In the wake of President Trump tossing Zelensky out of the Oval Office on Friday, I repost tonight this newsletter from January 31, 2023. I will allow readers to decide what has changed on the last 25 months.
Still a column that's as relevant as ever, Don. It's still Kiev to me and I still have no interest in this ridiculous war that no one is winning after three years. Ukraine is corrupt, likely has bio-weapons labs, is not a democracy, sold off U.S. weapons, banned opposition parties, etc, etc. This is the "democracy" we are all supposed to get worked up about saving in this war that will not end? You've got to be kidding. I read that Zelensky was advised by the Obama-Biden gang, including Victoria Nuland -- wife of Satan -- before the meeting. So I believe the Oval Office meeting was designed to be failure. I still prefer Team Putin. Yes, I know he is a murderous thug. Even Lindsey Graham called out that little troll, Zelensky, who couldn't be bothered to adhere to the dress code of wearing a suit. And now Zelensky is meeting with all the B-list beta leaders - Starmer, Macron, and Trudeau. Without U.S. money and arms, Ukraine is done. Bring on a forced peace settlement and partition Ukraine if necessary. Not one more man should be conscripted to fight in that conflict. Let the war pigs fight it out. I'll end on a positive note, though. Give peace a chance!
03/01/25: How low can someone plunge when his alternative is to have to scrounge from Trudeau, whose usefulness anyway is about to evaporate? Macron is the clone of the 1939-40 French politicians (result: Germans parade in Paris 1940), and Starmer looks like one of the Little Hitler Axis-allies in the Balkans during WWII.
"I read that Zelensky was advised by the Obama-Biden gang, including Victoria Nuland -- wife of Satan -- before the meeting."
Lawfare didn't work - and won't work now that the administration has changed - so plan B is to erode as much of Trump's fringe supporters to take the mid-terms from Republicans. The moderates can be swayed back to the pro-war stance as most were more concerned about the border and inflation.
DOJ/FBI must drag Nuland into a knock down drag out legal close to her career as a traitor.
I have yet to see Pretty Pam Bondi investigate ANY of the DOJ/SOS actors for breaking I am sure Hundreds of federal laws in the last 4 years….go get’m Bondi…or confirm my suspicions - Trump47 has a replay of T45 cowardly recused AG, reincarnated as a TV Pretty Girl unwilling to break a nail. Sure hope DOGE or some other adults have a roadmap to trim the DOJ to fit in a suburban office building in Paducah..
Your words may end up being true, but I think it is way too early to Judge the new AG. It takes time to build a case and a strategy for prosecuting. I'm sure the last AG didn't leave a file on the desk for her to pick up and run with. If anything, the last AG buried and/or destroyed as much useful evidence as possible.
At least give her 3 months on the job. She was sworn in LESS than a month ago on 2/4/2025. Today is 3/2/2025.
Thank you! Jeesh people are expecting immediate miracles - it’s really disturbing. Kash + Bondi also walked into the centers of the lions den of our corrupt government apparatus. There are battles being waged within those agencies as we speak to weed out out the subverters who are not going quietly. There’s a sh*#load of work to be done, and a caseload of corruption on their list to get to they’ll need an army to pursue. This is gonna take some time folks. But they know their mission. More prayers for them and less impatience is in order.
Think it was about this time last year there were reports of Ukie “press hangs” forcing men into the Ukie military, basically @ gunpoint. Col Douglas MacGregor, USA, Ret., & Larry Johnson (former CIA) have been predicting a Ukrainian collapse for the better part of a year now but - as we know - that hasn’t happened. If the Ukies are as weak as the two aforementioned claim they are then why hasn’t Putin kicked the door in?
I think Putin has exercised restraint because he felt Trump would probably get the Presidency back. Putin was right, and Trump is very much in the process of terminating this ridiculous war.
I think you are right. Putin knows more about our fake news legacy media lies than most Americans. He also knows when to back off and hold his cards (ie) when Trump is in office.
