None of us should have to pay for anything in the Ukraine. Our Federal Republic is dying a death by 10,000 cuts. Everywhere we look there is corruption galore. God has removed His protection and has turned our nation over to reprobates. We who love our Republic must continue to fight and pray for His mercy and a great awakening. I see no other way.

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God's giving me great clarity while I ask for his ever tightening grip during my mourning for Mary so that I may make fewer embarrassing mistakes. I feel the lovely presence of Jesus.

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Don Surber

This is such bullshit it’s hard to compare it to any other scam I’ve ever watch unfold in my life and I’ve got 3/4 of a century to look back on.

There is no way, anyway the Ukes would elect a Jew as their leader, not yesterday not today and not to-morrow.

For Biden to send this crook bazillion’s of $ while American citizens in Maui or FLA are suffering is Treason and Criminal and everyone who signed off on this is complicit and needs to hang from a lamp post in Washington and be left there.

Wanna know who needs a re-appraisal, Putin! There I said it! Do you really think he can’t focus enough of his military on the Ukrainian shit pile to blow it sky high? He doesn’t need or want a war with the West, but jerk him around enough and watch. How confident are we in the American Military these days… yeah the same Military who hasn’t won a major war since WW2!

Folks this is all a scam… all of it, and in the end the ones who will be left to, or made to suffer are the ones who always wind up suffering… us!

I said it yesterday and I’m saying it today

Ammo and Supply UP because this can’t go on much longer!

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I understand why Biden wants to keep the war going. It is the same reason he commenced our involvement in it in the first place, viz., he is being blackmailed by Zelensky. Seriously, use Occam's Razor and you will agree. The Hunter /Joe/Ukrainian connection seems to obvious to ignore. Unfortunately, there being no precedent in this country of a President who was owned by a foreign power, the citizens are reluctant to come to such a conclusion, and thus have been led to believe that American support of Ukraine has something to do with American national interest; patriotism is still a thing here, and it's easy to gin up with the right kind of propaganda. That explains how such a large swath of Americans have been brainwashed to support American involvement in this debacle. Then again, one can't dismiss the financial interest our war machine has in the continuation of hostilities. Check the financials of Boeing, Lockheed, Raytheon, and the myriad of other defense contractors whose stock values have gone up spectacularly during this period of economic malaise. And then there are the top brass, the generals and admirals, as well as the colonels, majors, and others of lower rank who want to become generals and admirals, with America on a war footing being the best way to insure promotion. And certainly last but not least, we have the Quisling politicians like Ms. Lindsay Graham, Mittens Romney, et al., whose power and prestige depend upon their remaining on top of the political heap down in DC. But soon, I suspect, the pendulum will swing the other way, especially as it becomes clearer that the Biden Family Business (tm) interests took precedence over any American interests. At least, that is fervently to be wished.

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Don Surber

I asked my magic 8 ball: Did the United States have free elections in 2020 during the “pandemic?” The answer was NO.

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Aug 31, 2023·edited Aug 31, 2023Liked by Don Surber

"If this is such a good investment, why not have Bain Capital invest its money? BlackRock too. Paul Pelosi. Bill Gates. Mittens has net worth of $450 million. Why isn’t he investing it in Ukraine?"

No kidding.

Tucka floats the idea that the Junta's only choice out of its current malaise is war with Russia and using War Powers(national security!) to finally subjugate us. My brother counters with Congressional signoff won't happen and I side with that.

However... As Tucka has stated(paraphrased), "They disagreed with Trump, then they protested him, then they impeached him, and now they have indicted him. Where do they go from here?" Tucka says assassination. Or total war. Or complete implosion. For the first time in my life I am totally unsure.

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Don Surber

May I suggest that those US Representatives and Senators who support this war, this insanity, get their gear and advance on foot, clearing the mine fields for the advancing Ukranian troops. The sacrifices of Biden, Sullivan, Nuland, Graham, Schumer, Pelosi (Nancy and Paul), and all those saying "aye" to this madness, will be greatly appreciated by the American people. And it'll be good riddance! FJB

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The scam is given away immediately when these words were uttered “I told [Lindsay Graham]:”.

The scam was sealed when Pierre Delecto was quoted as being enthusiastically for it.

Both are RINOs supreme and war mongers.

