Jan 8·edited Jan 8Liked by Don Surber

Ha! I didn’t see the poll coming. We have a big, big problem up here. Castro’s boy and his lap dog are both scions of unearthly rich families that have no concept of what life’s like for rank and file Canadians. If they lost their positions in politics this afternoon their life styles wouldn’t change one iota. This is a game to them, both are seeking the approval of their ‘Head’ Masters in the WEF.

Between them they have agreed to support one another until a new election has to be called in late 2025! (This, children, is the lesson to be learned from a system that has several political parties… Niether of them can hold power independently, they don’t have the #’s, but together…). We can’t, short of a revolution, get rid of them. Is Poilievre going to stay the bright new shiny thing that long? Who knows!

But one thing we do know, Castro Jr has given something like $600M to the media outlets to promote his shit… all out in public and nothing we can do about it! Nice eh?

The msm are nothing but syphlitic, painted-up whores. The Politicians are their ‘Johns’.

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Americans can learn a lot from the Canadian interpersonal style of being calm, cool, respectful, but deadly on-point.

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We can kill people with politeness! Sorry about that, eh?

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It’s an interesting counterpart to Trump’s style (which I am NOT criticizing here). It is so gratifying to see journalists left speechless when asked simple follow-up questions.

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Gentle sarcasm can be deadly. I know. I know I've mentioned two men immediately packed up their tools and left and two of my engineer friends reassigned themselves away from my area after I gently but sarcastically chided them. One was a dear friend who was harassing me about cleaning, and I simply asked him if his wife ever told him he was nitpicky. He walked outside, had a cigarette, and the next day my area had a new engineer. #3.

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Don’t hold back.

Tell us how you really feel.

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Quite apt assessment I will say.

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Wow. Graphic portrait. I like it.

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Eating an apple during an interview is pure genius. It tells the journalist that he/she is inconsequential and irrelevant. Plus, it would cause our media to get a full blown case of the vapors. Remember when the enemedia went bonkers because Marco Rubio took a sip of water during a press conference?

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Upvoted for "enemedia"

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Perhaps, "enemaedia", as well?

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"full blown case of the vapors"

Love it.

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Jan 8Liked by Don Surber

God it felt good reading that article!

There’s no better way to start your day than seeing the media get a well deserved and brilliant smack down - and multiple times!

It was also hilarious with lines like this that should be enshrined somewhere forever:

“It was the most famous eating of an apple since Eve.”

You are a treasure, Mr. Surber!

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Yes, but the outcome wasn't as good for Eve.

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…or the rest of civilization for that matter.

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Double Dittos!

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Jan 8Liked by Don Surber

"Harvard, the school with an endowment fund worth $50 billion and leadership that ain’t worth a nickel...." It's for gems like this that make my morning.

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Jan 8Liked by Don Surber

The Poilievre interview was inspirational. He was simple, confident, and allowed truth to present itself in a condescending way against lies, as it naturally does - and should.

We say people are waking up and things are slowly changing. Perhaps this is bleeding into the tactics some use to handle the media. The part that confuses me is there were 75 million committed Trump voters in 2020, yet this segment doesn't have a voice anywhere except through PDJT's text messages and rallies and a few other sites that aren't "mainstream". 75 million should be enough to start a mainstream channel somewhere.

Our traitorous GOP leader, Ronna McDaniel, still only uses mainstream channels and mainstream moderators to hold Republican debates. How crazy is that?

I propose for those who are on the Poilievre side of not letting the truth escape from a deceptive interview that we STOP calling the lying media MAINSTREAM media. They are the leftist lying media on mainstream channels.

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Jan 8·edited Jan 8

Poilievre also recently took down a Canadian Press reporter in the same way. It was posted on Twitter. He isn't going to put up with the crap that is shoved at him. It's about time. FAFO, media.

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Groaner Romney is a traitor like her father. Nearly all the top tier republicans have sold us out. They are raking in mega bucks, hard to beat the money since they are actively blocking true conservatives.

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It takes too long to type FORMER MAINSTREAM MEDIA. I'll just settle for LSS. L=lying. S-sack, etc.

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Jan 8Liked by Don Surber

These small wins over an ignorant and arrogant news media are entertaining. Vivek is both informed intelligent and independent, qualities that raise fear in American media. Trump is Trump, consistently seeking approval from a group who wants him dead. I’m not sure that these interviews change the hearts and minds of anyone as our country is so polarized. I’d like to meet the person still wavering over the decision to select Biden or Trump.

Canada is America’s future if we don’t stop ourselves. It has become a wasteland of LGBT intersectionality Hamas loving assisted suicide loving drug using areligious insecure liberal complainers with a failing economy and a Castro sired bastard as its leader. Great read Don. Thank you.

