Where should we send the next batch of illegals?

I chose Mexico City because it's OUT OF THE COUNTRY.

Actually, I think we should ship them, via a cargo ship, to one of the uninhabited islands on this map of U.S. Territories: https://geology.com/state-map/us-territories.shtml

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I chose Mexico City because (1) they ship immigrants through their country to the US border instead of helping them, and (2) they harbor the cartels who are addicting our country to meth and murdering us with Fentanyl for their own power and profit. Of course, our democrats love it . . and love them. Obama and Holder gave them the "fast and Furious" high-power weapons just like Biden gave the Taliban 80 billion dollars worth of high-end military equipment.

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I see the drug cartels as a problem but not the root of the problem. We are the root of the problem. If there was no market for their deadly product there wouldn’t be a drug business.

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To some extent you are right, but like the grooming of kids by pedophiles, grooming younger people to drugs is engineering the long-term demand. Drug grooming.

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Another option would be to populate Antarctica.

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If Don had been asking the questions at what passes for the candidate’s debate I might have watched.

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"Mister Ramaswamy, if you had 6 donuts and Ambassador Haley had 6 donuts, how would you sneak them by Moby Christie?"

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The answer is: distract Christie with a lamb chop.

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Debates? What debates? Am I missing something?

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No. There hasn’t been a debate in a coon’s age

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We've been watching the series DOC MARTIN from the beginning. I wouldn't give that up for the debates.

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Great series! I bought my wife the first six seasons on DVD, and we continue to watch (both those and the new episodes).

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I didn't watch the debates either, but is the picture of the beached whale Chris Christie on the news this morning was almost too much. Imagine that lardass with his fake tan. I didn't know they made tanning beds that big--or reinforced it.

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I watched Trump at the Michigan speech. Any speech of Trump's is livelier than dancing bears in costume on parade (like the "debate"). Critique? How's this: the GOP produced a play about a high school debate team. DeSantis plays part of Scoldilocks. Haley says the secret part out loud.

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Maybe his tan came out of a spray bottle.

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. . . well, maybe a dozen or so spray bottles

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I think it’s left over from that time during covid when he closed the Jersey beaches and then went there himself.

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The last debate I watched was Reagan/Carter. I think they’re a waste of time and I already know who I’m voting for. And it isn’t one of the people on that stage last night.

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The also rans debate?

Maybe the can'tidates debate because I can't see a reason for them to even bother slithering.

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I wouldn’t. First of all Don is too smart to get roped into that nonsense and secondly none of them have a snow balls chance, etc etc.

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Multiculturalsim is just a made up word to mask the real strategy, which is to invade for personal gain. It is the same as terms like "gender-affirming care" for butchering the genitals of those who want to pretend to be a different gender. It puts lipstick on the pig of destroying society. America's society.

The best paragraph in the substack was when Don associated multiculturalism to looting. Those who are bussing immigrants from central America through Mexico to the Rio Grand aren't dreaming about multiculturalism and assimilation. They are planning to loot America just like they did the other day in Philadelphia. https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1706875048676712800

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Agree. Supporting illegal invaders is like having someone break into your house and then giving them your guest room, your food, your credit card, your health insurance, your voter registration and an education.

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"She lives in a city where thieves so routinely loot stores that ice cream is under lock-and-key."

Isn't that the greatest irony? Small bidness owners have to lock up their products while their elected 'leaders' do not lock up criminals trying to take said property?

At some point the tide will turn, but at what price?

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Municipal Policing was invented in London and New York City, now the politicians of those cities are rejecting that heritage. The only voting that is counted is voting with your feet.

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To where, I don’t speak Hungarian or Polish!

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Texas. At least for the time being. We can stand some improvements, as recent events have revealed, but we're moving in the right (pun deliberate) direction.

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Best done if you are already an American (notice how I studiously avoided using the word’Yankee).

I know someone from Canada who tried it, and it would have cost him close to $1M to do it!

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That tickles me. My daddy had a saying, "I was 15 before I found out damn-yankee wasn't one word." I lived in the mid-west after college. When I got back home, that wasn't nearly as funny any more.

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We were Biking in Vermont one year and we met this Jewish Kid who was both a Lawyer and an MD (who was working for Big Tobacco to help mitigate the effects of the law suits…look nobodies perfect right) and he was from SC. Anyway after he explains that Southerners have several different terms for the Civil War, ‘The Late Unpleasantness’, ‘The War of Northern Aggression’, ‘The War between the States’, he goes on to tell us that his Yiddishe Mama expressedly (sp) told his sister that in no way shape or form would she be allowed marry ‘No Damn Yankee’…😂🤣😆

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My wife is Canadian, and she did it the "easy" way, by marrying me, although it took a couple of decades to bring her here. We lived in Maryland and Washington, because I figured if I ever brought her to Texas, come August she'll think she has died and gone to hell. Tell your Canadian friend to marry a Texan, or at least a US citizen who will move here.

