I expected it but that does not mean I am not upset. I am feeling hopeless about the country my grandchildren and great grandchildren are growing up in.
05/30/24: Welcome to the new multi-racial American KKK. Lynch mob in NYC struck. Celebrating tonight, the fools will rue the day this happened, because in 2025, President Trump will take no prisoners. Merrick Garland will be the first target, if he can possibly survive the hell he walks into in October 2024.
05/31/24: This reminded me of the accounts of a survivor from the German battleship Bismarck. When the HMS Hood was sunk, when the news was broadcast aboard the ship, his shipmates rejoiced. Not him. He was seized with an instant presentiment that the Bismarck would be next. And it was.
Good word, LuAnn. Like Nehemiah and Ezra did, we pray and build at the same time. Prayer is MY conceal and carry. Dad tried to teach me to shoot but I didn't like the noise. I like it even less tonight.
On the positive side, maybe this is the straw that broke the camels back.... There are still lots of people who don't pay attention or are on the fence. If this doesn't wake them up, nothing will...
Dennis:The democrats are creating an American Augustus. The democratic Patricians should be very scared. They crossed the Rubicon to destroy the American Mos Majorum. Trump is not the Gracchis nor Marius. He may be Caesar, hopefully Augustus not Julius. FJB.
And they all moved away from me on the group W bench 'till I said "and mean tweets" And they all came back and shook my hand And we had a great time on the bench talking about crime, mother stabbing, father raping, All kinds of groovy things that we was talking about on the bench
While I don't disagree, Trump's first action was ""stealing "" the election from the wicked witch of the East. Barry is a narcissist, but he is only a tool of the money changers. His speeches would take a quarter of the time they did if he was intelligent enough to read the teleprompter without losing his place every time he blinked.
Thank you very much for taking the time tonight to write about this tonight, Don, I was out for dinner when the verdict came down. I wasn't surprised at all, but now as it is sinking in and I am listening to my favorite music as a consolation prize before walking the dog and letting the cat out, I am really worried. How can this be in the United States of America????? Of course the verdict is corrupt and not unexpected, but the damage that is being done is beyond measure. One thing that I read that made sense to me is now that ordinary Americans may now see how black Americans can feel about the justice system. Yes Don, you are right: New Yorkers are responsible for this. This is the life they chose. They elect the corrupt and communistic. And you are right that the only hope the nation has left is to elect Trump president on November 5. Please pray for Donald John Trump and that he is kept safe and that Americans see this verdict for what it is and vote accordingly. Like I said, I am not surprised but yet I am shattered that this has happened in your country.
Jeremy R and you, AXCACTUSPETE are wrong on this.....Wait for IT...
Donald John Trump will exact a revenge that no one thought possible or saw coming; believe me, he's confident and he's fighting mad...he knew what was coming down and he made preparations for it; just like a real WAR TIME President Commander in Chief would do.
My God, this man has been preparing for this time, since the day he was conceived.
Research his family name, his Mother's name and his Father's name...they are not pea peasants or turnip farmers.....
Regarding blacks, most of the ones who get into the justice system are guilty of many crimes beyond what they got caught at. Their cess pool was created for them by democrat who invited them to jump in. Fatherless families, living off welfare, no incentive to work, massive incentives to procreate and produce products of broken homes. Mothers who do not discipline, those who attempt to be successful dragged down like a wounded antelope among wolves. Murders for heroes mothers with the morals of prostitutes. That isn't the fault of the courts, it's the fault of DEMOCRATS. And they vote them more power at every turn and are rewarded with dead sons and addicted daughters.
I am just shaking my head, TPG. Where does this go, where does it end? I just pray that God will help us through this. And I mean us, all people who are concerned with doing what is right.
