They don't see it but they've opened the floodgates on the prosecution of politicians and bureaucrats. One of the state legislatures is going to pass a law that not only allows for the prosecution of bureaucrats themselves but eliminates the statute of limitations for crimes (remember the pound Me Too movement that initiated this?) The w…
They don't see it but they've opened the floodgates on the prosecution of politicians and bureaucrats. One of the state legislatures is going to pass a law that not only allows for the prosecution of bureaucrats themselves but eliminates the statute of limitations for crimes (remember the pound Me Too movement that initiated this?) The watering down of laws to the point where anyone can flimsily indict a former President (aka Senor Brag) has brought us to the edge of the cliff for the Republic. However, before we finally stick a fork in the US, we can at least look forward to people like Fauci going down for negligence (and murder) as well as Comey and, of course, Barack (Mr RICO) Obama himself.
There are a whole lot of Governor's who should be charged with murder as well And you can start with that bitch governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer.
Any Governor who allowed his/her Health officials to place COVID-infected people in nursing and other elder care settings is a murderer. That includes PA, NJ, NY and even MA (Repub Gov but deep Dem legislature and bureaucracy). In PA, our former top Health official (now federal Admiral-in-a-dress) actually pulled his elderly mother out of her elder care facility and placed her in a hotel before infecting those facilities with COVID-infected people. Then he had the audacity to insist it was her decision. My arse!
They don't see it but they've opened the floodgates on the prosecution of politicians and bureaucrats. One of the state legislatures is going to pass a law that not only allows for the prosecution of bureaucrats themselves but eliminates the statute of limitations for crimes (remember the pound Me Too movement that initiated this?) The watering down of laws to the point where anyone can flimsily indict a former President (aka Senor Brag) has brought us to the edge of the cliff for the Republic. However, before we finally stick a fork in the US, we can at least look forward to people like Fauci going down for negligence (and murder) as well as Comey and, of course, Barack (Mr RICO) Obama himself.
There are a whole lot of Governor's who should be charged with murder as well And you can start with that bitch governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer.
Any Governor who allowed his/her Health officials to place COVID-infected people in nursing and other elder care settings is a murderer. That includes PA, NJ, NY and even MA (Repub Gov but deep Dem legislature and bureaucracy). In PA, our former top Health official (now federal Admiral-in-a-dress) actually pulled his elderly mother out of her elder care facility and placed her in a hotel before infecting those facilities with COVID-infected people. Then he had the audacity to insist it was her decision. My arse!
The Repubs won’t lift a finger to pursue that justice. They’ll do nothing -as usual.
Except go along with almost anything the Dems come up with - gun control, taxes, spending. They're basically a bunch of pansies.