This may be further evidence that the totalitarians really just want to eliminate humans and all their nasty by products of actual living. Failing that, making everyone else live a la Middle Ages (at best) would be an acceptable compromise. The medieval model included serfs and slavery as well as silver spoons for those at the top of the life pyramid.

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I concur. Democrats, “greenies”, vegans, the whole lot of them, are overall just certifiably miserable people who see danger and fear everywhere, and when distilled down, basically just hate other people, and want them to be equally or more miserable than themselves.

They surely must exist in

one of Dante’s levels of Hell.

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Suzie, I think these miserable leftist lunatics are the door men (and women) at each level of Dante's Hell. It wouldn't be hell if an occupant could have any sense of happiness or contentment, and the "greenies" have mastered being miserable.

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That’s what they - the left - are after; a return to feudalism with themselves as the Lords & the rest of us as serfs, serving them. Why else would they want to take your guns away, ban <insert modern convenience item here>, restrict your freedom of speech, & force you to live in a cubicle eating bugs & worshipping @ the altar of The State?

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Do everything possible to make life uncomfortable and inconvenient

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Fascist Democrats try to suck the joy out of living. Don't let them. Life is joy and love.

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Democrats don’t solve problems. They create problems then “solve” the problems they created with new “regulations “ that don’t work then have to solve those new problems.

Clownifornia is experiencing more plastic bag issues since they banned single use plastic bag a few years ago… you know the ones you use at the grocery store.

There was a loop hole that allowed multiple use plastic bags that the stores sell for 10 cents.

Well guess what is getting thrown away and creates a new landfill problem? The multi use bags weight more than the single use ones do so. Ow more weight of plastic is filling their landfills.

It would be nice if politicians only met every other year to vote for new stuff. Our lives would be a lot more free

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That is the Democrat chief MO:

Pretend to solve a problem that doesn’t exist, thus creating a new and bigger problem, and then make that worse, ad infinitum!

But note: all these “fixes” require scads and scads more of your tax monies to be dished out to Democrat operatives, NGO’s and lobbyists, essentially all back into Democrat pockets.

That is the “Green Agenda” in a nutshell.

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Follow the money Suzie.

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It would be nice if politicians couldn't add a new regulation until they deleted two.

If you do the math, over time, we'd whittle them down to no more than one regulation existing and they would be locked at that number.

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I recommend ALL laws have a 10 year sunset provision (not just tax cut legislation). Let them waste time each session confirming laws deserve to stay or go. The less they do the better off society is

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Too sensible T O.

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Agree. Let them stand the test of time and practical need.

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You're cruel! Your plan would destroy their reason for existing! They might have to go and find a real job!

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You’re right, I should have more compassion. Therefore, I’d permit them to stay home and receive their own welfare payments and food stamps. Then, they’d realize inflation always outpaces payout adjustments and works as a hidden tax.

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Not to be outdone by the Dems, two Republicans legislators in Tennessee have introduced a bill that would ban the sale of refrigerated beer. They believe that selling only warm beer will reduce the incidence of drunk driving because people would have to drive home and refrigerate it before consuming it. I think they missed the bagged ice coolers in every grocery and convenience store.

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I live in TN and haven't heard this, but I'm sure it's a dry county. It won't pass. They will look stupid. We need fewer politicians across the board.

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Not to mention that before those multi-use plastic bags wind up in the landfill, they must be washed if one doesn’t want to get salmonella and other food born illnesses. Which requires heating water with those evil water heaters which also use up energy, and putting detergent in that water.

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You mean you wash all your trash before throwing it in the garbage can? Is your name Karen?

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Are you really that dense? I was talking about washing those reusable plastic bags between uses. Say you put a package of raw chicken in your environmentally correct grocery bag and it leaks. You now potentially have salmonella bacteria inside your bag. Then, without washing it, you reuse it a couple of days later, buy some fruit and throw it in the bag. Now your fruit is contaminated. In order to keep that from happening you need to wash the bag between uses.

I don’t use them and never have - they are about as good for the environment as tearing down the rain forests to mine those fancy minerals used to make EV batteries.

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You really ought to work on conveying your facts in an understandable manner. Just now you wrote: " I was talking about washing those reusable plastic bags between uses." But earlier you wrote: "... before those multi-use plastic bags wind up in the landfill ...", saying nothing about using them to hold anything else.

As a consolation prize, with your communications skills you might still be of some help to Fani Willis.

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“There must be some kind of way outta here

Said the joker to the thief

There's too much confusion

I can't get no relief” —Bob Dylan

Another day; another manufactured crisis that dems must regulate, tax, or outright ban. Their “solutions” for non-problems only make our lives worse whilst enriching their own.

In the looney leftist cult there is no forgiveness, redemption, or hope. Only rules, sacrifice, and suffering devoid of meaning.

Always Lent and never Easter.

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Hang in there; Sunday's coming! (One of Tony Evans' best sermons.)

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Who will be the next mayor of NYC?

___ Someone named Cuomo

___ Taylor Swift

___ Babe Ruth

___ Nero

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I was gonna say, The Devil, but according to Charlie Daniels, he's still down in Georgia.

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According to The Screwtape Letters, he’s ubiquitous. But he seems to have loaded up the state with plenty of minions.

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Unbridled narcissism does this. Like Hollywood, NYC is full of people with that attribute.

Anyone recall their ban on Big Gulps?

