Drag used to be funny. Think of the Monty Python guys or Flip Wilson's Geraldine; hell, even the Rolling Stones were funny when they were photographed in dresses. Now it's just something else the liberals scolds have ruined.

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Humor works because it is based on a "violation of the expected". A joke's punch line is usually really funny because it reveals that unexpected violation of "normal". The reason Monty Python will never work again - especially today - is because trannies have moved their status from a "violation of the expected" to "normal". And, if anyone laughs about it, they are ostracized.

Leftists kill more than truth. They absolutely destroy humor. Look at their lives and I think you'll agree.

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Humor works because of shared norms that are violated, as you put it. The humor requires the element of truth, e.g., sexual dimorphism, that is brought into contrast or conflict within social customs or conventions. A man in a dress is funny, ridiculous, silly, outrageous, until advocates with an agenda stomp their feet and say, "that's not funny," because males wearing a dress are a protected class under tortured and ever-expanding civil rights provisions--provisions that never imagined such an invention or interpretation.

The woke-prog-left agenda is far worse than the killing of humor--it is nihilism invoking chaos and anarchy because it destroys settled truth as a concept, i.e., universal knowledge, and a fact--sexual dimorphism.

It needs more than resistance--it needs blowback. It needs consequences for having taken a seriously wrong turn. Cheers.

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Yes - thank you for explaining this more precisely and with relevant examples.

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Oh I miss Monty Python. Not sure they could get any funding today to make it, not that they had much the first time round.

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Aug 29, 2023
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Amen, the woke has killed most of it. =/

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Libs ruin everything they touch. There as been no humor in anything other than the current POTUS falling up stairs; and even then we can't laugh for crying over our country's spilt milk. I could hurl myself down from Fawlty Towers, and maybe see the Monty Python guys on my way down.

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You forgot Benny Hill.

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Knee slapping!

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I remember back in the late '60's on a visit to San Francisco, going to the My Oh My Club where all the entertainers were very beautifully made up cross-dressers - my ex and I even took my mom and step dad to see them. They were nothing like the drag queen story hour vulgarians of today. I can't fathom a parent taking their young children to see something like that

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Club Fugazi in ‘Frisco in the 80s. Before the hotel room tax was $200/nite. Enjoy the suck, haven’t been back in 23 years…

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Or men dressing in dresses and dancing on the school stage....so funny back then!

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The irony of the 4-H story is the girls donned those shirts because 4-H teams who sported the same uniform got extra points in the judging, and . . . wait for it . . . needing a quick matching uniform they bought t-shirts at the fair - i.e. THE FAIR that was hosting the 4-H event !

May we continue to ramp up our resistance to their insanity.

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Thanks very much. Putting things in a true context makes life easier and sensible.

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Thank you. It is sensible because we are Nor/mal.

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Patsy Clairmont long ago proclaimed that normal is just a setting on your dryer.

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At last, a great example of Poetic Justice to show the freshman grammar class.

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At last "all of the above" option

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You like getting off easy don't ya? LOL Me too!

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I went to the Seniors Center the other day to sign upon for a program only to be told I had to sign up on line. Fine. After filling out the regular bullshit a drop down appears with Preferred Pronouns and a list of 10 of them, the eleventh choice being ‘Prefer not to say’. After cooling off (I really, really want to learn how to improve my Bridge game) i pick the last one and hit enter…Another drop down appears asking me ‘Why’. I didn’t answer but it occurs to me that these people are so stupid they think our (or at least my) generation are on board for this. WTF!!!

A meme I came across the other day sums this up for me.

Queer Theory is a layered concept. After you get through the manipulative top layers of, Just be Kind, Its only a flag, what’s wrong with being inclusive etc, you always get to the same bottom 3 layers…

Hatred of Women

Male sexual arousal

Access to children

Hey, Gay and Lesbian North Americans, do yourself a big fat favour and get yourselves out of this LGBTQ alliance. Cause once the pendulum starts its journey back the other way, and the T shirts on those girls tells me it is starting to turn direction even as we speak, you’re going to be caught in the carnage to follow. Ignore us unhip normies at your peril!

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I refused to answer those pronoun questions at the doctors office. Finally after 2 yrs they quit asking.

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The only time I've been asked my preferred pronouns I said I usually call people either dumb shit or asshole.

People can call me what they want... If they dare.

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This same event occurred at my doctor's office. I stated on the form "What's this about" and left all that crap blank. I've had enough BS already.

