Lowry is a rent seeking, status whore. He lives for the approbation of his fellow rent-seeking status whores, like Bill Kristol, Evan McMullin, Eric Erikkson and the ever loathsome David French. They depend on financial and emotional support from the remnants of the old GOP establishment--the ones who thought the only issues that required attention were tax cuts and support for their pals in the Military-Industrial Complex so that "Murica" could keep spending blood and treasure to keep "nation building" in backwaters like Iraq, Afghanistan and various other ratholes down which they could piss American taxpayers' hard-earned money and the futures of its youth. They don't realize it yet, but their doom is sure. They are the clarinet players in the ship's band of the Titanic, noodling some dance tunes to keep the other passengers amused while the ship heads toward the looming iceberg, oblivious to the fact that they are going to sink if a collision occurs. Unless, that is, the other passengers--namely, us--decide to turn the ship about and throw the band members overboard, along with the captain and most of his crew and replace them with competent personnel.

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Well said. Only thing I disagree with is I think they DO know the party is over. This is why the lying, cheating and stealing is right out in the open for all to see. The whole of the DC rat infested scum sucking weasels are now just scrambling to amass as much graft as possible before it all comes crashing down.

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Look at any failed or failing country and you see the same thing happening. When the people no longer listen to their government or buy what they are saying, the government starts cracking down on dissent in a very open manor because it sends a clear message to everyone ....................don't screw with us or we will destroy you.

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Tell us how you really feel - go on, tell us!

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they just tire me..

God wins, he just had to show us how bad it TRULEY is, we had no clue

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Great comment. The thing Lowry and others can't stand is that the light (the Light of Christ the King and Judge) is so honest - and we see their deviancy and crime for what it is - and we judge them accordingly. They are pathetic losers who will be defeated in the end.

I would say, "May God have mercy on their souls," but He has - now it's up to them to soberly repent or face the eternal consequences.

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Lowry: Standing athwart history yelling "Orange Man Bad." Too funny. Lowry, that is.

I dropped my subscription the moment the 'Against Trump' issue dropped. (I was, then, indifferent to Trump. There's nothing like a mob attack to inquire what the fuss is about.)

Meanwhile, Lowry is the quintessential Queensberry Rules Republican. The happy loser rather than the Happy Warrior, who believes the idiom about wrestling with a pig: You don't, because you get dirty while the pig enjoys it.

The Happy Warrior gets in the game and gives it his all. The happy loser sits on the bench, second guessing all the Warriors.

I know who I'm rooting for.

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My husband still subscribes to the hard copy of NR. I cringe when it shows up in our mailbox. He likes to leave them on the coffee table in the living room and every so often I move them to his desk in his library. He also supports us sending billion$ to Ukraine, though I notice that he’s no longer wearing his blue and yellow ribbon. There are some things that we no longer discuss.

Thankfully, he is now wearing a pin showing both the Israeli and American flags. He will vote for Trump though he can’t stand him - calls him a petty vindictive carnival barker. Me, I’ve been a happy passenger on the Trump Train since 2015.

MAGA 2024 and FJB!

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Always amazes me how people will not vote for someone because "they don't like them". When did the WH become a personality contest? This is one of the reasons the mush head crowd doesn't vote for Trump, because they were raised in too many households where no one said anything harsh. The truth sometimes hurts and it isn't always popular. But it's still the truth. So much of today is driven by irrelevant social media and "likes" on FB. These folks that dwell there are being led by Pied Pipers like Suckerberg and they don't even realize it.

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People are driven by their feelz, especially in politics.

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And in my mind, that is what is wrong with people today in terms of politics.

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Exactly! It's like trying to find a church without sinners. Don't join that one, if you find it.

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I was a subscriber for years while WFB was alive and still actively editing. It quickly became insufferable when Lowry took over though, and as Buckley hilariously admonished a disgruntled reader, I cancelled my own Goddam subscription.

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I was done when they got rid of Mark Steyn.

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Lowery is no Bill Buckley, not even in same grid square.

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The first anti-Trump issue was enough to make me cancel. I wasn’t even a particular fan of Trump, but coming out against him was the same as endorsing Hillary. Hillary!! Why on earth would so-called Republicans want her elected? I don’t think WFB would have approved what his successors have done.

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Right now I wish Putin was our leader.. (country first) can not blame him for not wanting NATO next to him,,, like Cuba with nukes.

think about it.. all he wanted was Ukraine not be NATO

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I am on Team Putin! It's Kiev and I don't care a whit about corrupt Ukraine.

