Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023Liked by Don Surber

I'd be all in favor of putting congress on a part-time, no pay basis, just as it was in the beginning, then there would be no place for the Chuck Schumer's and Jerry (Mr. shitz in his pants) Nadler of the world. The alternative is to keep PROGRESSING into non-existence.

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023

Tony, it's a very good idea but the tsunami of federal agencies who are full time would be the ones running the government. A part-time Congress would have little influence and oversight. That said, To get to a part-time, no pay basis, we'd have to fire 90+% of these overpaid federal workers. I'm all for it.

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Shutting down the federal government is a start and IT IS THE ONLY WAY. FDR was right about one thing--Government employees should not be allowed to UNIONIZE.

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I believe it was John F. Kennedy who allowed public employees to unionize. What a gift to Democrats!

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He did, and it was said to be reluctantly. I don't remember the circumstances but it most likely had to do with a compromise of some sort.

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Actually that's one of the problems with term limits. The remaining staff would run the country.

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As per the Declaration of Independence: He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither a swarm of officers to harass our people and eat out our substance. The permanent bureaucracy is the problem. Every sector of the world, especially the western world is top heavy with administration. They protect each other at the expense of the people who actually do the work. It is coming to an end one way or the other. Atlas is shrugging.

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Unfortunately, they would still get their millions from the lobbyist cartel that actually runs the District of Corruption. They do what they are told just not what we tell them to do.

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Don't be so certain of that. They now have a way of explaining themselves and their ill-gotten gains. No pay is NO pay. It would be much easier to ferret out corruption and who are traitors, such as the quite guilty Eric Swallowswell of CA.

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And who would pay into a system where the recipient really has no significant power? Make it a part time job and limit it to the essentials and restrict the opportunity to flex power. Defense. InterState relations. Defense.

Those in DC are just not serious people. They are people with too much time in their hands prone to get into trouble. Or already looking for trouble.

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If you limit their time (To do damage) you limit their power AND their ability to raise money, money, money and MORE money.

REMEMBER "For the love of money is the root of all evil" and the type of government we now have is both a disgrace and a laughingstock

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023

I think they already are part-time given their many lengthy recesses throughout the year.

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Take the money out of politics. Only honest people will apply.

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There is some of that in Texas: you likely are aware that our Lege meets only every two years. There is mischief, however, all the time: note the Uniparty's failed attempt to lynch our Atty General. Texas Senate over-rode Texas House and did much bush-trimming.

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"Bush Trimming". Cute. !!

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Mr. No Hitting Below the Belt Nadler.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Don Surber

"Both parties have this problem of leadership working against their supporters because the isolation and power of Washington separates the wheat from the chaff and puts the chaff in charge."

That is just the best description I've ever read. Two thumbs up, Don!

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"the isolation and power of Washington"

ISOLATION is the power in Washington. Deliberately, willfully isolated from the American People, the Voters. Locked up behind their own Private Moat, every Agency in Government at the ready to trashcan any real opposition.

From a Democratic Republic to a Politburo/Apparatchik infested, immune, belligerent Mob. That is PRECISELY why J6 protesters are being charged Criminally for actions that deserve a traffic ticket.

You can tell how Isolated and Immune DC is when they send a Worldwide Embarrassment -Biden - onto the World Stage to make the USA look like a bunch of mean fools.

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From PJ Media: 'What does it mean to be a Republican? Is it MAGA or is it Never Trump? Is it isolationism or the promotion of our interests abroad? Is it free trade or the protection of our economic interests, particularly against China? Is it daring to touch the third rail or is it never laying a hand on our out-of-control entitlements?

Cat herders never had such a difficult job, as Kevin McCarthy, Steve Scalise, and Jim Jordan could all tell you at considerable length.'

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Don Surber

I’m kind of liking John Fedderman a bit lately as he really is a true example of this country today.

He dresses as a slob as many Americans do.

He can’t speak coherently as many Americans can not complete a complete sentence or express a rational thought.

He knows, or expresses a true thought, that we are not sending our best to govern us and he basically does nothing.

In short he exemplifies what this country has become.

Is it really far fetched to think others on the world stage see America this way?

I think not.

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You should say "I think SO!! Heck, when you see a corrupt idiot and for sale whore like Eric Swallowswell (D-CA) dating a Chinese hooker and spy while sitting on the "Intelligence" committee, what is there to NOT laugh at ??

