The “it was only one can” line is the lie of the year. The cost to design, manufacture, fill and seal just one can is astronomical.

We don’t buy that line, just as we don’t buy Bud Light.

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It was a grouping of cans, though not general distribution, but what really got them in trouble is Mulvaney splashed it all over his TikTok page (as the marketing person knew he would) and rather than apologize to their female Budlight drinkers and push back on his claim of a "partnership," they went dark, which is basically a middle finger.

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And every InBev attempt of an "apology" has been catastrophically insulting. Absolutely the WORST response to a commercial fiasco since the Mercury poisoning in Jap[an in the 1950s! https://news.un.org/en/story/2021/10/1103842

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Sentiment echoes over here in MidTn area. If I didn't know better, by the name of "And So It Goes, I could hear echoes of a dear departed country comedian named Pappy from Pinchem. (He left us some years ago). Thanks for the whiff of memory.

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I’ve been noticing as I walk through my local grocery store that people won’t purchase Bud Light or Transheuser Busch products in person. I am noticing, however, that people who shop anonymously from home are having the pickers put the product in their carts. Interesting social dynamics at play.

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Excellent wording. Transheuser Busch. Noted.

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Teansheuser. Ser Gut!

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Ah so. Glad I didn't waste a cell pix of the perfectly aligned display at Wally World of the Bud Light cases in the grocery section. Other brands were picked through. Yo ho ho and a bottle of Groceries!

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Your last paragraph is solid gold. It can be used for many, many situations...and imma gonna use it. Thanks!

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Reminds me of an ancient chorus we sang: Coming Suddenly, coming soon, coming certainly night or noon. Ditto on the last paragraph also.

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Some-Kind-of-Crap-in-a-can. “Beer” is the last thing it is.

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Years ago, at a party, someone asked a friend of mine if he wanted a Bud Light. He answered, "No thanks - I don't drink foaming yellow liquids associated with large draft animals."

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They wanted to bring us “frat boys” into the 21st century. I took marketing classes and missed the part that lecturing your customers will motivate them to buy your product or projecting a superior attitude toward your customers will generate more sales.

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A friend of mine just sent me a pix of a yelling kid with this message: Oh yeah? Well your daddy buys Bud Light at Target!!

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Hah hah hah!

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This all started when Ms Harvard assumed that their clients were their EMPLOYEES. This has been a dime-a-dozen American management hallucination for at least the past 25-30 years.

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The libs cheat again. I bought 3 cases of Mulvaney Beer to find out only 10 states, all Democrats, offer the rebate. Wait, there's more?

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Hi Rev-You are rapidly becoming my newest hero-ditch the spoon and let the Surbs know who you really are. The Amazon connection is most impressive. Proud to be a subscriber.

Can I be your first founding member?

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I need feedback on my new profile picture. Yes, you can join my #maddogandqueenmary club. I can't accept any gifts. My Medicare Waiver which enables my oldest daughter to be my 30 hour a week Jack of all trades assistant watches my income like a hawk. She and her younger sister plus their helpers and children make my life a hectic joy. Plus my blogs and journals are reaching hundreds of gospel starved people in as much as 150ish countries. Signed 4His Glory.

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I cannot speak ill of Hectic Joy. My son and his wife watch me like joyous hawks*, starting way back during the scare-porn of Covid. (my other preacher friend calls it Charlie-Vector-oh one-niner, lest he offend YouTube. My 3rd from eldest grandson says hello with "Gramma, how's your car?"

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Cars are a weakness of boys and men, myself included. I only last year surrendered the keys to my wife's all wheel drive FORD SUV. I'm in an ideal small town with excellent delivery and taxi service, and both Walmart and Amazon have seriously upped their game. Before I retired my keys I was going to write a book entitled 99 Ways to Drive 99, but decided the legal liability might be too much. I owe my skills to the Dittmer siblings who foolishly decided to abscond with a moonshiner's hootch stash only to be spotted and chased for hours until they wisely slowed down enough to push the stash out the back. They both later became preacher's of the gospel, as did I.