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When a conservative smoothly, harshly or humorously pushes back against the "when did you stop abusing your wife" questions, the target audience is not just voters, but the partisan press. "Keep playing your bull**it game and you'll regret it." It expands the Overton Window for every conservative.

I also think Newt Gingrich during his failed 2012 presidential run deserves some credit. He was the first national GOP politician I recall who refused to accept the false premises of biased debate moderator questions. So, that's five conservatives and one is a Canadian. If we add Byron Donalds to the list, you can count on one hand the number of GOP politicians with the wits to effectively deal with the press. It's going to be a long haul to expand the Overton Window.

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"I’d like to meet the person still wavering... Yeah, in Ninja garb. With a sack of oranges.

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You don't want to become Canada, trust me.

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Jan 8Liked by Don Surber

I enjoyed the humor in this article. I will enjoy it more when the day comes that our country once again becomes a meritocracy. I will enjoy it more if a day comes when journalism standards are restored, journalists strive for objective truth by presenting multiple sides of an issue, and when every fact is checked and re-checked for accuracy.

Instead we have pretend journalists who lie for a living, while truth tellers are considered domestic terrorists by an FBI that is more like the Gestapo or Soviet NKVD. We have pharmaceutical companies who pay thousands of dollars to hire former CIA agents to root out 'misinformation" that they fear will lead to decreased poison "vax" sales by smearing if not destroying people who tell the truth about these poisons.

The free press we once had was one pillar of a free society, as their role was to keep politicians and elected officials honest. Now their job is to cover up the crimes of elected officials and of pharmaceutical companies so government and billionaires can take control of the world. This is totalitarianism. It would be a funny joke if it weren't really happening.

I still think humor is one of the highest sublimations possible, and a good sense of humor is essential to survival. But sometimes humor reminds us of the terrible pain we are living with and trying to find answers to.

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You have to laugh to keep from crying. Perhaps it was how humor was born.

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so true!

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VDH has a new piece that explains todays America.

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Thanks for referencing this, just read it—“A Culture in Collapse”. It is searing. For a long time I’ve thought very highly of Victor Davis Hanson, but oddly, today I’m particularly noticing two things about him.

(1) I’m getting spoiled by Don Surber’s crystal clear writing—VDH does a lot of alluding to things, but it interrupts his writing as you constantly have to decipher what he’s referring to. For that reason, his articles are not ones you can share with folks to wake them up, because 90% of the allusions will go right over their heads. So his audience is those of us who already know what he’s talking about and already realize how bad it is. VDH is not waking people up—he’s starting to just wallow in the mud.

And (2), I think we are entering a new stage of the battle, and it would be nice to see something concrete and positive from him as an action step. Even some humor!—again I’m getting spoiled by Don Surber. Don’s Highlights of the News this past Saturday was delightfully full of great humor. On the contrary, VDH’s tone is unremitting pessimism. Humor keeps things in perspective, and encourages constructive action. VDH’s darkness magnifies evil and attributes power to it. In a way, VDH is becoming counterproductive.

VDH is an excellent “Debbie Downer”, but in the phase we are entering now, the more useful qualities are those that inspire fresh energy, enthusiasm, and courage.

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VDH has never been a witty writer but an analytical professor very observant o the world around him ,especially in academia and its products.

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Yes, I am with you--I think I've probably read every word he's written in the past 10 years+, and each time was SO grateful for his pinpointing of what has been going on. I've learned alot from him.

But just yesterday, I was for some reason struck with the lack of a "lifting" element in his article. But overall, thank God for the contribution that Victor Davis Hanson has made over many years.

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is it an article or video?

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It is an op-ed on CFP or AG

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I found it.

thank you.

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The press was never free and or honest.

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maybe so, I haven't done enough research into the past history of the US Press, but what we have now is a marked change from the past.

Perhaps in the past efforts were made to balance reporting; now no efforts are made in the legacy media to balance anything. It is pure propaganda. It is possible that the Smith Mundt Act Modernization Act of 2103 made the shift "legal." The Smith Mundt Act allowed for US propaganda to be used in foreign countries. The SM Modernization Act allowed for US propaganda to be used IN THE USA.

This law was passed during Barack Obama's presidency. It was also during his presidency that the Patriot Act, which enabled the surveillance of foreign agents suspected of terrorism, was directed at innocent Americans who were surveilled at an increasingly alarming rate. Donald Trump was surveilled, his family members were, judges were, etc. all in the hopes of getting material for blackmail.

We have a criminal cartel running the country and the press, which in the past made an effort to report in a balanced way, now covers up for the criminals and so are essentially co-conspirators in crimes.

