Jul 26, 2023Liked by Don Surber

When I have seen people criticize the Rappers, the violent songs anyway, the old comeback was they were singing about their 'culture'. Havent seen that excuse in a while. I always thought that was another soft bigatory of low expectations.

Being personally responsible used to be an American trait. Now everyone is a victim of their race, their bad parents or whatever else they can come up with. I think our country would be way better off if we brought back consequences of our actions or at least taught that there are consequences to our actions, both good and bad.

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Jul 26, 2023·edited Jul 26, 2023Liked by Don Surber

If you watch the video and pause it, the creators made a conscious decision to portray almost exclusively white people or race-neutral images. There are no BLM signs, nothing to identify these riots as BLM riots. So basically the video is a Rorschach test of a kind. If you see the video as referring to black people, that's on you. Those are your attitudes about black people you're placing on the video, not Jason Aldean's. And that is the great flaw of much of the criticism of the video. We have a bunch of supposedly "enlightened" liberals who see the violence in this video and blame it on black people, which is hilarious and telling.

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Jul 26, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Just as Magritte painted "Ceci n’est pas une pipe" (This is not a pipe), Aldean's song is not violence. It is not about violence. It is speech. Blessed are those who thirst for righteousness. People arguing otherwise are spiritually blind and deaf.

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Jul 26, 2023·edited Jul 26, 2023Liked by Don Surber

As I recall, National Review used to be the conservative go-to for commentary. Today, it is an empty shell of its former self. I think the only ones left are the neocons who help the uniparty. K-lo is nothing but a reminder of their failure to me.

Country music has become "hollywoodized" in the last 10+ years. The writers and performers are more cross-over pop singers if they want to make it. County Music Television (CMT) was the first to drop Aldean's song in response to the liberal outcry. The deep state is attacking one of the last strongholds of constitutional conservatism. Nashville, CMT, and the music producers are liberals. They are taking control of the genre to destroy the backbone of country music. The song writers are slowly following suit. One by one the country music stars are shifting their public statements to support the liberal agenda (Reba and Garth Brooks). You are beginning to see it in some lyrics too.

Our small gains (Bud Light) in fighting back are gratifying, but we are facing a tsunami. The only option is to fight back harder. Enough is enough.

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“… but she is agreeing with Tipper Gore, which is always a sign that a writer works for National Review.”

Best line that I’ve read this week, Don - thanks!

Bill Buckley wept.

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John Mellencamp is a poseur extraordinaire second only to the unscrupulous knave of Asbury Park, New Jersey.

What that writer thinks is a nice song, is no paean to small towns and small-town life. She's an idiot.

"I...wonder when they will admit conservatives have a point too."

Wonder no more - because they will never concede we are right, let alone have a point.

"We know why. Liberals demand perfection from conservatives."

True - and all too often we acquiesce. False equivalency using whataboutism is among the left's favourite in its playbook.

In legitimate debate, conceding your opponent's point in order to flip it to help make your own argument is a valid tactic, and we would do well to stop extending the benefit of the doubt that any leftist wants a debate to better understand their opponents because that isn't their goal - their goal is to silence us using our own good will against us.

She's no liberal. She's worse - she's a sheep.

"...and once again, National Review made the wrong choice."

Should we have expected anything else?

Free Speech is the winning option, today. Mr. Aldean may not always be right, but free speech will always be protected by the constitution.

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Jul 26, 2023·edited Jul 26, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Rappers for decades have also been denigrating women via name-calling using, bitches, whores, baby mamma, etc. But the Left and its pink-pussy-hatted feminists are always silent about the Left’s virulent misogyny. They bill it as ‘it’s part of their culture’.

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Jul 26, 2023Liked by Don Surber

My only criticism- STOP calling LEFTISTS “LIBERALS”. They are ILLIBERAL.

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We stand for freedom, for ALL People.

Harming Human beings, is against human extinct, freedom promotes unity, Division promotes chaos and pain.


JUL 22, 2023

A friend of mine, who buy's into the all the lies, thrown at the Americans of our proud country, took offense of a statement I made, about the cowards, paid by the illegal Regime, who fraudulently stole my vote They would never set foot in my county.

