Here's an idea. The day Trump takes office all federal employees must resign. The administration will then determine which (if any) are rehired, and at what pay scale. No need to rush the rehiring program, either, just go along at the normal government snail rate. Problem fixed.
Trump should borrow the Argentinian guy’s chain saw and start campaigning with it the same way he did. The next step after mean tweets is a mean chain saw! Scare all those progressives right out of the country.
My favorite Javier Milei story is how he fired his labor secretary. Milei was doing a TV interview the other day and said, "At this moment they're notifying him."
I'd expect that, especially during a change of Party. That is done at the state government level also. I don't know about city govt level. There's much leeway between the huge metroplexes and an itty bitty city.
Agencies must be eliminated, jobs eliminated, people fired, contracts and leases cancelled and buildings sold before I will believe there is any reduction in government spending.
The real dumbing down of our kids began when Carter created the Dept. of Ed. It's turned into the Dept. of "ED" - Erectile Dysfunction" - by confusing our kids about why they have sperm and ovaries!
I think Russia is currently trying to claim it although that goes against international law. The article I read was badly written and its a subject I know little about =/
It infuriates me when people refer to Social Security as an "entitlement." Every dollar I expect to receive from Social Security is MINE; it came from my paycheck year after year. Unfortunately, I will never get back even what I paid numerically - and with the debasement of the currency that has reduced every dollar's value from $1.00 to 3 cents since Tricky Dicky Nixon took us off the gold standard in the fall of 1971, the theft of my money is staggering.
When I first started working, an accountant friend nearly my same age called me one day. "I know you are interested in investing; I had a few extra minutes today and ran some numbers. If one were able to opt-out of Social Security and simply dropped that money into a market index fund, the average worker in America would retire with a million dollars." That was 1983, when a million bucks would be nearly ten million in today's currency.
Think about that. And now they are complaining about giving me back a small fraction of my own money.
JUST LIVE TO 130! WE WILL ALL BE SO PROUD OF YOU! (silently of course - we will all be long gone by then). Not sure how we will have to get this done, but with President Trump in office next year, you might get to break even sooner. GOOOD LUCK!
At one time the Conservative government in Chile gave people the option of staying in the regular Social Security retirement system or opting out and putting the money in an index fund. The index funds did so well when the people voted for a socialist government the government wanted to confiscate the extra money because of fairness. You see some people took a risk and did well that can’t be fair to the people who trusted government can it. I had always said even when I was in my 40’s and had paid into the system for 20 years I would take the Chilean option and still do better. It was my money but now it’s the governments.
Nixons worst mistake. NOTHING good comes out of DC, NOTHING. They want statehood. Hell, they can't even make the city safe for the people who live and work there!
The CRS system was closed in 1987 when FERS (Federal Employees' Retirement System) took over. Most new employees started using FERS in 1983. I paid SS taxes when I worked for the Regional Office of the VA, and the FERS was just a place to put 401k money that had several options I could choose from. This was before the VA became a total cluster it is now. We were a separate division of the VA from the Hospital system. So yes the CRS sytstem is being weeded out. It is already 37 yrs since the last employee could choose CRS.
I think the pension system needs overhauled as well as the hiring/firing system. Feecis should not be getting a pension bigger than his pay just because he was a protected employee and could not be fired for his multiple instances of incompetence..
I'll say my usual mantra whenever gub'ment spending comes up: every state should pay it's own senator's and congresspersons' salaries AND determine their individual health insurance and benefits packages. Those should be commensurate with other state employees.
Of course, I also believe persons running for Congress should only qualify to serve if they've run a private business for at least 10 years. Then they would understand how to balance a budget (and even make a profit!).
And repeal the 17th Amendment. No more Senators being elected by the people... that's NOT how the Founders set it up. And they understood human nature...
Not to get off topic. But Senators and Congressmen should be paid $1 million per year. BUT, they cannot be allowed to conduct insider trading nor accept money or benefits from any outsiders, whatsoever. On pain of a minimum 10 year prison term.
