers and their popular columnists sat admiringly at lunch with him.

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I always wondered what Buttigieg meant in English.

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Now you know.

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You are spot on, but for clarity I removed an extra word you had in sentence three:

"A failure and liar at every previous job somehow she has used her God given ability to screw <removed "up"> everything she has previously done and talk jibberish about almost any subject to get her to within a bullet shot of becoming the leader of the free world.

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Pete Buttplug doesn’t know much about transportation, but he has been rear ended several times.

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21 hrs ago·edited 21 hrs ago

Rock Hudson died as the result of being rear ended one time too many.

Pete should have been put in charge of the FDA given his expertise with eating questionable weiners.

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Were he yet alive, The Rock Hudson might well have been one of the actors in the deep state - "come here boys" TV advertisement (that apes the Villiage People performance group of yore) in trying to stamp a "masculine" image on those missing Harris voters. .

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So true John .

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24 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

Kamala promises to build 3 million houses in 4 years. The Biden-Harris regime built only 8 EV stations in 2.5 years at a cost of billions. Where the money go? Isn't it fantastical how fast her campaign money showed up? She's not even good at word salads made from composte, but she is pretty good at spreading manure.

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You have hit the nail on the head. Any spending program that the government enacts that should be done solely by the private sector is, in reality, a means of transferring money to special interests (read donors) in exchange for campaign contributions. Climate change related projects are ripe for this type of graft. The EV stations, Solendra, etc.

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…and scores of leftist NGO’s receiving tax dollars in all those thousand page bills to aid and abet instituting every Dem scheme and destructive policy.

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That’s right. DC is a money laundering machine. It’s never about outcomes. Just shove the money to the same ole groups who then shove some money back into campaigns so they can get another tranche next budget.

It’s disgusting.

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22 hrs ago·edited 22 hrs ago

And, I'll bet a large amount - 90% of them - will be placed in solid republican neighborhoods to change the voting demographics and tear down home values and individual net worth of the middle class.

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Oh yes, Rush talked about that. "Plugs" planned to build low income housing in primarily Republican strongholds. I am seeing it where I live in North Georgia. More than a thousand low income apartments have gone up in the last three years in this very solid Republican stronghold.

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Yep, northeast Georgia denizen here. I also noticed a rapid construction of low-income apartment buildings since 2021 in adjacent counties. The “fundamental transformation” of our nation is progressing as planned one red county at a time.

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Wow. So the GOP should get off their butts and target these people. But... I won't hold my breath.

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Everything is mixed use and low income building.

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And on that note - with follow on comments - it's why people need to get involved locally. Obama's regime trained some 30K little Marxists to infiltrate positions at every level. Maybe we need to go back to the slogan: "The only good Communist is a dead one." And mean it.

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Oct 15Liked by Don Surber

Finally found something to like about Kommila. She is a cuttin’ and pastin’ expert, as am I. Guess we both learned it at Harvard. Famed ‘Plagiarism Hunter’ Busts KamalaHarris Book: ‘Copied Virtually an Entire Wikipedia Article,’ ‘Fabricated a Source Reference’

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Kamala probably picked a sloppy ghost writer. She doesn’t like to think or work too hard

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Sad to say in today’s “woke” military a legendary fighter like George S. Patton wouldn’t last five minutes. Even for his time he was politically incorrect & got the higher ups stirred up due to his blunt expressions to them & the press whom he didn’t like anyway. He hated the Soviets with a passion & made no secret of that. He thought allying with the Soviets was a pact with the devil & that - @ the end - we’d been fighting the wrong people.

There are theories his death was an orchestrated, early on Deep State hit. Tinfoil hat territory?

Who knows anymore?

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21 hrs ago·edited 21 hrs ago

Patton wasn't all that popular with the "higher ups" in the Army. Ike sidlined him more than once. If Patton had been in chrage WWll might have ended a year or two earlier. There was no "wait and see" with him. It was see the objective and obtain it. One might think the early stages of the Military Industrial Complex had a hand in delaying the end of the war. WWll got us out of the Great Depression.