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She’s a smart girl but I bet you’re a hell of a catch.

We have had to go to Dallas several times for medical seminars and since in those days Nieman-Marcus was where it was at, my wife happily attended. We were there the same week our embassy got those 6 Americans out of Iran. As it happened, we wanted to get away from the BS that passes for comraderie at these seminars and one of the waitresses suggested an out of the way steak restaurant her girl friend worked at…she also told her friend we were Canadians.

When we walked in we were greeted with a standing ovation and compted dinner. Not that we got to enjoy it what with all the hand shaking and back patting. Embarrassing…Somewhat less relaxing than we wanted but still Wonderful. Ain’t anybody can say anything bad about Texas or Texans to us!

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Tennessee. South Dakota. Personally, I am thinking Alabama where there are many retired veterans(safe).

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This shattered dream you cannot justify

We're gonna scream until we're satisfied

What are we running for?

We've got the right to be angry

What are we running for?

When there's nowhere we can run to anymore

I'd say fight until we're satisfied, but I'm not Pat Benatar.

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Perhaps it’s time to handle theft the way the Muslims do - cut off a hand. If the thief steals again, cut off the other one. Problem solved without going back to the practice of shooting looters on sight.

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I'm with you!!

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I’m not. Anyone can hit a sitting duck, but hitting a moving target, particularily if its moving away on an angle take skills. You can’t find those opportunities to practice just anywhere ya know!

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A one handed person is pretty much useless. Horse whip em the first time, castrate the second.

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I remember when NYC was safe. It isn’t a distant memory, it was about 3 years ago.

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We are under invasion by people from all over the world, with not only no sign of let-up, but increasing by the thousands every day. It is beyond unsustainable at this point - it is dangerously destructive by countless measurements.

The Pope whines how there should be greater not lesser immigration. Of course he does: the Catholic Charities are raking in hundreds of thousands of millions of dollars aiding and abetting it! The Catholic Church never had it so easy.

We won’t survive another year of this assault on the nation. But how to put a stop to it will have to be an ugly one: our military pointing guns at the intruders. Who’s got the balls these days for that?

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CMA (Catholic Ministries Appeal), which is a yearly drive and is underway again, is a tax on each Catholic church. Lots of Catholics stopped giving to CMA after the 'scandals.' But the church is adamant that the CMA funds will not be used to pay for the settlement of legal cases. Each church has an amount they are to give to CMA, and if the congregation doesn't contribute enough to cover that amount, then the difference will be made up from the church's general fund. The Catholic churches I know of are hurting as it is. The Catholic church where I grew up used to be a thriving church, but it has since locked its doors because Catholics stopped attending Mass. I haven't lost faith, but I've been disgusted with certain policies within the church.

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I love how these people are capable of seeing , 15 years later on, how they have driven a rusty railway spike through their country’s heart

Sweden … gone

Denmark… gone

England… gone



Belgium…don’t get me started

You probs don’t have the time to read Douglas Murray’s excellent book on the topic, The Stange Death of Europe, so let me sum it up for you. The Euro-weenies were so freaked out by the Holocaust that ‘Racism’ became a curse word to be applied whenever you didn’t like the soup someone made for you. Once the Syrian War red lined and pics of that unfortunate little boy, dead on the beach started making the rounds, every politician in Europe, elected or otherwise, castrated themselves at the alter of Multiculturalism ‘and let every African, Berber, or otherwise wearing a life jacket,into the country using phrases and words they didn’t understand to shame and dumb down their populaces.

You know the rest.

At least they put up a pantomime. We just leave the back door open. And even if T gets elected, 13 months from now, and actually puts his foot inside the WH, how long is it going to be before he hires, organizes, and unleashes these deportation cadres he is talking about.And in the meantime how much damage is going to be done to our people, infrastructure and feelings of self worth and national pride. Actually you can ask me about that… I’m a Canadian!

Prep up and Ammo up folks, gonna be a rough ride from here on out!

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Just asking, Chuck. Has anyone ever accused you of being an optimist?? Regardless. I am prepared as I can be for any eventuality.

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Is that anything like being called an assh*le… I get that a lot!

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Yes, there will be a France without the French; an Italy without Italians; Germany without Germans, etc.

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You are entirely right, and that's obviously the plan -- let millions into the country without vetting them and then deliberately not track them. Tough to round 'em up and ship 'em out. However, The Donald has a team working hard to line up appointees for the 4,000 or so offices to be filled. Perhaps they are also working on the deportation problem as well.

