Much like when Iran and Iraq were at war, this is a war where you hope no one wins.
So much of our money and arms are being wasted on the Ukrainian corruption machine. The US is now vulnerable not just due to wokeness but a severe shortage of bullets.
We need to stop supporting Ukraine (not happening under Xiden) and let them fight on.
Speaking only for me, because we're supposed to accept the Wilhelm administration's and the media's narrative, and ESPECIALLY in light of Lindsey Graham's delight in Russian casualties and his view that it is the best $ the US has ever spent, I am now hoping for Russian victory in Ukraine.
Me too! I have switched teams and have been "cheering" for Russia for quite a while now. The Ukrainian Nazi issue was well know last year in alternative sources of media, but as usual the MSM wouldn't touch it. Go Putin Go!
Interesting comparison to Russia vs, Ukraine and Iran vs, Iraq, SL.
The war started in 1980. Iraq attacked Iran. Just prior to that, Iran was a victim of a US Democrat President regime change, one of the first and arguably the worst, in the Middle East.
Iran was a close US ally under the Shah. My Dad, God rest his soul, was living in Tehran, just before President Carter, let the Mullahs back in, to take over the Iranian country. He was working for the MIC, (Military Industrial Complex) Raytheon, teaching Iranian soldiers how to operate the HAWK missile system. I inherited hundreds of picture slides of Iran, before the Shah was overthrown. In 1978, Iran looked no different than the US in the 1950's. Women were wearing high heels and dresses, not Berkas, and Iran wasn't a threat to making nuclear weapons. By 1980, Iran was no different than the Taliban.
Iraq was much like Iran, with Saddam, but Saddam was a Sunni, and Iraq had a large Shia population, which is the Iranian Islamic, Doctrine. As bad as Saddam was, he protected the people of different Religious sects in Iraq, if they were peaceful, prosperous and supportive.
Until Bush attacked Iraq, it was a friendly country for Christians. Saddam protected Christians, who were a peaceful, productive people, who left Saddam alone. Millions of Christians have died mercilessly, since Bush attacked Iraq, since Obama helped the Muslim Brotherhood, take over Egypt. Since Gaddafi gave up his WMD's to the US, only to have the Clintons overthrow Libya.
Assad of Syria, is that same dictator, Assad had no angst against Christians either.
The only free country in the world where people can worship the Muslim faith? The United States. Our politicians ignore the radical Muslims, who carry out the same horrific harm to their own people right here. Muslims can't rule a country without tyranny, so dictators work better. I was against attacking Iraq, both times.
Russia, not only has infrastructure needs, they once controlled, in Ukraine, but many parts of Ukraine consider themselves part of Russia. Ukraine is a giant slush fund for Globalists, Putin is anti Globalist, and so is America first. Putin is the only grown up, involved in the Russian Ukraine war. It doesn't make him the good guy, but he is better than the rest.
Washington, District of Corruption, is a gathering, like the 5 families of New York, whose sole common denominator is division of Profits throughout the world.
It does not matter if that is theft of resources from weaker countries or theft of taxes (including money printing) from their own SILENCED CITIZENS.
Expect assassinations to equal the 1960's as the scum decides to silence opposition.
There is nobody to silence, they can't cover 85% of the dirt in our country and murder 80 million Americans.
I'm not silent, you're not silent and there are millions of fellow countrymen, who are fighting to get back our Constitutional Republic. This can't be a shooting war kam, the bad guys are cowards and way out gunned.
Mom's for liberty, were just named domestic terrorists, by the the SPLC.
This is what cowards do, and Mothers, protecting their kids from delusional psychopaths, are laughing at these cowards. The next gathering of these courageous Mom's will be in Philadelphia, the place where our Constitutional Republic was born.
Dershowitz nailed it - the brutality and ruthless slaughter of Jews and Poles in Ukraine during WWII is notorious and the battle for that bit of territory goes waaaaayyyyy back. Long story short of why we should be giving this iteration of the conflict a good leaving alone.
