Sep 23Liked by Don Surber

Also in Europe everybody votes on Sunday period. No absentee, mail-order voting.

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The Constitution literally outlines a voting day. Not a week, or a season, a day. It’s not ambiguous.

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Adhering to the Constitution? What a novel concept!

Maybe our own government will catch on to the idea some day.

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Do not hold your breath Suzie .

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Suddenly all Dems find God

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Sep 23Liked by Don Surber

You know you are over the target when the Democrats start bitching about it.

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This times 1000!

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Sep 23Liked by Don Surber

If someone believes that obtaining a photo ID is too high a bar for black voters, I would beg to differ and ask them to explain in what other ways they believe black people are inferior.

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Many years ago I saw a report on TV where a journalist went to Harlem to ask people there about photo IDs. Every single person he asked had one and was surprised that it was even an issue. And every one of them was insulted by the idea that blacks weren’t capable of getting them.

Try seeing a doctor or getting treated in a hospital without a photo ID. That’s as basic as it gets. Governement photo IDs are available to every American citizen for free.

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and even to many non-citizens

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FREE? where? Nothing bureaucrats do is free. Every ID I've ever "applied" for had a processing fee to justify the paper turner's wage that is really from our taxes.

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Free in NJ or PA if it’s used as just an ID. A drivers license has a fee.

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Wisconsin ID if you’re not a driver was free. Prob still is.

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Amen!! It so BEYOND insulting the mind boggles!

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Sep 23Liked by Don Surber

If you think about it, this election is a Super Bowl of sorts: Patriots vs. Stealers. I voted within an hour of polls opening in Virginia, to then watch my paper ballot be scanned by a Dominion machine. Now my choice for president is a string of ones and zeroes, ready for that machine to do any sort of math on it that it desires. Gives me a warm fuzzy feeling - just like the one when you're ready to vomit. Until this Nation goes back to paper ballots and single-day voting, you will never be sure ....

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The issue with the machines is not that they are inaccurate, but that their operators can decide to use them "improperly".

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My problem is, like you say, the moral hazard. If cheating is possible in ANY venue, somebody will succumb, and in electing the POTUS, the incentive to cheat could not be higher.

That is why, in this instance more than any other, security is the most important thing - and when one side does everything in its power to eliminate security, now you know who intends to cheat.

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But it’s not just “one side”.

There are Republicans in on it as well.

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I would respectfully disagree with that. Like all things, nothing applies to everybody, but the Republicans - (full disclosure here, I despise them) - are clamoring and working for election integrity, while the Democrats are doing precisely the opposite, including importing millions of illegals and registering them to vote. Maybe it's not "one side" to the last man, but it's close enough.

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Yeah Bill Barr the Republican, really went after all those affidavits in 2020, huh? Mike Pence really sought answers to the 'irregularities' on Jan 6th 2021, huh? Republicans are as guilty as the Democrats because its UNIPARTY running the bureaucracy. Unless its, paper ballots, hand counted, in one day of voting, both parties are cheating

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You might want to go back and read my last post, this time for content: "nothing applies to everybody." Are there Unitparty ReBiblicans? You bet. Is it all Democrats who are cheating? No, of course not. But just ask yourself who is in the vast majority and it will be clear to you. The easiest way is to ask yourself who is trying their best to eliminate any rules that ensure voting integrity. This ain't rocket surgery.

There is a very good reason that in war they shoot traitors first. The MAGA people are trying to do that, but as you say, there's plenty more to do.

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Yes they accurately count every ballot stuffed into them at 3 am. Lots of other tricks at the polling places like directing likely republicans to an intentionally malfunctioning machine. The uncounted ballot then goes into a folder for “later” scanning. The folder is never scanned. Tricks like this happen in all of the Democrat strongholds, regardless of size. The Dems are Machiavellians on a holy cause. The end justifies any means.

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Couldn’t have said it better. It is a sick feeling especially when the solution is so very, very simple.

It’s not like the entire future of the country’s at stake or anything.

May God have mercy on us all.

