“Cat Scratch Fever”

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Damn good song CB.

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I’m also a fan of the “Motor City Madman”, MH.

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Crank it up

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This needs to be Trumps new theme, just the music...lol

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Sep 12Liked by Don Surber

Kommila, after reading all the rave reviews in the media, and in the treatment she got on Tue night's debate. must be asking her staff ': ‘Why aren't I 50 points ahead'?

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Imagine if she DIDN'T have the MSM, academia, Hollywood, school teachers, university's, 20 million government workers, professional sports, the gay mafia and the mentally ill? Trump would be 90 points ahead.

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I would write a paragraph for her, but not sure she can read.... so.... Adios, KKK malalalalahahaha, and GOOD RIDDANCE! KKK, did you see your BOSS MAN PROUDLY DON THE TRUMP CAP???????? YOUR COMMIE EFFORTS HAVE NOW TURNED HIM INTO A REPUBLICAN!!!!! Americans are on a roll..... we love this... you can't make this stuff up... they are now in 'epstein' mode... self-destructing in public.

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All she has to be is 50 (fake) ballots ahead.

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12Liked by Don Surber

It’s always good to remember that Dems do not put blacks in office to help blacks. They put blacks in office to soothe the consciences of self-loathing white liberals.

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And she’s not really black.

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Spot on Alan !!

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She’s not black

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Sep 12Liked by Don Surber

A compelling reason for reelecting DJT-'IS CONGRESS UP TO ITS POST-CHEVRON CHALLENGE? When the Supreme Court nullified the Chevron Deference doctrine earlier this year, it threw down the gauntlet to Congress. Under Chevron, courts were required to defer to executive branch bureaucrats whenever there was confusion about congressional intent on a regulation.

They don’t like to talk about it, but responding to Chevron is among the most important challenges that will confront senators and representatives alike in the new Congress come January 2025'

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This 100%!!!! They're very quiet about it, aren't they?

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Whassup? Why am I blocked from liking this comment?

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I have no idea. Sometimes I hit like and it doesn't register. Try again.

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Tried again, and all I get is "You are blocked from liking this comment". It's not the end of the world, but as Yoda said, "Annoying it is."

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That does happen. Hit the button again.

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My “like” button stopped working months ago.

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Thx, Suzie- Thought you didn't like me anymore.❤️

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Don has the best commenters anywhere, hands down!

Brilliant, insightful and best of all, funny!

♥️👍 a million likes to each and every one, every day.

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I checked, and mine works for your comment but not for PM's. I'll try restarting my computer.

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Try another Browser...

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Simple-I'm a vindictive old bastard- Thought it was I, red of neck, who showed you how to post an article, not your lovely daughter. Didn't much like the grammar corrections, but I notice you stopped, so there's that-apparently, blocked means you can't reply to my comments. and I can't reply to your comments.

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No, it took a great deal more to learn how to post on Substack; and I'm still not 100% confident. My oldest one was posted in 2021, then I couldn't figure out how to most more, so I gave up. But lately, thanks to my daughter-in-law, I've posted half a dozen, and all to read for free; a rare bargain. Click on Wim's World War II Memories.

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Meh, I've mosted more than 300, all free.

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Just wait till every Trump rally features Rudy Giuliani and Bobby Kennedy. Rudy who pledged to identify and bring charges against all the corruption in the deep state. starting with those in New York. Rudy went on record in a Dr.Phil interview when he said he knows every one of them. Then, Bobby Kennedy will take the podium, and detail how he will attack the rotten pharmacy industry and bring massive lawsuits that put the bastards out of business. The trio of Trump, Giuliani and Kennedy will be the key to making Kamala a distant memory and trigger a landslide Republican victory.

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I pray you are correct DJ.

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12

Don't forget Tulsi. She's going to be prominent in a Trump Admin.

