I will leave it to Mr. Trump's handlers to run the show. I will make one comment. Over the weekend, I see a small but a poorly informed group of people saying Jesus Christ was a liberal. That comment alone is beyond stupidity. Christ was apolitical, but IF the left is resorting to comments like that--#1) DON'T believe it and #2) Prepare …
I will leave it to Mr. Trump's handlers to run the show. I will make one comment. Over the weekend, I see a small but a poorly informed group of people saying Jesus Christ was a liberal. That comment alone is beyond stupidity. Christ was apolitical, but IF the left is resorting to comments like that--#1) DON'T believe it and #2) Prepare 2-3 arguments (Among many) that will bury them with facts. Liberals are quite stupid and they simply cannot talk for more than a minute unless they have note cards in front of them.
If you actually encounter one of these "Jesus was a liberal" types, smile and tell them you are SO glad they accept Jesus as the Son of God and Lord of the Universe, then invite them to attend church with you next Sunday. You won't hear from them again.
08-29-23: I've seen no evidence of the survival of the one-time dominant types such as the former CT Senator Joe Lieberman, who was thrown on the trash despite his service. The theory is that the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs is one of a string that descend upon us, and the last one wiped out the Democrat "moderates" en masse.
I will leave it to Mr. Trump's handlers to run the show. I will make one comment. Over the weekend, I see a small but a poorly informed group of people saying Jesus Christ was a liberal. That comment alone is beyond stupidity. Christ was apolitical, but IF the left is resorting to comments like that--#1) DON'T believe it and #2) Prepare 2-3 arguments (Among many) that will bury them with facts. Liberals are quite stupid and they simply cannot talk for more than a minute unless they have note cards in front of them.
If you actually encounter one of these "Jesus was a liberal" types, smile and tell them you are SO glad they accept Jesus as the Son of God and Lord of the Universe, then invite them to attend church with you next Sunday. You won't hear from them again.
Good un!!
See Vox Day's book "Social Justice Warriors Always Lie" for full explanation of liberals inserting lies for facts. They know it and don't care.
Liberals in America in 2023 are extinct.
I'd like to believe that, but I don't.
08-29-23: I've seen no evidence of the survival of the one-time dominant types such as the former CT Senator Joe Lieberman, who was thrown on the trash despite his service. The theory is that the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs is one of a string that descend upon us, and the last one wiped out the Democrat "moderates" en masse.
Ha ha ha!
I can only hope you are joking.....