On the face of it, my suggestion might seem absurd. But think. If you paid them $1million for the job, then people with talents, other than the usual political chameleons and lawyers might be able to afford to leave their private sector jobs and provide practical knowledge in DC.
There would be less incentive for U.S. Politicians to be spending their time self-dealing and more time to get results for their voters.
There would be less incentive to dance to the dollars of the U.S. Lobby (self/private/often Foreign interests and more incentive to support American National/Internal interests.
I am open to suggestions on how you get a once-great country back on it's feet again, out of Debtor's Prison, and get all the American Horses pulling in the same (and decent) direction.
Although I support Trump, I fail to see how the cancer of Debt is going to get excised in some easy manner.
In some ways, Trump has learned little in the last 8 years. Do not talk to outlets that mean you harm. Maybe he could try to help put the NYT, Post, CNN, MSNBC out of business rather than help their bottom line.
Talk only to trustworthy people and make the MSM report (distort) on those interviews, which they will feel compelled to do. But their only mission is to undermine and destroy him.
There is a strategy in going into the enemy’s territory, but it is a huge risk. It is free coverage and he probably also trying to reach out to the unreachable, and perhaps he may be, but only to an infinitesimal degree, which is not worth the cost of having to clean up after, I believe.
He should do things like Joe Rogan’s, Tucker’s, and other such lengthy podcasts, which won’t be riddled with the trick and “gotcha” questions, and will then go viral increasing his reach. Maybe even start his own podcast!
Suzie you should be his campaign Director. The enemy news media I’m sure has role-play out the Gotha questions for Trump to get him to say the soundbites that will affect some votes. Unfortunately, his ego structure is going to be his undoing and vis-à-vis, ours.
If we can't eliminate entire departments, we can at least put a hiring freeze on them, right? By the way, if a president can create a new department out of thin air in the executive branch, why can't a president eliminate a department in the executive branch? Isn't this Vivek's argument? Sounds right to me. Hey, Republicans! Why don't you hold hearing on that instead of wasting time going after Joe or Hunter? Obama should be your target. Wait a minute! Nevermind, he's black. As a friend of mine says, "A guy could get cynical."
I also don't care for the word "entitlements". Those of us who paid into social security and medicare did so as an insurance agreement, as Don said. One problem with keeping the system afloat is when inept, incompetent, and is some cases, criminal legislators change rules and open up these funds to people who have never contributed to them. Some of these people have never contributed to anything in our society and are fully capable.
That's the way our Founders intended it to be, too. You have freedom - freedom to succeed through hard work and creativity - OR - freedom to fail though laziness and stupidity.
What a man sows, he should reap. Take away that incentive, and you have modern socialized government in a nutshell.
Social Security was based on the idea that people had to be forced into saving for retirement so the government would not have a poor and destitute elderly populous to worry about. Of course, as all government programs do, it metastasized into a welfare program for all sorts of the unfortunate in society, sucking upon the savings of others to provide for those unable to work. But, of course, that only helped to create another permanent underclass.
People had managed before this government “brainstorm”, to fend for themselves, or through acts and institutions of what once were actual charitable organizations, (meaning not funded by the government, but directly by the free-will of people and religious groups).
The government itself is only and solely funded by the people, our tax dollars, (up and until they started printing counterfeit money), and only able to operate via those monies. So, we should get rid of Social Security and while we’re at it, the Federal Income tax as well. Let people decide what they want to do with their own hard earned money. And starve the beast of the Federal government. The government would have to go back to being funded solely through excise taxes, tariffs and various customs duties, and will thus have to cut out a plethora of its self-created and unnecessary obligations, like welfare, unnecessary departments, agencies, and all subsidies.
Make it Lean and Mean, AND no longer attractive to the greedy and the grifter, but only to people who genuinely want to serve their country, as well as getting it out of meddling in our every day lives.