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When time came for my Dad to relinquish driving, he was 5 miles from home and in their only car. He called Mom and asked her to come get him. She said to say where he was. He didn't know. She asked him to describe what he could see. She called me at work and asked if I was free to get to Dad and drive him home, She told him to stay in the car, but to stay where he could see East High School. My boss drove me to him, I drove his car to the house and all was well.

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If I may inquire, what is the decade of your birth? You may subtract one for good behavior, your choice.

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Good behavior doesn't come easily for me. Math comes no easier. Mom declared that I was her 48 year old teenager, but that was 33 years ago. I was born 30 days after FDR declared the Day of Infamy. I had nothing to do with that, but I know lasted until I was 5 y/o.

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You're too young, but your pic reminds me of Angels With Dirty Faces (1938)-Watch on Apple TV

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Preach it Der Schlonger!

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Love your handle.

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Jun 20, 2023
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...and he being a eunuch, dutifully obeyed. This comes to mind:


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I don't know if they're still doing it, but for a while Budweiser was giving a 100% rebate on purchases of Bud Light. Cheaper than having to the the full cans back and destroy them when they get old.

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Beer never degenerates in storage. You can drink the stuff that's been on the shelf for quite a long time.

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If his "wife" made him do it, are you sure he was a "guy"?

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There is really a very simple solution to this problem. STOP USING THEIR VOCABULARY!!!! Stop saying transgender, there is no such thing. There is castration and mutilation. They are the real words, use them. There are no transvestites, there are just people who like to dress up like the opposite sex. They have issues.

There are no drag queens, they are not queens of anyone or anything they are poor souls who try to be something they are not and put on too much make up to somehow convince us of the fact.

All in all this is a matter of confronting fantasy with reality. And sometimes reality hurts feelings, that is the real world. People do not have to accept your idiosyncracies. They can call you nuts, maybe we all are a little nuts but let's face it some of us are off the charts nuts and men who put on pancake makeup and wear 3 inch fake lashes have problems. Or maybe they have just found a way of entertaining people in a club. I really don't care but I do not think the rest of us should be forced into their brand of entertainment or be forced to accept the abnormal as normal.

So try this the next time someone tries to convince you that transgender is a real thing, just answer "I

don't believe in castrating or sterilizing children". I think you will have make your point with that simple answer. And you might add, if you are truly brave, "I think that So called Drs who perform these sick perverted acts on children should be stripped of their licenses and put in prison where they belong".

Sometimes the answers are simple but they do take a bit of courage. Good luck.

And one last thing. nuns are in the truest sense of the word "Brides of Christ" they take vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. They are women who sacrifice, they are women who teach children to want to be better people. They should be respected and loved for their sacrifices and those that would make fun of them are very vile creatures indeed.

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So easy to do and so effective…Thank You.

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Just for the record about vocabulary... Was talking to a lefty yesterday who cackled about Trump getting excited about bleach...as in addressing COVID. "Yuck Yuck Yuck. What a fool." Point being bleach would kill it...but hey, not a good idea for the person. So I said to him: What do you think about chemotherapy for cancer? A poison given in small doses...everybody gets sick. There you go.

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I yield the floor.

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I traveled the past two weeks to a big family affair. Multiple stops to visit friends. I tried the vocabulary thing with people I hadn’t seen in a long time. Got a lot of strange looks and reactions. It was fun.

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In your heart, you know she is right!

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Point taken but in the heat of a very exciting battle I lack the motivation to check my dictionary. Hence my name Mad Dog 🐶🐕

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In my youth I thought a drag queen was a girl in too short shorts and too high heels who held aloft a scarf then swept it to the ground signaling two boys with too fast cars to begin a quarter mile long contest of speed and survival to determine which would have the honor of striking out with her and lying about it on Monday.

In highschool we had freshman initiation where the boys were made to wear dresses heels and makeup. I declined. My punishment was to roll an egg across the gym floor at the next pep rally. My religious beliefs forbade a man wearing women's attire. I still hold that to be true.