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I agree. As they erode our morals and standards of civilized living, society as a whole expects less and less. Before long, John Fetterman is seen as a role model.

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If lobotomies become popular again, I’ll know the Fettermanization of America is full bore.

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When they run out of govt-subsidized trans-murder surgery money (or victims), that's next.

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It's the same all over the Western world. It's the total dumbing down of everything.

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Kinda like the movie Idiocracy, has come to fruition....

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I would rather have President Camacho right now over Biden.

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023Liked by Don Surber

When I was growing up I used to see my Sicilian grandfather, who came to this country as an adult and never learned to speak English, watch wrestling on a small TV screen all the time. At a certain point, my dad would say, "Pop, it isn't real. " My grandfather never paid any attention and kept jumping around and getting excited about the same wrestlers pummeling each other every week. So, I say, "American voters, Republican wrestling matches are not real! Turn off the TV!!"

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I gave up my TV 15 years ago and have never looked back.

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I gave up television back around 1997 but my husband still watches. I would have thrown it in the trash, but he has to watch sports and Fox News. I get my news online and thoroughly enjoy being oblivious to who is the latest shiny thing from Hollywood.

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Watch newsmax or real americas voice. Fox has fallen.

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I tried to get him to switch to Newsmax but he prefers Fox. He also still subscribes to National Review. Old dog, new tricks.

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Oh dear...yes old dog. I was reading national review in the 60s when dear William Buckley was around...not so much now. And Fox is too PC for me.

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Superb analogy!!

40+ years ago, friends and I would go to the rasslin’ matches and cheer for the bad guys. Almost everyone in the arena believed the matches were real.

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I remember those days. But as I recall, only the guys went to wrestling matches. It was a good way to blow off steam without any violence.

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A moment of silence for Baron Von Raschke.

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Good one.

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The Republican party! A woman of the evening, to put it mildly, who does not deliver despite sensual wooing, sweet words, promises, kisses, etc. Once she has fully enticed you, and you are expecting a huge pay back, you find out she is a male transvestite.

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Repubs are definitely the whores of the Swamp... they're unfaithful to their "spouse" (We The People) and get paid big bucks for turning tricks with lobbyists and corporate shills.

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Excellent comment! 👏🏻👏🏻

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🎶La-La-La-La LOLA 🎶😅

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Matt Gaetz is a hero

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And Paul Ryan and John McCain need to go down as the P.O.S. that they truly are/were

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Don, thank you for another thought provoking essay.

Worrying about who runs the House of Representatives is like about what the next musical selection will be by the band on the Titanic.

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023Liked by Don Surber

I am not a political strategist by a long shot so I offer this suggestion for comment: Why does Trump remain in the GOP? His presence (with our help) is giving the GOP extra backbone and legitimacy by assuming their GOP brand. How much power would the GOP lose if Trump's supporters left them? I think it would expose them even worse than they are now. Let the 20 no votes for Jordan stand on the stage alone.

Our biggest enemy is not the Democrats. It is the RINOs who compose the Uniparty. We must take out the cancer in the GOP but I don't think we can do it from inside. We must leave it.

I realize the biggest resistance comes from the lobby money that many won't give up. But the dirty money from lobbyists are as much a problem for Trump - and true conservatives - as RINOs.

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I believe we CAN do it from the inside. The RNC nationally is made up of actually a thin layer of people elected to each state's Republican state and county Executive Committees. These elected Committee members then vote for the National RNC leadership (i.e., Miss Disaster, Ronna McDaniel). I've said it before, but will say it again, these elected state and county Republican Executive Committee positions are as easy to win as local school board elections. Very few people vote in them, and if you just get your friends and acquaintances and fellow church members to vote for you, YOU can likely become a state or county Republican Committeeperson.

This is FAR easier than starting a new party. We good people (for example, Trump supporters) already make up the vast majority of the Republican party. WE own the national party apparatus, with it's buildings, infrastructure, huge funds, its banks of voter information, lawyers, etc. To re-build this in a new party would use all our effort up for the next 10 years, and we don't have time to wait--disaster is upon us NOW. Far quicker to finish our internal takeover of the power-wielding positions within the Republican executive committees in each state themselves. It would be a foolish gift to the Democrats to divide the Republican vote into two parties, neither of which would be able to outnumber the unified Democrats.

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"The real story is a group of insiders keeping outsiders out." Yep.

