Nice rundown. Hope and change my fanny! What a charlatan he is! How did people ever believe that malignant, narcissistic freak?

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He conned the best. Never will forget watching (well before his presidency) a panel of Charles Krauthammer and George Will discussing how Obama was a "centrist". LOL. And these guys are supposed to be intelligent. If it walks like a commie, talks like a commie and acts like a commie -- it is probably a commie.

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You can't cheat an honest man.

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Don--I recently read "Amusing Ourselves to Death" (1985), by Neil Postman, regarding Orwell's "1984" versus Huxley's "Brave New World," taking the Huxley side of the question.

As Postman put it, "no Big Brother is required to deprive people of their autonomy, maturity and history... people will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacity to think." "Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism ... that the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance."

It strikes me as a fair precis of your outline of Obama's agenda, one that relies upon the public's unthinking passivity, while appealing to their egoism.

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Well played-you captured the essence of the lightbringer. FWIW: For all the Luddites such as I, T-Mobile introduces a $.10 a minute prepaid plan on, Aug 17-$3.00 monthly for 30 minutes-Talk and Text-If you’re not into smart phones, you can’t beat this plan.

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THANK YOU, PM! the old lady in Georgia will look into this right away.

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I don’t think he conned them. I think they agreed with him, believing they were the ones who would end up on top. The rationale for eliminating freedom, or not letting it occur, never changes. We know better than the rubes. They thought - and still do - they are better in every way than the rubes.

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I remember the first time I saw Obama giving a speech on TV while running for President and I heard the news commentators gushing over him. I had a very bad feeling. That feeling has never left me. Obama is the proverbial snake in the Garden of Eden.

He’s a shadow. You know nothing about him.

What you think you know has been invented to make him palatable. He gets rid of everything that doesn’t serve his ambition, like his white mom, or his family in Kenya. Or Joe Biden. He installed Biden and now he fired him. Not exactly a proud chapter in our history.,He works constantly to turn America into a Communist/Socialist hellhole while raking in the bucks and hanging out with celebritards. And the billionaire Bolsheviks and the crooks on Capitol Hill give him all the money he needs to do his evil work. They shunt billions of taxpayer dollars into Democrat causes and fund our demise. The bureaucracy works with him to subvert the country. Pretty diabolical and slick. Republicans meanwhile have their thumbs up their butts and let it all happen. It’s no contest.

I don’t know how it gets fixed or if it gets fixed. It’s a rotten system at the moment. The only thing to do is fight it. Obama is a series of false ideas as this column points out. We need to make good ideas more attractive than the lies.

Trump/Vance 2024

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When do you think he met with Soros to hatch the despicable plans to fix DAs and other state/local races?

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That was the duty of Underground Weatherman Bill Ayers to put in motion in Illinois,specically Cook county.

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Perhaps. But I think Soros has more $$ and has done even more than the ideologue Ayers to destroy local law and order and unleash crime on we norms

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I remember seeing and listening to Obama the first time as well. I told my wife afterward that the guy was a fake. She said how do you know? I told her I had seen so many like him he was easy to spot. I told her, mark my words, that guy is no different than the Witch Clinton. They have an agenda that benefits no one but themselves.

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I too got that "feeling". Like a gray scrim came down over everything.

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Tanto, yours is an excellent summary of what many/most of us believe is true. Do you believe that Trump will be able to turn this mess into something cohesive that will bring the Republican Morons in office to the realization that they must stop funding/supporting OBAMA and his Communist Causes? Why are they so terrified of this Hateful, Arrogant and Ignorant man?/trans?/pedo?/freak of a person? He seems to be a lightweight in the Brain Department.

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That is it.

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True. Im not against higher education but I’m irritated to no end by people who equate higher education with having intelligence. The elites that try to control us are in many cases some of the most ignorant, selfish and arrogant people on the planet.

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Krauthammer and Will are part of the elite. To them, class trumps policies.

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Back then they were the "experts" ...hahahahahaha...and Pat Buchanan was the extremist.

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Will is but the Krauth is taking a ling nap now. Both are neocons.

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Neocon - a fancy word for elitist republican. One who opposes popularistic measures like lower taxes, less government, and abolition. 'Cause you know if they had been around in 1850 they would have opposed it for messing with the status quo.

