Thanks Don for reading Politico so I don’t have to.

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Amazing to me how Politico can take the obvious and twist it into a pro-left article.

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Quite true! Equally appreciated over here.

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The last time I watched Fox was Tuckers last show. I canceled my subscription to the WSJ years ago because I could no longer tolerate Peggy Noonan whose every editorial had the obligatory bash Trump sentence. How long will Substack resist the Leftist destruction?

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The morning after the 2020 Steal I literally - not the "literally" which the LameStream Press always uses when it means "figuratively" - literally threw my satellite dish in my pond. In three days I'd received boxes from AT&T and my electronics were winging their way to the Mother Ship. I used the savings to increase my Internet speed to "Blistering" and now get 100% of my news from there, picking and choosing my news sources.

The unexpected benefit was that my stress level dropped at least 90%. When I visit my brother in West Virginia, it drives me crazy - Fox News on in the background all the time. No wonder he has anxiety attacks. Now that Rupert Murdoch has married again at 93 and is preoccupied with committing Assault With A Dead Weapon, his boys Lachlan and Thomas are busy converting Fox News to Faux News and I'll have none of it, thankyouverymuch.

Do yourself a favor. Put Faux News and all the rest of the LameStreamers to bed.

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"Assault With A Dead Weapon" LMAO!

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I think Fox tried to walk the fence and be objective, relative to the rest of the networks but liberalism found its way into their network too. Their coverage of the last election finished them off. It was probably inevitable. Cable is dying because the old adage of “people have choices” means they can go to streaming channels and listen to an unlimited number of blogs and so forth.

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I say, "all media is entertainment." My older brother says the evening cable news programming is the best comedy on television--it's laughable. I don't have that particular funny bone.

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Streaming is to cable news as MP3 is to CDs for music. Streaming provides a more efficient and targeted experience while maintaining variety. Viewers’ attention spans are short and patience is thin. They want the sweet spot that streaming provides.

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It won’t be the first time that the kids ruin daddy’s show although Rupert is on the same cognitive level as the blustering old fool. Good luck with the mail order bride, grannpa

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As an old fart, I can appreciate the “Assault With A Dead Weapon” comment. But then, he’s 93, and I’m not.

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Snow on the roof does not mean there's no fire in the furnace.

Of course you know that old joke, right?

The old bull is standing on the hillside, proudly looking over his harem below. The young bull comes prancing up. "Boy, look at all those cows! Let's run down there and screw us one!"

The old bull's eyelids drop to half-mast, he chews his cud a bit, and replies,

"Tell you what - let's just walk down ................. and screw 'em all."

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I worked with a very randy colleague who routinely said that.

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Had to be a man. We're all like that. <grin>

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Farm boys knew.

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Well, my snow melted a long time ago but yeah, I get it.

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Not meaning to stand up for the idiots, but Fox News has become a 24/7 campaign ad for my Donald Trump. I watch it in very short segments edited by a Amazon AI that steals their content and runs ads making money off of Fox News. When the idiot or his idiot supporters come on, I switch to Fox Business, which again, is also a Donald Trump campaign ad. When I want to watch Greg gutfeld, I turn to YouTube. A strange assortment of fans, from Turkish gamers to a Japanese origami blogger, copy his program in total minus the ads. Since I have AADD, I use that to my advantage and only watch 10 minutes before I move on. I'm having fun but I'm sure Fox is pissed. Still, I imagine fox is the only network making money. Not that I care.

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Murdoch's controlled talking heads, most of them empty, were on the Stop Trump at all costs program, until they couldn't hold their breath under water any longer.

They are NOT on the Trump Team, they are being dragged behind the train by their scrawny necks.

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Try switching the ENTIRE MESS OFF...... Instant PEACE.... yOU CAN NOW HEAR YOUR OWN IDEAS.

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I cut the cable cord years ago. It's amazing what else you find that easily fills the time. A friend remarked after I told her, "You've found other things you'd rather do." Yup.

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i DUMPED my TV SERVICE QUITE AWHILE AGO, nowI am CALM, HAPPY, AD FREE, CRAP FREE, AND HAVE ZERO MORONS TELLING ME WHAT TO THINK, WATCH, READ, VIEW, ETC.... and... I have money to spend. What a SCAM Cable and TV services have been running on us!

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I haven’t watched television at all since the late 90’s. I sat down one evening with the remote and scrolled through a couple hundred channels before deciding that there was nothing at all that I wanted to watch. I stream the occasional movie online and otherwise I read or indulge in a couple of hobbies.

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Tell your brother if he wants background noise, try music.