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Sep 23Liked by Don Surber

According to AI site Perplexity there were 168.31 registered voters in the US in 2020. FJB allegedly got 81 million votes and DJT got 74 million. So 155 million votes were cast. That is 92.2% turnout! Anyone believe that? Looks like a Soviet election percentage. They will try it again this time.

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This is one of the biggest read flags for me about what happened in 2020. Trump got more votes than he did in 2016 and more votes than any other presidential candidate, ever (save one, of course). Logically, there's no way he could have lost. Presidential elections are a referendum on the incumbent. No incumbent president has ever improved his vote totals and lost.

That Biden supposedly got even more votes than any other candidate ever - and a bigger share of the electorate than Obama even did - stinks to high heaven. There's just no way that happened.

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They know we now know how and what occurred,hence the lawfare and assassination attempts, JRE.

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AND, only won half the counties that Obama did. Complete and utter crime of treason happened. That's what the BIG LIE is, they cover up of their steal. Only death by hanging to the traitors that abetted it, will the country turn around from idiocracy.

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Yes, I didn’t even mention the bellwether counties that were as a group 80% accurate or so for decades and then all but one went for Trump in 2020.

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It was more than 80%. A crime was committed, and until this crime is solved nothing will get better.

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That was the proof in the pudding for me — especially after learning exactly what a “bellwether” county is!

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It was the first time in my lifetime that the vote didn’t go with the economy. While it grieves me that people mainly vote according to their pocketbooks, it made NO sense for people to vote AGAINST it in that election after such an amazing turnaround that I didn’t think was possible in four years with a hostile Congress.

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Only if they count the votes from each of the psychotic, hallucinating multiple personalities of the leftists. To a Dem, each of their multiple personalties gets a vote.

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Why is logic ignored?

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Something I notice about myself when I hear illogical banter from someone. My mind turns up the screeching chalk board alarm. I wonder where that response is born. Then I read one of my daughters school books. My daughter brought home her history book, this was 10 years back, ask for help on her homework. I read the chapter and it made no sense and most of it was fiction. Then at the end of the chapter it stated: "For information on this subject, go to CNN as a reference.

Remember the song, 'Video killed the radio star', how about the new hit: 'CNN killed the logical report' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kln_bIndDJg. SuperTramp said it pretty well. The last word in the song in the lyrics. 'vegetable'

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Wow. CNN? That devastates me.

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Yeah, me too. There goes my PhD! I had a card and everything!

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Would be interested to know the authors and what grade the book was intended for. School curriculum decisions/textbook selection can be a racket; often whatever CA chooses becomes the default option for other public schools merely b/c of the number of students in CA (hence economies of scale in printing).

So easy to propagandize young minds.

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My daughter was a sophomore that year, in a red county in NC.

6 years before this government stole my vote. 4 years before her Mom and her work made her take the death vax. She has had immunity problems since. The Doctors say there is nothing they can do. I'm helping her with treatment from the brave anti-vaxers I read right here on on Substack.

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So sorry to hear this tale, and how much you and your daughter have been betrayed by gov't, schools, Big Pharma, medical community etc.

Keep seeking alternative and complimentary approaches to the immunity problems...so much of inflammation, for ex., is aggravated by what we eat or whether we see the sun and exercise.

Hope you all find good answers.