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No. What fools we are. He correctly understood how dumb most Americans are. How easily sated with meaningless drivel. They hold no greater ideals than buying the next Xbox or who wins the next Super Bowl. By feeding their laziness, he created the conditions where he could in fact fundamentally change the country.

And he has.

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Our education system did the prep work. The lemmings were indoctrinated and ready for a leader to take them over the cliff.

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He knew most people are gullible and used their weakness against them. The hollow man, all fake.

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Oh, it was easy!

Remember, Shrub (aka W) had revealed the modern (at the time) Republican Party to nothing but home to Darth Vader and the rest of the Endless War Party neocons, WEF members, and globalist central-bank financiers.

When John "Death's Head" McCain let the cat out of the bag that he was content to lose the election to the turd in the punch bowl, everyone knew that there was no difference between the two parties, so, a lot of the mentally and intellectually weak let their own white guilt get the better of them and voted for the fraud in an effort to assuage their guilt.

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I agree. A friend of mine and his wife were staunch conservatives and they voted for Obama to their everlasting shame and regret. You can fool some of the people some of the time.

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Most of us did not believe this malignant and narcissistic freak.. WE KNEW BETTER. WE DID NOT VOTE FOR HIM. Because of his Marxist connections, he was able to STEAL THE ELECTION, making all of us his subjects to abuse. We Will Soon Be Rid of him, and We Will get our great country back into OUR OWN HANDS. WE HAVE WORK TO DO - LET'S GET ON WITH IT.

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Too many people saw electing Obama as the end of racism in America but in fact, he was the opposite and systematically undid fifty years of racial progress. Liberalism has to have victims.

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Black people are the only one who can end RACISM. They need to let go of wanting free GUILT money so badly they are willing to change the fact that NO ONE LIVING OWES THEM REPARATION FOR SLAVERY. No one alive today had anything to do with that part of history. IT IS HISTORY.

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To name a few; some people raised in the segregated South, becoming of age about the time of the Lunch Counter Sit-ins in the south.

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Yep, in order to have an inoffensive (i.e. not Jewish) running mate. Trading PA for MI.

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PA has 19 EVs, MI 15. Might be a bad bargain in more than one way. Not to mention appeasing anti-semites in the Dem party.

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😁Traded a Jew for a dude left of her. Why isn't DJT 'ahead by '50 points'? And don't get me started on EVs. Best thing that could happen in the US is to take the $7.5 billion from chargers. and give it to manufacturers and customers of home generators? (see Beryl)

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TRUMP IS AHEAD BY AT LLEAST 5O POINTS. More than half of the Obama and HARRIS fans will not go out to vote.

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Did she tap him very hard? No idea how hard headed Minnesota folks still are. They were lovely the 3 years I lived in Mpls. (Mostly conservatives, of course.)

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😁Traded a Jew for a dude left of her. Why isn't DJT 'ahead by '50 points'?

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Like I said here a few days ago...it all turned to shit when Obummer showed up.

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If it hadn’t been he it would have been another tool of the totalitarians behind the curtain(s). The timing was ripe. I think they thought Bill Clinton would do the job, but he was actually too smart and thought for himself and didn’t follow along quite enough. Hillary now - she would have gone the distance.

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I agree. The timing was right. My biggest hope is that they've jumped the shark this time and went full apeshit socialist/communist too early. If the drag queen last supper didn't do it I think a tanking economy might. A sinking economy sinks all boats but mostly the elites. They're the ones with money in Wall Street. The teachers union can't be too happy to watch their retirement accounts drop like a shot cow either.

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Since the "Teachers as a Whole" get a solid "F" for a Failing grade in teaching American kids the American way of Life, Wholesome and Positive, their RETIREMENT ACCOUNTS CAN DROP INTO THE OCEAN OF STUPIDITY AS THEIR BRAINS HAVE.

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And Newt Gingrich’s Contract with America put the brakes on what Bill might have gone along with. He was more about himself and was willing to triangulate to keep his popularity. It galls me that Bill gets the credit for what the first Republican Congress in my lifetime was able to do in welfare reform and other areas. Kinda like the Democrat Party getting credit for the Civil Rights Bill just because LBJ found it politically necessary to sign it but it was the Republican Party that pushed it and made it possible.

