In the early 1980s, I was newspapering in Parkersburg, West Virginia. One day a Department of Highways crew was sent to repaint the faded double yellow lines along Division Street. They did not remove the road kill.
I remember that incident occasionally when some genius comes up with the idea that there is a center in politics that we should embrace. The political center is not what they think it is. There are people headed toward capitalism and on the opposite side of the road are people headed to hell, which in politics is spelled socialism. Each believes they are on the right side of the road.
On Saturday, genius Kevin D. Williamson — who blew off Donald Trump in 2016 as a witless ape who would fade fast in the primaries — wrote a column in the New York Post giving Joe Biden election advice. Biden has been in 10 general elections and won all 10 of them. While he is at it, Williamson should try giving lessons on grace to Caitlin Clark.
Williamson is pretty thick.
In his earlier witless ape piece, Williamson wrote, “We’ve been to this corner of Crazytown before. If we’re going to have a billionaire dope running for the presidency, I prefer Ross Perot and his cracked tales of Vietnamese hit squads dispatched to take him out while Lee Atwater plotted to crash his daughter’s wedding with phonied-up lesbian sex pictures.”
Perot became the first high-tech billionaire in the 1960s with a company he started with $1,000. Don’t take my word for it. Time magazine said it.
That story explained how, in 1969, he sent planeloads of humanitarian aid to our POWs held in Hanoi and also sent some of their wives and children to Paris to lobby for an end to the war. If that is being a dope billionaire, how about we get 100 more dopes like him?
You can see why men who accomplish things in life have a distaste for writers.
In Williamson’s Saturday piece — “Democrats think that simply not being Trump is enough to beat him — but it won’t be” — he finally dropped all pretense of being anything but a socialist in conservative clothing.
The genius wrote:
I am not sure that there is such a thing as a “Nikki Haley Republican,” but the former South Carolina governor beat Donald Trump in the Vermont and DC Republican primaries, took about 40% of the vote in New Hampshire and South Carolina, and finished up her campaign having won more than 20% of the vote in the races she contested.
This is laughable. She got her butt handed to her in her home state and thanks to open primaries and re-registrations she got some Democrat votes in Democrat strongholds. (New Hampshire last voted for a Republican presidential candidate 20 years ago.) Biden does not have to pursue those votes. They are his. They are so loyal that they tried to sabotage Trump.
But failed.
Williamson wants Biden to campaign this year — “The fact that Biden didn’t have to reach out much to win in 2020 doesn’t mean that he can ignore winnable Republican moderates in 2024.”
Oh please do so because the only way the man can campaign is on a darkened stage so jacked up on drugs that he has to cancel the next two days for fear of revealing the lizard inside his skin. Eventually the drugs won’t work and the whole charade will collapse.
But if Biden really got 81 million votes last time, he would not need Republican votes, right? Really, he doesn’t expect them to vote for him. He expects them to die, Mister Bond.
The idea of a middle ground in America is ludicrous because you cannot compromise with a totalitarian government that allows (indeed, stages) riots to disrupt the election while imprisoning those who dare protest how the election was disrupted. The Capitol Police and FBI informants lured them into the Capitol, then arrested them for entering.
Never Trumpers pretend there are moderates but Mitt Romney and the like are in cahoots with Democrats to stop conservatives. Consider the No Labels scam. It promised to give voters an alternative to a Trump-Biden race. That collapsed when the Democrats realized this would help Trump.
The Hill reported, “Democrats scored a tactical win this week after No Labels, a group that had been pushing for a potential third-party presidential bid, announced it was dismantling its effort this year.
“Democrat strategists, party officials and activists had kept close tabs on the centrist group, trying to monitor their movements and assess their money as they sought to recruit a prominent rival to President Biden and former President Trump.
“But after bypassing several of their deadlines to unveil a candidate, leaders finally said they’re calling it quits, prompting Democrats worried about a third-party threat to breathe easier — for now.”
RFK Jr. is still in, however, and Biden has denied him Secret Service protection even though his father was shot and killed running for president, five years after his uncle was assassinated as president. The people who brought you J6 are sending a rather blunt message to Mister Kennedy.
That is a terrible thought but we are dealing with terrible people. Washington has way too much power to ruin your life. Neither the Constitution nor international law stopped Biden from mandating people take an experimental drug (billed as a vaccine, but it’s not). Neither the law nor precedent stopped the two impeachments or four indictments of Trump. Neither science nor practicality stopped them from banning new gas stoves or new gasoline cars at some future date.
When you have that much power, you do anything you can to keep that power.
I refuse to work with these men who do evil. 62 million Americans refused to in 2016 and voted for Trump. 75 million Americans refused to in 2020 and voted for Trump. Surely that number will rise exponentially this fall.
Goldwater said it best in Cow Palace in San Francisco in 1964: “I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!”
Only a truly witless ape would disagree. We are in a banana republic, but I still hold out hope that we can vote our way out of it this year. The election of Milei in Argentina and the re-election of Bukele in El Salvador feed my optimism.
The West Virginia Department of Highways changed its name to DOT and Republicans replaced Democrats in all statehouse offices. The old cronyism is dead and the roads have improved. No one paints over roadkill anymore.
Washington DC has gone in the opposite direction.
For the first time in my life, I fully understand what John Stark meant when he wrote, “Live free or die. Death is not the greatest of evils.”
Slaves like Williamson just don’t get it.
“Live free or die. Death is not the greatest of evils.”
I lived behind the Iron Curtain for a few years in the early 80’s and have witnessed firsthand what the left has in store for us. It’s worse than you can imagine. Stark nailed it.
Trump has figured out that all he has to do is stop at a Chick-fil-A, buy 30 milkshakes and some chicken, pose for pictures with the customers, and voila, the media spreads videos world-wide.. Global PR coverage, showing the idol of every day people, feeding and mingling with them.
In contrast, the media runs a snapshot of the current Oval Office asshole standing on the pavement, all by himself, licking a waffle cone, wondering where he is.
Tells you everything you need to know about the road to the White House in 2024.