Without US money and arms all of Starmer, Macron, the new German chancellor in waiting Merz, and Trudeau are done.
I long to see Merz achieve 'real' independence from the US. He can take is Mercedes, BMW, and Audi's and shove them where his sausage doesn't shine.
Mr. Merz, how about we begin enabling your 'real' independence from the U.S. by closing all our military bases in Germany? We'll continue in France and England. We won't do it like Biden did with Bagram in Afghanistan. We'll strip it bare and leave you with empty buildings and a few empty crates on the floor.
These weenies - Trudeau, Starmer, Macron and others - don't know how to fight for anything. They've never had to and it's not their blood. They are talkers not doers. There will be no Canadians and Europeans saving Ukraine. They don't have the money and they wouldn't know how. All three of these beta leaders are going to be kicked out by their voters, the Lord willing.
I am a Canadian, and trust me, Trudeau Jr., doesn't know how to fight for anything. He may know dirty tricks but he can never get this kind of job done. Canada is having all kinds of major problems right now and defending Ukraine is not on my bloody list.
Yes, it has been an interesting shift in beliefs and values among this populist movement. I am 68 years old and haven't held my current opinions about war since I was a senior in high school (When I received my first draft card for Vietnam) in 1974.
We were 'burned' by the military industrial complex lies - George W Bush too - when we thought we were doing the right thing finding the weapons of mass destruction.
It turns out the weapons of mass destruction were the military industrial complex and the legacy GOP.
On the poll, we can access the precious metals after we deal with the criminals that have been selling our country into oblivion. If we don't do that first, they will continue to deplete the treasury.
Yes, I say the minerals will be there unless the two main criminals there in Ukraine and Russia get to them first. I'm thinking if miraculously we can deal swiftly and sternly with the crooks here in the swamp, including Congress and other places, then those even overseas will pause enough that we can "take care" of them.
This is the best comment and conclusion from the Whitehouse meeting.
Zelenskyy lied, deceived, grifted, and had a tantrum in the oval office to humiliate Trump and Vance (double play).
If I were Trump, I'd never acknowledge or host Zelenskyy again and make sure he is pounded into the pothole that Ukraine is between eastern Europe and Russia.
When he begs for mercy, send a cabinet member to get his surrender to Trump's demands.
As I said in another post here, the deep state (Obama this time) is destroying Trump leading up to the midterms. They don't have many options with lawfare mostly off the table now.
Bondi/Patel need to get busy fast and start picking off these traitorous enemies of state.
Want to say UK agreed to a 100 year Mutual Support pledge w Ukraine in Sep24. Part of that deal was giving UK rights to mineral & oil & gas interests. That is why Dictator Zelensky did not sign deal when Bessent was in Ukraine, next when Rubio/Vance were in Munich, and now DC. Ukraine has already pledged them to piss-poor insolvent UK. Trump & Putin know this, are just playing it out. Zelensky is not legally Preezy after 5 years, only Ukraine House, so mineral deal w UK invalid. How come Epstein issue was raised haphazardly right b4 Zelensky meeting? (Princess Andrew?). Stamer met earlier in week w KingChasLovesU PDJT47, come bak for 1st ever 2nd state welcome - you Rube….Trump & Putin will do a deal after Ukraine elects a new President…
What I can’t fathom is why Putin has allowed this to drag out as long as it has; the longer it goes on the more troops he loses & more the chance for some stupid, egregious error a’la 1914 in the West. As I understand it his plan was to grind down the Ukie military & force a settlement. Okay but would have thought a clear blitzkrieg-style sichelschnitt (scissor cut) around Kiev to cut off the capitol, isolate Zelensky, & force an end to it would have been in the cards @ some point. Instead this Passchendaele/Somme-style rerun seem interminable. Possibly he doesn’t have the capability? I don’t know - I don’t have any insider info but that would appear to be the most likely reason.