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LBJ changed it before signing it. He made it so it black mothers were rewarded to remain single in order to obtain federal benefits. That isolated black fathers into playing the game that destroyed families. That is where LBJ's famous quote "We'll own these n******s for the next 200 years!" came from. Since it's inception the democrat party has made it their mo to profit any way they can from blacks. Slavery, KKK, labor unions and welfare, it's all about profiting from subjugation. That so many blacks don't get that is quite a phenomenon.

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Thank you, Liberty Belle, though it will take another round of re-written American History Books to get the TRUTH into any of them.

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this is truth

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Chills of dread went down my spine when I heard him say ".. six days to fundamentally change America.." I remember thinking it would take generations to undo what he did. I was wrong. It's going to take much longer, if it ever happens at all.

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Why couldn’t people understand that “FUNDAMENTALLY changing”America was NOT a good thing?

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Same reason they can call a man a woman.

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Because they are fundamentally ignorant. Those same people believed wearing a mask and standing six feet apart was going to stop covid.

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It made my blood run cold. I pegged him as The Manchurian Candidate but the ‘Community Organizer’ was actually worse. Marxist training of BLM and ‘anti’ fascist came right out Obama’ non-profit, Organizing for America. A natural for the America hating Obama’s.

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...lazy morons whose only goal in life is entertainment....

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That was my moment as well, Susan. I didn’t exhale until the morning Trump was declared the winner. It was eight very rough years.

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You summed up what is happening and who is behind it very very well.

The only thing you left out was retooling the Patriot Act to spy on and imprison domestic enemies instead of real enemies.

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George W. Bush is the one that signed it into Law. My lovely sister never ever cussed, but that day she called me and said, "WTF?!"

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The Pat Act needs to be dropped and DHS needs to be broken up so there are no firewalls to accountability of individual agencies.

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absolutely. WE HAVE BEEN DUPED.

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When do suppose BHO’s chickens will come home to roost? Perhaps during DJT’s second term.

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The short answer: Never in this life.

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Sophie, you are most probably correct, but I am hoping that he is called out, permanently.

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The Clintons and Obama and Biden will never be held accountable. What we need to do is understand why they happened in the first place so we never make the same mistakes again.

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Martin Luther King had a dream. Barack Hussain Obama had a brain fart -- one that stinks to the high heavens. Since his inauguration our beloved country has come apart at the seams. What used to be the American dream, feels like living with our heads in the jaw of a lion with a sore tooth. The way to get to the root of our national disaster, begins with eliminating Limp Wrist Barry. I hope it appears accidental, but violent.

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MLK Jr. wasn't a dreamer; he was an opportunist and womanizer; not much difference between him and the "Magic Negro" (as one of Rush's parodies called Obama).

There's a recent episode of Tucker Carlson where his (African American) guest completely destroys the fake reputation of MLK, Jr. - it's quite a revelation.

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RevMikeyMac--Was that Tucker's interview with Ben Carson or someone else? I'd like to watch it.

MLK was indeed a womanizer, but he did have some genuine spiritual ballast. Lightyears more than Obama, who merely imitated the religious-sounding "vocal stylings" of "Rev." Jeremiah Wright.

Too many white liberals who thought they were "above" religion, fell for Obama's pseudo-religious oratorical style and believed Obama was virtuous and noble. In that sense, Obama was a "religious con man".

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you take him off the prompter and he no better than Kammy.

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Honestly I never thought his speeches were worth a tinker's d*mn. Lots of polysyllabic words which mean nothing.

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Agreed but he spoke them well. Take him off the prompter and he couldn't speak a sentence without a "um" "ah" "ahem". The monosyballic word were to impress the "great unwashed." He is/was and always will be a fraud. Additionally a communist.

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COMPLETE FRAUD. According to the possible mention of him in God's Word, he is in the midst of his disappearing act now. Nothing more will be said about him or his fake kin.... he is already MIA.

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He was a polished actor.

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That polish rubs off easily with a paper towel.... his blather has never held up. Now he is MIA on purpose!

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I don't think it was Tucker's conversation with Ben Carson which I thought was excellent. His conversations always cover so many topics, I tend to forget all the specifics and Carson had a lot to say in his always amiable style

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Thanks for this. It connected a lot of loose ends for me. I truly believed MLK was the real deal. A change happened for me after I left the counterculture and was baptized, returning to my family traditions. I was not taken in by BHO.

