The Economic Times reported, “Alan Lichtman, although a renowned historian, is known for some of his most accurate Presidential polls across decades now, and this time too, he has presented his ideas on who is going to emerge victorious in the US Presidential Elections 2024.
“Seeing Donald Trump get up after getting shot in the face and pump his fist in the air with the American flag is one of the most badass things I’ve ever seen in my life.”
09/30/24: I appreciate the candor, but the last person I would ever rely on for an opinion about guts would be that dreadful former human being, Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Two-FacedBook.
Had forgotten about him; that certainly qualifies. During World War I he reportedly offered to raise a group of volunteers & lead them in the trenches despite his age. He was hard core.
09/30/24: Too bad the subject, gruesome, prohibits humor. Otherwise, I would adopt the method to suggest thinning out the herds of loquacious sports announcers and political verbal windmills on TV.
Following up on a them from Saturday “Sept 29 (Reuters) - Israel said it bombed Houthi targets in Yemen on Sunday in response to missile fire by the Iran-aligned militants at Israel over the past two days, marking another front in fighting in the Middle East.” There was the smell of fuel oil burning in the morning
Long ago I lost count of the number of times the US has been described as the guarantor of the world's freedom of navigation. This freedom is exactly what the Houthi-hoodlums have been destroying ... so it seems only fair to ask why the US should leave it for tiny Israel, which has no aircraft carrier battle groups, to fix that mess.
Fecklessness, cowardice, dereliction of duty, or plain incompetence?
The US could’ve rendered the Houthis thoroughly disabled in under two hours at anytime of their choosing since this war began. But instead this administration has allowed our own ships and men to be attacked, crippled and set on fire, amongst dozens of other cargo ships in the region, out of its sheer deference to Iran.
They have been shooting down missiles directed toward Israel for some time now. I believe I read where US ships defended themselves last week from missiles directed at them. I'm just saying US provides Sea support for Israel.
Apparently not enough, since Israel was hit by a long-distance Houthi missile -- which could have been prevented by socking it to the Houthis, at their launching sites. But I will admit -- military tactics and capacities are not my specialties.
Neither Hezbollah nor the Houthis have an air force. Seems like it would be easy to mop them up with secondary munitions explosions on the ground doing a lot of the work.
So what? They are only training them to be future soldiers or makers of future soldiers. War is ugly. Both sides need to be clearly aware of the consequences. Death of many people. And one side will only stop when they are brought their knees. Sometimes. Literally.
As a retired warmaker, I’d prefer people work out their disagreements without calling me. But I will do my job if that’s what it takes.
"Houthi-Booty Call" will be the opening bars of the jinky-janky theme music as Yemen is bombed back into the Stone Age (which would actually up their national literacy percentage).
I don't think Zelensky would have crawled over to Trump Tower to grovel for forgiveness if he thought Trump would lose, especially weeks from the election.
He can read polling, I imagine. So after his campaign appearance for the Dems he thought he'd kiss the ring of the Republicans. Probably works where he lives.
09/30/24: He had a comedy stand-up gig in the building lobby. After that, tea with T, where he promised to offer the Vindmans asylum in the Ukraine in exchange for another sh*tload of guns and missiles.
Professional pollsters are the willfully blind selling whatever their client's preferred outcome might be on a given day. The only important poll you mentioned was the Georgia Alabama game. 100.000 real people of all ethnicities and economic backgrounds cheered and stomped their feet to figuratively vote for Trump. There was nothing contrived there. The audience was not paid to board busses to attend a fake rally. Trump simply showed up unannounced. The crowd reaction to his presence was a spontaneous sustained outpouring of ;national pride, of emotion, fitting for a welcoming of Caesar to Rome.
The demonrats will stop at nothing to win at any means. Whether it means fake polls, paying for fake pols, allowing non citizens to vote, etc. This administration is the most scandalous in modern times. The congressional investigations concluded FJB received millions from outside agencies. And yet nothing is done. FJB had documents from a SCIF and nothing was done. (I know a thing or three about SCIF's and rest assured if anyone took a document from a SCIF you'd be flipping burgers in a NY minute). Holding up aid that has been approved by congress (POTUS Trump was 'impeached' for something similar with Ukraine (and it is weak!)). On and on...
