May 4, 2023Liked by Don Surber

“Readers must understand that we now have a government of the government by the government and for the government.”


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I find it revealing that the same people who are worried about a house that Clarence Thomas sold to his friend (a house he only had a third ownership of if I'm remembering correctly) and a trip he took with said friend don't worry about how Pelosi and her other half managed to accumulate $130 million on a "public servant's" salary, Hunter Biden got on the board at Burisma, or Fauci somehow became a multimillionaire over night by investing in certain stocks.

If Thomas concerns you but none of the rest of that does, then I really don't want to hear it. And "oversight" of the court will lead to selective harassment of judges with "disfavored" views. That's a given. So, no.

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It is scary that this republic is hanging on by a thread. Right now, it is the Supreme Court and a few true conservatives in congress.

We need to primary the RINOs in congress, get involved in state and local gubment and learn to stuff ballot boxes.

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May 4, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Sotomayor received over $3 million for her books from Penguin Random House. In a case which Penguin was involved before SCOTUS where the company stood to lose money she did not revise herself. Clarence Thomas crime?

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I believe the term "ballot harvesting" is sugar coating the reality. Whether it's ballot harvesting, early voting, late voting, mail-in voting, etc.; it should be called what it really is, election fraud.

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Excellent article Poca’s historian and national treasure! Your writings are historical fact! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 We all appreciate you! More will come to appreciate you as you continue to reveal the works of the devil through the communist left’s lies, law breaking, hypocrisy, threats, attempted murders, and flat out treason and sedition! They MUST be stopped! Praise God for the courage of the conservative justices!

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May 4, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Such a wealth of info to comment on Don.

RBG was the best gift we Con’s could have hoped for. Who knew her vainglorious-ness should keep her in that position well past her ‘Best Before’ date, even though it was obvious to all (including her if she was that smart) that she was clearly ‘circling the drain’.

Her selfishness allowed us a 6-3 advantage (on paper at least) with Barrett’s ascent.

Now what to do with Robert’s. My suggestion, Tell him we know he’s queer and he can stop being blackmailed by the D-Rats. Now get to work!

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May 4, 2023Liked by Don Surber

All of this is being fed by various skunk works financed by leftist billionaires with no accountability whatsoever. They may have high sounding purposes with 501(c)(3) charity status which the IRS knows not to investigate. Guys like O'Keefe occasionally drop bombs on them but the MSM never reports anything he finds so there is no traction.

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I know that conservative media outlets are far and few between, but what is left should not only be going after Biden and other communists in the government, but many so-called RINO's had better unfuck themselves and realize what is about to happen is the demise of our country. Call a spade a spade folks, cuz there is no going back now. Please take a moment and send an email or a letter to these whores like Chuck Schumer or Mr. "Shit in his pants" Jerry Nadler. It only takes a moment.

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May 4, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Don, you say what all of us who can think, do think, but better than we could say it. And you’re on a one liner roll lately.

“In DC, where there is smoke, there is dry ice from the CIA and the FBI.” - beauty.

It’s not clear how much more Commie battering the old Republic can take, but surely not much.

We are in a war, but only one side is fighting, and it’s the wrong side. We don’t have a principled group of leaders to do the right thing.

Everybody knows where this is headed, but we seem unable to pull the switch to avert the crash. This was frustrating twenty years ago, desperate 10 years ago. I don’t have a word for how I feel now. History will not look kindly upon us if we let this country die.

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May 4, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Once again you are directly over the target! Wasn't the definition of a crying shame was a bus load of attorneys going over a cliff with a couple of empty seats. The projection ism of the Dimocrats is nothing but outstanding. We're called Nazi's, bigots, rascist, everything for so gd long it's like water running off a ducks back, it does't matter any longer. With all thats transpired over the last several years it's all been planned. Don't look over here, look over there. Everyone of the cabinet secretaries is only more outrageous, more stupid and more incompetent than the next. It was ole puddin' pants himself that said they've put together the absolute bestest cheating scandal ever, yeah he won from the basement, let that sink in. Nothing has changed, red wave to come in '22 was a shart at best. '24 going to be any different? When in the last 50 years has anyone seen this number of train derailments? Courts don't want to look at anything. Nothing to see here move on. Yeah it is a government for the government by the government. It's only more congressional inquiries etc etc etc. Meet the new boss same as the old boss. It's gonna be ugly and it's coming quicker than you realize!

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May 4, 2023Liked by Don Surber

It only took 42 minutes for you to get linked by Instapundit

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May 4, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Don thank you for todays post as this brings into view and focus the fungus that has been growing for a few years and speedily accelerated this year.We know the left has no moral or ethical code to guide them so hang on even as it gets out the wise latina is tainted the most.Keep hammering my friend .

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May 4, 2023Liked by Don Surber

You have to fight fire with fire. Non-leftists need to start filing complaints against bureaucrats for anything and everything including accusing them of bias, racism, etc. And here's why: bureaucrats live for promotions as it's the only way they can get paid more money but the catch is they won't promote someone who has multiple complaints against them as the other peons will moan and groan thus disrupting an already grossly inefficient ship. More complaints means more low-level bureaucrats who will eventually become the tipping point where the wheels fall off of the whole shebang.

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"the real force behind Democrat efforts to eliminate the court is the post-Trump court’s willingness to take the deep state on. That is why West Virginia v. EPA was a bigger case than Dobbs because the court told the deep state NO!"

Exactly. That is it. The four wealthiest counties in America surround Sodom on Potomac and it needs to stop.

This may be your most important piece, Don. People still call Palin a coward for resigning, it is unbelievable how misinformed people are.

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May 4, 2023Liked by Don Surber

This country is in deep doo-doo at the moment and the only way to get out of it is to re-elect Donald Trump by a convincing margin, and give him an unassailable majority in both houses of Congress. Even then cleaning up the Deep State will take more than one four year term.

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