Reminds me of the "journalists" who were present to record the FBI and their raid of Mar a Lago

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And Roger Stones arrest

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Journalists told in advance by you- know-who what they were going to foment, and where, to create a false narrative La-la-Pelosie to fool the public. WAIT! Aren’t all dimmicrat narratives crafted to fool the public? Will say again: lies come and go but TRUTH accumulates.

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You're comparing apples and oranges. ( They are very similar) Those reporters were aiding and abetting domestic terrorists not foreign terrorists.

Can we get these attorneys general to stand up to the Feral bozos and instigators?

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Or the CNN team that was at Roger Stone’s house at the crack of dawn just before his house was raided by the FBI…

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William Tecumseh Sherman: 'I hate newspapermen. They come into camp and pick up their camp rumors and print them as facts. I regard them as spies, which, in truth, they are.' The press is the same as it always was and shall be.

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Smart man.

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Isn’t it telling that it’s always the same states who stand up and do the right thing? Mostly red and couple of purple, but not a blue state to be found on that list.

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Sad to say I didn't see Ohio on that list.

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I knew WV was without looking

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I loved the way that Arab women who kicked a 2x4 up Susan Sarandon’s ass, described WV…West (By God) Virginia!

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My mind is humming Country roads, take me home,...

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I miss John Denver but never wanted to go flying with him:)

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I didn’t see Georgia either. Very disappointed.

Strange politicking power struggles have always been noticeable inside of the perimeter. As I’m not a native Georgian, I can’t make sense of the nonsense that goes on.

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One nation, seriously divided, ...... .......

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People, people, people, calm down and let me remind you how this works. If you are a lefty, everything you do is "free speech." For example, torch a business, a car--especially a police vehicle--, maybe somebody's house, it's OK because that's "protected speech." Lay down on the highway and block traffic, that's also OK, because "free speech." "Punch a Nazi"--i.e., anyone who disagrees with you--again, OK because "free speech. Not a lefty? Then uttering words that hurt a lefty's feelings are "hate speech", and thus considered "violence" which must be stopped and ultimately punished with the full weight of the state brought to bear on the perpetrator. E.g., "Ricky Vaughn" and pretty much all the J6 demonstrators. Or the guy who laid rubber with his pick-up over the "Rainbow Flag" painted on that street in some town somewhere. Truly evil, I tell you! Must be stopped immediately. Now, once we have established the general outline, you may substitute any one of the groups of "victims" favored by said lefties, all of whom may say and do anything they please and claim the protection of "free speech," but conversely may claim the protection of the state if anyone dares criticize one of them. For example, if you are a man with a hankering for little boys, you can dress up like a woman--"drag"--and go to you nearest library to "read stories" to the kiddies while you fantasize about doing some kiddy-diddling, and that's peachy keen! But if you happen to be the parent of one of the litttle kids over whom said "drag queen"( i.e., pedophile groomer) is salivating, you better shut up, put you kid in the front row and be glad for the opportunity to express your "tolerance." Otherwise, you are a "H8ter" who deserves to be jailed for violating a "hate crime law." Once you get the hang of this little racket, you'll understand what's what and needn't get all up in a lather over things when they go down as outlined. Class dismissed. Have a nice day.

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Steve, a good rant, but I don't think you are telling us something that we already didn't know. In reality, there is no such thing as "hate speech" per the Bill of Rights. There is only speech that we may disagree with. One of the greatest things about free speech is that it tells us who are friends are and who are enemies are. For example, I would not have voted to censor Tlaib for her comments, but that doesn't mean that I can't consider her a horrible human being who deserves to rot in Hell. I think we can all agree that when certain speech can be categorized as "hate speech" by certain groups, then all speech is in danger.

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Hate speech is an asset the lefty loons exert.Otherwise it does not exist.

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Makes a person realize just what kind of a country we would have if the left ever get full control of power.

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Great comment. My senior year in high school, my English teacher heard me say "Shakespeare makes me ill". She was a huge, almost rabid fan of the Bard. I want to tell you, the things she said to me that day would qualify as hate speech any day of the week in any century.

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Damn Steve !!!Perfection !!

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I get it but then we are no different than the left. Has to be a better way.

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While I empathize with you, this desire to be "better than them" is why we are in this position today. When someone tells you they hate you and want to destroy you, it is best to believe the SOB and act accordingly.

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I am not one if those “turn the other cheek” guys. But at the base, we have to be fighting for something and if we resort to the lefts tactics, they win. As I said in my comment today, why not adopt a policy of attacking the media just like the AG’s in blue states are doing to Trump and his associates as well as other conservatives? Use the legal system to hurt them like they are doing to us. Money talks. Red state AG’s need to start suing outlets like Media Matters and the NYT who lie and then hide behind the first amendment to escape. Hurt them financially, and name names. Let public pressure work for us too. We are smarter than the left, but we are lazy and too trusting. Time for what goes around comes around.

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I have turned the other cheek and seen the Holy Spirit transform an angry bitter man to a follower. But there's a time for peace and a time for war. As Bugs Bunny said in the voice of Churchill OF COURSE YOU KNOW THIS MEANS WAR!

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I wonder if "Hatem Ali" is his stage name. Certainly fits.

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How did the American Press become so evil? Well they let Don Surber go, and the decline accelerated.

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I could not like this twice

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Reporter = who, what, when, where, and why.