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12

You mean Tulsi who, upon withdrawing from the race, spent a bunch of money producing a slick video declaring that we should support Biden because he will "govern with the spirit of aloha"? Tulsi who was an insider, fully aware of Biden's declining mental state. That Tulsi?

She was supposedly helping Trump with debate prep. Big mistake. The aloha video is attached.


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Careful. A lot of people need the "rotten pharmacy industry" to survive.

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No, a lot of people need an HONEST pharmacy industry. That's what Kennedy will do. He will be the Sheriff who gets the bad guys out of the businesses.

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You are right, like that bunch that peddled addictive stuff for years. Paid a big fine, as I seem to remember, but that still left them filthy rich. They should have been in jail.

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A thousand times, YES!

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Actually the Springfield problem gives the saying ‘your goose is cooked’ a whole new meaning.

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Just as the Dems claiming ‘Trump is finished’. Nope, ‘not by a long shot’.

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Lichtman is the Luntz of Cheneys

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Or the Krugman of economics...

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Sep 12Liked by Don Surber

Where I live is a patchwork quilt of jurisdictions between Denver, Aurora, Glendale, and unincorporated Arapahoe County. I'm in the latter with a Denver mailing address. Two apartment complexes get all the press, but there's a whole lot more going on. A few weeks ago there was a riot in a Target parking lot with over a thousand young men shooting guns in the air. Abandoned stolen wrecked cars take up a large amount of street parking, often bearing either graffiti or bumper stickers proclaiming "Venezuela". I see dozens of VZ flags every day. well, at least that's better than the flags there were prevalent in June i guess.

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some of the stuff i've just become numb to, like how at just about every major intersection there are either squeegee guys, women with toddlers begging, or both. it's changed the routes i take for things like grocery shopping or coming home from church (they usually aren't out yet when i'm heading in).

and it's not just Venezuelans. a nearby rental property has eight or so men newly arrived from Senegal. none can speak enough English to carry on a conversation. one speaks just enough French to converse with one of my neighbors. none has papers needed for employment, so they literally beg for their food.

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I have read that illegals need only show up at our borders and they are given all sorts of free handouts—healthcare, food stamps, cell phones, housing, driver’s license, transportation, voter registration, cash for miscellaneous items, etc.

It doesn’t seem fair that illegals vote regularly but must beg for food. And by “vote” I mean a ballot is filled out by a well-intentioned dem activist.

Seriously, it is a shame that US citizens have had to alter their lifestyles to accommodate people who should not be here.

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Goes beyond shame to borderline treason aiding invaders and not the citizens.

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Amen; it's treason alright.

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How sad. But it is happening everywhere in Western countries. My son just told me he recently met several Venezuelan "migrants" in our neighbourhood who landed illegally in the U.S. and are now in Canada. They will not like Montreal's winter.

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Sep 12Liked by Don Surber

The poll, in my opinion, was a no-brainer. Another great pun from Mr. Surber. In regard to lists of characteristics in play during an election, my key indicator is charisma. That is, the candidate with the most charisma wins. The reason that I know the 2020 election was rigged is that FJB has little if any charisma and DJT is brimming with it. If you look back at the 2000 and 2004 elections where W won, his opponents were Algore and Lurch. Both these Democrats were charisma challenged candidates and, although W wasn't high on charisma, he had way more than those two stiffs. In 1992, Bill Clinton, another politician with high levels of charisma, beat George H.W. Bush who was mocked on SNL by a goofy Dana Carvey. Of course, there is Bob Dole and Mittens who both lost badly in their races. Now we have Kamala vs. DJT. Kamala put on a good show on Tuesday, but she is not an inspiring individual and when she starts that cackle it is a bad look and shows her lack of gravitas. Without a teleprompter, she is as lost as FJB trying to find his way into the White House.

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Sep 12Liked by Don Surber

Joe putting on a Trump hat, and smiling, make it subtly okay to support Trump. Who will secretly pull the lever for T? Biden, Newsom, Shapiro and anyone wanting to run in 2028.