Nick Johnson interviewed Springfield, Ohio residents and the cat story is not even the tip of the iceberg. One clerk told him how non English speaking well-dressed Haitians with carts loaded up with a whole lot of expensive goods paid with snap cards with balances over 13K!!! WTH is going on? So tax payers are paying for this?
Where is the media? One would think they would flood Springfield to get the story and prove President Trump was wrong. They didn’t. I suppose because they don’t want to shine a light on Springfield and remove all doubt.
The media thoroughly blacks out any and every news story that could in any measure reflect badly on Democrats.
There are still Leftists out here who NEVER even heard about Hunter’s laptop!! Forget the border crisis, or Springfield or pretty much anything else that’s been going on for the last 4 years.
Interesting post today causing new ripples in the gray matter pool. Either the left/msm/deep-state is getting antsy or the October surprise is a Door-Dash coup brought to you by voter apathy. The need to be sure you get Citizens to vote can not be clearer,we need a MAGA 2024 turn-out so big the Kommala/Timpon communist ticket folds before Wed Nov 6 . Poll is all good options but chose Hezballess circumcisions.Lead on Poca-Man and we will WIN.
I get the sense that the wind is picking up and the sails on the SS Donald are unfurled and picking up speed.
I think the biggest reason is Kamala herself. Every time she goes out to campaign or speak or do an interview she screw up. Every time. Word salads are doing her in.
When the lame stream interviewers complain she doesn’t answer the questions that are asked there is a problem.
Trump just needs to stick to the issues of illegal immigration and the poor economy and knock off the other stuff that gains no votes but serves as a distraction.
As the great British historian A.J.P. Taylor put it, when discussing Napoleon III:
"He was what I often think is a dangerous thing for a statesman to be -- a student of history; and like most of those who study history, he learned from the mistakes of the past how to make new ones."
judging by what i see locally i would say trump is a clear winner but i never trust the democrats, the gop, the supreme court, the state legislators, those who control the ballots .....or the con.
harris by another few thousand manufactured votes with the sc going along to get along.
If what you see is bumper stickers and yard signs, just think of how many Trump voters there are who are afraid to display them in fear of demonicrats vandalizing their homes/cars.
This time around, I have a feeling that the SCOTUS won’t punt like they did in 2020. They’ve seen and experienced the damage that has happened to the entire planet because of their refusal to take the cases on the obvious demonicrat cheating.
I fully understand the lack of Trump yard signs etc - there are way too many demonicrats running loose who feel entitled to have Harris signs & bumper stickers (like our next door neighbors) and a few others around town, but we see very few Trump signs - we choose to stay silent but dedicated to our favorite former President Trump!
trump signs everywhere here unlike 2020 and 2016. hardly any harris signs. although my neighbor just put one out. she's on my all time shite list now but doesn't know it yet.
As mentioned in a previous post, I don’t see any signs or stickers for either party on the national ticket. Only one in a driveway far off the beaten path for the Godless party. You are right though the D’s are violent and at my advanced age I certainly don’t want to wind up injured. Once when asked what I wanted for my birthday I listed #1, a pearl handle pistol but the family nixed a firearm, so I lay low around D’s. I don’t mind losing ‘friends’ anymore. Most of my old friends from counterculture days left me when I refused to vote for BHO and left the party. I have zero white guilt even though southern born. I learned those I thought were friends were merely acquaintances and I haven’t missed any of them.
My neighbor and I will vote for DJT on 11/5. I don’t think we can early vote except with the unrequested mail in ballots Gavin sends out and I don’t trust those. We go down to the local church and vote in person after ‘surrendering’ and voiding the Gavin ballot. Sure would be fantastic if we could flip California! Ever hopeful.
Amen plays - we don't damage their cars with Harris bumper stickers (which you rarely see), but are concerned about ours. And our HOA regulates political signs to a month before an election and they have to be taken down within a day. The petty little bureaucrats love having a little power.
I am President of our HOA. The rules say "no signs what so ever" I haven't said nor will I say one word. We have 3 or 4 Kammy and Tampon Tim signs, but the Trump signs out number them 10 to one.