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Don's screed meshes nicely with Gutfeld's last night. Gutfeld examined the list of incompetents (little merit) in the Biden administration, leading to the understanding that the current use of the word "diversity" is BS. The administration knuckleheads in fact lack diversity...they share the quality of little merit. Note that you would add "diversity" by hiring a few people with competence. See how the word-game works?

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Very well put!!

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Chuck, I enjoy reading your posts and noodling your advice on the many topics that come up here. On more than one occasion you give "prepping" advice. Have you considered writing a book on that topic?

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Actually, no, because I haven’t had to live through a real SHTF or TEOTWAWKI experience. Besides, writing a book on a topic that has been covered 10,000x by people who MAY have had that experience would be kinda redundant, no. If you want to read up on what those experiences were like though try on The Dark Secrets of SHTF Survival by Selco Begovic, (Amazon) he lived through the Bosnian War.

I’m overloaded on antibiotics, rubbing alcohol and masks (yes I know but in those situations in which smoke and pestilential vapors abound you need something). And coffee… lots and lots of coffee.

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. . and blue paint? It could be a military operation . . .

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GDI! I keep forgetting to put that on my list

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You forgot the role taken by USA after WW2 to force the end of European colonisation around the world.

Look what that's done to Africa.

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Proof of destruction of our society is all of the historical statues, symbols, etc. That are being destroyed.

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In the UK the Torys have totally caved to the EU Court of Human Rights in spite of the UK punblic voting for Brexit. A true conservative government would announce that they will not allow a foreign court to dictate how the UK protects its borders. Unfortunately for the UK public they do not have a true conservative government. They have a government just slightly to the right of the Labour Party, and PM Richi Rich was not even elected by anyone - he came to office after the very brief term of Liz Truss due to back room manipulations.

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Just read Vargas Llosa's book "Notes on the Death of Culture: Essays on Spectacle and Society" announces that culture -- at least as we used to understand it -- is now officially "dead." Media and advertising have replaced culture. Just one fad after another with no connection to tradition or deeper loyalties. Not a pleasant thought.

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This was an especially difficult column to make a comment on, Don., Why? Because ask 20 people what 'Multiculturalism' is and you will get 20 different answers. To me, all multiculturalism is, is an excuse for failure.

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That is the point: failure and division.

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The Brits have been dealing (limping along coping) with “multiculturalism” since Partition. Braverman surely knows that. And before that it was the Danes and the Vikings. On a larger scale, I can’t think of a single country or culture that has survived wholesale invasion, but never one where the government has so blatantly encouraged and enabled the invasion. Tribes came before culture which comes before sovereignty. They’ve all had to defend themselves or they perished. Our so-called leaders are serious only about degrading our sovereignty. The academic anti-racists just want to be the survivors dominating and using those they hate.

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Multiculturalism: A point in every direction is no point at all.

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America is referred to as the melting pot. It is not that, it is a great big salad. Your culture does not get lost it becomes part of the flavor of country. But the key is you must contribute to that flavor.. Overwhelming the salad with illegal dressing will do nothing to improve the salad but will only cause it to wilt and become a large bowl of garbage which cannot sustain anyone.

Time for the UN to stand and deliver those rights to each citizen of the world, no matter what part of the world you might live in. Time for the UN to stop demanding the richer nations feed the poorer ones, it is time to make the poorer nations rich by demanding that their corrupt leaders develop their own resources to feed their own. Africa is without a doubt the richest continent in the world and yet it is a basket case of failed leadership and greed gone wild. Time to demand human rights for all instead of money for some. Perhaps the UN could cut back on cocktail parties and actually have planning sesseions on development and stop pandering to the climate change nitwits and start living up to its obligations to the real people of the world who need leaders who actually care about their own.

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Surely a pie in the sky dream as the UN was an original world wide grift!

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Correct. If we get rid of the UN 80% of world problems evaporate.

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Doubtful, Suzie, but a great start.

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Destruction by design because 1) our elitist overlords hate us, and 2) they think that none of this will affect them.

Also, when it come to Hamas shielding AP, remember you can't spell crap without AP.

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ABSOLUTELY send Illegals to DE or to BETHESDA MD where MANY leftist swamp-dwellers live!!!

As to:

"The recent cavalier talk of a civil war is the aim of those promoting this daft idea of multiculturalism."

I would disagree in this way - Civil war is imo the talk not of the white 'Karen's' who promote multiculturalism but of American patriots of ALL races, creeds and colors who embrace Americanism VERSUS the White Karens who do not.

So it's not (exactly) a racial civil war; it's an ideological civil war of globalists versus patriots.

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There would be no CIVIL war.

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Yep, Hi$$ary was just a figurehead SOS sucking in $$s for the Clinton$.

And multiculturalism is a poison as used by the left.

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