Nov 3, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Great post, again. The problem is the apathy of voters. The reason we have communists/anarchists/sexual deviants, etc., teaching in classrooms is because we have them in the administrations that hire them. The reason we have those types in administrations is because we have them on school boards who hire the administrators. The only way to right this situation is for voters to get involved with elections for school boards at local levels and screen out the miscreants before they are elected, then keeping a wary eye on those who are elected to make certain any liars who do slip through are defeated quickly.

Danny Huckabee

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Yes, in other words, get local control school control back into local hand and if I may, require minimum standards for student progression from grade to grade, The three Rs only be taught, along with CIVICS, with an emphasis in High School to have trade and vocational training made available.

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History is a must also.

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Shut down the DOE

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Two points: One, we need to jettison the Bismarckian idea that government at any level should be in the business of running schools (another thing we can thank the Germans for). Education, especially in the age of Internet age, is a service that anyone should be able to access through the market place. Let teachers compete!

Two, the federal government should be banned from ever "awarding" grants to anybody for anything. Grant programs, especially education-related ones, are antithetical to Federalism and have turned our states and localities into supplicants. I'll say it again: Washington delenda est!

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Spot on. Don’t think the constitution speaks a word about giving away tax revenue. Grants by compliance and subservience.

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In a previous life I handed out tons of federal grant dollars; it's a ridiculous and inefficient sytem that needs to be eliminated.

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It started out for right reasons but now is used to reward or soft-cohearse organizations to a political end.

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For a nation, minimum standards are required. Rs, civics and trade school training which of course would include computer science. Funding Home Schooling with minimum standards and minimum local controls. Your reference to Bismark is spot on. In the German tradition, schools were set up to educate workers to assist the state.

Federal Grants of ANY form and for any purpose is wrong. Governments normally solicit Grants in order to meet the financial requirements arising from Federally mandated projects. Just more taxpayer money to play with often.

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Kudos-you're right-just as dangerous as Carthage.

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Love the Cato the Elder quote. Perfect.

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Skimmed through the top 25, Joanne, and couldn't find it. Please elucidate.

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See above. Christopher Burnett’s last line.

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Thank you-the upside- I now have 25 quotes that I can use without shame or attribution.😁

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Money per student seems to have an inverse effect. Nationwide the average is somewhere around $7,500. In Baltimore it's close to $30,000 with no 8th grader achieving grade level work. DC is similar with the same results. Chicago used to have one of the finest education systems but at $30,000 per student its achievement rates have plummeted.

The money that has flooded education since Carter made it a cabinet position has coincided with a drop of US standards against other developed nations. Where US used to dominate, we're now in the bottom.

What has increased is the bureaucracy. Teacher's incomes remain low while layers upon layers of administrative ideologues are hired. Performance metrics should examine bureaucrat to student ratios and bureaucrat to student performance ratios.

Teaching must also open up to subject experts who may only teach for a year or two. Teaching used to be a profession that attracted smart women. When career choices expanded beyond secretaries and nursing, the smart women took advantage. Now, those entering education have the lowest SAT scores at every college.

Time to do away with the Dept of Education, the Certification of Education and most Education courses. Non-woke history, Civics, learning to grade on a curve, Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules and Psych 101 are the only "Education" courses a teacher should have to take.

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Bingo. The students won’t be hurt by refusing federal money. The bureaucrats will be. And should be.

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On target. The Federal Department of Education is redundant. It serves no purpose other than pushing administration goals.

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And creating more jobs for Democrat leaches.

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And they keep dropping those so as not to get the teachers who cant teach real subjects in trouble or fired.

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Amen,here in Or. the students no longer need math,writing,reading to graduate to a higher level of ignorance brought to us by the NEA.

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Page Turner that's an excellent take on the state of US education. Comparing my own experiences and seeing what's happening in today's classrooms (thru Video clips) I believe you have pointed out most critical points that can address our calamity. Would you consider being an advisor to POTUS Trump after the federal agencies are obliterated?

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Here's the problem. Voters don't know what's happening or understand the issues. Here in Ohio we are getting ready to vote on two issues: one on abortion and the other on drugs. The amount of lies, yes lies, being broadcast all day on television and radio is unbelievable. There is a lot of money behind these issues. Voters don't have a chance to understand and know the truth. They are just brainwashed.

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Agreed. Time to reduce some of the protections journalists have been afforded for decades and start suing them. This fake news business works both ways.

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Excellent suggestion. Fake news is continually setting a fake narrative. For example, who cares if Ron DeSantis where's lifts in his boots? Anything to avoid Joe and Hunter's lies and bribes. Let's see some consequences and big fines!

