"Idle hands are the devil’s workshop and empty heads are his piles of wood."

Preach, Don.

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satan doesn't build anything in his workshop, only destroy.

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He’s the penultimate “influencer” (the Left loves their influencers!), infiltrating those empty, dull and ignorant minds to perform his handiwork.

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God created them just as He did you and me. It isn't them we're supposed to struggle with, but against "the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places." (Eph. 6:12).

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True, but in the struggle to get rid of Tojo we had to kill quite a few of his followers. Sometimes fanatics don't surrender.

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sometimes fanatics dont know how to surrender.

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Anyone remember that line from the movie, “The Usual Suspects”, spoken by the criminal, Keyser Soze,

“the greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world he didn’t exist”?

Today, people have tossed that and gone full bore to worshipping him outright!

How about if they wanted to put up a statue of Hitler? No, even better, Jesus Christ! Would that, too, be allowed in the “spirit of freedom of speech and/or religion”? Hardly. The 10 Commandments are considered a bridge too far!

What the hell is wrong with people?

We are being ruled by mind-numbingly stupid and thus dangerous so-called leaders.

“Idle hands are the devil’s workshop and empty heads are his piles of wood.”

100% correct.

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I think it’s a mistake to think they’re stupid. Somehow they pick up 10 yards a play to our 3. What’s up with that?

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I agree. They’re not stupid. They’re motivated by evil, (their father, the devil), and thus, like him, take pleasure in tormenting the good.

“ For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

Ephesians 6:12

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The fool says in his heart there is no GOD.

I agree they are not stupid. They are far worse.

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They are cunning, not smart but cunning. Cunning is sly and usually evil.

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That is a saying like the one about a Lie has circled the racetrack twice while Truth is still tying his running shoes.

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Great movie btw...

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One of the best!

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Those mind-numbingly stupid people have hundreds and thousands of very bright people giving them advice every minute of the day, and too many of them believe government is the solution because its much easier to control people than to actually fix things.

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They also give them money. That's the secret of their control, greed.

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We are being ruled by the cleaver strategy of Marxism "Race" struggle".

Under this Maxime 'scholars' reject the evidence of ancient Jewish temples on Temple Mount.

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Dec 13, 2023·edited Dec 13, 2023Liked by Don Surber

I like best the great quote I just learned from Chuck yesterday — Nothing says “Never Again” like an ARMED JEW.

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That was a sweet quote. I already stole and am using it.

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Yep, Chuck here in the comment section gets the credit. It’s definitely a good one. 👍

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Took a minute to read that as Satan and not Santa. Yes would love to see that cartoon. The ‘music by’ should be Charlie Daniels.

Our church started a Christian & Classical Academy this year. (Ancient Paths, Columbus OH). K-5 this year; pre-K-6 next year. The goal is to raise up a generation with the ability to think, and to exercise the God-given existential gift (i.e. it’s real) of Reason.

We, America, didn’t descend this far overnight, and there are no workable quick solutions. We’re in a war folks, and we must stay on a war-footing under the enemy (coincidentally Satan, not Santa) is returned to the gutter, it’s proper abode.

Find the Ancient Paths website and watch the great video one of our members created.

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Kudos. We need more and more of these alternative educational opportunities. Until we put the Marxist monopoly of government OUT of our children's future.

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As I write this I am in the car line waiting for the door to Founders Classical Academy, a charter school, to open so that my 6-year-old granddaughter can start her school day. We are so blessed; we live just ten minutes away.

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Our 3 year old grandson started at a local Christian pre-school this past June and attends 3 days a week. He is on the wait list for the new Christian K-12 school which has just been built in the county seat. His younger sister and brother will follow when they’re old enough and none of them will ever set foot in a government school. Their grandfather and I are footing the bill and it will be the best investment we’ve ever made.

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Kudos to you Plays !!!

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God bless you and their grandfather (your father?). We were waitlisted at first, but then got a call offering our little girl a seat in the kindergarten class in April of last year. Everything that has happened to us for the last three years and three months has been for the sake of our granddaughter, so the universe is looking out for her. There's no other explanation.

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Their grandfather is my husband.

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Hah! You wrote that and I missed it. Trying to keep too many balls in the air at once. If we didn't have our granddaughter, I really don't know what I'd do with my time and money.

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Brilliant! Precisely what is so desperately needed!

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Dec 13, 2023·edited Dec 13, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Satanists are like lunatic leftists. If one believes and follows satan, then that person must also believe in God because satan's creation was from God. You can't have one without the other. Satanists have made a conscious choice to assimilate to doctrines of hate, destruction of good, and deception. They reject all that is good and loving. Who would choose that?

Doesn't this describe the doctrine of the lunatic left? Anti-God, destruction of all good things in society such as family, traditional marriage, and moral guidance from a higher power. Instead they choose to destroy society and groom children to be their sex toys. Who would choose that?

satan. (I refuse to capitalize that word unless it is the first word in a sentence.)