The Russian military isn't capable of the task. Their equipment is garbage, their leaders are corrupt and their troops don't want the fight.
This should have been a three month war. It now looks like the real purpose is to deplete the American and Nato weapons stock piles whether to direct funds to the military industrial complex or to weaken us for later conquest I don't know.
Well this should put to rest all the alarmists who cry about Putin invading/reconquering Eastern Europe; if they’re barely holding their own now then the aforementioned is a moot point.
Well, the Russians have like 10,000 tactical nukes...some of which are sure to they have trumps to play.....
Ukraine. Most corrupt nation on Earth... Russia #2....
Let's back away from the the nuclear fall-out and leave it to those brave Englishmen to handle..............You know, 2025 Englishmen named Mohammed and Ali and Pushtar....
Putin was dealing with an American President that had dementia and was completely unpredictable. Putin did not want to risk World War III. That's why he was cautious and didn't move definitively like that.
And Putin was right. He made the wise move; to wait for Trump to get back in office.
He plans to govern the area he is conquering. It's mostly ethnic Russian. Unlike the Nazis, he isn't committing war crimes and atrocities against the population.
Yes. Crimea is utmost important to Russia as their pretty much only warm water port. Stalin changed borders like he changed his socks. Over centuries they have been Russian.
Russia is getting what they require. They have already won.
He has Crimea, the seacoast over to Russia and valuable mines now back under Russian control. Want to say he has mainly been defensive, but slowly bombarding adjacent Ukraine land into no man’s land. Other positive is that Tina Fey can see Crimea from the front porch of Putin’s vacation home at Krasnodar Krai.
Oh logistics is paramount. If Putin was to make an assault encircling Kiev it’s assuming the Russian Army has the logistical wherewithal to support such a move. Logistics is everything.
Stop the war. Stop the money laundering system. Stop the corruption. Who cares if Russia gets some territory? Stop the killing. And get DOGE to find out where all the money we sent wound up.
"Putin broke that unwritten agreement when he invaded Donbas." which was perhaps, in Putin's view, a measured response to the destruction and dismemberment of Serbia by NATO.
In 1999, Clinton and NATO, through brute force, took Kosovo out of the hands of Serbia, Russia’s ally, and, gave Kosovo to Moslem Albania. NATO did that without the approval of the United Nations.
NATO and the American and European globalists are not the good guys in this. Their hands are dirty.
Great column! The sad thing is that 35 years of lying American and European politicians caused this disaster. Gorbechov, Yeltsen, and Putin all repeatedly warned our psychopathic overlords that moving NATO east towards Russia was going to result in them having to take up arms, given their brutal history of mass murderers in the form of Swedes, French, and Germans coming from the west and committing horrific destruction. Remember, we came within a hair's breadth of a nuclear war with the Soviets because they put nukes in Cuba, 1200 miles from Washington, D.C. The border of Ukraine is less than 350 miles from Moscow, which is a bout a 6 minute missile trip. Typical estimates of how long any country has to react to incoming missiles is....6-8 minutes.
I hope that we do not send another penney to Zelenskyy and the rest of the gangsters and criminals around him: if the Europeans want to sustain the war, let them. But I don't think it will turn out well for them if they do. We have much bigger fish to fry here, with much more serious problems than where the borders between two Slavic nations in Eastern Europe end up.
Whene’er I muse about the war in Ukraine, these are some of the thoughts that float about in my mind:
Russia, Putin most particularly, I believe has the same philosophy about his country as Trump does regarding America: Russia First. He is thoroughly Nationalistic, believing in the sovereignty of his nation, it’s interests and its borders. It’s also interesting to note that Russia is more Christian than practically all of Western Europe.