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DeSantis may wear risers. Biden, Obama, Hunter et all wear treason on their sleeves.

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Agreed, but what to stop another weaponized FBI from furthering their ambitions of a complete Police State. See www.PoliceStateFilm.net ? I'd be careful giving these idiots any more power than they're already abusing. .

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I want to see journalists behind bars. Fines wont do it. Prison or the threat of it will correct a lot of bad behavior.

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I thought of a few punishments even more effective but declined to be specific. I share your anger.

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If I had young children today they would go to private school. I am so angry that a political movement has hijacked our school system and turned it into an indoctrination system. We do not need layers upon layers of administrators to teach kids today. Charter schools will eventually spell the end to public schools in many areas and I hope it catches on everywhere. And I will say this one last time: no taxpayer funded profession should be allowed to unionize. None!

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Nov 3, 2023·edited Nov 3, 2023

I'm in Ohio too. The Issue 1 media barrage has been outrageous. Issue 1 impacts many things, but it will probably pass because of one specific aspect of it. That is, there is still a small majority who want to return to Roe v Wade abortion days including many Republican women.

At least it moved from Fed control to State control.

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Nov 3, 2023·edited Nov 3, 2023

And here's the solution: Rescind Section 230-https://www.internetsociety.org/blog/2023/02/what-is-section-230-and-why-should-i-care-about-it/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwtJKqBhCaARIsAN_yS_lZ-OQtKrXQUh0EqIrpRqmt8oV72AkRFg2jA-G31F6JVMVqHqoTCuMaAtIPEALw_wcB

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Nov 3, 2023·edited Nov 3, 2023Liked by Don Surber

"The story failed to get the Republican side of the story."

That is the story. Be aware.

Side note: My local school board told me they were going to defer to the MN Dept of Health commissioner for guidance going into the 2021/2 school year regarding the Scamdemic. Copying several parents I replied: "Okay. So we do not need a school board then if you are going to defer to one man." They replied that they were going to avoid school closures, masks, and vax mandates at all costs.

Thankfully, an FBI swat team has not showed up yet.

Get involved. When they hear from one they rightly brush you off, when they hear from many they pay attention.

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First order of business. Restore power to the states and limit federal power to those explicitly enumerated in the constitution. Eliminate all regulation not passed by the House and Senate, and eliminate those passed by Congress that are not grounded in the constitution as originally written.

Put morbidly obese federal government on a strict diet and make it look like a shriveled Twiggy.

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Put very stringent and narrow rules in place to control the use of presidential “EO’s”.

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Amen R.O.E. I would settle for a Richard Simmons even.

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Dr. Peter McCullough


Has discussed research that shows that a large number of children who want to change their genders are in the autism spectrum. He has also discussed research that has shown that gender affirming care harms children and teens, and causes more suicides than other types of psychological interventions.

At the very least, these children should be evaluated for autism before anything else is done to their bodies. In addition, he has taken the position that no ethical physician should be involved in gender mutilating surgery.

A society that encourages doctors to mutilate the bodies of children is a very pathological society. A society that encourages women to kill the babies in their wombs is also a pathological culture. We rightly criticize Muslims when they perform gender mutilating surgery on young girls, and we should criticize the same in non-Muslim boys and girls.

It is also interesting that gender mutilating is supposedly done to give the child a feeling of "autonomy" over their bodies. But it actually involves exploiting autistic children who do not fully own their sexual desires into mutilating their bodies in advance of even knowing what their sexual desires might be.

In addition, the WHO is advocating the teaching of masturbation in childhood education around the world. The only ones who can benefit from this are the pedophiles of the world.

Shouldn't we be asking why these movements to cause gender and sexual confusion are occurring at this point in human history? How did they get started? Who encouraged them? To what end? Who benefits if boys decide not to be boys and girls decide not to be girls? Clearly fewer children will be born if the numbers of the gender confused are large enough. Is this eugenics by another name?

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Nov 3, 2023·edited Nov 3, 2023

Eve, I may be going out on a limb here, but I posit that almost all policy that floats out of our Federal government is eugenics by another name. You are correct.


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I agree, I think a lot of the policies created by our Federal government are related to the aims of eugenics, although some policies and actions are more powerful at killing large numbers of people than others. For instance, we have regulatory capture such that a wide variety of poisons and even electromagnetic waves have been allowed to contaminate our air, land, and water. These kill an indeterminate number of people. I recall in my first year of medical school class in pathology which was in 1979 learning that "we are all floating in a sea of carcinogens." That was known even back then! I do not know if the EPA has solved this problem, in fact, I think the problem has gotten worse despite the existence of the EPA. So there has been capture by our regulatory agencies (e.g. FDA) that now act to protect huge corporations at the expense of the health of Americans.