He stated, "What would you do if BLM/Antifa attacked your town." I laughed out loud. "What's so funny?" his voice quivered and offended.

I answered, "Well, first I would have had to fight my way thru my County Sherriff and his loyal Deputies, to get near those criminal miscreants, while they chased these traitors, out of our town, out of our county and come 2024, out of our country. I wish no one any harm, as long as they stay away from my God, my dirt, my family and our way of life. I welcome debate, you can spew your hate, as long as you obey the laws, of the beacon of civilization, our Constitutional Republic, the most liberal government in history." Do you have a problem with the moral virtue of an individually free American?

Welcome, open your mind to the true path of a free man, If you don't like it, fine, as long as you live in the lines of the law, in the United States of America. You should try it, It doesn't suck

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Jul 26, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Kathryn Jean Lopez is one of those like Mitch McConnell who would still today make a speech on the senate floor about the criticality of bipartisanship like it’s still the 1980s and nothing new has happened since.

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Jul 26, 2023Liked by Don Surber

The Presidency of DJT outed the deception of the Faux-conservative bunch of liars like that whole NR crew, for being just another faction of the Uniparty.

Trump delivered on more true conservative policies and issues during his one term than any so-called conservative official - President or otherwise - had ever accomplished - ever! And they HATED him for it. It was one of the most stunning revelations during that unprecedented time more so than even the exposure of the whole fake news media.

They NEVER meant a word they said about true conservatism and now they’re just a bunch a useless, angry grifters trying to please their lefty overlords. Disgusting and shameful.

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Thank you Jason Aldean for writing and singing the TRUTH. With God on our side, we need to keep speaking the truth in every opportunity presented to us. Wokeness, Marxism permeate every American institution, thanks to dingbats like Lopez. 75 million of us can counter their agenda and turning their methods and tools against them. Hooray for our beautiful Federal Republic! Hooray for our founders! Hooray for the goodness of America. Hooray for mom and apple pie! Hooray for our beautiful national anthem! Hooray for our Judeo-Christian founding! And… hooray for so much more!!

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Jul 26, 2023Liked by Don Surber

ANOTHER tough POLL: Both answers have great merit.

John (Cougar) Mellencamp is a socialist? Who knew? When did he give away all his wealth and take a vow of poverty?

It's the same hypocrisy as going after Aldean's song; the Hollywood left screams the virtues of socialism and high taxes, etc., while living their libertarian life of wealth and commensurate freedom behind their guarded gates.

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Jul 26, 2023Liked by Don Surber

The Likes of Lopez patronize just about anyone who doesn’t live in their protected and elevated environment. Their arrogance and pretentiousness is worse than the credentialed liberals, but springs from the same source. They believe they will never be bothered by the messiness and inconvenience of radical barbarian violence. If you’re in the wrong place wrong time you must be doing something wrong. Yuck. It’s creepy when disdain oozes like that. She’s really guilty of the sin of pride.

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Jul 26, 2023Liked by Don Surber

50 years ago the song would have been titled “Try that in America.” Now God fearing , good people are reduced to a small town. I could care less what stupid people say, let alone sell out traitors. Aldean’s song expresses the hypocrisy of our times. In addition, it exposes the “pass” once again that liberals give to the violent rap culture’s noise.

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Jul 26, 2023·edited Jul 26, 2023Liked by Don Surber

This ‘b’ is trying to tap into the Judeo-Christian ethics of ‘Turn the other cheek’ and ‘Do unto others…’ that she knows we conservatives have been fed at our parents table since we were children. Where has it gotten us!

‘F’ that! ‘F’ her and ‘F’ that other ‘b’ that wants us to chill out over the massacre caused by the vaccines and Covid.

If we… as old as most of us reading this are, don’t get off our asses and say no, never, I’d rather die first, we and more importantly our kids and grandkids are going to be walking around in uni-grey uniforms, our heads bowed, shuffling slowly home after a day sweeping the streets to our meal of bugs and mystery meat.

These criminals, deviants and psychopaths need to be held responsible for their actions, tried and if found guilty, executed the same day.

Then I’ll be happy to talk reconciliation!

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