P.S. At the time Social Security is ended, everyone who has paid into it will get a check cut for the full balance of all the monies they’ve contributed over their lifetime in their account.
First goal should be to cut government in half. Agencies and NGOs are the first to go.
I get really pissed when politicians use Social Security as a scare tactic, especially when there are legitimate things to really be scared about from them. Social Security will remain strong because our very "healthful" Dr. Fauci helped to engineer a fake vaccine that is causing "exploding excessive deaths" and then mandated we all take it. There are/will be so many early deaths, it will completely change the actuarial tables. Social Security will get stronger.
How dreadfully sad, but that is what our government thinks about us plebs on the program they look at as a handout.
Shrugged wrote: "There are/will be so many early deaths, it will completely change the actuarial tables. Social Security will get stronger."
You nailed it. I've been thinking about this for two years. It's all part of their plan to eliminate "useless eaters" and "unwanted responsibilities" in the form of what is rightfully owed to us.
Sadly, another effect of all these death is the reduction in persons in the workforce who are actually skilled at doing things - AND - robbing many children of parents and stable families, which will create more people needing what the gub'ment can dole out to them.
Interesting points. Perhaps the anticipated reduction in the workforce is what is driving the AI and robot technology. People will become completely disposable.
That is because of all the idiots in starter jobs that never moved up the job chain to higher responsibility. Fast food jobs were never meant to be careers, let alone working 30 yrs in one. Then you add CA taking gig work away and raising the min wage. It is cheaper to run a robot and have 2 workers, instead of 10. No shift work, no pay increases, no call in sick.
So yes, they now have a living wage but all the jobs go away. A job is only worth what someone will pay for it and the minimum wage is 0.
The other problem is that the deaths are not hitting all the older people. There are a lot of young people (mostly military aged men) that are dying from *cough *cough adult sudden death syndrome that has never been seen before.
Correct me if I am wrong. But the Social Security Fund is money spent and gone. It is really just an accounting entry with a piece of paper (an IOU) that requires future Social Security payers to fund it or taxes from future generations.
I.E. there is no money, just a number on a government ledger where the government promises to pay from whatever funds it can scrape together. It is the opposite of a 401K.
BUT. There is no pile of cash (the picture is a bit misleading) nor are there any Investments or Real Assets in the Social Security Fund.
In 1997 Canada stopped the Pretend Fund Game, and separated the equivalent of Social Security (Government) control to a separate Board that invested the funds into stocks, bonds and real estate.
My understanding is that Congress has 'borrowed' from the SSA fund multiple times, thus leaving the IOUs mentioned above. Since Congress cant get their ducks in a row like everyone else to live within the money coming in and run a reasonable budget, there is no money to pay the SSA fund back even if they wanted to. Because what ever Congress does will result in reduction of benefits, they keep kicking the can down the road which just makes everything worse.
So yes the SSA technically has money, will some of us live to see it? doubtful.
I am not arguing about the obligation. Of course the commitment was made, Social Security funds were taken from payrolls and the U.S. Government needs to pay.
I am just saying the biggest portion of Social Security has already been spent on other stuff, including wars, government waste, etc.
Decades, generations of deceit of Politicians spending "Trust Funds" on pet projects, while leaving a chit, and IOU in the cash box.
According to the US Treasury, in February, the US collected $271 billion in various tax receipts, and spent $567 billion, more than double what it collected.
The underlying (underlie, ing) problem is the economic house of cards.
Sorry I can’t go along with cuts in “defense.” The FJB administration is seriously and intentionally depleting our ammunition and weapons which must be restored ASAP. I wouldn’t object to a 90% reduction in Generals and Admirals and demolition of the Pentagon. Then cut all the agencies by 75%+ and move the agency headquarters out of D.C. Then term limit Congress folks to max of 2 terms and require them to STAY in their State and district while in office. Meetings and votes can be conducted online. On day two…
I'm on Social Security; have been for 12 years. And my benefit and that of my wife was recently cut by a lot. Why? I have been a REALTOR for the last 18 years. In the eyes of the government I make too much money. What? What does that have to do with MY retirement. So my wife was pissed at her benefit being cut in half so I cut her a check (transfer) every six months to make up for what she used to get. Happy Wife Happy Life as the saying goes. Cut SS benefit... NO way. Get rid of the Department of Education? Absolutely and for decades it is what I have been saying I would do DAY ONE if Prez... One Year Notice would be given out to all in that department and then the lights would be turned off; back to States Rights!
