Jul 3, 2023Liked by Don Surber

“Red China won Cold War II. As Sun Tzu said 2,500 years ago, “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”

Chairman Xi did so by using a bioweapon and bribes to eliminate the leader who opposed him. Xi replaced him with Biden who he bought off a few years earlier for a lousy few million dollars.”


Everything you need to know is right there.

Joe Biden and the rest of his family are criminal trash.

The federal bureaucracy, permanent Washington, the Deep State, are also criminal trash. They helped the Chinese create COVID.

The media, universities, the financial services industry, large corporations, the government all have been co-opted by greed and Chinese payoffs. Some of them may be Commies, others play the game to get the cash, power, and social acceptance. The same people lecturing you about all sorts of politically correct ( Commie concept) behavior sold the country to a transnational criminal gang that runs concentration camps, kills prisoners for their organs, steals intellectual property from any organization they get inside, disappears dissidents, and runs the world’s largest sweatshop. That’s “progressive”? No, that’s what’s called bullshit.

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by Don Surber

How about a virus called freedom? We're not using our founding documents right now....

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by Don Surber

COVID didn't wreck the people’s confidence in public health officials. The health officials did that to themselves.

Fauci belongs in prison, not in retirement.

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Before we can effectively deal with China, we have to field people determined to reinstate our sovereignty and eliminate our deliberately planned codependence with them. We have to remove Xi’s collaborators from Dept’s of State, Defense, Energy, Interior, Education, Homeland Security, Justice, and HHS. We have to remove China free trade traitors from Congressional leadership, and we have to render the pro-Xi corporate media inert with better and freer alternatives. In short, we have to re-re-elect Trump in 2024.

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Is there a “good result” from this Covid thing?

Yes. Alice, there are many.

In no particular order and certainly not all of them….

More people have woken up to the fact our government is not by the people but against the people.

The FBI, CIA, DHS and a host of other alphabet agencies have shown they are run by crooks and do crooked things over and over again and have lost our trust forever.

More people distrust the media than ever before and are skeptical of their so called “news” reports about almost everything.

Many government agencies are no longer trusted on any level. The CDC says…. and you think we are stupid enough to believe them again? The Defartment of Education says… what about making your kids smarter? No one believes what they say about anything. It’s all lies and more people know it.

And the best thing to come out of the covid debacle?

We know Donald Trump was so right so often about these people and institutions it makes the deep state heads explode.

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Watching the COVID lies slowly reveal themselves these last three years has opened the eyes of formerly skeptical believers that China is our devout enemy. Government can no longer be trusted. China has roots in every institution and structure in our daily lives. They are so deeply rooted, our immediate enemy is within our systems. China is here - and it is called the Obama Democrat Party. We have to do a brutal housecleaning and regain a clean United States government at all levels to fight China's control. That may take a revolution but a majority of people are pretty angry about the state of things.

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Jul 3, 2023·edited Jul 3, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Dr. Fece should lose his government pension and be brought to trial. Of course, his protectors will see that he gets away with his crimes easier than Hunter Biden has.

Our relationship with Communist China is like that of an abused spouse in a bad marriage. China beats the living daylights out of us, we blame ourselves and go to sleep in the same bed at night. The next day, China beats the living daylights out of us again. Every so often, the beating is so severe, like with Covid, we have to go to the hospital. But we still blame ourselves for the beating. In COVID’s case, we are to blame. Specifically, Dr. Fece and the team of traitors working with him.

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by Don Surber

This isn't a tale of a fight between two countries. It is a tale of rulers fighting their own people. That is the way the devil fights because he doesn't want any of us to live. We remind him of the Boss.

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While it's true Red China was instrumental in the development of the virus and then covering it up after it began to spread, let's not forget that none of this would have likely happened without the taxpaying support of we Americans. Tony Fauci is one of the main characters but some of the head honchos at the DOD supported this big time. Remember, this was bio-weapon research, which is probably against some international law. There will be many fish to fry.

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by Don Surber

How should Red China pay?? The better question is How are you GOING TO BE ABLE TO MAKE Red China pay -- when you have a U.S. military given mandated DEI training and rainbow tutus practically have become part of the official military uniform???🤔

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by Don Surber

We're going to need some new conspiracies.

All the old ones keep getting proven to be true.

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by Don Surber

This issue is too close to home for my family. While I would personally like to see Red China turned into 1944 Dresden, I am certain Xi Biden and all those involved will be spending eternity in Hell. As for Fauci, he was going to Hell for all the beautiful individuals he killed during the AIDS outbreak. His Covid responses will send him to a deeper place.

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Bring back (public) Hanging for Treason, or a firing Squad. That’s should get everyone’s attention!

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by Don Surber

I never believed in the lockdowns and shutting down the global economy. It was apparent to me right away that the media, public health officials and politicians were exaggerating COVID. It was obvious to me that Canada's "free" healthcare couldn't handle any crisis, never mind COVID. After my first jab, I didn't want the second one and didn't believe in it at all. I am sorry to say that I regretfully took the second one just to be able to go to a restaurant, a big box store, and other places to try to live my life. We had vaccine passports at the time. I will never take another COVID jab. I thank God I have had no reaction that I know of. A very good friend had a vaccine reaction and will never be the same again.

I always believed that COVID was a bioweapon used against Trump by China to harm the U.S. economy and prevent Trump from winning the 2020 election. You can imagine how unpopular I was at the time for saying any of that. That was an opinion that was considered way too out there then and beyond the pale. Now I am being proven right and a few people who told me how they thought I was a right-wing crazie at the time, now believe what I had said.

Like I have said on this blog many times, I am very angry about the COVID years. I am not forgiving our leaders for doing what they did. The COVID years just exposed that most of our elected leaders are useless and corrupt, same goes for public health authorities.

The pandemic has destroyed trust in our public institutions and has ruined many lives and small businesses. It has been the greatest transfer of wealth in human history.

That's where things are at for me.

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The article said:

Fauci is a fraud who should resign. I thought he was all about saving lives. He is not and There iks no statute of limitations on espionage.

I say:

I believe Mr. Fauci resigned a few months back and like any other who stays or has resigned from the Biden regime including the corrupt child molester himself, should be put before a firing squad. The United States has never before seen such corruption and with the execution of ALL Biden regime staffers, will never see such an evil monstrosity again.

Believe it or not, Biblical Revelations does weigh in on this.

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Just so you know, the "International Court" can't even convict war criminals, let alone to try and get them to pay on some reparations hit.

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