Yes to that. Not our fight. I don't want my children or yours involved in what could become a global conflict. I have joined the peaceniks. It's a regional conflict. And, yes, Dersh nailed it.
Don't forget our medical community. Covid and the jab, fluoride, vaccines causing autism, the opioid issue. Medical professionals are either corrupt or stupid
The medical and public health communities showed us exactly who they are during COVID. Medical profession now a criminal disgrace with child mutilation practices.
No surprise here. The NYT did its very best to hide the facts known to them regarding Hitler's industrialization of the slaughtering of European Jewry. The world would be a much better place if the NYT were to burn to the ground.
You do have to love how they stay on narrative. A war that has nothing to do with the American Civil War has to invoke the Confederate Battle Flag because.... <something stupid>
Yes, the sun wheel, to use its other name, was used by Hindus. Also by the Chinese, Japanese, Korean, American Indians, and you'll even find similar in Celtic, Norse, and Paleolithic art. That does not change what it means in this case.
As to a Jewish president, so is Soros, many of the American academics who want to defund Israel, many liberals, etc. As some of the girls I knew at Weslesyan in the 70s said, "I'm Jewish but I don't believe in God or Israel." Remember Benedict Arnold was a Colonial War hero before...
And for all his many warts and faults, Winston Churchill's cigar ashes had more class and intellect than Zelensky the liar and con Artist -elected on a platform of Peace with Russia.
The irony here is that we got endless tortured and torturous articles after it was reported (only through one TDPS source) that the Allen, Texas, shooter, while Latino, had tattoos indicative of "neo-Nazi ideation" (whatever the heck that means) and we were treated to weeks of Ana Navarro and her ilk explaining how non-white people could be white supremacists, especially if they disagree with her or they voted for Trump. Now flash forward a month or so . . .
We have the Ukrainians, who fly flags with the Nazi swastika and wear Nazi symbols on their clothing and venerate Nazi heroes, they have "complicated relationship with Nazi imagery." Notice how they don't have, according to the NYT, a "complicated relationship with Nazism," but with "Nazi imagery." It's those dang flags every time.
So the Latino here has alleged neo-Nazi tattoos on his body and he's a white supremacist, but the *white guy* in Ukraine wears Nazi symbols and flies a Nazi flag and he has a "complicated relationship with Nazi imagery." And this is why there is no trust in the media.
But I guess I should be glad the NYT suddenly found nuance when it comes to discussions of the Confederate flag when before, when Trump said there were "fine people on both sides" of a debate about Confederate statues, they stopped barely short of accusing him of cutting up the sheets in the Executive Residence and holding Klan meetings on the White House lawn.
I was waiting for an article like this to shake the tree and see who came out…I never expected to see TN and SL at one another’s throat though…smh!
Look as you can tell my last name hi-lites my association with the Hebraic Persuasion.
Here are a couple of factoids
1. 70% of all NA Jews are members of left leaning sects such as Reform and deConstructionist and there is at least even one more left than that (who can keep up).I myself was reform until my ‘Temple’ had a Shiva (a Wake) following Trumps election…Bye Commies!
2. The 70% referred to above are more interested in assimilating into invisibility in NA, so if you scratch your head about why some Jews detest and hate Israel and think Palestinians and ‘Palestine’ is where its at, its so they don’t have to stand out and defend Americas best friend. To stand out makes you a visible minority. To defend vociferously makes you a visible minority with a big mouth.
3. My Wife is the daughter of Holocaust Survivors. I’m sure most of you have heard the stories so I’ll spare you. They owned a successful little restaurant and would hire Germans and Poles to work in the Kitchen and as wait staff but wouldn’t touch Ukrainians with a 10 foot pole. For a reason. If you’re interested in what the reason is have a look at a new book entitled ‘The Ravine’ by a Holocaust Historian named Wendy Lowe, the daughter of two Episcopalian Ministers. If you can, just read the explanation of the picture on the book cover…thats the reason.