A Russian philospher, Alexander Dugin, also known as a far-right fascist by the MSM, was interviewed by Tucker recently. Dugin said the Deep State/Alphabet agencies have moved away from Putin because they don't share his traditional values. i.e. Christianity, family, Russia's past glory. Ukraine definitely should not be in NATO. The rest of us in NATO countries do not need our kids dragged directly into this.

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Nabobs Arguing Tyrannical Oligarchs?

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Saw an interview yesterday of a Canadian family that emigrated to Russia because they say it’s a freer, saner country than any other Western country now!!

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That is one election I will remember always. My dearly departed husband told me on Election Day morning, "I'm not voting for your boy Trump." I reminded DDH it is a secret ballot and you need not say for whom you vote. His objection was DJT was a serial philanderer. I said I didn't want Trump for a boyfriend to take home to Mother. DDH died 22 days later at age 92.

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Like most politicians aren’t philanderers…and it seems to me at least he divorced his wife and married the one he philandered with unlike, say, Clinton who was definitely a serial philanderer (if you want to use that word for forced sex) but we were told that was a personal matter, not a presidential one.

I don’t understand why people can’t see the excellent job Trump has done in one particular area: Family. Despite his divorces and remarriage, the man has a strong relationship with his children which I don’t see likely if he didn’t have at least a respectful relationship with their mothers. That speaks volumes about his character to me in a GOOD way.

After Clinton & Obama and learning about their absent fathers, I determined that one qualification a prospective president must have to earn my vote is to have a good relationship with their father. If that’s not true, most likely they will be like the marauding, dangerous, and destructive juvenile male elephants who needed older male elephants brought in to teach them how to behave.

“I said I didn’t want Trump for a boyfriend to take home to Mother.” Excellent response, Lawsy! And my sympathies on losing your DDH.

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Trump to me seems to have a solid family.

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Many people don't know it, but Donald Trump does not drink liquor. That would only matter to a tee-totaler, like my Mother. When my brother began to sell wine from an Italian winery, he cared what Mom thought, but he countered her objection with, "But in the Bible, Jesus turned water into wine!" Mom then said, "He certainly did, but cite to me where he drank any." When we get through with that question, we can debate how many angels can dance on the head of a pin! LOL

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Smart lady. You've done well.

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You have my respect. I have to force myself to listen/read even second hand accounts of these people. The harder the challenge, the sweeter the victory, hopefully.

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Yes to that, Plays!

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Didn't Biden leave more like $80 billion in military gear behind in Afghanistan (not $8)?

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yup... Don't forget he also released billions to Iran.. Pretty sure those billions didn't end up providing more social services for the Iranians.

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Giving Rich Lowry recognition in Substack is like telling everybody that Phyllis Diller she is Miss America. What the hell were you thinking? Lowry couldn't shovel Bernie Sanders driveway.

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He’s intellectually and morally bankrupt by now.

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Either could Bernie.

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I got up early to make sure I got the full treatment and not disappointed. At the time of the last election I was dating a widow I thought was quite charming and smart. Until one day she informed me she decided she was going to vote for uncle joe. I was speechless and stunned. Things ended shortly after. Did I mention I thought she was smart? Another story.

In retrospect I dodged another bullet. I think I am going to adopt the native American nomenclature and start referring to myself as 'he who dodges bullets'.

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It's another social disease. Hard to test for it. It boggles the mind but you've got to move on because there's no changing it. I smoke cigars. I know it's bad and I shouldn't do it. I must have latent suppressed Dem DNA somewhere that lets me do stupid things????

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May 9Edited

It's your lucky day. The doctor is IN.

I used to enjoy cigars. In fact my doctor at the time said it was ok and even he had an occasional cigar. I continued until I noticed a shortness of breath playing ice hockey. Then my dentist mentioned smoking speeds up recessions of the gums. I stopped smoking cigars shortly after.

A good substitute is second hand smoke if you can find it.

No charge today.

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Once upon a time I found myself in a single interregium that turned out to be 17 years duration and ventured a date with a re-discovered old high school hottie. Reality bit that night when she ventured that she believed O.J.Simpson to be innocent.

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have you rubbed it in?.. so much fun.. but not relationship healing.. LOL, they rarely take ownership, but the smirk is rewarding

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No point. There's a new adage you probably have heard it so I won't repeat it. Best to let sleeping dogs lie. Not that desperate and I learned a valuable lesson. Follow your gut and don't hesitate to distance oneself.

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"When FJB reviewed their bodies, he looked at his watch several times and made sure everybody saw it."

...and no one - not even one Republican - called him out for such repugnant form.

When HW checked his watch during that Bubba Clinton campaign stop masquerading as a town hall-style debate, there was no escaping such a gaffe - the talking vacuous pinheads were apopleptic for days afterward.