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Everything created was created by God. “And God saw that is was good.”

Satan has no power to create. He can only take from that which God has created and twist, pervert and destroy it.

He is the embodiment of all perversion.

“ Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.”

Revelations 12:12

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Dec 13, 2023·edited Dec 13, 2023

You make my point much better than I do - with scripture. Satanists are consciously saying "I know that God exists and created satan, but I am choosing to follow the evil and death of satan instead of the goodness of God."


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Dec 13, 2023·edited Dec 15, 2023

As to why people would choose to follow the 'evil and death of satan', for some depraved persons it is a conscious evil choice, but I think for many of our lost youth, it is that they have such a vacuum in their sense of identity (i.e., they lack a spiritual grounding or sense of themselves as children of God), that they merely seek to create some kind of sense of "identity" by affiliation and be "cool" or "different" or "special" or "edgy" or "with the latest trend".

What Jesus said on the cross comes to mind--"Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." Luke 23:24

But that said, we still need to counter the expansion of this vile demonic belief system.

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Indeed! The quintessential definition of insanity!

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Dec 13, 2023·edited Dec 13, 2023Liked by Don Surber

The rot all traces back to our "educational" system. Or lack thereof. We somehow fix this and we have a slim chance in saving the country.

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The rot all traces back to turning away from faith in God. You can fix the education system, the border, inflation, and everything else – but without love for God and each other, we are nothing.

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You beat me to post this! (Bad) Education is root of many of the world’s current problems.

It certainly is in Gaza!!!

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To paraphrase, "These days, most "higher" education is bunk.

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I believe that education from high school on down started its decline in the latter '70's when the federal Department of Education was created (college education started its decline in the late '50's). President Carter had good intentions, but as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., said, "Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." As Carter's successor, Ronald Reagan, said, "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.'"

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I started highschool in Canada in the mid-70s. The rot had started and was well on its way to the honour roll.

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I'll just put forth that perhaps Mom and Dad have a hand in our country's devil-worshipping, Jew-hating dilemma we find ourselves (suddenly??) enmeshed in.

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Adorable- see my post above

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Beware false idols. God is a jealous God. There was an event in late 2019 at which a goddess of fertility of the indigenous Amazonians called Pachamama was revered at St Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican and some higher up prelates in a circle with the pope knelt in front of the thing and bowed. The pope was there but did not participate. Coincidentally , within months the world became a cesspool of “false pandemics” and a new slavery of the minds and spirits of human beings. And it has not culminated in the war in Israel: no this is a soft intro into what is ahead. So what happens next is an unspeakable chastisement like we’ve never seen. How do we fix it? I know. Let’s erect statues to satan. Yeah, yeah. That’s the ticket.

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Dec 13, 2023·edited Dec 13, 2023Liked by Don Surber

"God isn’t a RINO."

These four words (five, if you count the contraction as two words and ignore the acronym as four more words) capture my feelings of disgust toward RINOs. RINOs have nothing to do with God. Satan is the master of deception just like the RINOs in DC. Both must be overcome and be thrown into the lake of fire.

I'll pull the lever on the catapult holding Mitt Romney.

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And RINO's aren't God. Someone needs to tell Mitch McConnell.

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Dec 13, 2023·edited Dec 13, 2023

Yes! If I can't launch 'ole Mitt, I'd happily substitute the turtle.

Here is evidence we have the technology - invented in West - by God - Virginia no less. Perhaps Don knows these guys.


As you watch people being catapulted off the bridge, think of Mitch in the seat and the look on his turtle face as he is launched. Whaaaaaaaaa!

(You may have to watch the ad first)

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I like that idea, Shrugged!

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Execute him by firing squad so more people can participate.

I can picture it now, him bleeding from a Hundred bullet holes in his groin with not a scratch above the belt.

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Dec 13, 2023·edited Dec 13, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Anybody still thinking we’re going to be able to vote ourself out of this.

Watching Harvard successfully circle the wagons around this jerk (do you know that when people bring up her plagiarism, or her inappropriate-ness for the position the university has a big time law firm sue them) should be instructive of what’s in store for us if THEY lose the election… if there is an election!

As we get closer to Nov ‘24 you’re going to see some stuff you’ll have a tough time believing is taking place in NA, like the out of control anti-semitism currently on display… only it won’t just be about the Jews.

Better get armed and prepped folks. Those fun folks in Antifa and BLM are.

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Dec 13, 2023·edited Dec 13, 2023

Chuck, we can only hope and pray the vote will work. Your advice is good though. If the vote doesn't work, it will be a game of survival in the urban jungle and it will be very ugly.

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I think either way (if we even get to have an election), it’s going to be ugly.

If DJT wins, rest assured the wrath of the evil minions will be unleashed in force and try to literally burn the place down.

And then there’s the interesting question: what will WE do If he doesn’t win?

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If Trump wins, the deep state satanists will release the flying monkeys. Will the military protect our citizens? I doubt it under Biden. Between the election and the swearing in of Trump, we will see as much destruction as possible, even preventing the inauguration.