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Longer war = more cash inflow to the makers of war hardware and political accumulation. We all know that, don't we? Even though many dare not speakit.

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I will go with Victor Davis Hanson on Patton's "final" injury as truly being the last in a long of mishaps by an accident-prone person. Complex in character, he was both socially rejected and professionally scorned by other officers less-talented than he and (crucially) from modest cultural and economic backgrounds, whereas he was the richest general in the army. And he was always ready to "poke the bear".

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The string of General's biographies, after WWII, was a backbiting fest of less than stellar senior officers with ghost writer striving to even scores with Patton.

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Wonder how many of them plagiarized?

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Of course Goldwater was not a racist. In fact he was very supportive of Native American tribes in AZ. There are no anecdotes about Barry being racist to anybody here in AZ. What he was, was a self-reliant constitutional conservative American. And the establishment hated him for that. He came from pioneer stock.

Settling AZ in the 19th century was not for the faint of heart.

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As a youngster, I remember spotting a Goldwater bumper sticker: “AuH2O”

I remember exactly where I was the moment I saw it: the parking lot of my grammar school as I headed for my school bus.

It intrigued me so much it became the catalyst to my desire to know more about this thing called “politics”.

Chemistry, not so much.

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I remember those signs. Our school had a straw vote and Goldwater won by a landslide. That was in Maine, not the south.

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I was a "Goldwater Girl" during his campaign for President

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So was Hillary, the Oinkubus. Before she wed Beelzebub.

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19th Century AZ was the "Wild West". Wyatt Earp and Jake Clanton were a large part of that reputation.

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23 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

A new history lesson from Professor Surber and one to be heeded in today's politics. The Kommila/Timpon slate must be seen as in peril of sinking what with the overt way all msm are running {news?] stories and reporting world events so clearly biased. Meanwhile PDJT is campaigning everywhere and drawing converts due to a clear message of change for the better and a return to national sanity in global affairs . Roll on Poca-Man to a MAGA/MAHA 2024 victory too big to rig.

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Marlan, the fact that Kommie has acquiesced to an interview on FOX with Bret Baier is telling - the old girl is desperate. When he announced it last night, he said her campaign would only agree for interview from 5-5:30 and his normal time begins at 6. I'm guessing he's negotiating with The Five to get the last 30 minutes of their show. We do live in "interesting" times!

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Brett Baier is not a conservative.

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I agree. Even Trump stated that, if a debate was moderated by Fox, he didn’t want Baier or McCallum to be the moderators.

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Bret is the Pillbury doughboy.

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Bill Kristol Junior Sub.

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You can bet Fox would't have given that Commie-la interview to Gutfield.

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He is too forthright John.

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Also, fewer people tune into the news at 5 than at 6 pm, so there’s that.

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That is true, however the internet airs 24/7 and I'd bet my bottom dollar that interview will be shared far and wide.

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Oh beyond a doubt!!

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23 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

It doesn’t help that the Governor of Pennsylvania is Jewish, but his main drawback from being tapped for VP candidate is that he is much smarter than Kamala, and Walz doesn’t have that issue.

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Plankton are much smarter than her.

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23 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

Re: the poll.

I’m reminded of Willie Nelson’s character’s line, in the movie, “Honeysuckle Rose”, uh … related to … uh, a, uh, alternate process… of removing chrome from a trailer hitch. But in deference to the sincerely revered, better half of our fellow readers, I won’t delve.

Besides, lucky for us, we can only speak to her skills, that are publicly available for observation.

From that, I’d say with complete confidence, that her best skill is extemporaneous speaking, which is a very low bar that all her other skills fail to meet.

Without a doubt, she is the most unqualified candidate for President in American history.

But a warning to myself and all of us: Anyone, who has ever observed sports, war or politics, knows that one should NEVER risk underestimating one’s opponents. (Please do not mention this rule to anyone at Notre Dame, who plays Navy in 2 weeks.)