Russia has a fairly sordid history what with Stalin, Communism, and authoritarianism but after the collapse of the Soviet Union it was, I believe, genuinely seeking to be a part of the free world, their markets and their organizations, even at one point seeking to join NATO, though many of those interests were rebuffed by the more high-minded members of the elite Western powers club. But it did have energy - lots and lots of energy, which did tantalize those elites to take advantage of - mostly so they didn’t have to taint themselves with the sin of contributing to global warming.
These Elites also were in the process of feverishly organizing a brand new world order, with one giant authority to be created to determine and dictate all new rules and laws the unwashed masses would soon all be required to live by, establishing a Utopia upon the earth. Russia, however, and somewhat ironically considering its authoritarian history, was not interested. It didn’t like the idea of being dictated to by anyone. Hence, it became a great wrench in the wheel of progress these Elites were busily constructing around the world. This could not stand. Something must be done. Russia has got to go, and here we are.
Russia, and Putin just like Trump, are two of the chief thorns in the side of this New World Order crowd, and they’ll stop at nothing to destroy them.
These Elites don’t want peace, nor do they want freedom or any kind of independent sovereign nations spoiling their dreams of absolute power. They will do just about anything to crush and destroy those who oppose them, and they will. That is, unless the people get wise to their master plan to rule over every aspect of their lives, and decide they don’t want it.
That’s the crack that’s growing in that wall now, and the people are getting wise to the games being played at their expense.
That’s where we are now, nations and their people locked in a battle of freedom vs slavery, good vs evil in its rawest manifestation.
That’s what the Ukraine war is about - and pretty much everything else going on in the world today. It truly is us against them, and just what kind of world each of us wants to live in.
Deuteronomy 30:19
I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:“
Zelensky should be arrested if he ever comes back to the United States. He has stolen billions from us. I am sure our corrupt politicians are in on the theft.
Did you get the idea that Trump wanted to say to Zelensky WTF are you talking about? You are 100% a creation of the US deep state and the globalists , WTF do you think is going on here?
This war should not have happened, Putin said from onset he would not tolerate Ukraine in NATO, but Biden, who was probably compromised by he and his son’s dealings with Ukraine, had to intervene. It’s Europes war and as we’ve seen in the last few years how freedom and Democracy has been challenged by their leadership, they can have it
And don't forget, the brilliant Kamala actually said early on that Ukraine WAS IN NATO--meaning she thought Ukraine ALREADY was in NATO and that's why we had to support Ukraine. Putin had good cause to be concerned, when the American Vice President is going around saying that Ukraine IS part of NATO. And Kamala made a supreme idiot of herself not even knowing that that was Putin's flash point--that he could not tolerate NATO on his border, and that Ukraine was NOT in NATO.
It was practically treason by the Democrats to nominate Kamala for President. Nothing could have been more destructive to the U.S. One has to assume that IS the Democrat's goal for the U.S.--destruction.
Still a column that's as relevant as ever, Don. It's still Kiev to me and I still have no interest in this ridiculous war that no one is winning after three years. Ukraine is corrupt, likely has bio-weapons labs, is not a democracy, sold off U.S. weapons, banned opposition parties, etc, etc. This is the "democracy" we are all supposed to get worked up about saving in this war that will not end? You've got to be kidding. I read that Zelensky was advised by the Obama-Biden gang, including Victoria Nuland -- wife of Satan -- before the meeting. So I believe the Oval Office meeting was designed to be failure. I still prefer Team Putin. Yes, I know he is a murderous thug. Even Lindsey Graham called out that little troll, Zelensky, who couldn't be bothered to adhere to the dress code of wearing a suit. And now Zelensky is meeting with all the B-list beta leaders - Starmer, Macron, and Trudeau. Without U.S. money and arms, Ukraine is done. Bring on a forced peace settlement and partition Ukraine if necessary. Not one more man should be conscripted to fight in that conflict. Let the war pigs fight it out. I'll end on a positive note, though. Give peace a chance!