Conventional wisdom was it cost him the election - it didn't - he lost because he was a two-faced, lying, globalist elitist fraud. What Poppy had realized was that the "debate" was nothing more than a farce, and couldn't help but wonder how much longer he had to tolerate this BS.

"What a nasty man."

You're being generous - but he's no less so than every other Republican, RINO, "conservative", and closeted "Christian" theocrat who, when confronted with the opportunity to stand up against evil or at least speak out, remained silent, and went along to get along.

"'Donald Trump has disqualified himself through his conduct and his character.'"

Someone ought to let Dunkin know that conduct and character becoming of the occupant of the Office of President of the United States was negated by the Democrats who all lined up behind President Bubba Clinton in 1998. Only establishment Republicans and candidates seeking the endorsement of the likes of The Heritage Foundation, The American Enterprise Institute, Club for Growth, and other such havens for tax deductions for the country-club Republican set cling to this very subjective and now byzantine "standard".

"The Never Trump dream of defeating him and regaining control over the party is over."

Let's hope - if they know it, too, they aren't letting on.

Everyone knows this is the first sodomite president's third term.

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RINO = Useful idiot.

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Ross Perot had more to do with Bush loss than the watch or his uniparty bonefides

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Ross Perot would be a major player if alive today. He was a good man who tried to do the right thing for his country, not what everyone wanted him to do. Doing the right thing for the country is in short supply today.

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The Bush family, with their CIA and other intelligence groups connections, did the hit job on Perot. He was ahead in the polls until that hammer dropped. I guess that's like the Deep State's control over Republicans in Congress now.

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Exactly right. If we do not rework the CIA and FBI and give them specific missions, they will run this country before long.

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I think they are pretty much running it now, along with Obama.

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Yep, but they still need a puppet in the WH to make it all work. Will be interesting to see if DJT will be allowed to make changes by the Congress. Not sure our system of government still has the will to make the required changes necessary to save the country.

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Ross Perot, like Trump, was a level headed businessman who knew running a country would be a "piece of cake" compared to running a multibillion dollar corporation that couldn't just print money and had to rely on profit.

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He was a fascinating man who was extremely loyal to his employees and his country. He got a little wacky now and then but not in the same sense as Biden does. I suspect everyone one of us would have valued having Perot as a neighbor. Good men and women are still out there who believe in this country.

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Voted for him very proudly. Twice. Even 24 and 28 year old me could see the writing on that wall in the ‘90s. If only he were taller he may have had a chance. I wonder how much better off our country would be today had he been able to carry that off.

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I agree strongly.. its all money before it implodes

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daddy Bush was CIA and lied.. like Mike Johnson.. current Speaker (tho maybe God's plan)

that was instrumental.. just saying

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God sees.. God knows, God wins

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As to Biden checking his watch during the arrival at Dover AFB of the bodies of the 13 American soldiers who died during the Afghanistan pull out, I watched that very carefully on reruns, and Biden actually checked his watch about 13 times during the half-hour service. That means he was pretty much continuously checking his watch. (Odd the synchronicity of 13 dead men and 13 watch checks.). Biden is lucky one of those parents didn’t break ranks and flat out attack him despite all the Secret Service present. Those parents must have been going thru hell to see the President of the United States treat them like that. No wonder that father spouted off during the recent State of the Union address.

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Great job- insert knife, twist

But Lowry and Duncan are piss ants (so you only needed a very small knife.

I’d like to see your take on Johnson and Hinderaker. Then Hugh Hewitt.

Powerline in 2016, with exception of Hayward, were anti-Trump in varying degrees. Not for Hillary (maybe Mirengoff was) but otherwise anyone but Trump. By end of 2017, Johnson was on board, by end of 2018, very grudgingly, so was Hinderaker. Shortly after- Hayward said Mirengoff goes or I go, and J&H threw M overboard. But by 2020 their (J&H)TDS overtook them again.

Hewitt- Lots of money to be made posing as a conservative while kissing Jake Tapper et al’s ass. Mr. Big Shot Insider

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Yup, you got that right, Steve. I still read Powerline blog, but Hayward and now Billingsley are the only ones worth reading and not even all the time. Hinderaker, in particular, is still stuck on the "unsuitability" of Trump. That's an Establishment Republican blog.

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(Replying to myself)

On second thought, I think its Hewitt’s vanity, as much as the money. I don’t listen much to him anymore (except the Hillsdale hour Fridays 8-9), but the little I do he invariably drops being on Fox.

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I prefer Dennis Prager.