Sorry for the delay in answering--was just trying to donate at donaldjtrump.com through Lara Trump's email. Earlier they said winred.com was overwhelmed with the volume of people trying to donate and shut down. I'm not so sure it's working now--I got no immediate email confirmation of the donation like I usually do. I do hope there is just a very, very, very gigantic show of support, either in numbers of people contributing, and/or in total $$ contributed. If it doesn't show up by tomorrow morning, I will attempt to donate again.
LuAnn, I'm right with you, just shaking my head. In a way, the Democrats are committing suicide. Only one of two things is going to happen, they are going to keep their power and finish the transition to a totalitarian dictatorship, or the Democratic "brand"/party is going to be destroyed for generations into the future, maybe forever. They will be known as the Party that allowed themselves to be taken over by treasonous anti-Americans and poisonous ideology.
As commenter Mark has said here a few times, God's light and peace will sustain us as individuals no matter what happens to our country. And besides praying for Trump's safety and peace of mind, I do also pray for liberals to awaken and return to sanity. Our country has been the greatest beacon of freedom and success on the planet Earth. It is therefore probably not surprising that it would be targeted by destructive forces. There is a good likelihood that the inherent strength of our system of freedom will carry the day. And if it does not and we go through a period of being defeated, the idea of America is indestructible, and it will eventually rise again in another iteration, clearer and wiser.
Black Americans are overrepresented in the justice system simply because they are overrepresented in crimes committed. The BS against Trump has NOTHING in common with Blacks in our justice system. Blacks are a culture of crime and violence. Period
New Youk city: located at ground zero of the rectum of the beast. Quoting Tucker Carlson, “it is no longer democrat or republican- it is who is lying and who is telling the truth: Evil vs. Good.
There are 3 options. Only 3. Trump wins. Constitutional Convention knocks out the deep state. 1861.
Only 3 or some variation thereof.
I went to Vietnam to fight communism. Little did I think we’d be doing it here, let alone by supposed “Americans”. Leftists are no longer worth communicating with.
I wasn't advocating for a riot. Just trying to say that we on the right have turned too many cheeks in the past. Time for every swinging GOP member on the Hill to get tough.
Didn’t say that. Why are so many so eager to abandon the rule of law? Im not. This may yet be decided by violence. I pray not. But if we can fix this corruption theu our system of laws, we are much stronger for it. Dont be too quick to see this get hot. Thats what Bidens masters want. Then Marshall Law, suspend rights, and no election for a while. We need a congress on the Hill who will do something besides just talk about the problem. Weak legislative systems are what lead to dictators.
When it goes hot it will involve anonymous and autonomous action. Local apparatchiks will disappear first. It's good to have friends in the excavating business and the commercial fishing community. ;-)
What needs to happen is this; every developer and investment banker needs to make five demands which if not met will result in them abandoning New York immediately.
1. Appeals court immediately vacate the convictions.
2. The judge be disbarred, removed from the bench and sent to prison for a minimum of ten years.
3. The prosecutor and every liar err lawyer from his office that participated in this be disbarred and sent to prison for ten years as an accessory to election fraud.
4. Every member of the jury be sent to jail for a period of not less than one year.
5. The state pay Trump a sum of ten million dollars per charge.
If those requirements are not met then the nearest construction will be happening in Jersey.
Rioting makes no sense. I fear how many people could die ... and the mayhem. Glad we don't live in an urban area. Buckle up. This us going to get very ugly.
See. They have you scared to act. Of courses you will have to fight back. Or keep getting your underwear pulled up over your head. Bullies need to be bullied.
I strongly disagree, Greg. For 99% of us, we are still a long ways from physical rioting--that is the LAST resort of desperate people, and it rarely accomplishes anything. It is not because we're scared. It is because we have many, many, far more effective ways of fighting this than blind mob rioting.
lol. You’re still stuck in Tea Party mode. Okay. I’m watching. I’ve been watching. I’ve even gotten involved with numerous legitimate groups. Always the same outcome. Nothing! A little dustup in 2014. J6?