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Sep 23Liked by Don Surber

I got a call from a pollster on Saturday. It appeared to be a legit poll rather than a push poll. It claimed to be a poll of South Carolina voters. If you see poll of SC voters that looks Suber skewed think of me. I was asked how likely I was to vote. I told the young pollster I hadn’t missed an election since 1972 so she could put me down as very likely. I was asked if I consider myself a Southerner (yes) and had I ever identified as something else. I tried to tell her about my 4th great grandfather, but she just put that down as a no. I was asked if I approved those on a list of statewide and federal representatives from SC (Sen. Graham didn’t fare well). Since Haley isn’t running for President, she got my approval. Then they wanted to talk about the Civil War and slavery. I have posted here about my feeling on slavery (I am against it, and not because it might be racist, hint: it’s slavery). I was asked if I would be embarrassed to learn one of your ancestors fought for the South? No. What should be done about Confederate monuments? My answer was nothing. On reflection, I would like them cleaned occasionally. I have previously given my thoughts on Statuary Hall, but there wasn’t an opportunity to advocate for Civil War Era Hero and former Republican Congressman, Robert Smalls. Was the war about slavery? As if that is a yes or no question. If they poll West Virginia they can ask Don if West Virginia is about slavery. Then there was a series of question they said to determine if I keep up with current events. These were hard. 1. Who is President? 2. Who controls the Senate? 3. Who controls the House of Representatives? I know the answers they were looking for, but you can understand my doubts. I was asked something to the effect was the 2020 presidential vote count legitimate? I do not have confidence that it was. I thoroughly enjoyed my ten minutes on the porch on a beautiful South Carolina Saturday afternoon.

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I have never responded to polls; the interruption is annoying and the "acceptable" answers are inadequate and the conclusions that will be drawn from them will be skewed, mostly intentionally. But you make me think twice about it as perhaps the poor souls tasked with calling people will receive words of truth offered in kindness as such.

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Yes, it's reasonable to be highly skeptical of any poll request; on the other hand, sometimes there can be a benefit to participating. About 3-4 years ago I got what appeared to be a young sincere poll-taker, so I took the poll and made various editorial comments along the way. The fellow actually called me back a day or two later to talk some more, and listened pretty receptively to my conservative take on things.

I think that was pretty rare. But I attributed it to the fact that I'd been praying quite a bit to be led to the people I should or could talk with about politics, to try to wake them up. AND, very importantly, I was doing it from a point of respecting them and embracing them in Love. It could actually be that the pollster fellow was responding more from a hunger for those spiritual qualities than to the political content of my comments. But it did reinforce to me that there are many, many people out there whom we can reach.

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Amen TPG.

Similar to my experience in Martha's Vineyard about 10 days ago. The response from others on a busy Sat to my Trump tee shirt was not what I expected. By headcount 14 of 16 were in favor of Trump; 4 of the 5 groups with whom I interacted were pro-Trump. And I was able to have an interesting conversation with the Kamala supporting group of 2 women. My response to their initial snark was that in America, we can disagree, and I thought as poorly about Harris as they do about Trump. What was most interesting was their response to my parting comment of "God Bless you". One of them bluntly claimed to not believe in God but asserted that she "does blessed things every day, while reminding me she is not a Christian". To which I replied, good for you for doing "blessed things" and then asked a question--do you believe in "the Golden Rule". Interestingly the two affirmed that they did...and my comment was that if you believe in The Golden Rule you support the Judeo-Christian ethic--the foundation of the USA.

Quite an interesting group of encounters.

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Cool about your encounters on Martha's Vineyard, NNTX!

Our country needs us SO MUCH to be interacting with people. Thanks for wearing your Trump T-shirt. Interesting, those 2 Democratic women-- it does seem Dems are eager to state that they reject Christianity--really, they are in a sad state of mind. The Left has smeared Christianity just like it has smeared Trump. They think they come off as "intelligent" and "advanced" because they're above "obsolete" belief systems. Really what they are is shallow and trying to follow what they think is "the cool crowd".

Even if Trump wins in November, like it or not, we are STILL going to have to awaken and change many Democratic minds, as our country will not be stable again until we do.

Each of us--reach out and embrace your fellow Americans. Do it pleasantly and with warmth, but quietly and persistently. We can't leaven thought if we just avoid them.

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TPG, you are so right. What struck me about them is that they seemed sad. Really believe that the Holy Spirit gave me the words and serenity to speak with them. And moved me with compassion for them...not so as to endorse the falsehoods they embrace, but to see beneath how the propaganda has hurt them.

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Sep 23Liked by Don Surber

Great column this morning Don. Poll choice today? “I Got You Babe.” That’s what the tree said to Sonny, right? I always thought it got the wrong Bono.

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indeed. i've heard that stated at a couple of parties. the wrong bono hit the tree.