4. Unfortunately, lots of Ukrainianians (from the Ukraine for sure but even some here) get a virulent form of Antisemitism in their mothers milk. When I was a kid playing Hockey outside the local rink could have 4 games going on at the same time…no kidding. There were Jewish kids, Christian kids, Japanese and Chinese kids, German Kids and Polish kids. The only time we heard an ethnic or more particularily, an anti-Semitic crack about anybody was from the Ukrainian kids.
5. Zelensky is a Pimp. I don’t care if he’s a Jew. How he got elected (or was it more selected) is beyond me. If he is not neutralized and fast we are going to be at war with Russia..we don’t need this! Putin is no Angel either but if you can understand Realpolitik, he may have a better reason for being there than just because he’s a bully.
6. There are NO White Hats in the Ukraine, but the Ukrainian/Nazi Association goes way way back and the Anti-Semitic thing goes back farther even the the German union of its isolated states
7. My Paternal Grandparents immigrated from the Ukraine in two phases. My Grandfather came in 1898 and landed at Pier 37 in Nova Scotia and My Grandmother came with 3 kids and landed at Ellis Island in 1903. They left to avoid the escalating Pogroms that were going on there. They have given the Ukraine a ‘0’rating on Trip Advisor.
I hear ya. We unfortunately have had need over the last year for a morning minyan and found to our surprise that the local Lubavitcher Synagogue was warm, welcoming and nurturing. I’m not that tuned in but I will never forget their kindness.
Canada was and still is a Ukrainian Nazi haven. Frau Freeland has all the hallmarks of her Nazi relative past. And Trudeau, always looking for approval from foreign Father Figures, finds Christie's Nazi Butch persona attractive.
That was directly to the point Kam. And with that Liberal/NDP agreement…the very antithesis of a Democratic Country’s election process we”lol never get rid of him, her or Jagtar (or whatever his name is).
Having said all of that, one must remember that up here it was largely the Ukrainians who turned our Prairies ( probs cause they resemble the Steppes in Russia/Ukraine) Into one of the largest grain producing regions in the world.
My great grandparents on my mother’s side fled the Ukraine at the beginning of the twentieth century. They got tired of pogroms and poverty. My great aunt on my father’s side was a schoolteacher from Warsaw who made the fatal mistake of moving to the Ukraine in the 1930’s when Stalin initiated one of his paranoid purges of foreigners. She and her boyfriend where arrested on fake anti-Soviet charges, given a hasty “trial” and shot in the head by the NKVD.
The Ukraine is a POS country. It always has been. There are no good guys here. Just murderers and thieves on both sides, including the diphthongs in our government who provoked this futile nonsense that’s destroying what’s left of Europe’s economy. The Balkans in general are a good place to be from and not to go back to, since they are the permanent boundary location of a never ending struggle between Europe and Asia. Their history is long, exceedingly violent, and cruel.
Ukraine has zero value to the USA. We won’t take down Putin with this misadventure. We’re just hurting ourselves and the Europeans and getting innocents killed. As far as Zelensky’s religion, maybe he’s a Jew, maybe not. He’s a Jew like George Soros is a Jew, meaning no Jew collaborates with Nazis and is proud of it.
He’s just an ambitious scumbag, who no doubt has used a lot of compromising information on the Bidens and other members of our ruling class to great advantage, pertaining to their money laundering, bio weapons research and who know what else in the Ukraine. We are ruled by degenerates and imbeciles.
Don is on a roll and the nyt should be out front with their posititions but can not be due to a lib base.I for one just want us the hell away from the Nato and Un. nutjobs robbing the American people blind.We can not continue to carry the world on the wallets of Americans.
It shouldn't be particularly remarkable that the New York Times would hide any Nazi influence in the current war in Ukraine. The NYT worked to cover up the holocaust and apologize for Hitler until they couldn't. It's beyond irony that this rag calls itself the "newspaper of record". It's even worse that other major newspapers follow the lead of the NYT and so the propaganda gets spread around the country. Journalism would be dead if it weren't for citizen journalists but there are too few of them with a loud voice.