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Me too: 'Content of character rather than color of skin'-Rock Solid

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This is edifying.

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One of the elders at my home church still has a Ben Carson for President bumper sticker on the family station wagon. Saw her at Presbytery and teased her about it. She said if they could find anyone better, I might change it. Then we said AMEN at the same time.

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He is a godly man, a patriot, fair-minded, rational and reasonable, well-spoken without a teleprompter, and can say much with few words.

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THANK YOU, Suzie, I will watch it.

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Yeah, remember parody that said, "What if MLK said, "I have a hunch."

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It was Victor Everett Ellison with Tucker….


Extraordinary interview!!

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I watched half a minute of that, but then quit. This doesn't seem worth pushing on the readers three times.

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How can you tell in 30 seconds?

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It struck me as useless jibber-jabber, not worth watching.

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Memphis, Tennessee remembers, I'm told.

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I saw that podcast. Tuckers guest shed a completely light MLK. Opportunist, womanizer, grifter. Not all all the image we we're led to believe.

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THANK YOU, REV! Were they just so eager to have a real hero in their midst?

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NAIL ON THE HEAD AWARD, Defiant! For the next month, let's all PRAY for Permanent Relief from this walking DISEASE, every day at NOON and every night at 9!

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Dear Don,

How do you do it? I mean, how do you immerse yourself in the stream of sewage that passes for our current culture--especially of the "political" variety-- and retain a semblance of sanity? Yes, yes, I know it's a dirty job that someone has to do, but day after day, I read your postings and become more concerned that continued exposure to the rot, swill, garbage and assorted other flotsam and jetsam that pass for "news" these days is going, like the Seine did to some of those swimming competitors, to make you ill. Especially detrimental is any kind of investigation into the cancer on society that goes by the name of "Barack Hussein Obama." (Let that sink in for a moment. Contrast that entirely foreign, alien and islamic-sounding name with any one of the preceding 43 American presidents. Is it any wonder he planned to "fundamentally remake" our country, so that it more closely resembled one of the islamic hellholes from which he and his ilk spring like a chancre on the lips of a syphilitic?) I pray for your continued mental and physical health. I do hope that you are able to adequately decontaminate after your daily excursions into our tragicomic society by allowing the cleansing streams of West Virginia and its people to wash over you and, like a newly minted Christian emerging from the baptismal font, proclaim yourself "born again." Meanwhile, the vile and unrepentant segment of our population, also known as "democrats" goes on about its merry way, leaving behind nothing in its wake but destruction, debauchery, depravity and damnation.

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Don can do this easily because he is very solidly grounded. He has been fighting this fight for decades, as a lonely conservative editorial writer in what used to be (for 80 years) solid Blue West Virginia. He hung in there for years, and finally West Virginia turned strongly Red--right up there with Red Wyoming as two of the most Red states in the U.S.

To me, I see Don as very grounded both morally and spiritually. Morally, he especially strongly embodies honesty, and courage. He calls a spade a spade. This makes every sentence he writes a refreshing pleasure to read. Truth; frankness; bluntness. Reality breaking through the bullsh*t. Plus he has the moral quality of a super strong work ethic, with years and years of substantive true journalistic observation and research under his belt. Over the decades, this body of knowledge has matured into genuine wisdom.

Spiritually, he is planted on "the Rock". He clearly has personally experienced the light and presence of God--it is real to him, not a theory. This "acquaintance with light" gives Don lift and buoyancy, and underlies his irrepressible wit and good humor, which also makes him a pleasure to read.

I am not being sycophantic here. The above paragraphs are merely statements of truth. All of us here know Don is a jewel. Each human is a unique individual with a unique role to play, and has within them the desire to be the highest version of themselves. Don is just someone who has succeeded in this and is at the peak of his career. No DEI--he has earned it every step of the way. That is why he can confidently hit the ball out of the park with every column.

And we can be grateful.

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So well stated, TPG!

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May I say Amen and Amen EPG?

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Don has a Mustang convertable in which I'll bet he can decompress.

"Barack Hussein Obama." was not his given name. He chose it which actually furthers your argument.

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Steve, so perfectly stated! Is it any wonder that we all love Surber and hold him in such high esteem ?