Polls are designed to push the Left's narrative, not reflect actual sentiment. Vote, donate, and pray our margin is sufficient to overcome cheating and illegals.
Both are treasures…along with Ben Berquam(sp?) going deep into the migrant routes filming the invasion. Good evidence for charges against all the perps of this debacle.
The reason I did not pick Israel and went with diddy was the Tablet article by Lee Smith describing why Netanyahu had to act right now because the Biden admin was threatening action between election and inauguration. So now was the best time to attack. Diddy though, why now release the indictment from this corrupted Bidem DOJ? It just does not make sense for the biden admin. Anyway here is the Tablet article. Great read.
Plus I read just last night on CFP that not only did Israel take out Nasrallah, but just hours after his successor was inaugurated, he was also taken out. They're showing the world how to be a WINNER!
Very sound article, the essence of which could be this devastatingly brutal quote:
"Israel’s attack ... shows that almost everything U.S. and other Western civilian and military leaders have believed about the Middle East for the last 20 years was simply a collection of excuses for losing wars."
He also reminds us of the extent to which the Biden bunch has been dominated by Obama retreads who, like Boss Bam himself, are on Iran's side.
Bibi does see Trump and not Biden as a friend of Israel, but Trump will shut down the fighting immediately, he has basically said this. If Bibi wants tight sanctions placed back on Iran, he will be forced by Trump to the negotiation table. He has to kill as many terrorists as possible now, because he thinks Trump will win.
Trump will put an end to the fighting by doing what this current administration is not doing and that’s going after the the masterminds and instigators of all of it: IRAN.
He will crush them every way imaginable, as BiBi is now doing to Hamas and Hezbollah and the Houthis; and complete the Abraham Accords, helping to transform the Middle East into a more stable peacefully aligned neighborhood.
There are a lot of influential people from DC that need to be protected. That's when the DOJ and FBI come in and destroy evidence. The FBI serves and protects the institutional interests of Washington, DC. Once you understand this process, then everything the FBI does and does not investigate makes sense. Why are they going after whistle-blowers instead of the crimes? Institutional ass-covering, led by the FBI.
Without a doubt "the exploding devices" is the most genius thing that gives me the most pleasure and laughs at the brilliance of "whoever" is behind it. If only I can have this same feeling of glee after Nov 5 and I hear Trump has won the position of 47th president of these United States of America, my year will be complete!!! The MAGA will begin. Pray; your life depends on it!
Thank you for dissecting the impression the polls are trying to create. One really does sense that the polls are trying to "snow" us, and I admire your ability to keep your head above water and look at them logically.
We do now realize that one reason the polls are pumping up the Democratic candidates, is to provide cover for the steal operation. But I am musing now that the Democratic manipulators behind these polls might realize that Democratic voters are very fragile--much more fragile than we realized--and that they feel these polls are essential to prevent the Democratic vote from outright collapsing.
There was an interesting piece of news last week--Charlie Kirk's Turning Point group had some event at a southern college (?Alabama?), and there was a huge turnout of MAGA/Trump supporters. Apparently seeing large numbers of students supporting Trump really freaked out the liberal college students. Reading the quotes from them, it's like they were VERY surprised to realize there were SO MANY Trump supporters on campus, it "shook their world" and made them very despondent.
This says to me that liberals have been living in such a tight little bubble, that just physically SEEING in person a strong show of support for Trump made them question their allegiance with the Left. Many liberals have probably been taking comfort in supporting what they thought was the majority. The polls have been attempting to reinforce their belief that at least half the country agrees with the liberal view that "the country is doing fine and the chief issue is what a mean, terrible guy Trump is", and that the "Biden/Kamala regime has been a normal/OK government".
This makes me think we need to viscerally make the Democrats physically see the magnitude of support for Trump by overcoming our reluctance to post Trump signs in our yard and instead make a gigantic display across the whole country of Trump signs. And that perhaps we should be wearing Trump T-shirts and red MAGA hats all day, every day, even with family and to church. But only a teeny fraction of us are showing these signs. Very few of us actually wear Trump hats and T-shirts, except when we're with other Trump supporters.
We have been too afraid of being identified to our neighbors as Trump supporters. We are pretty sure they will immediately identify us as enemies and be angry. So we have essentially been trying to "avoid open warfare".
