I refuse to answer that poll.

Trump isn’t the only one on trial. America is on trial. The people prosecuting Trump aren’t patriotic Americans. They are Marxists and thieves. They know it too. They don’t believe in the rule of law or the Constitution. They are crooked lawfare henchmen. Trump’s ginned up prosecution by the Dems is like a guy accused of jaywalking being prosecuted by Pablo Escobar. If they get away with these Stalinist show trials, none of us are safe. Trump has been investigated more than any human in the history of the planet ( more money, more lawyers, more impeachment attempts, more deep state spooks and collaborators in the media) and they haven’t found one thing of substance. He’s squeaky clean. If you can’t figure this out by now, you’re an imbecile or a Democrat. No offense to imbeciles.

The next year is going to be continued craziness. The Dems may try to get Biden to step away but it’s getting a little late. Again the problem is the pervasive election cheating. And the RINOs who are in on it. This is the thing that has to be overcome and not sure how that happens with a crooked judiciary and crooked politicians.

Trump 2024. Because f-k Joe Biden and the rest of the Democrat mafia thieves.

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AMEN brother Tanto!!!!!!

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🇺🇸 Trump 2024

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Clarity. Sarcastic wit that makes me laugh loudly. Thank you, brother Tanto.

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Which one would I throw the anchor to? Neither one of them. I'd haul anchor and sail away.

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Had to go with Smith. He’s a fed. Fani’s a small time ass.

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Have you looked at the SIZE of Fani's ass. It's horrendous.

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I would prefer throwing anchors to McConnell and McCarthy. Those two should be shouting "persecution" every day in front of cameras. Instead they're eating expensive filet on K Street.

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McConnell is a moderate and done but the party will baby him for as long as he wants because, you know, "compassion". McConnell doesn't own his seat, the voters lent it to him to do THEIR business, but he doesn't see it. McCarthy wont buck him either. Tough talk will continue and we will lose yet more seats because we elect too many spineless members.

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Fascist Fani's ass is her anchor.

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When you can't figure out where her ass ends and her waist starts, that means she has a 'Box" figure, which means none at all--typical for government employees.....they just sit on their fat asses all day thinking of even more devious ways to screw the taxpayer.

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Atlanta is south of me, so I don't care that she blocks the sun.

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As my final comment on today's blog, I must thank our fearless leader for another stellar blog that lifted my spirit. I also deeply appreciate the encouraging fellowship of my long suffering Surberites. May you live long and prosper!

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Life preservers all gone? Anchors away for all of them.....keelhauling is always an option...

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Both are pathetic & laughable- let them drown. 🤣 ....they like treading water seems like.

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No choices in today's poll, except yours, being the correct one.

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“Real Americans stand by Trump because they do not believe the allegations are worthy of prosecution. Convictions will not change that.”

Yes sir. And thank you for mentioning the RNC’s part in this. Fani Willis in GA was raised by a communist Black Panther and is supported by the RNC’s own Brian Kemp. RNC republicans in Tejas – the Bush Junta - are trying to impeach American 1st AG Ken Paxton(burn some phone lines). RNC republicans in Arizona – the McCain Junta – have ruined elections on behalf of the drug cartels to ‘thumb down’ America 1st leading to trafficking of women.

“Wrong song, wrong man. McCain was the ABBA fan.” Gotta laugh to make the day go…

“Noonan is having trouble keeping her Trump-Polar Disorder under control.” The first step to recovery is acknowledging your problem. She hasn’t.

Great post, Don. Great post.

PS I threw the anchor to Jack the Ripper as he has been involved in way too much subversion of his oath. Fvcker…

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On target. But the only way we gain in this election is if all of us go out and convince others to vote Trump and vote straight conservative. The RNC pushes the moderates because they are easier to get elected after which they will be good little troopers and vote like RNC tells them too so they will get their share of re-election funds.

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I have already converted at least five suburban women which is further going exponential. Convert one and go from there. Right now it isn't really hard to do considering everything has gone to shit everywhere and we can compare with that of, say, Feb 2020.

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You are one of my heros then. I have turned a few voters from the dark side back to reality but its a hard road when they all just want to start a dialog with “but Trump did……” and then it devolves from there. But the only way we will win the long war is by changing peoples minds one at a time. There is so much mis-information out there it’s an up hill battle for sure. Without violating anyones free speech, if we could just finfd a way to focus on and spotlight those media sites that lie and distort the truth we could return to some kind of normality. Keep up the fight. I’m too old to stop now😀

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All five of the women I mentioned were not rabid Leftists or wealthy beyond any ramifications of their political decisions. The wokeness and Critical Theory infesting their schools are only eclipsed by effectively losing $700 per month the last two years because of inflation.

Plus, I always start out with this: https://tinyurl.com/5t2h3hv3

Trump and Ramaswamy are the only two qualified candidates based on economics.

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A true assessment and measure of the man elected by VOTERS twice but cheated by beltway mafia in 2020!!

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Agreed. Economics? I get your meaning but doubt the term is anything but a talking point in the halls of congress today. Trump spent far too much as well. There was a time economics mattered to voters but today the term has been relegated to meaningless. People view the term based solely on the amount of money they have in their pocket and the credit balance available on their credit cards. Debt at the national level is unimportant to far too many voters. We lost this battle when they took economics out of the school system. Keep converting the ignorant and deniers my friend.

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Dude! I love your cynical prose, it is like I am reading my brother's response. Lol!

You are correct about theoretical economics. Voters in my sphere DO understand that the rise in fuel prices is directly tied to Jan 21, 2021 when Biden completely stopped hydrocarbon fuel development in the US. They then fully understand that the cost of fuel is the root cause of all the inflation because EVERYTHING is affected by it. In my little corner even all the GenZers fully understand what is going on which is kinda cool here in MN.

