Such great men like John Adams. Such great leaders. Now we are left with Village Idiots and Cackle Hens. Somewhere along the hard fought road the gene pool got very shallow.

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Not shallow, toxic. Needs some chlorox.

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Always a pleasure to read your column/post.

Happy Independence Day!

The nation, poisoned by bad ideas and worse government, is not dead. This is a good day to remember that the United States of America belongs to its citizens, not the arrogant, corrupt few running the Government, not the corporations or their media shills, not Wall Street, not the CCP or the WEF or the Mexican cartels.

I don’t know what it will take for the nation to recover the determination and moral clarity of its founders. I pray that we can do it. We must expunge powerful evil forces behind the apathy and social decay that insidiously works to turn us into high tech indentured wage slaves and to rob us, our children and future generations of their freedom. We need to toss all these bums out. And the sooner the better.

“That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.”

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We always seem to find our bearings, those idiots become revealed as idiots and are shunned. It is happening as we speak. More good stuff to come.

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‘83, ‘84, ‘85 we were stationed in Ceausescu’s Romania. All of us at the embassy in Bucharest wished each other a Happy Birthday and you better believe that we celebrated! We had a huge party on the embassy grounds, flags flying everywhere, and Ceausescu’s thugs with their AKs got to stand on the street outside the gate and smell the burgers we were grilling. Beef was something that only the CP top tier had eaten in at least 15 years.

Happy Birthday, America! And God Bless you!

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Up till now I thought your handle had something to do with knitting or crocheting. Nope, you was needling those poor commie schmucks. Have a great and safe Independence Day.

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Yes we were! But my handle does have something to do with needles - I do embroidery, with a hand held needle, not on a machine. I’ve been doing it for about 60 years and it was once my profession.

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What a great memory

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Here’s another one…we knew that there were listening devices in our apartment. When we arrived, the embassy told us not to bother finding and removing them because the thugs would just come back and put more in, plus they would cause some damage to our possessions while they were at it.

We both worked at the embassy and each morning before heading out, we would put Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA” on a continuous loop on our tape player. The poor guy who was assigned to listen in got to hear it all day long.

I could go on for days telling stories about our time behind the Iron Curtain and the horrors of communism. I am dumbfounded and heartbroken that it’s now happening here.

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JFK said send them to Berlin. Now that the wall is gone, send them to Venezuela.

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Happy Birthday to America the Beautiful! The land and people who welcomed a family of 6, immigrating from Chile, on June 6, 1964. I am a proud and grateful American and hate the evil being perpetrated by the wicked Marxist left! Dear God, help us in this time of trouble. Help us be a good nation that values life, liberty and justice for all. Help us to bring you honor and glory as one nation under YOU! Defeat the evil ones and restore us fully as a land under your care.

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You can always make me laugh, Don. Today’s poll - what a temptation it was to chose pissing off liberals over applauding our glorious U. S. of A. In the end I chose Country over schadenfreude (or do I mean Trumpenfreude?) and you left me laughing as I sympathized with those who polled otherwise. Which was kinda the point! Thanks & Happy 247th Birthday America - With God Watching Over Us, Long May You Reign Supreme.

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Dr Cat rules.

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I bet by 2270 you’ll be driving that British built 2023 Bentley in the 4th of July parade! …..Huzzah Don an all of your informed readers! Happy 4th of July!

We’ve got work to do ahead of us.

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Adams not only predicted the July 4th celebration, but the rise of Ed Sullivan and his really big shew.

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Thanks Don for, as usual, putting things in perspective. Eighty years after gaining our independence we were once again divided and fought a disgustingly brutal civil war which ended up making the country stronger. Eighty years after that, after going through an extremely tough depression we united to fight WWII. It is now eighty years from that event. What challenge are we in for, how will we face it and what kind of country will we have afterwards?

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Nobody has a crystal ball, but in all your examples were a people driven by principle and deep-held belief. They knew fighting through the conflict would produce a better result than doing nothing. Conviction!

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THAT's the question.

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"Rubbish." Indeed. As usual a relative minority of Karens has 'taken charge'; they are in control of our institutions, but not the People. To their detriment.