"The Campaign to Impeach Trump has Begun." - Matea Gold, WaPo, 1219 hrs, Jan 20 2017

"It is not enough to simply beat Trump. He must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again." David Plouffe, Twitter, 13 Jun 2016.

The globalist republican donors agreed. Molly Ball of Time.com explained it completely in her Feb 4th 25 page essay and how they 'saved' the election.

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Great reminder. 👍

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Don Surber

The Congress has delegated their primary responsibility (enacting legislation) to K street lobbyists who actually write the laws and to the federal bureaucracy, which make up rules that citizens must abide, despite the fact that neither lobbyists nor federal employees are accountable to the public. Therefore, there is no real representation. Congress is a Potemkin Village, pretending to be doing something. The representative republic is dead.

There will be no improvement without regime change in Washington DC. That means no federal rule making and no lobbyists writing legislation. It means repealing many previously passed federal laws that have had the effect of destroying the Constitution.

For example, all the laws that have been enacted regarding federal medical emergencies which allowed the government to lock down all of America for a cold virus. These laws must be repealed. The law that indemnifies vaccine manufacturers must be repealed. The FISA laws must be repealed, and surveillance of Americans ENDED COMPLETELY. These are just a few of the monumental amounts of legislation that have been enacted without any explanation to the public. In fact several Presidents have outright lied to the American public about the FISA laws, saying that they are necessary to fight terrorists. The truth is, you can fight terrorists with data mining AND protect the rights of citizens by encrypting innocent civilians' information. The government knew this was true but decided to go with dragnet surveillance anyway. Then they lied to all of us about it. Isn't that true, General Hayden?

Without complete transparency of the federal government, there is no Constitutional republic. Instead we are in a monarchy with the deep state bureaucrats as kings.

We would need to drastically cut back the military industrial complex, and the CIA which has employees in every agency of the government. The CIA and mafia are responsible for illegal drug trade, and for using the money to buy weapons to start wars that don't need starting.

Just think of all the federal agencies that spend every day creating problems instead of solving them. They all should be eliminated. The entire progressive project of giving massive numbers of jobs in the federal bureaucracy should be ended, and federal employees should be liberated for employment elsewhere.

Every federal job eliminated means more money available in the productive economy, and more jobs in the private sector. Think of over 4 million men and women who now would be working in the private economy at productive jobs instead of paper pushing and problem creation.

I admit regime change in Washington DC seems unlikely at this point. But you can't achieve something if you can't envision it.

We are witnessing the collapse of civilization itself brought on by rogue governments that have become criminal cartels instead of republics, first and foremost, the government of the United States of America. When criminal cartels with no moral compass are in charge of government, crimes against humanity are inevitable, as we can learn from studying the Nazis, the Stalinist regime, the crimes of Mao and Pol Pot.

Eventually tyrannies fall, because they rot the system from within.

We can either wait until then, or speak the truth and work to end the tyranny which only has power through force and lies.

Matt Gaetz speaks the truth.

If we agree to live not by lies we will hasten the end of this totalitarian nightmare regime.

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Eve, read James Woods Twitter offering posted today about the demise of the country. You are spot on. And his take is even more frightening.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Don Surber

So HOW to toughen up the spine of "Republicans" in the House and Senate???

I want a Republican speaker (male or female) whose B@LLS are as big as Nanny Pelosi's!!

WHY are Republicans such man-bun, pajama soy-boys??? 😩😩😩

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Jim Jordan was a two time NCAA wrestling (the real kind) champ. That means he is tough and disciplined. Incredibly tough and disciplined. We shall see.

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 19, 2023

Yep, Jim Jordan is "the real thing". How he has endured these two (I think) decades in the House shows superhuman strength.

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Yep, I was aware he was a champion wrestler and I agree, that discipline and doggedness would serve We The People well.

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Fire the lot of them.

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023

I say leave the GOP and it will dry up and blow away like a fall leaf. They will fire themselves, or do what they have always done, which is to be a democrat.

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See Arlen Specter.