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Sep 23·edited Sep 23

He took her in, got her off the streets. I went with "Gypsies Tarmps and Thieves" beause I believe it applies.

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For the record, Gypsies Tramps and Thieves was a hit after Cher went solo therefore not real choice in the poll. I understand why folks voted for it, but I Got You Babe was the best choice and played a big role in the movie Groundhog Day.

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I agree but couldn’t resist voting for GTT when Don replaced Thieves with Dems.

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Sep 23·edited Sep 23Liked by Don Surber

"On Friday, the Jeff Bezos Post said, “Pro-Trump Georgia election board votes to require hand counts of ballots.”

Beware of sneaky Democrat moves here folks . . . they did this to make us shut up.

As I recall, in 2020, those objecting to obvious abnormalities in the Georgia presidential election were finally made to hand count the votes. They found similar results which authenticated the Dems cries that it was a fair election and we should all move on. What they didn't do - refused to do - was AUDIT the ballots to determine eligibility to vote. Setting aside not requiring voter ID (which is criminal in itself), things like signature verification, date of submission, citizenship, etc would have identified a significant falsification of results. Tabulators make cheating easy. Witnessed auditing and counting, not so much. Auditing ballots is where we need to take our fight.

We keep hearing them harp on about "delayed results". Whatever is up their criminal sleeves involves something they will do in the days following the election.

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The purpose of this count is to know how many ballots they’re sending to the county so ballots cannot mysteriously appear in the middle of the night.

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Which is a good step.

But it does nothing to address the validity of the actual ballot itself. That’s where they’ve been applying their craft through generating a plethora of invalid mail-in ballots.

Without some kind of an audit to weed those out, they just get counted through.

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A law since the last election requires mail in ballots must be requested with your driver’s license or state issued id number. Your ballot must have the same number. There are concessions for those without those ids like last 4 SSN. It’s going to be a rough election getting all that straight. But at least the Secretary of State isn’t allowed to send out vote by mail requested to everyone in the state telling them they may not be allowed to vote in person because the flu, like he did in 2020.

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Sep 23·edited Sep 23

Do they also allow illegals to get driver’s licenses, and who could very well have registered to vote at the DMV as well?

So, there’s that hurdle, too.

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True. It’s not perfect. But it’s better.

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(Wow-A lot of typos in my post! Think I fixed em)

Yes having a an ID should be essential, but my point is that they have corrupted that as well.

They’ve been working hard on perfecting the art of their steal every which way from Sunday.

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Sep 23Liked by Don Surber

Single day voting with hand counting was the norm for a long time. Now, the cheating democraps act like a simple, straight forward, transparent system will keep them out of power! ,,,, maybe they know it will because they won't be able to cheat.

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Why on earth would anyone be against the most basic and simple measures to better assure confidence in election results??

There is only one answer to that question. It is their very opposition to such measures that exposes their guilt and nefarious motives.

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Sep 23Liked by Don Surber

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon has called for federal employees in Washington, DC, to return to their offices, highlighting the ongoing debate over remote work policies. Dimon expressed his frustration with the number of empty buildings in the capital, according to Business Insider. “By the way, I’d also make Washington, DC, go back to work. I can’t believe, when I come down here, the empty buildings. The people who work for you not going to the office,” he stated, “That bothers me,” he added. A lifelong democrat, Dimon may be watching the ship move starboard. Working at home translates as a semi-vacation. They did very little work at the office; I'm sure the same work ethic was applied to the home. In May, a ceiling of 40% of days in a pay period for federal agency telework. Loophole: reasonable flexibility for each agency, including allowing waivers for certain types of positions, where telework is needed to support agency needs. ‘Dimon admonished Democrats to be “more respectful” toward Trump’s supporters, or else risk hurting President Joe Biden’s reelection bid’. When you've lost Jamie Dimon…

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The DC mayor is also hearing it from hospitality businesses about remote work killing the eateries.

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The only real difference between Washington D.C. bureaucrats working at home or at the office is that they can do next to nothing at home much more conveniently and anonymously that doing next to nothing at the office.