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He was surprised they kept it in the movie

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Someone once told me something similar about the girl I was dating at the time. When I finally found out what it meant, I blushed.

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Don, facts are a dangerous thing. Thanks for being one of the few willing to share them. Your history lessons great. LBJ was a nasty mean SOB whose goal was personal power. He was segregationist who supported integration only when it became inevitable and could assure him of votes

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24 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

'More than 100M people of faith could sit out 2024 election’: study. Most pathetic study imaginable. Anyone planning not to vote in this election is not a person of faith.

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Except that alot of Christian churches have "gone woke", so I'm not sure we want to be encouraging that segment to vote. About 10-15 years ago, I vividly remember Nancy Pelosi announcing--with great fanfare and enthusiasm--that the Democrats were starting a new initiative to recruit the churches to support the Democratic party. For years they have been convincing (weak-minded) churches that support of the "social justice" policies of the Democrats is "righteous", "moral", and "noble".

I know some (particularly) Protestant churches that now seem like God is a minor afterthought, and what really gets them fired up is their support for LGBTQ stuff, sanctuary cities, immigration (even if illegal), etc. And they feel morally superior to anything Republican.

So I would NOT be dismayed if THIS contingent of so-called "people of faith" did not vote. I believe that the evangelical side of Christianity IS more Republican and freedom-oriented, and DOES plan to vote heavily. Evangelicals and more conservative Christians have stayed closer to God and traditional spirituality, versus many Methodist, Congregational, Presbyterian, Quaker, etc. etc. churches who "went woke".

(I don't think one can generalize and say a whole denomination has gone woke, but within most of the denominations there is a significant segment of individual churches that have gone woke.)

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And Catholic Church orgs have received literally billions of tax dollars to aid in orchestrating the invasion of borders.

The Pope himself has gone so far off the Christian reservation he’s barely distinguishable from the most ardent of leftists.

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I have been told that unvetted foreigners supported by government funded “NGOs” living in your neighborhood is a long standing American tradition.

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This is the most sarcastic thing I ever posted on the internet and the best part is that it is true. I like to use it when people conflate legal and illegal immigration.

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Don't quite understand--were you being sarcastic? (I'm a little slow in the 'recognizing sarcasm' department.)

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I don't think he's being sarcastic, just pointing out the insanity and how they present it.

One joke is that the Indians initially welcomed the Pilgrims and look what they got for it.

Louis L'amour said that the Indians spoke of the ones who were here before, people they conquered. They in turn were run out by other tribes and eventually by Europeans. We in turn are being conquered by this infestation we refuse to fumigate. Fifty years ago we used DDT. Today we need DJT, and we need it NOW. (We meaning our society, not how you I and most of Don's readers feel about them.)

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Amen Jeremy !

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This is very true, Suzie.

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A guy I know belonged to an ALC congregation that had conservative members. When the ALC was taken over by the ELCA they were forced to teach woke doctrine and roughly 2/3 of the congregation left within six months. Being in rural western Kansas that meant congregants had to drive an hour or more to find a LCMS church.

The Methodist church is experiencing the same as woke Satanology replaces the Bible on the alter.

The Catholic church is still suffering from the decision to accept homosexuals into the priesthood in the belief that being celebate, their orientation wouldn't matter. Instead they got priests molesting alter boys and now a pope who says islam and other religions that deny Christ are also pathways to heaven.

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Interesting. Am not familiar with these acronyms-- is ALC the "American Lutheran church"? And ELCA, the "Evangelical Lutheran"-- which I would have thought Evangelical meant more conservative, not woke? and "LCMS"?

But overall, yes, it is very disappointing to see so many churches that were vulnerable to "the woke mind virus". Truly, they are "salt, that has lost it's salt; good for nothing but to be trodden underfoot". They may consider themselves to be "people of faith", but I would sure NOT encourage them to vote, as they would be for Kamala.