An Irishman or Scottsman wearing a kilt is acceptable, an evening gown is not. (Besides, my mom was 4-10 and 80 lbs soaking wet, my sisters no bigger. I was 6-3 by then.)

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Had to roll the egg with my nose I might add.

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"It is because the drag queens charity work is a cover for their seething hatred of God and his Catholic followers. Drag queens are messed up men who hate women." Yep.

They purposely choose Christian things like rainbow's and sins like 'pride' for mockery, nothing more. Why? Hatred in their own lives.

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I detest how the LGBTQXYZ bunch has stolen the rainbow! During my high school years I was a member of The Order of the Rainbow for Girls, a Christian organization sponsored by the Eastern Star and Masons. I eventually became Worthy Advisor for a period of time. Then, of course, we have the symbol of the Rainbow as God's promise to his people to never again destroy the world by flood. Now that small minority has taken something beautiful and turned it into the symbol to represent their various preversions

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Yep, they steal our symbols for mockery by design and I hope everyone sees it, or is starting to see it. All we can do.

Personally, I think the last two years of overarching crap from these mentally deranged freaks is finally energizing Normal people.

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They worship that rainbow like a false god. While its annoying, surprisingly, I have been able to separate the two in my mind. This is similar to me to being able to love your family but still not like the choices they make.

When I see a rainbow in nature, I am filled with awe. The flags, etc, I dont recognize as God's symbol.

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Rabbi Schneider, a Messianic Jew, is on a march to take back the rainbow! You might check it out.

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Remember, the rainbow has one extra color. They made a new rainbow, minus one color. Even they know they are frauds.

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Service, sister!

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I'm thinking in addition to that hatred, they have a higher allegiance to the Father of Lies (who hates God more and all God's children).

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Agreed 👍💯.

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1. Axios sez: "...trapped between society’s progressive impulses, and the conservative backlash." The crazies at places like Axios are always inclusive with their insanity (society’s progressive impulses). The only ones in the "society" pushing for those progressive impulses are the nutcases pouring out of J-School, NGO's, CIA, NSA, FBI, and other seething hives of Marxist Indoctrination. I find the duplicity and hypocrisy of Marxism\Communism to be personally infuriating.

2. I just saw this meme: PLANNED PARENTHOOD SAYS UNBORN INFANTS ARE NOT HUMAN BUT THEIR BODY PARTS ARE. More like it here: https://sukwan.substack.com/p/tuesday-tidings-16f?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

3. And finally, a quote from a great 18th century Welch lawyer named Matthew Henry. In his spare time he wrote commentaries about Holy Scripture. Here is a sentence from his commentary on 2 Kings, chapter 13: "The slowness of God's processes against sinners must be construed to the honour of his mercy, not the impeachment of his justice."

Y'all have a good'un. Yours truly, Oaf

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Henry does not dilute the truth in any way, and sugar-coats nothing! His commentaries may merely illustrate hard and difficult teachings, and if we have a problem with it, take it to God in prayer.

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I discovered M.H. at the BlueLetterBible site. They offer a long list of commentaries. I spent a while comparing them. Matthew Henry is the champ in my book. Back in his day there was a lot more respect for actual, factual truth than there is now. Ever since the Christ-man said, "I am the truth..." there has been a big stink raised in the human frame about what is truth. The facts of life and love either relate to the Truth, or they don't. Them that don't don't survive.

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Oh my. If you are not my Mom (she went home in 1990) then I propose a ancient corollary to your modern day "don't don't survive." When I'd start my whining, she'd say, "Can't never could do nothing."

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I love Mathew Henry. I never knew he was a lawyer. Maybe there will be lawyers in Heaven. By the way, Pat Robertson's son is a lawyer.

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Me too. I taught from the International Sunday lesson series for 22 years, heavily Matthew Henry. During those same years, I worked for 7 attorneys. They could have told me, had they known.