But population control by encouraging sexual and gender confusion in an entire generation of individuals who later will not be able to conceive children is eugenics of a different order of magnitude. Similarly using a poison like the COVID bioweapon, which, depending upon the batch, can cause sterility in boys and girls and miscarriages in pregnant women is also a population control effort.

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my comment!

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I wish you were surgeon general during the COVID lie.

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This is the sad thing: the doctors who actually were in practice either had to go along with the terrible protocols or leave hospital practice. That left hospitals short staffed, something which remains a problem in many places. One of my own doctors, who was and is chief of medicine in a hospital, asks me each time I see him if I am going to get a booster. I just shake my head, "no," and look at him. I am curious: He is a doctor with a fine reputation, does he not read the scientific literature anymore? How does he feel going along with the poisoning of Americans? I try to put myself in his place and ask, "Would I be willing to lose my practice, my hospital staff appointment, my appointment as Chief of Medicine in order to speak the truth?" I hope I would do so, but at the same time, it's not so easy to know because I never achieved that level of distinction in my field as he has done, so I had less to lose. But then there are doctors like Peter McCullough, who lost his teaching appointment at Baylor U, who lost his hospital admitting privileges, and who still may yet lose his license. The government is going after doctors they believe are giving "misinformation." I think if you live long enough you realize these aren't such simple things.

On the other hand, I know for sure I could never agree to any give a treatment that would harm any of my patients. That I can say for absolute certainty. I could never recommend an injection for others once I learned what was in it or if I did not know what was in it. And the saddest thing of all is that COVID was not a killer disease. It might have been for someone about to die anyway, but it turned out to be as lethal as the flu or a bad cold. And how many people have died because they weren't given treatment early or were given bad treatments? And the government is charging doctors like Peter McCullough of misinformation when it's the government that has been the biggest purveyor of misinformation of all!

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Don Surber

If you don’t want the strings attached to it then don’t take the money. Seems Tennessee is considering the strings attached as well as the money and weighing the two. Sounds reasonable.

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Hard to get off of drugs once you are hooked. Money is a drug to some.

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Nov 3, 2023·edited Nov 3, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Biased journalism is part of the problem, but controlling the content on media platforms and in search results is one of the most powerful means of social control. This control limits the boundaries of what most are able to learn.

With election day almost here, I wanted to know more about the rather large group of people running for my local school board. It was almost impossible to find any detailed information on each candidate regarding their positions on CRT, transgender issues for sports and bathroom use, parental rights, etc. Out of the blue, I got an email from Moms for Liberty who had candidates complete questionnaires about these topics. It very clearly spelled out the positions of those who completed it and indicted the handful who refused to do so. Luckily, the truth found me because of the good work of good people, but my previous searches couldn't find them.

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Today people contribute to state elections in other than their own states. We have national media and in some cases international media covering stories at the local level in education. And there is no accountability for who is paying for coverage or their motives. We do not choose our own public officials any longer. Thats the problem.

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"Moms for Liberty" and other grass root groups are our only salvation unfortunately. There's others but of course even searching for them is fraught with deception. You heard or know of Dr Robert Epstein? An eminent psychologist who with his analytical team have researched Google. Studying their methods and impacts on a society by simply determine by itself what you see and get after your search is completed on the screen? Amazing. As a proud Hillary supporter he went on to show just how Google search results can have and DID lead to a HUGE IMPACT on an election.

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Don Surber

My mother was President of Houston ISD when Sheila Jackson Lee (from Queens) was on the Board. There were 2 main interest groups, those oriented to how best to teach students and those more interested in controlling spending hundreds of millions each year, as well as the TV and newspaper coverage across the Houston region. Back then the idea of School Choice, let alone Home schooling was only percolating in the Milwaukee area. HISD then as now would deliver better student education w/o layers of ‘Administration’ that earn 2-3x more than teachers. Breaking districts up into a small, manageable size where local taxpayers can have control and oversight input of education of THEIR children w/b best.

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No one has ever explained to me why we need layers upon layers of administrators in education EXCEPT to as assure that federal requirements are adhered to and to provide reports to the same.

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Don Surber

We need less administration. Administration is the problem. The metastatic geometric growth of desk jockey sanctimonmies, male, female, and whatever other 248 genders there may be on a given day is a huge problem. Or in modern public school teaching: it be’s a big probblem.