But perhaps it is time to let our numbers be known--physically, visibly. It is time to pierce the liberal's bubble once and for all. One, it will make the steal harder, because liberals will no longer be able to believe that they are numerically superior. Two, it will make it harder for the Left to keep liberals in a propaganda bubble. And Three, it may just be that liberals are emotionally on such thin ice that a true show of strength by us will cause them to collapse.
Kind of like Dorothy throwing water on the Wicked Witch of the West--she just melted. Maybe it's time for us to "throw water"--stop hiding and declare ourselves in a HUGE way. It may be the last peaceful thing we can do before being forced into a genuine civil war.
I agree in principle but my reality is living surrounded by Harris supporters. My landlord, my duplex neighbor, and most of the members of my volunteer job are insane supporters of 'vote blue, no matter who'. I keep my mouth shut, which may be perceived as cowardly, but at my advanced age I haven't the strength or desire to upend my life arguing with them, which will accomplish nothing.
I will, however, vote, then laugh and dance when Trump wins decisively, maybe even the popular vote. Now, wouldn't that be the cherry on top!?
As I have thought about my post above today, things are becoming clearer to me.
Most of us truly have been avoiding identifying ourselves as Trump supporters with signs, red hats, and T-shirts in public and out in front of our homes. We have been acting out of fear of antagonizing liberals.
Truly--we have been trying to "avoid OPEN WARFARE". I think we have deluded ourselves--or we've been seduced by a "psyop" that has successfully intimidated us. When we look at the magnitude of TREASON being committed by the Left, it is really true (as Aragorn says in the Lord of the Rings to King Theodon) "Open Warfare is upon you, whether ye would risk it or not."
If the Left steals this election, we all seem to accept that the next step in our nation's history is likely to be open Civil War. So it makes NO SENSE for us, right now, to be avoiding doing a totally PEACEFUL thing like putting a Trump sign in our front yard and wearing a Trump hat and T-shirt. And not being afraid to verbally speak with our liberal family and neighbors.
I understand everyone's reluctance to have done all this up to now-- and it has been MY point of view as well. But I think the reality is, like it or not, we are past that point, and it is time to pull out all the peaceful stops-- and make it VISIBLE and OBVIOUS to the whole country that Trump has landslide-level support in this election.
Time to re-evaluate our strategy and take these bold but peaceful acts of Trump signs and apparel. It WILL intimidate the Left and deter some segment of liberal voters.
Also--we ASSUME we are surrounded by liberals, but I bet we actually have many Trump allies in our neighborhoods that, like us, have been intimidated from revealing themselves. Our courage may help them find courage as well.
“Finally, Lichtman gave her No. 13, claiming Trump has no charisma.
The dude not only is charismatic but after being indicted, mug shot, convicted and rifle shot, Trump is a national hero.”
Trump is a pure badass. Who else gets shot, struggles back up & fist pumps the air?
Go ahead. I’ll wait…
When Trump walks into a stadium, he is a rock star and he plays it like Ted Nugent plays lead licks.
Even pasty Zuck thought so…
“Seeing Donald Trump get up after getting shot in the face and pump his fist in the air with the American flag is one of the most badass things I’ve ever seen in my life.”
09/30/24: I appreciate the candor, but the last person I would ever rely on for an opinion about guts would be that dreadful former human being, Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Two-FacedBook.
That goes without saying.
Teddy Roosevelt.
I have been shot, so I must keep my speech short.
Had forgotten about him; that certainly qualifies. During World War I he reportedly offered to raise a group of volunteers & lead them in the trenches despite his age. He was hard core.
09/30/24: Too bad the subject, gruesome, prohibits humor. Otherwise, I would adopt the method to suggest thinning out the herds of loquacious sports announcers and political verbal windmills on TV.
Following up on a them from Saturday “Sept 29 (Reuters) - Israel said it bombed Houthi targets in Yemen on Sunday in response to missile fire by the Iran-aligned militants at Israel over the past two days, marking another front in fighting in the Middle East.” There was the smell of fuel oil burning in the morning
Long ago I lost count of the number of times the US has been described as the guarantor of the world's freedom of navigation. This freedom is exactly what the Houthi-hoodlums have been destroying ... so it seems only fair to ask why the US should leave it for tiny Israel, which has no aircraft carrier battle groups, to fix that mess.