They also covered up the Holodomor atrocity and the so-called “journalist” won a Pulitzer for it!
Watch great flick: Mr. Jones
which is true story about a true journalist, Gareth Jones, who was an astonishing man, who’d even tried to warn the British about Hitlers rise pre-WWII.
Thanks, Susie. Just watched it for a second time. I was going to recommend it too. It's a great movie chronicling real events but done in a interesting, entertaining way. People will get to see what Pulitzer Prize winning Walter Duranty was really like.
Don, your Substack this morning is an excellent Prologue (Epilogue?) to Tucker Carlson's first new post on Twitter yesterday. Maybe someday the two of you can do a tag-team together. I'm thinking it would be both insightful and hilarious.
Tucker on Twitter: 30 million views. Largest audience he had on cable: 3.5 million. Do the math. I have never liked his takes on UFOs/aliens of which I have no interest in, but that's just me. He included that topic in his first 10-minute dispatch. Otherwise, it was typical Tucker.
There are no good guys, history simply repeating itself, ironic since yesterday was observance of D Day, mistaken silence is deafening, journalists have MSM no honesty or integrity, painful truth of the past, present or future, once again they are right up in your grill, interesting that the whistleblower and Xiden’s 5 million dollar bribe from the Ukraine, you do the math.
Yep, Z worked for an arms dealer (illegal) and yet you would think he is in charge of the US the way our Congress and media cowtow to him.
Again WHY are we paying for all their retirement pensions (let alone all the arms, and billions that no one can track/find) when we cant pay our vets or seniors here?
Always dislike having to choose which corrupt dictator is better than another. But I have to say that after decades of our CIA and FBI using Russia as the boogeyman, I’m realizing the difference between Putin and Zelensky. Zelensky is a scamming, corrupt, unprincipled dictator who has bought himself a US president on his way to completely destroying his country. Putin is a man devoted to his country, albeit while using the term “devoted” loosely. He is blamed for every wrong committed in the world by default, but is he really any worse that a US president pretending to be for the people while systematically unleashing his administrations agencies against those very same people while he gets wealthy selling his country to foreign dictators? We have fallen, and cannot get up.
Much like when Iran and Iraq were at war, this is a war where you hope no one wins.
So much of our money and arms are being wasted on the Ukrainian corruption machine. The US is now vulnerable not just due to wokeness but a severe shortage of bullets.
We need to stop supporting Ukraine (not happening under Xiden) and let them fight on.
Speaking only for me, because we're supposed to accept the Wilhelm administration's and the media's narrative, and ESPECIALLY in light of Lindsey Graham's delight in Russian casualties and his view that it is the best $ the US has ever spent, I am now hoping for Russian victory in Ukraine.
Me too! I have switched teams and have been "cheering" for Russia for quite a while now. The Ukrainian Nazi issue was well know last year in alternative sources of media, but as usual the MSM wouldn't touch it. Go Putin Go!
I cannot get past the fact that Putin is closely allied with Iran. Gog of Magog and Persia.
Both Putin and Zelynsky are evil. Both are antisemitic but try to mask it.
Both of them along with Xiden are puppets of the WEF Soros Schwab crowd.
You come on two coyotes in a fight to the death. You recognize one from the camera by your chicken coop. What should you do?
Shoot the winner.
There's no good guy in this war. They are both thugs and murderers. I still prefer Russia over Ukraine. This conflict just needs to end.
Me too.
Interesting comparison to Russia vs, Ukraine and Iran vs, Iraq, SL.
The war started in 1980. Iraq attacked Iran. Just prior to that, Iran was a victim of a US Democrat President regime change, one of the first and arguably the worst, in the Middle East.
