Jul 9·edited Jul 9Liked by Don Surber

Think about it. Are public sector unions even necessary today? Is there a bigger scourge on our country than public unions? Look no further than our school system. 99.9% of the last 80 years of public school rot can be traced to teachers unions.

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There should be no union representation for anyone on a taxpayer funded payroll. None. Unions, once a good thing in the private sector, have become an arm of our political sector. There is no need for them today. We have plenty of laws on the books that make them unnecessary.

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I believe unions came into being BEFORE we had things like Child Labor laws and (godforbid) OSHA and other labor laws.

Now, imo, unions - ESPECIALLY public sector unions - are nothing more than LEGAL ORGANIZED CRIME!

If our military is FORBIDDEN by law from unionizing - and certainly no job can be more dangerous than the military - then NO WORKERS should be legally allowed to unionize today. I hope unions are made ILLEGAL!!!

OMG I think the left would go nuclear more over something like that happening than they did over Roe v. Wade!!

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You are correct. These archaic unions need to be abolished to prevent further weaponization by the Democrats and the federal government. Reagan got it right but didn’t go far enough.

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I was in service when this came up under Carter/Reagan. We military thought it was insane.. only the Dutch did it

we wanted to go into Iran and free hostages

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My apologies for savoring this thought, Gail. Wink. Wink.

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Ha! Savor away!!

First we have to think it, then we can do it, right? 😊

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The National Right to Work Foundation is a legal group that has been fighting union power and for the usurped rights of unionized workers for years and years. They have won a number of landmark cases in the Supreme Court - I think the most recent is the JANUS decision. Check them out. Encouraging and inspiring.


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Great to know about this org. I have interacted with Freedom Foundation https://www.freedomfoundation.com/ which seems to be doing the same thing. I support ALL groups fighting unions!

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So Trump gets criticism for talking about ‘black jobs’, but Eric Adams is on the payroll to save them.

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Exactly. And to think further about; should they be even allowed to vote?

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Amen, brother, preach on!

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In trying to be fair here, I would say that originally, unions provided a great means of training the trades. We should replicate that training without the corrupt union part.

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Todays unions protect the lazy and crooks/from a retired teamster.

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And a lot of good hard working people being led by corrupt officials.

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Exactamundo! From the moment the Teachers Unions and the Dept. of Ed. came into being the public schools have only become worse and worse and worse, and just bottomless pits for taking tax dollars only to result in consistently net negative results year after year after year.

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It is NOT most of the teachers.. their hands are tied by (as usual) by the "bent nose" grifting mobsters

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Speaking from public school experience:

1) over 90% are left/progressive/stupid woke and vote that way - not crazies but that's their politics

2) the majority are smart, conscientious, hard-working people

3) their hands are tied completely with regard to curriculum, testing, grading, and sending kids on to the next grade whether they have passed or not

4) their hands are also tied with regard to behavior and discipline policy

5) joining the union is a "requirement", the yearly dues are ridiculous and if it were not "required" most would ditch it. It's literally like mafia protection money.

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Public employee union should be outlawed by federal legislation.

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but they have so many beautiful Dept of Education offices, while our schools rot

Sen. Anderson (TN) tried years ago to rid us of Fed control in our schools.

why do we pay property tax if the feds make the rules?

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If there is any case for getting rid of teachers' unions, one only needs to watch the head of the NEA, Betty Pringle, go off the deep end in her speech at the NEA convention. This woman is bat guano crazy and she is the head honcho of the biggest teachers' union in America.


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Just look at a picture of Jessica Tisch... Over-edumacated, over-credentialed idiot. Typical Leftist(notice I did not say democrat).

Hey, hoteliers are making a killing raping the taxpyers in NYC. A typical hotel room used to go for $400 per night. Now? House and feed illegals at $1000 per night?

The biggest problem we have is the 'public/private partnership'.

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Does she look like a "transwoman" or is that just me?

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9Liked by Don Surber

Remember when David Letterman used to do TV bits about the New York City rats? He went on and on about the city's reputation for cat-sized rats. He even talked about New York restaurants being "knee deep in rats." That was back in the 1980s. Now Mayor Eric Adams is raging war against rats. Meanwhile, New York is up to its eyeballs in two legged rats: Chuck Schumer, Hakeem Jeffries, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Jerry Nadler, Dan Goldman (the dumbest shit in DC), Richie Torres, Jamaal Bowman, and Kirsten Gillibrand come to mind. If you want to give the country an enema, the hose goes in New York.

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After seeing the unbelievable and unconstitutional actions in New York against Trump, New York City is most certainly the blockage causing our country’s severe constipation. We need that enema badly. We have an appointment for that procedure on Nov 5th.

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When Letterman was funny because he didn't take himself at all seriously...

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And then he turned into an unwatchable, disgusting human being.

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Bring back, Ruddy! As goes NYc so goes the country.

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As I started reading about this trash bin saga in New York City, I thought I was reading something from the Babylon Bee. It sounded too absurd to be true.

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NYC is Absurdiztan...

...so is Chicago, etc.

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Jul 9Liked by Don Surber

Remember that it took Donald Trump to build a functional outdoor skating rink in that city.

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in record time too... look it up..

it's part of what scares them

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Yup...bypassing and/or culling the bureaucracy. Petrifying to the Swamp.

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Yeah, and look at the thanks he got!

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and it took Mayor Rudy Guilani to clean NYC up and make it safe to visit before all the libs managed to make it a total mess again!

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9Liked by Don Surber

What could be the unintended effect? Homeless people stealing the bins and making condominiums? The mafia stuffing dead people in them? Terrorists planting bombs in them? The possibilities are endless, but somehow I think the rats are going to have a say in what happens.