03/01/25: How low can someone plunge when his alternative is to have to scrounge from Trudeau, whose usefulness anyway is about to evaporate? Macron is the clone of the 1939-40 French politicians (result: Germans parade in Paris 1940), and Starmer looks like one of the Little Hitler Axis-allies in the Balkans during WWII.
"I read that Zelensky was advised by the Obama-Biden gang, including Victoria Nuland -- wife of Satan -- before the meeting."
Lawfare didn't work - and won't work now that the administration has changed - so plan B is to erode as much of Trump's fringe supporters to take the mid-terms from Republicans. The moderates can be swayed back to the pro-war stance as most were more concerned about the border and inflation.
DOJ/FBI must drag Nuland into a knock down drag out legal close to her career as a traitor.
I have yet to see Pretty Pam Bondi investigate ANY of the DOJ/SOS actors for breaking I am sure Hundreds of federal laws in the last 4 years….go get’m Bondi…or confirm my suspicions - Trump47 has a replay of T45 cowardly recused AG, reincarnated as a TV Pretty Girl unwilling to break a nail. Sure hope DOGE or some other adults have a roadmap to trim the DOJ to fit in a suburban office building in Paducah..
Your words may end up being true, but I think it is way too early to Judge the new AG. It takes time to build a case and a strategy for prosecuting. I'm sure the last AG didn't leave a file on the desk for her to pick up and run with. If anything, the last AG buried and/or destroyed as much useful evidence as possible.
At least give her 3 months on the job. She was sworn in LESS than a month ago on 2/4/2025. Today is 3/2/2025.
Thank you! Jeesh people are expecting immediate miracles - it’s really disturbing. Kash + Bondi also walked into the centers of the lions den of our corrupt government apparatus. There are battles being waged within those agencies as we speak to weed out out the subverters who are not going quietly. There’s a sh*#load of work to be done, and a caseload of corruption on their list to get to they’ll need an army to pursue. This is gonna take some time folks. But they know their mission. More prayers for them and less impatience is in order.
Think it was about this time last year there were reports of Ukie “press hangs” forcing men into the Ukie military, basically @ gunpoint. Col Douglas MacGregor, USA, Ret., & Larry Johnson (former CIA) have been predicting a Ukrainian collapse for the better part of a year now but - as we know - that hasn’t happened. If the Ukies are as weak as the two aforementioned claim they are then why hasn’t Putin kicked the door in?
Something doesn’t add up.
I think Putin has exercised restraint because he felt Trump would probably get the Presidency back. Putin was right, and Trump is very much in the process of terminating this ridiculous war.
I think you are right. Putin knows more about our fake news legacy media lies than most Americans. He also knows when to back off and hold his cards (ie) when Trump is in office.
This is true.
You nailed it, LuAnn.
Most excellent response… and I agree wholeheartedly.
“Give Peace a Chance”
"Without U.S. money and arms, Ukraine is done."
Without US money and arms all of Starmer, Macron, the new German chancellor in waiting Merz, and Trudeau are done.
I long to see Merz achieve 'real' independence from the US. He can take is Mercedes, BMW, and Audi's and shove them where his sausage doesn't shine.
Mr. Merz, how about we begin enabling your 'real' independence from the U.S. by closing all our military bases in Germany? We'll continue in France and England. We won't do it like Biden did with Bagram in Afghanistan. We'll strip it bare and leave you with empty buildings and a few empty crates on the floor.
These weenies - Trudeau, Starmer, Macron and others - don't know how to fight for anything. They've never had to and it's not their blood. They are talkers not doers. There will be no Canadians and Europeans saving Ukraine. They don't have the money and they wouldn't know how. All three of these beta leaders are going to be kicked out by their voters, the Lord willing.
I am a Canadian, and trust me, Trudeau Jr., doesn't know how to fight for anything. He may know dirty tricks but he can never get this kind of job done. Canada is having all kinds of major problems right now and defending Ukraine is not on my bloody list.