The original "Karen" was born in NYC.

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Sir Don well done. It seems NYC has never read Matthew 7:3-5. 3“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

Your lazy cat is very droll today. I went with the obvious winner. It is a way to sell more NYT.

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Anybody care to start a movement to use Tide detergent pods to wash out the mouths of antiAmerican politicians who dare usurp our rights with imbecilic, insane rules, regulations and laws.?

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NYC will next go after toilet paper so it doesn't have to spend any money on it in their costs for illegals. Regarding the war on Tide Pods and fentanyl disproportionately killing people of color, what we now know is that anytime white liberals have a war on something like poverty or guns, black people are going to die. It's like the Democrats have never forgiven them for wanting their freedom from slavery.

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Meanwhile NYC residents are afraid to leave their home out of fear of stepping in human excrement, tripping over a homeless person sleeping on the sidewalk, and getting mugged by a Venezuelan gangster etc. But hey, Tide Pods encourage cleanliness which wastes water, or something! I left there a half century ago and NEVER looked back. The best decision I ever made. Chuck Schumer was just a wacky city councilman back then but I could see his insanity was contagious. Unfortunately he and his kind have infected our entire country.

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Go ahead and ban TIDE Pods up there in Yankee country if those kids are that stupid and are still eating them; make'm wear dirty jeans and tees. No kid would wash their own sneaks under threat of death. One old Shecky Greene routine had him ask, "Clean mind; clean body. Take your pick." As the village blacksmith said to the teenage helper, "I told you that was hot!" Kid said, "It wasn't that, but it don't take me long to look at a horseshoe!" I reference for your further edification and enjoyment Eddie Murphey's comedy routine about asking his mama for McDonald's.

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Zero sympathy for NYC residents. They are getting exactly what they voted for. As Forrest Gump said "stupid is as stupid does".

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If we just ban Democrats, there is a 110% chance that life gets 309% better for the rest of us. This is by far the biggest cost saving and quality of life maneuver available to us. I did this study in my backyard by the fireplace last night drinking mezcal and smoking a stogie. It’s peer reviewed by my cat and the two coyotes up the hill.

Trump 2024

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You make me wish I was better at math!

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Perfection Tanto !!

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OMG how I Looove this!!

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This isn't a question of science. It is another demonstration that the Democratic Party philosophy is totalitarianism now and forever. Screw capitalism. Screw freedom of choice. Screw actual science. Screw the People. Screw that silly old paper called the Constitution.

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Last line is aces Jim.

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Thank you, Don Surber! Clarity, humor, and a serious takeaway, all in a few paragraphs. Nicely done!

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Cheryl Crow was ahead of her time when she suggested we should only use one sheet of toilet paper per . . . visit.

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Someone should inform Ms Crow that some jobs are bigger than others.

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I don't think she had a real job.

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She must have had a bidet. She can brag she only used one sheet on each visit but wasted gallons of fresh water washing her butt on each visit.

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My old Irish caddymaster taught the new boys how to use one sheet when they visited the outhouse thoughtfully supplied us by the members and discreetly out of sight.

1) Fold the square twice

2) Tear off the corner

3) Use the square piece with the hole in the middle

4) Use the point of the corner to clean under fingernails

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She actually said to use only “two squares” per use! 😬 🙄

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The woman is obviously a vegetarian!

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-->"And so even as 3,026 New Yorkers died of drug overdoses last year, NYC will ignore the problem..."

Au contraire, mon frere...

Daily (while at the gym) I hear radio adverts for the Office of Addiction Services and Support where anyone can get free Naloxone for your everyday illegal drug overdose, suspending the reality of the risks adopted when consuming illegal drugs. It seems to me this is what's known as dysgenic, where behaviors contrary to those deemed healthy and socially desirable are encouraged, i.e., making illegal drug use appear harmless or risk-free.

The outcome could be fewer overdose deaths--but what's the toll, the true body count in ruined lives because the state has made drug abuse appear harmless or risk-free?

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Addiction Services and Support

or as I like to call it ASS

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In the adverts, they pronounce OASAS (Office of Addiction Services And Support) as "oasis," as if a shaded water hole refuge in a desert. Shady is the only relevant truth of the advert.

Our woke/prog/lefties always rant about the supposed ills of paternalism, yet here they are attempting to protect drug abusers from their worst impulses by making illicit drug use appear harmless and risk-free. Any truly humanitarian instinct would aid drug users to get "clean," rather than encourage continued drug abuse as costless to health and well-being. This is the worst sort of paternalism, interposing a temporary fix, by extending and postponing a problem that is not self-correcting.

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Multinational corporation, P&G, says PVA is safe because the FDA says so, the same FDA that told us Ivermectin was horse paste and approved testing a gene therapy masquerading as a vaccine on hundreds of millions of Americans. A competitor of P&G funded a study that proves PVA is a plastics polluter. But the EPA says PVA is not a plastics polluter, the same EPA that was not concerned about the burned chemicals released into the air in East Palestine, Ohio. So, the politicians have gotten involved to straighten this out. Methinks NYC Councilman Gennaro and his colleagues at City Hall will be entertained by a lot of lobbyists in the coming weeks and months, because this brouhaha isn't about public health.

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It’s another brilliant idea from a DEI politician. If he was a passenger on the Titanic, I’m sure he would be asking others to rearrange the deck chairs.

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I think the iceberg did a good job of that

Too soon?

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