Great piece of history, Donald. The People are to be feared and not governed, we govern ourselves.

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As a sideways comment from one of the greatest Germans of WWII, Count Schenk von Stauffenberg: "May God Bless Holy America."

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Indeed, sir. Have a wonderful day! July 4th, 1989 and my buddy and I low crawled to a point where we could observe the East German border minefield that was guarded by men with rifles - on their side of the fence.

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76, 77, 78 --- Overlooked North Korea from hills at the DMZ. July 4th became more meaningful to us young people then.

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It was to keep the East Germans in. I wish you, your friends and your family a beautiful 4th of July. To all who read this, remember the saying all my fellow Veterans have and live by:


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Thank you, Don Surber!

Have a great Independence Day, everyone!

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Mr. Surber, thank you.

This article has sparked a renewed hope in me, that although things may look so dark and daunting in these days, that spark that lit the fuse to become this greatest of all nations is still there. If we hold fast to these things our Founders set forth for us to create this One Nation under God, then we can indeed restore it to its former glory. It will not be easy or painless, but it most assuredly can be accomplished if we believe it and hold fast to it. By the Grace and Mercy of God.

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Adams was brilliant, and clearly possessed more foresight in the tip of his finger than anyone who has followed in his footsteps.

The Declaration of Independence was a heavy lift in and of itself. Drafting the constitution was even more so, but he nailed it - his observation then, was prescient and has only been proven to be true time, and time again:

"'Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.' Morality and virtue are the foundation of our republic and necessary for a society to be free."

—John Adams


Happy Birthday, America!

The greatest nation and constitutional republic the world has ever known!

The cat is crafty. Both are valid responses. The first begets the second. Because there are oh, so many things that piss off liberals, I hate to reduce celebrating the act that was the cornerstone of the founding of our constitutional republic to just another of that which triggers and unhinges liberals, so today, it's option #1.

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Now liberals can celebrate the 4th by calling it "in depends dunce day" and honor Zi Jin Ping's puppet, the man forever loyal to the bribe, Zou Xiden.

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Thanks for another great history lesson about a great country on this great holiday.

I don’t know about Virginians anymore, but we sure could use some Jeffersons, Adams, Franklins and Washingtons about now.

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The line referred to the political power Virginia held. You could not get a declaration approved without them. So Franklin told Adams to give the job to Jefferson

Fancy prose aside, this was a political process

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Thx for clarifying.

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It is fitting and proper that we should remember there was a time when our presidents had "sacred honor" to pledge to each other. Now we have "my word as a Biden. . .," for all the value that holds. Harumph. I would like to believe, Mr. Surber, that there is value in the redemptive value of time and successive elections. We shall see over the course of the next few elections (if we indeed have more elections) whether or not our great land can redeem itself from the venality and criminality it currently suffers under.

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Dementia (or demonic when referring to his spawn)



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I have no idea what a plugged nickel is or was, but that was the low water mark my dad used to describe something worthless. Like the word of a Biden. That is why Romans 13:1 scares me now more than a little. And not at all during the admin of #45.

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A plugged nickel is one that has had part of the metal removed and something substituted.

As to Romans 13, Moses led the Israelites to rebel against Pharaoh. We serve GOD first and always. Consider Revelation and the mark of the beast. Obey government, get the mark and be condemned to Hell, or disobey the government, be hunted like a rabid skunk and spend eternity with Jesus.

It's difficult to weigh that when you are trying to serve the most high GOD.

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Happy Birthday, America! My real answer isn't -" That it pisses off liberals" I think they don't understand the celebration of freedom because they are afraid of freedom. Freedom isn't FREE it confuses them because being a true Liberal requires you to be entitled, greedy and be a 'Look Good' not a 'Be Good' - The challenges we face will dissipate, the Karen's will go back to sleep soon, those who find moral clarity, loyalty and dignity tiring will leave the playing field - the pendulum is swinging and even though we will have to continue to fight for it - Moral clarity, dignity and loyalty - always win. God Bless America!! Don, thanks again for a great morning coffee! Doc

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We want freedom of choice. They want freedom from choice. (Thanks Devo)

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GREAT reference!

Somewhere, Mark Mothersbaugh is smiling!

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