It is not pedophilia you silly goose. It is MAP -- Minor-Attracted Persons. Shame on you Don. And BTW, your poll at the bottom failed to list the most important item. All of the above.
There are a whole lot of people who think seducing a 12 year old should be perfectly normal. Very important and influential people I might ad. Pretty f-ed up.
Here's an idea. The day Trump takes office all federal employees must resign. The administration will then determine which (if any) are rehired, and at what pay scale. No need to rush the rehiring program, either, just go along at the normal government snail rate. Problem fixed.
Trump should borrow the Argentinian guy’s chain saw and start campaigning with it the same way he did. The next step after mean tweets is a mean chain saw! Scare all those progressives right out of the country.
My favorite Javier Milei story is how he fired his labor secretary. Milei was doing a TV interview the other day and said, "At this moment they're notifying him."
I just so enjoy a quiet and unexpected hit to the head of a Moron.
........all those progressives (Marxists) right out of the country. Fix it.
The government can't do anything so simple.
I LOVE THIS PLAN! THANK YOU! SIMPLE, AND JUST TRUMP'S STYLE! BEST IDEA YET! I will send this idea to MTG, she does listen most of the time.
Too damn efficient DJ.
The logistics matter.
Logistics matter.
I'd expect that, especially during a change of Party. That is done at the state government level also. I don't know about city govt level. There's much leeway between the huge metroplexes and an itty bitty city.
Agencies must be eliminated, jobs eliminated, people fired, contracts and leases cancelled and buildings sold before I will believe there is any reduction in government spending.
Starting with all the 3 letter agencies, and EPA is high on the list. So is the Dept of Education.
The real dumbing down of our kids began when Carter created the Dept. of Ed. It's turned into the Dept. of "ED" - Erectile Dysfunction" - by confusing our kids about why they have sperm and ovaries!
Thank You, Rev. the Carter Admin was a Giant Step Backward.
Double digit home mortgage rates and long gas station lines!
absolutely get rid of department of education.
another thing would be to move the CIA and FBI to a mid west state, that alone should get rid of lots of these folks
I think Russia is currently trying to claim it although that goes against international law. The article I read was badly written and its a subject I know little about =/
lol yeah. omg the FLYOVER STATES.....
Trump can repurpose all those buildings
JK - Trump is expert at repurposing buildings - that's a brilliant idea!
You win the comment of the day.
It infuriates me when people refer to Social Security as an "entitlement." Every dollar I expect to receive from Social Security is MINE; it came from my paycheck year after year. Unfortunately, I will never get back even what I paid numerically - and with the debasement of the currency that has reduced every dollar's value from $1.00 to 3 cents since Tricky Dicky Nixon took us off the gold standard in the fall of 1971, the theft of my money is staggering.
When I first started working, an accountant friend nearly my same age called me one day. "I know you are interested in investing; I had a few extra minutes today and ran some numbers. If one were able to opt-out of Social Security and simply dropped that money into a market index fund, the average worker in America would retire with a million dollars." That was 1983, when a million bucks would be nearly ten million in today's currency.
Think about that. And now they are complaining about giving me back a small fraction of my own money.
It truly is an egregious racket!!
I calculated that if I live to 130, I will break even on Social Security. Wish me luck.
JUST LIVE TO 130! WE WILL ALL BE SO PROUD OF YOU! (silently of course - we will all be long gone by then). Not sure how we will have to get this done, but with President Trump in office next year, you might get to break even sooner. GOOOD LUCK!