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SJW’s on the Run…no target loads here kids, keep firing till they go back under the rock they crawled out from. Then get a ten foot pole and turn the rock over. Cue the line from Johnny Horton…”They ran thru the Briars and they ran thru the Brambles and they ran thru places that a Rabbit wouldn’t Go”

Sunlight and the word of God are still the best disinfectant.

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Here's to Old Hickory aka Andrew Jackson! Love that song!

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That song is deeply embedded in my life. Long story. NO TIME! NO TIME! Liam Neeson.

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God is trying to save those of us trapped in modern Sodom and Gomorrah. Great work Don.

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A 2011 study reports 3.5% of the US population identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual. 0.3% identify as trans. I’m sure the grooming and self-promotion by the trans community has resulted in an increase of their numbers but doubt it has grown beyond a percentage or two. To say the tail wags the dog is an understatement. It also gives one an understanding why the LGB community has, for the most part, spoken out against the TQQIAAP2S+ faction (fraction?).

LGB is sexual orientation. TQQIAAP2S+ is engulfed in mental illness leaning toward criminal predatory practices..

(source: How Many People are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender? By Gary J. Gates April 2011 UCLA School of Law Williams Institute https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/publications/how-many-people-lgbt/)

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I recall reading an article on how the “LGB” wants to get rid of the “T”.

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Good luck to them, with that. If you lie down with dogs, don't be surprised when you get up with fleas.

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They actually are having a very interesting civil war on that very subject. Sexual preferences of consenting adults in terms of who you want to sleep with is your own thing. Creating a bunch of alphabet groups to teach your kids how they need to chop off their genitals is quite another.

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I would like to believe we are winning, but until ESG is thoroughly destroyed it’s not going to stop, it’s tentacles attached to nearly every single business in existence. Businesses are being strangled, threatened and extorted by Big Finance to tow a vey one party line or go under. The losses suffered by Target and Bud are suffered as the “cost of doing business”- with the devil. The collusion of government with corporatists is what governs us now: full on fascism. The corporatists write the laws and the feckless pols - whose palms are greased - pass them. They have zero interest in what the citizens want, or care about.

The awareness of this fascistic takeover going on before our very eyes and in every aspect of our very lives is what needs to become front and center in the consciousness of every citizen, exposed and utterly repudiated. Until that happens, they couldn’t care less about a few billion lost. It’s just write-off.

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Winning does not mean won. Not yet. But the battlefield has shifted quite quickly in just the last few months. Much more is known, and the troops are being rallied.

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I wholeheartedly agree with you. Keeping the faith!!

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Brilliant - God protect him.

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Well, He likely is, assuming he is with Him in Heaven...Ralphie's morbid obesity finally got 'im, several years ago.

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Who’s Ralphie? I was watching JD Vance

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My mistake...my apologies.

Yes, may God protect him with a legion of guardian angels!

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The Dodgers tried to dodge a bullet by being dodgy.

Didn’t work. The Giants swept them. On LGBTQQIAAP2S+ night, the giants were hit less through six innings and down 4-0. They won 7-5.

Keep the faith and time for conservatives to play the long game.

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And the next night, the Dodgers lost in their biggest rout (15-0) in over 100 years. God is not amused and you know what they say about payback…

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Well, no matter what anyone or in this case "anything" will try to convince me of, I always reflect and follow the advice of my outstanding professor. He often remarked " Stop and think about a problem and go back to the basic facts to begin your analysis." The fact is this whole movement is about the reality that these people are seeking recognition for what they do and down deep inside, they too know it's just wrong to promote their fantasies and silliness. Fascinating they target children isn't?

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Old Testament is replete with examples of G-d using flawed humans to defeat evil. Answered prayers from ‘unexpected’ backgrounds to fulfill His Will.

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Moses, David, Jonah, Jacob, Gideon...it's actually a pretty long list...

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Love how Samson pulled it down around the entire stadium, praying first to go with them!

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Thank you. I love the way our Creator uses flawed vessels when the self-righteous ones won't lift a finger.