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Polls are designed to shape public opinion, not reflect it. Besides, I don’t care about Ukrainians’ opinions because although I am sympathetic to the plight of the ordinary Ukie I am as mindful of the causes and consequences of what’s happening there as I am of NYFC, which is a lot closer to me geographically and temporally. My family has roots in both places, and as they’re both going to hell because of criminally, well, criminal leaders, I’ve no mind to try to slow the trip for either down. Democracy here and abroad is a bad joke anyway - I didn’t vote for Biden, Zelensky, Kathy Hochul or Eric Adam. So stop stealing my money to fund this crap. I’ve got my own ammo to buy.

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Isn't Zelensky also a dictator like Biden?

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"The only reason we are involved in Ukraine is Putin taking over is a threat to the bribes Biden and others in Washington collect through surrogates."

Damn straight! This comes to mind:

"...there are none so blind as they that won't see."

—Jonathan Swift

As plain as it has been almost since the start, the only ones clinging to the lie that it is a legitimate cause are the ones who prosper from the corruption — this nation's Political, Corporate, and Donor Classes.

Yep. HW lost his bid for re-election less because the war ended but because he revealed himself to be a liar ("Read my lips: no new taxes!"), as well as utterly out of touch with those of us desperately searching for work after having lost our jobs to the recession — we were just a faceless segment of the population, a statistic to be managed. I held my nose and voted for him because I would not support the Democrat agenda, even then.

Snacking on pork rinds doesn't mean you're one of us who have to work for a living, run a small business, live within our means and pray nothing catastrophic wipes out what little we've managed to save. F'ing poseur.

"We gave him $100 billion. What is he doing with all that money?"

He's livin' it up! After affording the lifestyle of an emperor, the lion's share is kicked back to the blue wing of the Uniparty, and a significantly smaller share to key members of its red wing.

"The best thing we could do for the people of Russia and Ukraine is for the United States to step up and broker peace."

With all due respect, Brother Don, but brokered peace agreements don't last, and really, they are just costly theater that an administration is doing something. Al Haig, in his brief stint as Sec'y of State, logged more frequent-flier miles on Air Force II with the Reagan administration's shuttle diplomacy in the Middle East than HW did in the eight years he was veep.

More often than not, the world ends up with a Treaty of Versailles, or worse - all it really does is give busy-work to Foggy Bottom careerists.

On the other hand, we demonstrated to Japan that we were prepared to wipe it off the face of the Earth - it surrendered in short order, and hasn't dared pull a stunt like that since.

No, a US-brokered peace between Russia and Ukraine is a fool's errand. To the extent that I care, I'd prefer to see Russia prevail in decisive fashion, and the sooner, the better.

"I say to hell with the Ukrainian election. It would be all for show. Why should I pay for it?"


While the difference is infinitesimal, Wilhelm is easily the most corrupt.

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Aug 31, 2023·edited Aug 31, 2023Liked by Don Surber

The article pointed out that the Germans did not hold an election in 1944, unlike Britain and The United States. Uhm, yeah they did. It happened on July 20, 1944. That certainly would have ended the war in Europe almost by a year, but it failed.

As far as Zelinski and Putin and who is more powerful or popular, instead of politicians stuffing their pockets with CAMPAIGN Re-election FUNDS, stop subsidizing these wars and get us out.

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Another poll that is difficult to answer. The cat is getting too smart.

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Lest we forget, Romney has more in common with Biden than just their support for giving millions in taxpayer dollars to the corrupt oligarchs in Ukraine. Like Biden, Romney also had offspring that went to Ukraine and made substantial money from the criminal elements there. Having criminals in both parties helps insure there won't be any serious investigations into their crimes against Americans. There's plenty of hush money being spread around the swamp.

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Zelensky is our puppet. Not the other way around. We put him where he is. We are specialists in election interference, internationally and at home. Like many puppets he’s feeling a little drunk with his power. If the war can be stopped, it should be stopped. It’s just a meat grinder for young men who will be no better off with “victory”. There are no good guys here. Not Ukraine, not Russia, and not us and our EU lapdogs.

Romney loves it because he’s a Neo-con Neanderthal. He’s bought and paid for just like Biden. You think the grifters are just the Bidens and the Clintons? Get real. It’s most of DC.

The ruling class doesn’t care what we think unless it means they lose power. That’s why they hate Trump. Most Americans don’t even know what’s going on in Ukraine. It’s not a hot button topic for them.

This is a big dangerous mess that is not helping anybody who’s not a ruling class criminal.

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Exactly... agreed... time to stop the nonsense in so many ways. No need to list them here; those of us with an open mind know. We need more people like you AND Miranda Devine.

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