At one time the Conservative government in Chile gave people the option of staying in the regular Social Security retirement system or opting out and putting the money in an index fund. The index funds did so well when the people voted for a socialist government the government wanted to confiscate the extra money because of fairness. You see some people took a risk and did well that can’t be fair to the people who trusted government can it. I had always said even when I was in my 40’s and had paid into the system for 20 years I would take the Chilean option and still do better. It was my money but now it’s the governments.
Nixons worst mistake. NOTHING good comes out of DC, NOTHING. They want statehood. Hell, they can't even make the city safe for the people who live and work there!
Don is advocating for Senator Rand Paul’s 4 page balanced budget plan. No Constitutional authority for EPA, DoEnergy, DoEducation….
I'm all in for Rand Paul to be the new GOP leader in the Senate
Well that would start an commonsense trend in DC so it will never happen.
"Constitution! Constitution! We no have no stinkin' constitution!"
The CRS system was closed in 1987 when FERS (Federal Employees' Retirement System) took over. Most new employees started using FERS in 1983. I paid SS taxes when I worked for the Regional Office of the VA, and the FERS was just a place to put 401k money that had several options I could choose from. This was before the VA became a total cluster it is now. We were a separate division of the VA from the Hospital system. So yes the CRS sytstem is being weeded out. It is already 37 yrs since the last employee could choose CRS.
I think the pension system needs overhauled as well as the hiring/firing system. Feecis should not be getting a pension bigger than his pay just because he was a protected employee and could not be fired for his multiple instances of incompetence..
I'll say my usual mantra whenever gub'ment spending comes up: every state should pay it's own senator's and congresspersons' salaries AND determine their individual health insurance and benefits packages. Those should be commensurate with other state employees.
Of course, I also believe persons running for Congress should only qualify to serve if they've run a private business for at least 10 years. Then they would understand how to balance a budget (and even make a profit!).
And repeal the 17th Amendment. No more Senators being elected by the people... that's NOT how the Founders set it up. And they understood human nature...
Not to get off topic. But Senators and Congressmen should be paid $1 million per year. BUT, they cannot be allowed to conduct insider trading nor accept money or benefits from any outsiders, whatsoever. On pain of a minimum 10 year prison term.
Also, can't repurpose campaign money and they can't set up any foundations like Hillary and John McCain.
On the face of it, my suggestion might seem absurd. But think. If you paid them $1million for the job, then people with talents, other than the usual political chameleons and lawyers might be able to afford to leave their private sector jobs and provide practical knowledge in DC.
There would be less incentive for U.S. Politicians to be spending their time self-dealing and more time to get results for their voters.
There would be less incentive to dance to the dollars of the U.S. Lobby (self/private/often Foreign interests and more incentive to support American National/Internal interests.
I am open to suggestions on how you get a once-great country back on it's feet again, out of Debtor's Prison, and get all the American Horses pulling in the same (and decent) direction.
Although I support Trump, I fail to see how the cancer of Debt is going to get excised in some easy manner.
In some ways, Trump has learned little in the last 8 years. Do not talk to outlets that mean you harm. Maybe he could try to help put the NYT, Post, CNN, MSNBC out of business rather than help their bottom line.
Hear, hear! I concur! Starve the Beast!
Talk only to trustworthy people and make the MSM report (distort) on those interviews, which they will feel compelled to do. But their only mission is to undermine and destroy him.
There is a strategy in going into the enemy’s territory, but it is a huge risk. It is free coverage and he probably also trying to reach out to the unreachable, and perhaps he may be, but only to an infinitesimal degree, which is not worth the cost of having to clean up after, I believe.
He should do things like Joe Rogan’s, Tucker’s, and other such lengthy podcasts, which won’t be riddled with the trick and “gotcha” questions, and will then go viral increasing his reach. Maybe even start his own podcast!