Voting? Convention of States. These are tools of law abiders. Your enemy doesn’t give a shit about voting and laws. They crave power. And will kill you to keep it. So keep on. I’ll watch. lol.
I agree they have no choice. They cannot let Trump win. I don’t think anyone knows what or how this is going to play out. All bets are off, for both sides now.
Even if he wins in November, they can not allow Trump back into the White House. Too many of them will go to jail for very serious crimes. And, yes, all bets are off.
Few believed the media was fake until the Trumpster. Now everyone knows it's fake and twisted. The Trumpster has just exposed the liberal judicial system for its double standards. He's pretty good at exposing the rot. Rig for stormy weather...
Yes, and this blatant exposure is, in a rather macabre way, something to celebrate.
At this point, no one, who is not deliberately sticking their head in the sand, can deny that the Left is out to destroy the very fabric of civilization.
1- The slide from law and order to law and disorder just became a major landslide.
2- Keeping things in perspective- no wrong has been greater than the wrong done to Jesus Christ. As bad as this is - truth is truth.
3- I wish I could believe it's all going to be OK, but I just don't know. This country left God, truth, and morality a long time ago. Today we reap the fruit of what we have sown decades ago.
4- Whether or not Trump escapes jail through appeals or whatever - this is like a 9-11 attack on law and order - especially when viewed in the light of the criminal activity against peaceful citzens.
G-d bless you DJT. May (y)our enemies rot in hell. Victory in November. Righteous indignation will prevail. The Federal Government will be purged of evil-doers and reduced to a shadow of its bloated self, G-d willling.
Your blessing reminds me of how many times our Creator has used flawed people to carry out his plan. With clinched teeth, my fingernails are sunk deep into that thought just now.
I really like that idea--Boycott New York City. Cancel any company events that were going to be held there, cancel any personal trips you had scheduled, if you are a musician, cancel any concerts you were going to perform there, don't order anything from a company based in New York, etc. Give New York the total Bud Lite treatment.
Given the overwhelming bias in NYC, I was surprised that the jury did not return a verdict in about 15 minutes. What were they doing for 2 days? Playing games on their phones?
Yes, very important point. We are, after all, the responsible people in this country that produce things, that keep things running, that make everything work. We have far more tools at our disposal to respond to this than stupid, blind violence in vaguely-focused emotional mob rioting. That is the Democrats style.
The Democrats would be thrilled if we'd blindly go riot in the streets. We would be stupid if we played into their scenario.
I expected it but that does not mean I am not upset. I am feeling hopeless about the country my grandchildren and great grandchildren are growing up in.
05/30/24: Welcome to the new multi-racial American KKK. Lynch mob in NYC struck. Celebrating tonight, the fools will rue the day this happened, because in 2025, President Trump will take no prisoners. Merrick Garland will be the first target, if he can possibly survive the hell he walks into in October 2024.
05/31/24: This reminded me of the accounts of a survivor from the German battleship Bismarck. When the HMS Hood was sunk, when the news was broadcast aboard the ship, his shipmates rejoiced. Not him. He was seized with an instant presentiment that the Bismarck would be next. And it was.
I understand how you feel, I do. But we can't give up. As sad as I feel right now.
Good word, LuAnn. Like Nehemiah and Ezra did, we pray and build at the same time. Prayer is MY conceal and carry. Dad tried to teach me to shoot but I didn't like the noise. I like it even less tonight.
It is the shot heard around the world. They just created Nelson Mandela.
On the positive side, maybe this is the straw that broke the camels back.... There are still lots of people who don't pay attention or are on the fence. If this doesn't wake them up, nothing will...
Dennis:The democrats are creating an American Augustus. The democratic Patricians should be very scared. They crossed the Rubicon to destroy the American Mos Majorum. Trump is not the Gracchis nor Marius. He may be Caesar, hopefully Augustus not Julius. FJB.
Q. What are you in for?
A. bad bookkeeping
That's kind of funny!