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That reminds me of my earlier idea of parking Nancy in Taiwan in the center of the chip manufacturer as a national treasure. At least then the Chinese would have to pay bribes to learn chip secrets and wouldn't bomb anything. I wouldn't trust Biden to not nuke her, though.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Don Surber

We conservatives keep hoping and praying that our government elected officials finally “get it” and start listening to their voters. Isn’t going to happen. Prayer may move mountains but but it isn’t going to fix this problem. We caused it, we need to fix it. People criticize my comments when I bring up a third party but that is the only thing that is going to break this logjam of indifference. People told me that a third party of conservatives would result in us never winning again. How is that functionally different than our present system? The so-called deep state includes both houses of congress. The GOP did nothing to support Trump while in office except to fundraise off him. Cue squishy Senator Graham who flip flops more than a fish out of water. These people exist to stay in office for their good, not ours. Look at the legislation they pass. All of it to buy votes, none to make the country stronger and better off. The ousting of McCarthy has been described as a disaster, mean spirited, a mistake, political gamesmanship, and a loser for the GOP. All of those descriptions were by media rats. Yet conservatives saw it as a win and perhaps a beginning of something because we want a functioning congress. The medias reaction tells you a lot about agendas I think. Will a new speaker fix anything? Who knows. But anything that gets us farther away from a Liz Cheney congress and closer to a peoples congress has my vote.

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I’m with you 100%. My post above agrees with all that you say here. A third party will isolate the RINO fake republicans.

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It is the only way we will honestly get congresses attention.

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You got my vote, Dog. Let's give the people a third choice, The Tea PartyII. Right now, it's just Dumb versus Dumber.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Don Surber

The stupid party never fails to disappoint. As bad as the DemonRats are, they vote in lockstep like the good little Bolshevics that they are.

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To all the wonderful Surbs who liked some of my comments yesterday, Thank you-got my substacks straight, and a new bio. Perhaps the silvered tsunami will find some of the posts helpful, even though I fought a war on prescription drug pricing and lost. Anyone remember when the air went out of their first balloon? Had that feeling yesterday, so I did some research last night. Here are the numbers I came up with, courtesy of Liberty Standard, over- a 6-year period.

1. 46 members of the Freedom Caucus have conservative records 85-100% They make up 21%.

2. 93 members have 60-84% -42%

3. 82 members have less than 60%-37%

My conclusion: 21% Patriots-42% Republicans-37% Democrats. Somone please prove me wrong. My speculation: 37% of Democrats are communists. I may be low.

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Helpful analysis, PM.

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Liberty Standard tracks them over a 6 year period.

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Sounds like a good educated guess.

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Your title says it all Don. It is time to take out the trash. The trash truck is scheduled for a pick up, in a year and 2 weeks. So far the answers coming from the 20 Republicans, guilty of being arrogant self serving assholes, have been 3rd grade level, immature children.

I want to know who belongs to every hand full of cash, in the pockets of these carpetbaggers.

It is time for hardball. The argument is about where they send our money, to country's who are killing human beings, for money and power.

Israel are taking care of their business. They are lining up their troops, which gives time for Hamas to return hostages. The longer they hold out, the bigger the invading force, and the more body bags they're going to need. The carriers are for back up, as they should be.

Ukraine needs to go away.

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Ukraine is so over. It's the war that has been pushed off the radar.

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Ukraine was never a war, it is just a violent means of redistribution of wealth.

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Well put Reddog!!!!!

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Don Surber

The polls this last three days have been slam dunks. Has the cat taken a vacation?

Republicans are often accused of being in lock step when the exact opposite is true. Leading Republicans is like herding cats.

The democrats on the other hand have been in lock step ever since I can remember and I can remember when TV stations signed off at midnight playing the "Star Spangled Banner as their last action of the day. "Leave it to Beaver" was in "first run" , Annett and Bobby were in the Mickey Mouse Club Gallery. (Brittany Spears wasn't even a twinkle in her father's eye.) We Pledged Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands. We recited the the "Lords Prayer" at the beginning of every school day. We also sang "My Country tis of Thee" . We were then taught reading, writing, and arithmetic. Eugene McCarthy was warning of Communist in both the government and Hollywood. In short a very long time.

In the mean time don't stop at Gaza. Take out Iran too. Israel still has loyal fighting men and women instead of the pussy aaahh cats in our military.

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The Australian experience with 3rd, so called "Independent" parties, is that they usually align with the left..

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Subvet ,you must be my age .

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Yesterday while on the golf course I ran across some dirt that was younger then me.

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So true, Sub. There is No upside to old age, unless it's belonging to the most exclusive club in America. The Nonagenarian Club.

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And we are walking all over that young dirt.

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