Suzie you should be his campaign Director. The enemy news media I’m sure has role-play out the Gotha questions for Trump to get him to say the soundbites that will affect some votes. Unfortunately, his ego structure is going to be his undoing and vis-à-vis, ours.
If we can't eliminate entire departments, we can at least put a hiring freeze on them, right? By the way, if a president can create a new department out of thin air in the executive branch, why can't a president eliminate a department in the executive branch? Isn't this Vivek's argument? Sounds right to me. Hey, Republicans! Why don't you hold hearing on that instead of wasting time going after Joe or Hunter? Obama should be your target. Wait a minute! Nevermind, he's black. As a friend of mine says, "A guy could get cynical."
I also don't care for the word "entitlements". Those of us who paid into social security and medicare did so as an insurance agreement, as Don said. One problem with keeping the system afloat is when inept, incompetent, and is some cases, criminal legislators change rules and open up these funds to people who have never contributed to them. Some of these people have never contributed to anything in our society and are fully capable.
That's the way our Founders intended it to be, too. You have freedom - freedom to succeed through hard work and creativity - OR - freedom to fail though laziness and stupidity.
What a man sows, he should reap. Take away that incentive, and you have modern socialized government in a nutshell.
You are so right Ep as in giving ss payments to refugee or immigrants upon arrival. This is bovine scat at its finest.
Especially since they did not pay into the system. It was designed to be paid into and taken out by the ones doing the work.
Social Security was based on the idea that people had to be forced into saving for retirement so the government would not have a poor and destitute elderly populous to worry about. Of course, as all government programs do, it metastasized into a welfare program for all sorts of the unfortunate in society, sucking upon the savings of others to provide for those unable to work. But, of course, that only helped to create another permanent underclass.
People had managed before this government “brainstorm”, to fend for themselves, or through acts and institutions of what once were actual charitable organizations, (meaning not funded by the government, but directly by the free-will of people and religious groups).
The government itself is only and solely funded by the people, our tax dollars, (up and until they started printing counterfeit money), and only able to operate via those monies. So, we should get rid of Social Security and while we’re at it, the Federal Income tax as well. Let people decide what they want to do with their own hard earned money. And starve the beast of the Federal government. The government would have to go back to being funded solely through excise taxes, tariffs and various customs duties, and will thus have to cut out a plethora of its self-created and unnecessary obligations, like welfare, unnecessary departments, agencies, and all subsidies.
Make it Lean and Mean, AND no longer attractive to the greedy and the grifter, but only to people who genuinely want to serve their country, as well as getting it out of meddling in our every day lives.
P.S. At the time Social Security is ended, everyone who has paid into it will get a check cut for the full balance of all the monies they’ve contributed over their lifetime in their account.
Then turn out the lights.
First goal should be to cut government in half. Agencies and NGOs are the first to go.
I get really pissed when politicians use Social Security as a scare tactic, especially when there are legitimate things to really be scared about from them. Social Security will remain strong because our very "healthful" Dr. Fauci helped to engineer a fake vaccine that is causing "exploding excessive deaths" and then mandated we all take it. There are/will be so many early deaths, it will completely change the actuarial tables. Social Security will get stronger.
How dreadfully sad, but that is what our government thinks about us plebs on the program they look at as a handout.
Shrugged wrote: "There are/will be so many early deaths, it will completely change the actuarial tables. Social Security will get stronger."
You nailed it. I've been thinking about this for two years. It's all part of their plan to eliminate "useless eaters" and "unwanted responsibilities" in the form of what is rightfully owed to us.
Sadly, another effect of all these death is the reduction in persons in the workforce who are actually skilled at doing things - AND - robbing many children of parents and stable families, which will create more people needing what the gub'ment can dole out to them.
Interesting points. Perhaps the anticipated reduction in the workforce is what is driving the AI and robot technology. People will become completely disposable.
That is because of all the idiots in starter jobs that never moved up the job chain to higher responsibility. Fast food jobs were never meant to be careers, let alone working 30 yrs in one. Then you add CA taking gig work away and raising the min wage. It is cheaper to run a robot and have 2 workers, instead of 10. No shift work, no pay increases, no call in sick.