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Amen TPG !!

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24 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

Solid and well reasoned arguments, however 90+% of Alaskans live in the southern part of the state...

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But do they eat grits and collard greens?

What about pigs feet?


Bet they don't make good shine.

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18 hrs ago·edited 18 hrs ago

Fried okra?

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22 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

The shifting political trends among large groups of people and geography covered today is an interesting study I should learn more about. It is a very powerful thing to understand what makes people change their mind on big life issues. Trump has certainly hit that nerve in millions of voters.

We are seeing it happen with the shifting of voting in the African American/Latino, and blue collar/union demographics. As for the south over the years, the Blue Dog Democrats and Tip O'Neil loved Reagan and voted with the GOP through the 80's which set up the tsunami Republican wave led by Gingrich in the 90's. They were DINOs (Democrats in name only). To get rid of the DINOs, the Dems had to move so far left it is difficult to distinguish them from criminals and felons.

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One essential is actually spotting what the populace as a whole is experiencing. Our political "class" is so caught up in its own "narratives" and internecine quarrels that they can't pull away long enough to spot what ordinary people are handling in their daily lives.

It helps of course to actually CARE about people instead of one's political goals.

Trump, as an outsider, brought and brings the outsider perspective, but also a broad enough perspective to see and voice these issues. And no surprise, Trump was in East Palestine and at the Hurricane Helene aftermath sooner than any Dem.

Meanwhile the Harris/Waltz campaign makes ridiculous ads about "real men" supporting Harris--one that comes off as a parody.

May God grant us a reprieve from this (we don't deserve it, but He is gracious).

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22 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

I have always wondered why, after so many presidents and so many civil rights leaders have tried to end racism, why the Democrat party will not let it die? I believe it is because their ideology is bankrupt and doesn't fit most Americans view of life, so they hide their ideology behind a fake cause such as racism. It isn't hard to see if one is willing to look with an open mind. The racism myth is easy to sell as well, all you need is a couple isolated examples and a media that churn it into a larger event, and there it is, national out of control racism. No one really believes it, even the deranged leftists. . But they use it nonetheless as a weapon or shield to keep from having to defend their corrupt ideology. You cannot sell what no one wants without the victim class, and that is the foundation of the Democrat party.

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“Grievance Politics”

It is their entire Modus Operandi.

They have convinced the Black populace for generations of the LIE that without a Dem “hand up and hand out” they are incapable of achieving success in this country.

It has been a long, wicked and insulting game.

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Reddog ,I have long maintained the racist is the one seeing it .My black college roomie felt the same and he was from Philly at the U of I in Moscow.

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22 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

I went with the majority and picked word salad tossing. I have enjoyed seeing her speak on her recent tour of the talk shows. Every time she shows up and opens her mouth, she drops in the polls. Contrast her performance on the talk shows with J.D. Vance's on the serious interview shows. Vance crushes his interviews while Kamala incoherent babbling just crushes her chances of winning the election.

Regarding Don's history lesson, as a (damn) Yankee living in the South for a few decades, I can tell you that Southern folk have way more common sense than Northern liberals. I just shake my head whenever I talk to my relatives up North about the South, bless their hearts. I will ask them whenever does a Southerner retire and move up North. Crickets.

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22 hrs agoLiked by Don Surber

It was most interesting to learn from Don’s history lesson that it was only as recently as the 2000’s that so many of those southern states legislatures flipped red, one even only as recently as 2013.

That’s almost like “just yesterday”!

That surprised me greatly.

This 2024 election - should it proceed honestly- could turn out to be one for the historical record books.

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The young men who served in WWII were exposed to black servicemen and it had a profound effect on voting patterns as they replaced the previous generation

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Yes, I also was surprised at how long it took for the Southern legislatures to turn Red. West Virginia (not quite southern) had 80 years of Democratic rule, and only turned Red in 2015, if I recall correctly.

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Possibly Barry's greatest achievement.

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