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True, but for the Patriot Act that was on the heels of 9-11 under Dubya Bush.

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"Hastily passed 45 days after 9/11 in the name of national security, the Patriot Act was the first of many changes to surveillance laws that made it easier for the government to spy on ordinary Americans by expanding the authority to monitor phone and email communications, collect bank and credit reporting records, and track the activity of innocent Americans on the Internet. While most Americans think it was created to catch terrorists, the Patriot Act actually turns regular citizens into suspects.

"On May 26, 2011, Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR), said, "I want to deliver a warning … when the American people find out how their government has secretly interpreted the Patriot Act, they will be stunned and they will be angry."

"Under the Patriot Act, National Security Letters (NSLs) are issued by FBI agents, without a judge's approval, to obtain personal information, including phone records, computer records, credit history, and banking history.

"Between 2003 and 2006, the FBI issued 192,499 NSLs, which led to one terror-related conviction. The conviction would have occurred even without the Patriot Act.

"Abuse of Privacy: The Patriot Act does not require information obtained by NSLs to be destroyed - even if the information is determined to concern innocent Americans. Your info: Saved forever.

"At least 34,000 law enforcement and intelligence agents have access to phone records collected through NSLs. In response to 9 NSLs, 11,100 Americans' telephone account records were turned over to the FBI.

"The Patriot Act prohibits Americans who receive NSLs from telling anyone. These gag order provisions have been held unconstitutional in several legal cases."

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But Obama directed it at Americans. And continues today under Biden.

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Jan 8Liked by Don Surber

#4 from Highlights Sat: 'Members of Congress outperformed the S&P 500—sometimes by huge amounts'. 'Fortune' headline and grinning picture of Pelosi-I assumed she would be at the top of the list, but she was a ho-hum 65% compared to Higgins and Green-well over 200%. It's obvious Congress has THE MOST BRILLIANT INVESTORS IN AMERICA- We may never know how we could be $34,000,000,000,000 in debt with such great financial wizards. Baby, It's Cold Outside, But Not Inside.

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Maybe Higgins and Green need to run the treasury?

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Presently it's run by Dewey Cheatum and Howe.

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Jan 8Liked by Don Surber

" . . . Poilievre asked all the questions"

Precisely. Poilievre knows what ever cop knows: the person asking the questions is in charge. And he also knows what every Rabbi knows: answer a question with a question.

I used this tactic once many years ago to deal with a cop who was badgering me. Works like a charm.

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I have been saying "wait and see".... BUT... I AM REALLY STARTING TO LIKE VIVEK RAMASWAMY !!! So Impressed with his astute handling of the "reporter". IF ONLY, our Congress people were as smart, well spoken, and knowledgeable.... he is pretty amazing. Not certain where he belongs in Trump's cabinet, I will leave that up to my President....TRUMP, of course.

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Jan 8·edited Jan 8Liked by Don Surber

Kornfield pulled out the usual straw man: “some Republican strategists view as an effort to garner attention and some experts warn is dangerous.”

I am sure she spoke with renown strategist Ms. Nobody and eminent expert Dr. No-one.

A Harvard professorship awaits her.

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Jan 8Liked by Don Surber

"It’s not like newspapers and TV shows are staffed by Einsteins." I expect an intelligent and rational person would avoid the current mega corporate media and seek other outlets for their talents. (Substack for the win)

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Jan 8·edited Jan 8

That they don’t makes them guilty of something. It’s not stupidity. It’s playing the double agent.

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Ain't that the truth. And most journalists are notoriously bad at math.

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Jan 8Liked by Don Surber

Accept they are adversaries and act accordingly.

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The media will never like anything/anyone that is remotely conservative. I don't know why Republicans persist in being interviewed by media that hate them. It is a zero-sum game.

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Fame fever.

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Kornfield sounds like a Kornflake.

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Kornfield sent to a cornfield.. to obvious to ignore.. sorry Bezos you suck

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Sent by Korn pop.

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Jan 8Liked by Don Surber

Good article Don. I have no idea if m will ever be top guy in Canada. But speaking from a purely economically driven position, I think Poilievere and DeSantis should team up with Ramaswamy and start a PR firm teaching the members of the GOP how to talk to the press. That is, if the GOP is really serious about getting better at their jobs. I have my doubts. Retirement-in-place while working is a great deal, eh?

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Jan 8Liked by Don Surber

Perfection is to be desired and this is the reason for my subscription to Don Surber's substack.I get my moneys worth in facts presented with wit and sarcasm as needed Thank you Poca-Man for nailing it again proving we can and are winning.Treats to the cat As an aside fjb in MAGA 2024.

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