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Substack may be falling into that dark abyss. Emerald Robinson recently posted an article regarding Substack playing games with numbers that adversely affect ratings of conservative writers. I don't know enough about how this works, but she is usually on top of an issue long before others see the signs:


Time will tell whether Substack goes the way of Google.

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I certainly hope not because they will learn the lesson of countless others: that's why God created Other Platforms.

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Brilliant, Jim. I still use Google, at least I can choose what I want to see. That other company really believes WE DO NOTHAVE ENOUGH SENSE TO CHOOSE ANYTHING. Now having NO TV blasting crap info into my ears, I am calm, have MONEY to spend, and am happy to spend my time doing WHATEVER I WANT TO.

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Google is the personal information collection arm of the American Gestapo.

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Google can track all of your movements even when your devices are turned off. When I got my last phone, the first thing I did was delete everything Google that was on it. Google is evil.

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Excellent; thank you!

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Peggy Noonan’s writing has become laughable- we still receive the WSJ - because we cancelled the NYTimes - but no one in the house bothers to read Peggy. Albeit, we are concerned about the new British editor of the WSJ who’s seeking to make the paper more relatable by putting softer features on the front page and elsewhere- so we might be quitting that paper as well.

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I also cancelled my long time subscription to WSJ after the 2020 election

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As did I.

Laughably I had to talk with a WSJ rep who repeatedly asked me to elaborate on my reasons for cancelling. No matter how blunt I was about my distaste for biased news coverage (WSJ reporters no different than any Leftist rag), he persisted in additional questions!

There are a few decent folks on the WSJ editorial pages (Kim Strassel, James Taranto, Jason Riley). Not worth the coin imho

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Around 2023 the NY Post, same: Every column and some news items had the all-too-obvious "insert Trump insult here" remark in it that, it stood to reason, had the columnist not have been blackmailed-by-paycheck, would not have stooped to such low behavior. Now NYP is busy, busy, BUSY back-tracking, all lovey-dovey, kissing Trump's caboose. Won't work.

Now, if only Newsmax would stop hiring the half-dead, recycled Oliver Garden media-waitresses and chubbo-male news hacks that have been laid off from the dying MSM. If I were (the superb) Rob Schmidt, how embarrassed I would be to have to share a studio with these extinct trollops (pre-dating Chanel No. 1) and Dick Morris, the jowly, mega-obese & off-putting ex-Clinton pollster.

As for our WSJ sub, our local morons solved the problem by failing to deliver it or tossing things at us entitled "Journal" that were printed in Korean. Complaints to WSJ itself fell on deaf ears and the sub (very expensive) was not renewed, which was a shame because they did have excellent book reviews.

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I quit Newsmax the day the on-air anchor walked off the set during an interview with Mike Lindell when he made reference to voting machines having a role in election fraud. The anchor walked off-camera leaving Lindell staring at the screen wondering what to do.

Then, they fired Emerald Robinson for reporting stories they didn’t want to be associated with. That’s not an honest news channel.

Very unprofessional

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Idea - at the upcoming (we’ll see if it actually happens or if the democrats cancel) debate I would love for PDJT to use his speaking time to turn directly to Bdn🇨🇳 and say something along the line of “Joe, Americans are very concerned about your health, you appear to have Parkinson’s and dementia, and they are worried that your family and advisors are using you like Col. Parker used Elvis to your own detriment. Please blink twice if you need help.” Well, maybe not that last sentence but he should definitely say the first sentence. The reaction from the rutabaga and from the moderators will show Americans exactly how far gone Bdn🇨🇳 is and how biased and corrupt the “American” media is.

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I think PDJT should just mouth a question while pointing & looking at Biden….would Biden’s brain be able to process it?

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Haha! That’s a good idea, too!

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If the debates actually happen, Trump will lose voters if he isnt careful about attacking Biden. Biden will come off as a kindly old feeble man who requires sympathy and too many people will vote emotionally for him rather than objectively. Trump has more risk than Biden.

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Disagree. Pedo Joe has been seen recently flying off the handle when a reporter asks a simple question that’s not on his cue cards. All PDT has to do is ask a slightly provocative question and Joe will lose it. I would like nothing better than to see him have a full on meltdown on international television.

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Ok but I stand by my comment. Don't disagree with what you say here, but remember, the system only works one way today. Trump needs to stsy objective, positive, and NOT appear to bash Bide or he will reinforce the bully image the left uses against him. Joe will call Trump a convicted felon to provoke him to attack. This debate is Trump to lose. But Im one of those people who dont believe it will actually take place.

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I'd like to see him crap his Depends.

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What I have read is the candidates are not going ro be allowed to speak to one another directly.