And they all moved away from me on the group W bench 'till I said "and mean tweets" And they all came back and shook my hand And we had a great time on the bench talking about crime, mother stabbing, father raping, All kinds of groovy things that we was talking about on the bench
Daring to cross HiLlARy.
You cross HiLIARy, you get Arkancided.
Daring to cross Obama!
While I don't disagree, Trump's first action was ""stealing "" the election from the wicked witch of the East. Barry is a narcissist, but he is only a tool of the money changers. His speeches would take a quarter of the time they did if he was intelligent enough to read the teleprompter without losing his place every time he blinked.
Thank you very much for taking the time tonight to write about this tonight, Don, I was out for dinner when the verdict came down. I wasn't surprised at all, but now as it is sinking in and I am listening to my favorite music as a consolation prize before walking the dog and letting the cat out, I am really worried. How can this be in the United States of America????? Of course the verdict is corrupt and not unexpected, but the damage that is being done is beyond measure. One thing that I read that made sense to me is now that ordinary Americans may now see how black Americans can feel about the justice system. Yes Don, you are right: New Yorkers are responsible for this. This is the life they chose. They elect the corrupt and communistic. And you are right that the only hope the nation has left is to elect Trump president on November 5. Please pray for Donald John Trump and that he is kept safe and that Americans see this verdict for what it is and vote accordingly. Like I said, I am not surprised but yet I am shattered that this has happened in your country.
Brings tears to my eyes. Yet I am an emotional Quebecer.
Trump will win in a landslide, but they will steal it with a shitshow. This is how empires die, a cancer that devours from within.
Hope you are correct but don't bet on the win. The cheaters are firmly entrenched
Jeremy R and you, AXCACTUSPETE are wrong on this.....Wait for IT...
Donald John Trump will exact a revenge that no one thought possible or saw coming; believe me, he's confident and he's fighting mad...he knew what was coming down and he made preparations for it; just like a real WAR TIME President Commander in Chief would do.
My God, this man has been preparing for this time, since the day he was conceived.
Research his family name, his Mother's name and his Father's name...they are not pea peasants or turnip farmers.....
My thoughts are with Melania and Barron. My concern is that the complicit media will try to wipe the Biden-Obama fingerprints off this crime.
I hope and pray you are right MT.
Me Too...
The cheaters have prospered. I don't know if the steal can be stopped again.
Regarding blacks, most of the ones who get into the justice system are guilty of many crimes beyond what they got caught at. Their cess pool was created for them by democrat who invited them to jump in. Fatherless families, living off welfare, no incentive to work, massive incentives to procreate and produce products of broken homes. Mothers who do not discipline, those who attempt to be successful dragged down like a wounded antelope among wolves. Murders for heroes mothers with the morals of prostitutes. That isn't the fault of the courts, it's the fault of DEMOCRATS. And they vote them more power at every turn and are rewarded with dead sons and addicted daughters.
The fruit of LBJ’s Great Society
Thank you, LuAnn, your words speak for me too.
I am also grateful to Don for posting this tonight, when we are all grappling with this. Don's column nailed it.
I am just shaking my head, TPG. Where does this go, where does it end? I just pray that God will help us through this. And I mean us, all people who are concerned with doing what is right.
Sorry for the delay in answering--was just trying to donate at donaldjtrump.com through Lara Trump's email. Earlier they said winred.com was overwhelmed with the volume of people trying to donate and shut down. I'm not so sure it's working now--I got no immediate email confirmation of the donation like I usually do. I do hope there is just a very, very, very gigantic show of support, either in numbers of people contributing, and/or in total $$ contributed. If it doesn't show up by tomorrow morning, I will attempt to donate again.
LuAnn, I'm right with you, just shaking my head. In a way, the Democrats are committing suicide. Only one of two things is going to happen, they are going to keep their power and finish the transition to a totalitarian dictatorship, or the Democratic "brand"/party is going to be destroyed for generations into the future, maybe forever. They will be known as the Party that allowed themselves to be taken over by treasonous anti-Americans and poisonous ideology.