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If my doctor doesn't immediately know a male vs a female, it's time to find a new Dr.

Covid uncovered for me that our medical institutions are as corrupt and leftist as education media democrats hollywood etc

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I had to switch doctors when my previous one retired. Same preferred pronoun question. I will be 65 in two weeks. I ignored the question and got the same run-around! Thankfully I’m healthy and only see the Doc annually.

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First it was “accepting and normalizing “ homosexuality.

Now the effort is to normalize a mental disease called transvestism and blatant criminality.

The left is attempting to normalize rampant theft in many major cities across the country. And since most of the thieves are black to criticize this or be a victim of it is to be….. racist( who could have seen that coming!)

Thank God we are fighting back against this insanity but when you rig elections and get the loser as the “winner”, when you install criminal mentally warped district attorneys that openly flaunt laws on the books and get judges who can’t tell a woman from a man there is just a lot of work ahead to undo this craziness.

Are we up for it? I hope so.

We are supposed to leave this earth one day having made an effort to leave it a bit better than before we entered.

I don’t think that is happening right now but I think God is a bit closer to his second coming and setting things back to normal

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I attribute ALL THIS CRAP to Barry Soetoro and his trans-wife, Mike. Can't tell you how much revulsion I experience even at the mere mention of those two clowns names.

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Spot on William…I am absolutely certain it started within 6 months of them capturing the WH!

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You are not alone

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"...setting things back to nor/mal..."

There - fixed it for you.

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The story of Sodom and Gomorrah come to mind.

If humanity isn’t able to fix this problem I believe God will.

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In the God vs Satan battle, God's batting 1000; Satan 0

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Great post as usual.

Once again I would like to bring up the fact that Brian Kemp has the authority to fire any prosecutor employed by the state of Georgia.

In Nor/Mal times a prominent republican would realize the stupidity of one of his prosecutor's and support a presidential candidate of his party. He supports Fani Willis by his actions.

It is a wonderful example for all to see: The republican party above the ground level does NOT like you.

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He is why we have dominion machines in Georgia. Also approved mail in ballots. He was happy to accept Trump's backing in 2018. Turncoat is too kind a word for him.

I believe and so do others a lot smarter than me, all of the charges and convictions will be overturned on the appellate level but won’t happen until 2025. Maybe as soon as November 8th 2024.

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Because she is Black. Most other DA's have brains AND skin. She only has skin and a great manicurist.

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All of this has been planned for a long time. It involves creating chaos, dividing the country, overturning norms, destroying the nuclear family, destroying Christianity, destroying Israel, turn democrats against republicans, turn whites against blacks, turn the poor against the rich, destroy free elections, destroy truth tellers, destroy the Bill of Rights, destroy a man who stands up for America and wants to Make America Great Again.

I am not a democrat but I empathize with the comments from this website: https://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/the-way-we-see-itour-blog

How do you know you're taken over?

December 2020

You’re posting on social media expecting it to be taken down.

You see actual proof of voting fraud and you’re called a conspiracy theorist.

You’re losing your business because of unproven pseudo medical bureaucratic decrees.

You’re afraid to draw attention to yourself.

You use a pseudonym when writing a letter to the editor.

Your soccer mom neighbor has a burner phone.

You’re thinking about how to get across the border.

Your pastor is giving a sermon on Sustainable Development.

You’re hiding your Christmas dinner plans.

You can’t afford your mortgage payment at 2% interest.

Your children have become sullen and suspicious of everyone.

You smoke a joint and have a beer at 9 am.

Your husband, a businessman, hasn’t shaved or put on a suit in months.

You’re afraid all the time.

You’re stockpiling toilet paper.

You never put your surveillance device away.

Your city council is passing ordinances while meeting on a Zoom call.

You notice marijuana dispensaries everywhere, billboards advertising drive-thru weed, and it's 10x stronger than what you used to smoke.

Your kid never stops playing war videos.

Your daughter and her friends have all announced that they're boys.

You can't remember what it was like to be normal.

You’re not surprised that no one goes to jail for treason.

You're not shocked that half of the country hates the other half.

You’re admiring a homeless person’s tent.

You’re worried about the dollar crashing.

You’ve given up worrying about the deficit.

You wonder if you can stay out of prison.

Venezuelans, Iranians, Russians, Cubans and Jews all warn you to get ready.

You are trying to get ready.

Welcome to the #NewWorldOrder

This is #Agenda21

It's not over yet.

Get active. Speak out. Be visible.