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Barry is too lazy and stupid to be a threat on his own. He's just another meat puppet of the evil megalomaniacs who hang out in Davos.

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Agreed. His intelligence level was always over rated. Why else would they still keep his college transcripts under wraps?

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Because he was accepted based on being a foreign student.

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Could never run for president if exposed.

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I think you are correct. He has always been a puppet.

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Sorry…but no Sympathy For That Devil.

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that guy with three islamic names sure lives up to his billing.

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Don, your essay contains contains an epic level Obama biography. Well done, Sir.

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I usually agree wholeheartedly with you Don, but I think you are giving Barry, way more credit than he is due. He needed a clean runway to land his hope and change and I posit that the Bushes and the RINO's that despise Trump, still, are part of the cabal of Elites that just want to retain power while we "vote" for a leader. The Big Lie(insert any of the hoaxes of the past decade here) doesn't happen unless RINO's look the other way and hold their head high. Good grief, the droning didnt stop when Barry picked up where W left off. Barry just doesn't care to hide his Leftism like the traitorous RINO's that pretend they are 'conservative' when they really are the Nazi's(leftism) because they don't defend the individual unless its themselves. Calling Leftists liberal is an insult to actual liberals. RINO's & Dems are the 21st century philosophical Aryans. This Uniparty has continually expanded govt since WWII except when Newt gave us a surplus and was crucified for it for cutting school lunches(by raising the budget only 3% instead of 6%). Every ill of society is framed as something to be fixed by government. How dare We suggest individuals work on themselves to better society to limit bureaucracy and mediocrity, when meritocracy and math is racist, no?

This problem is bigger than just one narcissistic Leftist who dreams of being gay. And its too big for even a annoying Manhattan real estate mogul to fix. It requires an awakening on both sides, that I think will happen when things get worse before they get better. Its the only way people learn best, ...the hard way. God speed

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It has to get much worse for the elites and the coasties. A crashing market might be a start.

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A slight correction Don. He doesn’t want to install socialism in America. He wants to skip that step and go straight communism.

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In recent years, there has been alot of confusion over the meaning of the words "communism" and "socialism". Sometimes it seems like everyone you talk to has their own definition of what they mean. For some years awhile back, I was saying that "Socialism is Communism-lite". I also said that "Socialism is the attempted blend of Communism and Capitalism" (thinking of how the European countries were using the word "Socialism"). Many liberal Americans literally say over and over "What's so bad about Socialism?". They think because it has the word "Social" in it, that it means something nice, like "society" or "being nice and helping people", like a "social worker". Well, I was wrong and the liberals have been wrong.

The Democrats like this confusion, as it hides their aggressive Communist agenda. And when Bernie Sanders says "Socialism", he means "Communism", but he tries to hide that by saying he means "Socialism like Sweden, Norway, etc." The Swedish prime minister put Bernie Sanders in his place a few years ago when he said "Sweden is not a Socialist country; it is a Capitalist country with a large social safety net."

I finally came across Vladimir Lenin's definition, which really says it the clearest, and which I take as authoritative: "Communism is the ideology; socialism is the form of government."

Not to beat this over the bush, but I would tweak that to make it even clearer: "Communism is the ideology; Communism expressed in a form of government is called Socialism." Meaning, politically, Communism and Socialism are one and the same.

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Your comments are on a roll today! Thank you for stating clearly the truth whilst giving me a chuckle.

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Extremely well done. That really just sums it up. I hope the USA can survive this madness.

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RINOs like him! Everyone gets rich in DC! Good ‘consulting’ jobs for the kids & nieces & nephews. Never-ending payload from the CofC! Win win!

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Hunger Games coming soon.

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It has been here for years. The only thing missing is the games and we’re seeing a bit of them in Paris this summer.

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President Obama’s two terms in office proves two immutable facts….the deep state cabal is rich & powerful… Obama had no family money, no family name and became President within four years of a first term senate career…..most important…..PT Barnum was right.

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Geraldine Ferraro was right - never would have happened without his melanin content.

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....hey Don and now it's Walz. Fox is telling us iti s her choice.and doubling down with her progressive heart...it's Obama's choice too for sure. Former President need to be disciplined and STFU and walk into the oval office.

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That's also on CFP just now. Charlie Kirk also has a posting regarding Walz well worth your read time on the same site

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