Fecklessness, cowardice, dereliction of duty, or plain incompetence?
The US could’ve rendered the Houthis thoroughly disabled in under two hours at anytime of their choosing since this war began. But instead this administration has allowed our own ships and men to be attacked, crippled and set on fire, amongst dozens of other cargo ships in the region, out of its sheer deference to Iran.
Beyond Treasonous.
She'll end up being an anti Trump "talking head" at one the cable news networks.
U.S. provides the Aircraft Carrier Battle Groups.
The US has them, yes. Did I miss something, and are you saying they've used one against the Houthis??
They have been shooting down missiles directed toward Israel for some time now. I believe I read where US ships defended themselves last week from missiles directed at them. I'm just saying US provides Sea support for Israel.
Apparently not enough, since Israel was hit by a long-distance Houthi missile -- which could have been prevented by socking it to the Houthis, at their launching sites. But I will admit -- military tactics and capacities are not my specialties.
Pardon my ignorance, but was the US providing support against the Hoothis?
Neither Hezbollah nor the Houthis have an air force. Seems like it would be easy to mop them up with secondary munitions explosions on the ground doing a lot of the work.
They hide in elementary schools.
I’ll take heat for this comment.
So what? They are only training them to be future soldiers or makers of future soldiers. War is ugly. Both sides need to be clearly aware of the consequences. Death of many people. And one side will only stop when they are brought their knees. Sometimes. Literally.
As a retired warmaker, I’d prefer people work out their disagreements without calling me. But I will do my job if that’s what it takes.
When you beg for bombs to protect yourself, unfortunately optics matter. But you are right, to have a clear winner one side must be wiped out.
"Houthi-Booty Call" will be the opening bars of the jinky-janky theme music as Yemen is bombed back into the Stone Age (which would actually up their national literacy percentage).
I don't think Zelensky would have crawled over to Trump Tower to grovel for forgiveness if he thought Trump would lose, especially weeks from the election.
A grifter plays all angles and possibilities. I hope Trump treats him as one.
He can read polling, I imagine. So after his campaign appearance for the Dems he thought he'd kiss the ring of the Republicans. Probably works where he lives.
09/30/24: He had a comedy stand-up gig in the building lobby. After that, tea with T, where he promised to offer the Vindmans asylum in the Ukraine in exchange for another sh*tload of guns and missiles.
Professional pollsters are the willfully blind selling whatever their client's preferred outcome might be on a given day. The only important poll you mentioned was the Georgia Alabama game. 100.000 real people of all ethnicities and economic backgrounds cheered and stomped their feet to figuratively vote for Trump. There was nothing contrived there. The audience was not paid to board busses to attend a fake rally. Trump simply showed up unannounced. The crowd reaction to his presence was a spontaneous sustained outpouring of ;national pride, of emotion, fitting for a welcoming of Caesar to Rome.
The demonrats will stop at nothing to win at any means. Whether it means fake polls, paying for fake pols, allowing non citizens to vote, etc. This administration is the most scandalous in modern times. The congressional investigations concluded FJB received millions from outside agencies. And yet nothing is done. FJB had documents from a SCIF and nothing was done. (I know a thing or three about SCIF's and rest assured if anyone took a document from a SCIF you'd be flipping burgers in a NY minute). Holding up aid that has been approved by congress (POTUS Trump was 'impeached' for something similar with Ukraine (and it is weak!)). On and on...
This is why politicians get hanged from light posts when the civil wars start. Because if their fecklessness.
Diversity is OUR strength.
Perversity is theirs.
The idol of "Diversity" has been used to promote too many absurdities and perversions to continue worshipping it as "our strength".
I want diversity enforced in our colleges.
Fire 49% of professors and replace them with conservatives.
Nick Johnson interviewed Springfield, Ohio residents and the cat story is not even the tip of the iceberg. One clerk told him how non English speaking well-dressed Haitians with carts loaded up with a whole lot of expensive goods paid with snap cards with balances over 13K!!! WTH is going on? So tax payers are paying for this?