Remember who you are. You are a strong intelligent free being. You are the Resistance.

You're not alone.




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‘Venezuelans, Iranians, Russians, Cubans and Jews all warn you to get ready….🤣😂🤣’

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"Transvestite" used to refer to men who, for reasons entirely their own, liked to dress as women on occasion. They typically did so in private. And though it was considered a form of deviancy, who could really object as long as they weren't in our faces about it and didn't claim any special status or demand special treatment? There is, after all, no accounting for taste. Those days are long gone.

With respect to homosexuality, let's be frank. It's not really a choice people make. No one arrives at the age of twelve or thirteen and takes out a piece of paper, draws a line down the middle, and writes "Straight" at the top of one column and "Gay" at the top of the other, then tallies the pros and cons of each one down the page, then makes a rational decision based on weighted balances. It's not a choice, and no one knows how the preference arises. There are plenty of homosexual men in our camp -- Dave Rubin, Brandon Straka, Spencer Klavan (there are no "E"s in "Klavan"), Rick Grinnell. Lesbians, too, I'm sure. They are just as adamantly opposed to the current insane trends as we are.

It has always been those who are pushy about their sexual appetites who create problems, whether they are hetero- or homo-. I read years ago in a discussion group populated by a lot of Navy folks an account by one of them. He had been a first class petty officer, and there was a homosexual lieutenant on his ship who was not shy in his efforts to satisfy his desires. One day when they were on the liberty launch returning to the ship, the first class privately informed the lieutenant that if he didn't put a lid on it, he would become the subject of a man overboard evolution, and it wouldn't be a drill. Problem solved.

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Some percentage of homosexuals (don’t know the statistics, or if you can even find the studies any more), have become so as a result of having been molested as children by pedophiles. As a result, they experience psychological, emotional trauma and sexual confusion. The cycle also often repeats itself, as some of those damaged children can grow up to become molesters themselves.

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True about abuse! Additionally, it can also occur by a boy having consistently not received their fathers love. Emotionally distant fathers can cause a wounded child to long for love. Puberty kicks in that longing can result in a wide array of responses. Particularly if the boy, absent a father’s love, spent an abnormal amount of time with his mother.

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Saw exactly that happen in my extended family - uninvolved father and overbearing helicopter mom. The son is now in his mid thirties and posts pictures of himself in nothing but fishnet panty-hose online.

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Wow. Very sad in my view.

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Mine too.

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Milo Yianopoulos has been very candid about this.

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You are right. It is a self-sustaining sin.

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Child molestation is called the crime of the centuries for that reason.

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So true…

They can’t reproduce so they have to recruit.

Steely Dan wrote/sang about that in Ricky don’t lose that Number!

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Are you sure it wasn't the song, Everyone's Gone to the Movies?

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WTF…its an actual Song!!! By Steely Dan yet!…but ‘Ricky’ captures the recruitment process better I think, and just like the Trans creeps they prey on young people who may not have a, ‘ahem’, firm grasp on who they are yet. Despicable and potentially a ‘Capital Crime’ IMO!

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I thought you might find this interesting - though, perhaps I'm missing something that you are not.

"Just to clear up a generation's worth of rumors about the lyrics of 'Rikki Don't Lose That Number'...an uncharacteristically forthcoming Donald Fagen has similarly revealed that the "Rikki" in question was simply a woman he'd had a crush on in college [writer Rikki Ducornet]."

She was actually the wife of one of Fagen's professors.


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That is interesting but it doesn’t explain the line…’You tell yourself you’re not my kind, but you don’t even know your mind’ … but maybe they were talking about something else, stamp collecting or ship wreck coins or, ya know, something!

Also, just spitballing here, maybe Mr Fagan was smart enough to get out in front of this thing when he saw the uptick in power of the gay mafia, particularly in CA!

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First thing came to mind was the FBIs director J. Edgar Hoover's alleged fantasies of dressing as a woman. Really who cared? Doesn't help to describe his tyrannical investigative reach either, does it?

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Sometimes one deviant type behavior in a person reveals other serious character flaws.

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Very astutely noted!!!!

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Very timely post. We just got back from seeing our grandkids.