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Jul 9Liked by Don Surber

We have bears in these parts, who find them to be a most thoughtful and convenient source for all sorts of snacks and nourishment, kinda like mini-fast food outlets.

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Several times friends and I took our horses into the mountains of central Virginia for weekend trail riding trips. The lodge we stayed in had a family style restaurant and every single morning a large Eastern Black Bear showed up to have breakfast at the dumpster out back. The restaurant tried everything they could to lock him out but he always managed to get in. Watching was the highlight of our early mornings.

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and racoons

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'Coons are so very fastidious! Finicky, even. Like they couldn't believe stupid humans would throw THIS away!

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Yeah rah! Smokie Mountain treasures. Here in middle TN, we have racoons. About the size of the little black bears in the Bay Area of California. Anybody here remember having to "take the garbage out" in those paper grocery bags--in the rain? Youngest of three, that was my job until I got a driver's license and mom got a maid.

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Maybe in one of these very early prototype bins of 50 years ago we might find Jimmy Hoffa... who would have looked?

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Jul 9Liked by Don Surber

Rolling out a huge, expensive program without testing it on a small scare first. Who in their right minde does that? Crooks using other people's money. When you live in a Democrat city...nevermind. I'm out of words.

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Look how well the Big Dig went…Billions over budget, Years longer, Shoddy construction and all the unions & suppliers got rich! I love the Big Cities!!

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Don't forget the ceiling sections of The Big Dig that FELL (not that many years after it was completed) and killed one woman as I recall.

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Jul 9Liked by Don Surber

Growing up in New Jersey, Dad commuted to downtown Manhattan (the financial district) and I worked two summers there while in college. Smartest move I made was to "Go West Young Man" and stay there my entire adult life. Wyoming, Colorado, and now Arizona. I cannot imagine visiting the "City" now (NYC) as we called it. I remain a lifelong Yankees fan. Don't hold that against me. I also root for the DBacks.

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Welcome to my part of the country, Scottsdale AZ, where the high temperature next week will be 115. Frying an egg on the hood my car beats inhaling the stink of a New York street.

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In my town a company called Republic, that serves quite a few other communities too, picks up the trash -- and very efficiently. You just have to put the bins in the street near the curb the day before, and in the morning the garbage truck comes along with a mechanical arm that lifts the bin and upends it into the truck. As Don describes it, the driver runs the entire operation. Depending on how pious you are about "recycling", you can also have a separate bin that gets emptied the same way, by a separate truck. It's amazing that NYC still does this manually but then, featherbedding and make-work are Democrat/Big City specialties. Although -- come to think of it -- the recycling mania has served that way too.

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9

Recycling is as believable as global warming. They go through the front-end motions for the homeowners to see - even using bright green bins which makes it very authentic - but it gets dumped in with all the other trash that goes to a landfill

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Yes it does! We were forced to put out the special bins when we lived in Virginia and one day the recycling truck never showed up. The next day, the regular garbage truck came by and I asked the driver about the recycling truck. He shrugged and flat out told me that it didn’t matter because it all went into the same landfill.

And then there’s the fact that two trucks use twice as much of that evil gasoline. It’s a complete fraud.

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Recycling began for our neighborhood school during WWII. We collected newspapers, metal coat-hangers, brown paper grocery sacks and old shoes for the "war effort." Don't ask me if little kids knew why. They just knew "Do It."

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Those programs were authentic - and needed. Today’s “recycling” is a political gimmick, as trustworthy to its promises as any politician’s.

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Today recycle =climate fraud/change.

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Denton, Texas manages it and we can't even fix our roads

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Republic is a huge operation - they also serve my town and many in North TX. We still have the older type trucks with a couple of guys hanging off the back to physically dump our bins into the collector. We have a separate day for lawn clippings & the recycle bin and household trash collected twice a week. They do a good job and have a live person to talk to if one has been skipped or has a complaint.

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When we did a kitchen remodel of our Plano home, we looked into a 30 yard dumpster and was bummed to find that Republic was the sole contractor for the municipality.

The fix is in in Texas!

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Jul 9Liked by Don Surber

"I can see why city dwellers resent tourists because some of them are very, very weird."

Well yes, anyone willingly living in a place like NYC, Chicago, StL, Seattle, or SF et cetera IS weird... and probably retarded. But Don, it's rude to point that out.

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Jul 9Liked by Don Surber

Was this news conference serious, or was it their version of a Biden debate?

New York City should be humiliated to the bone.

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Leftists have no shame.

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Or self-awareness . . .

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Jul 9Liked by Don Surber

Unbelievable article today.

I just shook my head as I read thru it.

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Will these bins make any difference the next time the sanitation workers go on strike? When I was in college my father was living in NYC and that is where I spent holidays and vacations when school wasn’t in session. I vividly remember one very hot summer, maybe 1973, when the sanitation workers went on strike and the garbage piled up on the sidewalks. There was a very nice seafood restaurant around the corner from our apartment building. You can just imagine…..

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Jul 9Liked by Don Surber

It's all about keeping the unions happy. Unions are just another vote-buying scheme for the Democratic Party.

My mother-in-law - a public school teacher for 35+ years - voted religiously for Democrats (she and her husband cancelled each other out at the ballot box). I couldn't believe it in 2020 when she told us she voted for Trump! Redeemed herself before she died, God bless her!

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Jul 9Liked by Don Surber

Left unsaid: Who got the contracts to supply the bins and the new trucks? How much did they cost. Was it an honest bidding process? Hmmm, I guess those are rhetorical questions.

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Betcha my next social security check that they were required to use a minority owned business.

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just look to who bought stock in the bin making company.. ALWAYS follow the money.

Schumer? Nadler, Jefferies, Gillibrand, Ocasio-Cortez?

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Jul 9Liked by Don Surber

No words.

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