Being a former war hawk and supporter of the Iraq war, I just see nothing but folly and destruction now. I am a peace-nik now.
Yes, it has been an interesting shift in beliefs and values among this populist movement. I am 68 years old and haven't held my current opinions about war since I was a senior in high school (When I received my first draft card for Vietnam) in 1974.
We were 'burned' by the military industrial complex lies - George W Bush too - when we thought we were doing the right thing finding the weapons of mass destruction.
It turns out the weapons of mass destruction were the military industrial complex and the legacy GOP.
On the poll, we can access the precious metals after we deal with the criminals that have been selling our country into oblivion. If we don't do that first, they will continue to deplete the treasury.
Yes rare earth minerals must be part of the peace deal.
Yes, I say the minerals will be there unless the two main criminals there in Ukraine and Russia get to them first. I'm thinking if miraculously we can deal swiftly and sternly with the crooks here in the swamp, including Congress and other places, then those even overseas will pause enough that we can "take care" of them.
Blackrock already bought them.. Zelenski is double selling...
After yesterday it’s clear zalensky doesn’t want peace
This is the best comment and conclusion from the Whitehouse meeting.
Zelenskyy lied, deceived, grifted, and had a tantrum in the oval office to humiliate Trump and Vance (double play).
If I were Trump, I'd never acknowledge or host Zelenskyy again and make sure he is pounded into the pothole that Ukraine is between eastern Europe and Russia.
When he begs for mercy, send a cabinet member to get his surrender to Trump's demands.
As I said in another post here, the deep state (Obama this time) is destroying Trump leading up to the midterms. They don't have many options with lawfare mostly off the table now.
Bondi/Patel need to get busy fast and start picking off these traitorous enemies of state.
Want to say UK agreed to a 100 year Mutual Support pledge w Ukraine in Sep24. Part of that deal was giving UK rights to mineral & oil & gas interests. That is why Dictator Zelensky did not sign deal when Bessent was in Ukraine, next when Rubio/Vance were in Munich, and now DC. Ukraine has already pledged them to piss-poor insolvent UK. Trump & Putin know this, are just playing it out. Zelensky is not legally Preezy after 5 years, only Ukraine House, so mineral deal w UK invalid. How come Epstein issue was raised haphazardly right b4 Zelensky meeting? (Princess Andrew?). Stamer met earlier in week w KingChasLovesU PDJT47, come bak for 1st ever 2nd state welcome - you Rube….Trump & Putin will do a deal after Ukraine elects a new President…
He's a runt in elevator shoes. Trump threw him out of the Oval Office with overspin.
Top 5 Surber of all time...I'd call the column prescient...
Ukraine vs Russia? Can't they both lose?
What I can’t fathom is why Putin has allowed this to drag out as long as it has; the longer it goes on the more troops he loses & more the chance for some stupid, egregious error a’la 1914 in the West. As I understand it his plan was to grind down the Ukie military & force a settlement. Okay but would have thought a clear blitzkrieg-style sichelschnitt (scissor cut) around Kiev to cut off the capitol, isolate Zelensky, & force an end to it would have been in the cards @ some point. Instead this Passchendaele/Somme-style rerun seem interminable. Possibly he doesn’t have the capability? I don’t know - I don’t have any insider info but that would appear to be the most likely reason.
The Russian military isn't capable of the task. Their equipment is garbage, their leaders are corrupt and their troops don't want the fight.
This should have been a three month war. It now looks like the real purpose is to deplete the American and Nato weapons stock piles whether to direct funds to the military industrial complex or to weaken us for later conquest I don't know.
Well this should put to rest all the alarmists who cry about Putin invading/reconquering Eastern Europe; if they’re barely holding their own now then the aforementioned is a moot point.
"Their equipment is garbage...."
Well, the Russians have like 10,000 tactical nukes...some of which are sure to they have trumps to play.....
Ukraine. Most corrupt nation on Earth... Russia #2....