Iran was a close US ally under the Shah. My Dad, God rest his soul, was living in Tehran, just before President Carter, let the Mullahs back in, to take over the Iranian country. He was working for the MIC, (Military Industrial Complex) Raytheon, teaching Iranian soldiers how to operate the HAWK missile system. I inherited hundreds of picture slides of Iran, before the Shah was overthrown. In 1978, Iran looked no different than the US in the 1950's. Women were wearing high heels and dresses, not Berkas, and Iran wasn't a threat to making nuclear weapons. By 1980, Iran was no different than the Taliban.
Iraq was much like Iran, with Saddam, but Saddam was a Sunni, and Iraq had a large Shia population, which is the Iranian Islamic, Doctrine. As bad as Saddam was, he protected the people of different Religious sects in Iraq, if they were peaceful, prosperous and supportive.
Until Bush attacked Iraq, it was a friendly country for Christians. Saddam protected Christians, who were a peaceful, productive people, who left Saddam alone. Millions of Christians have died mercilessly, since Bush attacked Iraq, since Obama helped the Muslim Brotherhood, take over Egypt. Since Gaddafi gave up his WMD's to the US, only to have the Clintons overthrow Libya.
Assad of Syria, is that same dictator, Assad had no angst against Christians either.
The only free country in the world where people can worship the Muslim faith? The United States. Our politicians ignore the radical Muslims, who carry out the same horrific harm to their own people right here. Muslims can't rule a country without tyranny, so dictators work better. I was against attacking Iraq, both times.
Russia, not only has infrastructure needs, they once controlled, in Ukraine, but many parts of Ukraine consider themselves part of Russia. Ukraine is a giant slush fund for Globalists, Putin is anti Globalist, and so is America first. Putin is the only grown up, involved in the Russian Ukraine war. It doesn't make him the good guy, but he is better than the rest.
Washington, District of Corruption, is a gathering, like the 5 families of New York, whose sole common denominator is division of Profits throughout the world.
It does not matter if that is theft of resources from weaker countries or theft of taxes (including money printing) from their own SILENCED CITIZENS.
Expect assassinations to equal the 1960's as the scum decides to silence opposition.
That is a pretty bleak out look, kam.
There is nobody to silence, they can't cover 85% of the dirt in our country and murder 80 million Americans.
I'm not silent, you're not silent and there are millions of fellow countrymen, who are fighting to get back our Constitutional Republic. This can't be a shooting war kam, the bad guys are cowards and way out gunned.
Mom's for liberty, were just named domestic terrorists, by the the SPLC.
This is what cowards do, and Mothers, protecting their kids from delusional psychopaths, are laughing at these cowards. The next gathering of these courageous Mom's will be in Philadelphia, the place where our Constitutional Republic was born.
Courage defined!
Ukrainians Blew Up The CNN Dam!
Ex-CNN CEO Chris Licht seen floating past Istanbul in the Bosporus Strait...
CNN. Another victim of cutting off your male genitalia expecting ease of reattachment before realizing your mistake.
Chris, in a very high-pitched voice, agrees.
Is it bad enough yet to call it the Lorena Bobbit effect? (Wry grin behind the keyboard.)
Dershowitz nailed it - the brutality and ruthless slaughter of Jews and Poles in Ukraine during WWII is notorious and the battle for that bit of territory goes waaaaayyyyy back. Long story short of why we should be giving this iteration of the conflict a good leaving alone.
Yes to that. Not our fight. I don't want my children or yours involved in what could become a global conflict. I have joined the peaceniks. It's a regional conflict. And, yes, Dersh nailed it.
A few points:
Who do we trust anymore? Not the New York Times, aka, New York Traitors. Definitely not Zelensky!
Not the treasonous ones in charge, through theft, of our beloved nation.
Not any federal governmental department and agency.
Not any world organization like the UN, WHO, etc.
Few foreign nations.
Not Marxist evil cabals like WEF, and many would say the cabal behind the scenes that direct the actions of the WEF, Soros, Gates, Obama, et al.