Where is the media? One would think they would flood Springfield to get the story and prove President Trump was wrong. They didn’t. I suppose because they don’t want to shine a light on Springfield and remove all doubt.
The media thoroughly blacks out any and every news story that could in any measure reflect badly on Democrats.
There are still Leftists out here who NEVER even heard about Hunter’s laptop!! Forget the border crisis, or Springfield or pretty much anything else that’s been going on for the last 4 years.
The MSM is now full time PR for leftist Democrats.
Americans don't trust the media, nor most institutions.
Wow - that was long but sure contained a lot of information from the locals
I’m getting the feeling you don’t like Ms Harris.
Interesting post today causing new ripples in the gray matter pool. Either the left/msm/deep-state is getting antsy or the October surprise is a Door-Dash coup brought to you by voter apathy. The need to be sure you get Citizens to vote can not be clearer,we need a MAGA 2024 turn-out so big the Kommala/Timpon communist ticket folds before Wed Nov 6 . Poll is all good options but chose Hezballess circumcisions.Lead on Poca-Man and we will WIN.
I get the sense that the wind is picking up and the sails on the SS Donald are unfurled and picking up speed.
I think the biggest reason is Kamala herself. Every time she goes out to campaign or speak or do an interview she screw up. Every time. Word salads are doing her in.
When the lame stream interviewers complain she doesn’t answer the questions that are asked there is a problem.
Trump just needs to stick to the issues of illegal immigration and the poor economy and knock off the other stuff that gains no votes but serves as a distraction.
Lichtman, the renowned historian, is trying to rewrite history with his poll predictions. It's fiction; a fable.
The lesson: Never trust a historian to predict the future.
"Never trust a historian to predict the future." Love it!
"Alleged" historian. More like a "historical propagandist".
As the great British historian A.J.P. Taylor put it, when discussing Napoleon III:
"He was what I often think is a dangerous thing for a statesman to be -- a student of history; and like most of those who study history, he learned from the mistakes of the past how to make new ones."
WATCH: Michigan Football Fans Relentlessly Boo Tim Walz: ‘Get Out Of Here!’
Trump's Reception at the Alabama-Georgia Game Makes Polls Showing a "Close" Race Seem Suspect
Timmy didn't like being booed, so he gave the finger to his adoring fans.
09/30/24: He could remember which one to flip?!
judging by what i see locally i would say trump is a clear winner but i never trust the democrats, the gop, the supreme court, the state legislators, those who control the ballots .....or the con.
harris by another few thousand manufactured votes with the sc going along to get along.
If what you see is bumper stickers and yard signs, just think of how many Trump voters there are who are afraid to display them in fear of demonicrats vandalizing their homes/cars.
This time around, I have a feeling that the SCOTUS won’t punt like they did in 2020. They’ve seen and experienced the damage that has happened to the entire planet because of their refusal to take the cases on the obvious demonicrat cheating.
I fully understand the lack of Trump yard signs etc - there are way too many demonicrats running loose who feel entitled to have Harris signs & bumper stickers (like our next door neighbors) and a few others around town, but we see very few Trump signs - we choose to stay silent but dedicated to our favorite former President Trump!
trump signs everywhere here unlike 2020 and 2016. hardly any harris signs. although my neighbor just put one out. she's on my all time shite list now but doesn't know it yet.
As mentioned in a previous post, I don’t see any signs or stickers for either party on the national ticket. Only one in a driveway far off the beaten path for the Godless party. You are right though the D’s are violent and at my advanced age I certainly don’t want to wind up injured. Once when asked what I wanted for my birthday I listed #1, a pearl handle pistol but the family nixed a firearm, so I lay low around D’s. I don’t mind losing ‘friends’ anymore. Most of my old friends from counterculture days left me when I refused to vote for BHO and left the party. I have zero white guilt even though southern born. I learned those I thought were friends were merely acquaintances and I haven’t missed any of them.
My neighbor and I will vote for DJT on 11/5. I don’t think we can early vote except with the unrequested mail in ballots Gavin sends out and I don’t trust those. We go down to the local church and vote in person after ‘surrendering’ and voiding the Gavin ballot. Sure would be fantastic if we could flip California! Ever hopeful.