Let's back away from the the nuclear fall-out and leave it to those brave Englishmen to handle..............You know, 2025 Englishmen named Mohammed and Ali and Pushtar....
You get 10 points in comment awards
Putin was dealing with an American President that had dementia and was completely unpredictable. Putin did not want to risk World War III. That's why he was cautious and didn't move definitively like that.
And Putin was right. He made the wise move; to wait for Trump to get back in office.
Oh, like Trump is predictable?
Hah! Touche!
And Putin was dealing with a president that was also out of his mind mentally.
If Putin gave Biden ice cream in a waffle cone he could have invaded the Oval Office, Rehoboth Beach and Nancy Pelosi's pants.
He plans to govern the area he is conquering. It's mostly ethnic Russian. Unlike the Nazis, he isn't committing war crimes and atrocities against the population.
How did the Shock and Awe invasion of Iraq go?
I think that Crimea and Donbas are mostly ethnically Russian and historically Russian.
Yes. Crimea is utmost important to Russia as their pretty much only warm water port. Stalin changed borders like he changed his socks. Over centuries they have been Russian.
Russia is getting what they require. They have already won.
He has Crimea, the seacoast over to Russia and valuable mines now back under Russian control. Want to say he has mainly been defensive, but slowly bombarding adjacent Ukraine land into no man’s land. Other positive is that Tina Fey can see Crimea from the front porch of Putin’s vacation home at Krasnodar Krai.
Tina Fey aka Elizabeth Stamatina
LOL. Good one. 😎
Russia is avoiding over-extending his supply lines, sure you can barrel through, but your fighters need ammo/fuel/food and communications
Russia is being methodical, no need to rush, Uke sends cannon fodder.. jus sit back and plink
Oh logistics is paramount. If Putin was to make an assault encircling Kiev it’s assuming the Russian Army has the logistical wherewithal to support such a move. Logistics is everything.
It's clear both sides are losing after three years of fighting.
That's why Trump's effort to bringing both to the table is so good.
Give peace a chance!
I have felt about this war the same way you do and just as Henry Kissinger felt about the war between Iran and Iraq -- hoping both lose.
Stop the war. Stop the money laundering system. Stop the corruption. Who cares if Russia gets some territory? Stop the killing. And get DOGE to find out where all the money we sent wound up.
Prescient, to say the least.
"Putin broke that unwritten agreement when he invaded Donbas." which was perhaps, in Putin's view, a measured response to the destruction and dismemberment of Serbia by NATO.
In 1999, Clinton and NATO, through brute force, took Kosovo out of the hands of Serbia, Russia’s ally, and, gave Kosovo to Moslem Albania. NATO did that without the approval of the United Nations.
NATO and the American and European globalists are not the good guys in this. Their hands are dirty.
They are the bad guys.
I think yesterday is the day that little twerp lost the war for his war weary citizens
Great column! The sad thing is that 35 years of lying American and European politicians caused this disaster. Gorbechov, Yeltsen, and Putin all repeatedly warned our psychopathic overlords that moving NATO east towards Russia was going to result in them having to take up arms, given their brutal history of mass murderers in the form of Swedes, French, and Germans coming from the west and committing horrific destruction. Remember, we came within a hair's breadth of a nuclear war with the Soviets because they put nukes in Cuba, 1200 miles from Washington, D.C. The border of Ukraine is less than 350 miles from Moscow, which is a bout a 6 minute missile trip. Typical estimates of how long any country has to react to incoming missiles is....6-8 minutes.
I hope that we do not send another penney to Zelenskyy and the rest of the gangsters and criminals around him: if the Europeans want to sustain the war, let them. But I don't think it will turn out well for them if they do. We have much bigger fish to fry here, with much more serious problems than where the borders between two Slavic nations in Eastern Europe end up.
Danny Huckabee
You have been right about a lot of stuff for a very long time, Don!