We can only trust true patriots, fellow believers and first and foremost, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Don't forget our medical community. Covid and the jab, fluoride, vaccines causing autism, the opioid issue. Medical professionals are either corrupt or stupid
The medical and public health communities showed us exactly who they are during COVID. Medical profession now a criminal disgrace with child mutilation practices.
I quite liked my doctor. And liked to chat during my occasional visits.
So when he turned from Doctor Jekyll to Mr. Vaccine Hyde, I told him he was wrong and haven't seen a doctor since.
Yes! The “medical community” and corporate America. So many others!
No surprise here. The NYT did its very best to hide the facts known to them regarding Hitler's industrialization of the slaughtering of European Jewry. The world would be a much better place if the NYT were to burn to the ground.
I didn't know this history until, well, the beginning of this proxy war. But the NYT's has a history of defending the wrong people.
Exactly. Walter Duranty anyone??
Breaking News --- Ukrainians Blew Up The CNN Dam! Ex-CNN CEO Chris Licht seen floating past Istanbul in the Bosporus Strait...
You do have to love how they stay on narrative. A war that has nothing to do with the American Civil War has to invoke the Confederate Battle Flag because.... <something stupid>
Yes, the sun wheel, to use its other name, was used by Hindus. Also by the Chinese, Japanese, Korean, American Indians, and you'll even find similar in Celtic, Norse, and Paleolithic art. That does not change what it means in this case.
As to a Jewish president, so is Soros, many of the American academics who want to defund Israel, many liberals, etc. As some of the girls I knew at Weslesyan in the 70s said, "I'm Jewish but I don't believe in God or Israel." Remember Benedict Arnold was a Colonial War hero before...
And for all his many warts and faults, Winston Churchill's cigar ashes had more class and intellect than Zelensky the liar and con Artist -elected on a platform of Peace with Russia.
The irony here is that we got endless tortured and torturous articles after it was reported (only through one TDPS source) that the Allen, Texas, shooter, while Latino, had tattoos indicative of "neo-Nazi ideation" (whatever the heck that means) and we were treated to weeks of Ana Navarro and her ilk explaining how non-white people could be white supremacists, especially if they disagree with her or they voted for Trump. Now flash forward a month or so . . .
We have the Ukrainians, who fly flags with the Nazi swastika and wear Nazi symbols on their clothing and venerate Nazi heroes, they have "complicated relationship with Nazi imagery." Notice how they don't have, according to the NYT, a "complicated relationship with Nazism," but with "Nazi imagery." It's those dang flags every time.
So the Latino here has alleged neo-Nazi tattoos on his body and he's a white supremacist, but the *white guy* in Ukraine wears Nazi symbols and flies a Nazi flag and he has a "complicated relationship with Nazi imagery." And this is why there is no trust in the media.
But I guess I should be glad the NYT suddenly found nuance when it comes to discussions of the Confederate flag when before, when Trump said there were "fine people on both sides" of a debate about Confederate statues, they stopped barely short of accusing him of cutting up the sheets in the Executive Residence and holding Klan meetings on the White House lawn.
Thank you, Don Surber. This needed to be said!
Don you outdid yourself with this article.
I was waiting for an article like this to shake the tree and see who came out…I never expected to see TN and SL at one another’s throat though…smh!
Look as you can tell my last name hi-lites my association with the Hebraic Persuasion.
Here are a couple of factoids
1. 70% of all NA Jews are members of left leaning sects such as Reform and deConstructionist and there is at least even one more left than that (who can keep up).I myself was reform until my ‘Temple’ had a Shiva (a Wake) following Trumps election…Bye Commies!
2. The 70% referred to above are more interested in assimilating into invisibility in NA, so if you scratch your head about why some Jews detest and hate Israel and think Palestinians and ‘Palestine’ is where its at, its so they don’t have to stand out and defend Americas best friend. To stand out makes you a visible minority. To defend vociferously makes you a visible minority with a big mouth.