Amen plays - we don't damage their cars with Harris bumper stickers (which you rarely see), but are concerned about ours. And our HOA regulates political signs to a month before an election and they have to be taken down within a day. The petty little bureaucrats love having a little power.
that has been litigated in the courts. you can leave political sins up 12 montha year...if you're interested.
I am President of our HOA. The rules say "no signs what so ever" I haven't said nor will I say one word. We have 3 or 4 Kammy and Tampon Tim signs, but the Trump signs out number them 10 to one.
Amy Vivian Coney Barrett.
She’s gone to the dark side.
And Kavanaugh, Roberts and Gorsuch are total question marks.
I like to think we are on God’s side.
Amen Patricia !!
Polls are designed to push the Left's narrative, not reflect actual sentiment. Vote, donate, and pray our margin is sufficient to overcome cheating and illegals.
Not affiliated, but TurningPointAction (Charlie Kirk's org) is doing yeoman's work, along with Scott Pressler and some others in GOTV.
Both are treasures…along with Ben Berquam(sp?) going deep into the migrant routes filming the invasion. Good evidence for charges against all the perps of this debacle.
The reason I did not pick Israel and went with diddy was the Tablet article by Lee Smith describing why Netanyahu had to act right now because the Biden admin was threatening action between election and inauguration. So now was the best time to attack. Diddy though, why now release the indictment from this corrupted Bidem DOJ? It just does not make sense for the biden admin. Anyway here is the Tablet article. Great read.
Plus I read just last night on CFP that not only did Israel take out Nasrallah, but just hours after his successor was inaugurated, he was also taken out. They're showing the world how to be a WINNER!
Very sound article, the essence of which could be this devastatingly brutal quote:
"Israel’s attack ... shows that almost everything U.S. and other Western civilian and military leaders have believed about the Middle East for the last 20 years was simply a collection of excuses for losing wars."
He also reminds us of the extent to which the Biden bunch has been dominated by Obama retreads who, like Boss Bam himself, are on Iran's side.
Being on Iran's side is a key thought. Every state department lackey should be fired come January.
Oh AMEN and AMEN to THAT!!!
I see it a bit differently.
Bibi does see Trump and not Biden as a friend of Israel, but Trump will shut down the fighting immediately, he has basically said this. If Bibi wants tight sanctions placed back on Iran, he will be forced by Trump to the negotiation table. He has to kill as many terrorists as possible now, because he thinks Trump will win.
Trump will put an end to the fighting by doing what this current administration is not doing and that’s going after the the masterminds and instigators of all of it: IRAN.
He will crush them every way imaginable, as BiBi is now doing to Hamas and Hezbollah and the Houthis; and complete the Abraham Accords, helping to transform the Middle East into a more stable peacefully aligned neighborhood.
Right now, Bibi must be forced to the table.
Who’s table?
He is totally running the table right now.
Trump wants peace, Bibi controls that. Peace will resume when Iran is weak.
That's the only way you are going to get peace in the middle east.
It's also the only way Bibi will stop.
This post makes me smile
There are a lot of influential people from DC that need to be protected. That's when the DOJ and FBI come in and destroy evidence. The FBI serves and protects the institutional interests of Washington, DC. Once you understand this process, then everything the FBI does and does not investigate makes sense. Why are they going after whistle-blowers instead of the crimes? Institutional ass-covering, led by the FBI.
Extraordinary article. Profoundly and startlingly simple.
Without a doubt "the exploding devices" is the most genius thing that gives me the most pleasure and laughs at the brilliance of "whoever" is behind it. If only I can have this same feeling of glee after Nov 5 and I hear Trump has won the position of 47th president of these United States of America, my year will be complete!!! The MAGA will begin. Pray; your life depends on it!
Thank you for dissecting the impression the polls are trying to create. One really does sense that the polls are trying to "snow" us, and I admire your ability to keep your head above water and look at them logically.
We do now realize that one reason the polls are pumping up the Democratic candidates, is to provide cover for the steal operation. But I am musing now that the Democratic manipulators behind these polls might realize that Democratic voters are very fragile--much more fragile than we realized--and that they feel these polls are essential to prevent the Democratic vote from outright collapsing.