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The moderators will tie both of the Trumpsters hands behind his back and mute his mic. They won't let it be a fair fight.

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I concur, especially the muted mic trick.

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I like the last sentence.

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Amy, You get the roarer laughter award today.

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Darn! Another keyboard inundated with some of Columbia’s finest!

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My condolences on your suddenly all-white keyboard, which will now be typing itself until it crashes six hours from now, while pleading for more "happy powder.".

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Let me clarify that. I meant COFFEE, not…you know…the thing.

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Like vote! (Subsh*t has disabled my like button function).

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THANK YOU AMY! YOUR IDEA IS BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!! I was dreading the 'debate' but now I look forward to it.... surely there will be only ONE.

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Like vote! (Subsh*t has disabled my like button function). I hope we says the entire thing the way you've phrased it. That way, FJB will only get eighty and one-falf "votes" in this grotesque rematch.

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I heard that there are new rules for the debate. Does anyone here know what they are?

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Re: Madonna & JLo….l’m guessing that people have tired of the sexualized performances of middle-aged and older women. In ways, it’s painful to watch. The desperation is palpable in their desire to be acknowledged and loved for acts that are just worn. There’s something to be said for leaving the scene gracefully. On the other hand George Strait just standing and singing really good music just seems more authentic. Supposedly, over 100,000 gathered for his most recent gig. Amazing.

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You nailed it

Strait sets a record in Pride month

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Nicely pun Poca-Man.

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Like vote! (Subsh*t has disabled my like button function).

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Madonna's last concert was basically a satanic ritual.

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Exactly 🙄🧟‍♀️😆

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Everything you say is true, but the leftist media won't course correct one iota. If we've learned anything from the last decade of nonsense, those who are ideologically dug in are incapable of learning, let alone adjusting their rudders. Meanwhile they will tell you they are our intellectual superiors. Yeah, okay, morons...

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Liberals are in this for the long haul and will not alter course in any substantive way whatsoever. You are correct in your comment. Liberals cannot be allowed to govern others.

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As a friend of mine said, "It'd be easier to talk a dog off a meat wagon..." These lunatics are religious fanatics, just like their Jihadist pets. They will not stop. I wonder what they see when they look in the mirror. My friendly advice is to suggest suicide for the greater good.

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Yes. I recall that, after Trump beat Hillary in 2016, the NY slimes was so floored that they announced they would henceforth be a more balanced newspaper. That lasted about 24 hours.

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That long??

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24 minutes.

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however, more and more of the old liberals want their party back from the Wokesters aka Bill Maher. This might turn into a trend. Rather than change parties, they'll try to drop the extremists and move back to where they were a couple of decades ago.

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Let them try.

They will find what the MAGA movement has found.

Those in power resist being removed.

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The British Labor party members who tried this bombed big time (see Roy Jenkins, and for God's sake, don't waste your money on his books. Can't write a damn).

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"He is saying that Carlson is too unpopular to sell a book that trashes him."

Sounds like a Berraism: "No one goes there anymore. It's too crowded." (That's Yogi Berra for you youngsters in the crowd.)

As Bugs would say: "What a maroon!"

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Ahaha! Perfecto!!

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Like vote! (Subsh*t has disabled my like button function).

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“The cable channel, which touts itself as the most trusted name in news, drew just 83,000 viewers aged 25 to 54 during the week of May 13-19 from 8 to 11 p.m. — its lowest-rated week since 1991, according to Nielsen.”


The Biden fundraiser was really the Obama fundraiser. Which is why Obama was on stage to do adult daycare for the “President”. They raised lot of money from Hollywood. But most people do not care what Hollywood thinks anymore. The problem is that they’ve used so many dirty tricks against Trump and America that only the crazed Democrat base believes the lies in 2024. Trump is still fighting despite everything. This is the problem with being a liar. People eventually figure it out.

Trump 2024.

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“Crazed Democrat”. No need to be redundant. LOL

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God, this morning's poll is a work of art. I felt like the mule that starved to death between bales of hay, trying to figure out which one to eat first. I eventually picked Freeze Frame - 'way back when, J. Geils put my fantasy to music with "Centerfold."

re: 46 has shown 45 to be right. Yes, and also that 42 is not the answer to the earth, the universe, and everything. It's 45 and 47.

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The visual of Obama leading Biden off the stage was worse than a simple citation makes it sound. In truth, Obama took him by the wrist, as if he were leading a young child. it was condescending, and maybe even a little elitist: "I did it and you can't... Let me show you the way off stage." a very poor look, in front of some deep-pocketed donors, and possibly the emblem of Biden's end. Delivered by the man who put him in the White House. Talk about a coup de grace!