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How true Jim !!

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It helped during those "work from home days when I asked if I could work from home. My GC said this, "You can't work from home because you are part of the department's Essential Services." That settled it. Nyah, nayh, nyah, I'm essential and YOU aren't.

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Wouldn't it be great if a number of these employees quit rather than come back to the office? Their jobs could thus be eliminated or combined with others, accomplishing at least some of the much needed downsizing of federal payrolls.

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That's funny, NNTX. Did you ever hear of a government agency downsizing? They have no concept of what 'downsizing' or 'eliminated jobs' means. Not sure even Elon can enforce reduction, but I hope he gets a shot at it.

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Oh I agree PM. Just wish casting if we hit the lottery and Trump wins and is allowed to be inaugurated, AND we have enough votes in Congress to start reversing the rot. Lots of Ifs...

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Gimmiecrats always cry FOUL when they encounter honesty and principle….and logic. Any election that produces true will of the people can be counted on to produce cries of foul from the gimmiecrats.

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It’s like sunlight or a cross to a vampire.

Truth to a demon results in wailing and gnashing of teeth and writhing in pain.

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You are nailing it, Suzie.

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Sep 23Liked by Don Surber

“… the hand-counting requirement would almost certainly inject error into the tabulation process, it could give county boards the evidence they need to investigate results and delay certification.

… will do nothing more than provide exhausted patriots with an opportunity to undermine public confidence through an honest mistake,”

Certain error? The evidence they need?Honest mistakes? Investigate and delay certification?

Those are their own words!

And such objections can only be interpreted to sound as if they’re quite concerned that with this new requirement “something” may be exposed, or a plan foiled.

I think they “doth protest too much”.

Georgia is very much in play. Good on them.

But It’s not just the number of mail on ballots, it’s their validity that’s going to be the rub this election. They are riddled with fraudulent votes by imaginary citizens, many dead, many no longer residents, and many, many illegals. They’ve got to be caught out to win this.

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Sep 23Liked by Don Surber

everyone knows they cheat, steal and lie about their cheating and stealing. the real problem is that the gop are in on the con and so are complacent compliant and therefore complicit.

nothings changed. this con is a perpetual motion engine of evil.

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Sep 23Liked by Don Surber

In a motion filed Saturday, Smith asked Judge Chutkan to allow the government to exceed the number of pages typically allowed in court motions—45 for openings and responses, 25 for replies—in what the special counsel calls an “opening brief” in the J6 case. He ‘ informed Chutkan the brief could come in at a whopping 180 pages, hardly a minor exception to court rules. It is due on Thursday’. Your tax dollars at work.

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You can just smell the sulphur emanating from that “man” in his devious and demonic efforts.

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Smith is getting paid for an unauthorized position. Gov't work at its typical.

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Sep 23Liked by Don Surber

If France can do it . . .

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Sep 23Liked by Don Surber

“Georgia Secretary of State a Trump Loyalist”. Not so, Grasshopper, Brad Raffensperger is NOT a Trump loyalist. He’s the scumbag who refused to investigate the Fulton County elections in 2020. Both, He and Kemp could have but didn’t. The Georgia Legislature passed several laws tightening the elections process in an effort to prevent cheating. My precinct has about 2500 voters. Ten people counting ballots would be 250 ballots per person. That shouldn’t take more than hour.

The majority of people in Georgia want to get rid of the machines and go back to paper ballots. The “right wing” election board denied our request. I guess I should just consider the source but the “Post”, “Times” et al just infuriate me with their lies and misinformation.

On another note because Georgia is a “Battle ground” state the ads are overwhelming. Every commercial break there are two One trump one Kamala. One can’t even watch a football game. Kamala is going to tax the rich so they pay their “fair share”. The great unwashed believe it. She is going to lower taxes. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, SHE IS NOT TRUMP! That is her main pitch.

I think she is losing because the ads are getting nastier and nastier. I don't believe their internal polling is looking good for them. Oh, the media will tell you differently but I think inside baseball is saying she’s on the ropes. Why else would they be trying assassinate Trump?

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