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Sep 12Liked by Don Surber

The first woman president should be able to stand on her own. Ms Harris has to have a man to hold her hand everywhere she goes — Walt during her only interview and Muir during her only debate. She’s a vacuous, crippled, apprehensive excuse of a person. And the only way she got where she is is through men.

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Just like Hillary. Who, without Bill, would have wound up being an ambulance chaser at some small law firm in Illinois.

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There are some who believe Bill would have never gotten there without Hillary. She was in charge of the "bimbo" eruptions.

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Protecting her Investment Sub .

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She was also behind "White water" and who can forget Vince Foster

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Sep 12Liked by Don Surber

I believe there was a chicken who predicted every election correctly too. Lichtman sounds like a deep state stooge. People vote based on their economics. While the rich are doing ok in the stock market, most people know that all commodities are up 40% from 4 years ago. They will vote for a Pussy grabber over Deep Throat. FJB

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Sep 12Liked by Don Surber

Trump has no charisma?? Lichtman burned his fortune-telling card with his tongue bath for Kamala. No big loss. Fact of the matter is, charisma is the first element in Trump's DNA. There are people like that. The room lights up when they appear. I love palace intrigue, but I am completely over US politics for the year. I'll vote, out of habit but I remember when it was out of "love of country." The year I became 21, is when voter age was lowered to 18. There have been presidents I could not abide, but I still stand for the national anthem! And when cut, I bleed red, white and blue.

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Sep 12Liked by Don Surber

There was a spoof of Harry Chapin's "Cat in the Cradle" years ago that went, "There's a cat in the kettle at the Peking Moon..." Maybe that restaurant is in Springfield, OH.

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One of “Weird Al” Yankovic’s finest:

Did you ever think when you eat Chinese,

It ain't pork or chicken, but a fat siamese,

Yet the food tastes great, so ya don't complain,

but that's not chicken in your chicken chow


Seems to me I ordered sweet and sour pork,

But Garfield's on my fork,

He's purrin here on my fork...

There's a cat in the kettle at the Peking Moon,

The place that I eat everyday at noon,

They can feed you cat and you'll never know,

Once they wrap it up in dough, boys,

They fry it real crisp in dough.

Chou Lin asked if I wanted more,

As he was dialin up his buddy at the old pet store,

I said not today,

I lost my apettite,

There's two cats in my belly and they want to fight,

I was suckin on a Rolaid and a Tums or two,

When I swear I heard it mew, boy,

And that is when I knew...

There's a cat in the kettle at the Peking Moon,

I think I gotta stop eating there at noon,

They say that it's beef or fish or pork,

But it's purrin there on my fork,

There's a hairball on my fork.

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Didn't realize that it was Weird Al, but not surprised. Thanks!

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Spoken like a true smart ass.

A man after my own heart. Lmao 😂👍😂

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Sep 12Liked by Don Surber

Good dive and examination into election predictors but I still rely on the gut as pre-retirement noting bumper stickers and signage on vehicles,clothing,real estate and listening to chatter among strangers. It seems the msm/left/dems are not getting the desired reaction from a three on one argument/debate thus advancing severe cases of TDS.Thanks for fun polls and in the final I heard Tom Jones from back in the day.

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Oh yeah, What's New Pussycat. That's a Tom Jones classic.

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I was going to go with What's Menu, Pussycat?

How Much Is That Doggy In The Window was too long.

Arf Arf

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Who sang the Doggie in The Window?I am thinking Dinah Shore or Patti Page but?

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Patti Page - 1953

Chrismene Bien Aime - 2024

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I pray that you are right, Marlan.

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Sep 12Liked by Don Surber

Agreed. I especially can't see why the dems get the "no serious contest" as a win - it was rigged so people like RFK, Jr or Dean Phillips weren't allowed to run. In fact, they kept up the lawfare and the changing the rules in favor of Biden like the South Carolina switch-a-roo.

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