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I do too, but as much as i like him, and I ‘ve head him in person, I have to take him in small doses.

Not a criticism of him, rather the medium. Once you’ve heard 90% of his point of view, it gets tiresome.

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We used to listen to him on morning radio. I think it was before Trump ran, but he took a stance on something that revealed to me he is more Democrat & elitist than conservative. I have no use for him anymore.

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Rich Lowry has been desperately trying to make up for his fallacious characterization of Trump for going on ten years now. The hole he is digging must be over 100 feet deep and his hands bloodied with blisters. He really needs to just go the way of the Dodo bird.

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Times like this make me miss El-Rusho's cutting comments on faux conservatives.

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I bought all of Rush's books for my grandchildren; turns out, they are not the "reading generation" so the four books are on on my bookshelf, in their pristine dust jackets. I bought all of Rush's books, starting with his first one. And also David Limbaugh's series on Jesus.

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It pays the rent. He's found his niche.

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OH yes, one other thing. According to Emerald Robinson, "Georgia's State Election board has been forced to admit, in writing, that Fulton County cheated."

And in other news.... the Georgia Supreme Court has agreed to take up Trump's and other defendant's challenge that the infamous, adulterous, Fulton County DA should be disqualified from overseeing Trump’s trial there. Bu bye Fani. Of course due the proven revelation of the fraud in Fulton County the whole thing should be dropped and all of the defendants exonerated. Then sue the shit out of Kemp, Raffensperger, and Willis for defamation and/or illegal prosecution.

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Question: Can the Republicans win Georgia??

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Yes, certainly if ,and that's a big if, we can eliminate the fraud.

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I feel PDJT won it in 2020.

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Great piece, Don... Folks, pay attention to the links therein; Duncan and Brian Kemp belong to the Sea Island globalist billionaires... and they do NOT support Trump as shown by the 2020 election steal in GA supported by their Chinese loving SecState Raffensberger.

Who really runs the White House? The unelected 4th branch(Homeland Security, CIA, FBI, etc). They took out Nixon(Woodward was Naval Intelligence and then viola - a journalist), hated Ronaldus, and took out Trump to this day...

Do I dislike George W Bush who 'gave' us the Patriot Act which is now weaponized against us as we believed in 2004? Yes.

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GWB is a POS, but Republicans, even when being in the majority, never lifted a finger to undo the Patriot Act. The Uniparty likes to name things that are actually the opposite of what they are. (Inflation Reduction Act, Patriot Act, etc.)

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Yes he and Cheney are. Totally with you, brother. The establishment republican party are feckless bastards.

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Excellent column today, Don. Biting and necessary. I'm thoroughly sick of the constant braying of our self-annoited pundit class on Trump's supposed character flaws. Who gives a s***? It's results that count and Trump delivered. And these idiots hate him for it because he did what they can never do.

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Who gives a s***? It's results that count and Trump delivered.

That is absolutely on target. The talk doesn't matter, results do. Trump can keep ticking people off all he wants so long as he gets results for this country. Fifty years from today, "who was Rick Lowery" will be a question no one can answer on a future edition of Jeopardy. But they will remember what DJT did for the country.

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I know lots of people who reflexively hate Trump. It's all about personality and what they've heard. They know nothing about his accomplishments and when they are pointed out in a polite way, they have nothing to say. Again, it's all about their feelz.

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Really sad, isn't it. But that is the social media voter today.

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Who gives a damn about the mean tweets???

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I have no idea but apparently a lot of people do. Makes no sense to me. Guess that explains Joe Biden votes.

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Corrupt machines explain most of Joe Biden's "votes".

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Amen to that, Rev.

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Point out to those who do that his mean tweets are about powerful people who have plenty of resources to defend themselves if the tweets are erroneous. They are not about the average citizen and voter - or “deplorables” - the ones the press, Hillary, & Joe go after. Remember when the dad complained that he had saved to pay for his kid’s college and now Biden wanted to forgive college loans for others? Joe Biden went after him, a working-class citizen, and called him names to his face. THAT should turn every voter against Biden imo.

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Amen Liberty B.

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Because it’s not really about his character or mean tweets or any of that BS.

It’s ALWAYS and only ever been about the wrench Trump threw into the middle of their corrupt pretense of a government. It hasn’t been a true US Constitutional government for decades.

He exposed the whole sham operation, and all the grifters and haters and profiteers and Communists and Marxists and perverts who inhabit it! Their jig was up. Their cover blown. The curtain torn down. Their masks ripped off.

We have no true functioning government in any remote resemblance to that which was originally designed or meant to be, or certainly not according to the manner in which we thought or had been led to believe.