Journalist = whatever I say.

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More precisely, "Whatever I feel like saying."

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All of the above, Friend Surber.

"Did the respectable wire services, which published their photos, approve of their presence inside enemy territory, together with the terrorist infiltrators?"

Respectable? With all due respect, Don, I've known AP for a biased mouthpiece for the political left since about 1981. Their support for Hamas is abhorrent. In my view they are just a culpable in the atrocities of October 7th as the two legged beasts who physically participated. AP and the others deserve the same fate as the actual terrorists, since they had knowledge before hand and did nothing.

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Agreed. Lets just say what they are unwilling to say, “the AP hates Jews”. Same with most of the major media outlets today.

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What is AP? It is the most common source of news provided to the public through all forms of media. It is owned and operated by the giant liberal media companies. The current Chairman of the Board is Steven Swartz, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Hearst Communications. The AP agenda has long been to provide liberal, usually anti-American, pro-globalist, pro-socialist propaganda clothed as news. Working with and shielding anti-American, anti-Israel, anti-freedom forces isn't new nor should it be shocking to anyone paying attention.

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In effect, they are essentially a monopoly in terms of news. Every media outlet copies their by-lines and runs with them, facts and vetting be dammed.

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This is the end point of a process that started with the 1968 Democratic Convention and the (ultimately successful) protests against the Vietnam War. Its also the beginning of the (successful beyond their wildest imaginations) take over of the planet by the Liberal Arts Department of every University in the West. This includes their English, Journalism and History departments. Add to that mess, Edward Saids whiney little tome entitled ‘Orientalism’ that raced through the same schools in 1978, (basically ‘we are not rug pilots or camel jockeys so stop treating us like that’ (sound of a Kleenex being pulled in the back ground, followed by a full nose blow)).

If we add a heaping tablespoon of ‘The Long March through the Institutions’ we finally arrive at “Paying Terrorists to not only be Terrorists but take selfies of them self doing it.” I think I even saw a pic of a ‘Journalist’ on the back of a motorcycle holding a grenade, but maybe it was for background research…ya know what did our High School English teachers tell us…write about what you know.

That is why, anybody who reads a newspaper or an online document by any of the MSN outlets and uses the tainted crap they find there in a discussion with you is a lazy, ignorant communist-at-heart who doesn’t deserve the time of day from you!

Said it and Glad I said it!

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Liberal Arts, just pay your tuition and get a degree and auto registration in the Democrat party.

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It has been said {The World Is But A Stage} and right now the hamasses/deep state globalists are on auditioning for the lead.

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Very true. It's amazing to sit back and listen to all this Jew hating tap dancing that the media and our own government are doing today. About time they just come out and say what we all know: they hate the Jewish people. Hypocrites, all of them.

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I wish Mark "Paper Tiger" Levin, the RINO apologist, hadn't co-opted your signature phrase.

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Levin was born in 1957. I was getting sent to the Principal's office for saying that when he was 6.

So there.

Besides I didn’t know he was ‘co-opting’ it until one of the ladies on here mentioned it. Up here we got to jump through a few (expensive)hoops to watch him and his big mouth so yeah, No!

I’ll have to get my lawyers to contact him and send him a note!

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I thought Levin was well over 70. He just seems old to me.

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Agree, Chuck.

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And the Roger Stone raid.

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Yeah, but is this just going to be akin to Congressional Hearings? Lotta talk. Lotta video and sound bites to raise money from. But where's the beef?

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No beef, just Tofu. The GOP, all hat, no cattle.

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It will be nowhere to be found.

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I don’t buy the “nobody knew but AP” routine they are promoting - if AP knew the NYT and the WP and the rest of the usual suspects knew and if they knew the dolts in the alphabets knew. OBiden likes this escapade. Obama in particular would like Israel wiped off the face of the earth. The lohabets have been giving various Arabs walking around money for decades for this very purpose.

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The poll needs an “all of the above”, Don. Those Palestinian photo journalists were Hamas, no different than the NYT just happened to be there when the FBI Swat teams raided some Trump associates as part of the government intimidation process. What we as a culture are allowing the media to do makes me sick. We let them write fake stories, lie, omit facts, collude with political party’s, and then tell ourselves “gosh, that’s terrible but they are all we have to stay informed”. So in effect, we are condoning it and as such, diminishing our country and ourselves. Maybe it’s time the major outlets and worst offenders start getting hammered by lawsuits and charges by AG’s in red states everywhere just like Trump and, by extension, conservatives are everywhere today. Hurt them with the same tools they have used on us. Start with Media Matters and the NYT and then all the major outlets whose standards are just barely out of the cesspool. It’s not like there aren’t corrupt journalists today. Until we fight back hard, we have no credible news profession in America.

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When American news organizations are guilty of sleeping with the enemy they should be annihilated, along with the enemy. I vote for a Federal raid at dawn that puts the NYT out of business. Then the others will get the message.

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Wishful thinking under the present regime. Maybe they or their backers will eventually get tired of propping their operations up and pull the funding. Can’t lose money forever like the WaPo and others.

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I fear we're reached the point it's wishful thinking under any regime.

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Hope it works. Then i hope these AG’s will turn their guns back on them for aiding and abetting FBI terrorists. No point in early-hour arrests and perp walks if you don’t have cameras collecting “souvenirs”.

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