So yes, they now have a living wage but all the jobs go away. A job is only worth what someone will pay for it and the minimum wage is 0.
The other problem is that the deaths are not hitting all the older people. There are a lot of young people (mostly military aged men) that are dying from *cough *cough adult sudden death syndrome that has never been seen before.
Correct me if I am wrong. But the Social Security Fund is money spent and gone. It is really just an accounting entry with a piece of paper (an IOU) that requires future Social Security payers to fund it or taxes from future generations.
I.E. there is no money, just a number on a government ledger where the government promises to pay from whatever funds it can scrape together. It is the opposite of a 401K.
IOW, another con on the American People.
Again. Someone correct me if I am wrong.
BUT. There is no pile of cash (the picture is a bit misleading) nor are there any Investments or Real Assets in the Social Security Fund.
In 1997 Canada stopped the Pretend Fund Game, and separated the equivalent of Social Security (Government) control to a separate Board that invested the funds into stocks, bonds and real estate.
My understanding is that Congress has 'borrowed' from the SSA fund multiple times, thus leaving the IOUs mentioned above. Since Congress cant get their ducks in a row like everyone else to live within the money coming in and run a reasonable budget, there is no money to pay the SSA fund back even if they wanted to. Because what ever Congress does will result in reduction of benefits, they keep kicking the can down the road which just makes everything worse.
So yes the SSA technically has money, will some of us live to see it? doubtful.
They've spent the money but the obligation/IOU is still there.
I am not arguing about the obligation. Of course the commitment was made, Social Security funds were taken from payrolls and the U.S. Government needs to pay.
I am just saying the biggest portion of Social Security has already been spent on other stuff, including wars, government waste, etc.
Decades, generations of deceit of Politicians spending "Trust Funds" on pet projects, while leaving a chit, and IOU in the cash box.
According to the US Treasury, in February, the US collected $271 billion in various tax receipts, and spent $567 billion, more than double what it collected.
The underlying (underlie, ing) problem is the economic house of cards.
Trimming PROPOSED budget hikes always makes the left/msm scream they are slashing the budget.
Sorry I can’t go along with cuts in “defense.” The FJB administration is seriously and intentionally depleting our ammunition and weapons which must be restored ASAP. I wouldn’t object to a 90% reduction in Generals and Admirals and demolition of the Pentagon. Then cut all the agencies by 75%+ and move the agency headquarters out of D.C. Then term limit Congress folks to max of 2 terms and require them to STAY in their State and district while in office. Meetings and votes can be conducted online. On day two…
I'm on Social Security; have been for 12 years. And my benefit and that of my wife was recently cut by a lot. Why? I have been a REALTOR for the last 18 years. In the eyes of the government I make too much money. What? What does that have to do with MY retirement. So my wife was pissed at her benefit being cut in half so I cut her a check (transfer) every six months to make up for what she used to get. Happy Wife Happy Life as the saying goes. Cut SS benefit... NO way. Get rid of the Department of Education? Absolutely and for decades it is what I have been saying I would do DAY ONE if Prez... One Year Notice would be given out to all in that department and then the lights would be turned off; back to States Rights!
It is not pedophilia you silly goose. It is MAP -- Minor-Attracted Persons. Shame on you Don. And BTW, your poll at the bottom failed to list the most important item. All of the above.
Its criminal either way.
Indeed. Death penalty criminal. Is there a greater crime perpetrated on humanity than robbing a child of their innocence?
Don't forget. They get a pass if they're illegal.
remembering the PASS thEY GET, every minute.
There are a whole lot of people who think seducing a 12 year old should be perfectly normal. Very important and influential people I might ad. Pretty f-ed up.
Very robust and important summary, Donnie Boy.
We could halve govt and not know any difference. Every time there is a shutdown we private sector people's lives get gooder.