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I think that was a coldly calculated move by 0bama. He was telling everyone exactly who was in charge and that they should vote for his 4th term.

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Well, Obama’s third term hasn’t been easy.

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That, and "Weezy" passing away made things even more difficult.

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Did you also happen to notice the large red arrow stickers strategically placed on the floor leading to offstage, no doubt put there as guides for Biden had Obama not stepped in as nanny.

They have GOT to be sweating bullets he makes it through the election.

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And Obama kept patting Joe on the back like he was a pet dog that did what he was asked, which he did.

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I just re-read my comment of June 17. Prescient! Obama obviously knew what was coming.

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The Carlson “controversy “ is just a sideshow. The real question is whether the debate will happen and or how it will be cancelled. Is there enough meth to stimulate Joe to carry him for 90 minutes? Or will he have a “Dave” moment on stage to garner sympathy for his replacement? It’s too late to use the “I won’t debate a convicted felon argument.” When 538 says for the first time Trump is likely to win, the spooks at Langley have to be working overtime to screw the Donald and the country. FJB

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"Fox Election Desk declares Arizona for Biden" and the Red Flare was shot into the sky that Murdoch would pretend the election was legit, including helping with the deceit as much as possible.

The Fix was In.

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Got that right. And then they got screwed anyway by the felons running Dominion.

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"Few want to end up in the MAGA movement’s crosshairs the way Bud Light and Disney did."

Until about10 years ago well managed corporations avoided political statements like poison. They knew by taking sides they would alienate the other half of the country and negatively impact their sales and the bottom line. THAT is what Bud and Disney relearned...the hard way!

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Yes, TDS is less profitable but TDS isn't dead. Look at the careers of America hating Christiane Amanpour, Andrea Mitchell, Jan Psaki, George Stephanopoulos, et al, to realize that hate for American values is the life blood of the Left. The Persona of the Day is Trump but the real target is America. Before Trump there were McCain and Mittens. Yes, the Left has a shrinking audiences but that isn't new either. They believe history is on their side and revenues will recover. *** Shrinking audiences and revenues will never generate constructive changes in the Left's product. Changing the product would be a smart business decision. Heaven forbid! Expect zero changes. Expect more burning of money because the object is not to inform but to advance the agenda, the narrative as we call it. See Disney. See the campaign against Rowling. The real target is always traditional values, especially as represented by America, America's efforts to bring about good in the world or America's allies. *** PS. I have found TDS to be a wonderful thing that should be encouraged. McCain and Mittens were defamed but TDS is so extreme that even people who say, "I'm not interested in politics." are realizing how insane and corrupt the Lefties are. Those disinterested people may not bother to vote but their every day discussions with friends help to break down the existing political fabric. That is what we on the right want to see. Speaking of which, have you noticed how TDS is breaking down the Democratic Party's hold on minority voters?

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If you happened to catch any of the photos from the G7 soirée, 99% of those so-called “leaders” had just been crushed to smithereens by their respective electorates, thus each and everyone was the lamest of ducks.

But guess what?

THEY. DON’T. CARE. ~ not whit about their citizenries. They will continue apace, following their WEF marching orders, to come up with even more diabolical and wicked plans to destroy the deplorable heathen who don’t appreciate their illustrious and all noble decrees from on high.

We are thoroughly disposable to them, and they will merely hasten and accelerate their efforts toward accomplishing just that.

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Like I have said multiple times on this blog, the leaders of Western liberal democracies basically hate their voters (Italy excepted with Meloni) and don't give a toss about how their policies hurt people.

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That was some stunning elitism for the cameras Suzie.

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The Chinese are paying for a lot of the negative news. When they close their checkbook then things will have to moderate back to the right.

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I guess it never occurred to Schaffer that there are simply not enough literate and sober people on the left to cough up the money for the garbage that Zengerle is trying to peddle. They’d rather spend their cash on drugs and porn.

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I love all the orange man hair/golf caps that are appearing at all Trump's rallies!

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Even though the song is meant ironically, I'd go with "Won't Get Fooled Again" for Biden's Swan Song. Millions of formerly lock-step supporters are awake—in the best sense—and are on to the Democratic Party grift. As a recovering Democrat myself (starting in 1993 when Bill Clinton raised taxes after promising to cut them) I know there's no going back. The Dems who crossover in 2024 are likely permanently lost, hence the desperation to replace them with foreigners. Of course the MSM continue to insist this is a conspiracy theory, thereby confirming that it's true.

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I am still worried about the vote counting.

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Me too

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