There was an interesting piece of news last week--Charlie Kirk's Turning Point group had some event at a southern college (?Alabama?), and there was a huge turnout of MAGA/Trump supporters. Apparently seeing large numbers of students supporting Trump really freaked out the liberal college students. Reading the quotes from them, it's like they were VERY surprised to realize there were SO MANY Trump supporters on campus, it "shook their world" and made them very despondent.
This says to me that liberals have been living in such a tight little bubble, that just physically SEEING in person a strong show of support for Trump made them question their allegiance with the Left. Many liberals have probably been taking comfort in supporting what they thought was the majority. The polls have been attempting to reinforce their belief that at least half the country agrees with the liberal view that "the country is doing fine and the chief issue is what a mean, terrible guy Trump is", and that the "Biden/Kamala regime has been a normal/OK government".
This makes me think we need to viscerally make the Democrats physically see the magnitude of support for Trump by overcoming our reluctance to post Trump signs in our yard and instead make a gigantic display across the whole country of Trump signs. And that perhaps we should be wearing Trump T-shirts and red MAGA hats all day, every day, even with family and to church. But only a teeny fraction of us are showing these signs. Very few of us actually wear Trump hats and T-shirts, except when we're with other Trump supporters.
We have been too afraid of being identified to our neighbors as Trump supporters. We are pretty sure they will immediately identify us as enemies and be angry. So we have essentially been trying to "avoid open warfare".
But perhaps it is time to let our numbers be known--physically, visibly. It is time to pierce the liberal's bubble once and for all. One, it will make the steal harder, because liberals will no longer be able to believe that they are numerically superior. Two, it will make it harder for the Left to keep liberals in a propaganda bubble. And Three, it may just be that liberals are emotionally on such thin ice that a true show of strength by us will cause them to collapse.
Kind of like Dorothy throwing water on the Wicked Witch of the West--she just melted. Maybe it's time for us to "throw water"--stop hiding and declare ourselves in a HUGE way. It may be the last peaceful thing we can do before being forced into a genuine civil war.
I agree in principle but my reality is living surrounded by Harris supporters. My landlord, my duplex neighbor, and most of the members of my volunteer job are insane supporters of 'vote blue, no matter who'. I keep my mouth shut, which may be perceived as cowardly, but at my advanced age I haven't the strength or desire to upend my life arguing with them, which will accomplish nothing.
I will, however, vote, then laugh and dance when Trump wins decisively, maybe even the popular vote. Now, wouldn't that be the cherry on top!?
Hang in there and hang tough, Laurie. Hoping we will be here with you to celebrate in Nov.
Excellent points ALL!
As I have thought about my post above today, things are becoming clearer to me.
Most of us truly have been avoiding identifying ourselves as Trump supporters with signs, red hats, and T-shirts in public and out in front of our homes. We have been acting out of fear of antagonizing liberals.
Truly--we have been trying to "avoid OPEN WARFARE". I think we have deluded ourselves--or we've been seduced by a "psyop" that has successfully intimidated us. When we look at the magnitude of TREASON being committed by the Left, it is really true (as Aragorn says in the Lord of the Rings to King Theodon) "Open Warfare is upon you, whether ye would risk it or not."
If the Left steals this election, we all seem to accept that the next step in our nation's history is likely to be open Civil War. So it makes NO SENSE for us, right now, to be avoiding doing a totally PEACEFUL thing like putting a Trump sign in our front yard and wearing a Trump hat and T-shirt. And not being afraid to verbally speak with our liberal family and neighbors.
I understand everyone's reluctance to have done all this up to now-- and it has been MY point of view as well. But I think the reality is, like it or not, we are past that point, and it is time to pull out all the peaceful stops-- and make it VISIBLE and OBVIOUS to the whole country that Trump has landslide-level support in this election.
Time to re-evaluate our strategy and take these bold but peaceful acts of Trump signs and apparel. It WILL intimidate the Left and deter some segment of liberal voters.
If not now, when?
Trump is taking literal bullets for us and has laid his life on the line.
We can endure angry neighbors.
Also--we ASSUME we are surrounded by liberals, but I bet we actually have many Trump allies in our neighborhoods that, like us, have been intimidated from revealing themselves. Our courage may help them find courage as well.