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But we shall stately proceed onwards anyway.

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This is a favorite poem of mine by a German pastor, link: https://www.hmd.org.uk/resource/first-they-came-by-pastor-martin-niemoller/

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Armed and prepped already. But I also say the prayer to St. Michael every day…

St. Michael the archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. Oh, Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

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Pray only to GOD. He faithfully listens to his children.

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Catholics do not worship anyone other than the Holy Trinity, but we do offer up prayers to our saints to intercede with God on our behalf. St Michael defeated Satan and we simply ask him to continue to do so. The Hail Mary does not worship Mary; it asks Mary to pray for us.

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When the disciples asked Jesus, " teach us to pray" he instructed them, "our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name......" No mention is made of praying to Mary, Michael, or any other, only to GOD. Why ask Mary to pray for you, GOD our father is not too busy to hear us. He created a universe containing billions of stars, planets and a vast array of other thing with a simple statement in one day. Each of them is carefully placed, lovingly formed and very good. He assured us of that in Genesis.

Best of all, he knows what we will ask for before we know what we will ask for. Indeed, he knows the end before he began.

We don't need to ask Mary or Michael, if GOD were too busy to hear us, he's too busy to be interrupted by them. Thankfully he isn't that busy. And just as you delight in your children and grandchildren, he delights in us. He indeed is worthy of our prayers and praise.

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On target.

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With the cheating, there's no voting your way out of this.

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Don Surber

" Lori Lightfoot is a three-pointer."

FOUR pointer (she is also UGLY)

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A three bagger. One for your head, one for her head and one over the light in case it goes on.

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Maybe a five pointer - she’ probably an atheist too.

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Doesn't bode well for the Iowa caucuses next year does it?

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Certainly not a good omen. 🙄

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Don's subtitle today is another example of how he brings together disparate events--the satanic holiday display at the Iowa Capitol and Hanukkah holiday events being cancelled--and puts them together so that the contrast itself is illuminating.

This was one of the features of Don's writing that I noticed when I first discovered his blog. He really ranges very broad and very deep--and over a long period of time--bringing together an event from, say, 50 years ago, and juxtaposing it with a recent event, in a way that really "connects the dots" and makes a vivid point. This is a special skill. And it can only be done by someone who has spent a lifetime gaining a deep knowledge of American politics and culture, and who also is a careful thinker who has a "big picture" perspective.

Don is not an ordinary writer. Given the flood of events hitting us these days, as America roils from attacks on seemingly all sides, this ability to put one's finger on things and Clarify is very much appreciated.

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Don is a pro. You can tell he enjoys his craft. He knows how to tell a story and he’s meticulous about getting the facts right.

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Amen to that!

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Support Christmas (separation of church and state)

Support Christianity (separation of church and state)

Support Hannukah (Nazi genocidal murderers)

Attack Hannukah (freedom of speech)

Promote genocide against Jews (freedom of speech)

Support Muslim Eid (yay!)

Support Muslim murder of infidels (two cheers)

Support Satanism (freedom of religion)

promote atheism (freedom of religion)

Get it?

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Don Surber

There are only two religions in the world, Judaism and satanism. Christians are Jews who understand about the seventy weeks in Daniel and the coming of Messiah the Prince.

Islam is a branch of Satanism in the same way that Lutheranism through Christianity is a branch of Judaism.

The same is true about buddhism, hinduism, and every other religion that does not acknowledge the creator, GOD.

We surrendered our schools to satanism when we failed to take the supreme injustices of the court out Oklahoma air dancing when they banned school prayers.

Satanism likes to solidify it's conquests. They wanted to build a mosque at ground zero. They have one on the holy mount in Jerusalem. Someday it will be gone and the Holy Mount will be Holy again.

Wishy washy leaders surrender without a fight. They do it because wishy-washy people let them.

We can fix this. Start by teaching the Declaration of Independence and Constitution in schools. Make students write essays about our founding fathers. Then reinstate prayer and teach the first judge who attempts to ban it how to do Oklahoma air dancing.

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Well said !!

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Don Surber

I truly believe that the satanism on display is not a true religion with believers/followers and actual rites and gatherings but merely a deliberate poke in the eye to the Christians; however, since I am a believer in free speech, I will believe their claim that it is an actual religion and let it stand. My response to this, however, is that I will be forming a sect of satanism dedicated to a focus on the Quran and Mohammed and will feature a display of satan peeing on both. Then we can all sit back and watch as satanists everywhere are then targeted with a fatwah by the fundamentalists from Islam. Let them have to deal with the wrath of the Mullahs. (On a different topic, the substack spell checker was insistent that the words satanism, satan and satanists should have been capitalized, however, in the interest of the preservation of the West the sanity of the readers, I chose not to follow their suggestions.)

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The three ladies from the Ivies: Tweedledum, Tweedledumber, Tweedledumbest.

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