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Good on you my fellow Surberite and plow ahead.Thank you.

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Trump is the only Wharton candidate, and easily the best negotiator if all. He proved it one, will prove it again. The key will be a vice president with equivalent skills who can carry on after the first four years and make it at least a twelve year revamp of the federal government. With luck, the government will be reduced enough to fit the employees in a shoe box.

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Can't argue with your reasoning. On target. But without the support of the GOP in congress it will be a tough road for him. The jury is still out on whether or not the GOP will hold the majority in the House. They are doing their best to screw it up once again, because they are lazy and get paid the same whether they work or not. It's more important to McCarthy to lookl good than to actually fix anything. And the Dems know it.

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We need a Both of the Above option today regarding who to throw the anchor to!

What an absolutely excellent column to start off my morning.


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Another “best column ever”.

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Don is adept at one-upping himself.

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This one will end up on CFP for sure. Kane will find it and add it to the line-up. I didn't add a main comment - only reply to a few - because I could not add a single thought or sentence that added any value to today's substack.

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Yes, superb column.

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Peggy Noonan talks as if she were constipated. Donna Brazile is an ugly homosexual. Typical of Marxists. Accuse others of what they do and are.

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May they both have diarrhea till Christmas.

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2 #’s…2020 & 2022…we had ‘em by the baytzim then too ‘member?

The D-Rats have been (openly too) finding ways to Cheat, Steal and Rape us again. And this doesn’t include the possibility of some kind of crisis to put the election on hold or Martial Law (don’t think it can happen eh…hahaha) or God forbid the possibility of an assassination (once again out in the open, now they have whole, militarized groups of delusional, psychotic trannies running around that you can’t touch and who have already killed American citizens without n explanation of why from the 3 letter agencies who set them up, train them, activate them and then pull start them).

We have 14 months to pull this off…get off your ass and get in the game. Can’t think of anything to do, go camp out outside the polling stations with a pair of binoculars looking for wierd stuff and take pictures of it. No whining on Nov 6th if we lose and you did nothing. The commies have had their nose to the grindstone since 2016 over this. We (and our kids and grandkids) can’t afford to lose this one.

Its the most important election in the History of the World!

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Can’t recall the article or if I watched an interview--Victor Davis Hanson said during Trump’s presidency that the dems had criminalized the normal workings of his administration. His assessment stuck with me, though.

A sad time in our nation’s history that never should have happened had honest, decent people of integrity served in DC.

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"honest, decent people of integrity serving in DC"? Find me one, please.

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sorry, i don't have a time machine

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Not my words within your quote marks.

But my point exactly is that one would be hard pressed to find such a person if at all.

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Before he became president, Noonan, Dowdy and Brazile loved trump and were lined up with their knee pads on hoping to meet with him. Now, they sit like Bumps on a log pissed that someone actually tried and actually succeeded in making America great again. How dare a politician do anything.

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Hopefully they are close enough in the water to hit them both with one toss.

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The weather outlook on my tv is much worse than the weather outside my window, and that is true about many things.

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The fearporn is rampant in all media. Everything is an emergency.

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Perpetual headline:


Read elsewhere Xiden administration’s motto:

Make America Scared Again



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Everything about the Democrats is about FEAR - Covid, masks, meat, gas burner stoves, Russia, Russia, Russia - "Be afraid, be very afraid" - but follow us and we'll have the government protect you 🙄 No wonder Democrats, especially their women, are so NEUROTIC.

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I’m so sorry I won’t be able to choose. I left my anchor home in my other purse….

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Keep in mind Biden’s regime is borrowing over $1 trillion per year for the sole purpose of preventing the economy from hemorrhaging and falling into recession/depression. It’s the same game plan from Obama, where federal spending prevented negative GDP so they could still claim a growing economy and Obama’s policies weren’t a complete disaster.

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Gosh, I had not even heard about the Africa correspondent who was frozen out by the WH conspiring with the MSM to not renew his WH credentials so he could not attend the Correspondent's dinner or future WH briefings. Shameful.

And the crawler on Newsmax just said Bill Gates 'bets on Bud Light buying 1.7 M shares'. I wish that if he lost all this money it would make the slightest difference to him but this amount for him is like me buying a cup of $7 coffee.

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Can we play the Dem’s dirty game and start a rumor that goes viral that says Bud Light has added the mRNA vaccine to their beer? Loonie Gates would think that’s a good idea, right? So he invested in 1.7 million shares.

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Hilarious! I love it!

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The Chicken Little mob’s only hope to delete Trump is massive election fraud.

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Inherit The Wind Mo-Fos: you-all have insulted too many people for way too long: you have created your own Battleship Potempkin.

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I didn’t vote in the poll either because the only answer is “both”. Otherwise, awesome column! One for my personal archives.

Just for historical note, a comment about Simon Ateba’s yelling and the ignorance and very short memories of the cabal at the NY Slimes… Once upon a time, before Reagan’s first term, ALL questions from the press were yelled at the press secretary in an effort to get his attention. And ALL questions were yelled at the president too whenever he held a press conference. It was Reagan himself who changed the practice, told them to sit down and shut up and that HE would decide who he wanted to call on. Likewise, his press secretary, James Brady.

Apparently, no one at the Slimes is capable of doing a little research on the history of press conferences. I didn’t need to research it - I’m old enough to remember it.

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I vote all of above.

It would be excellent if Sir Don did a column with all our "list of grievances".

Also, liked the highlight that DJT studies issues....he is not a MAGA airhead and that's what worries the left too.

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Clearly, Biden hasn't cracked a book in decades.....but his head - yes : )

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Maybe for the Festivus column.

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