Sixty years ago if you graduated high school you could read, do addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, and write a coherent paragraph in proper English. You might know a little Shakespeare or Keats, Kipling or Walt Whitman. You knew the Gettysburg address and the batting stats of the best major leaguers. You had benefited from PE every day and were independent enough to go get a job and an apartment and you could read a map to get wherever you were going. You knew how to be presentable in company and speak politely. Regardless of your race or gender.

Today we spend multiples of what we use to spend adjusted for inflation. What do we get for our money- aggravation. Kids can’t read, write or do math. They are blessed with a sloth like work ethic. They are often out of shape and antisocial. They are incorrectly informed that America is bad and everybody who made America great was bad too. Kids are depressed and alienated. Suicides are way up.

This is because of education administrators who scheme to make America a Socialist country and use their half baked weirdo cronies in the academic departments who toil as the political cadre foot soldiers.

Everything is bassackward and getting dumber by the minute. Like every other public bureaucracy, costs and personnel could be dramatically slashed, performance enhanced and the people in the receiving end happier with a much smaller administrative burden and better qualified, normal patriotic teachers. How do we get there?

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You nailed it, Tanto. During the Korean War, it took seven nerds to keep three heroes up on the front lines. Can't even imagine how many administrators it takes to keep three students even semi-educated.

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Set a plutonium cap of $5,000 per student per year. What is meant by a plutonium cap? Exceed it and you're toast.

Next, link the funding to academic performance. Go back to the Iowa basic skills testing from the 1960's. The only changes allowed are current events.

Nope, not history, I don't care if you don't know how good Reagan was or how bad Carter was. I don't care what you know about the Clintons, but if it incriminating, keep your distance....

You'd better know about Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Roosevelt. Those faces aren't carved in stone because they make some cute couples for gay jokes.

Yes, we've made advances in science, but the basics are still the basics, the periodic table doesn't have identity issues like your destructor err INstructor. The basics of biology are the same today as they were sixty years ago, born with balls? You're a boy. You'll be a boy till the day you become a man... If ever.

How do we dole out the five grand? Parents receive a voucher from the state that they pass to whomever teaches their kids. BUT if the kid doesn't pass, the money gets reduced drastically. A and B full payment. C, 20% reduction, D 40% reduction, and if the kid fails, debatable, 50%? Zip?

If little miss Mary wants to teach twenty kids in her basement, as long as they can score on the IBT, I'm all for allowing it. Reality is our universities no long produce teachers, just indoctrinated zombies.

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Good ideas Jeremy! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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And make 'em learn the multiplication tables-2x2 still= 4, irregardless of this deep thinker: '.If you take two integers and use the standard addition law, then, yes, two plus two equals four. But there are many other things those numbers could stand for and many other addition laws, and depending on your definition, two plus two might be two or one or five or really anything at all'.

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Don Surber

I live in Memphis & am well-acquainted with the failing school system. Local control in cities like Memphis is the PROBLEM, not the solution. I would love to shake federal control of schools as the current administration and Obama's last 2 are the pits. We have a generation of kids who think their feelings determine things, and now they're marching in the streets cheering for thugs & terrorists. They can't think for themselves because they weren't taught to think at all. If TN does it, maybe TX & FL will follow.

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Another excellent column.

Average per pupil spending in the United States is $14,347. Give me 100 students and $1,434,700 per year and I will give them a much better education than they are currently getting. Take out the federal subsidy of $1016 per pupil, and I would still get $1,333,100 per year to educate those 100 children. I'm pretty sure they would do much better than on our current system.

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You could do a better job out of your garage than many of our schools do today.

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Agree with all but "many". I would posit "most".

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Don Surber

"The story failed to get the Republican side of the story."

I wouldn't believe anything the AP prints on its face because the

"AP spiked objectivity long ago, opting to simply promote lefty causes."

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When the AP does bother to get the republican side of a story, they go to RINOs like Pierre Delecto, Lindsay Graham and Liz Cheney.

They never get the conservatives side of the story.

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Please don't forget our new self-proclaimed warmonger, Nikki Haley. These people are just too freaking scary.

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Nikki is scary. She’s no different than most politicians. She’s malleable, duplicitous and has no conviction behind her positions. It’s more about expediency and confirming to the expectations of the GOP-e. Like a lot of Trump appointees she had the opportunity for greatness and clarity, and she squandered it to preserve her chances with the party Brahmins, stabbing back at Trump, sloughing off her duty to the nation and the truth to keep her political career front and center.

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And Adam Kinsinger who said he will vote for Biden in 2024. K is NOT a Republican. He is a Marxist infiltrator.

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The opportunity for the 10th Amendment to fix this is profound, and every red state should be pushing this hard while Alito has his government shrinking pen in hand. The feds have destroyed education everywhere they have touched it. It's time to start actively giving them the boot.

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