3. My Wife is the daughter of Holocaust Survivors. I’m sure most of you have heard the stories so I’ll spare you. They owned a successful little restaurant and would hire Germans and Poles to work in the Kitchen and as wait staff but wouldn’t touch Ukrainians with a 10 foot pole. For a reason. If you’re interested in what the reason is have a look at a new book entitled ‘The Ravine’ by a Holocaust Historian named Wendy Lowe, the daughter of two Episcopalian Ministers. If you can, just read the explanation of the picture on the book cover…thats the reason.
4. Unfortunately, lots of Ukrainianians (from the Ukraine for sure but even some here) get a virulent form of Antisemitism in their mothers milk. When I was a kid playing Hockey outside the local rink could have 4 games going on at the same time…no kidding. There were Jewish kids, Christian kids, Japanese and Chinese kids, German Kids and Polish kids. The only time we heard an ethnic or more particularily, an anti-Semitic crack about anybody was from the Ukrainian kids.
5. Zelensky is a Pimp. I don’t care if he’s a Jew. How he got elected (or was it more selected) is beyond me. If he is not neutralized and fast we are going to be at war with Russia..we don’t need this! Putin is no Angel either but if you can understand Realpolitik, he may have a better reason for being there than just because he’s a bully.
6. There are NO White Hats in the Ukraine, but the Ukrainian/Nazi Association goes way way back and the Anti-Semitic thing goes back farther even the the German union of its isolated states
7. My Paternal Grandparents immigrated from the Ukraine in two phases. My Grandfather came in 1898 and landed at Pier 37 in Nova Scotia and My Grandmother came with 3 kids and landed at Ellis Island in 1903. They left to avoid the escalating Pogroms that were going on there. They have given the Ukraine a ‘0’rating on Trip Advisor.
That’s it kids. See you tomorrow morning!
Thanks Chuck. The only choice on my neck of the woods is reformed and the nearest is over 50
Miles away. I reject their liberalism and prefer to pray at home.
I hear ya. We unfortunately have had need over the last year for a morning minyan and found to our surprise that the local Lubavitcher Synagogue was warm, welcoming and nurturing. I’m not that tuned in but I will never forget their kindness.
Well said, Chuck. Thanks for the insight.
Canada was and still is a Ukrainian Nazi haven. Frau Freeland has all the hallmarks of her Nazi relative past. And Trudeau, always looking for approval from foreign Father Figures, finds Christie's Nazi Butch persona attractive.
That was directly to the point Kam. And with that Liberal/NDP agreement…the very antithesis of a Democratic Country’s election process we”lol never get rid of him, her or Jagtar (or whatever his name is).
Having said all of that, one must remember that up here it was largely the Ukrainians who turned our Prairies ( probs cause they resemble the Steppes in Russia/Ukraine) Into one of the largest grain producing regions in the world.
I'll never understand why Jews are so hated.
My great grandparents on my mother’s side fled the Ukraine at the beginning of the twentieth century. They got tired of pogroms and poverty. My great aunt on my father’s side was a schoolteacher from Warsaw who made the fatal mistake of moving to the Ukraine in the 1930’s when Stalin initiated one of his paranoid purges of foreigners. She and her boyfriend where arrested on fake anti-Soviet charges, given a hasty “trial” and shot in the head by the NKVD.
The Ukraine is a POS country. It always has been. There are no good guys here. Just murderers and thieves on both sides, including the diphthongs in our government who provoked this futile nonsense that’s destroying what’s left of Europe’s economy. The Balkans in general are a good place to be from and not to go back to, since they are the permanent boundary location of a never ending struggle between Europe and Asia. Their history is long, exceedingly violent, and cruel.
Ukraine has zero value to the USA. We won’t take down Putin with this misadventure. We’re just hurting ourselves and the Europeans and getting innocents killed. As far as Zelensky’s religion, maybe he’s a Jew, maybe not. He’s a Jew like George Soros is a Jew, meaning no Jew collaborates with Nazis and is proud of it.