It has only been a gigantic con game, a ponzi scheme, a daily shafting of the American people and all this country was ever meant to stand for.

They don’t give a crap about Trump’s character - hell, look at the behavior they know themselves and all their friends and are daily guilty of? They are beyond a rogues gallery of perversion and corruption. Adulterers, liars, thieves, perverts and killers - all of them!

Our country as originally intended is long gone, and what is operating in its place is nothing more than a den of iniquity inhabited by devils.

And they don’t give a shit about laws, or rights, or anything of that kind, and even less about who may have to suffer or die in order for them to keep it that way.

That’s who we’re really dealing with and what we’re really up against.

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Agree with your comment. People see the attacks on Trump as a personal thing but I don't believe it has anything to do with it. It is about the fact that Trump understands how far off the road the government has become and he wants to expose it and fix it because the guy really means what he says when he talks about the fall of the American way of life. Most people are so petty they never look past their personal feelings and see what is right before their eyes. I had the son of a good friend of mine argue with me about this. He tried to tell me that the American way of life was so solid that all of the threats I discussed with him were of no concern. He said the country will weather everything, no matter what happens and he tried to tell me the riots of the 60's proved his point. I told him he was ignorant, that I had lived thru those times and he hadn't, and they were far different than what is going on today. I told him the riots of the 60's were primarily racial driven as well about the publics growing discontent with the war in SE Asia. The riots of today bear no comparison to those times. The 60's riots were against our governments stance on the war, not against America as a country. I asked him why, as an 20 year old, he believed he was an expert on our history and he replied, weel, what makes you an expert on our history? I told him I wasn't, but I lived thru the 60's and saw it first hand. Then I said, so what makes you an expert on those times? He said he learned it all in high school history classes. Education is failing our youth today............by design.

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So sad 😞

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By design says it all Redd.

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If you can get ahold of the book America’s Thirty Years War by Balint Vazsonyi (written in 1990s) and he will read it, it will improve his education. Vazsonyi was a concert pianist who lived through both Nazis and Communists in Hungary before coming to America. It’s great reading. It starts with history of law and philosophy which gave me an understanding I had never had before but wasn’t the easiest of reading. However, one doesn’t have to start there. it’s a book where you can jump around and read the chapters non-consecutively.

On the other hand, it might not exactly make your point, as Vazsonyi believed that the 60s was the beginning of the end of America if things continued. The correlations he drew between the communists and the 60s would surely correspond even more with today’s protests 60 years later, though, ie tearing down statues and erasing history. So, yes, riots in the 2020s are against America as a country. It’s dangerously ignorant for him to think any country is exempt from failure and collapse. The story of the sudden downfall of Babylon under Belshazzar comes to mind. But if he has more faith in a high school history teacher than in an eye witness, a survivor of the times, that’s his first problem.

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That and Abortion is all they've got. Can't run on their record or show any blue state that has a winning record. They're all praying (facing east) for a Katrina, Kent State or Pandemic event to run on.

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They'll create one of those for sure (because they sure don't believe in prayer).

These pro-GAZA campus protests are a test case...

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I never understand how these "republicans" can say with a straight face that they're voting for Biden as he is against everything that the republican party ever would have stood for past and present. I could understand them not voting for Trump or Biden and I could even understand them saying I'm not voting at all as a protest but to vote for not just a Democrat but a far-left Democrat at that is just insanity.

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Follow the money. He's looking for his next gig.

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Amen D.J.

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They're RINOs.

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More people understand that we’ve lived through the worst four years since king George

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I think James Buchanan was worse. His actions / inactions actually got the country into a Civil War.

FJB is definitely the worst in most people lifetimes today. At least Jimmy Carter was a decent man and not a crook.

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Carter was and is an anti-Semite. If he is still cognizant enough, he’s probable lounging in his wheelchair in Plains cheering on the college protesters.

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Old Jimmy was a trained nuclear engineer but was clueless when it came to leading people and a nation. He overachieved, but in a very bad way.

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Doesn't matter who was the worst. Irrelevant. America has had too many bad presidents, and that club is growing.

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And don’t worry kids, Big Mike will be installed as Emperor in August. Obama does not plan on ceding control to anyone.

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I'm still thinking it's the "October Surprise". We get one every election.

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I will fervently pray that does not happen.

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The only thing that matters to the Uniparty is winning elections. Everything else is just bread and circuses for the untamed masses.

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"Yes, Mister Duncan, lecture me on conduct and character. Loyalty, too." Blistering. Damn, Don, your writing has always been good, but nowadays ......... woof!

Channeling Horndog Clinton, Go, Baby!!

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