As commenter Mark has said here a few times, God's light and peace will sustain us as individuals no matter what happens to our country. And besides praying for Trump's safety and peace of mind, I do also pray for liberals to awaken and return to sanity. Our country has been the greatest beacon of freedom and success on the planet Earth. It is therefore probably not surprising that it would be targeted by destructive forces. There is a good likelihood that the inherent strength of our system of freedom will carry the day. And if it does not and we go through a period of being defeated, the idea of America is indestructible, and it will eventually rise again in another iteration, clearer and wiser.
Right on, TPG. Really well said. Prayers for DJT and America.
And pray for Melania, Barron and all his beautiful family, they too need God's grace and comfort
Black Americans are overrepresented in the justice system simply because they are overrepresented in crimes committed. The BS against Trump has NOTHING in common with Blacks in our justice system. Blacks are a culture of crime and violence. Period
thoughtful, I agree
New Youk city: located at ground zero of the rectum of the beast. Quoting Tucker Carlson, “it is no longer democrat or republican- it is who is lying and who is telling the truth: Evil vs. Good.
We are in a civilization battle. You shouldn't have to choose your side. We all should know.
Remember Lexington "The shot heard round the world". This will be our shot.
There are 3 options. Only 3. Trump wins. Constitutional Convention knocks out the deep state. 1861.
Only 3 or some variation thereof.
I went to Vietnam to fight communism. Little did I think we’d be doing it here, let alone by supposed “Americans”. Leftists are no longer worth communicating with.
Who would have ever thought you went to Vietnam to see what's happening now.
The kangaroos have it. For now. We WILL weather this storm. But keep your powder dry anyway.
The left rioted when George Floyd died. What is the right going to do now? Nothing.
I can't riot, I have to be to work at 8. Somebody has to keep the wheels turning.
I wasn't advocating for a riot. Just trying to say that we on the right have turned too many cheeks in the past. Time for every swinging GOP member on the Hill to get tough.
Quaint. You think there is a political solution to this. We’re well past that. The cold civil war is about to get hot.
Didn’t say that. Why are so many so eager to abandon the rule of law? Im not. This may yet be decided by violence. I pray not. But if we can fix this corruption theu our system of laws, we are much stronger for it. Dont be too quick to see this get hot. Thats what Bidens masters want. Then Marshall Law, suspend rights, and no election for a while. We need a congress on the Hill who will do something besides just talk about the problem. Weak legislative systems are what lead to dictators.
You are correct Reddog but we need to see some cojones in the legal system as well.
Not going to see a federal legislature with cojones. They are getting rich with the current system.
When it goes hot it will involve anonymous and autonomous action. Local apparatchiks will disappear first. It's good to have friends in the excavating business and the commercial fishing community. ;-)
lol. Don’t forget pig farming.
The Deadliest Catch!
What needs to happen is this; every developer and investment banker needs to make five demands which if not met will result in them abandoning New York immediately.
1. Appeals court immediately vacate the convictions.
2. The judge be disbarred, removed from the bench and sent to prison for a minimum of ten years.
3. The prosecutor and every liar err lawyer from his office that participated in this be disbarred and sent to prison for ten years as an accessory to election fraud.
4. Every member of the jury be sent to jail for a period of not less than one year.
5. The state pay Trump a sum of ten million dollars per charge.
If those requirements are not met then the nearest construction will be happening in Jersey.
No. Walk away. You’re a slave in their machine. They know you’ll do nothing. That’s why they win.
Rioting makes no sense. I fear how many people could die ... and the mayhem. Glad we don't live in an urban area. Buckle up. This us going to get very ugly.
The D’s are salivating for a real riot to go after every Trump supporter. We have to outsmart them.
Yes, this is very important. We have to have a more sophisticated response than a BLM/Antifa level blind anarchism.