Our almost 3 year old grandson said to me “Papaw, my friend Jimmy was telling me he was considering gender affirming surgery and didn’t want his parents to know. I told him to ponder the ramifications of this decision a little bit more. He could grow up to be an ugly spectacle like Rachel Levine and Lea Thomas or just be another ugly man. I want to be like you Papaw, and sit around and scratch myself while watching football. I told Jimmy that he wouldn’t be able To do this after they lopped them off. I also told Jimmy that the liberals may have gone off the deep end on this issue and we may have a chance to grow up in a country like my papaw did. Jimmy said the continued persecution of Donald Trump makes him think that too. Jimmy thanked me and said he would cogitate on what I said before doing anything rash. The thought of sitting on a couch watching football and scratching himself made quite an impression on him”.

My grandson then went out to play in a mud hole. He said “Papaw, I can’t play cowboys and Indians right now because I lost my toy guns in a tragic boating accident. Maybe I’ll get some new ones on my birthday.”

Life is good.

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Great kid

Well my nearly 3 grandson went to a sushi bar and ordered barbecued ham

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*Mourns for SL's multitude of boats that have had accidents.

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The thing is, I suspect that "transwomen" have been using the women's bathroom for a while. We women don't check genitalia at the door, and unlike the men's room, no one whips anything out in public. As long as your feet are pointing the right way under the divider, we have no reason to question if you walked in looking anything like a woman. What bathroom laws do is stop the men who just don't want to spring for online porn and actually do make the space unsafe because they're not really there because they need to pee.

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“ There are 57, just like Heinz.”

On the subject of dozens of genders, the question to ask these lunatics is - If there are all of these many genders, why are there only two choices for people who want to “transition”?

My daughter lives in the county where the boy in the skirt raped two girls in the high school girl’s restroom. That was the last straw for her and the reason that her kids will either go to a Christian school or be home schooled.

I’m so sick of all of this garbage. Go back in the closet!

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The kid should appeal. And if I were the parent, I would have a very brief discussion with the principal, saying in essence, you have chosen your side. I have chosen mine. I am going to keep suing - and I am going to add a specific civil charge against YOU, for serious $$. And I am going to make sure you cannot hide behind your school corp protection. I am going to financially ruin YOU, and by default your entire family. Game on friend.

And don't think you will be able to keep track of which side you approve of and which side you do not. You will screw up, and reinforce my case for me. It's tough when you have a person just looking and waiting for your additional mistake. Enjoy.

Lawfare. It's what's for dinner.

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It's often a very expensive dinner.

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Yes, but I'll bet you could probably find some firm very interested in the possibilities it provides. And the potential payoff from both an institutional and private payor - especially the school system.

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During the revolutionary war was easy to tell who the enemy was, either wore red coats, or in some cases were the ones with a funny accent. Turn the Civil War it was either those were the blue or gray or once again those with a funny accent. Today it is difficult to see who the enemy is depending on which side you’re on. However, those who use pronouns other than he and she clearly are on one side of the divide. Another great article.

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Don you know we are winning and I know it as well as do the {nor-mals},yet we are bombarded with b s daily how hateful we are.These people in msm and their puppets would do well to venture into rural America but then could not report because it does not fit the talking points.Blessings to Riley G. and J.K. Rowling as well as many more unsung ladies for using the abilities to speak and be heard over the wailing of libs.Great post and love the option poll.We are winning Mr. Surber so plow on!

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“ I know what I am and a man is a man and so’s Lola. “

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Thank you Jane.

The Kinks had their fun, with the song and then laid down the truth.

Just like Mick Dundee.

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"he came from a land down under"

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In order for us to have a successful constitutional democratic republic it requires two things, according to people who study this sort of stuff: a concerned, moral elite and an educated, moral populace. There have to be limits to behavior and energy has to be expended to maintain and preserve society.

This is exactly what we don’t have today.

We have a degenerate, nihilistic amoral elite seeking to maximize profit and sexual kinky satisfaction for themselves who doesn’t want the responsibility and limits of a moral and just society. They don’t care. So there are no limits. Anything that sets limits his attacked. Family, church, firearms, authority itself.

There’s no morally compelling rationale for allowing men to pretend they are women and to usurp the rights of women in the process. ThTs actually not freedom. It’s oppression. It makes a mockery of basic biology and society. This is the point of course. The ruling class mocks us continuously- look at the response to COVID. Look at the response to Maui. Look at the Afghanistan withdrawal. These aren’t f-k ups. They are sick jokes at our expense. They tell us we don’t matter. Imagine the arrogance.

We have work to do. We have to defend ourselves and the country from these Marxist nihilists. They aren’t building back better. They’re breaking everything because that’s all Marxists and pissed off 3 year olds know how to do.

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Amen. Sodom & Gomorrah on the Potomac and in Hollywood.

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