He’s just an ambitious scumbag, who no doubt has used a lot of compromising information on the Bidens and other members of our ruling class to great advantage, pertaining to their money laundering, bio weapons research and who know what else in the Ukraine. We are ruled by degenerates and imbeciles.
Well Written Tanto Thank You!
Well said, Tanto.
Amen and thank you Tanto.
Don is on a roll and the nyt should be out front with their posititions but can not be due to a lib base.I for one just want us the hell away from the Nato and Un. nutjobs robbing the American people blind.We can not continue to carry the world on the wallets of Americans.
1st comment: this is the type of history we need to memorize.
It shouldn't be particularly remarkable that the New York Times would hide any Nazi influence in the current war in Ukraine. The NYT worked to cover up the holocaust and apologize for Hitler until they couldn't. It's beyond irony that this rag calls itself the "newspaper of record". It's even worse that other major newspapers follow the lead of the NYT and so the propaganda gets spread around the country. Journalism would be dead if it weren't for citizen journalists but there are too few of them with a loud voice.
They also covered up the Holodomor atrocity and the so-called “journalist” won a Pulitzer for it!
Watch great flick: Mr. Jones
which is true story about a true journalist, Gareth Jones, who was an astonishing man, who’d even tried to warn the British about Hitlers rise pre-WWII.
Thanks, Susie. Just watched it for a second time. I was going to recommend it too. It's a great movie chronicling real events but done in a interesting, entertaining way. People will get to see what Pulitzer Prize winning Walter Duranty was really like.
Truly! I’d also recommend reading the life story of Gareth Jones, who was almost like a prophet. A truly remarkable man.
Yes, the NYT did do that. That paper has been dead to me for a long time.
Don, your Substack this morning is an excellent Prologue (Epilogue?) to Tucker Carlson's first new post on Twitter yesterday. Maybe someday the two of you can do a tag-team together. I'm thinking it would be both insightful and hilarious.
I wrote mine before his tweet episode appeared. Many people were stunned by the NYT piece
Tucker on Twitter: 30 million views. Largest audience he had on cable: 3.5 million. Do the math. I have never liked his takes on UFOs/aliens of which I have no interest in, but that's just me. He included that topic in his first 10-minute dispatch. Otherwise, it was typical Tucker.
Tucker up to 66 million views.
There are no good guys, history simply repeating itself, ironic since yesterday was observance of D Day, mistaken silence is deafening, journalists have MSM no honesty or integrity, painful truth of the past, present or future, once again they are right up in your grill, interesting that the whistleblower and Xiden’s 5 million dollar bribe from the Ukraine, you do the math.
Yep, Z worked for an arms dealer (illegal) and yet you would think he is in charge of the US the way our Congress and media cowtow to him.
Again WHY are we paying for all their retirement pensions (let alone all the arms, and billions that no one can track/find) when we cant pay our vets or seniors here?
It's a scam.
Ukrainians Blew Up The CNN Dam! Ex-CNN CEO Chris Licht seen floating past Istanbul in the Bosporus Strait...
Yes, there are no good guys in war. You can only pick the less evil side.
That's like picking the clean end of a turd in this case.
Heartbreaking realism LuAnn, with more than a touch of sad cynicism.
I can only agree.
Always dislike having to choose which corrupt dictator is better than another. But I have to say that after decades of our CIA and FBI using Russia as the boogeyman, I’m realizing the difference between Putin and Zelensky. Zelensky is a scamming, corrupt, unprincipled dictator who has bought himself a US president on his way to completely destroying his country. Putin is a man devoted to his country, albeit while using the term “devoted” loosely. He is blamed for every wrong committed in the world by default, but is he really any worse that a US president pretending to be for the people while systematically unleashing his administrations agencies against those very same people while he gets wealthy selling his country to foreign dictators? We have fallen, and cannot get up.
Yes, Reddog. I prefer Putin to Zelensky. And that's not saying much, but.
Very well stated as we suffer the bidet puppet of ozeros masters trying to destroy theU.S.A.