See. They have you scared to act. Of courses you will have to fight back. Or keep getting your underwear pulled up over your head. Bullies need to be bullied.
I strongly disagree, Greg. For 99% of us, we are still a long ways from physical rioting--that is the LAST resort of desperate people, and it rarely accomplishes anything. It is not because we're scared. It is because we have many, many, far more effective ways of fighting this than blind mob rioting.
lol. You’re still stuck in Tea Party mode. Okay. I’m watching. I’ve been watching. I’ve even gotten involved with numerous legitimate groups. Always the same outcome. Nothing! A little dustup in 2014. J6?
Voting? Convention of States. These are tools of law abiders. Your enemy doesn’t give a shit about voting and laws. They crave power. And will kill you to keep it. So keep on. I’ll watch. lol.
Im not scared but we must not be predictable.
It's been ugly for some time now. Stay alert. Sad day for America.
Sadly, yes.
I agree they have no choice. They cannot let Trump win. I don’t think anyone knows what or how this is going to play out. All bets are off, for both sides now.
Even if he wins in November, they can not allow Trump back into the White House. Too many of them will go to jail for very serious crimes. And, yes, all bets are off.
You are way too easy on them...
It's not going to work that way.
President Trump allowed this to play out for a reason.
Open People's Eyes and Force Them to See the Truth.
Few believed the media was fake until the Trumpster. Now everyone knows it's fake and twisted. The Trumpster has just exposed the liberal judicial system for its double standards. He's pretty good at exposing the rot. Rig for stormy weather...
Yes, and this blatant exposure is, in a rather macabre way, something to celebrate.
At this point, no one, who is not deliberately sticking their head in the sand, can deny that the Left is out to destroy the very fabric of civilization.
1- The slide from law and order to law and disorder just became a major landslide.
2- Keeping things in perspective- no wrong has been greater than the wrong done to Jesus Christ. As bad as this is - truth is truth.
3- I wish I could believe it's all going to be OK, but I just don't know. This country left God, truth, and morality a long time ago. Today we reap the fruit of what we have sown decades ago.
4- Whether or not Trump escapes jail through appeals or whatever - this is like a 9-11 attack on law and order - especially when viewed in the light of the criminal activity against peaceful citzens.
Good phrase-- "This is like a 9-1-1 attack on law and order".
G-d bless you DJT. May (y)our enemies rot in hell. Victory in November. Righteous indignation will prevail. The Federal Government will be purged of evil-doers and reduced to a shadow of its bloated self, G-d willling.
Yes, God willing, please.
Your blessing reminds me of how many times our Creator has used flawed people to carry out his plan. With clinched teeth, my fingernails are sunk deep into that thought just now.
Expected, gulity on some.
I thought the jury would at least fake being un biased. I also thought the jury would be out for a month, again I gave the jury way to much credit.
I grew up back there and have boycotted them for years. The cancer in that cesspool has been festering for years. Sad
I really like that idea--Boycott New York City. Cancel any company events that were going to be held there, cancel any personal trips you had scheduled, if you are a musician, cancel any concerts you were going to perform there, don't order anything from a company based in New York, etc. Give New York the total Bud Lite treatment.
Hit 'em in the pocketbook.
Not just NYC. Boycott the entire state. Don’t forget that they elected Hochul.
Given the overwhelming bias in NYC, I was surprised that the jury did not return a verdict in about 15 minutes. What were they doing for 2 days? Playing games on their phones?
Knowing it was coming has not lessened the blow.
It's a gut punch.
Amen, Subvet. It's like waking up and wondering how another bruise got there.
Are leftists forcing civil war so they can force martial law?
Yes, very important point. We are, after all, the responsible people in this country that produce things, that keep things running, that make everything work. We have far more tools at our disposal to respond to this than stupid, blind violence in vaguely-focused emotional mob rioting. That is the Democrats style.
The Democrats would be thrilled if we'd blindly go riot in the streets. We would be stupid if we played into their scenario.