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The article said:

The fact is LGBTQQIAAP2S+ is a puff fish that appears far larger than it is.

I say:

Exactly. The media, and I will call it MSM no more, outright lies and exaggerates EVERYTHING. People deep down WANT to hear the truth, not the BS about homosexuality and child molesters.

I do want to point one thing out about this "trans-athletes" movement. Never once have I heard that ANY of these trans-athletes had their wiener and nuts removed, otherwise they'd lose against real women as well.

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Mediocre men making themselves feel like champions by beating up on little Girls. Believe it or not, the best voice we have on our side for this is Bruce Jenner…I shit you not!

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I agree with that. Jenner, for the most part, just likes dressing up in women's clothes and that was called a transvestite back in the 70's. These animals that dress up in women's clothes today saying they are trans-athletes are bullies, spoiled brats and my favorite word--Genderfux. They are nothing more than a result of failed parenting and cowardice.

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I was just a little girl when I read about a soldier in WWII who became Christine Jorgenson. I bet others here remember the person.

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I remember the name, but could you tell me more ?

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Gosh I haven’t heard that name in 60 year. I think I remember my Mother being in a snit about it…anyway Thanks for the reminder Lawsy.

For Tony…

Some how I can’t paste it but as good an overview that you can find is on Wikipedia

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Thanks. You took the words right outta my keyboard. ;)

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Thanks, Chuck. I knew the name, but I couldn't remember what he/she was known for. Business calls, so t will be back later.

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I read what he said. Found agreement with what he said.

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I'm not religious, so I don't think what's going on has anything to do with God, but I understand where you're coming from.

Dylan Mulvaney is an insult to women. Not all transvestites and drag queens are. I knew someone who did drag. He was/is a gay man who did it for the fun of dressing up in costume and prancing across a stage singing Tina Turner songs, and he did it in an adult venue. He's just the theatrical sort. I have no problem with that. More power to him. I have a problem with Mulvaney because he does womanface or drag queens that "perform" around children (and parents that take their kids to things like that). And my favorite transvestite of all time is Eddie Izzard, who made a much more interesting man in a dress than he does a "woman."

As for abortion, if you give a lot of independents an option between no abortion or up-to-birth abortion, they would choose no abortion. An infant's right to live should not depend on location, especially if they can survive outside the womb. Once you understand what late term abortion involves and the advances that have been made to help extremely early-born children survive, there is literally no reason to kill these infants. The woman is going through the same thing either way and we already have laws that allow parents to give up their children in early days if they find being a new parent too overwhelming. So the "up to birth" crowd are de facto murders, and if they can that easily dispose of a child, they will easily move on to, well, you.

As for the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, we're tired of the double standard. We're constantly told we have to respect women who cover their hair for example because they think Allah finds it offensive, but because of rainbow month, a group that twists Catholicism specifically is honored? Yeah, no.

And Target was stupid. They were catering to this tiny handful of people while making parents with curious children explain "tuck friendly" swimsuits. Furthermore, I'm a bigger gal (well, average size if I go looking for clothing, but bigger). I've *never* been able to buy a swimsuit at a place like Target because I want a skirt or a pair of boy shorts on the bottom. Yet some dude wants to wear a woman's swimsuit and you'll put extra fabric in for that, but you won't make me one with a skirt so I can hide all the potato chips that went to my thighs and butt? Trust me. Calling it an "insult" doesn't do it justice. You want a tuck-friendly swimsuit? Do what I have to do. Go online.

A more secular reason you're "winning" is that people in the middle actively agree with you (for their own reasons) and they're boycotting in solidarity, or independents figure these a-holes have made their bed and we're not going to defend them or help them out.

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Amen! Hear, hear!

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I like “Fidelity Month” for June. Renewing American fidelity to God, Family and Country

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I vote to make June “Black Powder Pride Month”, I.e “Making Muskets Great Again!” ;<)

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" Here’s your plaque, now shut up and go home."

That right there is a classic. Just how much pride did that odious community gain by holding a pregame, no-audience show?

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