I was torn between Ukranian girls and testimony.....damm, what a tough poll!
Rest assured. The Ukraine girls ain't what they use to be, no matter what you see on the internet.
Good that you know, Epstein!
Ukraine girls are children of our God. Therefore, they are priceless and Trump should put them first.
Whene’er I muse about the war in Ukraine, these are some of the thoughts that float about in my mind:
Russia, Putin most particularly, I believe has the same philosophy about his country as Trump does regarding America: Russia First. He is thoroughly Nationalistic, believing in the sovereignty of his nation, it’s interests and its borders. It’s also interesting to note that Russia is more Christian than practically all of Western Europe.
Russia has a fairly sordid history what with Stalin, Communism, and authoritarianism but after the collapse of the Soviet Union it was, I believe, genuinely seeking to be a part of the free world, their markets and their organizations, even at one point seeking to join NATO, though many of those interests were rebuffed by the more high-minded members of the elite Western powers club. But it did have energy - lots and lots of energy, which did tantalize those elites to take advantage of - mostly so they didn’t have to taint themselves with the sin of contributing to global warming.
These Elites also were in the process of feverishly organizing a brand new world order, with one giant authority to be created to determine and dictate all new rules and laws the unwashed masses would soon all be required to live by, establishing a Utopia upon the earth. Russia, however, and somewhat ironically considering its authoritarian history, was not interested. It didn’t like the idea of being dictated to by anyone. Hence, it became a great wrench in the wheel of progress these Elites were busily constructing around the world. This could not stand. Something must be done. Russia has got to go, and here we are.
Russia, and Putin just like Trump, are two of the chief thorns in the side of this New World Order crowd, and they’ll stop at nothing to destroy them.
These Elites don’t want peace, nor do they want freedom or any kind of independent sovereign nations spoiling their dreams of absolute power. They will do just about anything to crush and destroy those who oppose them, and they will. That is, unless the people get wise to their master plan to rule over every aspect of their lives, and decide they don’t want it.
That’s the crack that’s growing in that wall now, and the people are getting wise to the games being played at their expense.
That’s where we are now, nations and their people locked in a battle of freedom vs slavery, good vs evil in its rawest manifestation.
That’s what the Ukraine war is about - and pretty much everything else going on in the world today. It truly is us against them, and just what kind of world each of us wants to live in.
Deuteronomy 30:19
I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:“
Amen, Suzie.
Thank you for taking the time to write this.
Zelensky should be arrested if he ever comes back to the United States. He has stolen billions from us. I am sure our corrupt politicians are in on the theft.
Secure any real estate and financial account s he has in the USA.
This is proof that Trump reads Surber
Did you get the idea that Trump wanted to say to Zelensky WTF are you talking about? You are 100% a creation of the US deep state and the globalists , WTF do you think is going on here?
We’ll…that’s what I’d like to say.
I have been fighting against acceptance of the realities you write above, Mr. Surber, but I have to admit you're right. Thanks for this.
It's good that you have an open mind, Fred.
This war should not have happened, Putin said from onset he would not tolerate Ukraine in NATO, but Biden, who was probably compromised by he and his son’s dealings with Ukraine, had to intervene. It’s Europes war and as we’ve seen in the last few years how freedom and Democracy has been challenged by their leadership, they can have it
And don't forget, the brilliant Kamala actually said early on that Ukraine WAS IN NATO--meaning she thought Ukraine ALREADY was in NATO and that's why we had to support Ukraine. Putin had good cause to be concerned, when the American Vice President is going around saying that Ukraine IS part of NATO. And Kamala made a supreme idiot of herself not even knowing that that was Putin's flash point--that he could not tolerate NATO on his border, and that Ukraine was NOT in NATO.
It was practically treason by the Democrats to nominate Kamala for President. Nothing could have been more destructive to the U.S. One has to assume that IS the Democrat's goal for the U.S.--destruction.